Writers Solution

Identify and explore the key elements and applications of microservice, cloud computing, web-based information systems

Subject Code and Title MIS203 Micro-services Architecture Cloud and Web IS
Assessment Assessment 3: Case Study Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Identify and explore the key elements and applications of microservice, cloud computing, web-based information systems
b) Analyse existing technologies and apply IS problem solving skills to address organisational needs
c) Explain and communicate microservices, Cloud Computing and Web-based Information Systems solutions to organisational stakeholders
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8).
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In response to issues and tasks raised in the case study provided, research and develop a 2500 word report that addresses the organisation’s needs. You first communicate your understating of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems with stakeholders to make a strong case before providing your recommendations as an IS professional.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this assessment.
When you begin working as an IS professional, you will be called upon regularly by clients to listen to their requirements, analyse the underlying issues and to identify appropriate solutions. This task allows you to take the concepts that you have learned from Modules 1-4 (history of computers, computer architecture, service-orientated architecture, cloud computing, cloud services, cloud deployment models, web-based IS, microservice communication, service modelling, integration and deployment) and to put your knowledge into practice in order to address the needs of an organisation.
Task Instructions
First read and examine the case study in the briefing document for Assessment 3 (attached under the Assessment 3 Brief in Blackboard). The case study will provide details on the background of the company and some of the issues and challenges that they are facing. The company is willing to benefit from implementing microservice architecture, cloud computing and web-based Information Systems solutions, but needs your advice as an IS professional to analyse the issues and to determine how best to resolve them.
The report should consist of the following structure:
Please write a 2500-word report containing your solution plan. To complete this assessment task, you must:
A title page with subject code and name, assignment title, student’s name, student number, and lecturer’s name.
Introduction (250-300 words), that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the proposal— this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your proposal. You will need to inform the reader of:
a) Your area of research and its context
b) The key elements you will be addressing
c) What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report
Body of the report (1900-2000 words), you will need to Write a report with the following sections:
• A definition and introduction to Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems
• Examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries. You should include the benefit these technologies brought to them. You should also discuss the challenges they faced in the implementation of these three technologies;
• Make sure to focus on the aspects of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems that fit well with the company’s business model
• Discuss the challenges of creating a new system using Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems
Note: Use appropriate headings in the body of the report. Do NOT use generic words such as ‘Body, Body of the Report, Tasks’ as section headings. Create meaningful headings and subheadings that reflect the topic and content of your report. This is where you talk about Microservices, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems to convince stakeholders that they are reliable solutions for their potential problems and needs. This will set the tone for your recommendations. Make sure to include three examples for successful implementation of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems in your discussions.
The Conclusion (250-300 words) will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report.
Format of the report
The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading, and have page numbers on the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with criteria for grading the assignment—this will give you a clear picture of what a successful report looks like.
Submission Instructions
Submit Assessment 3 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS203. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Definition and introduction to
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and
Web-Based Information
30% Failed to provide a definition for Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems or the definitions are fundamentally incorrect.
The answer demonstrated a limited understanding of the concept of Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems. Key aspects are overlooked or incorrect. Defines Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems with errors.
The answer demonstrated a basic understanding of the
concept of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems. Some key aspects are overlooked or incorrect. There are some minor errors in the definition of Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrates understanding of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems. Key aspects are correctly described. Correct definition of and comprehensive introduction to Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrated a clear and detailed
understanding of the concept of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems. Correct definition of and comprehensive introduction to Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrated a very in-depth understanding of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems.
Three examples of successful implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-
Based Information
30% Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at most one company in different industries.
Did not include the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, or the benefit is
too general to be considered relevant.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems for at least two companies in different industries.
Did not include the benefit
Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems brought to each of the companies, or the benefit is too general to be considered relevant.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least two companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, but the benefit is somewhat general.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, but there is some room for improvement.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the companies.
MIS203_Assessment_3_Brief_Case Study Report_Module Due 4.2 Page 4 of 5
Did not discuss the challenges each of the
companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems Basic discussion of the challenges each of the
companies faced in the
implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems. Some key challenges have been overlooked. Discusses the key challenges some of the companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems, but the discussion is not thorough. Discussed the challenges each of the companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems, but the discussion is not thorough. Thoroughly discussed the challenges each of the
companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems
Strength of
Recommendations to the address business needs
The recommendations are not relevant to the business model and business needs. The recommendations are relevant to the business model
and business needs but partially discussed. Appropriate recommendations presented and discussed. Insightful recommendations are presented and discussed. Exceptional and insightful recommendations are presented and discussed.
10% The presented conclusion is summative in nature, and/or there are other significant problems with its execution. Makes an attempt to roll-up from the analysis provided in the paper. There may be summative
elements, but the focus of the conclusion is in providing
something for the reader to go away with. Provides a concluding set of remarks that set a tone for the
reader to do something with the report. It may lay out future directions or
recommendations for the
reader clearly based on the analysis from the report. Elegantly concludes the paper with a compelling case for
future direction that argues a case for continuing or
exploring Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems in the hypothetical firm. Expertly concludes from the analysis presented in the
earlier report. Is critical of its own analysis but cuts
efficiently to the heart of the subject at hand, providing an inspiring future direction for
exploration or continuation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems.
Written communication
10% No external resources used or referenced Some credible references are used to support ideas
External resources are inaccurately presented and referenced using APA Credible references are partially used to support ideas
External resources are partially presented and referenced using APA Credible references are used to support ideas
External resources are thoroughly presented and referenced using APA Credible references are expertly used to support ideas
External resources are thoroughly presented and referenced using APA
MIS203_Assessment_3_Brief_Case Study Report_Module Due 4.2 Page 5 of 5


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What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication?


Question A

What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication? What are the additional elements that can be sent when the handshake fails?

Question B

What are the differences between centralized and distributed network routing? Which method is the most efficient for an organization’s high volume website?


                                                               CLASSMATE’S DISCUSSION

Question A

The elements of a TCP three-way handshake process are as follows:  The first step is the Synchronize Sequence number or SYN by the client.  This sends data packets from the client to the destination server to ensure a port is open to establish a connection.

The second step is the Acknowledgement Sequence Number (ACK) or SYN/ACK packet.  This has two actions.  The first action is the server acknowledging the SYN packet sent by the client.  This is done by sending an ACK packet to the client. The second action is the server sending its own acknowledgement data packet or SYN to the client. I believe both packets are sent at the same time which is why this step is called SYN/ACK. 

The third step is the client sending an ACK to the SYN/ACK packets from the server.   This completes the three-way handshake, the client and server connection is created, and the communications can begin.  If a connection fails, a finish or FIN will be sent by the client and server indicating that the connection has been terminated.  Both will also need to send an ACT to complete the process.

Question B

Centralized routing is a technique for providing routing information that dictates that the routing information generated from the least-cost algorithm is stored at a central location within the network (White, 2016, p. 403). This would be easy to manage because all the routing information is stored in one location but it is also the single point of failure. Distributed routing is a wide area network routing technique in which each node maintains its own routing table (White, 2016, p. 404).  Access to the routing information is available in different locations throughout the network.  This makes it easier to access routing information and provides redundancy.   

In my opinion, a distributed network routing method would be more efficient for an organization with a high volume website due to the availability of the routing information throughout the network.   A centralized routing may get overwhelmed in high volume websites.   


Icommunity. (n.d.). Distributed vs. Centralized networks.,the%20computers%20in%20the%20network.

Shalom, N. (2020). What does Three-way handshake Mean?

The TCP/IP Guide. (2005). TCP Connection Termination.

White, C. (2016). Data Communications and Computer Networks: A Business User’s Approach (8th ed.). Independence, KY: Cengage Learnings.!/reader/9396c456-21f6-4768-90d1-7fb1e42967ce/page/11240395-5886-4788-8e5b-3c472a7e603b


Question A

What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication? What are the additional elements that can be sent when the handshake fails?

Question B

What are the differences between centralized and distributed network routing? Which method is the most efficient for an organization’s high volume website?


                                                                  CLASSMATE’S DISCUSSION

Question A

When setting up a TCP three-way handshake the sending and receiving device must be setup to send and receive control packets so that they an be synched. The handshake starts with the first device by sending the initiation of a TCP segment with a SYN control set. The next step the second TCP segment will received and return a TCP segment with SYN. In the final step the initial device will send to the TCP segments to the second device leaving an acceptance delivery. If the handshake fails then the server will return an ACK message. The packet will continue to send until a successful exchange or the results will be broken.

Question B

The centralized routing model uses a centralized database to carry out routing, whereas the distributed routing model uses a distributed database. In the centralized approach, one central node contains the routing table, but in the distributed model, each node carries a routing table. I believe that a decentralized network would be the most efficient for a high-volume website. The large amount of activity wouldn’t work for a single use server. The use of multiple servers will manage the load of the high-volume use.


3 way handshake, TCP Three-way handshake, TCP Synchronization. (2022). Omnisecu.

Systems, Z. (2022, February 25). Centralized vs. Distributed Network Management: Which One to Choose? – ZPE Systems – Rethink the Way Networks are Built and Managed. ZPE Systems.


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challenging elements of the marketing mix is pricing

Marketing Strategy and Price

One of the most important and challenging elements of the marketing mix is pricing.  Price  is the value that must be exchanged for a customer to receive a product or service. It is usually monetary and has a direct impact on sales. Many entrepreneurs are intimidated by financials and the prospect of using statements and other information to make projections. Correctly pricing your product enables your company to be competitive while maximizing your product’s profit potential.

Here are several methods that entrepreneurs can use to effectively price products:

Cost-Based Pricing

Cost-based pricing  is the easiest way to price a product. It involves taking the cost of making the product and creating a  profit margin, which is how much profit your business stands to make after costs have been deducted. For example, if you add the direct costs for materials and labor to the indirect costs of salaries, marketing, rent, and utilities, you determine that your product costs $5 to make. Adding, say, a 30 percent profit margin would give you a sales price of $6.50. The percentage added depends on the business’s goals. This type of pricing is helpful when start-ups do not have much information about their target market and need more time to define their value proposition and business identity.

Competition-Based Pricing

Another option to set prices is for the entrepreneur to consider what the competition is doing—what they are charging customers. And remember, it is the competition that establishes the price range for given product/service categories. If you perform your competitive analysis properly, you will know the prices charged by your competitors. In other words, you will be able to establish the current “going rates.”

What you must decide as an entrepreneur is how you will price your products/services given this range. For example, do you wish to be at the high end of the range? Do you wish to be at the low end of the range? Or, do you wish to be at the middle of the range? Now, of course, the key question is how do you know whether to price at the high end, low end, or middle of the range? Well, here is some guidance. For example, if you have a high-quality and highly differentiated product/service, you should probably charge a price at the high end of the price range. If, on the other hand, you are marketing a product/service designed to appeal to the price-sensitive customer, then you will price it at the low end of the price range. If your product/service is similar to your key direct competitors, you will charge basically the same price.

Customer-Based Pricing

Unlike cost-based pricing that emphasizes the cost side of the business, customer-based pricing focuses on the demand side of the business. The price ceiling is the maximum amount that customers are willing to pay for a product. This ceiling is contingent on the elasticity of demand. And elasticity of demand is generally driven by availability of substitutes and the urgency of need for the product (or strong desire for it). So, one thing you need to determine is whether there will be elastic demand (demand that increases as price decreases or demand that decreases as price increases) or inelastic demand (demand does not change if prices increase or decrease) for your product.

One customer-based pricing method, skimming pricing, leverages the newness of a product to justify the highest price possible in order to “skim” the most profits off the top, meaning in the first phase of sales. As time passes, the price is lowered to accommodate for more price-sensitive customers.  Apple  often introduces its products with this particular method, charging the highest price for them until it has exhausted the market willing to buy at that price and when newer and more technologically advanced products are introduced. Then, Apple slowly lowers its pricing.

On the other hand, penetration pricing  (charging a low initial price) is appropriate if you have a market with price-sensitive customers; you want to use the low initial price to discourage competitors from entering the market and when production and marketing costs fall dramatically as demand (volume) increases. However, it may also lead to “price wars” in which competitors keep dropping prices in an attempt to beat each other. Obviously, the disadvantage is diminished profits for all. 

If you start with a skimming price strategy, you can, over time, lower your price to attract more price-sensitive customers. However, if you enter the market with a penetration price strategy, it is often very difficult to raise your prices. In other words, while you can move down the going price range with a skimming price strategy, you may not be able to move up the going price range if you initially used a penetration price strategy.

Prestige pricing involves setting high prices on products to convey a message of uniqueness or premium quality. However, you need a clear reason why customers would want to spend more on your product. When Duracell launched its high-performance Ultra brand AA alkaline battery with a 25 percent price premium over standard Duracell batteries, Energizer quickly countered with its own high-performance battery—Energizer Advanced Formula. Believing that consumers would not pay the premium price, Energizer priced its Advanced Formula brand at the same price as its standard AA alkaline battery, expecting to gain market share from Duracell.  It did not happen. Why? Consumers associated Energizer’s low price with inferior quality in the high-performance segment. Energizer lost market share.  

Some customers are demanding better value (increased benefits at the same price). Therefore, many new ventures appeal to this type of customer using value-based pricing. For example, they might offer customers “better value” by offering a greater quantity of product at the same price as competitors. A startup yogurt company, for example, offers 20 percent more product per package at the same price as a competitor that offers the standard amount. Another value-based pricing strategy is bundling two or more products in a single package deal, thus lowering the total cost compared to if the customer purchased each item separately. An example of this strategy is used by  DirectTV, which bundles its phone, Internet, and satellite services for a monthly fee. If a customer were to purchase these services separately, they would be more expensive. The benefits of bundling include gaining more revenue per customer, as they would not have paid for some services separately, and making the order-taking task simpler. Take fast-food chains, for example. Instead of asking the customer to list everything separately from the menu, they give you the name or number of the bundle. They make more profit by including the drink and sides to the main entrée, and the customer saves money and time ordering.

One of the good things about using a customer-based pricing approach is that you should be able to determine the “target price” based on the customer’s perspective. Knowing this target price, you can then “back into that price.” In other words, you can “design to price.” For example, an upstart commercial furniture manufacturer used customer input to establish the optimal price point that customers were willing to pay for particular furniture pieces. The company then went back and pulled costs out of its production system, stripped away costly features the customers do not value, and designed and produced the product to meet the customers’ target price.

Another advantage of using a customer-based pricing approach is the possibility of uncovering the opportunity to “price by segment” and to offer “good, better, best” product options. In other words, you might be able to develop a line of products with specific price points designed to appeal to very specific segments. For example, consider a casual clothing store for women that sells three different lines of casual dresses priced at $39, $59, and $79. This practice is known as price lining.

* * * * *

Ultimately, you need to consider cost, competitors, and customers when setting prices. You must know your price floor (your cost), know what your competitors are charging (the price range), and know your customers’ willingness and ability to pay (the price ceiling). While pricing must be established when starting a new business, pricing strategies should be reviewed on an ongoing basis. These occasions in particular merit consideration:

  • When adding a new product or service to your offerings
  • When demand shifts (due to market, consumer, or other factors)
  • When entering a new market
  • When competitors are making changes
  • When your costs are changing
  • When adjusting products/services or strategies


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Identify and create sensory elements of visual media communication to attract viewer attention.


  1. Competency
    Identify and create sensory elements of visual media communication to attract viewer attention.

    Student Success Criteria
    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

    You are a member of a committee at your child’s school. The committee has been assigned the task to design a flyer for the students to take home to their parents. The purpose of the flyer is to notify parents about the upcoming Field Day for all students. They have specified that it can only be one-page in length, and they have encouraged creativity to catch the eyes of the parents.

    Several parents wish to participate, so the leader of the committee creates a fun flyer competition. She asks that each person creates his/her own flyer and create a screen share to persuade the committee to choose your flyer. The screen share should visually show the flyer and include a verbal explanation regarding why your flyer will best attract the eyes of the parents.

    Since you are extremely creative, you know that in order to capture the parents’ attention and win this competition, you will need to use color, lines, balance, and contrast visual elements.

    In your video presentation, be sure to defend your visual choices to the other parents and members of the committee. You know that if you clearly explain why you chose each of these visual elements and how it best attracts the eyes of the parents, you could win this fun competition!

    Your presentation should be a maximum of 5 minutes.

    The presentation must include a visual and an audio recording using Screencast-O-Matic®, a free audio recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers. Follow these instructions to download and use this software to create your presentation.

    1. Access the Screencast-O-Matic® homepage by clicking on the box in the upper right-hand corner titled, “Sign Up” to create your free account.
    2. Create a free account (be sure to write down the email and password created for account access.)
    3. Once logged in, click on the “Tutorials” link at the top of the homepage and view Recorder Intros.
    4. Create your presentation by clicking on the “Start Recorder” box.
    5. Once finished recording click on the “Done” button.
    6. Next, choose, “Upload to Screencast-O-Matic®”.
    7. Select “Publish”.
    8. Choose “Copy Link”.
    9. Provide the “Link” by adding it to the deliverable dropbox.
    10. Resources


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  • Identify and create sensory elements of visual media communication to attract viewer attention.

    Writers Solution

    To take this analysis from food chain to food system, identify several ways that the elements from your food chain are interconnected?

    F2021 SOC808 Individual Report (25% of the final grade): Individually, each student will be responsible for writing a report about one food system issue related to their food item. Write a 1500-word report that outlines and analyzes one of the issues from your proposal. This is to be completed independently. Each group member is to select one of the issues and write an analytical paper about it, on their own. Each paper topic should be unique. You will find that each issue will have any number of sub-issues. For example, for the same topic, one might focus on social aspects, while a classmate may look at the ecological aspects of that same issue. The goal is that each of you will be able to contribute to an overall “big picture” on the food system for the food item you are researching. To take this analysis from food chain to food system, identify several ways that the elements from your food chain are interconnected? Where is the power in these relationships? What knowledge(s) are considered most important and valuable? Content and style requirements: The writing of an assignment from a sociological perspective requires the primary use of scholarly sources, such as scholarly journals, or books. The report should be approximately 1,500 words (+/-) 50 words. This word count does NOT include the title page or bibliography. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font size, and double line spacing. You are required to include a full reference list of all materials used in the paper. Sources of Evidence •

    • Quantity: At least four sociological sources (peer-reviewed) journals, book chapters or books, plus the required textbook (Koc, Sumner, & Winson, 2021) are included (for a minimum of five references). There is a list of suitable sources in Chapter 1 of the text on page 13. •

    • Currency and quality: Sources are carefully selected, with attention to timeliness and relevance. •

    • Application and Relevance: Research is appropriate and relevant for the assignment topic and sufficiently integrated into the analysis. •

    • Non-scholarly Sources: In addition to scholarly sources, you may include other relevant sources from media or web sources to highlight current discourse on the topic. Analysis provides context for why these sources are relevant, and how they relate to the research presented. See note below. •

    • Follow APA guidelines for citation format (APA 7th edition preferred) – see Ryerson University Library’s Citation Guide.

    • Note: In addition to sociological sources, you may require other data, such as government data from Statistics Canada, Health Canada, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), or other reputable sources such as Food Secure Canada (FSC) to provide a rationale for your argument. If you are providing any context for your paper from news sources, please note that these are NOT scholarly sources and will NOT count towards your minimum required number of scholarly sources. For example: • Newspaper articles (Toronto Star, The National Post, Huffington Post, etc.) • Magazine articles (Macleans, Newsweek, The Economist) • Encyclopedia reference (including Wikipedia) • Dictionary references • Non-scholarly websites, blogs, etc. The content in the weekly lectures are NOT to be used as a source of

    reference for your paper. Any issue raised in the lectures must refer to the original scholarly source(s) upon which it was based.

    Individual Report Grading Criteria • Abstract (2.5 marks): The abstract provides a 150-word synopsis of your paper and has

    the following elements: • 1–2 sentences on the central issue and context • The majority of the abstract is on the main points of the analysis • 1–2 sentences on key conclusions

    • Introduction/ Conclusion (2.5 marks): The essay introduction provides brief context for your topic. It should include your thesis statement and an overview of the essay’s structure. Your conclusion should clearly link to the opening remarks from your introduction. It should provide a brief summary and highlight significant points from your analysis. It is not a section of the paper to introduce new evidence and analysis.

    • Content and Analysis (16 marks): Your analysis and evidence should focus on how or why the issue is important. Please ensure that your analysis incorporates scholarly sociological (and/or food studies) literature. Your writing should clearly incorporate several key themes or concepts from the course in a way that demonstrates a solid understanding. You will be required to think critically and assess how this content reinforced or changed your opinion about the topic as a whole. •

    o Use a critical approach. Critical analysis focuses on the source nature and consequences of power relationships. Critical sociologists who study food raise questions such as how differential access to land, resources, and healthy food affects human health and how the environment is affected. They also emphasize how social institutions and popular beliefs can resist or reinforce the existing distribution of power and of resources. •

    o Both direct quotes and an author’s ideas must be referenced in your paper script using in-text citations (APA style). Do not use more than 10% of the word count as direct quotes.

    • Writing Style (4 marks)

    o Writing Style (4 marks) • Your paper is to be organized as outlined above and presented in a coherent style. •

    o Your analysis is to be clearly written and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. • Proper referencing Style (APA) for citations is required. See Ryerson University Library’s Citation Guide for support on using APA

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    Writers Solution

    Refine the study hypothesis so that it is as specific as possible and contains all elements of a “good” hypothesis

    Suppose that you have been hired by university student health services to design a case-control study to assess the following hypothesis among undergraduate students:

    Irregular sleep patterns increase the risk of headaches.Be sure that your design addresses the following elements:

    • Refine the study hypothesis so that it is as specific as possible and contains all elements of a “good” hypothesis.
    • How will you identify and define the cases?
      • Are there any exclusion criteria that you would apply?
    • How will you sample from the underlying population for your “controls”?
    • Who will you select as controls?
    • How will you select them?
    • How will you define the exposure of interest?
      • How will you collect the information on exposure?
    • What other information do you want to know about participants that may be related to the exposure of interest and/or the outcome (potential confounders)? Of these, what will you be able to collect and what will you be unable to collect?
    • Which measures of disease frequency and association will you calculate?
    • What are the strengths and limitations of your study?
      • Which limitations could be removed by using a different study design?
    • What other information would you like to know to design this study?

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    • Refine the study hypothesis so that it is as specific as possible and contains all elements of a “good” hypothesis

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    Understanding Elements of Effective Health Communication Campaigns

    Understanding Elements of Effective Health Communication Campaigns
    The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.
    For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to theDiscussion Areabythe due date assigned.
    To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
    Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.
    Read all the information presented in the effective health communication campaigns, titledTruthandMan TherapyinPublic Health Campaigns That Change Minds, and then watch each ad.

    Answer the following questions:

    • How accurate is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
    • How clear is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
    • How consistent is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
    • How credible is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
    • How relevant is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.

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    Elements of a legal contract

    Assignment details: Elements of a legal contract. Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and is starting to have mechanical problems. Jim and Laura would share the new car, and use it to go back and forth to work and school. Before going to the dealership, Jim and Laura decide that they can only afford $400.00 a month in car payments.

    Once at the car dealership, Jim and Laura meet Stan Salesman. Stan shows them several vehicles and Jim and Laura test-drive several of the cars. Jim and Laura particularly like the blue 4-door sedan. Therefore, they agree to give Stan Salesman a $100.00 deposit to hold the car for a day. Stan Salesman does not give them the receipt but guarantees that the $100.00 is refundable. No documents were signed.

    The next day, Stan Salesman calls Jim and Laura to ask them when they would like to take delivery of the car. Jim and Laura, on the way home from the dealership, decided that they were not going to buy the car because they did not want to spend that money each month. Therefore, Jim and Laura tell Stan salesman that they have decided not to buy the car and request their $100.00 deposit back.

    Stan insists that the $100.00 was a deposit on the car and was meant to be part of the contract to buy the car. Stan is very persistent and insistent that Jim and Laura have contracted to buy the car; therefore, the $100.00 will be applied to the purchase price of the car. Jim and Laura are shocked and angry as not only do they not want to spend the money, but now feel as though they are being duped by Stan Salesman.

    Jim and Laura have an appointment to see a lawyer in a few days, but know you are a student taking a business law class and come to you for advice. They are very frazzled, and understandably upset that they may have just purchased a car. Since you have been taking business law, you have read and understand the elements of a contract and the defenses to a contract. Therefore, although you are not a lawyer, you provide some basic advice from what you’ve learned in your business law class.

    In three to five (3-5) pages, advise Jim and Laura based on the above facts as presented, the material provided in the text, and material covered in the lecture. In your paper, be sure to address the following:

    Define the elements of a legal contract using examples from the scenario where applicable.
    Decide whether or not there was a contract for the purchase of the automobile.
    Identify the facts from the scenario which support your decision on whether or not a contract exists for the purchase of the automobile.
    Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.
    Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
    Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.





    Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car? Elements of a legal contract 

    A contract is a voluntary agreement between two or more parties and is legally binding hence is enforceable by the law (Miceli, 1997).The contract can be verbal or in written form. A verbal contract, like the one allegedly entered into between Stan Salesman on the one hand and Jim and Laura Buyer on the other, is hard to prove and has a lesser timeline to sue. Indeed, it is advisable that a contract that involves sale of property be in written form as this clarifies the terms of the contract, unlike in a verbal contract where the terms are usually not clear. Further, a contract must be entered into between parties that have the capacity to enter into an agreement. Salesman and the Buyers in the case scenario both have the capacity to enter into contracts because they are not minors, intoxicated or mentally afflicted; the groups of people considered to lack sufficient capacity to enter into contracts (Fried, undated).

    A contract also has specific elements that includean offer, acceptance, consideration and meeting of minds. Offer and acceptance usually go together while consideration is not considered in some countries that prefer estoppel.

    That Stan Salesman offered cars for sale is not a basis for a binding contract but an offer of sale, an invitation to treat. However, Jim and Laura take on the invitation and end up liking a blue, 4-door sedan after test-driving several cars. The test-driving obviously gives the Buyers a detailed description of some of the cars (including the blue, 4-door sedan), which is a requirement for a legal offer. The other requirements for a legal offer are price, terms and delivery date(Chen-Wishart, 2015). From the case scenario, these latter requirements are not discussed nor agreed between the two parties. Hence, the offer does not qualify as a legal offer but rather an offer of sale; and is therefore not contractually binding.

    Salesman offer of sale or invitation to treat was accepted by the Buyers, the offerees. This is evident in their conduct and consequent communication to Salesman to hold the car for a day, paying a deposit for this. The conduct of the Buyers leads Salesman to infer their acceptance, and concomitantly that there is an implied contract. However, this acceptance is for an offer of sale rather than a legal offer since it does not meet the requirements of a legal offer as discussed above. If this was a unilateral contract, it would not need the Buyers’ acceptance. But like most commercial transactions, this would only be considered as a bilateral contract that would require acceptance of the offer: yet it fails to meet the threshold of a bilateral contract based on the fact that the offer is not legally binding and hence the issue of acceptance does not suffice(Miceli, 1997).This hence renders the supposed mutual assent (of the offer and acceptance) invalid and not legally binding.

    The other important element of a contract is consideration which refers to the perceived and or actual value offered and accepted when entering into contracts. Both the offeror and offeree acquire value from a contract through exchanging, with the concept of the value being the consideration(Fried, undated). For example, if I buy a business book for $30, the bookshop’s consideration is the book while my consideration is the $30. In a court of law in the United States, the bargaining process to determine sufficiency and or adequacy of the consideration is important. Sufficiency refers to meeting the test of the law whereas adequacy refers to subjective fairness (Fried, undated). So whilst paying a dollar…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Elements of a legal contract ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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    Creative Nonfiction: Borrowed Elements


    Creative Nonfiction: Borrowed Elements

    In terms of language, explain how creative nonfiction borrows from the genre of poetry. Similarly, identify how creative nonfiction uses certain conventions of fiction such as conflict, dialogue, plot, point of view, etc. to create appealing narratives. Discuss why creative nonfiction uses elements of poetry and fiction and point to specific examples from one of this week’s Required or Recommended Resources to substantiate your ideas.

    Although creative nonfiction is the genre assumed to be most associated with “fact” and “truth,” explain how and why poetry and fiction also borrow from real-life experiences. Which poem or story from your readings do you think most captures the spirit of nonfiction?

    Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite your sources using APA style.






     Creative Nonfiction: Borrowed Elements     

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    Creative Nonfiction: Borrowed Elements

                The genre of creative nonfiction has considered to one that is generally elusive. According to (Hertel & Malcolm, 2015) creative nonfiction not only borrows elements from poetry and story, but also bends and recombines them. The genre borrows from a story, which gives it a narrative plot that has rising action, incitement, denouement and climax, just like in real fiction. However, it is based on true story, and the accurate retelling of the real life experiences of the author. Creative nonfiction borrows some poetic elements such as voice. Just like the poets do in writing about the real life stories, the nonfiction genre depends mainly on the ability of the writer to offer their voice in a more realistic way. For example, the candor persona voice in poetry helps draw the reader, similarly, the voice in creative nonfiction helps in engaging the empathy of the reader.

                The other element of creative nonfiction is its ability to employ elements that are used in fiction and poetry, such as voice and narrative plot. Just like fiction, creative nonfiction is focused on a story, meaning it has to show the elements of fiction writing such as the narrative plot and those employed in poetry such as the use of different voices to tell a story or narrate an event.             The creative nonfiction genre is most associated with “fact…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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    Relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange

    Assessment 2: Report
    Length: 1500 words (plus/minus 10 per cent)
    Conditions: Individual
    Weighting: 40%
    The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange, management support factors, and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes.
    This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
    Facilitators will present students with a concept model from the journals you have listed in the reading list in the Unit Content section of Blackboard.
    This assignment is about using the model that your facilitator has given you and:
    1. Identify the journal article that the model comes from (make sure you include it in the reference list with SCU URL details).
    2. Explain the model. This involves critically reading and writing about the concepts discussed in the journal article. You are expected to use some of the academic literature to support a well-constructed argument (a minimum of 5 references to other articles from the course material – more for higher grades). What are the factors in the model that you are looking at? What are the outcomes that are being investigated? What is the relationship between the factors in the model? (600 words)
    3a. Application. If you are in a (paid or unpaid) work context, examine whether the way the factors interact in the model is similar to your understanding of how leadership behaviours affect employees’ outcomes in a workplace. Justify your response with reference to your own workplace and other journal articles in the unit content and reading list (900 words) Note: if you select this option you must get approval from your facilitator and you MUST demonstrate evidence that you are currently or recently employed by the organisation you are analysing.
    3b. If you are not in a workplace setting at the moment, think about the findings that are presented in the model (and the journal article). Use the model and journal article to explain the type of leadership, management practices that employees experience and consider how it affects employee outcomes. Justify your response with reference to the findings in the article and other articles in the unit content and reading list (900 words)
    • Do include a title page with a title that identifies the factors in the model
    • Do not include an Executive Summary or Table of Contents
    • Do structure your report with an Introduction, followed by the main body of the report where you explain the model and apply your understanding. Finish with a concluding paragraph.
    • Do use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double line spacing
    • Do number your pages
    • Do refer to the literature conforming to the SCU Harvard referencing style
    • You may use headings and sub-headings but they are not essential
    Marking criteria
    Sections Assessing criteria Weightage
    Identification of the model • The model has been correctly identified with reference to the journal article in which the model was first published. 5 marks
    Explanation of the model • The key factors/variables have been identified and explained (including the specific employee outcomes).
    • The relationship between the factors has been explained clearly with reference to supporting literature. 10 marks
    Applying the knowledge • There is clear evidence that the relationships in the theoretical model are understood
    • There is evidence that the principles in the model could be effectively applied to a practical situation
    • There is a demonstrated understanding of the impact of leadership on employee performance 15 mark
    Paragraphing, formatting and referencing • The introduction should have a topic sentence detailing the topic of the report, and an outline of the report. Avoid using references to the literature in your Introduction (except for a reference to the article in which your model was published).
    • Each paragraph that follows should be a well-constructed paragraph comprising approximately 150 words each. A paragraph should have a topic sentence. This should be followed by sentences that are referenced (i.e. intext citations using SCU Harvard style guide) and add depth to the argument development.
    • The final paragraph should provide a summary of the report. It requires no references and is usually shorter than other paragraphs.
    • Sources reviewed are acceptable and referenced correctly
    • The formatting conforms to the specified requirements
    • Include a Reference List in alphabetical order formatted in accordance with the SCU Harvard style guide 10 marks
    Total 40