Writers Solution

What was the experience of the news media of South K orea, in par ticular, in this U.S. embedded r epor ting system?

Length of Final Repor t: Fiv e pages or mor e, 1.5 line spacing for main body of text (A4-siz e paper) F ont: Times, 10.5 pt.

(1.0 line spacing for endnotes/footnotes; 9 pt. font) —V ariety of r efer ence sour ces to be included:

Newspapers, magazines/journals, books and Internet-based sour ces (also information from our class lectur es) —Endnotes/footnotes r equired for all sour ces:

If y ou use any K orean-language r eference sour ces in the text, be sur e to list the original sour ce title along with the title ‘s tr anslation int o English in br ackets in the endnotes/footnotes, and the URL.

( Y our endnotes/sour ces can be included within the fiv e requir ed pages.) —Guidelines and format t o be followed:

The Chicago Manual of Style , 17th edition (Univ ersity of Chicago Pr ess, 2017) —Brief explanation of expected Final Repor t:

In our class this semester , we recently discussed the ” embedded reporting” system that was cr eated b y the U.S. militar y/government t o control the news co ver age befor e, during and after the U.S.-led inv asion of Ir aq back in 2003. Among the initial 700+ journalists who joined that contr oversial embedded r eporting system wer e news reporters fr om various media companies all ar ound the world, including countries in East Asia.

What was the experience of the news media of South K orea, in par ticular, in this U.S. embedded r epor ting system? How many K orean news or ganizations (if any) t ook part in that system and joined the U.S. tr oops in Iraq, and what was their news co ver age of the Ir aq war like as a result? W ere any K or ean news or ganizations against joining that system, and if so, what kinds of pr otests were raised against such a system? What wer e the pros and cons of the U.S. embedded r eporting system, as far as South K orea ‘s news media wer e concerned?

W e ha ve hear d much about journalists fr om the USA, Britain, Japan and other countries who joined the P entagon ‘s embedded r eporting system in Ir aq, but we have not hear d much about the experiences of the South K orean news media concerning that system. I think it would add gr eatly to this K okusai Communication course t o have y ou write y our report on this par ticular subject, thus I would lik e you t o do so.

If y ou can also include any academic studies/r eports, public opinion sur ve ys, etc., about this subject in y our r eport, I think that would help gr eatly in strengthening y our thesis. My guess is that ther e must ha ve been a number of r eports issued b y academics and media or ganizations in South Korea concerning the U.S. embedded r eporting system, just as ther e have been in other countries. So, please inv estigate this subject in depth, and focus y our report on both the pr os and cons of the U.S.

embedded r eporting system, as far as the K orean news media ‘s experience was concerned.

—Gr ading of Final Repor t:

The maximum y ou can receive for this Final Repor t will be a possible 100 per cent, just as if you had sat for the Final Exam. The grade for the Final Repor t, of course, will depend on the o ver all quality of the r epor t submitted




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