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Variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
What are the variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization (Hint: It’s not just money.)
Please include sources/references to support your perspective.

Part 2

Assess your Leadership Skills
Review the questions in Appendix 3: Glossary. (2007). Guide to Organisation Design, 302–315, page 5, under the heading ‘Gallup Q12’. Ask yourself these 12 questions to measure employment engagement and contemplate why these questions are practical. 
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Do you consider yourself an engaged employee? 
Did these questions make you think of anything that can be done at your organization to increase employee engagement and performance? 
Would you add any questions to the list? 
How can managers in the healthcare industry utilize these questions?

Part 3

Exam Content
As a human resources manager in a healthcare organization, you will be asked to develop varying types of strategies and management techniques that improve the performance of your workforce. You need to know how to keep abreast of such strategies through research, as well as analyze how such strategies and techniques can be applied in your organization. In this assessment, you will apply these skills.
Select a healthcare organization and specific division within it with which you work or are familiar.
Assume you are the human resources director for your selected organization.
In a recent meeting, executive management determined it would like to improve healthcare workforce performance levels within a specific division of your organization.
Management has asked you to research and identify 3 diverse strategies that use innovative management techniques, operational practices, or technology that could be applied to improve workforce performance within the selected division at your healthcare organization.
Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary of 3 diverse strategies to improve workforce performance that includes the following:
Identification of 3 key strategies to improve workforce performance for your organization and division
An analysis of how each strategy could be deployed within your division and organization to improve workforce performance
A recommendation for the application of the best key strategy
An analysis of how your recommended strategy affects workforce needs for service delivery for your organization
SMART goal(s), objective(s), and tasks to implement your recommended strategy
A description of how goal achievement will be measured
Expenses for recommendation implementation
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
Instructors Note:  Please carefully read and closely follow the assignment instructions and the content of the grading rubric. It is strongly suggested that you use subheadings for each assignment component. This will ensure that you are addressing each section of the assignment.

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Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements

Topic is Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements 

Locate the “Prospectus Template” on the DC Network and download either the quantitative or qualitative template depending on your selected methodology. This assignment requires the inclusion of at least two scholarly research sources related to this topic and at least one in-text citation from each source. Based on the methodology of your potential dissertation topic, select the appropriate prospectus template: “Quantitative Prospectus PPT” or “Qualitative Prospectus PPT.” Revise/complete the following template slides to describe and defend your potential study. Your choices must be defended with relevant current research. Proposed Dissertation Topic Title My Topic is Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements Alignment Table (fill in from corresponding slides below). Note: The purpose statement box is not required for this assignment. Literature Review: Background to the Problem Literature Review: Problem Space Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations Literature Review: Review of Literature Problem Statement Variables (if quantitative) or Phenomenon (if qualitative) Research Questions (and Hypotheses if quantitative) Methodology Justification. Note: Include a rationale for not choosing the other methodology. Design. Note: Complete the entire table per the slide requirements. Feasibility.

1.     Proposed Dissertation Topic Title Must be 12 words or less 2.     Alignment Table (fill in from corresponding slides below). Note: The purpose statement box is not required for this assignment. 3.     Literature Review: Background to the Problem 2-3 paragraphs written GCU style: no citation in the first sentence (topic sentence), supporting citations and no citation at end of the paragraph. This is to be about the history of the issue. For your final Proposal, this section will be the history of the research on the issue. 4.     Literature Review: Problem Space Your 5 empirical articles from 2020-23 and each written following this formula: Citation, “conducted a (method/design) study with (# participants) to investigate (what) and found (what). The recommendation for further research was (what?). 5.     Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations: graphic of the theory you are using with an arrow to the parts you are choosing. (If quant—this theory comes from the instruments and you are using the entire theory). Author of the theory and citation 6.     Literature Review: Review of Literature: list only the topics—you do not need to start to populate the topics yet. But if you have started—go ahead and include. NOTE: these topics must align with either your variables (quant) or theory (qual) 7.     Problem Statement: Align with the method you are using 8.     Variables (if quantitative) or Phenomenon (if qualitative) Use the feedback from previous assignments 9.     Research Questions (and Hypotheses if quantitative) 10.   Methodology Justification. Two cited definitions for EACH method; summary for each method “this method is most appropriate when…”; AND 1-3 studies on your topic that are recommending further research using your method. 11.   Design. Qual: all five designs; Quant: all six designs. TWO cited definitions for each with a summary: “This design is most appropriate when… 12.   Feasibility:  Follow the prompts that are listed in the notes section of the PPT

My draft from previous assignment Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements       


Business-related pressure, burnout, and the battle to balance serious and fun activities have become huge difficulties in current working environments. Associations have gone to adaptable work plans, like working from home and strategic scheduling, to resolve these issues (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). In any case, the effectiveness of adaptable work game plans in further developing representative prosperity remains unsure.

The Existence of the Problem and the Need for Additional Research

Ongoing investigations have featured the pervasiveness of business-related pressure, burnout, and diminished balance between serious and fun activities among workers, stressing the need to resolve these issues. Organizations have recognized the significance of offering work flexibility to mitigate the difficulties posed by today’s workplace requirements (Ab Wahab and Tatoglu, E. (2020). Adaptable work courses of action, like working from home, strategic scheduling, packed work-filled weeks, and occupation sharing, offer representatives more prominent command over their plans for getting work done and areas, taking into account further developed work-life reconciliation.

However, regardless of the rising adoption of adaptable work courses of action, the viability of these practices in further developing representative prosperity stays uncertain. While certain investigations have announced positive results, such as decreased pressure and expanded work fulfillment, others have found blended results or adverse consequences on representative prosperity (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). These irregularities feature the requirement for additional examination to comprehend the effect of adaptable work plans on representative prosperity and recognize best practices for execution. 

Furthermore, the research questions probe into the mechanisms and contextual factors surrounding this phenomenon. For instance, “How do flexible work arrangements affect work-life balance and stress levels amongst employees?” and “Are there generational or demographic transformations in the insight of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being?” investigate into the fundamental processes and possible variations in the impact of flexible work arrangements. The questions help uncover the nuances and complications associated with the phenomenon, auxiliary addressing the problem statement (Mache et al., 2020). The research questions are designed to systematically investigate the problem statement’s concerns concerning the impact of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being, cracking light on the phenomenon’s numerous facets and causative to a more inclusive understanding of this important workplace issue.

How might the answers to the research questions inform the problem space?

The answers to the research questions may considerably inform the problem space by offering an all-inclusive understanding of the link between flexible work arrangements and employee well-being. Perceptions gained from the research may direct organizations in tailoring their policies and practices to enhance well-being, which is particularly crucial in the context of evolving workplace dynamics. Knowledge of the most operative types of flexible work arrangements may help organizations make informed decisions on which options to offer, leading to advanced employee satisfaction and retaining. Understanding how flexible work arrangements impact work-life balance and stress levels can inform beleaguered interventions to alleviate stress and improve work-life coordination (Mache et al., 2020). Likewise, identifying generational or demographic differences in employees’ discernments can help organizations implement inclusive and impartial policies. The research findings may directly shape the problem space by offering actionable information for organizations to augment their approach to flexible work arrangements, eventually fostering a healthier and more fruitful workforce.

Top of Form

Top of Form

Theoretical foundation that will ground the study

The study on is grounded in the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model, which hypothesizes that employees’ well-being is affected by job demands and job resources. Flexible work arrangements, including teleworking, flexible hours, and compacted workweeks, can be viewed as valuable job resources that enable employees gain greater autonomy and control over their work. According to the JD-R Model, these arrangements can alleviate the negative effects of job demands, like high workload and job-related stress, finally leading to improved employee well-being (Ray and Pana, 2021). By investigating how flexible work arrangements affect employees’ perceptions of job demands, resources, and their general well-being, the study seeks to contribute to the existing body of research on work-related well-being and offer insights into how establishments can successfully utilize flexible work arrangements to augment the health and satisfaction of their workforce.

Key concepts/Constructs of the study

The theoretical foundation and conceptual framework for the study on “Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements” comprise several essential concepts and constructs. The first one is Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs). The core of the study, FWAs encompass various methods such as telecommuting, flextime, and compressed workweeks, allowing employees to have more control over their work schedules and locations. The second one is Employee Well-being. This multifaceted construct represents the overall health and satisfaction of employees, encompassing physical, emotional, and psychological dimensions, including job satisfaction, work-life balance, and stress levels.

This is followed by Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model. In this case, a theoretical framework that introduces the concepts of job demands and job resources to explain their effects on employee well-being, with FWAs acting as potential resources to mitigate job demands. The other one is Self-Determination Theory (SDT). This puts a lot of emphasis on intrinsic motivation, SDT inspects how autonomy, competence, and relatedness can influence employee well-being and how FWAs might contribute to fulfilling these needs. The other one is Social Exchange Theory.  This is a concept that explores the reciprocal dynamics in social relationships, suggesting that employees may respond positively to organizations offering supportive work arrangements like FWAs through increased commitment and well-being. The last one is Positive Psychology. Rooted in positive emotions, engagement, and meaning, positive psychology principles are applied to understand how FWAs may contribute to enhanced employee happiness and satisfaction.

Generational and Demographic Differences: Acknowledging the influence of factors such as age, gender, and demographics on employee perceptions and experiences of FWAs, this aspect adds depth to the analysis, allowing for a nuanced understanding of the impact of FWAs on diverse employee groups. The key concepts and constructs cooperatively form the underpinning of the study, guiding the investigation into how FWAs affect employee well-being and the fundamental mechanisms inside the affiliation.

Explain how the theories or conceptual frameworks guide the research topic identified from the problem space

The selected theories and conceptual frameworks play a very significant role in guiding the research topic acknowledged from the problem space. For instance, in this study, the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model directs the examination by helping identify the specific job demands and resources related to flexible work arrangements (FWAs) and how the elements affect employee well-being. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) offers insight into the mental aspects of motivation and autonomy, helping elucidate why and how FWAs might impact employees’ well-being. Social Exchange Theory directs the exploration of the mutuality between employees and organizations when it comes to FWAs, shedding light on the possible benefits and costs involved. Positive Psychology philosophies give a lens through which to inspect the positive emotional and engagement aspects of well-being associated with FWAs. The frameworks cooperatively inform the research’s structure, theories, and understanding, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic within the problem space.Top of Form

Defend why the theoretical foundation or conceptual framework was selected over other alternatives.

The chosen theoretical foundation and conceptual framework were chosen over other alternatives because they offer a holistic perspective and a well-established basis for comprehending the complex relationship between flexible work arrangements (FWAs) and employee well-being. The Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model, Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Social Exchange Theory, and Positive Psychology principles cooperatively offer a comprehensive framework that considers psychological, social, and organizational aspects of the topic. The frameworks are widely recognized and expansively studied, making them well-suited for guiding research in this field and ensuring the robustness and reliability of the study’s findings.

Relationships between the components

The components of the selected theoretical foundation and conceptual framework are inter-linked in a way that improves our comprehension of the research phenomenon. The Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model identifies job demands and resources related to flexible work arrangements (FWAs), explicating their effects on employee well-being. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) helps expound the psychological areas of motivation and self-sufficiency, skimpy why and how FWAs influence well-being. Social Exchange Theory guides the examination of the reciprocal dynamics between employees and organizations in the context of FWAs. Positive Psychology philosophies offer insights into the positive emotions and engagement linked with well-being through FWAs. Together, the constituents offer a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of how FWAs affect employee well-being, considering psychological, social, and organizational magnitudes.

Problem Framing: Size and Scope of the Problem

The issue undermining the study involves analyzing the effect of adaptable work game plans on representative prosperity. Work-related stress, burnout, and poor work-life balance between serious and fun activities have huge ramifications for the two people and associations. Representatives encountering these difficulties are bound to experience the ill effects of diminished work fulfillment, decreased efficiency, and expanded turnover rates (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). In addition, the negative effects can impact overall organizational outcomes like employee engagement, organizational commitment, and performance beyond the individual level.

The size and extent of the issue are significant, taking into account the rising pervasiveness of adaptable work game plans and the rising interest in work-life joining. With the fast development of remote work because of mechanical progressions and the COVID-19 pandemic, associations need to comprehend how various kinds of adaptable work game plans impact representative prosperity. This understanding is imperative for associations to foster successful methodologies that advance representative prosperity, keep up with efficiency, and encourage a positive workplace (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021). 

Variables Derived from the Problem Space

In this quantitative study, two key factors have been identified: flexible work arrangements and employee well-being. Employees can choose from flexible work options that give them more control over their work schedules and locations (Rozlan & Subramaniam, 2020). These choices incorporate working from home, which permits representatives to work remotely; strategic scheduling, which empowers representatives to have adaptable beginning and end times; compacted work-filled weeks, which include working longer hours on fewer days; furthermore, work sharing, where at least two representatives share the obligations of a solitary position. These various kinds of adaptable work courses of action are fundamental to looking at their effect on representative prosperity.

The concept of employee well-being is multifaceted and includes a variety of aspects of an individual’s overall well-being. Regarding this review, representative prosperity incorporates aspects, for example, actual well-being, mental prosperity, balance between serious and fun activities, work fulfillment, and personal satisfaction. These aspects mirror the comprehensive idea of prosperity and catch the key regions impacted by business-related pressure, burnout, and diminished balance between serious and fun activities (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021).

The issue space upholds these factors by featuring the difficulties representatives face in balancing fun and serious activities and the likely advantages of adaptable work game plans in tending to those difficulties. The pervasiveness of business-related pressure and burnout and the adverse consequence of balancing fun and serious activities highlight the need to examine the connection between adaptable work plans and representative prosperity. By looking at these factors, the review expects to give experiences into how various sorts of adaptable work courses of action can impact different elements of representative prosperity.

Concise and Focused Problem Statement

“The issue of work-related stress, burnout, and reduced work-life balance between fun and serious activities has become progressively prevalent, requiring the investigation of the effect of adaptable work game plans on representative prosperity. This quantitative review intends to explore the connection between various kinds of adaptable work plans and different components of representative prosperity, giving experimental proof and commonsense suggestions for associations to improve representative prosperity and advance supportable workplaces.”

By acknowledging the problem’s statement and the need to comprehend the impact of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being, this problem statement effectively addresses the problem space. It expresses the review’s goal: to examine the connection between adaptable work courses of action and representative prosperity across numerous aspects (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021). The articulation of the issue also underlines the meaning of the concentrate by featuring its capability to give exact proof and functional suggestions for associations looking to develop representative prosperity further and establish reasonable workplaces.


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Research data collection plan and quantitative research design for measuring employee contributions

Your manager is very pleased with your research data collection plan and quantitative research design for measuring employee contributions and has asked you to write a literature review (similar to Chapter 2 in your dissertation). Your dilemma is what empirical research should be included in your literature review. How can you discern quality studies in the quantitative realm from mediocre ones? What are the top five criteria for selecting high quality quantitative empirical articles for your literature review? Justify criteria selected with appropriate sources.

Note: Rather than providing insights into or literature regarding the topics of employee rewards/compensation or employee retention, focus your discussion post on the research methodology and design and the process of selecting scholarly quantitative literature to resolve this applied research example.

Alicia response

I think it takes skills of critical thinking to discern high quality articles from mediocre articles. I believe high quality articles that best support the dissertation process are peer reviewed articles; because, peer reviewed articles have gone through a validation process by way of being carefully screened, scrutinized, and combed through to determine authenticity and objectivity; the true purpose of this study. Another component to high quality research methodologies is the presence of ethics and accuracy. Before choosing an article, ask the question, “How do we know that this article is tried, true, and tested?”. The process in which research is conducted determines whether an article is ethical and unbiased, or if the article is based on a theory without actual observation or experiments conducted. When considering to implement one should consider if the article is valid, trustworthy, and effective enough to support your argument. Another criteria for conducting research based on experiment or observation is to consider how this process will answer a question or test a certain theory. Skews (2020) wrote that in order for the professional practice of coaching to be validated, it needed to be conducted through an evidence-based empirical design. The evidence-based design would answer a direct question, and thirdly it would use the available systematic reviews to access evidence relevant to the research question.


Skews, R. (2020). How to design and conduct quantitative coaching intervention research. Coaching Psychologist16(1), 41–51.

Do you agree with Alicia ? yes or no- only 150 words plus reference apa 7 format

Stevie Response

Hello Class,

Continuation of proving you are a great new doctoral leader is important with every task that is given. In providing a literature review of empirical research, the first step would be ensuring that I have the right resources for my research. Because this will be a quantitative study, it is important within the resources used for the research are credible. Credible evidence to gain readers’ trust, and the writer must be able to avoid bias in his or her argumentation (D’Urso et al., 2021). There are five specific actions that will be considered during the research, dependability, Credibility, Confirmability, Transferability, Reflexivity, and Trustworthy. Credibility will provide accurate findings, Dependability reference can be used for future research, Confirmability is providing adequateness, Transferability is finding research that can be used in the future, Reflexivity is which thinking about thinking is consistently being practiced, and Trustworthy is the goal of qualitative research (D’Urso et al., 2021). When researching, selecting high-quality articles will be clear in finding these components.


D’Urso, P., Johnston, E., McClendon, C. (2021). GCU doctoral research: Foundational principles of research design. Grand Canyon University.

Do you agree with Stevie ? Yes or no

Kathleens response

      Credibility, accuracy, reasonableness, and support are the main criteria for discerning quality studies in the quantitative realm. (D’Urso et al., 2021) The top five criteria for selecting high quality empirical articles for your literature review include: 1) Why the study is conducted, 2)What new knowledge will be discovered, 3) Why this new knowledge is important, 4)The general population affected by the problem, and 5) How the research will contribute to resolving the problem. (Greenberger, 2021) Research design, research process, aims of research, amount of data, and method of analysis are all forms of the CIS (critical interpretive synthesis) (Depraetere et al., 2021) literature review process which has been in practice for several decades and has been very successful. Those are probably the best ways to evaluate literature.

Depraetere, J., Vandeviver, C., Keygnaert, I., & Beken, T. V. (2021). The critical interpretive        synthesis: An assessment of reporting practices. International Journal of Social Research            Methodology: Theory & Practice24(6), 669–689.

Do you agree with Kathleen ? Yes or no




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assess employee contributions in the workplace

After you have determined what sources to include in your literature review to assess employee contributions in the workplace, you must now compile your review and reflect on the implications of all that you have read in the extant literature and how that applies to your research. To what extent might the strengths, weakness, limitations, and delimitations of existing studies indicate strengths, weakness, limitations, and delimitations of your study? Explain.

Note: Rather than providing insights into the topics of employee rewards/compensation or employee retention, focus your discussion post on the research methodology and design to resolve this applied research example




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A problem or a significant potential improvement at your workplace that relates to employee motivation

ASSIGNMENT TYPE Analytical essay
DESCRIPTION Prepare a report using motivation concepts to analyse an issue or problem at your workplace.
WORD COUNT 2500 words (± 10% variation), not including your reference list.
Pick a problem or a significant potential improvement at your workplace that relates to employee motivation. Prepare a report using motivation concepts from this course and any additional reading you undertake to analyse the issue and explore how it might be addressed.
At a minimum, your essay should:
1. Concisely describe the problem or potential improvement in a way which readers unfamiliar with your organisation can understand. This is a descriptive section, based on your own knowledge of the situation.
2. Apply relevant models of motivation to analyse the situation. This requires you to use motivational theories to understand what is going on in the situation and to identify possible sources of dissatisfaction, poor performance or other factors relevant to your case.
3. Develop an approach for addressing the problem/potential improvement. Be sure to include some reflection on your own role and any barriers or difficulties that you might encounter in actually carrying out the proposed change.
There is no need to use the formal structure of a report (e.g. executive summary, table of contents, etc.). However, you should use headings to separate the main sections of the assessment and you must reference all materials (e.g. journal articles, books or websites) that you use.
Managing People and Organisations: Assessment 1: Analytical Essay
CRITERION A RANGE/(80% +) B RANGE / (65-79.99%) C RANGE / (50-64.99%) D-E RANGE/(0-49.99%)
OVERALL DESCRIPTOR Addresses all of the criteria and marking factors to an accomplished level of achievement. Addresses all of the criteria and marking factors to a good /very good level of accomplishment, but with scope for further development. Addresses most of the criteria and marking factors to a satisfactory/good level of accomplishment, but with scope for considerable further development. Does not address the criteria and marking factors to a satisfactory level of accomplishment.
RELEVANCE (15% WEIGHTING) Highly relevant issue or problem described clearly with relevant detail (interested parties, circumstances, actions, perceptions, objectives, etc.). The issue or problem being analysed is meaningful to student and course learning goals, but description misses some important details. Chooses an appropriate issue, but describes it in general terms with insufficient information to fully appreciate relevance to student and course learning goals. Chooses an issue or problem for analysis which is vague, generic, or tangentially related to course topic.
ANALYSIS (50% WEIGHTING) Demonstrates mastery by appropriately analysing the issue with explicit references to relevant and diverse course content and concepts. The analysis demonstrates attempts to investigate the problem using relevant course concepts, but lacks depth of analysis or uses a limited range of concepts. Student makes attempts at applying some course concepts to the issue but fails to demonstrate a depth of analysis or selects less relevant concepts. Analysis does not move beyond a description of the issue with superficial links to course material.
RECOMMEN- DATIONS (15% WEIGHTING) Makes in-depth recommendations that are consistent with the analysis and address all important identified problems or improvement opportunities. Clearly identifies potential barriers to implementation and addresses their own role in implementing recommendations. Makes sufficient recommendations consistent with the analysis. May lack sufficient detail or may not address all the problems identified. Some comment on their own role in solving the issue. Makes cursory recommendations that need further explanation or do not flow clearly from the analysis. Makes insufficient recommendations or recommendations that are not appropriate to resolve the situation or problem/s.
FORMAT AND ORGANISATION (10% WEIGHTING) Submission is well organised and adheres to all formatting requirements, including referencing, with minimal error. Submission is generally organised and attempts to adhere to all formatting requirements, including referencing, with occasional minor errors. Submission is somewhat disorganised and/or fails to fully address one or more of the formatting requirements. Submission is disorganised and/or disregards one or more of the formatting requirements.
REFERENCES (10% WEIGHTING) All references clearly add value to analysis or recommendations, over and above material in text and readings Most references add value to analysis or recommendations, over and above material in text and readings References not specifically relevant to the chosen issue, or add no new insights References not used; irrelevant or poor quality references relied upon.
Managing People and Organisations: Assessment 1: Analytical Essay


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Why is employee training and development an important business strategy? 

Assignment Questions

2 pages. given below are the questions and attached the readings link. You must use them. Due in 24 hours

Assignment Content

1. Why is employee training and development an important business strategy? 
2. How would you differentiate training and development?
3. What are some of the areas where organizations fail to achieve success with their training initiatives?  
4. Which adult learning principle resonated with you based on your own adult learning experience?
5. What do you see as the key elements in ensuring organizations are successful in executing development programs?


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Managing employee relations

The Interview Report (Week 11). The purpose of the interview is to assess the extent and nature

of a relevant area/concept in HRM within an organization. The area of HRM that the interview will focus on will be chosen by you and the organization will be chosen by you too. For example, you could choose from Staffing the organization, developing human resources, Compensating human resources, Managing employee relations, or any other HRM area. You could look at the five sections of the textbook and pick an area from there. Select and interview a significant individual (preferably a HR professional) in this organization who can share insights of the organization’s HRM practices that impact the competitive advantage of the organization. Query them about the HRM functions within the organization, such as what recruitment and staffing strategies and practices they follow, or what training and development programs/ activities are in place; ask them how the organization views its investment in HRM; how such investments contribute to organizational performance; how does the organizational culture facilitate and/or hinder HRM activities; what sustainability challenge(s) does the organization face that increase(s) the role of human resource management practices. Get in-depth details that would help you assess the organization’s ability to overcome its sustainability challenges and leverage

«R_CourseNumber»220 B «R_SemesterYear» Page 7 of 12

a competitive advantage in the market. The concepts, theories, and practices you read from the textbook will help you in formulating your questions.In your report,

Present a clear picture of the context of your interview – name of company, location of the

company, who you interviewed (position in the organization), when you interviewed, duration of the interview, how did you interview – face to face or otherwise? Also, any reason why you chose this company and why you chose the specific HRM area (about 1 page) – worth 5 points

b. Present a summary of the information gathered at the interview (about 2 pages) – worth 7 points

c. Provide a critical analysis of the challenges and possibilities for this organization using the material you have covered in the textbook on the theory and practice of HRM (about 3-5 pages). – worth 8 points. The paper should be of the highest quality, about 8 pages (not less than 5 pages), written in APA 6 style, scholarly, clear, precise, and interesting. The 5-page bare minimum does not include the title page and references. The paper should be double spaced with 1-inch margins. Make sure you cite your sources within the paper as well as on the reference page.

NB: Appropriate and relevant rubrics would be provided to guide students

References: Don’t forget to list all the sources you use at the end of the paper. Provide a full reference of each source (author’s name, year of publication, title of publication, publisher, pages (if a book chapter or journal article). For Internet sources, reference the URLs.

General: Here are some additional guidelines that will help you avoid the most common problems students have with their term papers:

Organization: Make sure that your paper is well organized by using headings and sub- headings. Headings and sub-headings provide a structure and guide to the reader as the discussion evolves from one issue to another.

Content: Remember this class is on Leadership. Your paper should be focused on this throughout.

Literature: You must use the literature to support your arguments. Put differently, do not make arguments that are not supported by evidence. Integrate your literature sources into the manuscript. By so doing, you will be able to ground your arguments.

Quotes: When you quote, make sure than you clearly provide the author(s) name(s), year of publication, and page number(s).

Tables: If you present tables, clearly label, and relate them to the paper.

Conclusions: Use the conclusions section to summarize your findings and provide

relevant, practical, and workable recommendations. Do not introduce new issues in this section


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in-company clinics that deal with employee medical problems, such as established by Toyot

From a marketing perspective, analyze the environmental factors and make suggestions for the following scenarios:

  1. in-company clinics that deal with employee medical problems, such as established by Toyota, and
  2. the success of after-hours clinics and urgent care facilities in many metropolitan areas?

500 word count

2 references that is not older then five years.

A Biblical references to this discussion

APA format 

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Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM)

Discussion 1

Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM). One day, while accepting a shipment of food from Dandy Distributor (DD), Mary tells the DD driver about TT. She exclaims in front of TT what a great job he is doing, and that she would not be surprised if he ended up running the place someday.

One very busy Saturday, before a blizzard is forecast to hit the area, TT is the backroom working when DD pulls up with a delivery. DD is in a hurry to get unloaded and get on the road to beat the weather, and DD remembers what MM told him when he sees TT; DD asks TT to sign for the shipment. TT does not have any idea what he is doing. Still, he realizes how rushed MM is and how FF is running low on groceries on this busy, snowy Saturday. TT just wants to help, and signs for the shipment. TT puts the invoice on MM’s desk but forgets to tell her about it.

Three months later, DD calls MM to ask when she is going to pay for the shipment. MM knew nothing about TT signing for it and did not see the invoice on her messy desk.

**Explain why FF might be liable to pay. Be sure to distinguish liability for agents and principals. Additionally, does it matter whether MM knew TT did or did not have authority to act on behalf of FF?

Discussion 2

Big Business (BB) employs Oscar Outspoken (OO). OO has worked in the warehouse at BB for years. He is not management, but due to his experience and political savvy, he has become a de facto leader of the warehouse workers.

BB has grown tired of OO’s complaints, and BB believes OO’s continued employment at BB will result in workers complaining like him. To stop further trouble, BB fires OO without giving a reason. OO sues BB for his firing.

** You’re a lawyer representing BB. Using this week’s material, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your client’s position on their dispute

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM)

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Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM).

Discussion 1

Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM). One day, while accepting a shipment of food from Dandy Distributor (DD), Mary tells the DD driver about TT. She exclaims in front of TT what a great job he is doing, and that she would not be surprised if he ended up running the place someday.

One very busy Saturday, before a blizzard is forecast to hit the area, TT is the backroom working when DD pulls up with a delivery. DD is in a hurry to get unloaded and get on the road to beat the weather, and DD remembers what MM told him when he sees TT; DD asks TT to sign for the shipment. TT does not have any idea what he is doing. Still, he realizes how rushed MM is and how FF is running low on groceries on this busy, snowy Saturday. TT just wants to help, and signs for the shipment. TT puts the invoice on MM’s desk but forgets to tell her about it.

Three months later, DD calls MM to ask when she is going to pay for the shipment. MM knew nothing about TT signing for it and did not see the invoice on her messy desk.

**Explain why FF might be liable to pay. Be sure to distinguish liability for agents and principals. Additionally, does it matter whether MM knew TT did or did not have authority to act on behalf of FF?

Discussion 2

Big Business (BB) employs Oscar Outspoken (OO). OO has worked in the warehouse at BB for years. He is not management, but due to his experience and political savvy, he has become a de facto leader of the warehouse workers.

BB has grown tired of OO’s complaints, and BB believes OO’s continued employment at BB will result in workers complaining like him. To stop further trouble, BB fires OO without giving a reason. OO sues BB for his firing.

** You’re a lawyer representing BB. Using this week’s material, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your client’s position on their dispute

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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM).

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