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cutting edge employment

In this final unit, you will submit your completed research paper on a cutting edge employment and or labor law topic you have been working on since that time.

Unit 6 Research Paper Directions and Rubric

In Unit 6, you will submit your completed research paper on a cutting edge employment and labor law topic you have been working on since the beginning of your course. The research paper will be 8–10 double‐spaced pages in length, excluding the cover page, Appendices, and References. This paper will be written according to APA format and citation style and be carefully referenced with 8–10 academic references. Your abstract will be included in your page count. The purpose of this paper is to take a topic or issue that has deals with employment and labor law and do an in‐depth review of the current literature on this topic. This is a library research paper and you must use at least 8–10 different credible sources, not including textbooks.

You will want to have a section in this paper prior to your conclusions that addresses the significance of what you have found for practicing managers. Be sure to use credible published sources and only reliable Internet websites. Reference your paper very carefully and tightly. You will find an abundance of literature on your topic in the leading journals found in the library. Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling count. This is to be a professional paper to receive full credit. This paper should have an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference section. This paper should also have appropriate headings and sub‐headings in the body of the paper. Be sure to use a title page. Write transition sentences between sections so that the reader knows where you are going and why. Note that this is a research paper. Avoid all first ‐person pronouns and personal opinion. Academic integrity is of the utmost importance in this term paper. Your paper will be submitted through, which will document any plagiarism, intentional or unintentional. Your instructor will submit the paper to in Unit 6 who will obtain a report from for review and grading purposes.




NO PLAGIARISM, ….. cutting edge employment 

 Executive Summary

India is well known for its trend t has a jobless growth economy. India’s unemployment levels have increased from the recent past, which has adverse effects on the economy and greatly impacted the nation’s economic inequality. A great section of these effects has been attributed to the existing labor laws. Since time immemorial, the country has framed its labor laws according to the philosophy that the capitalists possess big pockets while laborers do not have big pockets. Due to this, India has framed labor laws that are significantly protective of its laborers that can even be termed as anti-business. The report examines how the laws of the land influence the business and the workers that it is intended to offer protection. It especially focuses on the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, coupled with its effects and the rigidity of India’s labor laws. It also examines the various repercussions of overhauling the labor laws and tries to examine both effects of it. The report possesses some recommendations of how the various stakeholders, including the workers, industries, and the national government, can work together to bring about a prosperous India. 

 Main Impediments Faced By the Industry Due to Prevailing Labor Laws

The Indian economy that began with an inward-looking economic strategy is currently hugely influenced by the liberalization that has culminated in the alterations in the labor markets that are being witnessed in the demands and the need for labor law reforms. There is a surge in the market competency and quick changing markets that have brought a new set of hurdles as the Indian labor laws were anciently inclined to labor protection and not favorable for competition in the labor markets (Roychowdhury, 2018).

The Indian government is forced to regard labor laws reforms. The Indian labor market is issued with a myriad of recommendations t be issued with the necessary flexibility to be well suited to compete in the global markets (Roychowdhury, 2018). It can conclusively be said that India’s labor market has begun taking steps towards moving away from the “protectionist” and closed model to a more open model that is competitive.

            The Indian labor market has different categories that are the formal and the informal sectors. The informal is represented by agriculture and urban formal (organized) coupled with the unorganized sector. In India, a large population of workers forms a significant part f the unorganized sector at 95% (Roychowdhury, 2018). The Indian labor market can be categorized into two segments that are organized/formal, and the unorganized, which is informal. The organized sector is well registered, and they remit their taxes (income and sales tax) or that are licensed corporations.

Every self-employed/unlicensed/unregistered economic activity, for instance, rural traders, handicrafts, farmers, as well as manned general stores, all form the unorganized sector, or they do account for their enterprises (Chugh, 2018). The fundamental objective of labor reforms is to culminate in a positive, healthy relationship subsisting the employers and the laborers (Chugh, 2018).

 The Indian industry faces many overlapping impediments due to the existing labor regulations. There are numerous overlapping, strong and isolated activities that apply to corporations at any moment. It results in significant power to the public leaders, and its repercussion is employers’ harassment (Mondal, 2019). It creates room for corruption and increment in compliance costs in terms of time and money. Such a policy runs counter to the desired labor laws objectives.

There is a huge informal sector in India that accounts for 87% of the workforce are in the informal sector, and labor laws are non-existent here. The informal sector comprises of the micro-firms that employ 5-10   workers. The employers are hugely discouraged from expanding their businesses due to the existence of strict regressive laws Roychowdhury, A. (2019)..   Some of them have a low understanding of the labor laws to the extent that seeking the lawyer’s services for compliance services takes a toll on their finances. Further aboard, most of the Indian workforce has formal training, and it culminates in low productivity and less value addition.

 In India retrenchment issue is rampant, and the existing laws suggest that there should be governmental approval to have adhered before workers are retrenched (in the instance that there is an industrial dispute act) Roychowdhury, A. (2019).. As a regulation for a good economic environment, there are low entry experiences, and there are barriers to exit companies in any business (Roychowdhury, 2019).  Nevertheless, social security employees are indispensable. It should be noted that business people will have to………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ,………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… cutting edge employment 


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Exceptions to Employment at Will

For this assignment you must be familiar with how each of the following impacts HRM actions:
a. Exceptions to Employment at Will. (Click on the link for a brief overview.) “overview attached”
b. Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). (Click on the link for a brief overview.) “overview attached”
c. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). (Click on the link for a brief overview.) “overview attached”
Click on the following link for a brief Review of the HRM functions. (
For this Case Assignment you will be focusing on a, b, and c listed above and how they impact the private sector workplace. (Be sure to focus on the private sector, and not the public sector in your answer.) Discuss the following in an integrated essay, backing up your statements with research:
•    Provide a half-page summary of each. Include these summaries together in one Appendix at the end of your paper.
•    Examine employment at will and its exceptions and explain the exception that has had the greatest impact on the private sector workplace.
•    Examine USERRA and detail its positive and negative impacts on the private sector workplace.
•    What is the one most important change you see is needed to IRCA? Why? Discuss. (Note: repealing the law is not an option.) IRCA information can be found at g
Provide cited reference information (from valid sources) to back up your discussion.
Consider the major HRM functions in your answer.
Use at least 5 Trident Online Library sources, plus any applicable background readings to help strengthen your discussion.
The paper should be at least 5 pages (not counting the cover page, References section, and Appendix).





Employment at will, USERRA and IRCA

Student’s name

Instructor’s name


Date of submission

Employment at will, USERRA and IRCA

This paper examines selected employment laws – namely exceptions to employment at will, The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) – and how they impact the functions of human resources.

Employment at will and exceptions

In all states but Montana that protects employers who have completed a probationary period, employers can discharge their employees without cause or change the terms of employment as they deem fit (Nyceand Bodenner, 2016). Employees can also leave employment at their own discretion. This is known as employment at will. Terms of employment that can be changed when the employer has the right to exercise employment at will include reduction of salaries or wages, altering employee benefits, changing working hours and schedule or changing the job content and responsibilities. Indeed most companies state that they employ “at-will”.

However there are exceptions to employment at will that protect employees from being discharged or having their employment terms changed at the employer’s discretion. Exceptions to employment at will include federal and state laws, collective bargaining agreements through unions and associations, employment contracts in certain industries and organizations, implied contracts usually derived from employer handbook, public policy of most states, statutory protections against discrimination and covenant of good faith and fair dealing(Nyce and Bodenner, 2016).There is also recourse for employees who feel that their employers have treated them unjustly even in situations where the employer has the right to exercise employment at will. This recourse may be within the company itself or through the state and feder………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Exceptions to Employment at Will


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current place of employment, and imagine that you were appointed the project manager.


Think of a project that you have previously been a part of at a past or current place of employment, and imagine that you were appointed the project manager.

  • Describe the process you and your project team would follow for closing the project.
  • Develop a “Lesson Learned” document for your organization and for your project stakeholders. This document must include what went well, what went wrong, and suggestions for improvement in future projects.
  • Discuss how you would adjourn your team in a manner that would encourage them to want to work with you in future projects.

Your paper should consist of at least four pages utilizing APA formatting. Your textbook can be a source, but include a minimum of at least two additional sources that support your ideas, thoughts, and theories.

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Swedish employment practices across your global operations to create a High Performing Global Organization.

 Write a 1-page memo to your company’s top management, explaining the implementation process for transferring appropriate Swedish employment practices across your global operations to create a High Performing Global Organization. Be sure to explain why your suggested implementation process works. 

Must have references