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The council for the town of Scone (Upper Hunter Shire Council) has engaged the consultancy engineering company you are employed at (UoN Engineering

ENGG2500 Sustainable Engineering Practice
Energy Systems Project
1 Introduction
The council for the town of Scone (Upper Hunter Shire Council) has engaged the consultancy engineering company you are employed at (UoN Engineering) to identify the optimal energy mix to power consumer loads within their region. Your engineering team is required to write a technical report that addresses three main points:

  1. Identify energy sources in the region that can be exploited to meet the energy requirements of consumer loads;
  2. Select the energy sources, and energy storage technologies, which optimise the system;
  3. In determining the optimality of your solution, consider and quantify (to the best extent possible) the environmental, cultural, nancial and ethical impacts of your design.
    2 Background Information
    The following background information will help in nding the optimal energy mix for the town.
    The council has speci ed that the energy mix can be made up of the following energy sources/storage technologies:
    Fossil fuel red generators
    Solar PV or thermal solar
    Wind turbines
    Hydro turbines
    Electrochemical storage
    Pumped hydro storage
    The council has only recently been elected and has asked you to keep in mind that they promised during the previous election campaign that at least 50% of electric power would be generated from renewable sources in the newly designed power grid.
    The residents who own and farm land in and around Scone, and who are often a powerful political force in Upper Hunter Shire Council elections, are often highly aware of and concerned with any environmental impacts a ecting the region.
    The tax payers of Scone generally expect council infrastructure projects to provide a high quality service at a low nancial cost.
    The citizens of Scone typically have high expectations for the reliability of the energy supplied to their places of business and their households. Power outages will result in:
    Consumer inconvenience;
    Lost economic output;
    Increasing political pressure on the council.
    There exists a grid connection, over which large amounts of energy can be exchanged, between Scone and Muswellbrook. The nancial cost of importing energy from Muswellbrook, and the sale price for exporting energy to Muswellbrook, is determined in real time by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). If your design utilises this grid connection, past energy price charts are available online from AEMO for you to consider in your design. Assume the grid connection has an energy mix of 80% coal red power station, 10% hydro-electric power and 10% solar PV.
    The overall electricity consumption (44GWh per year) is assumed split into four elements, each with their own load pro le and social/political/economic penalties associated with outages.
    Residential (40%)
    Industrial (30%)
    Non-critical commercial (20%)
    Critical commercial (10%)
    Any available sites in the region in which a hydroelectric dam / pumped hydro storage could be located happen to be situated on indigenous land.
    3 Requirements
    3.1 Design
    When designing a solution, the following issues should be at least considered in your report:
    The nancial cost of your solution, including purchasing costs, maintenance costs and salvage costs/pro ts.
    The reliability of your solution i.e. is there any unmet load at any time during the year, if so how much and which loads does it a ect?
    The environmental cost of your solution, including the impact on climate change.
    The amount of land required for your solution.
    The appropriateness of your solution to the social, political and cultural environment in the town of Scone.
    The simulation package Homer Pro can be utilised to investigate the following:
    The instantaneous match / mismatch between load and generation in the system on a hour-to-hour basis;
    A nancial cost comparison of alternate energy mixes;
    Total carbon dioxide, unburnt hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide outputs … of alternate energy mixes.
    3.2 Report length
    The report should be no longer than 20 pages long and have no more than 5,000 words.
    3.3 Submission
    Only one report is to be submitted per group. There is a brief oral presentation with your tutors before you submit. The oral presentation is simply to explain in what each group member has contributed/will contribute to the project and their understanding of their contribution. This will be done in week 13 tutorial session time. Due to the covid restrictions, this will be done in breakout rooms through Zoom.
    It should be a ‘proper’ engineering report just as in Assignment 2. I need you to have these features:
    Title page which includes the authors names, student numbers, and date.
    The percentage contribution of the authors to the report and the parts of the report that they have contributed to, should be included on the title page.
    An executive summary/abstract this should be only a couple of paragraphs ideally and certainly no longer than 1 page. The executive summary should be a concise summary of what you have done and why.
    An introduction which sets the framework/context of the work.
    Some sections which contain your work. These will display your results and importantly your analysis of these results.
    A conclusion
    A bibliography
    Appendices as required for Matlab code etc.
    You must cite references for all things that are not widely known. You don’t need to cite F = ma but you should cite the source of something like solar irradiance data or load patterns. I don’t mind which referencing scheme you use but you must be consistent.
    You must use relative referencing. I.e. don’t say ‘the table below’. Say instead Table 1.
    Column A Column B Column C
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    Table 1: Table of Numbers
    4 Modelling
    The Homer Pro software contains built in models that predict the amount of energy output from solar PV and hydro turbines based on relevant resource input data. However, the council has provided encouragement for UoN engineering to deliver a working custom model for an energy source used in the energy mix. The custom model should be written in Matlab, and interface with Homer Pro. This is not a strict requirement of the project but would be highly regarded.
    5 Helpful Tips
  4. By modifying when energy sources and storage technologies are producing / storing energy, with respect to the price of electricity, irradiance and wind speed at that time etc, an optimal dispatch strategy can be formulated. The nancial and environmental cost can often be signi cantly improved if the dispatch strategy of the energy mix is considered. Homer Pro facilitates xed and customisable dispatch strategies.
  5. Many of the criteria for the project are not able to be assessed by Homer Pro. Some of these include:
    (a) Cultural e ects.
    (b) Visual pollution.
    (c) Construction e ects.
    (d) The environmental e ects of manufacture and disposal of components.
    (e) Repatriation of the land at the end of project lifetime end.
    These criteria should be considered using the other tools that you have been exposed to during the course. These obviously include life cycle analysis (LCA) and multicriteria decision analysis.
  6. Assume that the project lifetime is 50 years. Given that, you will need to make sensible assumptions regarding replacement costs. For example it’s predicted that the cost of battery storage will reduce by about 60% over the next 10 years with similar falls in solar PV. So if you assume that the replacement costs will be xed that could well get a poor estimate of the costs generation.
    Of course predictions are error prone. It’s always good to provide some level of con dence normally via references. Sensitivity analysis should be considered.
  7. The page and word limits are maxima. Good report writing is concise. You will be rewarded for well written concise reports. You will be penalised for poorly written verbose reports.
    6 Marking Rubric
    The marking rubric is shown in Tables 2 and 3





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How important is maintaining people’s right to privacy while engaged in traditional law enforcement activities?

write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

There has been a large amount of public debate regarding many of the provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act as they relate to civil liberties. Using the course materials, the library, and the Internet, research civil liberties and privacy as they relate to law enforcement activities (surveillance, investigation, and so on). Utilizing the information, please answer the following questions, and respond to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts on this topic as well. You are encouraged to return to this Discussion Board often, because this is a subject that many feel very strongly about. Regardless of your personal feelings one way or the other on these questions, please maintain a professional and cordial tone in your initial post, and more importantly, in your responses to your classmates.

  • How important is maintaining people’s right to privacy while engaged in traditional law enforcement activities? Provide support for your answer.
  • Should people compromise their civil liberties to improve the government’s chances in fighting crime? Provide support for your answer.
  • What civil liberties, if any, are you willing to give up to ensure a safer United States? Provide support for your answer.
  • Where should government draw the line on issues such as privacy and other individual freedoms? Provide support for your answer.
  • Are there any rights that are so sacred that they should never be infringed upon? If so, what are they? Provide support for your answer





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Paradise Products INC is a company that is engaged in the distribution of exotic Caribbean Cuisine of high quality to European markets

Paradise Products INC is a company that is engaged in the distribution of exotic Caribbean Cuisine of high quality to European markets. Quality and reliability are two critical success factors. Paradise Products has been using its website as it principal point of contact for its customers. Paradise Products INC recently won a substantial contract to supply a major chain in Europe, Marks and Spencers due to the growing popularity of Caribbean food among the population. To successfully fulfill this contract, Paradise Products INC is required pay greater attention to its productivity and quality standards to meet the price and response time requirements. You, as Marketing Manager, are expected to work closely with the Human Resource Managers of the four main suppliers to develop a reward system that will enable greater reliability with respect to response time and assure quality and compliance with HACCAP[1] requirements.

Outline the factors that Paradise Products INC must consider in the design of such a reward system to ensure its success, i.e., to ensure that the programme is beneficial to both the employees and the supplier company and

Develop a draft proposal for consideration by the Board and Management of each company. In your proposal you should indicate:

o Whether and why the Plan should be group based or individual based

o Whether incentive pay should fully replace traditional pay and the reasons for this recommendation

o The criteria by which performance will be judged and how will this be communicated and disseminated to staff and their supervisors

o The administration of the reward system, i.e. whether short or long term and whether the pay-outs should match the production cycle and the required delivery schedules

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Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors

A large, successful restaurant company with a portfolio of differentiated brands is about to launch a new restaurant concept in the U.S.A. called “Blossom.” This will be a full-service restaurant offering a predominantly plant-based menu which focuses on seasonal items using locally sourced, fresh produce wherever possible. The restaurant will be positioned by its values: clean eating, responsible sourcing, and community building.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic strategic management. Strategic Management Strategic Management Q1: Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors. This is evident when it paid millions of dollars to popular and successful sports icons such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Serena Williams to promote the sales of its products. The company focused on producing high quality shoes and other sports wear whose sales were promoted through “guerilla” marketing. This proactive approach resulted into increased 1998 revenues of $9.6 billion. Nike cements its business-level strategy with corporate strategy (diversification) to serve its customers better and increase its market share, thus higher revenue.

Focused differentiation: Nike also pursues focused differentiation strategy where it focuses on serving the sports segment by providing the best sports products than other players in the segment. Nike serves two major market segments: footwear and apparel market segments.

Q2: How Nike’s business level strategies changed the nature of industry competition

Nike utilized its competencies in design and marketing to penetrate new market segments. The company’s business-level strategies changed competition in the industry in that the company significantly reduced the threat of competition through acquisitions. The company resorted to purchasing other footwear companies that offered substitute products, for example, the company acquired Converse, Hurley International as well as Official Starter among others. Nike has made its products unique from those of competitors and relied on innovation for new product development. This has enabled the company to venture new markets. The company has used its competitive advantage over other competitors to stay on top of the market.


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A large, successful restaurant company with a portfolio of differentiated brands is about to launch a new restaurant concept in the U.S.A. called “Blossom.” This will be a full-service restaurant offering a predominantly plant-based menu which focuses on seasonal items using locally sourced, fresh produce wherever possible. The restaurant will be positioned by its values: clean eating, responsible sourcing, and community building.

You are to assume the role of marketing director for the new restaurant concept. You are required to produce a strategic marketing plan for Blossom. Your plan needs to contain the following elements:

1. Executive summary: what the brand is, how it will be positioned, who it will target, and the primary objectives (no more than two paragraphs)

2. Current market situation

a. Food trends (U.S.A.)

b. Full-service restaurants

c. Competition (direct/indirect)

d. Pricing

3. SWOT analysis (table format)

4. Objectives

a. Year 1

b. Year 2

5. Marketing strategy

a. Positioning (expand upon the value proposition in the opening paragraph above)

b. Targeting

c. Integrated marketing mix: four Ps (product, pricing, place, promotion)

6. Marketing controls: How will results be measured? How will marketing research be us


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Writers Solution

Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic strategic management. Strategic Management Strategic Management Q1: Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors. This is evident when it paid millions of dollars to popular and successful sports icons such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Serena Williams to promote the sales of its products. The company focused on producing high quality shoes and other sports wear whose sales were promoted through “guerilla” marketing. This proactive approach resulted into increased 1998 revenues of $9.6 billion. Nike cements its business-level strategy with corporate strategy (diversification) to serve its customers better and increase its market share, thus higher revenue.

Focused differentiation: Nike also pursues focused differentiation strategy where it focuses on serving the sports segment by providing the best sports products than other players in the segment. Nike serves two major market segments: footwear and apparel market segments.

Q2: How Nike’s business level strategies changed the nature of industry competition

Nike utilized its competencies in design and marketing to penetrate new market segments. The company’s business-level strategies changed competition in the industry in that the company significantly reduced the threat of competition through acquisitions. The company resorted to purchasing other footwear companies that offered substitute products, for example, the company acquired Converse, Hurley International as well as Official Starter among others. Nike has made its products unique from those of competitors and relied on innovation for new product development. This has enabled the company to venture new markets. The company has used its competitive advantage over other competitors to stay on top of the market.