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Capital essay writing experts

Academic writing that focuses on producing essays that are well-researched, well-written, and original is known as capital essay writing experts. Writing great essays that satisfy the criteria of numerous academic disciplines takes a high degree of competence in a subject that is quite competitive at

The numerous sorts of capital essay writing include argumentative, expository, descriptive, and narrative essays. Before beginning to write, it is crucial to grasp the distinct criteria of each sort of essay. Each type of essay calls for a particular strategy and structure.

Research is the foundation of the writing process for a capital essay. To learn more about the subject they are writing about, a writer needs do a lot of research. They may use this knowledge to bolster their arguments and provide proof for their assertions.

The next stage is to draft an essay outline. The outline gives the essay structure and aids in the writer’s thinking and concept organization. The essay’s framework must be well planned, and each part must have a defined purpose.

Since it establishes the tone for the whole essay, the opening is crucial. An effective beginning should draw the reader in and give them a general idea of the essay’s subject. The introduction should include the thesis statement, which should succinctly summarize the author’s position.

The essay’s body should be broken up into multiple paragraphs, each of which should concentrate on a different idea or claim. Each paragraph should begin with a subject sentence that expresses the section’s key idea in full. The author should back up their arguments with examples and supporting data.

The thesis statement should be restated and the essential arguments of the essay should be summarized in the conclusion. Instead of adding new material in the conclusion, the author should concentrate on giving a succinct review of the important ideas.

The style and citation of sources are also essential components of producing a good essay. Whether using APA, MLA, or Chicago formatting, the writer must make sure that the essay is structured correctly and adheres to the standards of the discipline. To prevent plagiarism, all references included in the essay must be correctly referenced.

Producing strong essays is an important part of academic writing. It requires in-depth study, appropriate planning, and succinct writing. An essay writer may create an essay that satisfies the standards of numerous academic fields by using the recommendations provided above.

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The dedication to fulfilling deadlines is yet another crucial component of Essay Capital. They are aware of how crucial it is to turn in academic papers on time, and they work hard to make sure their customers get their papers in a timely manner. Additionally, they provide 24/7 customer service to respond to any issues or queries that their consumers may have.
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We at are the Best Nursing Essay Writing Company with research writing help from PHD and Masters writers from all over the globe. For your nursing and healthcare writing needs, let our expert nursing writers craft the best paper fro you

Nursing and the related medical fields require a lot of dedication and time, to study, go for practicum and write many nursing papers. This is in addition to other personal duties that they must attend to. It therefore becomes really tough to complete the nursing training course without the help of the best nursing essay writing company who help in writing some of the nursing papers. Nursing is a career that helps save lives and help the lives of the sick become more bearable and less painful, that is why at the training stage, some help to nurses from the best nursing essay writing company is key. However, getting the best nursing essay writing company is a challenge, because most companies have not specialized in one field, which means that their writers do not have any nursing training background, hence their nursing papers will not meet the expectations and needs of a nursing student and this has lead us at to specialize in the nursing field. Other options that nursing students have, is seeking individual writers, but they also face the challenge of lack of enough time to search for and get competent nursing writers. There will also be time wastage looking for the best nursing writers and vetting them, and still not sure that they will perform a perfect nursing writing job. To be the best nursing essay writing company like ourselves, we have carefully selected and vetted the best nursing writers, who produce the best nursing papers that meet all the academic requirements. All our nursing writers are trained nurses or nurse trainers in their past life, which makes them the most competent and best writers to handle nursing papers and all other nursing assignments. In addition, for us to retain our position as the best nursing essay writing company, we subject all our nursing writers to rigorous tests, and keep retraining them on the best writing methods, to ensure that we remain at the top of all nursing writing companies.

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Writers Solution

You are required to engage in creative writing of a reflective essay consisting of an academic analysis of your own learning experiences through self-reflection

School of Management

— BUSM4551 CID/Innovation Management Assessment 3: Reflective piece

Assessment type: Essay Word limit: 1,000 (+/- 10%) The word count excludes the cover page, reference list, and any appendices that you may wish to include.

Weighting: 20%

Overview You are required to engage in creative writing of a reflective essay consisting of an academic analysis of your own learning experiences through self-reflection.

The purpose of writing a reflective essay is to provide you with a platform to not only recount a particular life experience, but to also explore how you have changed or learned from those experiences. Essays should be authored individually; all ideas and words should be your own.

Assessment criteria (100 marks equate to 20% of overall course assessment) This assessment will measure your ability to:

• Introduce the context, background, scope and purpose of your essay (10 marks)

• Provide a quality encounter of your learning (15 marks)

• Reflect at a level that reveals deep insights (20 marks)

• Evaluate the significance and impact of your learning (20 marks)

• Implicate the significance of your learning to your future career (15 marks)

• Draw a meaningful conclusion (10 marks)

• Professionally present your encounter (10 marks)

Learning outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes related to this assessment are:

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CLO1 Explain the relationship between creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and how it impacts business growth, sustainability and wealth creation

CLO2 Investigate factors that inhibit creativity in individuals and innovation within teams and organisations, and recommend strategies and tactics to encourage entrepreneurial behaviour

CLO3 Identify and critique organisational models of innovation management

CLO4 Work individually, and collaboratively with others in applying a range of tools that assist the creative front end of innovation that leads to problem solving

CLO5 Evaluate the characteristics that make innovative organisations successful and discuss how a business might emulate these traits

CLO6 Demonstrate learning through presentation and communication skills in a variety of business and professional contexts

The Program Learning Outcomes related to this assessment are:

PLO1 Explain their role as a local, national and global citizen and be able to apply these perspectives in business contexts.

PLO4 Reflect on and continuously progress their own professional development, enhancing their intellectual agility and adaptability as tools for success in ever-changing business contexts.

Assessment details

This assessment requires you to look back on your learning and experiences in this course and provide a personal reflection of what you learned from the course and how you have both used and will use this learning in the future. It allows you to take a bird’s eye view of the complete course and all the activities that you performed and derive meaning from the entire experience.

A reflection paper is a personal, sometimes anecdotal, or experiential reaction to a subject, but you may include citations as in any other paper. However, we are more interested to learn about your thoughts and experiences rather than those of other people, so keep citations to a minimum. If you refer to a work or use ideas from a work, then cite them in text and include a reference list at the end.

Note: Back up all copies of drafts and your final assignment on a separate device (USB or similar) in case it is required as evidence. Computer failure is not an allowable ground for an extension or Special Consideration.

Feedback mode: Feedback will be provided using the Rubric provided on Canvas.

Essay Format and Suggestions

• Your essay must include a cover page that contains the following information: BUSM4550 Innovation Management; Date; Assessment 3: Reflective Essay; Essay title; Full name and student number; Tutor name; Word count (count excludes cover page and reference list).

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• Your essay must be professionally presented using Ariel or Calibri 12-point font, justified. Provide descriptive titles for different sections of your essay. Your essay must include an introduction, body paragraphs (provide appropriate titles), and a conclusion.

• Your essay in its entirety should answer the following overarching question, clearly and specifically: how did the course experience broaden, deepen, or otherwise enrich your understanding of the discipline of innovation management, yourself, and/or the wider world?

• Use a first-person narrative of your experience, highlighting key moments in the learning process. Tell the story of what you did and how, providing specific examples (e.g., reference to theories, frameworks, or tools covered in the course) to illustrate how your perspective/understanding evolved over the course of the semester.

• Reflect on the significance of your experiences with respect to your professional and/or personal goals. How can you apply what you learned in the future? In what situations?

• List all scholarly and non-scholarly work you have used in the essay in a Reference List. The reference list is not included in the word count. References should be in RMIT Harvard style (or Harvard style if using End note). The list should be in alphabetical order by family name. The list should not be listed by numbers or bullet points.

• The essay is to be written primarily for your own personal consumption and growth, but since it is a summative assessment, it must be done in a way that your assessor will be able to judge the value of this exercise to you and the potential impact it will have on your future career.

• Towards the beginning of the course, you were asked to rate yourself on a variety of factors related to creativity and innovation skills and abilities. Now, after having completed this course, you have another opportunity to rate yourself again on the same factors and gauge whether you have made progress in each of the specified factors. You may use the insights gained from this activity in your personal reflection essay.

• Aim to provide an honest and sincere reflection that demonstrates depth of thought, not simply a superficial exercise to get the job done. Don’t be tempted to write things that you believe your assessor might want to hear as that will be obvious as being insincere.

• When writing your reflection, you should refrain from providing explanations of theory or providing definitions of concepts that were covered in this course. Rather, simply refer to these and reflect on the encounter and impact it had on you.

• It is required that you apply the principles of D.I.E.P. framework tion_accessible_2015.pdf in your reflection.

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The DIEP principles are:

In simple terms:

• Describe the topics and your journey; what you have learned (factual, objectively) • Interpret the net effect this experience has had on you – what insights emerged? • Evaluate your application of newfound knowledge (in your opinion, subjectively) • Plan how you will apply relevant model/theories etc. in your future work

Creativity Journal

To complete this assessment effectively, we recommend that you keep a ‘Creativity Journal’ starting from week 1 where you record at least once weekly instances in which you exercised creative problem solving in your life, university or while at work.

In doing so, remember to record the problem/task you faced, the creative solution you came up with to solve the problem/task and the process you went through to come up with the solution (e.g., engaged in divergent and convergent thinking, used design thinking, brainstormed ideas, etc.) and how your learning in the course helped you to come up with a creative solution. This journal will also help you to keep track of the development of your skills in creativity, innovation and design thinking and how you can further improve your creative problem-solving skills.

Please note that this journal will NOT be marked, but it will be an essential tool for you to reflect over the 12 weeks of semester.


• Assignments must be submitted through the CANVAS assessment submission system (Turnitin). Submitted assignments that do not have a similarity score will not be graded.

• Do NOT attempt to obtain a similarity score by first submitting it to TurnItIn via another course as this will result in you achieving a very high similarity score when you eventually submit your assignment for this course.

• Do NOT include the declaration form as part of your TurnItIn submission as that will incorrectly increase your similarity score.

• The Turnitin Similarity Percentage is an indicator of the similarity of your paper with other assignments. This link provides information on how to interpret the similarity report.

• Allow sufficient time for the TurnItIn system to reset before you make another attempt at obtaining a similarity score. Make sure you obtain your final similarity score well in advance of the assignment deadline in order to avoid a penalty for late submission.


Describe objectively what you have learned


Interpret the insight (in one or

more paragraphs)


Evaluate what you have learned (in one or more



Plan how this learning will be

applied in practice

Page 5 of 8

Referencing guidelines

Use RMIT Harvard RMIT Harvard referencing style for this assessment.

You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments.

Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing.

Submission format

Only submit Word documents in either .doc or .docx formats. Assignments submitted in pdf format will not be graded.

Academic integrity and plagiarism

Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.

You should take extreme care that you have:

• Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e., directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods

• Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.

RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.

Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:

• Failure to properly document a source

• Copyright material from the internet or databases

• Collusion between students

For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University web site University website.

Assessment declaration

When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration assessment declaration.

Do NOT submit this declaration via Canvas.

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HD D C PA NN DNS Introduction Introduces the topic in an interesting and appropriate manner. Defines the purpose, scope and structure of the essay. 10 marks

Excellent Introduction. Introduces the essay in an interesting way that clearly articulates the purpose, scope and structure of the essay.

Well written Introduction and well stated purpose, scope and structure of the essay.

Generally good Introduction of the topic and quite clearly stated purpose, scope and structure of the essay There is however, room for improvement.

Some Introduction of the topic and some statement of the purpose, scope and structure of the essay but not clearly expressed.

Inadequate Introduction provided. Has not clearly stated the purpose or the scope of the essay.

No Introduction provided.

D – Describe objectively what happened

Give the details of what happened. Answer the question: ‘What did I do, read, see, hear?’

15 marks

Outstanding description that succinctly summarises the semester’s encounters.

Very good description of the semester’s encounters.

Good description of the semester’s encounters but some important details are missing.

Poor description of the semester’s encounters; several gaps apparent.

Inadequate description of semester’s encounters.

No description provided.

I – Interpret the events

Explain your learning: new insights, connections with other learning and students, your feelings, hypotheses.

Degree of descriptive versus reflective.

Answer the questions: ‘What was the reason I did these activities?’ ‘What might it mean?’

In-depth reflection that leads to a very meaningful interpretation of how specific examples facilitated new perspectives, understanding and insights.

Good reflection that leads to a meaningful interpretation of how specific examples facilitated new perspectives, understanding and insights.

Average reflection that leads to an adequate interpretation of how specific examples facilitated new perspectives, understanding and insights.

Rather descriptive than reflective.

Poor reflection that leads to superficial interpretation of how examples facilitated new perspectives, understanding and insights.

Purely descriptive.

Very poor interpretation of events.

No interpretation offered.

Page 7 of 8

20 marks

E – Evaluate what you learned

Make judgments connected to observations you have made. Answer the question: ‘How was this useful? Explains how experience broadened, deepened, or enriched your learning on different levels.

20 marks

Outstanding evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

Very good evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

Good evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

Poor evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

Very poor evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

No evaluation of learning that took place, the perceived value, and the impact it has had.

P – Plan how this learning will be applied

Significance of learning to professional / personal goals.

Comment on its relevance to your course, program, future profession, life… Answer the question: ‘How might this learning apply in my future?’

15 marks

Highly significant contextualisation of learning to current situation and excellent future prospecting. Builds strongly on key reflections from DIEP structure.

Good contextualisation of learning to current situation and good future prospecting. Builds on key reflections from DIEP structure.

Average contextualisation of learning to current situation and average future prospecting. Builds on some reflections from DIEP structure.

Poor contextualisation of learning to current situation and poor future prospecting. Fails to build on reflections from DIEP structure.

Inadequate contextualisation of learning to current situation and future prospecting.

No contextualisation of learning to current situation and future prospecting.

Conclusion All aspects are drawn together in a brief concise summary. Consistent with discussion presented in the body of the essay. No new materials introduced here

Excellent conclusion that is written in a very concise, consistent manner. No new material is presented.

Very clear and concise conclusion. Consistent with the discussion provided in the Body.

Good conclusion that summarises the main issues clearly. Yet there is scope for improvement.

Satisfactory conclusion but could be done in a clearer and/or more concise manner.

Poor conclusion given or inadequate conclusion and summary of issues have been poorly discussed.

No conclusion provided.

Page 8 of 8

10 marks

Presentation of essay

Cover page contains all required information.

Quality of expression / language, paragraph construction, spelling, and proofreading (lacking in typos). Format and layout presented in professional manner.

Sources, if present, are cited appropriately.

10 marks

Cover page contains all required information.

Logical, compelling progression of ideas in essay; clear structure which moves the reader through the text. Excellent expression / language used with minimum spelling errors. Professionally presented in relation to the DIEP format and layout.

Cover page contains most of the required information.

Overall, the paper is logically developed. Progression of ideas in essay makes sense and moves the reader easily through the text. Well written and with good expression and very few spelling mistakes. Good use of paragraph constructs. Very well presented.

Cover page is missing some key information.

Progression of ideas in essay is awkward yet moves the reader through the text without too much confusion. Effective language. Mainly accurate spelling. Well presented.

Cover page is incomplete.

Arrangement of essay is unclear and illogical. The writing lacks a clear sense of direction. Ideas, details or events seem strung together in a loose or random fashion; there is no identifiable internal structure and readers have trouble following the writer’s line of thought. Adequate language but several errors in spelling. Format and layout are poor, can be presented more professionally.

No cover page.

Arrangement of essay is completely unclear and illogical. The writing lacks any sense of direction. Inappropriate/poor language. Substantial errors in spelling. Need to be proofread. Poor format and layout that do not meet professional expectations.




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on You are required to engage in creative writing of a reflective essay consisting of an academic analysis of your own learning experiences through self-reflection

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Descriptive Essay based on a scene from Beowulf

Descriptive Writing Portfolio

Write a Descriptive Essay based on a scene from Beowulf.
Choose a scene from Beowulf, and rewrite and expand it out (in your own words) with additional description to really pull in the reader.
Use the information from Writing with Power to determine the kind of descriptive details you should include and the organizational pattern you plan on following.
The essay should be between 2-3 pages long and be written in MLA style
Checklist: Does my essay have an organizational pattern?
Is it between 2-3 pages long?
Does it contain sensory words and vivid details?
Does it communicate a clear overall impression?
Does it have transitions that link sentences together effectively?
Does it grab the reader’s attention with a strong beginning and a strong conclusion?
Does it have correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation?
Is it in MLA format?




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Descriptive Essay based on a scene from Beowulf

NO PLAGIARISM, Get impressive Grades in Your Academic Work

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mind the social and industrial contexts of your chosen film while writing your essay

Film Analysis Paper: 8 pages in length. This paper will count for 30% of your grade. Late papers will be penalized 2/3 of a letter grade per day.


For this paper, choose one of the following five films and write an essay about how it represents issues related to this class: race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Your essay should consider intersectionality: how do these various “categories” of social identity relate to one another in your chosen film?

Also keep in mind the social and industrial contexts of your chosen film while writing your essay.  For example, is your film a Hollywood social problem film from the 1940s, or an independent film from the 1980s?  As such, you should consider questions of authorship, genre, and/or other aesthetic concerns.  Draw on your textbook and classroom experience to help situate your film; if you don’t know anything about it, you should do a little research ( is a quick reference site).   

These essays are thus analytical essays that place the given film text within some of its various contexts.  Your analysis will need to be organized around a thesis of your own devising, which might be something as simple as “Film X is a good example of [Film Type Y] because it embodies formal elements that represent diversity issues in [These] ways.”  

Close textual reading of you chosen film will produce a better paper.

Choose one of the following films to analyze:

1. ​Fried Green Tomatoes (1991, dir. Jon Avnet) 

2. ​Judas and the Black Messiah (2021, dir. Shaka King) 

3. ​Minari (2020, dir. Lee Isaac Chun) 

4. ​Three Billboard Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017, dir. Martin McDonagh) 

5. ​Hustlers (2019, dir. Lorene Scafaria) 

Papers will be uploaded to before or during Week 15, due date May 3.

Caveats and Helpful Hints

This assignment is NOT about summarizing the story, NOR is it about describing the film in a shot by shot manner.  You should assume your reader is familiar with the film in question and any story synopsis should brief.


*​Make sure you have seen the film you are going to write about.  Consider watching it twice and taking notes on its form and style.

*​Make sure you understand the assignment. If you have any questions or doubts, contact the teaching assistants or the professor. 

*​You may want to prepare an outline before you start to write. 


*​Use one-inch margins on all sides of each page.  DOUBLE SPACE your lines.

*​Underline, italicize or CAPITALIZE the titles of the films you discuss. Do not place them in quotation marks. Note that underlining the titles is the preferred method since it allows you to use italics for emphasis. 

*​Number the pages in the top right corner, and place your last name on the word file.

*​An original title is not an absolute requirement. However, try to provide one if you can.

*​Put your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date on the title page. 


*​Do not use regionalisms, slang, or colloquial language (“kind of,” “sort of,” “like,” etc.)  

*​Structure your sentences clearly and precisely. Any claim you make has to be supported with convincing evidence.

*​If a sentence becomes too long, split it into two before it gets out of control. 

*​Avoid sentence fragments.  Every sentence needs a subject and a verb.

*​Do not overuse pronouns (he, she, they, etc.). When you do use pronouns, make sure it is clear to what or whom they refer. 

*​Avoid repetition.  Don’t make the same point over and over. 

*​Avoid contracted forms (use “it is” not “it’s,” “they are” not “they’re,” etc.).


*​Make sure your opening paragraph contains a specific and precisely formulated thesis that anticipates the main points of the argument of the essay.

*​Your paragraphs should reflect a logical development of the thesis.

*​Make sure your argument flows smoothly, with clear transitions between paragraphs and sentences. 

*​Support general observations with concrete examples.


*​We are not interested in your personal opinions about the quality of the film you are analyzing.  Whether you enjoyed the film or not is irrelevant to the assignment. Try to be as objective as possible. 




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on mind the social and industrial contexts of your chosen film while writing your essay

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Essay Topic for CORE 1020 Ethics

Ethics essay.
Full description can be found on the ‘Essay Topic for CORE 1020 Ethics’ Attachment.

  • Task: Use one moral theory (utilitarianism/deontology/virtual ethics) to support the position and defend it against the alternative position. Must make reference to the principle ethical theory in framing the arguments for and against.
  • Topic: Given that all children have an equal interest in being educated, any education system that creates educational inequity is morally wrong
  • 1500 words
  • APA 7 Referencing
  • Structure: See attached structural guide for formatting
  • 3 – 5 references required – must use provided sources on the Essay Topic attachment (links are provided) and can use up to 2 extras


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class

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Coursework is more than just homework. It counts towards the final examination marks, and the percentage depending on the subject taken and individual examination boards. It has many forms – from creative work in art or design, to statistical work perhaps in science and psychology. It can include essays, reviews, and all sorts of things. Most students are taking several subjects and too often all the coursework in these various topic areas seems to be due at the same time. It can get to the point where you have to consider which piece of work should take priority. Choosing one work over another can, in most cases, be detrimental to your education and grading. This is when you may want to consider professional help from experts. We can do this in any way you wish! We offer flexibility to do parts of the work as needed over time or all at once.

Writers Solution

dental hygiene application essay

it’s a dental hygiene application essay that is asking for the reasons why do I want to become a hygienist and why am I choosing the UNMC college (University of Nebraska Medical Center). one of the reasons I want to become a hygienist is that I want to educate people how to take care of their teeth. That every day I know I’m making a positive impact on the world one person at a time and put a beautiful smile on their faces for a lifetime.

GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







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an argumentative essay that examines engagement between Western scientific and Indigenous knowledge systems

Scholarly pursuits have been described as standing on the shoulders of giants’. Critical to the process is being able Io find, understand, appropriately use and acknowledge the work conducted by those giants’ Over centuries scholars have verified reliability of the work of each other prior Io pubfccabon, m a process caied ‘peer-review’ Consequently, a growing body of reliable evidence allows us to develop our own ideas and provide our own contributions in our chosen fields
Our assessment task is desgruxl Io start you on the track of mastering the art of evidence based scientific wntmg. This takes tune to develop and ts something that we continue to work on throughout our professional careers Your Portfolio Tasks for this unit are scaffolded so that the final Argument assessment is as high quality as possible Please use this experience, and your feedback from . to grow your writing skills m future units
Task Description
Research and write an argumentative essay that examines engagement between Western scientific and Indigenous knowledge systems, by demonstrating how Indigenous knowledge precedes, contributes to. collaborates with, or complements STEM (Science, Technology. Engineering or Maths) to address a Global Challenge
fvMien one of the global challenges below and focus your argument on a case study from a specific geographical region
global Challenges
Food security; nutrition: sustainable agnculture: biodiversity. species extinction, conservation: climate impacts, waler management: drought; land management, manne protection I resources: natural hazards wildfires, new medxanes mental health; public health sustainable development: suppoctng remote communities; sustanabie technologies. STEM education I communication
a) Construct a piece of evidence-based academic wnting (a scientific argument) that fully supports a thesis statement,
b) within a word limit of 1000 • 1500 words (excluding references),
c) using relevant evidence, with appropriate paraphrasing, to support and refute your argument.
d) using a minimum of 10 references, that are correctly referenced (in-text and end-of-text; APA 60*, justify the use of each reference with a short comment under each reference).
e) Self-evaluate your work using the marking rubric provided

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  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals an argumentative essay that examines engagement between Western scientific and Indigenous knowledge systems

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A Typical Day as a Medical Coder and Biller Essay

As a medical coder you will be responsible for reviewing patient documentation for encounters that has been added to an Electronic Health Record by a provider. You will ensure the accuracy and integrity of the codes that are used. Additionally, you will review each medical record for compliance purposes and report issues that may be apparent. When there is a question, you will ask or query your provider to confirm that the medical record supports the code selection. It really begins with the medical coder as they are the gatekeepers or coding accuracy and compliance.

*Explore aspects of a coding position.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

·         Describe what you feel a day may be like once you become a coder

·         What do you think will be most challenging?

·         Summarize why it is essential to collaborate with clinical staff (MDs/APRNs) to resolve coding questions/discrepancies

·         Provide an example of a time when it may be necessary to query a physician.

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely Delivery- believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Confidential- It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals.  A Typical Day as a Medical Coder and Biller Essay

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