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Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice

Assignment on Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice: Views on justice impact many areas of criminal justice, including the concepts of fairness, equality, and impartiality, and influence the ethical standards you apply in various situations in the field. Your views on justice and how you act in situations will affect the opinions others have of you in the communities you serve. Views on justice also impact actions taken and decisions made that affect the wider population.

Assume you have been selected as one of three potential candidates for a new position in your local criminal court. The presiding judge wants to understand your views on substantive justice.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word brief describing the origins of the concept of justice and how you believe they are defined today. Complete the following in your brief:

-Explain Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice.

-Compare substantive justice and procedural justice, including how procedural justice impacts wrongful convictions and moral perceptions of racial discrimination, such as the Central Park Five and the story of Brian Banks, a former football star.

-Explain how you understand justice as defined by today’s modern criminal justice agencies. Include reasoning and examples in your explanation to support your opinion




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Importance of ethical research practices

Refer to the resources in the Reading Assignment and the instructions in the template and complete the following sections of your Applied Research Proposal:

                                                              Ethical Considerations

Start this section by explaining the importance of ethical research practices.

                                                  Considerations During Intervention

Explain how the literature you reviewed leads you to believe what you are doing is an appropriate intervention. BE SURE to back up your writing with the APA formatting of research you have reviewed. This is a MUST in this area.  

                                               Considerations During Data Collection

Explain your planned measures to ensure you are protecting the study participants and doing no harm. Just briefly tell me how you plan on ensuring your participants are kept “safe” during your data gathering procedures.

                                                    Considerations of Researcher Bias

Explain your planned measures to ensure the study yields unbiased results. How will you ensure that your results, data gathering, and overall involvement with the participants will not be bias?


Summarize the methodology section.

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor. Your paper will be assessed on how well the above areas have been covered.  In addition, the below aspects will also be assessed:

  • Page Requirement: The assignment should be a minimum of two pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.

      Reading Assignment

1. Belmont Report. (n.d.). 

  • This is a complete list of all ethical concerns discussed when conducting research.

2. Everheart. J. (2004) A study of kindergarten and first-grade special education students’ recall of color words. Download the PDF.

  • The above is a complete Master’s thesis that you will be reviewing in your PLC




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Analyze ethical dilemmas in the health care environment.  


In a three-page reflection paper, respond to the below questions based on the following course objectives:

Course Objectives:

Analyze ethical dilemmas in the health care environment.  

Assess the sources of health care laws and regulations.  

Explain the features of federal assistance programs.  

Examine the rights of stakeholders in the health care system.  

Analyze the characteristics of negligence in the health care environment.  

Explain regulations regarding safeguarding of health information management.

Answer the following two questions with examples and explanations.

Discuss how the course supported each of the six objectives above.

Explain how you could apply the information presented in the course as a health care management professional.

Reflect on this course, and answer the following two questions:

What was the most valuable thing you learned, and why?  

What did you find most challenging, and how will you strengthen those areas as a health care management professional?

Citations, references, and APA format are required. Use the CSU Online Library as one of your references to support one or more of your responses. APA formatting with at least three references are required

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Apple’s philosophy and organizational culture have impacted how they handle ethical decisions

1. Summarize Case study 11 into 5 paragraphs; and respond to all 3 questions on page 494: [around 150 words for each question answer]    

1) Explain how Apple’s philosophy and organizational culture have impacted how they handle ethical decisions.
2) Why is Apple’s industry so competitive and how could this affect the ethical risks in Apple’s operations?
3) How do you think Apple has handled the various ethical issues that they have faced in the past?

2. Summarize in a paragraph & Write your thoughts after reading ‘Block Party’ pg 320 [the thoughts needs to be one paragraph, more than 150 words] (regarding corporate social responsibility technology issues)

Writers Solution

Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity

Discussion response


Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity. The incorporation of a HCO handbook detailing the organization’s policies, procedures and compliance to the Joint Commission, encourages compliance and responsibility to all employees. As stated by the The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services’ [t]he purpose of compliance policies and procedures is to establish brightline rules that help employees carry out their job functions in a manner that ensures compliance with Federal health care program requirements and furthers the mission and objective of the hospital itself.” (National Law Review, 2018). The handbook should include topics such as Confidentiality, Fraud, data privacy, organizational safety and professional culture (workplace conduct and employment practices). These policy and procedures are part of the Joint Commision standards and expectations to help HCO provide safe, high quality care.

Handbooks have specific and direct procedure manuals on how a HCO is conduct itself and the policies in which it inforces. The prevention of legal violations is key in protecting patients personal information and the employees themselves. The confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in regards to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), is at foremost a priority for any HCO. Disclosing or falsifying PHI can result is large monetary fines which are huge losses for HCO. Stating who has access and the specifics of what they have access to should be discussed in the handbook. Especially when all employees are not privy to all PHI.  Similarly, The Joint Commision requires its own employees to oblige “In accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards, Joint Commission Personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of The Joint Commission’s intellectual property, employee and financial information, and any confidential proprietary or otherwise sensitive information received from or about health care organizations, including protected personal information.” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Incorporating policies for fraudulent behavior such a submitting false billing claims to Medicare of Medicaid would help prevent against any legal action in the False Claim Act. This would also include what to do if fraudulent behavior is detected. Also include is the reporting avenues and employee protection in the event of a whistleblower.

Policy and procedural handbooks work in all HCO, specifically any organization that participates in federally funded payment programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE. This includes hospitals, long term care, hospice, military and physicians practicing in the private sector. 

This serves as a “best practice” for any HCO that promotes a culture of compliance and responsibility to the patients, employees and itself. By providing the handbook on policies and procedures to all employees, it holds each individual accountable. Each employee should be required to sign acknowledging they will follow all guidelines. Incorporation of handbooks makes it clear how each individual’s plays a part “in the organization’s efforts to prevent, detect, respond to, and report violations of laws, government regulations, and ethical rules.” (National Law Review, 2022).

This best practice is beneficial to not only healthcare organizations but any company/organization that deals with protected personal information(names, social security numbers, drivers license) such as banks and credit card companies

National Law Review. ( 2022, June 8). Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program.

The Joint Commission, (n.d.). The Joint Commission Code of Conduct Manual.

Discussion response 2


Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity. The incorporation of a HCO handbook detailing the organization’s policies, procedures and compliance to the Joint Commission, encourages compliance and responsibility to all employees. As stated by the The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services’ [t]he purpose of compliance policies and procedures is to establish brightline rules that help employees carry out their job functions in a manner that ensures compliance with Federal health care program requirements and furthers the mission and objective of the hospital itself.” (National Law Review, 2018). The handbook should include topics such as Confidentiality, Fraud, data privacy, organizational safety and professional culture (workplace conduct and employment practices). These policy and procedures are part of the Joint Commision standards and expectations to help HCO provide safe, high quality care.

Handbooks have specific and direct procedure manuals on how a HCO is conduct itself and the policies in which it inforces. The prevention of legal violations is key in protecting patients personal information and the employees themselves. The confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in regards to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), is at foremost a priority for any HCO. Disclosing or falsifying PHI can result is large monetary fines which are huge losses for HCO. Stating who has access and the specifics of what they have access to should be discussed in the handbook. Especially when all employees are not privy to all PHI.  Similarly, The Joint Commision requires its own employees to oblige “In accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards, Joint Commission Personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of The Joint Commission’s intellectual property, employee and financial information, and any confidential proprietary or otherwise sensitive information received from or about health care organizations, including protected personal information.” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Incorporating policies for fraudulent behavior such a submitting false billing claims to Medicare of Medicaid would help prevent against any legal action in the False Claim Act. This would also include what to do if fraudulent behavior is detected. Also include is the reporting avenues and employee protection in the event of a whistleblower.

Policy and procedural handbooks work in all HCO, specifically any organization that participates in federally funded payment programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE. This includes hospitals, long term care, hospice, military and physicians practicing in the private sector. 

This serves as a “best practice” for any HCO that promotes a culture of compliance and responsibility to the patients, employees and itself. By providing the handbook on policies and procedures to all employees, it holds each individual accountable. Each employee should be required to sign acknowledging they will follow all guidelines. Incorporation of handbooks makes it clear how each individual’s plays a part “in the organization’s efforts to prevent, detect, respond to, and report violations of laws, government regulations, and ethical rules.” (National Law Review, 2022).

This best practice is beneficial to not only healthcare organizations but any company/organization that deals with protected personal information(names, social security numbers, drivers license) such as banks and credit card companies

National Law Review. ( 2022, June 8). Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program.

The Joint Commission, (n.d.). The Joint Commission Code of Conduct Manual.

 Discussion 3

Response 1 paragraph

Thanks for the post. Is it unethical for someone not to get required immunizations? Explain


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Ethical issue is abortion

Create an 8-10 slide PPT, or some other presentation, that accomplishes the following:

  1. Your ethical issue is abortion
  2. Present research on the situation being sure to clearly discuss both sides, as much as possible. Some conundrums will have much more weight on one side than the other such as climate change.

Reiterate the primary theories contained in your moral compass (The Virtue Lens, The Care Ethic Lens and The Utilitarian Lens) and then explain the position on this issue your compass promotes. This link will have the definition of each of the lens-

*Only discuss the moral compasses mentioned

Include a proper references/works cited slide (APA or MLA).

For example, say you want to address gender-neutral bathrooms in public buildings. First, present some research from sources promoting that they should exist and from sources promoting they should not. Then reiterate the components of your moral compass as stated in the week three paper. Note, your compass may have evolved and if so, work in the new components. Finally, state your position clearly (they should exist) and how your compass justifies that position.

Keep in mind these best practices, please: 

·                     Proper PPTs have bullets on the slide that are explained in the notes section (see video on how to do this if you do not know how). 

·                     If you intend to narrate the presentation, be sure to include the transcript in the notes section (see PPT on how to insert audio if you do not know and want to give that a shot). 

·                     If, for any reason you are unable to access the notes section, put the transcript/notes in a MS Word document in a numbered list with the numbers matching the slide.

·                     Keep the viewer in mind (teacher). While you might work hard on a 20-minute presentation, few faculty members have the time to watch or listen to it.

·                     Just like papers, clear citations must appear on the slide or in the notes to justify listing a resource as a reference


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Describe the ethical or moral dilemma the person faced and the other actors involved.

Make Case study presentation (Connect those bible leader and my paper leader)

  1. Select a person from the Bible. The person selected may be one who lived in either Old Testament times or New Testament times.
  • The person may be someone who was a formal leader or someone who was not a leader in the formal sense, but exercised leadership attributes/principles and actions. Describe who this person is and two to three leadership traits exhibited by the leader.
  • Zero in on one situation in which the person was faced with an ethical or moral dilemma. Describe the situation and the other actors involved.
  • Critically describe how the person responded to the situation. In your description, explain how the person exhibited leadership attributes and principles.  Explain how the person exhibited authority, responsibility, and accountability.

 2. Your second leader will be the leader you chose for your critical analysis research paper. ( Here is my paper link

  • Describe who this person is.
  • Describe the ethical or moral dilemma the person faced and the other actors involved.
  • Critically describe how the person responded to the situation. In your description, explain how the person exhibited leadership attributes and principles.  Explain how the person exhibited authority, responsibility, and accountability.
  • Compare and contrast each person’s response and actions.
  • Analyze how each person responded to the situation in terms of authority, responsibility and accountability.
  • Analyze how each person responded to their situation in terms of ethics and morals.
  • Analyze how each person exercised leadership traits in the situation.
  • Provide relevant lessons for your audience. What lessons can be applied to your leadership development?


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  • Describe the ethical or moral dilemma the person faced and the other actors involved.
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    • What were the ethical issues which needed to be considered in conducting this study?

    Template for Critique of Quantitative Research Article
    Journal and Authors
    Was the paper published in a peer reviewed journal?
    What is the background of the authors?
    Did they have the appropriate expertise to conduct such a study?
    Could this have predisposed to a bias of any kind? If so was this recognised?
    Appropriateness, clarity and representativeness.
    Research Question
    Did the author make the research question clear?
    Did the abstract summarise the background, methods, results and conclusion of the study?
    Literature review. Has the literature review been comprehensive? You may need to conduct a quick literature search to evaluate this.
    Did the author justify the need for the research i.e. did the paper add to the existing knowledge by filling an identified gap?
    Have they fulfilled the purpose of a literature review?
    Methods. Were the methods appropriate to answer the research question? In particular the:
    • study setting,
    • recruitment, selection sample size and randomisation;
    • inclusion/exclusion criteria;
    • data collection techniques,
    data collection tool development;

    • issues relating to bias e.g. reliability and validity?
    • any assumptions stated
    Ethical considerations
    • What were the ethical issues which needed to be considered in conducting this study?
    • How were the ethical issues addressed?

    • Were the appropriate statistics used to analyse results?
    • Were the results presented appropriately and in logical sequence using text, tables, figures etc.?
    Did the author’s conclusions align with the results?
    Were the study limitations acknowledged?
    Were the implications for practice identified?
    Were suggestions given for future research?
    What are the implications of this article for your practice and / or practice setting?


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    Research of ethical, economical and legal issues relative to the practice in relation to health promotion protocol/practice

    The purpose of this assignment is to complete a review of a screening tool utilized by nurse practitioners in maintaining individual, family, or community health.

    Your presentation should:

    1. Identify and select a screening tool 
    2. Research of ethical, economical and legal issues relative to the practice in relation to health promotion protocol/practice. 
    3. Provide recommendations.

    Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work


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    Cost Accounting and Ethical Dilemmas

    FAITH INTEGRATION PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS In order to begin this assignment, you should reflect on the following topics covered in the course:  Cost Accounting and Ethical Dilemmas Cost Analysis and Estimation Product, Services, and Job Costing Process and Activity Based Costing Cost Management and Allocation Management Control Systems, Planning and Budgeting Business Unit Measurement and Transfer Pricing Variance Analysis and Capital Investment DecisionsYou are required to prepare a minimum 1,000 word essay describing how the Bible is related to the topics covered in the course. In addition, you should include at least four scholarly sources, including the textbook, to substantiate your positions. You must cover all the key components of the course topics, clearly state and support all major points, ensure thoughtful analysis to consider all assumptions, implications, and comparisons, and have a clear, logical flow to your paper. Ensure you utilize scriptural support, in addition, to your scholarly sources throughout your paper to bring clarity to issues relating to biblical principles and experiences. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


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