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Once you have a Practicum Project topic and objectives, you need to determine how you will execute the project. Breaking it down further, you should decide the  who, what, how, where, and  when associated with each of your Practicum Project objectives. For example, who will make what change, by how much, where, and by when? This methodology will guide the implementation of your project at the practicum site. 

But how will you know whether you have met your objectives? How will you know the impact of your project? Formative evaluation, while the project is in progress, and summative evaluation, at the conclusion of the project, offer different types of feedback and information at different points. Thus, evaluation can offer helpful insight into objective achievement.

Post a description of your proposed Practicum Project. Identify a project methodology that is appropriate for your project and explain why it will be valuable to use. Then select the model you will use during your project and explain why it is appropriate for your project. Next, summarize two theories that relate to your Practicum Project and evaluate their application to your experience.

Explain how you will evaluate your Practicum Project. Specifically, describe a formative evaluation plan and a summative evaluation plan you will use. Detail what the evaluations will measure and what information you can gain from the evaluations. Then, describe any potential ethical issues that may occur as you complete your Practicum Project. Explain how you will avoid or address these issues.


Required Readings

· Jasper, M., Rosser, M., & Mooney, G. P. (2013).  Professional development, reflection, and decision-making in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley and Sons.

· Chapter 4, “Decision-Making in Professional Practice” (pp. 109–135) 

· Office of the National Coordinator. (2017).  Implementing health IT Links to an external site. .

· Document:  Practicum Project Plan Overview Download Practicum Project Plan Overview (Word document)

Technology Acceptance Model

· Kowitlawakul, Y. (2011).  The Technology Acceptance Model: Predicting nurses’ intention to use telemedicine technology (eICU) Links to an external site. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 29(7), 411–418.

· Pai, F.-Y., & Huang, K. (2011).  Applying the Technology Acceptance Model to the introduction of healthcare information systems Links to an external site. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(4), 650–660.

· Rippen, H. E., Pan, E. C., Russell, C., Byrne, C. M., & Swift, E. K. (2012).   Organizational framework for health information technology. Links to an external site.  International Journal of Medical Informatics, 82(4), e1–e13.

Diffusion of Innovation

· Barnett, J., Vasileiou, K., Djemil, F., Brooks, L., & Young, T. (2011).  Understanding innovators’ experiences of barriers and facilitators in implementation and diffusion of healthcare service innovations: A qualitative study. Links to an external site. BMC Health Services Research, 11, 342.

· Kaissi, A. (2012).  “Learning” from other industries: Lessons and challenges for health care organizations Links to an external site. Health Care Manager, 31(1), 65–74.

Sociotechnical Theory

· Ancker, J. S., Kern, L. M., Abramson, E., & Kaushal, R. (2012).  The Triangle Model for evaluating the effect of health information technology on healthcare quality and safety Links to an external site. Journal of American Medical Informatics Associations, 19(1), 61–65.

· Currie, L., Sheehan, B., Graham, P., Stetson, P., Cato, K., & Wilcox, A. (2009).  Sociotechnical analysis of a neonatal ICU Links to an external site. Studies In Health Technology and Informatics, (146), 258-262.

· Booth, R. G., Sinclair, B., Brennan, L., & Strudwick, G. (2017).  Developing and implementing a simulated electronic medication administration record for undergraduate nursing education using sociotechnical systems theory to inform practice and curricula. Links to an external site. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing, 35(3), 131–139.

· Kaplan, B. (2016).  Evaluation of people, social, and organizational issues—sociotechnical ethnographic evaluation. Links to an external site. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics, 222, 114–124.

· McBride, D. (2018).  Evaluation Links to an external site. . In B. B. Frey (Ed.),  The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (p. 624). SAGE.

· Christ, T. J., & Kember, J. (2018).  Formative evaluation Links to an external site. . In B. B. Frey (Ed.),  The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (pp. 697–699). SAGE.

· Plotner, A. J. (2018).  Summative evaluation Links to an external site. . In B. B. Frey (Ed.),  The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (pp. 1636–1637). SAGE.

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An evaluation of the policy or program’s impact on families at risk, including any unintended consequences or benefits

Critical Analysis of Government Policy or Program
Choose a government response (State or Federal) that is aimed at supporting families at risk, such as a policy or program, and address the
following in your report:
!. An overview of the policy or program including its goals and objectives, target population, and implementation strategies.
“. A critical analysis of the effectiveness of the policy or program including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT


$. Recommendations for how the policy or program could be improved to better support families at risk
Your responses should incorporate reference to current literature and relevant theory (minimum five academic references) and
adhere to APA7 referencing style

Assessment 2 Rubric
Criteria Performance Standards
High Distinction
An overview of the policy
or program including its
goals and objectives,
target population, and
The overview of the
policy/program is
absent or unclear,
and/or irrelevant to the
The overview of the
policy/program is basic
or limited in scope;
lacks clarity, detail or
coherence, and/or the
information provided is
incomplete or contains
Minimal integration of
The overview of the
policy/program is well-
structured, clear and
concise, and provides
a good understanding
of the goals,
objectives, target
population, and
strategies. Well-
supported by literature.
The overview of the
policy/program is
highly detailed,
comprehensive and
demonstrating a deep
understanding of the
goals, objectives,
target population, and
strategies. Strong
integration of literature
evidence of critical
analysis and
The overview of the
policy/program is
outstanding insight
and analysis of the
goals, objectives,
target population, and
strategies. The
overview is rigorous
and thoughtful and
integration of literature.
A critical analysis of the
effectiveness of the policy
or program including its
Limited or no
identification of the
policy/ program’s
Identification of some
of the policy/program’s
opportunities, and
Identification of most
of the policy/
program’s strengths,
opportunities, and
identification of the
A comprehensive and
insightful identification
of the policy/
program’s strengths,
23/7/23, 1:19 pmSubject guide
Page 2 of 3
strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats
(SWOT analysis).
opportunities, and
threats; limited or no
discussion of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program;
limited or no use of
relevant literature to
support the analysis.
threats; some
discussion of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program; use
of some relevant
literature to support
the analysis
threats; a critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a well-supported
argument; use of
relevant literature to
support the analysis.
opportunities, and
threats; a well-
developed critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a convincing argument
supported by relevant
opportunities, and
threats, with an
original perspective; a
well-developed and
sophisticated critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a compelling argument
supported by a
breadth of relevant
An evaluation of the policy
or program’s impact on
families at risk, including
any unintended
consequences or benefits
No evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk; evaluation lacks
critical analysis and is
not supported by
Basic evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk, but lacks critical
analysis; minimal
integration of literature
Clear evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk with some critical
evidence provided to
support the analysis
with appropriate
integration of literature
Detailed and thorough
evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk with critical
analysis; strong
evidence provided to
support the analysis,
including strong
integration of literature
Exceptional evaluation
of the policy/program’s
impact on families at
risk with
comprehensive and
insightful critical
analysis; robust
evidence provided to
support the analysis,
including sophisticated
integration of literature
Recommendations for how
the policy or program
could be improved to
better support families at
No recommendations
provided or
recommendations are
not relevant to the
recommendations lack
specificity or are not
Recommendations are
provided but lack detail
or specificity.
recommendations are
feasible but do not
address all major
weaknesses identified
in the analysis.
recommendations are
not supported by
evidence or analysis.
Recommendations are
specific, feasible, and
supported by evidence
or analysis.
address most of the
major weaknesses
identified in the
consider the needs
and perspectives of
families at risk and
other stakeholders.
Recommendations are
highly specific,
innovative, and
address all major
weaknesses identified
in the analysis and
provide a clear
rationale for why they
will be effective.
Recommendations are
supported by a strong
evidence base and
consider the potential
consequences of
Recommendations are
highly specific,
innovative, and
Recommendations are
supported by a
comprehensive and
rigorous analysis of
the policy or program
and its impact on
families at risk.
Recommendations are
likely to result in
improvements in the
policy or program and
its outcomes for
families at risk.
Fluent academic writing
with correct spelling,
grammar and punctuation
Numerous errors in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation that
Basic proficiency in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation; some
errors in sentence
structure and clarity,
but meaning is
generally clear;
Good proficiency in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation with few
errors; clear and
concise sentence
structure that is easy
to follow; demonstrates
Very good proficiency
in spelling, grammar,
and punctuation with
no errors;
Exceptional proficiency
in spelling, grammar,
and punctuation with
no errors; outstanding
sentence structure
23/7/23, 1:19 pmSubject guide
Page 3 of 3
poor sentence
structure and lack of
clarity in expression;
use of inappropriate
language and tone for
academic writing
appropriate language
and tone for academic
an understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone
excellent sentence
structure and clarity
that is engaging and
easy to follow;
demonstrates a strong
understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone
and clarity that is
engaging and
demonstrates a deep
understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone,
and applies this
knowledge to create a
highly effective piece
of writing
Use of current literature
and relevant theory
(minimum five academic
references) referenced in
accordance with the APA
referencing style
No references provided
or references are not
relevant to the topic;
absence of, or
incorrect use of, APA
referencing style
References provided
but are not all current
or not all relevant to
the topic.
APA referencing style
used with minor errors
or inconsistencies
At least five current
and relevant
references provided
and integrated well into
the essay.
APA referencing style
used accurately and
More than five current
and relevant
references provided
and used effectively to
support arguments
throughout the essay.
APA referencing style
used expertly and
More than five current
and highly relevant
references provided
and used expertly to
support arguments
and insights
throughout the essay.
APA referencing style
used impeccably and
demonstrating expert-
level skill and

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Create a Policy Evaluation Tool

Part 1: Create a Policy Evaluation Tool

For this task, create a tool (i.e., an evaluation rubric, matrix or comprehensive checklist) that can help assess an IT policy. The tool should have an appropriate number of criteria and a scale on which to evaluate each criterion. Then, prepare a report that contains the following elements:

• Title of the Policy • Objective of the Policy • Expected improvements or controls to be mitigated by the Policy • Policy Contents • Stakeholders and users that need to observe the policy • Evaluators and Approvers of the Policy • Distribution and Communication • User Awareness Sessions • Revisions History

Part 2: Evaluate an Organization’s IT Policy

Conduct research on an organization of your choice. You can use government or academic portals whose policies are available online. Using the tool that you created in part 1 of this assignment, research and evaluate the organization’s IT policy.

Then, create a report in which you summarize the following:

1. Provide a description of the organization that you chose, along with the web address for the IT policy.

2. Describe the IT policy at a high level. 3. Present a chart depicting each criterion with its description and a

scale showing the requirements for each level in the scale of the evaluation tool (in an appendix).

4. Create a narrative to explain the rationale for the criteria and rating scale.

5. Use your tool to evaluate the IT policy and provide strengths and weaknesses.

6. Provide three recommendations to improve the IT policy.

7. Explain how this organization uses IT policy strategically.

Length: 4-5 pages, not including title page and references page or appendix

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

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MPA Public Program Evaluation

The assignment is for MPA Public Program Evaluation class.
The Midterm Evaluation Critique requires you to locate an existing evaluation report of a specific program or policy that is of interest to you and then critique it according to the specific criteria in the assignment requirements. There are hundreds of evaluation reports published online; a simple search including “evaluation report” and your topic and/or location of interest should be sufficient to find options; you may also want to narrow your search to a specific program that you already have in mind (please do not choose the program your group has selected Pell Grants (do not select Pell Grant). You may also find evaluations in the form of peer-reviewed journal articles; these are also acceptable for the project. There are also several organizations that conduct evaluations on various topics, so you could check out these websites: AIR (American Institutes of Research), or the IES Regional Education Labs. (REL).
This paper should be 3-4 pages single-spaced or (6-8 pages double-spaced) and must include the following (bolded text should be the heading of each section):
Purpose of the Evaluation. A succinct summary of the program/context, purpose(s) of the evaluation, context, methods, and findings from the evaluation that you chose to critique. (20 pts)
Narrative answers to the following questions:
For each of the following evaluation areas, discuss whether the evaluation report provide sufficient detail; provide evidence for your answer (use quotes and/or page citations); if it does not provide sufficient detail, include suggestions as to what could be done to improve each section.
Rationale (i.e., theoretical framework) (10 pts)
Background (e.g., literature review, previous evaluations) (10 pts)
Context for the evaluation (10 pts)
Are the methods (including data collection, sampling, instruments) aligned with the purpose(s) of the evaluation? Provide evidence and rationale for your answer. If you believe they are not aligned, provide a better alternative method to addressing the stated purpose. (20 pts)
Are the findings useful for the stated purpose? If you were involved in the program under evaluation, how would you use the findings to change or improve the program? (15 pts)
Conclusion: A succinct conclusion of the quality of the evaluation, based on your specific critiques included in the body of the paper. (I.e., would you recommend that program staff use this evaluation for improvements? Do you think the funder of the program should use it to judge the worth of the program and potential funding renewal? Do you think other similar programs could learn from this evaluation? Evidence for any of these should not be in the conclusion but rather in the specific critique sections, which you can then reference back to in the conclusion.) (10 pts)
Bibliography, including citation (and link, if applicable) to the evaluation that you chose to critique, as well as any additional resources you referenced, including course readings. (5 pts)
I have provided an excellent example (Bernhardt+SPEA+562+Midterm.pdf Download Bernhardt+SPEA+562+Midterm.pdf) from a previous student on Canvas. Please feel free to use this as you work through the sections, to see what level of detail and organization I am expecting





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Monitoring and Evaluation

Task 1 – Monitoring and Evaluation

Instructions to Learners:

  • This summative assessment can be completed in class or at any other convenient location.
  • Students are required to complete this task using digital tools and ensure to submit in an acceptable format, e.g. .docx, .pdf, .pptx, or as advised by your assessor.
  • Please use the following formatting guidelines to complete this assessment task:
    • Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: Double; Font Style: Times New Roman
  • Assessment activities can be completed either in real workplace environment or in a simulated environment such as your classroom. In both cases, appropriate evidence of the assessment activities must be provided.

Instruction to Assessors:

  • You must assess student’s assessment according to the provided Marking Criteria.
  • You must complete and record any evidence related to assessment activities including role-plays and presentations using appropriate forms which must be attached with student assessment submission.
  • You must provide students with detailed feedback within 10 working days from submission.

For a project nominated by your Assessor, you are required to implement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program.

In order to do so, complete the attached Evaluation Worksheet then complete the following questions:


– What is the purpose of the evaluation?

– Who is it serving?

– Does the design of the evaluation support the initiative taking place on the ground?

– Does the research generate new knowledge?

– Is the evaluation being used as a tool to help empower the individuals and communities it serves?


– Are adequate resources available for the evaluation?

– Are the evaluators fully trained and competent in the techniques they are being asked to carry out? (This may be particularly important with internal evaluations – i.e. when project staff are being asked to carry out much of the evaluation themselves.)

– Do stakeholders agree that the resources earmarked for the evaluation are proportional to the overall size of the project? i.e. +/- 10% of the total budget for the project.

– Do all stakeholders share similar views of what the evaluation aims to achieve?

– What has been done to ensure that funders and practitioners have a realistic view of the communities they are working with and their capacity to absorb and engage with different kinds of evaluation activities?

– What has been done to ensure that the proposed project outcomes, and the timescale within which changes might be expected, are compatible?

– Is the project goal/vision compatible with the anticipated outcomes?

– Has the evaluation considered the historical, political and social (local and national) context in which the program is taking place?

– Does the evaluation address the theoretical assumptions on which the project is based? – What are the political forces at play? How much political power is being wielded?


– Has an appropriate ethical framework been developed? This may include considerations of protecting the confidentiality and anonymity of responses.

– Who considered the ethical dimensions of the project and how ethical policies would be implemented?


– Is the evaluation participatory?

– Are the objectives and monitoring indicators SMART (Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, Time-Bound)?

– Has the planning of the evaluation been treated as equally important as the data collection? – Is the evaluation integrated into all stages of development and implementation?

– Is the chosen methodology the most appropriate in light of the project interventions? Be clear why!

– How is the quality of practice/application of methods ensured (different questions need to be asked if the research is commissioned or carried out internally)?

– Is the timeframe of the evaluation sufficient to measure the potential outcomes (some of which may be very long-term)?

– Are the methods used flexible enough to monitor unintended outcomes?


– How can evaluators be encouraged to report more fully on their evaluation activities?

– Will the findings be conveyed to all participants and stakeholders in meaningful, timely and appropriate ways?

– Will the results show the failings as well as the achievements of the project?

Attach copies of all produced documents including the evaluation plan, surveys, survey outcomes and reports.

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Demonstrates that you are familiar with the case studies and includes an explanation and evaluation of the public health methods used for each topic below.

Demonstrates that you are familiar with the case studies and includes an explanation and evaluation of the public health methods used for each topic below.

There must be 1 page in length for each topic listed below and reflects proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar usage.

Includes citations and references in APA format.

There is a total of three topics to write about, ALL ARE TO BE WRITTEN ABOUT. In total there must be 3-6 pages long, 1-2 pages per topic.

1.      Explore the ASTHO website at and prepare a brief 1 page report on initiatives that affect public health in your home state. Be sure to include the initiative, its goals, any opposition that you think may be there and your own opinion of the initiatives.

2.      Visit the Guide to Community Preventive Services web site at:

Research a topic that is an important public health issue in your local area/hometown. Investigate the types of scientific research that has been done on the issue and recommendations for community interventions that have emerged from the research. Report your findings in a brief summary. This report should be 1 page long

3.      Review the tools and resources offered by The Community Tool box at This free public service offered by the University of Kansas

Work Group for Community Health and Development offers a large number of resources for practitioners and community volunteers. Make a list of resources that you would find helpful as a new graduate starting his/her first job with a public health agency.

This should be a 1-2 page list with a brief explanation of how that resource could be helpful to you.

GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







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A description of how the methods and tools of program planning and evaluation can be used in a public health setting

Discussion: Summative Assignment
This course covered public health programs, their planning, evaluation, and other challenges. Write a summary on what you have learned in this course. In addition, your summary should include:

  • A description of how the methods and tools of program planning and evaluation can be used in a public health setting.
  • A description of how methods and tools can be used in your current workplace or future career.
  • Submission Details
  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.
  • Submit your response to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned.




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A Permit by Rule (PBR) Evaluation for Painting Operation Facility

As a continuation of our course project due in Unit VII (A Permit by Rule (PBR) Evaluation for Painting Operation Facility), complete the next section—VOC Content Minus Water and Exempt Solvents—of your proposal by following the instructions carefully, and then submit your continued draft of your evaluation document into Blackboard for grading. 

  1. Closely read the required reading assignment from the textbook as well as the unit lesson in the study guide. 
  2. Open your proposal draft from Unit V, and make any improvements to your draft, using your professor’s feedback from the Unit V Mini Project. 
  3. Open the Unit VI Study Guide, read the Unit VI Lesson, and then review the calculations demonstrated and explained regarding VOC content minus water and exempt solvent calculations for our scenario. Be sure to use the scenario data instead of the data used in the study guide examples.
  4. Make your Unit VI work the fifth level 1 heading titled “VOC Content Minus Water and Exempt Solvents.” Describe the environmental, health, and safety (EHS) implications of the work system while pulling from the textbook as well as any other relevant sources that are presented in the unit lesson in the study guide. In your description of the EHS implications of the system, be sure to discuss the methods for sampling, quantitatively analyzing, and evaluating air quality. 
  5. Perform and present (not hand-written, but neatly typed) the calculations for the following in this section of your project: (a) gallons of water in one gallon of coating, (b) gallons of exempt solvent (ES) in one gallon of coating, and (c) pounds of VOC in one gallon of coating (less the water and ES) per day. Determine if the work system is still going to need any administrative controls to keep it is compliance with the state requirements. 
  6. In your abstract section (page 2 of the document), write one or two sentences that reflect your work for this unit. Remember that we are adding one sentence per unit to reflect our work as we go, with the final abstract length being about 8 to 10 sentences long. 

Your narrative and calculations for operational air emission rates must be presented in at least 200 words (minimum). You are required to use at least one outside source, which may be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.





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What Exactly is a Website Evaluation

Assignment Expectations: As part of your Research Project, the second assignment requirement expects students to complete a Website Evaluation of TWO websites that are acceptable for college-level academic research and contain information related to their research topic. For this assignment, students will use a search engine of their choice (e.g., Google or Bing) to find appropriate websites related to their topics. After selecting, reviewing and analyzing your two websites, students should write a 250-word analysis for each website. Keep reading to find out more about where to find websites for this assignment and what your analysis should include. As always, if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your instructor via email.

But First, What Exactly is a Website Evaluation?:

There is a great deal of information available on the web and you can do much of your research from your computer. However, not everything on the web is suitable for academic research. This assignment will help you evaluate web sites that you find on the free web.

Before you start your Web Site Evaluation assignment, read the UMGC Library guidelines for evaluating Web resources, “Is My Source Credible,”  to determine whether the contents are of high quality and acceptable for college-level academic research: and then view their video “Evaluating Web sites”:


Welcome to this Information and Library Services Tutorial on evaluating Web sites. In this tutorial, you will learn how to determine whether a Web site contains trustworthy information that is appropriate for college level research. 

Many Web sites contain trustworthy information that is appropriate to use in college-level research. But because no one regulates information placed on the Web, there are also Web sites that you would not want to use in a research paper: Web sites, for example, with out-of-date, inaccurate or biased information.  

Here are some questions you can ask that will help you critically evaluate information you find on the Web:

  • Who is the author of the Web site?
  • Does the Web site present information that is biased, one-sided?
  • Does the Web site present accurate information?
  • Is the Web site current enough for your research topic?

This tutorial will explore those questions in more detail. 

When evaluating a Web site, ask yourself, who has written the Web site content? Are the author’s credentials given? Think about the author’s expertise and credibility. Knowing who wrote the content can help you determine the Web site’s trustworthiness. 

You may find an author whose credentials are not given on the Web site. When that happens, use Google or another search engine to see if you can find information on the author elsewhere on the Web. 

Frequently, an organization can be considered the author of a Web site. For example, the author of a Web site might be a business, a professional association or a government agency. You can usually find a link on an organization’s Web site that provides information about the organization—its activities, mission, leadership and so on. Learning about the organization can help you judge the credibility of the information on the organization’s Web site. 

When evaluating a Web site, also ask yourself, does the Web site present information that is objective and neutral as possible, or is the Web site presenting biased, one-sided information? Depending on your research project, it may be appropriate for you to use biased information.

For example, if you are presenting both sides of an argument in a pro/con essay about the chemical industry and environmental groups, you could cite information from a chemical industry association and from environmental activists. But you need to be aware of possible bias in a Web site and use—or not use—that Web site accordingly.  

When evaluating a Web site, you should also ask, is the information on the Web site accurate? Compare the information on the Web site with knowledge you have gained from other sources in the course of your research, to see if the Web site contains errors. For example, you might compare the information in a Web site with scholarly articles you have read in library databases, with reference books and so on. Also, does the Web site give sources for the information it presents, sources you can look up and verify? 

Timeliness is another important factor, especially if you are researching a subject in which knowledge can change rapidly, like health and medicine, business or technology. Does the Web site date its information? If so, is the information is current enough for the topic you are researching? 

You can find trustworthy, useful information on all types of Web sites: commercial Web sites, organization, government, education Web sites and so on. But no matter what kind of Web site you are using, you must critically evaluate the information it contains. 

At our library Web site, you can find more information on evaluating Web resources. And, if you have any questions about your research, please contact us via Ask a Librarian.

Assignment Directions: After selecting, reading and analyzing your websites, please make sure each analysis follows the format below and includes the following information.

  • First, before you get started, please note what you should not do for this assignment. Please do not use the following types of sites:
    • UMGC library databases (in other words, do not use any resources found in the library database like Jstor. You will use the library for these resources for later projects)
    • Do not use Wikipedia or any other wiki site (in fact, refrain from using these sites for any part of the research project)
    • Do not use any encyclopedia websites (i.e. These sites are wonderful for general knowledge, but not for the requirements of this research project)
    • Do not use any sites that require a subscription (also, do not use any of these sites for the requirements of this research paper.)
  • Okay, now on to what your Website Analysis should include:
    • Format: Each Website Analysis should be typed in a word document, with 1-inch margins, double spaced, and include no less than 250 words.
    • Bibliography: At the top of each Website Analysis, students should provide a complete bibliographic entry. This complete bibliographic entry should include a formal citation, including the URL and your date of access. You should note that the required style for this class is Chicago Humanities Style (not the author/date variant). The Effective Writing Center created a short overview on using Chicago Humanities Style called “Brief Guide to Citing Sources in Chicago.” It includes a list of sources formatted in this style. The examples labeled N=footnote/endnote format and those labeled B=bibliographic entry. A copy of this guide is located in the Writing Resources section of Course Resources under Content of this LEO class site.
    • Analysis and Content: Each Website Analysis should include a detailed summary of the main points of the article – in your own words. Ultimately, this should be written within the first two paragraphs of your analysis and include:
      • Describe the content and purpose of the website
      • Determine the author, accuracy of information presented and website’s currency.
      • Explain in detail how and why you determined the site is acceptable for use in an academic research paper
    • Each website analysis should explain how the content pertains to your research
      • Explain how the site relates to your research topic or what you found on the site that relates to your topic 
        • It is important that students share more than a simple sentence in this analysis. I would like to see a paragraph dedicated to this portion of the assignment.

Submitting Your Work: Students can submit their work under the Website Evaluation Assignment directions. Click on this assignment, scroll to the bottom of the page where you see “Add Attachments,” and then attach assignment here. Students can also submit this assignment through the Assignment tab. Students will also see the rubric attached to this assignment. Please make sure to review the rubric before submitting your final draft.





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Effective use of language and a developed critical evaluation

An analysis which deals fully with the major elements from a marketing point of view* Selection and amplification of ideas which accord with the analysis presented* Work which shows very good grasp of the marketing topic* Effective use of language and a developed critical evaluation  * An excellent and cohesive responseCore text – This unit is supported by the following core text:Dibb, S. & Simkin, L. (2013), Marketing Essentials (Second Edition), Cengage, London.Guided reading – the following is expected reading for this unit.  Details of what to read and when will be provide in the BREO site reading lists.P.R. Smith & Ze Zook , (2011), Marketing Communications: Integrating Offline and Online with Social Media, Kogan Page. Independent study – to receive high grades you will need to demonstrate your wider reading. The following resources provide useful background reading for the material in this unit.• Campaign• Marketing Week• PR Week• Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications• Journal of Marketing Communications- Harvard system of referencing- A minimum of 5 referenced academic sources is required.- No more than 50% of references may be from the internet.





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For many years supermarkets have engaged in vigorous marketing thus making the flow of products in the shelf and stores to move swiftly. Most of the large supermarket designs their marketing strategies based on socioeconomic profile of the consumers. For example, studies have shown that homogeneity of customer group tend to go for homogeneous products, whereas heterogeneity of customer group tend to demand for heterogeneous products(Melanie, & Marian, 2011). Homogeneity of customer group made the supermarket to excel on specific market segments, but with increased globalization, heterogeneity of customer group is increasing rapidly. Also, the increased use of internet and online marketing, many supermarkets faces stiff competition from online sales. In the past two decades, large supermarket such as Walmart have closed some store because of dwindling returns and increased expenses.

Marketing strategies

Therefore, for supermarkets to adopt the dynamic world of customers as well as keep pace with the competition, it is important for the supermarket to shift to aggressive and reliable marketing strategy. Past marketing strategies focused on customers as the most ultimate prize to be won if the supermarket was to remain at the top………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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