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chronological events or concepts in early US history

Carefully review the guidelines for the paper covered for the Week 3 Project.

Your final paper must be 6-8 pages in length (body of the paper) plus the title page and reference page. Do not include graphics or images unless you put them in the end matter. Your paper should have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement as the last sentence in the paragraph, several well-organized supporting paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph that sums of the main points of your paper and demonstrates to your reader that the thesis has been supported with evidence. Here is a checklist to review before submitting your final project:

  • Does your paper still support the topic you chose in Week 3?
  • Be sure that the thesis statement of the introduction you drafted in Week 3 is still strong enough to support your topic (for more on writing a strong thesis statement visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab). Make edits as necessary. The outline you wrote should help you construct a strong body of paragraphs. Your references should already be APA formatted. Be sure that your final list of references is formatted properly using APA style. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.)
  • Does your essay include a conclusion that summarizes your findings and ideas? Your conclusion must state why you think your chosen topic is relevant to early US history. You can also state why it is important in the study of history to explore this topic.
  • Verify that the essay does not use any direct quotes or lists or pictures. The entire paper should be paraphrased material with citations to all facts and references to all citations. Do not list references that do not point to a citation.

Summary of Guidelines

  • The body of the paper should be a MS Word document that is no less than six pages in length, double spaced in 12-point font.
  • There should be an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement.
  • Separate paragraphs should amplify separate, chronological events or concepts in early US history and their relation to your topic. Be sure to point out how the topic remained the same and/or changed over the time period in question.
  • The paper should end with a strong conclusion that ties together the information found regarding the topic and discusses why the topic is important.
  • References should be listed on a separate page in APA format




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Current Events in Macroeconomics – GDP and CPI

Topic: Current Events in Macroeconomics – GDP and CPI

Macroeconomics is much more than just what you read in a textbook. It is what happens every day, the sum of everything that affects the well-being of all. In fact, macroeconomics affects everyone throughout the country and the world. 

Choose one of the two options below and pay particular attention to any discussion relating to the macroeconomics concepts addressed in the current unit. After listening or reading, answer the following questions:

1. What important new things did you learn?

2. Did the topics discussed in the article or podcast relate to your personal experience in any way? If so, how? If not, how do you believe it could?

3. How does this new knowledge relate to the concepts being explored in this unit and how they impact the entire economy?

4. Based on what you learned, what action(s), if any, do you think the government, or society, should take?

Option 1: Podcast

Choose any podcast related to the macroeconomics concepts addressed in the current unit, then choose a specific current episode of that podcast. Examples of acceptable economic-oriented podcasts include:

· NPR’s Marketplace

· NPR’s Planet Money

· Bloomberg’s Stephanomics

· The New Economics Foundation’s Weekly Economics

If you are unfamiliar with podcasts, use any of the above options or just search for economics podcasts. You may also use TED Talks about economic issues. 

Option 2: Magazine or Newspaper Article

Using the  Library’s Publication Finder  tab, search for a magazine or newspaper that publishes economic-related content. Select a current article related to at least one of the macroeconomics concepts addressed in the current unit.

Examples of magazines and newspapers publishing economic-related content include:

· The Economist

· Harvard Business Review

· New York Times

· Wall Street Journal


· Summarize your chosen podcast or article.

· Identify at least three things from the podcast or article that you believe are relevant to current macroeconomic policy.

· Add YOUR personal comments and experiences. 

· Cite your podcast or article in APA format. Podcast references are covered in the Writing Center’s page on  Common Citations and References in APA Style (7th Ed.) , under “Audio Works.” Click the Library link under the Academic Tools section of this course to review APA style in the Business Resource Guide, as needed. 

· Review the discussion rubric linked below to ensure you have addressed all grading criteria


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ony is a manner of expression through which words or events convey a reality different from and even opposite to appearance or expectation.

The “Cask of Amontillado” is a fictional short story that has established itself as a fascinating candidate worthy of a detailed analysis. The author Edgar Allan Poe’s extreme use of symbolism and irony throughout the short story, revolves around revenge, murder, torture, and addiction set in a massive underground Italian catacomb. Poe takes the readers on a voyage into his dark and mysterious psyche, which shows the pain, hate and desire for revenge. The basis of the story involves two men: the narrator Montresor, who seeks out revenge against his friend Fortunato. Fortunato, a proud man that brags about being an enthusiast on wines, which eventually leads Fortunato to being blindsided and resulting to his death by Montresor. Poe’s crafty use of strategies are utilized to create this horrific and exciting masterpiece.

Irony is a manner of expression through which words or events convey a reality different from and even opposite to appearance or expectation. The use of such device in the story provides it with humor and wit, and makes the piece more sophisticated. The sustained irony is detected through style, tone and the clear use of exaggeration of Montresor, the narrator.  From the very beginning we notice the irony in the story. The very name Fortunato would clearly imply that this is a man of good fortune, when the actual case is that he is about to suffer a most untimely death. The setting in which the story takes place again shows an ironic element. It is during Venice’s Carnival that the characters meet. A Carnival is supposed to be a time of festivity and happiness for everyone. However, in this short story it is a time for revenge and death. The atmosphere changes drastically when the two characters leave the cheerfulness of the carnival for the gloomy and desolate catacombs beneath Montresor’s palazzo. We learn from the narrator that when he first meets Fortunato the latter has apparently been drinking and is dressed in many colors, resembling a jester. His costume suggests that he will be the one playing the fool. On the other hand Montresor is dressed in a black-colored cloak and has his face covered with a black mask. At this point one can mention the presence of symbols: the black mask and ensemble might be a representation of evil. Such figure foreshadows the events taking place later that night in the damp catacombs.  The way the narrator treats his enemy is one of the clearest examples for ironic elements. When the characters meet, Montresor realizes that Fortunato is afflicted with a severe cold, nevertheless he makes a point of him looking “remarkably well”. Montresor acts in the most natural and friendly way towards the man object of his revenge, and even praises his “friend’s” knowledge in the subject of wines. Also upon their meeting, Montresor begins a psychological manipulation of Fortunato. He claims that he needs his knowledge to ascertain that the wine he has purchased is indeed Amontillado. Fortunato is forced by his pride to accompany Montresor to the vaults where the Amontillado is kept, dissipate his doubts and also to prove his higher status as a connoisseur of wine. In fact, during their way down under in the catacombs, the twisted mind of Montresor, dares to give Fortunato the chance to go back, due to the almost unbearable dampness and foulness rampant in the vaults and Fortunato’s state of health. The narrator clearly knows about the stubborn nature of Fortunato, and is positive that his pride would not allow him to retreat. Thus, Fortunato continues his journey towards death by his own will.  “The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre.” “Let us go, nevertheless. The cold is merely nothing. Amontillado!” ( ) Another memorable lines in the story are given by Montresor in response to Fortunato saying, “I will not die of a cough.” To what Montresor responds, “True– true…” And then also when the hypocritical narrator toasts to Fortunato’s long life, already knowing that he was taking to effect the devilish crafted plan of revenge.  Further evidence of ironic components is found with Montresor as a “Mason”. We anticipate this means he is a member of the distinguished group of men, yet he actually is a stonemason, someone whose job is to prepare and use stone for building. Montresor makes use of his skill as a mason as well as of the trowel he had shown his rival to build up the wall that will lock up unfortunate Fortunato inside the catacomb.  When Fortunato is trapped behind the wall his avenger built, Montresor “re-echoes” and even “surpasses” Fortunato’s yelling apparently to sympathizing with the victim. He is evidently being ironic since he is actually delighted by what he has done and only stops shrieking till Fortunato is silent. The story ends with Montresor’s words, “In pace requiescat!” (May he rest in peace.) His words are unmistakably sarcastic: since he has just committed a dreadful murder. The story also contains many accounts of symbolism. They can be classified as reinforcing; that is, their meaning is not always obvious to the reader. It is only after several readings that the symbols begin to be clear. The first example in the story was mentioned earlier, the fact that Montresor’s costume is black would suggest beforehand that he would be playing the role of an evil being.  The coat of arms of Montresor’s family is perhaps the best example of symbolism and foreshadowing in the whole story: “A huge human foot d’or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel” (). It is clear that a metaphor has been constructed. In this image the foot is symbolic of Montresor and the serpent of Fortunato. Fortunato had wronged Montresor and had offended both him and his ancestors. Although Fortunato has hurt Montresor, the coat of arms suggests that Montresor will ultimately crush him. Montresor is determined to uphold his family’s motto: “Nemo me impune lacessit”, which is the Latin for “No one can injure me with impunity”. The sinister narrator seeks his vengeance in support of this principle.  A further manifestation of symbolism is the vaults in the end of the catacombs piled with skeletons. The accumulations of human remains may be an implication of human detriment. The absence of light and the dark murkiness that surrounds the characters are sensory images that aids for a perfect setting of horror and makes the reader capable of getting the sensation of an impending doom.  Finally, the very title of the story: The cask of Amontillado, represents the imminent ruin of Fortunato: his pursue of the cask which, in the end, will be his own casket.  The Cask of Amontillado is a carefully crafted short story. Every trait of irony and symbolism Poe uses contributes to a single and meaningful effect: the plot to maneuver Fortunato to where he can wall him up alive is anything but straightforward. In fact, from the very beginning, every action and bit of dialogue is characterized as being just the opposite of what is obviously stated yet, it is conveying his message clear and effectively.

AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of the Book Being Referenced. City Name: Name of Publisher, Year. Type of Medium (e.g., Print).

LastName, First, Middle. “Article Title.” Journal Title (Year): Pages From – To. Print




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produce a time-scale illustration that is true to scale and reflects some of the important events in the history of the earth

Read the prompt below.  Click on the document link if you’d like to see the prompt in a Word document with alternative text, opens in a new window.  GeologicTimeScaleADA 


To better understand the concept of geologic time, your assignment is to produce a time-scale illustration that is true to scale and reflects some of the important events in the history of the earth (see list below, you only have to put the events in boldface on your illustration). The exercise requires that you produce an illustration to share with the class on our discussion board and that you write a short essay that: (1) discusses why you chose the metaphor you used; (2) shows an example of one of your math calculations; and (3) discusses what you learned from this exercise including your perspective of where humans fit in the grand scheme of things. Have fun! Be creative! No Illustration is too silly, as long as your math is correct, and your choice has meaning to you. Your instructor appreciates unusual and distinctive efforts.  However, if you’re not feeling very creative on this one, just pick a simple approach and do a neat, accurate job.  Don’t get hung up obsessing over your approach, pick something that works for you and do it.  Remember that you are trying to convey a sense of Earth’s entire history with an illustration so neatness counts, color coding is helpful, pictures are also useful.  Email me with any questions that you have.

Posting your Work

You can produce your illustration in any way that you choose.  It can be a Word document, scan of a hand drawn picture, graphic design, video, photograph…. Whatever best shows your work.  It does need to be easily visible and clear so that your fellow students and your instructor can clearly see your work.  You can attach it to your thread or embed it in your essay.

How To

The method used to determine a true-to-scale illustration will be similar for all choices.  Units in the illustration can be in time, distance, volume, mass, etc. depending upon what type of illustration you choose to work with. The general equation used to generate numbers in your illustration which will be true to scale is:

 For example, suppose your illustration uses distance as its “guiding light.” Remember, the use of time, volume, or mass in an illustration would be just dandy. Since we are using a distance illustration as an example here, a football field with a length of 100 yds will do just fine. To find where on the football field, let’s say, the “first oxygen” yard mark would be, you would set up the ratio shown below and solve for X:

HINT:  Divide 2,700,000,000 by 4,600,000,000 then multiply by 100 to solve for X.

The “build-up of oxygen” location on the football field would be (X) yards away from the goal line of your choice!  (The example above assumes that the zero-yard line is the present day and the 100 yd line is the beginning of earth history.)


Here is a great example of this concept from the University of Saskatchewan.  Your illustration will have more dates than this simplified one. 

Citation:  University of Saskatchewan (citationforillustration)


I don’t usually cite Wikipedia, but I found their article on the geologic timescale to be very good.  They also have some illustration examples that might help you get started.  Here is the citation:  GeologicTimescale

Below is a very condensed table of events in our long Earth history.  There is a lot more to our history that is covered in your textbook.  You only have to use the events in bold on your illustration! 

EventYears before present
Modern man10,000
Neanderthal man100,000
First use of fire500,000
Homo erectus1,300,000
Linking of North and South America1,500,000
Oldest stone tools1,600,000
Beginning of Quaternary period (end Tertiary/Neogene)1,800,000
Australopithecus (early hominids)3,000,000
Beginning of Antarctic ice caps10,000,000
First evidence of ice at the poles25,000,000
Collision of India with Asia40,000,000
Start of global cooling (to present day)40,000,000
Early horses50,000,000
Separation of Australia and Antarctica50,000,000
Early primates57,000,000
Alps form60,000,000
Beginning of Tertiary/Paleogene period (recent life)65,000,000
Dinosaurs became extinct65,000,000
Rocky Mountains form80,000,000
Cretaceous Period begins (Jurassic ends)140,000,000
Early flowering plants150,000,000
Early birds and mammals180,000,000
Opening of Atlantic Ocean200,000,000
Jurassic Period begins (end Triassic)208,000,000
First dinosaurs215,000,000
Triassic Period begins245,000,000
Final assembly of Pangaea280,000,000
Early trees, formation of coal deposits318,000,000
First reptiles340,000,000
Beginning of Carboniferous/Mississippian period (end Devonian)360,000,000
First insects400,000,000
Early land plants450,000,000
Early fish490,000,000
Beginning of Ordovician period (end Cambrian)510,000,000
Early shelled organisms544,000,000
Beginning of Cambrian period (end of Precambrian time) – rise of multicellular organisms544,000,000
Beginning of Paleozoic (ancient life) Era544,000,000
Early multi-celled organisms700,000,000
Breakup of early supercontinent800,000,000
First known animals1,200,000,000
Formation of early supercontinent (Rodinia)1,400,000,000
Buildup of free oxygen in atmosphere2,700,000,000
Early bacteria & algae3,400,000,000
Oldest known Earth rocks3,960,000,000
Formation of Earth’s atmosphere4,200,000,000
Formation of the Moon4,500,000,000
Precambrian time begins4,600,000,000
Origin of earth4,600,000,000


30% Essay:  Well written, correct grammar and punctuation.  Covers all three of the prompt questions in interesting, accurate detail.  Shows time spent reflecting on Earth’s history, an understanding of geologic time, and thoughtful response to this lab as a personal experience.  Is not overly brief.

70% Geologic Time Illustration:  Illustration is clear, dates are readable, math is correct.  Appropriate use of color, pictures, symbols etc… to enhance understanding of presentation.  Illustration shows creativity in approach and neatness in execution.

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Filling Out Frequency Table for Independent Events

Criminal Justice agencies often gather large quantities of variables to be used in descriptive analyses. That is, to help describe situations, populations, and so on. For instance, the Department of Corrections collects data on inmates. Variables often include crime type, race, gender, originating jurisdiction (where they were convicted), education level, and many others.

These data are often captured categorically rather than numerically. For instance, education level might be captured by simply identifying the name of the highest grade an offender achieved, such as high school diploma or GED, Bachelor’s degree, Associates degree, and so forth. Similarly, race data are most often captured by recording the label of the race the offender belongs to, such as Caucasian, African American, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander, and so on. These labels have no inherent numerical value because they are simply categories. Thus, they are categorical variables.

You cannot use traditional statistical analysis to investigate relationships between categorical variables because they are not numbers. Instead, you would use nonparametric tests, such as the chi-square test of independence. You will use this test to investigate the data below.

This assignment has 2 steps.

Step 1: Watch both of the following videos regarding chi-square analysis:

  • Filling Out Frequency Table for Independent Events
  • Contingency Table Chi-Square Test

Step 2: Calculate chi-square using the data in the table below, this Chi Square Example Handout, and the Distribution Values Chart that go with this IP.

Using the Chi-Square Example Handout and the Chi-Square Distribution Values Chart as guides to figure the calculations, calculate chi-square for the following data:

Originating JurisdictionCaucasianAfrican AmericanDenver County163El Paso County46Pueblo County615

Then, answer the following questions about your results:

  1. What is the column total for Caucasian?
  2. What is the column total for African American?
  3. What is the row total for Denver County?
  4. What is the row total for El Paso County?
  5. What is the row total for Pueblo County?
  6. Are race and originating jurisdiction significantly dependent? How do you know?
  7. What is the final chi-square value?
  8. How many degrees of freedom are there for this chi-square table?
  9. What is the value for the 0.05 significance level and 2 degrees of freedom on the Chi-Square Distribution Values Chart?
  10. Do you reject or accept the null hypothesis that states, “Originating Jurisdiction and Race are not significantly dependent (they are independent)”?





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Describe two historical events that have influenced the development of ethical codes and regulations for nursing and healthcare research.

Discussion Question:

Describe two historical events that have influenced the development of ethical codes and regulations for nursing and healthcare research. Explain how each event has impacted ethical codes and regulations.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.


Ethics and Evidence-Based Research

Write a 1250-1500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be three main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least two (2) sources using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Part 1: Describe why ethical safeguards designed for clinical research may not be feasible or appropriate for evidence-based practice or evidence-based practice implementation projects.

Part 2:  Review the sectioned headed, Two Ethical Exemplars in Chapter 22 of the textbook (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015, pages 518-519). Discuss three main ethical controversies related to implementing Evidence-Based Quality Improvement (EBQI) Initiatives. Describe how these controversies relate to the four core ethical principles.

Part 3: Identify which ethical principles may be in conflict with the concept of “patients having an ethical responsibility in improving healthcare.” Discuss how these conflicts may be resolved.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1250 – 1500 words Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Describe two historical events that have influenced the development of ethical codes and regulations for nursing and healthcare research.

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Explore news/current events to locate a business that has a complex problem which needs to be addressed.

There needs to be a paper and a power point presentation. You may choose a different business but i have this for now _Huawei Technologies  is the organization. 

Major Case Analysis

The write-up is limited to 12-15 double-spaced pages, not including a title page and exhibits (include as appendices). 


Explore news/current events to locate a business that has a complex problem which needs to be addressed. The problem may be related to any business topic (i.e. accounting, marketing, legal, etc.).

It is suggested that you select a recent problem of a public company, which will ensure that you will have access to the information necessary to complete your project.

As you select an organizational problem for your class project, it is important that you select an organization that is interesting, possibly useful to you in your career, industry, or interests. An organization or industry you are interested in should give you better access to information.


  1. Skim the case to get an overview of the situation.
  2. Read the case thoroughly to digest the facts.
  3. Carefully Review information in exhibits.
  4. Decide what the strategic issues are.
  5. Begin your analysis with some number crunching.
  6. Apply the concepts of strategic analysis.
  7. Check out conflicting opinions
  8. Support your opinions with reasons and evidence.
  9. Develop recommendations and an action plan.

Your analysis and recommendations should be supported with high-quality evidence, including textbooks and peer-reviewed academic journal articles covering the appropriate topics that apply to your specific problem from the following list:

  1. Accounting
  2. Business Communications
  3. Business Ethics
  4. Business Finance
  5. Business Integration and Strategic Management
  6. Business Leadership
  7. Economics
  8. Global Dimensions of Business
  9. Information Management Systems
  10. Legal Environment of Business
  11. Management
  12. Marketing
  13. Quantitative Research Techniques/Statistics

Major Case Analysis Presentation

The recommended length of the presentation is 8-10 slides with audio commentary included. The presentation must be appropriate to college-level work, demonstrate critical analysis of the case, and be free of spelling and grammar errors.

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Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.

Assessment instructions
The beginning of creative thinking in business starts with careful analysis of the scenario. Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.
The world around us is dynamic and ever changing. In order to confront the rapidly-evolving world around us, you need to have a system in place to adapt with the changes. It is absolutely essential to develop a solid understanding of the industry where you will operate.
In this assessment you will undertake a scenario analysis of an industry in which your product or service will compete. The goal is to understand the ins and outs of this industry so that you can build a comprehensive understanding of it. Scenario analysis is a great tool that helps to scan the environmental factors surrounding a business.
Your scenario analysis report should contain the following parts:
Executive summary
Provide a brief overview of your major findings presented in this report. This is where you need to summarise the main points as a result of your extensive research and formulation of your scenarios.
You need to provide the reader with context about your idea. You may consider the following points when writing your introduction: • Provide a “name” to your idea/product/service • Inspiration – where did your idea come from?
• Market addressed – what is its purpose? What needs/wants does it address?
• Opportunity – why did you choose that particular product or service?
• Industry – what is the industry? (describe the level of competition and any barriers to entry in your scenario analysis)
Reflection on the chosen industry
(You will need to include at least 5 reliable sources – No blogs)
Once you have collected your ideas on your selected industry and product/service, you will conduct research. The purpose of the research is to gain an understanding of its trajectory – past, present and future by looking at trends and developments:
• What historical information exists (how/what was made in the past?)
• Existing product/service
o If you are working on something that exists, how is it currently performing?
o What is YOUR idea to improve it? o How can you take advantage of future opportunities through creative and innovative ideas?
• New product/service/idea o If a new product/service, how is the current market being addressed?
o What substitutes/alternatives (choices) exist? In other words, how are consumers currently satisfying their needs? Why do you believe they will find your offering appealing?
• What are the important trends and developments in your chosen industry that you seek to take advantage of?
Note: You need to link your idea with an industry of your choice and conduct your research accordingly.
Analysis of the key situational factors
As a result of your research, you will define the key factors that can influence your decision making. Remember to use tools such as SCAMPER, PESTEL, SWOT etc.
Develop scenarios
• Construct two (2) scenarios (one positive, one negative) and develop a narrative description for each. Refer to Scenario Analysis URL link in Assessment readings to assist you here.
• The scenarios need to be related to the purpose and based on your findings; so, you need to explain why you have created each scenario.
o How feasible is each of your alternatives?
The report must cite a minimum of five (5) appropriate business and/or scholarly sources such as academic journals, peer-reviewed articles, periodicals and research articles (use library search). Do not use Blogs.
Ensure you use APA referencing style for all references including intext references. Refer to the ICMS Style Guide for guidance.
Information that is not essential to explain your findings, but supports your analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy information), validates your conclusions or pursues a related point should be placed in an Appendix.
Readings for the assessment Ashkenas, R., & Manville, B. (2018). The Harvard business review leader’s handbook: Make an impact, inspire your organization, and get to the next level. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing.
Bilton, C., & Puttnam, L. D. (2007). Management and creativity: From creative industries to creative management. Milton: Wiley.
Scenario Analysis; Exploring Different Futures
Business News Daily
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Harvard Business Review – Creativity
Innovation Management
Intelligent HQ
Grading Criteria / Rubric
ENT201A Assessment 1 Scenario Analysis – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Depth of reflection on the chosen industry (40%)
Excellent and in-depth reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Good reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. General reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Very simple reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Poor in-depth reflection on the chosen industry.
Analysis of the key situational factors (20%) Strong evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Good evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Some evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Very little evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. No evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics.
Develop plausible scenarios (20%) A number of plausible scenarios are discussed in a coherent and logical manner. Some plausible scenarios are discussed in a coherent and logical manner. Some scenarios are discussed. Needs further development of the concept. Some scenarios have been discussed, although there is significant gap in understanding. No plausible scenario has been clearly articulated. Thoughts are unclear.
Use of literature (10%) Significant recognised literature is used by following the correct referencing style. No Blog sources have been cited. Appropriate literatures are used by following the correct referencing style. Some appropriate literature are used by following the correct
referencing style
Marginal referencing and minimal usage of appropriate scholarly and academic literature. Poor referencing and no coherent literature are used.
Formatting, referencing (10%)
Excellent referencing Significant references are used by following the correct referencing style Appropriate references are used by following the correct referencing style Credible references are used by following the correct referencing style Marginal referencing. Overall referencing style is problematic and needs improvement. Poor referencing. Arguments are poorly supported with inadequate references
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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.
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How does business law affect current events

Assignment Details: How does business law affect current events?

Answer the following questions with complete sentences, in paragraph form.  Most answers require more than one paragraph. 

1.    How does business law affect current events?

a.    You can use any local, national or international current event(s).

b.    Also, how do current events relate to geographical or cultural diversity?

Research legal citations, relating back to a past event if needed. You may use either primary and secondary sources when researching.

Be sure to cite your sources on a Works Cited page.





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  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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Ethical behaviors in high-profile events

This assignment involves relating ethical behaviors in high-profile events, as well as examining regulatory and sustainability market approaches to business’s environmental responsibilities. Read each of the following questions before answering each one within a Word document.

1 – Based on the response to Hurricane Katrina, what is the relationship between inefficiency and ethical behavior for leaders? How could the response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster have been more effective, and thus more ethical? Your response must be at least 200 words.

2 – In considering the BP Oil Spill, what circumstances would ethically justify a government or private company in restricting information made available to the public during a disaster? At what point might other companies have an ethical right to intervene regarding environmental disasters? Your response must be at least 200 words.

In the Word document, list your answers one after the other. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spacing. There is no need to include a title page nor a references page. You are not required to perform research for this assignment; however, if you choose to perform research to answer these questions, use APA style to format your in-text and reference citations.





  1. Based on the response to Hurricane Katrina, what is the relationship between inefficiency and ethical behavior for leaders? How could the response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster have been more effective, and thus more ethical?

The response to Hurricane Katrina exposed the inefficiencies in the part of federal, states and local government as well as other emergency responders(Sobel & Leeson, 2006). It was evident that the governments and emergency agencies lacked the capacity, resources and were poorly coordinated to respond and adequately handle the disaster, thus raising the ethical concerns in the part of leadership(The White House, 2006). Although the federal government published report indicating the lesson learned after the hurricane Katrina, this was not the first disaster to hit the United States soil in history.

This confirmed the existing inefficiencies that the government and emergency responders should have addressed long before the Hurricane Katrina………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Ethical behaviors in high-profile events…….


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