Writers Solution

What is one example of citizen participation that has aimed to change the role and/or treatment of women?

 Part 1

In this unit, you have learned about human rights. What can we, as citizens of the United States, do about this? Is taking action against injustices our responsibility as citizens? Should it be?

For this activity, you will be exploring these difficult questions. In Part 1 of this activity, you will analyze how citizen participation can help achieve political and social change, specifically the treatment of women. You will need to find two different examples of e-mail campaigns, boycotts, blogs, podcasts, protests, demonstrations, or letters to editors in which the sole purpose has been to change the treatment and role of women in the United States. Next, you will analyze how effective or ineffective these efforts have been.

Use the following questions to guide your research and record your answers.

  1. What is one example of citizen participation that has aimed to change the role and/or treatment of women? Describe this example.
  2. Analyze and explain how effective this example was in changing the treatment of women.
  3. What is another example of citizen participation that has aimed to change the role and/or treatment of women? Describe this example.
  4. Analyze and explain how effective this example was in changing the treatment of women.

Part 2

For Part 2 of this activity, you will be exploring the roles of citizens on the local, state, and federal level. Do you feel that being an active participant in the equality of women (or any people for that matter) is the responsibility of citizens?

Though many people would answer ‘yes’ to this question, it is not a mandatory responsibility for citizens. But, what are the mandatory responsibilities of citizens?

Visit the suggested websites (or any others that you find useful) and fill in the chart below separating the responsibilities of citizens into either local, state, or federal. Find at least four for each column. Be sure to indicate if each responsibility is Mandatory or Voluntary (note that some responsibilities may fall into more than one category).

Suggested Websites:

Writers Solution

Social engineering tactics that hackers employ and provide an example of each

  1. Explain the various forms of social engineering tactics that hackers employ and provide an example of each.
  2. Describe the five social norms of hacker subculture and provide an example of each.
  3. Search Internet news sources and find a recent article on hacking. Describe the tone in regard to hacking and explain what the article conveys in regard to stigmas and labels surrounding the hacker.
Writers Solution

The Ford Pinto example is a well-known case that is often discussed in the context of business ethics.

 Case Analysis

The Ford Pinto example is a well-known case that is often discussed in the context of business ethics. To summarize, Ford’s design of the Pinto’s fuel tank was defective, causing fires if the Pinto was involved in even minor rear-end collisions. Ford came to learn of the defect, but the company failed to correct it; Ford then predicted, based on a cost-benefit analysis, that it would cost more to repair the defect ($11 per vehicle, or $137 million total) than it would to pay for damages resulting from burn deaths, burn injuries, and burned vehicles ($47.5 million). Consider the Ford Pinto case in light of the who-how (WH) framework for business ethics.

Would Ford’s decision to forego repairing the defective design comply with these ethical guidelines? If so, why? If not, then what actions should Ford have taken to satisfy them? Explain your reasoning. Explain the need for promoting business social responibility.

Your response to this question must be at least two pages in length. One source is required. Include an introduction in your paper. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessar

Writers Solution

How does trust grow in organizations? For example, in some organizations there is lots of trust at the base of the organization, but this trust does not necessarily rise up.

Writers Solution

The study used data from what year to what year. For the example of Brock et al, the year was 1897 to 1985

Applied Technical Analysis of Energy and Commodity Markets
History and Survey of technical Analysis.
Your paper should have 4 sections:
1. Introduction
2. Literature review of articles written between 2000-2009
3. Literature review of articles written after 2009 to present
4. Conclusion
In section 1 you should explain technical analysis and discuss its historical evolution. (At least two citations needed for this part).
In the second section, you should make a survey of academic papers written on technical analysis or technical trading on stock market indexes or individual stocks and explain the conclusion of each article whether the article concludes technical trading works or does not work or is inconclusive.
Here is an example of a citation that you must follow in your paper:
A research paper on technical analysis by Brock, Lankonishok and LeBaron (1992), investigates moving averages and trading range breakout rules on the Dow Jones Industrial Index from 1897 to 1985. They used various short and long moving averages of prices to generate buy and sell signals. They tested long moving averages of 50, 150 and 200 days with short averages of 1, 2 and 5 days. They point out that “all buy-sell differences are positive and the t-tests for these differences are highly significant…” and they go on to conclude that their “results are consistent with technical rules having predictive power (p.1758)”.
Your paper should not include the above example. In addition, your paper should not include articles written by me.
Your survey should include 5 citations on papers written between 2000 to 2009 and 5 citations on papers written after 2009. These should not include papers written by me (Metghalchi).
In the last section you should write your conclusion.
And then provide the 12 references cited in your midterm (See below); 2 citations from section 1 and 5 citations on papers between 2000-2009 and five on articles written after 2009.
1. Brock W., Lakonishok, J., and LeBaron B. (1992), “Simple Technical Trading Rules and the Stochastic Properties of Stock Returns”, Journal of Finance, 47, pp. 1731-64.
12. ……..
Minimum is 12 citations however you can cite as many as you like. No restriction on pages
Good grades will be given to those papers that includes the followings for each citation:
1. The study used data from what year to what year. For the example of Brock et al, the year was 1897 to 1985.
2. Include the name of the index that the study was done. For example, in the Brock et al, The Dow Jones Industrial index was used.
3. The names of indicators. For Brock et al, the indicators were moving average and trading breakout rules.
4. Conclusion of the study, whether the author shows technical analysis works or does not work.
Number of pages is up to you. But you must have 12 citations in your reference.

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Writers Solution

Set up a Ricardo-type comparative advantage numerical example with two countries and two goods

Set up a Ricardo-type comparative advantage numerical example with two countries and two goods. Distinguish “absolute advantage” from “comparative advantage” in the context of your example. Then select an international terms-or-trade ratio and explain in some detail how trade between the two countries benefits each of them in comparison with autarky. When would either of your countries NOT benefit from engaging in trade? Explain.

write a 2-3 page paper in response to a case study or similar assignment provided by your professor. Student answers are to be clear, well-organized, and specific. Provide a concise, cogent argument and include details to support your response.    

CLO2: Assess comparative advantage and all related concepts such as opportunity costs, cost conditions, and the impact of trade on jobs. Explain how the sources of comparative advantage and related concepts such as economies of scale, theories and effects, and the product life cycle theory. (5-9)

The paper uses at least 8 quality peer reviewed and scholarly resources (nonwebsite based ) and 1 textbook-based resource to support his/her argument.