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Develop and calculate the NPV on an Excel Spreadsheet for the “Option 2 Plan” for the Corkford Brewery acquisition

  1. Develop and calculate the NPV on an Excel Spreadsheet for the “Option 2 Plan” for the Corkford Brewery acquisition while considering the constraints and operating conditions laid out in the case as well as in the ‘Helpful Hints’ section of this document.  Interpret the drivers of the NPV and the implications to the broader business decision. (40 points)

                                                              i.      For example, the variable costs for Amber Ale is $122.063 per unit

  1. Develop and calculate the NPV on an Excel Spreadsheet for the “Option 3 Plan” for the Corkford Brewery acquisition while considering the constraints and operating conditions laid out in the case as well as in the ‘Helpful Hints’ section of this document.  Interpret the drivers of the NPV and the implications to the broader business decision. (40 points)

                                                              i.      For example, the variable costs for Amber Ale is $122.063 per unit

  1. Add a summary table that compares all three plans and shows all major cost categories. (20 points)
  2. Let us consider a form of sensitivity analysis for this problem. Chose a variable (interest rate and time period cannot be used) and explore the impact on your plans. This question has two parts: (20 points)
  6. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Develop and calculate the NPV on an Excel Spreadsheet for the “Option 2 Plan” for the Corkford Brewery acquisition
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To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company

In order to succeed on the course FM, as stated in the Syllabus, it is necessary to make a Global Case Study in the form of a financial model in excel.
The goal is to apply in practice the financial tools you have learned on FM lectures. It is a specific task whose solution makes it possible to understand and manage corporate finance.
Global Case Study: INSTRUCTIONS
Objective: To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company, to calculate CF, FCF, optimal capital structure and to determine the risk of investment (CAPEX) using different techniques for measuring investment profitability. You will have a company with its financial forecasts in excel with a possibility to do scenario or sensitivity analysis.
Please build a model in excel with the following sheets (sheets=pages):
Page 1 (Tips) :
On this page you have some useful recommendations to be considered in overall assignment. Before you start with Page 2 it is fully advised that you read carefully all tips with separate recommendations what is advised (+) and what is not (-) advised in assignment preparation. It does not mean that you will get negative points if you do not respect all recommendations but if you respect what is there advised your global case will be more exact, complete and in accordance with assignment expectations.
Page 2 (History) – 5 points :
On this page you have to add missing data in blue parts. You have to add in blue parts for 3 last years (Year N, Year N-1, Year N-2). You can copy the data from the source page and paste it in this sheet. Balance sheet data, Income statement (P&L) and Cash flow statement. You have to choose the company listed on stock exchange from your choice from one of the following web sources :,,,, or other. Please add the name of source in blue part at the end of financial statements.
Page 3 (Inputs) :
On this page you have to add all your assumptions: growth/decline rates of Revenues and Expenditures and other various inputs you will use in the financial model, however please note that some green cells are already predefined/filled in and You must not change them. On this page all inputs are manually entered in the green coloured cells.
The whole Model can be modified if you change the assumptions on this page. It helps you as CFO to do the scenarios or sensitivities simulations in order to present to your management the possible project outcomes or company valuations.
Page 4 (Assets Amortization/Depreciation) – 5 points :
Make an Amortization/Depreciation calculating page for all long-term assets including the new
CAPEX annually during the life of your project (7 years). Consider the amortization/depreciation cost for annual future amortization/depreciation of existing Assets same as average annual A&D of last 3 years from your realized financial statements in P2 History. If in your Financial Statements there is no A&D of assets cost then you just add 0 in P4 in line for Existing annual assets amortization. If you do not have all last 3 past years you can take only the amortization cost of the last year.
In a separate line for the new amortization cost of your new CAPEX calculate annual amortization costs using the linear or straight line amortization method from Year N+1 to the end of your project.
To do this task we assume that Company will start a new large investment (CAPEX) in the beginning Year N+1 with an assumption that CAPEX is equal to 10% of the Total Revenues of the Year N+1.
Page 5 (Cost of Capital) – 15 points :
On this page your task is to calculate the WACC. The discount rate (cost of capital) is the weighted average of the cost of capital (WACC) of all your long-term (Bank loan, bonds and equity) funding sources.
As CFO of your company your goal is to reduce the overall cost of financing of your CAPEX from Page 4. So, your management accepted your proposal to finance your CAPEX equally with bank loan, bonds and equity.
To determine WACC you have to calculate the cost of lenders (Bank loan), the cost of bondholders (bonds) and the cost of shareholders (equity).
Based on inputs from page 3, make a table of amortization of loan and bonds, calculation of interests and coupons, principals using formulas (PMT or other)
Bank Loan has an interest rate defined in P3 inputs and is repaid in annuities over 7 years.
Bonds have a coupon rate defined in P3 inputs and with face value paid at maturity in year 7.
Both debt sources of funding are received one shot and used for the investment financing at beginning of year N+1. We assume there are no finance fees to be calculated and considered.
For cost of bank loan or bonds (rates) you can either use the same rates as the existing bank loans (use the lowest loan rate) or bonds (yield) if any in company, or you can also use rates from your peers or comparative companies of similar risk which is published on web pages such as or other source.
Please add each time a source you are using if any. If you do not use any of proposed rates then you can estimate your rates in which case please add a short explanation of such estimated rates.
Calculate the shareholders cost using the DDM model (Gordon).
For the purpose of calculation of cost of equity only we shall assume that your dividends are same forever, starting from Year 0, with an annual increase forever defined in P3 Inputs.
For all long term financing sources here let we assume that the corresponding rates are same for each source of financing until the end of project.
Page 6 (Projection of Financial Statements) – 15 points :
As CFO of your Company you should be able to project your Financial Statements, namely P&L and Balance sheet as first step on Page 6 and CF statement on Page 7.
Projection of P&L
Start with P&L and then with Balance sheet. To project your Profit and Loss statement you should take into consideration the impact of amortization policy, financial costs of your long term financing of your CAPEX, profit tax and other components of P&L.
Make a projection of the profit and loss account for 7 years based on the assumptions from the page inputs. Your revenues and costs from the Inputs page should be increased/decreased for rates of revenue/costs growth / decline. Revenues (Sales) for the Year 1 should be taken from the Total Revenues from the realized previous Year 0 (N) increased/decreased by the rate of growth/decline of your Total Revenues in Year 0.
Your projected P&L is simplified and considers only the lines defined on P6.
If in your projected P&L you obtain losses most of years you should probably modify your inputs in order to obtain net incomes which are more interesting to be used for modelling. For the simplification reason, you are expected to use only the costs related to COGS, depreciation/amortization related to existing LT assets and new assets (CAPEX) and and financial interests relating to new financial debt in P&L.
For dividends calculation we shall assume that the only condition to pay it annually is a positive net income.
Projection of Balance sheet
Cash of Year 0 should be considered from your last realized year, such Cash item to be added in inputs. From Cash in Year 0 you should calculate future cash item based on assumptions in inputs.
Receivables and Stocks are calculated based on assumptions in inputs. We assume there are no Receivables and Stocks in Year 0.
Tangible assets or Fixed Assets should be considered from your last realized year as Net Tangible assets, such item to be added in inputs. In Year 1 the Tangible Assets should be increased for the amount of your new CAPEX even if it is realized at beginning of year.
If there are no Tangible Assets in your last realized balance sheet then consider only your new CAPEX in Year 1 as Tangible Assets.
Accumulated amortization in Year 1 consider only the Accumulated amortization from existing Capex for simplification reasons.
Payables and other Liabilities are calculated from Year 1 based on assumptions in Inputs.
For simplification reasons the Long Term debt is calculated as a difference between Total Liabilities and Total Short Tern liabilities. For simplification reasons the Total Liabilities is equal to difference between Total Equity and Liabilities and Equity.
Shareholders equity in Year 0 should be considered from your last realized Balance sheet, the item to be added in inputs. The Shareholders equity in Year N corresponds to Total Equity in Year 0. In Year 1 do not forget to add in Shareholders Equity the Equity used to finance part of your Capex from Page 5.
Retained earnings/Deferred losses item in Year 0 should be considered from your last realized Balance sheet, the item to be added in inputs. In Retained earnings/Deferred losses item please also consider the future incomes/losses from Year 1 to Year 7.
Total Equity and Liabilities has to be equal to Total Assets. Check test at end of Balance sheet should state “OK” if this is verified, if not test will show “NOT OK”.
Page 7 (Cash Flow) – 10 points :
To do the scenarios analysis you need Cash Flows (CF). In this page, you have to determine the corresponding CF’s resulting from company’s operating, investment and finance activities during the project life.
Keep in mind that for the simplification reasons the idea is to have only basic and main items of company in CF statement as proposed in formatted table. In other words, you will consider only activities resulting from your projections from Year 1 to Year 7 in P6.
Page 8 (Scenarios) – 10 points :
Finally, you have your CFs in Page 7. Now, you can apply your CFOs skills you have acquired on Financial Management course at SSBM and demonstrate to your management board how different scenarios can impact the profitability of company.
In this page you will use the CFs obtained from the page 7 including the new investment (CAPEX)
However, to have your CFs resulting from only your new CAPEX you need to take only part of total annual CFs in CF statement. We shall assume that 20% (as defined in inputs Page 3) of each annual Cash Flow (use Change of Cash line in CF statement) results from your new CAPEX. Add such reduced CFs in Cash Flow line using formula. Do not forget to add your new CAPEX in Year 0 instead of year 1 in Cash Flow line. Only in Year 1 You should remove new Capex from Change of cash in Year 1 (note that – and – make +) in order to get CF of Year 1 in Base Case Scenario.
Such obtained CFs will be considered as your Base case Scenario 1.
Now, you can finally calculate the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Base Case Scenario.
Even if management board is fine with this you have to demonstrate that in case of problems on market some of the considered inputs can deteriorate and in such situation it is important to see the consequence on the profitability.
Now, in following lines you will do the Worst case scenario 2 based on the following assumptions :

  • an increase of your investment (new CAPEX) by 20%,
    -decrease of all CFs from Year 1 to Year 7, each CF is decreased by 5%.
    Repeat, the calculation of the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Worst Case Scenario.
    To simplify the calculations, you can use the CAPEX and CFs from Base case scenario.
    However, your management bord considers that you are perhaps too pesimistic and as they like to expect the profitability and higher dividends they would like you to sho them also the profitability in Best case scenario.
    Now, in following lines you will do the Best case scenario 3 based on the following assumptions
  • a reduction of your investment (new CAPEX) by 15%,
  • increase of CFs from Year 1 to Year 7, each CF is increased by 6%.
    Repeat, the calculation of the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Base Case Scenario.
    To simplify the calculations, you can use the CAPEX and CFs from Base case scenario.
    If your Cash Flows are very disproportional to the CAPEX and you cannot calculate IRR and/or NPV, you can try to modify inputs, items like CAPEX or CF’s to obtain NPV and IRR more realistic but please then explain the problems you are facing and the way to solve it with new inputs you propose.
    Page 9 (NWC) – 5 points :
    Your management has now a quite good picture on CF’s and different scenarios. However, they are concerned if company has sufficient Net working capital to ensure the project development. To get the answer and to assure your management board, you, as CFO is supposed to calculate the NWC in Page 9. To do that use the simplified calculation based on your projected values on Page 6. For Current Assets consider only Receivables and Stocks while for Current Liabilities consider Payables and Other liabilities.
    You are also requested to calculate the Increase or Decrease of NWC, the figures you will need in Company valuation.
    Page 10 (Valuation) – 15 points :
    Once you have obtained your projections in previous pages you are now in position to proceed to the valuation of your company.
    On this page, you will determine the company value based on Free Cash Flows (FCF). Apply the financial management to calculate your companys value for shareholders.
    Add the empty cells using formulas. In line Capex consider only the new investment from Page 5. For NWC line you have the values obtained in Page 9.
    For Terminal Value of your FCF use Gordons model used to discount the infinite FCF’s. This means that your FCF’s from Year 8 growth by growth rate (defined in Inputs) of FCF forever.
    Calculate the value of your company with the help of discounted FCFs in infinite and using WACC as discount rate Cash and Long term debt are from the last realized year..
    Calculate the Equity value based on FCF and stock price. As equity value is in thousands you should multiply your obtained stock price by 1000 to get the full stock price based on FCF. You have obtained the stock price using intrinsic method of valuation based on FCF’s. You would like to check if the obtained value is realistic. To do this, you have to apply the second intrinsic method of equity valuation which is based on dividends.
    Using formula get your dividends you have already calculated in Page 6.
    For Terminal Value of your Dividends we shall assume that paid Dividends will be same forever. This means that company will pay same amount of Dividends from Year 8 forever.
    Calculate your discounted dividends using cost of equity from Page 5 as discount rate.
    Calculate your Equity based on Dividends.
    As equity value is in thousands you should multiply your obtained stock price by 1000 to get the full stock price based on Dividends.
    Add market price and Net Income using formula from Input page. Calculate Market Capitalization using values from Page Inputs.
    Calculate Price Earnings Ratio.
    The chart with comparison of Stock prices based on FCF, Dividends and Market stock price enable to see the differences.
    Now, you have all necessary results to proceed to the Conclusion.
    Page 11 (Conclusion) 20 points :
    Congratulations, if you are at Conclusion page it means that you have managed to apply in practice the financial tools you have learned on FM lectures through pages 1-10. The page is the most important one in terms of points for grading as the interpretation of financial results is something very important and crucial for everyone who deals with corporate finance and financial management.
    The obtained figures in previous pages is a condition precedent to make possible understanding the financial situation of your company. In other words, the obtained outputs based on inputs will help you, as CFO, to proceed now to the interpretation of the company value, different risks of company, capital structure, profitability of investment and value of equity for owners.
    Your management board request you to present the financial situation of company in this page through following parts :
    Capital Structure
    Use the results from Page 5 to consider if your capital structure used for CAPEX financing is well structured ? Explain what would you do to make it more optimal, if possible ?
    Use the results from Page 9 to analyze the short term financing needs. Is your NWC optimal ? What would you do to improve your NWC ? Do you have cash gaps and how would you finance it ?
    Financial Statements Analysis
    Use the results from Page 6 to analyze the financial statements. What do you think about the profitability in projected P&L and can you identify any problem there ? Is your balance sheet well structured and are there any issues ?
    Is your CAPEX used in Page 8 profitable in Base Case Scenario ?
    What are the conclusions of Best case and Worst case Scenarios compared to Base Case Scenario ?
    What is your IRR in Base case scenario compared to WACC (page 5) and what conclusion you can make from it ?
    What would you do as a CFO to increase the company value ? Is the company market stock price overvalued or undervalued compared to obtained intrinsic values of stock price based on FCF and Dividends ?
    Explain how you would further increase IRR and/or reduce WACC and increase the Company value. What do you suggest to your Management Board as an incentive to achieve the planned goals of raising the companys value and stock price.
    Page 12 (Instructor):
    In this Page the Pages 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 will be evaluated based points given by Instructor that you can find on top of each page. The total will give the total number of points which will be added in cell and corresponding student grade based on grading scale will be added here. The Total number of points is the same as percentage number.
    Prof Dario Silic SSBM




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MS Excel: Budget Analysis

Computer Assignment

Computer Applications for Business – Assignment MS Excel: Budget Analysis

Apply your creative thinking and problem-solving skills to design and implement a solution.

NOTE:  You will need to use file from the textbook for the assignment:  Lab 8-3 Budget Analysis

Household Budget Analysis
Student Loan25000000800
Cash Flow0-115-285-470240-450

Part 1:

The workbook provided shows household income and expenses. You will create charts to help analyze your budget.

1.    Open the workbook Lab 8-3 Budget Analysis provided and save as CS155Week8LastnameFirstname. Ensure that you use your lastname and firstname.

2.    In the budget analysis file change; wages, food, phone, and clothing data for each month. (Leaving these items the same will result in a deduction)

3.    Create a chart using the expenses from the budget.

4.    Create a second chart using the cash flow data from the budget.

5.    The following areas will be part of grading criteria:

         Changes to data asked for in Part 1

         Ensure the charts created display months and appropriate items from column A

         Create a chart from expenses data

         Move expense data chart to own sheet

         Rename new sheet with expense chart to descriptive title

         Create chart title for expense data chart

         Create a chart from cash flow data

         Move cash flow chart to own sheet

         Rename new sheet with cash flow chart to descriptive titles

         Create chart title for cash flow chart

         Save the file as CS155Week8LastnameFirstname. Ensure that you use your lastname and firstname

         Add a footer in left section of sheet named Budget with your name and GIDnumber

NOTE:Charts not required to be pivot charts Part 2:

In Part 1 you made choices about which type(s) of chart(s) to use to present budget data. What was the rationale behind those selections? How did the data in the Household Expenses pose a special challenge? How might you address that challenge?

         Answer Part 2 questions in comments or submission text area when submitting


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Open the file Excel_7G_Loan_Staff_Revenue.xlsx   downloaded with this project.


Project Description:

In this project, you will create a named range and use it to set data validation. You will use a PMT function to calculate a value and then use it in a two-variable data table. You will also enter VLOOKUP functions to return values from a table, and format cells in the workbook. You will also audit a worksheet and correct errors.

Open the file Excel_7G_Loan_Staff_Revenue.xlsx   downloaded with this project.

Display the second   worksheet—Warehouse Payment Table. In cell B8, enter a PMT function using   cell B4 divided by 12 as the rate, cell B3 as the number of payment periods, and cell   B2 as the present value of the loan. Display the result as a positive number.

Create a two-variable data table   in the range B8:H16. Set cell B3 as the row input cell, and cell B4 as the   column input cell. From the Cell Styles gallery, apply the Currency cell style   to the range C9:H16. Select the payment option closest to but less than   $10,000 per month for a 120-month loan—cell D16—and format the option with   the Note cell style. Click cell A1 and Save your workbook.

Display the fourth worksheet—Job   Information. Select the range A4:C11, and then sort the range by Job Code in   ascending order. By using the Create from Selection command, create a range   named Job_Code using the data in the range   A4:A11. Click cell A1.

Display the Staffing Plan   worksheet, and then select the range A9:A18. Create a Data Validation list   with Source equal to the named range Job_Code

Click cell A9, click the list   arrow, and then click M-MG. Click cell B9 to make it the active cell, and   then insert a VLOOKUP function that will look up the Description of the Job   Code in cell A9 using the information in the Job Information worksheet as the   table array. After selecting the table array, be sure to press F4 to make it   an absolute cell reference. The Description to be looked up is in column 2 of the table array.

With cell B9 as the active cell,   copy the VLOOKUP formula down through cell B18. In cell C9, type 1 as the # of Positions and in   cell D9, type Management as the Type.

In cell E9, insert the VLOOKUP   function to look up the Salary of the Job Code in cell A9 by using the   information in the Job Information sheet as the table array; the Salary is in   column 3   of the table   array. Copy the VLOOKUP formula in cell E9 down through cell E18.

Beginning in cell A10, add these   staff positions:
  Item # of Positions Type

C-CASH 3 Cashier
C-CSA 1 Customer Service
M-AMG 3 Management

Delete any unused rows between   the last item and the Total row. Sum the Budget Amount column and apply the   Total cell style. Click cell A1 and Save your workbook.

Display the Bracelet Revenue   worksheet. Click cell I5, and then on the Formulas tab, click Trace   Precedents. On the ribbon, in the Formula Auditing group, click Error   Checking, and then click Edit in Formula Bar. Edit the formula so that the   formula is using the Growth Assumption for Beaded Bracelets, not for Crystal   Bracelets.

In the Error Checking dialog   box, click Resume. In cell M6, notice the formula is trying to divide by cell   L10, which is empty. Click Edit in Formula Bar, change 10 to 9 Ensure that the reference to L9   is an absolute reference, and then in the Error Checking dialog box, click   Resume.

In cell F7, examine the error   information, and then click Copy Formula from Above. Examine the error in   cell J8, and then click Copy Formula from Left. Click OK. Use Format Painter   to copy the format in cell M5 to cell M6. Click cell A1 and Save your   workbook.

Display the Designers worksheet.   In cell B2, insert a MATCH function to find the position of Sports bracelets in the range c6:c27.   In cell B3, insert a combined INDEX and MATCH function to display the name of   the designer for Sports bracelets.   Click cell A1, and then Save your workbook.

In the sheet tab row,   right-click any sheet tab, and then click Select All Sheets. Display the Page   Setup dialog box. From the Margins tab, center the worksheets on the page   horizontally. From the Header/Footer tab, create a Custom Footer with the   file name in the Left section and the sheet name in the Right section.   Right-click the sheet tab, and then click Ungroup Sheets. Display the   Warehouse Payment Table worksheet, and then set this sheet’s Orientation to   Landscape. Display the Bracelet Revenue sheet. For this sheet, set the   Orientation to Landscape, and in the Scale to Fit group, set the Scale to 95%   Set the Orientation of the Designers worksheet to Landscape.

Display Backstage view, click   Show All Properties. On the list of Properties, in the Tags box, type staffing   plan, bracelet revenue   In the Subject box, type your course name and section number. Under Related   People, be sure that your name displays as the author. On the left, click   Print. Under Settings, click the Print Active Sheets arrow, and then click   Print Entire Workbook. At the bottom of the window, click Next Page to scroll   through the six worksheets and check for any errors. On the left, click Save.

Ensure that the worksheets are   correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Warehouse Purchase, Warehouse Payment   Table, Staffing Plan, Job Information, Bracelet Revenue, and Designers. Save   the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as   directed


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How to Install the Data Analysis ToolPac in Microsoft Excel


In this assignment, you will be required to calculate descriptive statistics for each numeric variable in the Heart Rate Dataset


  1. Open the Heart Rate Excel Dataset In Read Me First
  2. Sort the quantitative variables by class (e.g., Male at-rest heart rate and Female at-rest heart rate)
  3. Use the Excel Data Analysis ToolPak* tools to calculate each of the following statistics:
    1. Mean of each quantitative variable
    2. Sample variance of each quantitative variable
    3. Sample standard deviation of each quantitative variable
  4. Create a table in Excel that summarizes the statistics for each variable.
  5. Transfer your summary results to Word.
  6. Interpret what the mean and standard deviation specifically tell you about the heart rates of males and females in the sample.  Are the heart rates for males or females higher?  Which data is more spread out and which is closest to the overall mean rate? Explain your responses.

In the topic “Measures of Center”, you were provided directions on how to upload the Data Analysis ToolPak to Excel. If you have not yet uploaded the add-in Data Analysis ToolPak, please view the appropriate video and follow the instructions.  You will not be able to complete this assignment without that add-in.

How to Install the Data Analysis ToolPac in Microsoft Excel

How to Add the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel on Mac 2018

Installing Excel Toolpak (Data Analysis) on Mac (versions other than 2018)

For a review of how to use the Data Analysis ToolPak to create summary statistics

Review: Descriptive Statistics in Excel Mean, Median, Mode …

Directions: Review this video on how to use the Data Analysis ToolPak to create summary statistics. 

Additional Instructions:

Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word processing document, formatted in APA style. The assignments must include

  • Running head
  • A title page with
    • Assignment name
    • Your name
    • Professor’s name
    • Course


Ben G Kaiser. (2018).  How to add the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel on Mac 2018 [Video]. Retrieved from

Joseph C. (2016). Installing Excel Toolpak (Data Analysis) on Mac [Video].  Retrieved from

Joshua Emmanuel. (2017). Descriptive statistics in Excel mean, median, mode, std. deviation… [Video]. Retrieved from>

Quantitative Specialists. (2013). How to install the Data Analysis ToolPak in Microsoft Excel [Video]. Retrieved from


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The Excel function =RANDBETWEEN(a,b) generates a random integer value between a and b

The Excel function =RANDBETWEEN(a,b) generates a random integer value between a and b. Open Excel. Copy and paste the Excel function into 30 cells (rows) starting at Column A at A1. Create 30 random values between 0 and 7 to simulate the response to the question, “How many times have you dined out in the past week?”  Note: Once you have your 30 random values in Column A, select all values, copy the values, and use “Paste Special – Values” to Column B starting at B1. This will keep the spreadsheet from recalculating and changing your results.

Use Excel’s Data Analysis Tool Add-in to generate the Descriptive Statistics Summary Table for the values in Column B (as demonstrated in Section 3.2 of the text). Also use Excel’s Chart tools (as discussed in Section 3.4 of the text) to generate a box plot on the 30 responses. Comment on the measures and shape of the distribution. Do the measures and shape represent what you would expect based on randomly determined values? Why or why not?  Include the data set of the 30 random values and your output in your response. Provide references (Refer to Chapter 3 Review: Supplementary Exercises 62 in the Chapter 3 topic Resources in Essentials of Modern Business Statistics With Microsoft Office Excel in MindTap).





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A windows PC with Microsoft Excel installed. If you need this software

Resources needed: 

1. A windows PC with Microsoft Excel installed. If you need this software, follow these steps to install it.

2. Ess13ch02_Questionfile.xlsx

In this exercise, you will learn how to use spreadsheet software to improve management decisions about selecting suppliers. You will filter transactional data about suppliers based on several criteria to select the best suppliers for your company.

Scenario: You run a company that manufactures aircraft components. You have many competitors who are trying to offer lower prices and better service to customers, and you are trying to determine whether you can benefit from better supply chain management. The Assignments area under Week 2, you will find a spreadsheet file (Ess13ch02_Questionfile.xlsx) that contains a list of all the items your firm has ordered from its suppliers during the past three months. The fields in the spreadsheet file include vendor name, vendor identification number, purchaser’s order number, item identification number and item description (for each item ordered from the vendor), cost per item, number of units of the item ordered (quantity), total cost of each order, vendor’s accounts payable terms, order date, and actual arrival date for each order.

Prepare a recommendation of how you can use the data in this spreadsheet database to improve your decisions about selecting suppliers. Some criteria to consider for identifying preferred suppliers include: 

· the supplier’s track record for on-time deliveries 

· suppliers offering the best accounts payable terms 

· suppliers offering lower pricing when the same item can be provided by multiple suppliers. (extra credit)

Use your spreadsheet software to prepare reports to support your recommendations.

Information about the data:

· At a minimum you will need to be able to sort the database by various criteria such as item description, item cost, vendor number, or A/P terms

· A/P terms is expressed as the number of days that the customer has to pay the vendor for the purchase. In other words, 30 designates net 30 days. The vendor that allows customers the longest amount of time to pay for an order would, of course, offer the most favorable payment terms





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How could you use Excel descriptive statistics for data analysis research?

Discussion Question

Using the Excel Sheet and descriptive statistics page; you will write up your analysis for the 20 participants. 

This week, you learned about the statistical software applications used to analyze data for research analysis. For this week’s discussion, you will use Excel sheet provide to run descriptive statistics, create graphs and respond to the following:

  • How could you use Excel descriptive statistics for data analysis research?
  • What are your plans for learning more about Excel and how will the information you learned about this software be of benefit in your future analysis of research data?

Refer to this week’s readings and video tutorials before starting this two part discussion question assignment. 

Step 1: Entering Data

Open a blank worksheet in the Excel program

You will now use Excel to view a sample dataset

Dataset Options

In many cases, researchers may have the data from their study in another software package like Microsoft Excel. However, if the data is not available in a software spreadsheet you can manually enter the data. Option 2: Manual Data Entry

In the Worksheet window, type “Age” in C1. Enter the numbers as shown in the dataset below. Enter the remaining data as shown below (set up your column labels i.e., variable). The measure reflects math anxiety and the study variables (cringe, uneasy, afraid, worried, understand) the math anxiety range is from 1–5 with low being the least and 5 the highest.































































































































Step 2: Click on Excel tab for Add Ins; if you do not see statistics; you will need to open the file option; click on Add ins; click on ok; a box will open which will allow you to choose Statistics package; place a check mark in the box and click ok. How to Run Descriptive Statistics

Now that your data is in Excel, you will look at the descriptive statistics for this dataset. Select the data in all the columns except the top that has words for the columns; however you have the file already completed and a picture of the descriptive statistics..See end of page for a copy of the excel sheet and descriptive statistics output.

Discussion Question Part 1

How could you use Excel descriptive statistics for data analysis research? Write about your experience running descriptive statistics. Use the results in the Session Window to support your response. Then add to your discussion with the information you learn writing up your analysis.

Step 3: Excel and Graphs

You will now look at graphing. Select insert graph located at the top of the sheet; highlight the data you want to use for a chart; select the type of chart; select ok. Try using the histogram  feature for one of the variables and select “Ok”. You can create other Histogram graphs by choosing different variables. You can also choose from the other ten graph choices shown on the insert chart function.

Discussion Question Part 2

What are your plans for learning more about Excel and how will the information you learned about this software be of benefit in your future analysis of research data? Copy and paste your graph(s) in a Word document and attach to your discussion response

GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







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  • How could you use Excel descriptive statistics for data analysis research?

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In Excel ProPlus 365/Excel 2016-2019, take a screenshot of the Backstage INFO screen

PART ONE: Screenshots of the following 8 (EIGHT) screens

  • In Excel ProPlus 365/Excel 2016-2019, take a screenshot of the Backstage INFO screen, and paste it into the file around Cell A7
    • Paste the screenshot large enough for me to clearly see your work image.Just above the screenshot (Cell A6), caption it, using bold text, with what the screenshot is of.
  • Next, in Excel, take a screenshot of the Backstage PRINT screen, and paste it into your worksheet a couple of lines below your previous screenshot.
    • Paste the screenshot large enough for me to clearly see your work image.Just above this 2nd screenshot, caption it, using bold text, with what the screenshot is of.
  • Then, repeat this process by taking, pasting and captioning a screenshot for each of the following:
    • NOTE: Make any of my requested changes in settings before taking the screenshot!
    • ACCOUNT: Take a screenshot of YOUR Excel Account page, which will show you what version you have of Excel / User info.
    • OPTIONS: General – Default Font Arial, Font Size 14pt, Include this many sheets  – 3
    • PROOFING: Autocorrect / Autocorrect Options / Autoformat AsYou Type -Uncheck the choice for “Internet and network paths for links”
    • SAVE: Save Autorecover – every 5 minutes, check the choice “Don’t how the Backstage. . .”
    • ADVANCED: Display – Show 10 Recent Workbooks,  Show 5 unpinned Recent folders
    • ADVANCED: Quick Access Toolbar – under the Customize Quick AccessToolbar, Add Borders, Fill Color, Font, Font Size, Font Color, Format Painter, AutoSum
  • SAVE your file as you add screenshots to it so your edits/changes will be save

PART 2:  Create a new Excel file, and screenshot the results into THIS existing screenshots file with a caption.

  • Create a NEW Excel file and save it on your computer as MyWorkbook.xlsx.
  • Replicate but PERSONALIZE what you see in the screenshot below:
    • Personalize YOUR name
    • Type the date YOU are working on this workbook
    • Type in the courses YOU are taking this quarter, with proper days, hours, and credits.
    • Add up (yourself) the total number of credits and type that in.
  • Take a screenshot of your finished work, and paste/caption that screenshot below the other 8 screenshots in your introYOURLASTNAME.xlsx file.





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Construct a scatter plot in Excel with FloorArea as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable

The Excel file for this assignment contains a database with information about the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings in a city. The following is a list of the variables in the database:

  • FloorArea: square feet of floor space
  • Offices: number of offices in the building
  • Entrances: number of customer entrances
  • Age: age of the building (years)
  • AssessedValue: tax assessment value (thousands of dollars)

Use the data to construct a model that predicts the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings with specific characteristics.

  • Construct a scatter plot in Excel with FloorArea as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
  • Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of FloorArea and AssessmentValue. Is FloorArea a significant predictor of AssessmentValue?
  • Construct a scatter plot in Excel with Age as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
  • Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of Age and Assessment Value. Is Age a significant predictor of AssessmentValue?

Construct a multiple regression model.

  • Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis with AssessmentValue as the dependent variable and FloorArea, Offices, Entrances, and Age as independent variables. What is the overall fit r^2? What is the adjusted r^2?
  • Which predictors are considered significant if we work with α=0.05? Which predictors can be eliminated?
  • What is the final model if we only use FloorArea and Offices as predictors?
  • Suppose our final model is:
  • AssessedValue = 115.9 + 0.26 x FloorArea + 78.34 x Offices
  • What wouldbe the assessed value of a medical office building with a floor area of 3500 sq. ft., 2 offices, that was built 15 years ago? Is this assessed value consistent with what appears in the database?





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