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explore numerous classroom management models and theories

Assignment Details

In this course, you will explore numerous classroom management models and theories. You will begin this journey by choosing one model to research for this paper. This assignment provides you an opportunity to develop your understanding of one particular model. In this paper, you will choose one of the models or theories presented in the textbook. The research project should include the following elements:

Introduction: The introduction should state the name and author of the model or theory you have chosen along with a short overview. Explain why you chose this model or theory over others.

Body: The body of the paper contains the key points of the model or theory with specific explanations of those points and examples of how they would work in the classroom. Include a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing this model. A minimum of three credible, reliable sources should be used to support your writing.

Summary and Conclusions: In this section you should discuss how you would implement three of the key points of the model or theory into your own classroom (noting any changes in your present management style you would need to make or any training you feel you might need) to make this implementation successful. If you disagree with one of the key points, discuss why that point could not be successfully implemented into your classroom and support this reasoning with evidence from another model or theory.

This paper should be 2–3 pages in length. Present the research project in APA format, with a title page and properly formatted citations and reference list.




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Explore one African American film from the pre-selected list in relation toits Type or Genre

Research Paper: 8 pages in length. This paper will count for 30% if your grade. Late papers will be penalized 2/3 of a letter grade per day.

These papers will be analytical/research essays in which you explore one African American film from the pre-selected list in relation toits Type or Genre.  Your analysis should explore the film’s historical, socio-cultural, and industrial context, and may touch upon aspects of film style, studio style, auteur style, star persona, film genre, “independence” from Hollywood (or not), film technology, etc. 


Please include at least 2-3 (outside of class) references throughout your paper, and engage with ideas from the class about the type or genre of Black film you have chosen. These essays are thus analytical essays that place the given film text within (at least some of) its various contexts. Your analysis should all be organized around a thesis of your own devising, which might be something as simple as “Film X is a good example of [Film Type Y] because it does/embodies these elements.”  Close textual reading of you chosen film will produce a better paper.

Papers will be uploaded to before or during Week 15, end date May 6.

Films: Choose one of the following options


1. “Race Films” ​​​Body and Soul (1925, dir. by Oscar Micheaux)2. “Blaxploitation” ​​Shaft (1971, dir. by Gordon Parks)3. “Black Queer Film” ​​Tongues Untied (1989, dir. by Marlon Riggs)4. “Black Auteurs” ​​Crooklyn (1994, dir. by Spike Lee)5. “Black Horror” ​​US (2019, dir. by Jordan Peele)6. “Black Women’s Film” ​Waiting to Exhale (1995, dir. by Forest Whitaker)

Caveats and Helpful Hints

This assignment is NOT about summarizing the story, NOR is it about describing the film in a shot by shot manner.  You should assume your reader is familiar with the film in question and any story synopsis should brief.


*​Make sure you have seen the film you are going to write about.  Consider watching it twice and taking notes on its form and style.

*​Make sure you understand the assignment. If you have any questions or doubts, contact the teaching assistants or the professor. 

*​You may want to prepare an outline before you start to write. 


*​Use one-inch margins on all sides of each page. DOUBLE SPACE your lines.

*​Underline, italicize or CAPITALIZE the titles of the films you discuss. Do not place them in quotation marks. Note that underlining the titles is the preferred method since it allows you to use italics for emphasis. 

*​Number the pages in the top right corner, and place your last name on the word file.

*​An original title is not an absolute requirement. However, try to provide one if you can.

*​Put your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date on the title page. 


*​Do not use regionalisms, slang, or colloquial language (“kind of,” “sort of,” “like,” etc.)  

*​Structure your sentences clearly and precisely. Any claim you make has to be supported with convincing evidence.

*​If a sentence becomes too long, split it into two before it gets out of control. 

*​Avoid sentence fragments.  Every sentence needs a subject and a verb.

*​Do not overuse pronouns (he, she, they, etc.). When you do use pronouns, make sure it is clear to what or whom they refer. 

*​Avoid repetition.  Don’t make the same point over and over. 

*​Avoid contracted forms (use “it is” not “it’s,” “they are” not “they’re,” etc.).


*​Make sure your opening paragraph contains a specific and precisely formulated thesis that anticipates the main points of the argument of the essay.

*​Your paragraphs should reflect a logical development of the thesis.

*​Make sure your argument flows smoothly, with clear transitions between paragraphs and sentences. 

*​Support general observations with concrete examples.


*​We are not interested in your personal opinions about the quality of the film you are analyzing.  Whether you enjoyed the film or not is irrelevant to the assignment. Try to be as objective as possible




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Identify and explore the key elements and applications of microservice, cloud computing, web-based information systems

Subject Code and Title MIS203 Micro-services Architecture Cloud and Web IS
Assessment Assessment 3: Case Study Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Identify and explore the key elements and applications of microservice, cloud computing, web-based information systems
b) Analyse existing technologies and apply IS problem solving skills to address organisational needs
c) Explain and communicate microservices, Cloud Computing and Web-based Information Systems solutions to organisational stakeholders
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8).
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In response to issues and tasks raised in the case study provided, research and develop a 2500 word report that addresses the organisation’s needs. You first communicate your understating of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems with stakeholders to make a strong case before providing your recommendations as an IS professional.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this assessment.
When you begin working as an IS professional, you will be called upon regularly by clients to listen to their requirements, analyse the underlying issues and to identify appropriate solutions. This task allows you to take the concepts that you have learned from Modules 1-4 (history of computers, computer architecture, service-orientated architecture, cloud computing, cloud services, cloud deployment models, web-based IS, microservice communication, service modelling, integration and deployment) and to put your knowledge into practice in order to address the needs of an organisation.
Task Instructions
First read and examine the case study in the briefing document for Assessment 3 (attached under the Assessment 3 Brief in Blackboard). The case study will provide details on the background of the company and some of the issues and challenges that they are facing. The company is willing to benefit from implementing microservice architecture, cloud computing and web-based Information Systems solutions, but needs your advice as an IS professional to analyse the issues and to determine how best to resolve them.
The report should consist of the following structure:
Please write a 2500-word report containing your solution plan. To complete this assessment task, you must:
A title page with subject code and name, assignment title, student’s name, student number, and lecturer’s name.
Introduction (250-300 words), that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the proposal— this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your proposal. You will need to inform the reader of:
a) Your area of research and its context
b) The key elements you will be addressing
c) What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report
Body of the report (1900-2000 words), you will need to Write a report with the following sections:
• A definition and introduction to Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems
• Examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries. You should include the benefit these technologies brought to them. You should also discuss the challenges they faced in the implementation of these three technologies;
• Make sure to focus on the aspects of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems that fit well with the company’s business model
• Discuss the challenges of creating a new system using Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems
Note: Use appropriate headings in the body of the report. Do NOT use generic words such as ‘Body, Body of the Report, Tasks’ as section headings. Create meaningful headings and subheadings that reflect the topic and content of your report. This is where you talk about Microservices, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems to convince stakeholders that they are reliable solutions for their potential problems and needs. This will set the tone for your recommendations. Make sure to include three examples for successful implementation of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems in your discussions.
The Conclusion (250-300 words) will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report.
Format of the report
The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading, and have page numbers on the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with criteria for grading the assignment—this will give you a clear picture of what a successful report looks like.
Submission Instructions
Submit Assessment 3 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS203. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Definition and introduction to
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and
Web-Based Information
30% Failed to provide a definition for Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems or the definitions are fundamentally incorrect.
The answer demonstrated a limited understanding of the concept of Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems. Key aspects are overlooked or incorrect. Defines Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems with errors.
The answer demonstrated a basic understanding of the
concept of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems. Some key aspects are overlooked or incorrect. There are some minor errors in the definition of Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrates understanding of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems. Key aspects are correctly described. Correct definition of and comprehensive introduction to Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrated a clear and detailed
understanding of the concept of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems. Correct definition of and comprehensive introduction to Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrated a very in-depth understanding of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems.
Three examples of successful implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-
Based Information
30% Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at most one company in different industries.
Did not include the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, or the benefit is
too general to be considered relevant.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems for at least two companies in different industries.
Did not include the benefit
Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems brought to each of the companies, or the benefit is too general to be considered relevant.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least two companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, but the benefit is somewhat general.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, but there is some room for improvement.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the companies.
MIS203_Assessment_3_Brief_Case Study Report_Module Due 4.2 Page 4 of 5
Did not discuss the challenges each of the
companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems Basic discussion of the challenges each of the
companies faced in the
implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems. Some key challenges have been overlooked. Discusses the key challenges some of the companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems, but the discussion is not thorough. Discussed the challenges each of the companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems, but the discussion is not thorough. Thoroughly discussed the challenges each of the
companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems
Strength of
Recommendations to the address business needs
The recommendations are not relevant to the business model and business needs. The recommendations are relevant to the business model
and business needs but partially discussed. Appropriate recommendations presented and discussed. Insightful recommendations are presented and discussed. Exceptional and insightful recommendations are presented and discussed.
10% The presented conclusion is summative in nature, and/or there are other significant problems with its execution. Makes an attempt to roll-up from the analysis provided in the paper. There may be summative
elements, but the focus of the conclusion is in providing
something for the reader to go away with. Provides a concluding set of remarks that set a tone for the
reader to do something with the report. It may lay out future directions or
recommendations for the
reader clearly based on the analysis from the report. Elegantly concludes the paper with a compelling case for
future direction that argues a case for continuing or
exploring Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems in the hypothetical firm. Expertly concludes from the analysis presented in the
earlier report. Is critical of its own analysis but cuts
efficiently to the heart of the subject at hand, providing an inspiring future direction for
exploration or continuation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems.
Written communication
10% No external resources used or referenced Some credible references are used to support ideas
External resources are inaccurately presented and referenced using APA Credible references are partially used to support ideas
External resources are partially presented and referenced using APA Credible references are used to support ideas
External resources are thoroughly presented and referenced using APA Credible references are expertly used to support ideas
External resources are thoroughly presented and referenced using APA
MIS203_Assessment_3_Brief_Case Study Report_Module Due 4.2 Page 5 of 5


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Explore Triton’s mixed feelings about Miss Nili moving into Mr Salgado’s home

Answer the question on Reef OR the question on Playing in the Light. Your essay in Section A should be about 1000-1200 words, and include a bibliography of all your cited sources.
QUESTION 1 — Romesh Gunesekera: Reef
In an essay of 1000-1200 words, explore Triton’s mixed feelings about Miss Nili moving into Mr Salgado’s home, basing your response in a close analysis of the extract below. You should also quote and discuss at least one other relevant example of your own choice from the novel where Triton appears to struggle with his feelings for Miss Nili, having to be loyal to his master but also admiring her, and requiring her approval.
I should have expected it, I suppose, but the speed at which our circumstances changed surprised me. I didn’t let anything show. I nodded and quickly picked up the cases. It was not any of my business how they organized their affairs. I was pleased that she was coming to live with us; the whole place seemed to pick up the moment she stepped in…
I took the bags into the bedroom first. I put them down next to the bed; the prospect of moving all his things to the other room was not something to look forward to. And for what purpose? For how long? It was a man’s room: should I change the furniture? My orange curtains? I remembered how she had looked out of the window the time we came in together to choose a shirt. Was this in her mind even then?
(Gunesekera 103, 104 and 105).
Page 2 of 3
QUESTION 2 — Zoë Wicomb: Playing in the Light
Carefully read the following extract, which shows the interactions between two employees in Marion Campbell’s business, MC Travel. Make sure that you re-read the whole section which is relevant to this extract.
Write an essay of 1000 to 1200 words which focuses on the relationship between Brenda and Boetie, and how this reflects questions of race and gender. Your essay should begin with a short opening paragraph introducing the novel as a whole.
In the first part of the body of your essay, briefly contextualise the given extract, and then carefully analyse the dynamics between Brenda and Boetie, explaining what this reveals about them, and their attitudes to each other. In what ways do Brenda’s and Boetie’s gender and race affect their interactions? How, do you think, Brenda is feeling at this moment? Support all your responses with detailed analysis of the extract, quoting examples as evidence.
In the second part of the essay, find one other relevant moment in the novel where Boetie and
Brenda interact with each other. Copy down this second extract which you have chosen yourself (not more than 12 typed out lines, which can be added as additional to your word count), and explain what it reveals about Brenda as a person. Again, make sure to quote examples from the extract to support your argument.
Give your essay a suitable title.
Brenda’s back is stiff after hours at the computer. She raises her arms, holds the stretch, then bends down slowly to touch her toes. Ten times, while Boetie stares at her rump, over which the cloth of her trousers strains as she bends.
Boetie addresses the doubled-over body, Are you making tea?
Brenda, drawing herself up, says, No, it’s too hot for tea, but if I change my mind I’ll let you know.
Milk and two sugars, he says from behind the newspaper.
Brenda does not reply; she retrieves her jersey and stands at the window with the garment swinging from the hook of her thumb.
Jesus, what is this country coming to, Boetie exclaims. (Wicomb, 42)
Question 3 – Short Stories
“The Company of Wolves” and “Manoka” are stories where characters transform in ways that affect the developments that take place in these stories. Choose one of the stories and write an essay of 300 – 400 words that discusses the importance of the transformation in the story. Choose relevant sections from the story to support your response, and make sure to quote and discuss examples from the text as evidence for your interpretation.


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Explore the code of ethics under

Must be 500 words and citied and im sending the textbook

If you were a psychologist, would there be cases that were discussed in the textbook, that you would not be feel comfortable working with? Explore the code of ethics under (Links to an external site.), what would be your responsibility in that circumstance?


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Empirically explore the impact of GST on the Indian economy

Topic: Empirically explore the impact of GST on the Indian economy.
You have to empirically work on the above topic using actual data from the RBI Handbook of Statistics.
The deliverable would be a document linking empirical findings to analysis by you. I expect a 500-700 word document (excluding the appendix, references) as a deliverable that would contain references and citations of sources referred to. Deadline: 22nd January 2022 EOD
An indicative structure for the document is as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement and Hypothesis
3. Data and Method
4. Results and Analysis
5. Recommendation (Managerial/Policy)
6. Conclusion




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What three to five indicators from Figure 9.3 would you want the team to explore in order to determine why there is a decline in the scores?

Discussion 4

Data in Action


In this Discussion Board, you will look at the use of data and factors that support growth essential to student achievement and standards-based teaching and learning.

Figure 9.3 (Indicators of Standards-Based Teaching and Learning p.160 in the Text: Getting More Excited About Using Data) lists 15 attributes that were compiled to provide a more complete understanding of standards-based teaching and learning.

Figure 1.2 (Sources of Data, p.11 in the text: Getting More Excited About Using Data) lists 30 different sources of data that are useful in addressing important aspects of teaching and learning.

You have been asked by your building administrator to participate on a task force to identify why the school is seeing two years of declining scores in the area of English Language Arts (ELA) or Math. In the Discussion Board post the following:

Identify if you have chosen to serve on the ELA team or the Math team.

What three to five indicators from Figure 9.3 would you want the team to explore in order to determine why there is a decline in the scores?

Share each indicator chosen from Figure 9.3 and explain why you believe the data source would help the school make improvement decisions to facilitate increased student performance.

Match the appropriate sources of data from Figure 1.2 that would guide the team in determining data points for decision making and planning based upon the three to five indicators you selected from Figure 9.3.

What would the data sources tell you about students, their learning and their instructional needs?

Discussion 5

ffective School-Wide Leadership


Leadership is not a one size fits all process. Leaders come to their role with different skills, different abilities and different levels of needed growth. In the discussion, you will look at how leadership models matched with personal style, behaviors, and skills are used to build a school-wide culture of leadership in schools. In this Discussion Board you will compare three different leadership philosophies and models. Before starting your Discussion Board posting, complete these three assessments from your textbook:

Your leadership style model (Figure 4.2 p. 93-94)

Your emphasis on task and relationship behaviors survey (Figure 5.2 p.111-112)

Your leadership skills survey (Figure 6.2 p.134-135)

In the Discussion Board, reflect on your results of each survey and discuss how the model and your style, behaviors and skills relate to each. You will share your strengths and weaknesses in style as it relates to each model.

How would you use these surveys?

What would you expect to do with the information to create a school-wide culture?

How would these surveys help you to identify the leaders within the school?

How would you classify the teachers into leadership groups to create a culture of leadership?


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Explore the qualifications and steps needed to select judges for the different kinds of courts

Research the judicial selection process of your state (California). Explore the qualifications and steps needed to select judges for the different kinds of courts (Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals, Bankruptcy Appellate Panels, District Courts, Bankruptcy Courts, and Article I Courts) within your state(California)

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Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness

Subject Code and Title MGT 601 Dynamic Leadership
Assessment Assessment 1, Part B: Reflexive Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length Up to 2,000 words
Learning Outcomes a) Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness
b) Through critical reflection on key leadership theories develop a personal leadership development strategy.
c) Analyse and develop the capacity to influence, motivate and inspire others in your workplace and/or community organisations.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday at end of Module 3.2 (Week 6)
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
The learning design of this subject is to focus on your own leadership journey and not to study leadership as some remote, theoretical concept that applies to other people. This assessment enables you to build self-awareness and a clear sense of how you came to be the person and emerging leader that you are today. It encourages deep reflection on your life and leadership journey to your present position. It helps you to increase your understanding of your current leadership capabilities and potential. The assessment requires you to establish a mentoring relationship with another student in the class so that you can provide mutual learning support and exchange constructive feedback with each other.
Your Task:
Your task in Assessment 1 Part B is to reflect on you own leadership journey up until now, your current role or position, how you influence others, how you lead, contribute to or react to organisational and cultural changes and your current level of self-awareness and selfconfidence to lead others in your organisation and/or community.
Assessment 2, which is due at the end of the subject, builds on the first and asks you to prepare a plan for the next stage of your leadership journey. The assessments are integrated pieces of work and you should bear in mind the final part as you work on this part. All assessments need to be strongly based on the established theories and models of leadership to help you interpret and explain your leadership challenges.
Working with Your Partner:
Partners will be allocated by your Learning Facilitator after you post your personal introduction on the “Welcome and Introductions” Discussion Forum. Partners will be allocated on the basis of maximum diversity of backgrounds to enrich your learning experience. Where possible, partners will be in similar time zones. More detailed guidelines for working with your partner are provided at the end of this section.
• You should include a summary of the feedback you receive from your partner and others, combined with your reflection and interpretation of this feedback in the context of your leadership journey.
• You may wish to also include a summary of the feedback that you gave your partner and reflect on it. Feedback often says as much about the person who gives as the person who receives it. The feedback summaries can be included as appendices, where they will not be included in the word count.
While the assessment includes feedback from the interaction with your partner, each person is to submit his or her own, individual report.
More detailed guidelines for working with your partner are shown at the end of this brief.
Possible Structure:
A possible structure for your report is shown below. This is a suggestion only and is not mandatory. Other structures would be appropriate, provided that they enable you to demonstrate your learning according to the rubric shown in the brief for the first assessment.

  1. A clear logic flow, using a “Contents” page and section headings, will help your readers to follow your thinking.
  2. The use of an “Executive Summary” as a précis or abstract of your report.
  3. An “Introduction” to set the context
  4. The body of your report should address the following issues. The percentages in brackets indicate a suggested proportional length of each section.
    • Who has recognised your leadership in the past? This is not about jobs you have held, this is about recognising the people you have influenced. (10%)
    • Key “moments of truth” in your background to date. This should not be a chronology or a CV. It is a reflection on a small number of the most influential aspects or turning points in the establishment of your natural leadership behaviours. This is not to be fictional or invented – please reflect deeply on the nature of your interactions with others around you over time and consider the moments when you felt empowered or aligned with the moment. (15%)
    • Summarise the results of two other personality or leadership style inventories that you have completed, and your interpretation of the results. Are they basically aligned with the results from Gallup? Identify and explain any variances you identify. (15%)
    • Explain the process of giving and receiving constructive feedback with a peer, and the outcomes and the of that activity. (15%)
    • The implications of the feedback and your reflection on its significance. It could include your preliminary thinking on how you might use these insights in future, to be expanded in your second submission. (25%)
    • Links to theory and conceptual frameworks discussed specifically in the topics in this subject that relate to your experiences and feedback. This is to happen throughout the report and be consistent with the topic areas of this subject. The important point is that you anchor your submission with appropriate models or theories that have been presented in this subject as a minimum. (20%)
  5. A “Conclusion” to capture your key learnings is desirable in a business subject. Detailed, supporting information such as psychometric results and planning templates should be placed in an appendix, where they will not be included in the word count.
    Reflexive Writing – First Person:
    You should write in the first person, because this is about YOU, your reflections and your interpretations. (eg “I considered this advice to be….. because it had a big impact on my……..and it helped me to understand my………..”).
    Try to be as specific as possible, use brief examples to illustrate your points and try to select examples that enable you to demonstrate learning against the attributes in the rubric.
    All other principles of academic writing apply, including strict referencing, acknowledgement of the work of others and avoidance of plagiarism.
    You should include a list of specific references that you have actually used in your report. For this assessment, a minimum of three journal articles, academic papers or textbooks is expected. References to any secondary sources or web sites are additional. The reference list and Executive Summary (if you choose to use one) and any appendices will not be included in the word count.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions:
    Submit your Self-Reflective Analysis in Assessment 1 Part B submission link in the Assessment section found in the main navigation menu of the subject Blackboard site. A rubric will be attached to the assessment. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Marking Rubric:
    Your reports will be marked against the rubric which is show on the next pages. Please ensure that your submission addresses all five of the Assessment Attributes in the rubric.
    Guidelines for Working with Your Partner
    The following information should help you to start to build a mentoring relationship with your partner.
    In commencing the relationship, it will be helpful to work through the following steps:
  6. Make initial contact through the “Group” facility on the home screen. Your Learning Facilitator will advise you of your Group number after you have posted a personal introduction on the “Welcome and Introductions” Discussion Forum.
  7. Establish an oral confidentiality agreement with each other so that you are both clear that you will not disclose personal information to others. It is appropriate to describe concepts, learnings and insights about the leadership journey of yourself and your partner in your assessment submission but not personal details that can be identified with an individual.
  8. Agree on how you will communicate with each other. You can use a range of tools within the “Group” facility on Blackboard, including emails, blogs, wikis, file exchange etc. Only you and your partner will have access to your group tools. You may prefer to establish a separate text or voice channel, such as Skype, if you prefer.
  9. Provide your partner with brief background details on your role, employment and current leadership challenge to set the context.
  10. Provide more detailed information on your personal leadership journey and current challenges. The questions in the paper by George et al on Authentic Leadership are a good starting point for you and also to ask your partner about. You can also share the contents of your reflexive journal.
  11. Listen carefully to your partner’s story and current challenges, probe respectfully to encourage deeper reflection and understanding and suggest alternative approaches where appropriate. Please respect each other’s boundaries and do not go beyond what each is comfortable to disclose. This is intended to be mentoring and not psychotherapy!
  12. As you progress through the modules, record any insights about your leadership journey in your reflexive journal. You may wish to exchange journals or a summary of key points with your partner.
  13. In asking and learning about your partner’s leadership journey, it is likely that you will develop deeper insights into your own journey.

Learning Rubric: Assessment 1B Reflexive Report
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%
30% Little or no reference to own experiences or observations on leadership. Occasional references to own experiences and learnings about leadership. Frequent references to own leadership experiences or observations, with reflection on outcomes and learning. Frequent and deep reflection on own leadership experiences, clear reflection and new insights. Multiple, deep reflections, significant new insights on own leadership and evidence of changing behaviours.
20% Little or no evidence of feedback either received or given. Basic description of feedback received and given but with little or no interpretation. Clear description of feedback received and given with useful interpretation and reflection in implications Comprehensive description and analysis of feedback received and given with clearly expressed interpretation of implications and impact. Very insightful presentation of feedback received and given with explicit interpretation of implications and indicators of changing behaviours.
20% Little or no reference to the conceptual frameworks or theoretical models of leadership. Basic coverage of at least one relevant conceptual framework for leadership development. Clear coverage and comparison of at least two models or frameworks for development, including some evaluation. Coverage of multiple models of development with clear evaluation and selection of most appropriate for own development. Clear understanding and brief evaluation of multiple modes and justification of selection of most appropriate.
20% Reference to nominated or supplied readings only.
Inadequate referencing. Evidence of some relevant reading and research beyond the core readings.
Adequate referencing. Evidence of substantial, relevant, additional reading and research.
Full referencing. Evidence of substantial, additional reading and research with application to own development plan.
Full referencing. Evidence of comprehensive additional reading & research with insightful application to own development plan.
Full and extensive referencing.
MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part B Page 6 of 7
10% No clear logic flow or structure.
Difficult to understand. Basic logic flow and structure.
Clear expression of concepts. Mainly correct grammar and spelling.
. Clear logic flow and structure, with table of contents, Introduction, Conclusion, etc
Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling. Excellent logic and structure. Accurate Executive Summary. Conclusion accurately captures key leanings.
Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling Excellent logic and structure. Concise, accurate Executive Summary.
Conclusion accurately captures deep learning’s and insights.
Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling
MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part B Page 7 of 7

Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness

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Explore the ASTHO website at and prepare a brief 1 page report on initiatives that affect public health in your home state

Demonstrates that you are familiar with the case studies and includes an explanation and evaluation of the public health methods used for each topic below.

There must be 1 page in length for each topic listed below and reflects proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar usage.

Includes citations and references in APA format.

There is a total of three topics to write about, ALL ARE TO BE WRITTEN ABOUT. In total there must be 3-6 pages long, 1-2 pages per topic.

1.      Explore the ASTHO website at and prepare a brief 1 page report on initiatives that affect public health in your home state. Be sure to include the initiative, its goals, any opposition that you think may be there and your own opinion of the initiatives.

2.      Visit the Guide to Community Preventive Services web site at:

Research a topic that is an important public health issue in your local area/hometown. Investigate the types of scientific research that has been done on the issue and recommendations for community interventions that have emerged from the research. Report your findings in a brief summary. This report should be 1 page long

3.      Review the tools and resources offered by The Community Tool box at This free public service offered by the University of Kansas

Work Group for Community Health and Development offers a large number of resources for practitioners and community volunteers. Make a list of resources that you would find helpful as a new graduate starting his/her first job with a public health agency.

This should be a 1-2 page list with a brief explanation of how that resource could be helpful to you.

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  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Explore the ASTHO website at and prepare a brief 1 page report on initiatives that affect public health in your home state

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