Writers Solution

Falstaff’s Chief Compliance Officer

How much for this paper? I only want 6 pages including references.  

Please consider the fact pattern below on a fictional company, Falstaff Corporation. You are Falstaff’s Chief Compliance Officer. Based upon the facts and items to address at the end of the fact pattern, you are to prepare a memorandum to the Falstaff Corporation Board of Directors. Your memorandum should be a maximum of seven pages, single-spaced, in 12 point font, and with one inch margins. In preparing your memorandum, you can use all lecture and reading materials from class, as well as any additional outside research you would like to include with proper citations.

Your final memorandum will have a possible total of 100 points, with the following factors to be considered:

Content = 70 points

Style/Coherence = 10 points

Organization = 10 points

Research/Citations = 10 points