Writers Solution

Immediate and extended family, and the latest issue

Think about your immediate and extended family, and the latest issue or initiative that your family wanted to address or realize, respectively. Recognize that a family generally operates as a group but can quickly and effectively act as a team. Describe the team process to make the decision about the issue or initiative. Was it effective to reach the final decision? Who took the role of team leader and why? What communication improvements might you suggest to your family the next time a decision needs to be made for the benefit of all?





Team Leadership

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Team Decision Making

            There are various kinds of decisions that people make, and this include personal decisions, group decisions within a family and managerial decisions. Regardless of the type of decision, decisions are often made in a specific manner. According to (Griffin & Van Fleet, 2013) the process of making decisions involves the choice of an alternative from a range of alternatives. One such issue that required decision to be made was the issue of ownership of our family business. Our family business has been running for many years and the family members felt it was time to decide on new form of management owing to the death of the founding family member. The first step in the team decision making process was the recognition that there was a leadership vacuum in the family business after the demise of the founding father. The issue needed immediate decision to be made in order to eliminate uncertainty that had started to spread across the business. This was followed by constitution of family members that represented all ages, gender and families within the extended family set up. This led to creation of a team of members of different educational levels, age and experiences. The third step was for the team to draw suggestions on the management alternatives, followed by evaluation of the alternatives. Finally, a decision was reached after the family team decided it was in the best interest of the family to have an independent business management team, with an external chief executive officer and a family representative. The chosen alternative w……..……………………………………………………………………………………Immediate and extended family and the latest issue………………




Writers Solution

Terrence is considering next steps for a client, Angela, who has come for therapy at the family counseling center where he works.


Consider the following scenario:

Terrence is considering next steps for a client, Angela, who has come for therapy at the family counseling center where he works. When Angela scheduled her appointment on the telephone, she had described her concerns with marital difficulties, insomnia, and depression. During her first session, however, Terrence noticed that Angela had a very nervous demeanor, picked at her skin constantly, and had a rasping cough. When Terrence asked Angela about her employment, she admitted that she had lost her job and that her husband was angry about it. She said she was afraid her husband was on the brink of becoming abusive.

Terrence is not sure what to do first. He suspects Angela might have a substance addiction, but clearly she has several interlocking problems, and many are urgent. Should Terrence administer a screening for addiction or a more general clinical assessment? If he does decide to administer an addictions assessment, which of the many that are available should he choose and why?

This week, you differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools and review several assessment tools in order to evaluate one of them.


Students will:

  • Differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools  
  • Critique an addictions assessment tool

Required Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


  • Gupta, R., Nower, L., Derevensky, J. L., Blaszczynski, A., Faregh, N., &Temcheff, C. (2013). Problem gambling in adolescents: An examination of the pathways model. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(3), 575–588.
    Problem Gambling in Adolescents: An Examination of the Pathways Model by Gupta, R.; Nower, L.; Derevensky, J.; Blaszczynski, A.; Faregh, N.; Temcheff, C., in Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 29/Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Human Sciences Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Human Sciences Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

    Focus on the three Pathways (pp. 577–578).
  • Larimer, M. E., Cronce, J. M., Lee, C. M., & Kilmer, J. R. (2004/2005). Brief intervention in college settings. Alcohol Research & Health, 28(2), 94–104.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    Focus on the section titled “Advantages and Efficacy of Screening and Brief Interventions in College Populations,” paying particular attention to the direct effect of assessment on substance use.
  • Muñoz, Y., Chebat, J-C.,& Borges, A. (2013). Graphic gambling warnings: How they affect emotions, cognitive responses and attitude change. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(3), 507–524.
    Graphic Gambling Warnings: How they Affect Emotions, Cognitive Responses and Attitude Change by Muñoz, Y.; Chebat, J.; Borges, A., in Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 29/Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Human Sciences Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Human Sciences Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

    Focus on the section titled “Use of Graphic Images” (p. 510).
  • Nagy, T. F. (2011). Ethics in psychological assessment. In Essential ethics for psychologists: A primer for understanding and mastering core issues (pp. 171–183). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    Focus on the reasons behind selection of different types of assessments and why multiple assessments might be needed. This article also includes excellent information on ethics of assessment.
  • Samet, S., Waxman, R., Hatzenbuehler, M., &Hasin, D. S. (2007).  Assessing addiction: Concepts and instruments.Addiction Science & Clinical Practice,4(1), 19–31. Retrieved from

    Focus on the types of assessments used for addictions treatment and the characteristics of each that might elicit data relevant to addictions rather than some other type of psychiatric disorder. Table 1 on p. 25 provides a snapshot of many common addictions assessments.
  • Suissa, A. J. (2011). Vulnerability and gambling addiction: Psychosocial benchmarks and avenues for intervention. International Journal Of Mental Health & Addiction, 9(1), 12–23.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    Focus on the section titled “A Hidden Area of Vulnerability: Internet Gambling.” It is suggested that the entire article be read, as it is important. In particular, it provides good information on gambling addiction.

Optional Resources

Week 4 Discussion post;

Addictions Screening and Assessment Tools Versus Clinical Assessments

A client is typically referred to an addiction professional with myriad problems because addictions either directly or indirectly cause the problems, or the addiction is a byproduct of the problem. If clinical assessments provide an overview of a client’s background and situation, is a specific addictions assessment necessary? If an addictions assessment shows a client with depression and anxiety, is a clinical assessment necessary?

For this Discussion, you consider differences between use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools and the rationale behind each approach.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, particularly the following articles:

  • “Brief Intervention in College Settings”
  • “Assessing Addiction: Concepts and Instruments”

Post by Day 4 your response to the following:

How might the use of addictions assessment tools differ from the use of clinical assessment tools? Include in your response references to unique administration and client considerations.  

Be specific and use the week’s Learning Resources in your response.






Psychology: Addictions Screening and Assessment Tools versus Clinical Assessments

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

January 27th 2016.

How the Use of Addictions Assessment Tools May Differ From the Use of Clinical Assessment Tools

            An effective assessment substance abuse disorder can determine the success or failure of a medical intervention that is designed for a client. Moreover, making an effective assessment is important in determining the need and the type of adjunctive services for a client (Samet, Waxman, Hatzenbuehler, &Hasin, 2007). During the process of client assessment for a particular disorder, an assessment professional often uses assessment instruments in order to perform an effective disorder assessment. Among the assessment tools are the clinical and addiction assessment tools.

The clinical assessment tools and the addiction assessment tools differ in a number of ways. First, the clinical assessment tools are used for assessment of substance abuse disorders, which typically involve structured interviews and written questionnaires. After the assessment, the clinician can determine the best intervention for a particular patient disorder. Although the addiction assessment tools employ interviews in a addiction assessment, the tools provides a rating mechanism from which a clinician can use to classify the addiction levels of the patient based on a chosen scale, for example the Diagnostic Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). Moreover, the clinical assessment tools provide an analysis of the client disorder, while neglecting the impact of the disorder on the patient life. For example, in the analysis for a patient with addiction for a substance, the use of addiction assessment tools may reveal the impact of addiction on job and family relationships. The other ways in which the addiction assessment and disorder assessment tools differ is the length of administration. The addiction assessment tools have specific duration from which they are administered, whereas clinical assessment……………







Writers Solution

Effective Family Communication


In the first week of class you described some of the communication rules that are present in your family.  After reviewing guidelines for effective communication in families describe how you want your current or future family to communicate.  What communication rules might you implement?  Describe what you will do to make sure you will meet the challenges of family life. (Length 2-3 paragraphs)                  






Public Relations: Family Communication

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Effective Family Communication

How I Want My Family to Communicate

The essence of family happiness rests on building effective communication among the family members (Laskin, 2010). Research has shown that strong family bonds, between the parents and kids as well as other members of the family, depend on effective communication. It would be my wish to have a family where communication is free, open and frequent. By finding regular time to stay with my family, it would allow my family and me to share emotions and feelings.

            In order to ensure that close relationships and happiness is achieved, I would ensure that negative aspects such as criticism, defensiveness and contempt are avoided. Rather, a culture of positivity, and lending an ear to each member and understanding his or her problems shall be adopted. Furthermore, close attention shall be paid on the non-verbal aspects of communications, such as facial expressions in order to ensure that individual feelings are fully addressed.

Communications Rules to Implement           In order to ensure effective communicati………………………………..

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Writers Solution

family therapy sessions

  • Apply documentation skills to examine family therapy sessions *
  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving family psychotherapy *
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders *

*The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 3.

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a family therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same family session.

Then, address in your Practicum Journal the following:

  • Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, document the family session.
  • Describe (without violating HIPAA regulations) each client, and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
  • Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team.
Writers Solution

structural family therapy and strategic family therapy

 In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

  • Summarize the key points of both structural family therapy and strategic family therapy.
  • Compare structural family therapy to strategic family therapy, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each.
  • Provide an example of a family in your practicum using a structural family map. Note: Be sure to maintain HIPAA regulations.
  • Recommend a specific therapy for the family, and justify your choice using the Learning Resources. 

** Must include at least four references and the structual family map

Writers Solution

Summarize the key points of both experiential family therapy and narrative family therapy.

The Assignment

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following: 

  • Summarize the key points of both experiential family therapy and narrative family therapy. 
  • Compare experiential family therapy to narrative family therapy, noting the strengths and weakness of each.
  • Provide a description of a family that you think experiential family  therapy would be appropriate, explain why, and justify your response. 

Part 2: Family Genogram

Develop a genogram for the client family you  selected. The genogram should extend back at least three generations  (parents, grandparents, and great grandparents).

** Paper must include at least four references

** Must include family genogram

Writers Solution

prepare a grocery list based on the meals the family plans to make.

Read about the family listed below and prepare a grocery list based on the meals the family plans to make. Perform online research and gather data on recipes and the cost of grocery store items. Look at the foods and compare prices. Calculate the cost of food based on the grocery list. Do not go over budget. You will need to show the prices of each item found. 

The family includes a mother, father, 11-year-old daughter, and a 7-year-old son. The weekly grocery budget is $100.00.The family plans to make spaghetti with ground meat, tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, and pancakes with fresh fruit, and to buy the necessary ingredients for these foods in large enough amounts to use them in other meals as well.

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Writers Solution

American Family

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: The American Family. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The American Family al affiliation The American Family The American family has gone through several changes from the nineteenth century to date. This paper highlights these changes which have brought about a new structure of the contemporary American family. The paper also points out the main idea found in articles by Popenoe (2003) and Coontz (2003).

Popenoe (2003) is a strong advocate for a nuclear family where children grow up with a father and a mother. However, in the American family this changed after 1950s. This is because men became more promiscuous and were not keen to take responsibility for the children they sired. The woman became a working being who viewed the nuclear family as an oppressive institution. The development of modern technology, contraceptives and abortion allowed women to have active sexual lives without worrying about pregnancy and childbearing. Boden (2005) testifies that more women have joined the working class and single parenthood is on the rise. As a result, parents have little free time with their children, which is unhealthy.

Earlier on, the men worked while women stayed at home as full time house wives, and marriage focused more on companionship and reproduction rather than romance and sex (Popenoe, 2003). Popenoe (2003) further argues that there is a call to revive the American nuclear family by emphasizing the importance of monogamy. This can be achieved through countering the sexual revolution, promoting marriage and renewing a cultural focus on children.

On the contrary, Coontz (2003) believes that many American families are better off today than in the past where women were not allowed to work, infant mortality was high and few children graduated from school. Today, both men and women have more choices than in the past. For instance, since the woman spends more hours at work than in the house, families have fewer children. This means that children get individualized attention from the parents. This was not so in the past. Moreover, people not only have the freedom to marry from the same or opposite sex or even remain unmarried, but also no one is under pressure to stay in an unhappy marriage. Men are no longer the main breadwinners in their families unless by choice. Furthermore, according to Coontz (2003), parents have learnt to balance between family needs and industrialization.

After a thorough study of the two articles, the modern structure of the nuclear family is more appealing. Although marriage is indispensable, it is no longer the foundation of a good family. A healthy family is made up of a parent or parents and children. The sexual orientation of the parent is not as weighty as raising children that enjoy the full attention of their parents. Nobody should endure a lousy marriage. McClain (2011) claims that commitment and investment to family can be done without the legal bond of marriage.

In conclusion, such a study on the modern American family is crucial because current and prospective parents can borrow a lot from the two schools of thought. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages but if implemented with caution can raise a powerful future generation.


Boden, L. I. (2005). Running on Empty: Families, Time, and Workplace Injuries. American Journal of Public Health, 95(11), 1894-1897.

Coontz, S. (2003). The American family today is not worse off than in the past. In Coleman, M., & Ganong, L. Points & counterpoints controversial relationship and family issues in the 21st century. Los Angeles: Roxbury.

McClain, L. R. (2011). Better Parents, More Stable Partners: Union Transitions Among Cohabiting Parents. Journal of Marriage and Family, 73(5), 889–901.

Popenoe, D. (2003). Can the nuclear family be revived? In Coleman, M., & Ganong, L. Points & counterpoints controversial relationship and family issues in the 21st century. Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Writers Solution

Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.

Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000-word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

  1. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
  2. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions. 
  3. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
  4. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Part 1 attached, please use the paper from part 1 to answer and respond for this paper. 

Writers Solution

My big fat Greek wedding; Family Stone; Moana; Mrs. Doubtfire; Failure to Launch.

Images of families are everywhere in media, including in movies and television. What constitutes a family has changed significantly in recent decades, and much of those changes are reflected in the families we watch on screens. Some of these images reflect our personal experience of family and some are very different from what we know and have experienced.A2:STEP 1: For this assignment you will discuss concepts and theory from a movie of your choice and incorporate terms from the text. Movies to choose from: My big fat Greek wedding; Family Stone; Moana; Mrs. Doubtfire; Failure to Launch.Film AnalysisThis minimum of 3-page typed paper (double spaced except for the heading-see below), Times New Roman, 12 font, 1-inch margin) will analyze a film of your choosing. The film needs to address about the family (you may browse ahead for other chapters in the textbook).Heading: Put your Name and title of movie on one line only. Double space and then begin your paper: 1 inch margins all around double spaced and 12 times roman font.For this assignment you will need to :Provide a brief written summary/synopsis of the film (no longer than a half page). STEP 2: Choose one theoretical view of the family identified in the first chapter (functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism) through which to analyze your chosen family.Reflect on how well your family selections support a theoretical view of family. Your reflection should be 300-500 words. Use your identified families as support for or an argument against the theoretical view of family in society. Consider the following questions:What norms are assumed in this family?What roles do family members have?How are the assumptions and points of view in this family understood through your chosen theoretical view?What argument do these families make about public perceptions of family behavior and structures?What does this family say about society?For example, you might decide to write about how the Simpsons reflect a functionalist view of the family in society. You can evaluate each family member on how well they socialize Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, how each member provides emotional and practical support for each other, and how significant changes in their family impact its stability.
A2DR: This will be a response to one classmate about their Power point that you have reviewed. You only need to respond to one other classmate. It needs to be in depth and meaningful and add some further information.
A2DR Instruction: Please give thoughts about this PowerPoint presentation below:
Please give thoughts in like one or two paragraphs.