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Financial analysis of the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo

Financial Analysis
For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned thus far from the unit lessons and required unit resources.

You will conduct a financial analysis of the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. Write a five-page paper that evaluates each firm, and provide your findings and recommendation for investment or employment.

Your paper should consist of the components listed below.

Provide a company overview for both companies, which should be one page in length.

Include a comparison of three accounting methods (i.e., receivables, depreciation, and inventory valuation), which should be one page in length (formatted either as a table or an outline).

Provide four ratio calculations (i.e., one ratio each for liquidity, solvency, profitability, and market) as well as an analysis, which should be two pages in length.

Include your recommendations and conclusions, which should be one page in length.
You are encouraged to utilize the resources below to support your findings.
PepsiCo. (2019). 2018 PepsiCo annual report.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2019). Form 10-K: The Coca-ColaCompany (Commission File No. 001-02217).

You may submit an appendix with any research you conducted—beyond the companies’ most recent 10-Ks—to support your analyses and recommendations. Your paper should include appropriate reference citations.

Write your responses in a Word document, and include at least two resources to support your findings. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.


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Explain some of the basic terms and conditions a customer must meet before a financial product will be supplied by an AFSL

Activity 1
Explain some of the basic terms and conditions a customer must meet before a financial product will be supplied by an AFSL.
(Explain financial product service terms and conditions).
Activity 2
Why might a financial planner wish to become an authorised representative of an AFS licensee?
(Explain the interactions between different providers of the financial planning service and their accountabilities).
Activity 3
ASIC’s Moneysmart website is an invaluable source of advice for clients of financial planners. Using Moneysmart, locate and discuss the situation where a legal professional may offer a client investment advice service.
(Describe authorities and assistance able to be offered by other advisers and organisations).
Activity 4
Tom is an accountant with no AFS licence, who does not provide financial planning advice. A client comes to Tom and says he knows what he wants and instructs Tom to:
? set up an SMSF;
? assist to roll-over assets into the SMSF;
? provide factual information about different super choices;
? value SMSF assets;
? advise on the SISA investment rules;
? provide a pro-forma generic investment strategy; and
? advise on a pension (transition to retirement income stream) strategy and prepare the documents.
Advise Tom on how he should proceed. (Discern between and describe what different providers can and cannot do within the financial planning service required by the client).
Activity 5
Outline some of the issues a financial planner needs to consider when referring an existing client to a third party for specialist advice.
(Outline the steps in a referral process to other advisers or organisations).
Activity 6
Describe the value of client complaints to a financial planning business.
(Describe the key stages in internal and external complaint handling processes).
Activity 7
Most financial planning clients complete a fact find before an initial meeting with a financial planner. But much of the personal information needed by a planner is not in the nature of hard facts. Outline some non-factual aims of a fact-finding interview.
(Outline the steps and processes involved in the preparation of financial plans).
Activity 8
What sort of adviser / client obligations might be incorporated into an AFSL’s Client Protection Policy?
(Describe the key features of relevant organisational policy, procedures and requirements).
Activity 9
In what ways could a financial planner detect a potential cyber-enabled fraud? (Identify risk and fraud indicators)




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Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to interpret basic financial data.

Assessment Type (and weighting) Individual report – 100%
(2000 words)
Assessment Name Importance of Financial Management
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO1: Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to interpret basic financial data.
LO2: Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to maintain basic financial records.
LO3: Illustrate how financial data analysis can aid decision making in business.
LO4: Demonstrate ICT skills in data manipulation.
Assignment Brief:
Produce a report based upon the Case Study provided to answer the following question:
Define and discuss the concept and importance of financial management. Using examples, describe and discuss the processes businesses might use to improve their financial performance.
Your report should include the following sections:-
Section 1
Introduction: Define and discuss the concept and importance of financial management
(10 marks)
Section 2
Describe and discuss the main financial statements and explain the use of ratios in financial management.
(20 marks)
Section 3
i. Complete the Information on the ‘Business Review Template (Ensure that you
display your calculations for this detail).
ii. Using Excel produce an Income Statement for the Sample Organisation (see
Case Study). This should be included within your appendices.
iii. Using Excel complete the Balance Sheet
iv. Using the Case study information describe the profitability, liquidity and
efficiency of the company based on the results of ratio analysis.
(30 marks)
Section 4
Using examples from the case study describe and discuss the processes this business might use to improve their financial performance.
(30 marks)
Section 5
Your report should be written using proper English grammar and should be referenced appropriately. Each reference cited in the report must appear in the reference list at the end.
(10 marks)
Your report must include at least three books and two journal articles, the use of non-academic websites is not permitted.
Specific Assessment Criteria (See Page 3 for General Assessment Criteria)
Excellent (70%+): The report will be to a high standard. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the concept of management. Particular attention will be given to business objectives structures and roles. It will provide a detailed discussion of the main functions of a financial managers within businesses.It will show a clear discussion of the processes businesses might use to improve their performances and to mitigate risks. Referencing within the report will be excellent and used effectively throughout to support the points discussed.
Very Good (60-69%):The report will be to a very good standard. It will provide a very clear overview of the concept of management. Attention will be given to business objectives, structures and roles. It will provide a very good discussion of the main functions of a financial managers within businesses. It will show a very good discussion of the processes businesses might use to improve their performances and to mitigate risks. Referencing within text and list at end will be good
Good (50-59%): The report will be to a good standard. It will provide a clear overview of the concept of management. Attention will be given to business objectives, structures and roles. It will provide a good discussion of the main functions of a financial managers within businesses.. It will show a good discussion of the processes businesses might use to improve their performances and to mitigate risks. Referencing within text and list at end will be good
Satisfactory (40-49%): The report will be to a satisfactory standard. It will provide an overview of the concept of management. It will describe the business objectives, structures and roles. It will provide some discussion of the main functions of a financial managers within businesses.. It will show a some discussion of the processes businesses might use to improve their performances and to mitigate risks. Some references within text and list at end.
Unsatisfactory (Below 40%): Unable to meet the requirements of a pass grade.
Additional Submission Instructions:
You are required to submit a soft copy via “Turn-it-in UK” on the module Moodle page. The software will allow you to check your work against other material on the internet. It will also compare your work against other students work. You will be able to upload drafts of your written work into turn-it-in as many times as you wish before the deadline. You will not be able to overwrite the final submission after the deadline. You can only submit a single file.

General Assessment Criteria – Level HE3

Relevance Knowledge
Written English
Class I
Quality) 80%+ As for Class 1(70-79%) but exceptional work that makes a contribution to the development of knowledge and understanding in the subject area

Directly relevant to title. Addresses most or all of the implications and assumptions of the title. Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates ability in the manipulation and transfer of subject material to demonstrate a solid understanding of the issues. Makes creative use of appropriate arguments and/or theoretical models. Contains some distinctive or independent thinking.
A comprehensive discussion of the material resulting in clear, logical conclusions. Coherently articulated and logically structured.
An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment.
Effective inclusion of figures, tables, plates (FTP).
A very well written
answer with standard spelling and grammar.
Style is clear, resourceful and academic.
All sources accurately cited in the text. A comprehensive reference list in Harvard Style is provided.
Class II/i
(Very Good Quality) 60-69% Directly relevant to title.
Addresses some of the implications of the issues addressed by the title. Demonstrates a sound knowledge of theory and practice for this level. Manipulates and transfers some material to demonstrate a clear grasp of the themes, questions and issues. Uses appropriate arguments or theoretical models.
Clear and valid discussion of the material. Clear, logical conclusions. For the most part coherently articulated and logically constructed.
An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment.
Effective inclusion of FTP. Well written with
standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear and academic.
All sources accurately cited in the text and an appropriate reference list in Harvard Style is provided.
Class II/ii
(Good Quality)
50-59% Generally addresses the title and its implications, but sometimes addresses irrelevant issues. Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of theory and practice for this level, with evidence of an appreciation of its significance. Provides a partly coherent argument, but lacking clear focus and consistency in places. Some issues lack clarity, or theoretical models expressed in simplistic terms.
Conclusions are fairly clear and logical. Adequate attempt at articulation and logical structure.
An acceptable format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment.
Inclusion of FTP but lacks selectivity. Competently written with minor lapses in spelling and grammar. Style is readable and mainly academic.
Most sources accurately cited in the text and an appropriate reference list in Harvard Style is provided.
Class III
(Satisfactory Quality) 40-49% Some degree of irrelevance to the title. Superficial consideration of the issues. Demonstrates limited knowledge of theory and practice for this level, with intermittent evidence of an appreciation of its significance. A basic argument is evident but lacks clarity and coherence.
Issues are only vaguely stated.
Conclusions are not always clear or logical. Some attempt at articulation and logical structure.
An acceptable format is used. The presentational style & layout is largely correct for the type of assignment.
Inappropriate use of FTP or not used where clearly needed to aid understanding. Generally competent writing although intermittent lapses in grammar and spelling pose obstacles for the reader.
Style limits communication and tends not to be academic. Some relevant sources cited. Some weaknesses in referencing technique.

Some significant degree of irrelevance to the title is common. Onlythe most obvious issues are addressed at a superficial level and in unchallenging terms. Demonstrates weaknesses in knowledge of theory and practice for this level, with little evidence of an appreciation of its significance. Limited argument, which lacks clarity in places. Conclusions are neither clear nor logical. Poorly structured. Lack of articulation.
Format deficient. For the type of assignment the presentational style &/or layout is lacking.
FTP ignored in text or not used where clearly needed. Deficiencies in spelling and grammar makes reading difficult.
Simplistic or repetitious style impairs clarity.
Limited sources and weak referencing.
Relevance to the title is intermittent or missing. The topic is reduced to its vaguest and least challenging terms. Demonstrates a lack of basic knowledge of either theory or practice for this level, with little evidence of understanding. Severely limited arguments. Lacks clarity.
Conclusions are sparse. Unstructured.
Lack of articulation. Format deficient For the type of assignment the presentational style &/or layout is lacking.
FTP as above. Poorly written with numerous deficiencies in grammar, spelling, expression and style. An absence of academic sources and poor referencing technique




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focusing on financial operating changes that would improve efficiency

Write a paper (700 words) on what you think should be included in a future reform of the health care system, focusing on financial operating changes that would improve efficiency and provide for improved transparency to the public. Include three to five research/references to support your position.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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Describe financial markets and systems, including the specific roles of key market participants

The Financial Services Industry
Learning outcomes
This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Describe financial markets and systems, including the specific roles of key market participants.
• Analyse how key factors in the economic environment impact participants in the financial services sector.
• Submit all your answers in one document.
• Write the number of each part of the question you are answering.
• Create a header with your name, student number and assignment number, and number your pages.
• This assignment contains four tasks covering four different hypothetical financial advice situations.
• You must complete all four tasks.
Tasks Topic
1 Financial institutions and the tax system
2 The impact of natural disasters and change in the OCR
3 Financial markets and the impact of the business cycle
4 Regulators
• You will be assessed on your overall presentation. For tasks 1–3, present each answer as if you were providing a written response to the client. For task 4, your answer should be in a format that is appropriate for an article in an online magazine.
Continued next page
• Each answer should be presented in a professional manner. This means: o each answer should be free of spelling and grammatical errors o written in a way that will be understood by a diverse audience, some of whom may have little financial knowledge.
• For each task, we have provided a suggested word count. Note that the word count is for guidance only and you will not be penalised for being under or over the suggested word count, as long as you fully complete the task.
• If you use sources to support an argument, make sure you acknowledge them with references in your discussion and a References list at the end of your assignment.
• Keep a copy of your assignment.
Submit your work through the online assessment submission link. Upload your assessment, then use the Save and Submit assessment buttons. You will get an electronic receipt and your work is then logged and tracked through our system. Assessments emailed directly to lecturers will not be accepted.
Referencing and plagiarism
Refer to Referencing and avoiding plagiarism for information on APA referencing and avoiding plagiarism.
Task 1: Financial institutions and the tax system
Sanjay currently earns $95,000 per annum and his total income has exceeded $90,000 for the past two years. He has inherited $50,000 and wants to place the money on term deposit for 12 months. He’s asked you for advice on the range of financial institutions that offer this product.
a) To illustrate the range of providers for Sanjay:
• Select three different types of financial institution currently operating in the New Zealand financial services industry that Sanjay can place his money on term deposit with.
• For each financial institution, state their name and type of financial institution, and provide a link to the page promoting term deposits.
• Discuss the similarities and differences between the three financial institutions you selected in terms of:
o their structure/ownership o how they’re regulated o the services they provide.
(200 words)
b) You explain to Sanjay that with some providers, he has the option of placing his $50,000 on a term deposit or in a PIE Term Deposit Fund for 12 months. Both products currently offer interest at 4% per annum and there are no fees payable for either option.
Assume Sanjay invests for the next 12 months, and that his salary remains at $95,000. Also assume his income is derived only from his salary and this investment. Calculate his total after-tax income (salary + interest) for each investment option and clearly highlight which option provides him with the higher after-tax income. Show all your workings.
Task 2: The impact of natural disasters and changes in the OCR
Aroha runs a small business exporting cut flowers and foliage. A year ago, you helped Aroha purchase her first home using a revolving credit facility. The current balance outstanding on this facility is $451,250. She has sum insured home insurance cover with Aotearoa Insurance.
Aotearoa Insurance has a reinsurance treaty with Swiss Re.
Aroha has seen the following two newspaper headlines:
• Headline 1: ‘Inflation is rising and is expected to reach 5–6% in the next eighteen months’
• Headline 2: ‘Hurricane Fred in the United States and the earthquake in Japan set to impact homeowners.
She seeks advice from you on how these factors will affect both her business and her personal financial situation.
a) Headline 1: Analyse the impact of rising inflation on Aroha.
You are required to:
• Predict the action the Reserve Bank of New Zealand will take in response to rising inflation.
• Analyse how and why the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s action will impact Aroha’s personal financial situation in terms of her home loan.
• Analyse how and why the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s action will impact Aroha’s business in terms of its export earnings.
(100 words)
b) Headline 2: Analyse how and why these overseas disasters will impact Swiss Re, Aotearoa Insurance and Aroha, as the insured under a home insurance policy.
(150 words)
Task 3 Financial markets and the impact of the business cycle
Last year you helped Eliana choose the right KiwiSaver fund. She knew little about financial markets and you provided her with some background information on managed funds to help her make a decision about which fund to select. She chose the Aotearoa Investments Balanced KiwiSaver Scheme.
Last week she received the latest Aotearoa Investments Balanced KiwiSaver Scheme fund update. This has prompted her to ask you to help deepen her understanding about where her KiwiSaver funds are invested. You decide to use Aotearoa Investments’ top 10 investments to illustrate the main markets her funds are invested in.
Here’s an extract from Aotearoa Investments Balanced KiwiSaver Scheme’s Top 10 investments:
Name Percentage of fund net assets Type Country Credit rating (if applicable)
1 New Zealand
Government Stock
5.5% 2023 1.25% New Zealand fixed interest New
Zealand AA+
2 Spark New Zealand
Ltd 1.05% Australasian equities New
3 Rabobank Certificate of Deposit
31/12/xxxx(assume current year) 0.80% Cash and cash equivalents New
Zealand A1
4 Bayfair Mall 0.75% Unlisted property New
a) Investment 1 and Investment 2
Describe the markets in which Investments 1 and 2 are traded. You are required to:
(i) For Investment 1:
• Identify the market in which Investment 1 is traded, and the typical timeframe for investing in this market.
• Give one reason why the government issues this type of investment in this market.
(ii) For Investment 2:
• Identify the market in which Investment 2 is traded, and the typical timeframe for investing in this market.
• Give one reason why companies like Spark New Zealand Ltd issue this type of investment in this market.
(iii) Both markets consist of a primary market and a secondary market.
• Explain the difference between the primary market and the secondary market.
(iv) Aotearoa Investments may have invested in Investment 1 and Investment 2 through an exchange or over the counter (OTC).
• Explain two differences between the way an exchange and an OTC market operate.
• Identify the exchange where Aotearoa Investments can trade in Investment 1 and the exchange where Aotearoa Investments can trade in Investment 2.
(v) Explain the role of NZX in facilitating Aotearoa Investments’ trading in Investment 1 and Investment 2.
(vi) Explain the role of NZDM in the issue of Investment 1.
(300 words)
(b) Investment 3
Describe the market in which Investment 3 is traded. You are required to:
(i) Identify the market in which Investment 3 is traded, and the typical timeframe for investing in this market.
(ii) Give one reason why banks such as Rabobank issue certificates of deposit into this market.
(iii) This market consists of a wholesale market and a retail market. Explain the difference between a wholesale market and a retail market and identify which one applies to Aotearoa Investments’ trading in Investment 3.
(iv) Identify whether this market operates as an exchange or OTC market.
(150 words)
(c) Investment 4
Describe the market in which Investment 4 is traded. You are required to:
(i) Identify the market in which Investment 4 is traded, and the typical timeframe for investing in this market.
(ii) Outline the key difference between a listed and unlisted property investment.
(iii) Identify and explain one way to invest in listed property and one way to invest in unlisted property.
(150 words)
(d) Using the investment clock concept, discuss how changes in the business cycle impact the four financial markets you identified in which investments 1-4 are traded.
For each phase in the business cycle you must:
• identify the most attractive market during that phase
• give two reasons why that market is the most attractive during that phase.
(200 words)
Task 4: Regulators
You’ve been asked to write an article for an online magazine that focuses on the financial services industry. The article is called:
‘The Reserve Bank and the FMA – who regulates what in the financial services industry?’
Write the article, describing the four roles of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the four roles of the Financial Markets Authority in regulating the financial services industry.
In your article you are required to: • Focus on the following roles: o Licensing and supervision. o Anti-money laundering.
o Financial market infrastructure oversight. o Crisis management.
o Conduct regulation.
• Where roles overlap between the two regulators, clearly highlight which responsibilities are shared and which responsibilities differ.
(600 words)


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Describe financial markets and systems, including the specific roles of key market participants


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Chapter 19 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice

 The purpose of this assignment is to explain core concepts related to lease vs. purchase and tactical financial decisions.

Read the Chapter 19 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Using complete sentences and academic vocabulary, please answer questions a through f.

Mini Case

Lewis Securities Inc. has decided to acquire a new market data and quotation system for its Richmond home office. The system receives current market prices and other information from several online data services and then either displays the information on a screen or stores it for later retrieval by the firm’s brokers. The system also permits customers to call up current quotes on terminals in the lobby.

The equipment costs $1,000,000 and, if it were purchased, Lewis could obtain a term loan for the full purchase price at a 10% interest rate. Although the equipment has a 6-year useful life, it is classified as a special-purpose computer and therefore falls into the MACRS 3-year class. If the system were purchased, a 4-year maintenance contract could be obtained at a cost of $20,000 per year, payable at the beginning of each year. The equipment would be sold after 4 years, and the best estimate of its residual value is $200,000. However, because real-time display system technology is changing rapidly, the actual residual value is uncertain.

As an alternative to the borrow-and-buy plan, the equipment manufacturer informed Lewis that Consolidated Leasing would be willing to write a 4-year guideline lease on the equipment, including maintenance, for payments of $260,000 at the beginning of each year. Lewis’s marginal federal-plus-state tax rate is 25%. You have been asked to analyze the lease-versus-purchase decision and, in the process, to answer the following questions.


  • (1)Who are the two parties to a lease transaction?
  • (2)What are the four primary types of leases, and what are their characteristics?
  • (3)How are leases classified for tax purposes?
  • (4)What effect does leasing have on a firm’s balance sheet?
  • (5)What effect does leasing have on a firm’s capital structure?    


  • (1)What is the present value of owning the equipment? (Hint: Set up a time line that shows the net cash flows over the period t = 0 to t = 4, and then find the PV of these net cash flows, or the PV of owning.)
  • (2)What is the discount rate for the cash flows of owning?

C. What is Lewis’s present value of leasing the equipment? (Hint: Again, construct a time line.)

D. What is the net advantage to leasing (NAL)? Does your analysis indicate that Lewis should buy or lease the equipment? Explain.

E. Now assume that the equipment’s residual value could be as low as $0 or as high as $400,000, but $200,000 is the expected value. Because the residual value is riskier than the other relevant cash flows, this differential risk should be incorporated into the analysis. Describe how this could be accomplished. (No calculations are necessary, but explain how you would modify the analysis if calculations were required.) What effect would the residual value’s increased uncertainty have on Lewis’ lease-versus-purchase decision?

F. The lessee compares the present value of owning the equipment with the present value of leasing it. Now put yourself in the lessor’s shoes. In a few sentences, how should you analyze the decision to write or not to write the lease?


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Assessing a Company’s Future Financial Health

Apple Inc
Throughout this course, your group will prepare a comprehensive 2,500-word financial analysis (excluding tables, figures, and addenda) of a chosen company following the nine-step assessment process detailed in Assessing a Company’s Future Financial Health. This analysis will be composed of four separate component assignments introduced in Topics 1, 3, 5, and 7.

Please answer only the below part in 350-400 words.

Step 2: Analysis of Fundamentals: Revenue Outlook

Prepare this part of the assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required





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Describe the purpose and function of financial management in an organization


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Describe the purpose and function of financial management in an organization


You have been an entry-level financial analyst for six months. Your supervisor, who is about to fill another entry-level financial analyst position on your team, has asked you to create a job aid about the financial analyst role to help the new hire transition smoothly. The job aid needs to describe the responsibilities of a financial analyst, the essential elements of the role, and the impact the role has on a business.


Create a job aid for a new hire to an entry-level financial analyst position. Your job aid should be thorough yet easy for someone new to the field of finance to understand. You are encouraged to use the Project One Financial Analyst Job Aid template in the Supporting Materials section to complete this assignment.

Specifically, you must address the following:

  1. Financial Analyst Job Aid: In this job aid, you will give a general overview of financial management and its importance to a business.
    1. Financial Responsibilities: Describe the responsibilities of a financial analyst.
      1. In this section, outline the responsibilities a financial analyst has in terms of financial management. Add 5 to 7 specific bullet points outlining these responsibilities, and use complete sentences so that expectations are clear.
    2. Financial Management Decisions: Discuss the importance of using financial management for business decisions, and provide examples to support your claims.
      1. Consider the bullet points you outlined above. How do those responsibilities help to inform management decisions, and what would happen if management didn’t have this information? This should be a brief paragraph with examples.
    3. Accounting Principles: Explain how accounting principles are used to analyze a business’s financial health, and provide examples to support your claims.
      1. Write a brief paragraph that explains accounting principles and how they are used within financial management in relation to analyzing financial health. What accounting information and approaches do financial analysts rely on, and how do they use it? What would happen if that information was not available or was not accurate?
    4. Financial Statements: Describe how financial statements are used to help businesses make finance-related decisions, and provide examples to support your claims.
      1. Consider identifying the information contained in financial statements and what financial analysts would need in order to do their job. What types of finance-related business decisions would this information help to inform? Provide real or fictional examples to help show this.
    5. Financial Terminology: Explain how a financial analyst would use the financial terms in their day-to-day responsibilities in a clear, easy-to-understand way.
      1. Define each term listed below and provide a 1- to 2-sentence explanation of how a financial analyst might use the term, especially when communicating information to management or clients, or when relaying information to inform important decisions:
        • Financial statement
        • Liquidity
        • Working capital
        • Diversification
        • Time value of money

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Financial Analyst Job Aid
Submit your job aid as a 2- to 3- page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Or, you may use the Project One Financial Analyst Job Aid template to help you complete this assignment. Sources should be cited according to APA style





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Writers Solution

You are the chief financial officer of Smithville Hospital, and you have recently implemented a budget reduction throughout the hospital.

Case One:

You are the chief financial officer of Smithville Hospital, and you have recently implemented a budget reduction throughout the hospital. You want to ensure your actions are accepted among the hospital department managers. What would be the best way to communicate with these department managers? If there is resistance, what should you do? (Reference: Introduction to the financial management of healthcare organizations 6th edition).

Case Two:

Mr. Jones an 87 years old widower who lives alone was admitted to the hospital through the emergency room for shortness of breath and swollen ankles. After an extensive interview, the admitting physician discovered that Mr. Jones has been admitted two weeks earlier with the same symptoms and had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. At that time he spent four days in the hospital and then was transferred to a skilled nursing facility, where he spent three days before being discharged with a prescription for a diuretic to help reduce fluid buildup. The admitting physician discovered that no one at the hospital or the skilled nursing facility had explained to Mr. Jones the importance of maintaining a low sodium diet (high-sodium diets cause fluid retention). Mr. Jones had attended a birthday party and eaten several hot dogs before his latest symptoms appeared. Who should be financially responsible for the costs related to Mr. Jones’s latest admission? Should Medicare or any insurer, pay for readmissions related to errors in discharge instructions? Would it be different had Mr. Jones received instructions for a low-sodium diet but chosen to ignore them?

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals You are the chief financial officer of Smithville Hospital, and you have recently implemented a budget reduction throughout the hospital.

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Writers Solution

Discuss the financial and health benefits that can be realized by implementing an electronic health record (EHR).

The use of health information technology (HIT) has increased dramatically over the past decade, resulting in the federal government enacting several pieces of legislation such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009. Continuing to build on your proposal for a healthcare facility from Weeks 1 and 2, you are assigned to research and discuss the following:

3-4 pages not including the title page and references

  • Discuss the financial and health benefits that can be realized by implementing an electronic health record (EHR).
  • Research and explain the estimated cost of implementing an EHR and the estimated cost of managing an EHR over the long run.
  • Discuss current security concerns surrounding HIT and the EHR.
  • Discuss how electronic health records can be used for decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Choose 1 piece of federal legislation (e.g., HIPAA, HITECH Act, Meaningful Use), and discuss the requirements that legislation imposes on the use of HIT and the EHR.

Note: You must use at least 3 scholarly references.

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals Discuss the financial and health benefits that can be realized by implementing an electronic health record (EHR).

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