Writers Solution

Tiffani is a 16-year-old heterosexual Caucasian female referred to Teens First after being arrested for prostitution

Post an assessment of the trauma the adolescent has experienced and how that may impact their development. Bearing in mind that environmental concerns have been addressed, utilize your advanced-level skills to identify a modality that is appropriate for the developmental stage. Finally, describe some assumptions and pitfalls of the modality as it relates to the population.  

*This is a Social Work study class

2022 Walden University, LLC. Adapted from Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014).

Sessions: Case histories. Laureate International Universities Publishing.


Tiffani is a 16-year-old heterosexual Caucasian female referred to Teens First after being arrested for prostitution. Teens First is a court-mandated teen counseling program for adolescent survivors of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. At Teens First, social workers provide a holistic range of services for their clients. Tiffani has been provided room and board in the residential treatment facility and will meet with a social worker to address her multiple needs and concerns. Tiffani has been arrested three times for prostitution in the last 2 years. Right before her most recent charge, a new state policy was enacted to protect youth 16 years and younger from prosecution and jail time for prostitution. The Safe Harbor for Exploited Children Act allows the state to define Tiffani as a sexually exploited youth and therefore not imprison her. She was mandated to services at the agency, unlike her prior arrests when she had been sent to detention. Tiffani had been living with a man named Donald since she was 14 years old. She had had limited contact with her family members and had not been attending school. She described Donald as her “husband” (although they were not married) and her only friend. During intake, it was noted that Tiffani had multiple bruises and burn marks on her legs and arms. She reported that Donald had slapped her and burned her with cigarettes when he felt she did not behave. Tiffani has been treated for several sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at local clinics and is currently on an antibiotic for a kidney infection. It appears that over the last 2 years, Tiffani has had neither outside support nor interactions with anyone beyond Donald and some other young women also being trafficked.

Childhood and Early Adolescence During social work sessions, Tiffani gave a rather in-depth description of her childhood. At first, Tiffani provided a family history that was filled with only happy memories. She remembered her life up to age 8 as filled with moments of joy. She remembered going to school, playing with her sister, and her mother and father getting along. As the social worker and Tiffani continued to meet, Tiffani shared what she remembered as a gradual but definitive change in the family dynamics around the time when she turned 8 years old. She remembered being awakened by music and laughter in the early hours of the morning. When she went downstairs to investigate, she saw her parents along with her uncle Nate passing a pipe back and forth between them. She remembered asking them what they were doing and her mother saying, “adult things,” and putting her back in bed.


© 2022 Walden University, LLC. Adapted from Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014).

Sessions: Case histories. Laureate International Universities Publishing.

Tiffani remembered being woken up by noise several times after that and seeing her father and her uncle passing the pipe between them. Sometimes her mother was there, and sometimes she was not. Often when her mother was not there, Nate would see her and ask her to come over. Her father would ask her to show them the dance that she had learned at school. When Tiffani danced, her father and Nate would laugh and offer her pocket change. Sometimes they were joined by their friend Jimmy. For years, the music and noise downstairs continued, later accompanied by screams and shouting and sounds of people fighting. One morning, Shondra yelled at Robert to “get up and go to work.” Tiffani and Diana saw Robert come out of the bedroom and slap Shondra so hard she was knocked down. Robert then went back into the bedroom. Tiffani also noticed significant changes in her home’s appearance. The home, which was never fancy, was almost always neat and tidy. Tiffani noticed that dust would gather around the house, dishes would pile up in the sink, dirt would remain on the floor, and clothes would go for long periods of time without being washed. Tiffani remembered cleaning her own clothes and making meals for herself and her sister during this period. Sometimes Tiffani and her sister would come downstairs in the morning to find empty beer cans and liquor bottles on the kitchen table along with the pipe. Her parents would be in the bedroom, and Tiffani and her sister would leave the house and go to school by themselves. Tiffani was unclear if her parents were working or how the bills were paid. Often there was not enough food to feed everyone, and she would go to bed hungry. During one session, Tiffani described an incident of sexual abuse. One night she was awoken by her uncle Nate and his friend Jimmy in her room. Her parents were apparently out, and they were the only adults in the home. They asked her if she wanted to come downstairs and show them the new dances she learned at school. Once downstairs, Nate and Jimmy put some music on and started to dance. They asked Tiffani to start dancing with them, which she did. While they were dancing, Jimmy spilled some beer on her. Nate said she had to go to the bathroom to clean up. Nate, Jimmy, and Tiffani all went to the bathroom. Nate asked Tiffani to take her clothes off so she could get in the bath. Tiffani hesitated to do this, but Nate insisted it was okay since he and Jimmy were family. Tiffani eventually relented and began to wash up. Nate would tell her that she missed a spot and would scrub the area with his hands. After this incident, others occurred, with increasing levels of molestation each time. Tiffani felt very bad about this but had difficulty explaining why, even to herself. She was very afraid of everyone in her family except her sister, Diana. She was also afraid that Diana might be subjected to the same thing. The last time it happened, when Tiffani was 14, she pretended to be willing to dance for them, but when she got downstairs, she ran out the front door of the house. Tiffani ran down the block, intending to go to her school because it was one of the few places she felt safe. She said she was barefoot and in her pajamas, and it was very cold. About halfway to her school, a car stopped, and a man inside asked her where she was going. When Tiffani replied that she was going to school, the man said that it was the middle of


© 2022 Walden University, LLC. Adapted from Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014).

Sessions: Case histories. Laureate International Universities Publishing.

the night. Tiffani did not want to tell him the whole story, so she told him that there was trouble at home and she just wanted to go to school early.


The man introduced himself as Donald and asked her why she did not go to her boyfriend’s house. When Tiffani said she did not have a boyfriend, Donald replied that if she had a boyfriend, she would have somebody to take care of her and keep her safe when these things happened. He then offered to be her boyfriend. Tiffani did not say anything, but when Donald said he’d give her a ride, she agreed and got in the car. Donald took Tiffani to his apartment, explaining that the school would be closed for hours. When they got to his apartment, Donald fed Tiffani and gave her beer, explaining that it would help keep her warm. Tiffani did not like the taste of the beer, but at Donald’s insistence, she drank it. When Tiffani was drunk, Donald began kissing her, and they had sex. Tiffani knew about sex from school and some of her girlfriends, but she had never had it with anyone before. She was grateful to Donald because he had helped her get away from Nate and Jimmy. Donald had also told her that he loved her and they would be together forever. Tiffani was afraid that if she did not have sex, Donald would not let her stay—and she had nowhere else to go. For the next 3 days, Donald brought her food and beer and had sex with her several more times. Donald told Tiffani that she was not allowed to do anything without his permission. This included watching TV, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, and eating and drinking. Donald bought Tiffani a dress, explaining to her that she was going to “find a date” and get men to pay her to have sex with her. When Tiffani said she did not want to do that, Donald hit her several times. Donald explained that if she didn’t do it, he would get her sister, Diana, and make her do it instead. Out of fear for her sister, Tiffani relented and did what Donald told her to do. Tiffani and the social worker talked often about her continued desire to be reunited with Donald. They discussed what Donald represented for Tiffani and why he was such an important part of her life. She often described him as the person who “saved” her and felt she owed much to him. She vividly remembered the fear she felt the nights Nate and Jimmy touched her, and she was convinced they would have raped her that last night if she hadn’t left.

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Milwaukee’s First Latina Police Officer Paved Way for Future Generations

Write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Women in Law Enforcement and Religious Accommodation

Review the following before answering the questions for this Discussion Board:

  • Watch the following video: Milwaukee’s First Latina Police Officer Paved Way for Future Generations.
  • Listen to the following podcast: ’30 by 30′ Calls for 30% of Police Recruits to Be Women by the Year 2030.
  • Watch the following video: Keeping the Peace While Keeping Her Faith, Muslim Officer Breaking Barriers.

Discuss the following:

  • In the case of Officer Ayesh, what are the legal safeguards in place for her religious accommodation to wear her hijab?
  • Discuss the importance of religious accommodations in the workplace and give one example of another religious workplace accommodation from personal experience or research.
  • In the case of Officer Velasco, what are 3 reasons she may be the first Latina in her department?
  • Describe two challenges women recruits in law enforcement (e.g., Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI], Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], police departments, and so on) face that may cause them not to graduate.


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Writers Solution

An executive leader in my first six months on the job in addressing the quality issue

The 3 criteria that would be a top priority for me as an executive leader in my first six months on the job in addressing the quality issue. 

1: I will engage in a honest and open communication. One of the most important elements of effective leadership is creating an open line of communication with your team members.

2: I will connect with my team members. Leading a group of people requires a mutual sense of trust and understanding between the leader and their team members. To achieve this, I will lean how to connect with my team members and make everyone voice be heard.

3: I will encourage personal and professional growth. Acting as a team’s cheerleader is an important part of me being an effective leader. I will invest my time in making sure the success and growth of my team members should be my number priority.

My 3 criteria’s that would be top priority are:

Societal Responsibility: Because getting your product out there and making it well known is very important for yourself and your business. Knowing what your customers wants and needs is vital for any business. Your business obligations should always be to pursue achievable and long-term goals for its people and the world at large’ Also being successful in your business your social responsibility is a wise way to give back to society and thank customers for there loyalty.

Managing For Innovation: Is the process of managing new ideas from having that idea to making it a reality. Generating-brainstorming and employee input to uncover hidden concepts. Capturing-resending ideas in a way that is easily shareable with key stakeholders. Evaluating and discussing innovative ideas to see if they fit your needs and last but not least prioritizing, deciding which innovative ideas will be executed to maximize time.

The System Perspective: Is one that focuses on the formal structures of an organization as a group of people who work together to pursue specific goals. Its all about team work and keeping it functioning as a whole




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Writers Solution

Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social

Guide to essay paragraph structure
Writing an introduction to your essay
An introduction is usually around 10% of the total word count. Some students find it easier to write
the introduction in their first draft, while others prefer to write it after their body paragraphs have
been finalised. An introduction is the first thing your audience reads, so it needs to be clear, concise
… and engaging!
* Note: All citations in this guide are in the Harvard style of referencing. See the Deakin guide to referencing
for further details of Harvard and other styles used at Deakin.
Essay introduction – Example 1
Here is an example of an introduction to an essay that provides:
Background information
Some background information is provided to give the reader some context for the discussion.
It is clearly stated what the essay will argue – and is a direct response to the essay question.
Indicates the main ideas to be discussed in the essay so that the reader knows what to expect.
It was in response to the following assignment question: ‘Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social
Numerous philosophers have contributed to the debate on legalising same-sex
marriage. Some (Edwards 2008; Finnis 1994) argue that legalising same-sex marriage
would threaten the ideology of traditional marriage and deny the right of people of
faith to reject ‘alternative’ forms of matrimony. Others (Calhoun 2000; Mohr 2005)
contend that refusing same-sex couples the right to marry under law is an act of
oppression that ultimately denies them of their moral equality. This essay argues that
the notion of marriage has evolved over centuries with shifting social and cultural
standards, and that therefore there is a strong argument that in the twenty-first
century same-sex marriage should be legalised. Firstly, marriage will be defined from
the perspectives of natural law theory and new natural lawyers. Secondly, there will
be an analysis of various factors that contribute to the dynamics of marriage that are
often overlooked by the anti-same-sex lobby. Finally, reasons will be provided why
same-sex marriage must be recognised under law and how this is in accord with other
current laws around anti-discrimination and equity.
OutlineGuide to essay paragraph structure
Essay introduction – Example 2
Here is an example of a first-year student’s introduction to a much shorter 500-word essay.
Note that there is often no space to provide background information in such a short essay, but the
following introduction does include:
This section directly addresses the assignment question. The first sentence identifies the subject of the
essay and the second sentence introduces a discussion.
Although there is little space to provide an outline, this introduction still provides the reader with
some details of what will follow.
It was in response to the following assignment question: ‘Identify two significant contributions to
early theories of evolution. Discuss the similarities and differences in their key ideas in relation to a
particular species.’
Two major schools of thought that significantly contributed to the theory of evolution
derive from the renowned naturalists, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin.
Although their arguments share a mutual foundation, their ideas differ in regard to
how certain characteristics came to appear in certain species, in particular on the
question of whether organisms have an ‘internal vital force’ driven by need
(Embogama 2014). The differences between these two theories can be clearly
demonstrated by a brief consideration of their respective observations and analyses
of the anteater.
Writing the body paragraphs of your essay
The body of your essay is where you detail your ideas. It usually makes up approximately 80% of your
essay. It is important to remember that the evidence you provide supports your writing, rather than
the other way around!
• Structure your body paragraphs by beginning with a topic sentence – this is the topic of
your paragraph.
• Provide supporting evidence with citations, but also ensure that you paraphrase and
summarise your sources more often than you quote.
• It is essential that each paragraph have some of your own analysis and commentary. This
might include: comparing and contrasting the ideas of others, asking questions, providing
further examples or making some conclusions based on your analysis.
OutlineGuide to essay paragraph structure
• Consider how you will conclude your paragraphs and how your paragraphs link to each
• Remember to be formal, objective and cautious in your writing.
Essay body paragraph – Example 1
The following essay body paragraph includes:
Topic sentence
This is the topic of the paragraph. Note how it begins with the linking phrase ‘Despite the …’, referring
to the previous paragraph.
Supporting evidence and examples with citations
Cite reputable sources only. Summaries, paraphrases and quotes of all sources need to be cited.
It is important to provide some analysis – comparing/contrasting sources, asking questions, making
conclusions, etc.
Concluding sentence
Sometimes paragraphs include a concluding sentence, or a final sentence that links to the following
paragraph. Note that drawing your own conclusion is another example of analysis.
Despite the focus on hard skills, it appears that the biggest benefit of going to
university is not necessarily what you learn, but the people you meet there and the
networks that you create. Although graduates often list discipline-orientated goals
when asked what their main reason is for enrolling at university, ultimately many
graduates go on to careers and professions unrelated to their degree program
(Hopkins & Bylander 2013; Raskovich 2003; Smith 1999). So what kind of transferrable
skills do students carry over from their study into their career? Raskovich (2003, p. 217)
suggests that the key relationships and networks created by students at university
provide useful professional contacts for the future. This also assists in the
development of the interpersonal communication skills sought by employers.
Student proficiency in a range of digital skills that facilitate online academic,
professional and social networks are also important elements in the bigger picture of
graduate communication skills.
ConclusionGuide to essay paragraph structure
Essay body paragraphs – Example 2
Topic sentence
This is the topic of each paragraph. Note how the topic sentence in the second paragraph below
begins with the linking word ‘Furthermore’.
Supporting evidence and examples with citations
Cite reputable sources only. Summaries, paraphrases and quotes all need to be cited.
It is important to provide some analysis – comparing/contrasting sources, re-interpretation of ideas,
and making conclusions, etc.
Concluding sentence
A concluding paragraph is not necessary for every paragraph.
Social interaction is one of the fundamental principles of social constructivist theory.
In this philosophy, learning is regarded as a social process where people are engaged
with social practices (McMahon 1997). Vygotsky (1978) argues that with the help of
peer and other mentors, learners develop concepts and ideas that they can go on to
understand independently. In addition, students’ social interactions with other
students, academics, and other individuals outside the university, are major
influences on individual development and knowledge construction. In other words,
learners interact with members of their community outside the curriculum in order to
obtain or understand new knowledge and how to apply it.
Furthermore, language becomes a critical tool (Vygotsky 1978) that helps learners to
mediate social interactions. It is through speech, primarily, that learners engage with
bodies of knowledge that exist in a culture (Vygotsky 1978). As a result, through such
experiences and in challenging and supported environments, learners gradually
become skilled at participating in analytical discussions and other activities (Wertsch
1991, p. 235). Therefore, learners need to engage in social interaction to become
aware of others’ ideas, to interpret information derived from the interaction or
experience, and thus build and incorporate new knowledge. So the role of language is
key because it serves as a tool to mediate that engagement.
AnalysisGuide to essay paragraph structure
Writing a conclusion to your essay
You do not need to add new information, arguments or citations in a conclusion.
You may provide:
Restatement of topic and summary of response
Restate the essay topic and give a brief summary of how you have successfully addressed it – and
provide some of the key points.
Link back to broader context
This is optional, depending on the length and topic of your essay.
Suggest directions for further research
This is also optional and is usually for longer research essays.
Essay conclusion – Example
Charles Darwin and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck both made significant contributions to
theories of evolution. Through a brief analysis of the anteater, this essay has shown
that while both naturalists shared a common basis surrounding the question of
adaptation, Darwin’s notion of natural selection suggested the initial presence of
numerous variations from the beginning; whilst Lamarck’s theory focused on physical
and behavioural traits being repeatedly exercised and the resulting qualities being
inherited by their offspring. Recent research into epigenetics, which cannot be
explained exclusively by Darwinian theory and draws heavily on Lamarck,
demonstrates the continued relevance of revisiting the work of these seminal naturalists

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First or Fourth Amendment

School Resource Manual


The discussion (Topic 2) asked you to research resources that a school leader can use for better understanding in order to comply with the Amendment chosen; either the First or Fourth Amendment. In this assignment, you will compile a Legal Resource Manual. This manual is intended to give you the tools and resources you can draw upon as you move into educational leadership positions. For this reason, you will want your sources to be reliable and trustworthy. You will want this manual to be a companion, something you can turn to when you have questions about legal issues on the job. Your school will have a legal team, of course, but you will want the foundational legal knowledge it takes to be conversant on various issues.


Your Legal Resource Manual is due in Unit 1. Your manual will be built with the resources you contributed in the discussion (Topic 2), resources your classmates posted, and additional resources that you research from other sources for this assignment.

A minimum of 9 resources should be annotated which includes at least 3 local/district, 3 state, and 3 federal resources. Provide a short description of at least 200 words about the resource and why it is useful for a total of 1800 words minimum.

Writers Solution

Majdanek was the very first concentration camp liberated by the Soviet forces, and they immediately commenced investigations with the intention of prosecuting the guards and officers for war crimes


Majdanek was the very first concentration camp liberated by the Soviet forces, and they immediately commenced investigations with the intention of prosecuting the guards and officers for war crimes. Which statement BEST explains why the Soviets felt so outraged and determined to try Nazis for what happened at Majdanek?

Poland was an ally of the Soviets, so they were determined to avenge any blood shed while the Nazis had occupied it.

The Soviets believed in hard labor for prisoners but the use of chemical gas to exterminate prisoners was reprehensible to them.

The camp was left with thousands of Soviet POWs so what had happened here was truly war crimes in Soviet eyes.


The result of a relatively incompetent commandant, what especially stood out about the camp at Majdanek when the Soviets arrived?

It was the only camp with live prisoners left in it to testify.

It was almost completely intact with little evidence destroyed.

All the prisoners in the camp had been exterminated.


As the Soviet troops approached, Nazi officials ordered prisoners of Auschwitz to march toward Germany. Which prisoner would MOST likely be left behind?

Kuba, age 18, who had worked in the munitions factory

Magda, a 35-year-old worker in the sorting house

Yankel, age 23, who had contracted typhus

Anya, a 30-year-old Jewish midwife


Tzeitel and her sister Chava were among those liberated at Auschwitz when the Soviet troops arrived. The two girls had been transported from their home on the Russian/Polish border to the camp almost two years before. When the Nazis came to the village of Parkoszewo, they first took Tzeitel’s father. Then they came for the rest of the family. Tzeitel does not know if her father has survived the Holocaust, and the only way she can think to find him is to return to their village. As many of the liberated prisoners did, how will Tzeitel and Chava MOST likely find their way home?

They were given rides on the tanks of Russian soldiers.

They walked back to their village on foot.

They first went to DP camps and then were dispersed by bus home.


As they encountered and liberated concentration camps, American troops became more and more shocked by the scenes in front of them. By far, Dachau was the worst of the camps that US soldiers were exposed to. How were the conditions at Dachau related to the liquidation of some of the other camps?

Dachau had somehow been forgotten when the liquidation of camps was happening.

Thousands of prisoners had been sent to Dachau as other camps liquidated, creating overcrowding.

The commandant of Dachau refused to leave his post as other commandants did, keeping Dachau intact for liberators.


How did the Nazi officials plan to deal with remaining prisoners in Bergen-Belsen?

They planned to send all to the gas chambers and then cremate the bodies.

They planned to leave them in place without food or water to starve to death.

They planned to move them to another camp within the German borders.


Why were the rations provided by the UNRRA insufficient for recovering prisoners?

They did not have enough starch to provide needed vitamins.

They were high in starch and couldn’t be digested by refugees.

They only sent a small amount because they didn’t know the scope of the issue.


How many refugees eventually settled in Israel?





Even though some thought that Palestine was a good spot for repatriated Jews, what alternative did Britain offer instead?

They detoured the emigrants to the island of Cyprus.

They wanted the Jews sent to Siberia instead.

They championed the Madagascar Plan to settle the Jews.


DP camps were placed well away from concentration camp sites.




In the displaced persons camps, Orthodox Judaism experienced a resurgence.




How did Operation Brandt impact German soldiers?

Operation Brandt provided care for traumatized soldiers.

Operation Brandt killed shell-shocked soldiers, defining them as mentally ill.

Operation Brandt sent German soldiers into Poland.


Which Nazi concentration camp was known for having a huge population of Roma?





Jardani is a Sinti who has been swept up in the Nazi raids. He is transferred to a concentration camp, along with other Romani. Jardani feels that no one understands what is happening and decides to petition for help. Since Jardani is Sinti, who would he MOST likely ask for help?

He would ask only other Sinti or Roma.

He might reach out to the Catholic bishop.

He might attempt to contact the American government.


Why were many Roma recipes and traditions lost after the elderly Romani were killed during the war?

Roma did not have many children, so they died out.

Roma did not write down their history, so it died with the elderly.

The younger generation did not care about Romani culture.


In the plan to settle all of Europe with their new, superior race, the Nazis did make allowances for some types of people who might be able to be absorbed into their culture or Germanized. Why weren’t the Polish people found suitable for Germanization?

They did not have desirable features like blond hair and blue eyes.

Their political views were not considered compatible with Nazi philosophy.

They were of a religion that the Nazis could not tolerate.


In the 1930s, concentration camps within Germany were filling with political prisoners. At that time, what was the ultimate plan for these prisoners?

They were to be rehabilitated because they were racially valuable.

They were to be worked to death because they were not good for society.

They were to be executed publicly as warning to all who rebelled.


How was the Law for Prevention of Hereditary Disease used when it came to chronic alcoholics or beggars on the street?

The law was used to force sterilization on them.

The law was used to send them to the gas chamber.

This law did not apply to asocials like alcoholics or homeless.


How did the Nazi government view those who were homosexual?

They were seen as an inferior race.

They were seen as treasonous against Germany.

They were suspected of collaborating with Communists.


Operation Brandt is named after a street in Berlin.




When evidence was presented about the horrible conditions present in Bergen-Belsen, defendants Walther Funk and Hans Fritzche were visibly distressed. What MOST likely fueled this reaction?

They were worried that what they’d done was now exposed.

They had not been aware of the extent of the conditions.

They were upset that Hitler was not there to see the destruction.


As part of his work coordinating the delivery of Zyklon B gas for his company, CEO Hermann Schmitz made trips to camps in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Ukraine, and Belarus. According to the policies for categorizing claims laid out by the Moscow Declaration, how would the prosecution of Schmitz be handled?

He would be executed instead of awaiting trial.

He would be given the option to forfeit his company.

He would be tried as a defendant in an international court.


Although some officials favored execution of Nazi war criminals over trial, it was very important to the United States and Great Britain that the defendants be given their due process. Along with the usual set up in an American or British court of law, the defendants had most rights guaranteed to them that they would if on trial in each country. What right of defendants in the American court system did Nuremburg Trial defendants NOT have?

They were not allowed to testify on their own behalf.

They were not allowed to have defense attorneys.

They were not allowed to plead the Fifth against self-incrimination.


During the trial, video of the British liberation of Bergen-Belsen was played for all to see. Afterwards, defendant Goering said, “Then they showed that awful film, and it just spoiled everything!” What did he most likely mean by this statement?

He was shocked at what he saw, and it made him remorseful about his Nazi involvement.

He worried that it made the Nazi cause look less noble than he believed it to be.

He did not believe that the film was real footage but was convinced it was fake.


Marie Claude Vaillant-Courturier testified about the selection process at Auschwitz, the experiments of Mengele, and the death march. Why do you think her testimony was MOST important in the eyes of the French prosecution?

She was one of the few survivors of Auschwitz who could testify.

She was able to point out Mengele and give detailed accounts of his experiments.

She was one of their own, a French journalist who represented other French victims.


How did the new German government deal with citizens who had played a part in the Nazi activities?

They appealed to the IMT to pardon all lower level Nazis.

They dealt harshly with and executed anyone who had been Nazi.

They held over 900 trials of their own to bring accomplices to justice.


In order to apply for a passport, displaced persons could get the Vatican Refugee Organisation to write out a document identifying them. This is how many former Nazis were able to obtain passports to escape the country. Why was the Vatican Refugee Organisation allowed to write out identification documents?

They were not allowed to; what they were doing was illegal.

Many refugees had no real identification documents left.

The Vatican had kept birth and death records for all prisoners.


From where would a former Nazi official MOST likely expect to leave Europe if they were being smuggled out by Catholic friars or bishops?

Hamburg, Germany

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Genoa, Italy


Although she is Jewish and remembers hearing her father discuss the Nuremberg Trials that were held after the war, Rachel has not given them a lot of thought. She is now in college and hears that Adolf Eichmann has been found. He is to be tried in Israel for his crimes. Everyone in her dorm is

buzzing with the news. Why is Rachel likely to pay more attention to these proceedings than those from the 1940s?

She has a better understanding of the Holocaust than those who lived in the 40s.

The trial is going to be televised, unlike the first ones, and Rachel can watch them.

This defendant is more important than any of the other ones who have been tried before.

Eichmann is the last surviving Nazi who escaped justice after the Holocaust.


When it was uncovered that Mossad had taken Eichmann right off the streets of Argentina, both the United States and Argentina demanded that he be returned in order to stand trial in a proper court of law. Why would this demand, particularly from Argentina, have sounded hollow to the Israelis?

Argentina knew who Eichmann was and had not prosecuted him yet, so there was little chance they would now.

Israeli leaders felt that Argentina had no idea what kind of crimes Eichmann had committed and there was no explaining them.

Argentina had already tried and failed to capture Eichmann several times before giving up and letting him stay free.


As a child, Eliana watched her mother prepare for every Sabbath. She saw her father get dressed to attend the synagogue. Eliana never really thought much about this, only that they were family traditions. After surviving the Holocaust, Eliana becomes regular in attending services in the synagogue. She devotes much time to prayer and endeavors to teach her children about the importance of following Jewish tradition. Which statement BEST describes the way religion has affected Eliana’s life?

Eliana became much less religious after the Holocaust.

Eliana felt the same way about religion after the Holocaust as she did before.

Eliana used religion to cope with what she had experienced during the Holocaust.

Eliana became disillusioned about her parent’s religion and found one of her own.


Which official resolution expanded on those put forth in the Nuremberg Code concerning physician’s responsibilities when conducting experiments on patients?

Genocide Convention

Declaration of Geneva

Declaration of Helsinki


After the Nuremberg Trials were over and the Geneva Convention was convened, the power to prosecute for crimes against humanity or genocide became the responsibility of which organization?

German government

United Nations

Allied Powers


Eli was 15 when he was transported to the camps. He watched his bunkmates die of dysentery and typhoid fever. When the Nazis began to realize that Allied forces were moving in, Eli and his fellow prisoners were made to march for miles in the snow toward Germany. Now that he is an adult, Eli visits colleges, speaking about his experiences during the Holocaust. Which phrase BEST describes Eli’s speaking engagements?

Holocaust denial

Holocaust distortion

Holocaust misuse

Holocaust education


Many Holocaust deniers even doubt the idea of gas chambers in the work camps, as they like to refer to them. Which fact would MOST likely threaten their assertion?

A photo was taken of bodies laid out next to the main barracks in Nordhausen camp.

The eyewitness testimony of Eliahu Rosenberg described removing bodies after gassing.

Majdanek was abandoned and several gas chambers were left intact, along with witnesses.


Tasha is working on a research paper about the Holocaust. She finds an article online that asserts that Jewish citizens of Germany held more than 90 percent of the country’s money before the Nazi party came to power. This greed, the article explains, in the face of German reparations that were causing regular people to go hungry was the basis for the boycott of Jewish businesses. Tasha finds that fact interesting and wants to put it into her research paper. What might be a good question for Tasha to consider before she cites this article in her research?

Are these claims exaggerated?

Has this fact been used anywhere else online?

Does this fact give a good reason for the boycott?


The DP camps provided counseling and mental health services.




Dominique is worried for her friend Ange. Ange is a Tutsi and Dominique has heard that men from the next village are coming through looking for all Tutsi. The people are told to point out Tutsi to the soldiers when they arrive. Dominique quickly hides Ange in her home, hoping that the vicious soldiers will pass by without noticing her. Later, Dominique and Ange speak at public events of their friendship that withstood a genocide. To which genocide would they most likely be referring?

The Bosnian Genocide

The Rwandan Genocide

The Genocide in Darfur


A dictator rules his country by force. He allows his security team to enforce the law as they see fit. Many times, they mete out punishment by brutally beating or torturing those from whom they want to get information. Proof of what is happening garners the attention of members of the United Nations. Which specific charge would this incident MOST likely fall under?

crimes against humanity

war crimes




A skirmish breaks out over a disputed area between the border of two nations. Each country claims ownership of the area, although there are people living there who hail from both sides. The skirmish escalates until both countries are sending tanks and airplanes to secure what they believe is their property. One commander manages to capture a local police precinct, executing the head of police and his deputies. Later, when called to account for the deaths of these civilians, which specific charge would the commander MOST likely be charged with?

crimes against humanity

war crimes




Although many countries recognize the fact that almost 2 million Armenians were starved or worked to death under the Ottoman Empire, why is it that no trials were held like those at Nuremberg?

No one in the international community knew about the killings of Armenians.

Members of the international community knew but did not care about what was happening.

The international community knew, but there were no legal ramifications in place to prosecute.


Why did the Serbian military feel justified in crossing the border into Bosnia in the early 1990s?

Bosnia had taken land that at one time belonged to Serbia.

Bosnian Muslims had begun looting businesses on the Serbian border.

There were reports that Christians in Bosnia were being persecuted.


How is the conflict in the Congo related to that of the violence against Tutsis in Rwanda?

The conflict in the Congo is unrelated to the Rwandan genocide.

The conflict in the Congo caused Belgium to finally get out of Africa.

Both Hutu and Tutsis fled to Congo so the conflict continued with them.


Bosco is a member of M23, a militant group fighting for control of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bosco feels that his mission is of the greatest importance, and if blood must be spilled to complete his mission, so be it. What is MOST likely Bosco’s end goal in this conflict?

He wants to create an independent Tutsi state so that Tutsi will have a safe place to live.

He wants to rid the country of all Tutsi and put leadership back in the hands of Hutus.

He is in favor of UN control of both Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Several of the militias in the Congo have caught the attention of the International Criminal Court. With which crime are they MOST likely to be charged?


using child soldiers

medical experimentation


Maura is a member of an ethnic group who has family in another small country. Maura has received a letter from her family telling her that the local officials have begun to raid their homes and imprison

them. It seems that the group is being targeted because they are members of the ethnic group. Maura is worried because the country is so small that it is unlikely that many people know about what is happening. What would be the BEST way for Maura to help her family abroad?

Maura could buy a plane ticket to visit her relatives and see for herself.

Maura could contact several news organizations to see if they will do a story.

Maura could speak up in her classroom when someone makes a racist joke.


After studying about the Armenian genocide extensively, Khalil feels such a sense of injustice. He cannot believe that the country of Turkey is still denying their actions. Khalil feels that the least they could do would be to acknowledge the suffering and loss experienced by Armenian survivors. Which would be the MOST effective action that Khalil could take to try to help these ones?

Khalil should give money to a fund that would be dispersed to survivors.

Khalil should contact his senator and ask the United States to acknowledge the Armenian genocide.

Khalil should build a memorial for the victims in his front yard for all to see.


Dante lives in a town where there has been a recent influx of refugees from another country. Some people in Dante’s community, including his parents, are nervous about these new residents. They worry about what bad things might come along with the refugees and wonder if they will begin to outnumber the locals. There begins to be a sense of hostility in the town. How might Dante prevent the buildup of bad feelings against the refugees in his community?

Dante could make an effort to befriend some refugees and learn about their culture.

Dante could do some research at the library about why the refugees are allowed in.

Dante should teach the refugees the right way to do things now that they are here.


The International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court act independently of the United Nations.




The reason that the United Nations withdrew from Rwanda was that the acts being committed there did not meet the legal definition of genocide.




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Use the first   row of the file as field names, use InsuranceID as the primary key

EX16_AC_COMP_GRADER_CAP_HW – Drivers and Insurance

Project Description:

In this project, you will add fields to a table and set data validation rules. You will also import a text file into a database, design advanced queries, and create a navigation form. Additionally, you will use SQL to modify a record source and create an embedded macro to automate opening a report.

Start   Access. Open the file named exploring_acap_grader_h1_Drivers.accdb.   Save the database as exploring_acap_grader_h1_Drivers_LastFirst.

Create   a table in the database by importing the downloaded delimited text file named   Insurance_Text.txt. Use the first   row of the file as field names, use InsuranceID as the primary key, and then   name the table InsuranceCos_Text.   Accept all other default options. Do not save the import steps.

Create   a new field in the Agency Info table after InsPhone named Web site with the Hyperlink
  data type. Save the table. In Datasheet view, add the website to the
William Smith record (Record 1).

Create   a new field in the Agency Info table after Web site named AgentPhoto with the Attachment data type. Save   the table. In Datasheet view for Record 1 (William Smith), add the downloaded picture file named a00c2WmSmith.jpg to the AgentPhoto   field.

Set   the validation rule of the InsuranceCo field to accept the values ASNAT,   or SF only. Set the validation text to read Please enter AS, NAT, or SF. (include the period).

Make   InsuranceCo a lookup field in the Agency Info table. Set the lookup to get   values from the InsuranceID field in the InsuranceCos_Text table. Accept all   other defaults and save the table. In   Datasheet view, click in any InsuranceCo cell and click the arrow to view the   options. Close the table.

Create   a new query using Design view. From the Insurance table, add the DriverID,   AutoType, TagID, and TagExpiration fields (in that order). Save the query as Missing Tag Dates.

Set   the criteria in the TagExpiration field to find null values. Run the query   (two records will display). Save and close the query.

Create   a new query using Design view. From the Drivers table, add the Class field.   Change the query type to Update and set the criteria to update drivers whose   class is Minor   to Junior. Run the query (eight records will   update). Save the query as Driver Class_Update   and close the query. View the updates in the Drivers table and close the   table.

Create   a new query using Design view. From the Drivers table, add the Class field.   Save the query as Driver Class_Delete.

Change   the query type to Delete and set the criteria to delete drivers whose class   is Special. Run the query (one record will be   deleted). Save and close the query. View the changes in the Drivers table and   close the table.

Create   a new query using Design view. From the Insurance table, add the DriverID,   AutoType, AutoYear, and TagID fields (in that order). Save the query as Auto Year_Parameter.

Set   the criteria in the Auto Year field to display the prompt as Enter the auto year: and run the query. In the prompt,   enter 2007 and click OK to view the results (two   records). Save and close the query.

Use   the Analyze Performance tool to analyze the Drivers table. Note the idea to   change the data type of the Weight field from Short Text to Long Integer. In   the Drivers table, set the data type of the Weight field to Number (Long   Integer), and save and close the table.

Create   a Navigation form based on the Vertical Tabs, Left template. Drag and drop   the Drivers form onto the first tab of the form. Drop the Insurance form onto   the second tab.

Drag   and drop the Drivers report onto the third tab of the Navigation form. View   the form in Form view, click each of the tabs, and then save the form as Navigator. Close the form.

Open   the Drivers report in Design view. Modify the record source of the report   using a SQL statement to select all Drivers   records with a Class   of Adult. Print Preview the report (eight   records will display). Save and close the report.

Open   the Drivers form in Design view, click to add a command button at the   intersection of the 6-inch mark on the horizontal ruler and the 3-inch mark   on the vertical ruler.

Set   the command button to open the report named Drivers. Use the default picture   as the button. Set the name and the caption properties of the button to Open Drivers Report. Save the form. View the form in Form   view, and click the command button.

Close   all database objects, close the database, and then exit Access. Submit the   database as directed


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Use the first   row of the file as field names, use InsuranceID as the primary key

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First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals

Gender as Spectrum From EDUC 251

Session Slides

(Links to an external site.)

1) First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals.

2) Next, take two minutes to reflect and journal about the ways in which you have been taught that gender is a spectrum going from masculine to feminine.

· Where have you seen this line or fragments of it? What places you more toward one end of the spectrum or the other? What places you more toward the middle? For example, when have you have been told “As a boy/girl you should … more.” or “Because you’re a boy/girl you need to do … less.” Please note that these messages also apply to people who are genderqueer in the middle of the spectrum except that they are given messages to be or do more or less to fit into either masculinity or femininity rather than being more genderqueer.

· What rewards or opportunities will you receive if you stay where you are or move in one direction or another?

· What costs do you incur or risks do you take if you stay where you are or move in one direction or another?

3) Then, watch Makkai (2002) below for a shelf resource to balance with your self.

4) Now take two more minutes to reflect and journal about balancing your own story of your self with Makkai’s (2002) story from the shelf. What windows and mirrors came up for you?

5) Post your reflection on the discussion board below. Read and respectfully respond to other people’s posts.


Makkai, K. (2002). Pretty. National Poetry Slam




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals

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first (bottom) pendulum and second (top) pendulum correspondingly

Subscripts 0,1,2 used with the aforementioned parameters refer to the cart, first (bottom) pendulum and second (top) pendulum correspondingly.

Parameter value m0=1,5 kg, m1=0,5 kg, m2= 0,75 kg, L1= 0,5 m, L2= 0,75 m.

Where θ1 and θ2 denotes the angle(in radians) of the pendulum from the vertical, dθ1/dt and dθ2/dt are angular velocities. G=9,8 m/s2 is the gravity constant. m0 is mass of the cart, m1 is mass of the first pendulum link, m2 is mass of the second pendulum link. L1 is length of

the first pendulum link, L2 is the second pendulum link. You will solve this double link inverted pendulum using Takagi-Sugeno Method. Firstly, You will find the Dynamic Equations of this system. Finding the premise variables you will design Fuzzy rules with consequent terms which is called State Equations. After that you will design system Matrices, Input(Control) Matrices, Output Matrices. There will be Midterm exam homework. Up to this point, the next ones will be Final homework, After Solving the state equations of each rule in MATLAB program, you will draw the curves of each state variables in MATLAB and interpret them


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first (bottom) pendulum and second (top) pendulum correspondingly


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What is the probability of getting 2 kings assuming that the first one is not replaced?

Finding a conditional Probability:

Don’t use the numbers in this example post in your post.  Please make sure all posts are unique and use different numbers.

It is important to go back and read follow up responses from your instructor.


Let’s look at a standard deck of 52 cards.

What is the probability of getting 2 kings assuming that the first one is not replaced?

4/52 * 3/51 = 1/13*1/17= 1/221

What is the probability of getting 2 kings assuming that the first one is replaced?

4/52 * 4/52 = 1/13 * 1/13 = 1/169


Now for your main post do a similar problem using with replacement and without replacement. You can use a card problem as long as it is not 2 kings. Try your best to be original. Do not solve your own problems. Leave them for your classmates to work

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