Writers Solution

You have just borrowed $10,000. You are required to repay equal amounts at the end of each of 7 years, with the first payment starting in four years’ time.

 This assessment consists of five questions (some with multiple parts) and you must answer all questions. Please note you must solve each problem using the appropriate formula/e, which must be shown, and show ALL calculations.You are required to complete this Assignment in Groups of 2 or 3 or 4 people.
All members of the Group should come from the same Tutorial class and you must form your own group. You may consult and discuss the Assignment topic with others, but you must write up your answers yourselves. Penalties for copying and plagiarism are severe.

• Answers to be typed. Handwritten, hand drawn parts will not be accepted and will not be marked.
• Please type each answer after each question.
• Arial or Times New Roman font (at minimum , 12 pitch), 1.5 line spacing; and
• Left and right margins to be at least 2.5 cm from the edge of the page.
• Research and Referencing – You should quote any references used at the end of the assignment listed in a Reference List. Use Harvard referencing! See
• As the questions are calculations problems, there is no need to submit via TURNITIN.
Marking Guide
The Assignment will be scored out of 100%, in line with the rubric in the Subject Outline. The marks on the Assignment pages which follow total 90, which will be allocated on the rubric as a mark out of 80 for calculations and 10 for Recommendations, Explanations and Conclusions. A further 10 will be adjusted for Presentation. This total score out of 100 (80+10+10) will be converted to a score out of 30%, and recorded in the bottom left-hand corner of the rubric.
Do not submit this page. Ensure that you submit page 2 onwards, with a KOI Group Assignment Cover Page in front and the Marking Rubric at the end of the assignment.
This Assessment consists of five questions (some with multiple parts). All questions must be answered. Please note you must solve each problem using the appropriate formula/e (which must be shown) and show ALL calculations. Excel formulas will not be accepted.

You have just borrowed $10,000. You are required to repay equal amounts at the end of each of 7 years, with the first payment starting in four years’ time. Your interest rate is 8% per annum. How much will be the amount of each payment? (Show answer correct to the nearer cent)
CIMB Bank pays its clients 5% interest per annum, compounded on a semi-annual basis. To remain competitive, the bank’s major competitor, May Bank is willing to match the effective annual interest rate offered by CIMB Bank, but interest will be compounded on a quarterly basis. What nominal rate of interest must May Bank offer to its clients? (Show answer correct to four decimal places)
You want to buy a property valued at $1,200,000 and have arranged with the PB Bank for a 30 year mortgage equal to 90% of the sale price. The agreement calls for monthly repayments and the bank will charge 6% pa interest compounded monthly.
a. If your first monthly payment is due one month after the loan is received, calculate the amount for your regular monthly payments. (Show answer correct to the nearer cent) (2.5 marks)
b. After 5years (that is after the 60th payment) you want to refinance your mortgage with RH Bank. Assuming no exit fees, calculate the payout amount that is, the amount you have to pay PB bank to payout your mortgage. (Show answer correct to the nearer cent) (4 marks)
c. The RH Bank is charging 5% pa interest compounded monthly. If you refinance your loan with RH bank and maintain the same final loan repayment date, calculate what will be your new monthly payments. (Show answer correct to the nearer cent) (2.5 marks)
d. If you decide to pay RH Bank the same monthly repayments that you were paying PB Bank, how long will it take you to payout the mortgage with RH Bank? (Show answer correct to four decimal places) (6 marks)
New Furnishing Ltd is considering a new line of office chairs and has employed a marketing consultant for $50,000 to report on the viability of the new product.
The company expects that this range of chairs will be sold on average at $45 per chair in the first year and they will be able to sell 25,000 chairs per year. Whilst unit sales are expected to remain at the same level for the project’s 5 year life, price per chair over the life of the project is expected to increase at the long-term rate of inflation (estimated at 2.15%) per year. The cost of raw material and packaging will be $17.50 per chair in the first year and the company expects this cost will increase by 0.25% more than the rate of inflation per year. Other variable costs are expected to be 7% of total sales per year and fixed costs are estimated to be $385,000 per year.
If the company proceeds with this project it would need to extend their manufacturing facility at an estimated cost of $1,000,000 and the new equipment will cost another $1,000,000. The extended part of the facility and the equipment will be depreciated on a straight-line basis to zero salvage value over the 5 year life of the project. It is estimated the various components of equipment can be sold for $300,000 at the completion of the project. Assume all cash flows relating to sales and costs are received or made at the end of each year.
As a financial manager of the company, you’re conducting a capital budgeting analysis of the financial viability of the new model.
Company’s required payback is 3 years and required rate of return is 12%. The company tax rate is 30%.
a. Calculate the incremental cash flows for each year (Y0 to Y5 inclusive). (20 marks)
b. Calculate the payback period of the project. (Show answer correct to four decimal places) (2 marks)
c. Calculate the net present value, that is, the net benefit or net loss in present value terms of the project. (Show answer correct to the nearer cent) (5 marks)
d. Calculate the present value index of the project. (Show answer correct to four decimal places) (2 marks)
e. Calculate the discounted payback period of the project. (Show answer correct to four decimal places) (3 marks)
f. Calculate the internal rate of return of the project. (Show answer correct to four decimal places) (6 marks)
g. You are concerned that the company may not be able to sell 25,000 chairs per year. You believe they may only be able to sell 20,000 chairs per year. Calculate the incremental cash flows each year (Y0 to Y5 inclusive) and NPV of the project if only 20,000 chairs can be sold (all other assumptions are unchanged). (Show answer correct to the nearer cent) (5 marks)
h. Identify and discuss any further information that the company may require to help make the accept/reject decision about this project. (Maximum 250 words). (5 marks)
i. Explain if the company should accept this project or not. (2 marks)
Below is the Financial Year 2018 – 2019 monthly share price data for Qantas Airways Limited (ASX code QAN) (
Date Open Close
July 2018 $6.17 $6.72
August 2018 $6.72 $6.43
September 2018 $6.45 $5.9
October 2018 $5.81 $5.47
November 2018 $5.44 $5.96
December 2018 $6.06 $5.79
January 2019 $5.84 $5.44
February 2019 $5.44 $5.73
March 2019 $5.77 $5.66
April 2019 $5.66 $5.61
May 2019 $5.57 $5.55
June 2019 $5.47 $5.4
a. Calculate the 2018-2019 monthly percentage returns for Qantas Airways limited. (Show answer correct to six decimal places) (6 marks)
b. Calculate the average monthly return (%) for Qantas Airways limited. (Show answer correct to six decimal places) (1 mark)
c. Calculate the risk measured by the standard deviation for Qantas Airways limited. (Show answer correct to six decimal places) (5 marks)
d. If the standard deviation for the market is 3.2513%, how does this compare with Qantas’s standard deviation calculated in part c? Explain your conclusions. (3 marks)
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Writers Solution

The first section should include a general summary of the studies conducted

You will write a critical review that synthesizes your reactions to the two articles. Your paper must be APA style (e.g., title page, no abstract, double-spaced, reference page). The paper should be 800-1000 words. Please use the following organization. 

a.The first section should include a general summary of the studies conducted (between 200-400 words).

 b.The second section should involve your critical analysis of the articles (less than 600-800 words). Identify and defend the article that makes the strongest argument and will have a more significant impact on the topic/population it is written about. Integrate information from your course into the critique of the article. You might discuss the practical significance of the research.

 c.The third section will involve your suggestions for future research in this area, based on what you have learned in your course. This should not be a summary of what the authors suggested as recommendations for future research, but rather, your own personal suggestions for future research based on the reported findings.

 d.Please use headings in alignment with APA style (i.e., Summary, Analysis, Suggestions for Future Research). The paper will be graded based on the quality of content and alignment with APA style. Each article may earn up to four creditstoward your research requirement.   Be sure to write your paper in your own words! Using actual phrases from thearticle without quotes is plagiarism. Paraphrasing sentences (e.g., substituting words here and there) is also plagiarism. Using the authors’ ideas without providing credit is also plagiarism. You also may not plagiarize your own work from another course.Any plagiarism will result in zero credit for the assignment.

Writers Solution

YOU BE THE JUDGE The patient, on the first day postoperative for a transurethral prostate resection, received a unit of packed cells early in the morning on the supposition that he was bleeding internally.

Case Study Chapter 9

YOU BE THE JUDGE The patient, on the first day postoperative for a transurethral prostate resection, received a unit of packed cells early in the morning on the supposition that he was bleeding internally. That afternoon at 3:22 p.m., the patient’s wife informed the nurse that her husband was breathing “heavily” and requested that the nurse assess him. The nurse, according to the testimony of the wife, informed her that the doctor was aware of the patient’s breathing pattern and that there was nothing about which she should worry. The nurse did not leave the nursing station. The patient subsequently died related to a shock from the internal bleeding complicated by a reaction to the blood transfusion. In court some years later, this same nurse testified that she had called the surgeon immediately to report that the patient’s respirations were 50, that she had taken vital signs that were within the normal limits for this patient, and that she had obtained a pulse oximeter reading that was acceptable. She also testified that she kept calling the physician’s office to report these findings.

None of this nursing care was documented in the progress notes that the patient’s nurse placed in the patient’s chart the next day. The nurse testified that she had compiled the progress notes from scratch notes she had written during the previous afternoon. The nurse further testified that it was her practice to make handwritten notes during the time that she worked and then to type her progress notes on the hospital system the next day. Additionally, this nurse never documented taking vital signs during the critical 2 hours between the spike in the patient’s respirations and the time he was pronounced. The surgeon’s office nurse testified that a call was received from the hospital at 4:00 p.m. and that the surgeon immediately left the office for the hospital. The surgeon testified that he called the hospital from his car phone and that he immediately called a code as soon as he reached the patient’s room.

1. Did the lack of documentation affect the ultimate outcome of this case? 2. Was there negligence on the part of the nursing staff in the care of this patient? 3. How does the obvious contradiction in the testimony between the patient’s hospital nurse and the office nurse’s and physician’s account of what happened affect your decision in this case? 4. What standards for documentation did the patient’s nurse breach? 5. How would you decide this case?

Using the sample professional liability insurance policy (Guido, p. 193-194), locate the various provisions:

· Limits of liability

· Declarations

· Deductibles

· Exclusions

· Reservation of rights

· Covered injuries

· Defense costs

· Coverage conditions and supplementary payments

· Did you have difficulty finding some of the sections? Would this be a policy that you would consider purchasing for your own liability coverage? Why or why not?

YOU BE THE JUDGE During an unexpected heat wave, the administrator of a nursing home decided against turning on the air conditioner, which resulted in the death of four of the residents of the home. One of the deceased resident’s daughters brought a lawsuit against the home for a wrongful death suit. She was awarded a judgment of $275,000. She then filed a second lawsuit against the nursing home’s insurance company to collect payment on the judgment. The insurance company refused to pay, stating that the judgment underlying the lawsuit was professional liability and the insurance company did not cover the nursing home for professional judgment. The nursing home then filed a lawsuit against the insurance company for payment of this judgment. QUESTIONS 1. What provisions of an insurance policy would you consult to determine whether an insurance company should pay such a claim and what would the limits of the liability be? 2. Is the nursing home insurance company correct in saying that this is a professional judgment issue? 3. Which insurance company (the nursing home’s or the administrator of the nursing home, assuming she has coverage) should pay the court-ordered judgment? 4. How would you decide the case?

Guido, Ginny Wacker, JD, MSN, RN. Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing (Legal Issues in Nursing ( Guido)) (p. 198). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

Writers Solution

Chemistry: Atoms First, OpenStax

Instructions: Your initial post over the material outlined above for Topic should be at least 200 words (these must be words that are typed text within the text box of the Rich Text Editor, thus words on any attached documents will not count towards the total).

To make your posts, click on START A NEW CONVERSATION above:

State your name and Problem Numbers in the title (Title: Jane Doe, Problems 7.43 and 9.39).

In addition to your initial posts to the topics in this Week’s Forum, you are required to also reply to at least two classmates’ original posts, and each reply must be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. Your replies can add additional insight to your classmates’ opinions, suggest other alternative approaches, or anything similar. Be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to everyone who comments on your post.

For this topic, you will select two problems from the Chemistry: Atoms First, OpenStax text (in the link there is a book), one problem from each of the following two problem sets:

For Problem 1: You MUST select a problem from the end of the chapter “Exercises” from Chapter 7: Problems 43-95.
For Problem 2: You MUST select a problem from the end of the chapter “Exercises” from Chapter 9: Problems 39-86.

Writers Solution

twentieth {1900’s} or twenty-first-century {2000’s} and their work being exhibited at a local museum.

select a twentieth {1900’s} or twenty-first-century {2000’s} and their work being exhibited at a local museum.

I recommend the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), or any other major museum or gallery that is available to you. If you plan to go to a different museum or gallery, it is required you check in with me to get approval to go to a different museum.

Once you pick the artist, include and reference the four types of investigation Process of Visual Analyze, and explain what role (out of the four roles) your artist identifies with during their creative process.  Also include a biography on the artist in the introduction of your essay.  Be sure to be thoughtful with your essay’s conclusion, {closing paragraph}, it is best to summarize the main points, considerations and concepts covered in your essay.

Essay requirements:

  • Double-spaced 6 to 7 pages, which includes the images and the assessment of physical properties. One image/artwork page per, and the other pages would be your written text.
  • Include a biography = this involves more than just the basic facts like education, work, and death; it portrays a person’s experience of major life events, focusing on their career as an artist.
  • Discuss 3 artworks made by the artist, include these images in your essay.
  • Format the images with the assessment of physical properties, review the sample included in the PowerPoint that discusses the final project requirements.
  • Include your bibliography, (list of sources that have been used to compile the data for your essay) include links to the websites you used when researching your artist.
  • 1 photo of yourself and the artwork in the museum, so I know you went. It is required you go see artwork in person, the reason for this is because seeing the work in person is far better than simply viewing it on the computer.
  • It is required to include the Process of Visual Analyze; the four types of investigation, one of the concepts included in the contents of the course. It is prerequisite to review the information in the Introduction Lecture, from Week 1.  The four types of investigation, the Process of Visual Analyze, are described below, however, it is essential to review the information covered in Week 1.
  1. Assessment of physical properties = objective information, the facts (review the sample included in the PowerPoint that discusses the final project requirements).

PICK at least ONE of the artworks and apply the following two ways we have learned how to Visually Analysis artwork:

  1. Analysis of visual or formal structure = discuss the visual elements or formal vocabulary, which would be used to describe the overall arrangement, composition, organization, design, or structure of the artwork. Use the vocabulary terms we have covered throughout the semester.
  2. Identification of subject matter or conventional symbolism = Explain or identify the “subject matter” in the artwork. Also explain or identify, if any, the symbols found in the artwork. Symbols are widely recognized signs that signify a concept or idea that all members of a group (society) identify based on a common cultural understanding.

This is similar to the Bio about the artist, but different.  Pick one of the artworks and apply the cultural context- like what we did with the Civil Rights Essay homework assignment.  And other homework projects.

  1. Integration within cultural context = Cultural context looks at the society the artist lived in and how their culture had an effect on their behavior and their opportunities. And how this effected their artwork and the message in their artwork.
  • In your essay, you must also discuss the role of the artistyou have chosen. How they incorporated this part of being an artist into their creative process.  The four roles of the artist are described below. It is required to review the information from Week 2 – The Visual World:  Chapter 1:  Discovering a World of Art.
  1. They create a visual record of their time and place.
  2. They help us to see the world in new and innovative ways.
  3. They make functional objects and structures more pleasurable by instilling them with beauty and meaning.
  4. Artists give form to the immaterial—hidden truths, spiritual forces, personal feelings.
  • It is also required to have a thoughtful conclusion, {closing paragraph}, should summarize, in your own words, reflecting on the main points, considerations, and concepts covered in your essay. This is one of my favorite parts to read, hearing your thoughts on what you learned from your essay and the artist you researched.

San Francisco Museums and Art Galleries:

Galleries at 49 Geary- the galleries are free in San Francisco near the Powell Bart station:

Oakland Art Galleries:

Oakland & Berkeley Museums: