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flynns effect explanation and advantages of measuring the iq test

 write an article on flynns effect explanation and advantages of measuring the iq test Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! TED Talk given by Flynn Introduction This paper will be focused to answer the questions about Flynn’s effect, its explanation and advantages of measuring the IQ test.

Each generation possesses the higher IQ test as compared to previous generation. Either individual of a generation think differently or they have become smarter than individuals of preceding generation. Flynn effect has been widely accepted and most approaches are used to estimate its error measurement. It is required to explain Flynn effect and show that how older people of old generation were not so rationale as compared to lateral generations.

A number of explanations are given to explain the Flynn effect. It is widespread, steady and too large that improved nutrition has produced the great familiarity of the IQ tests. People used only one bullet in the bullseye in 1865 and they used five bullets in 1898. In 1918, a hundred bullets were put in bullseye. People have escalated in their performance at a high degree than previously. People did not consider the difference between a fish and crow. In the early days, rifles were shuffled between different war fighters but later on every responsible individual would have his own gun.

In older days, people were not rationale and made speculations regardless of facts. People thought that camels could not be found in small villages because no room was there for camels. People were involved in problems regardless of their importance and reality. It is argued that intelligence is strongly associated with the IQ test that largely focuses upon problem solving capabilities of individuals. In this regard, one can say that intelligent increases as cultural generation are moving ahead. From Flynn’s work, one can conclude that cognitive demand has increased in modern days as 35% Americans are involved in profession or sub-professions while in 1900 only 3% American were found in practicing profession.


In this paper, focus has been to define the Flynn Effects and its explanation in terms of that how people of old days were not so rationale as compared to individuals of lateral generations. Some of the statistics about IQ and increase in cognitive demands are also evaluated.


Flynn J. (2013). Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents. Available from Accessed on 16/10/2015.