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Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

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Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

Theories lay foundation of every profession. The primary use of theories in nursing is to equip nursing students with important information about the career. This is essential since it prevents the students from drawing irrelevant conclusion about the field (Yancey, 2019). It ensures that the students or other party interested in the field is equipped with all the basic knowledge about the profession.  This also aims at introducing nursing students to their future roles and generally what nursing entails.

Nursing as an art and as a science, it has played a key role in helping my personal nursing philosophy to unfold.  This is because it has helped me in understanding that majority of nursing students take the path due to passion of helping others. In my perception, it is very clear that nearly all nurses are in love with their jobs since they love the company of many patients and attending to them. It cannot be underestimated that a nurse becomes happy when they see that the patients they are attending to are getting better. That makes nursing both an art and a science.

My nursing assumption have been challenged by numerous factors, the fact that nursing is all about providing services to those around us, many nurses are going contrary to this assumption. This makes me to understand that for one to provide excellent nursing services then one has to accept it deeply from the heart. The service that a nurse will offer to a patient is what will be used in judging the nurse nursing performance. The nursing ethical values are used in monitoring the performance of nurses and by following them then one will offer the best nursing services to their patients.

Personal conflict has been a major crisis that often occurs to my nursing environment. The conflict normally arises due to poor handling of issues with my fellow nurses. Talking rudely to the patient is against the ethical principles that govern nursing. For my case it was uneasy for me to tolerate a fellow nurse talking and panting loudly to a patient. Serving and nurturing for the patients are the fundamental duties of nurses. Mostly, these patients normally are never in their best condition and that is the reason why they require nursing services. A patient can do abnormal things but as a nurse you to accept and understand and try to bring the patient in normal state without causing any harm. This action really affected my relationship with my fellow workmate building a strong bond between the patient and myself. Nursing performance was really shaken since my fellow sidelined some patients to me who were a bit complex to handle.

Illustration of my nursing philosophy has been my biggest agenda in the nursing field. Personalization with patients has been my biggest duty instead of treating the disease the patient suffers from. This has helped in creating a very unique bond with patient. The fact that I come close to the patients makes them feel loved and as a result they share their fears with me hence easy to uproot them. The core reason of reaching out to the patients regardless of their state makes them feel comfortable and have self confidence in themselves (Christopher, 2020).  My action has posted numerous positive feedbacks since even the relatives and friends of the patients saw the difference in the patients.

Meta-paradigm nursing is the set of theories which directs how the discipline should perform its function. According to my point of view the meta-paradigm primarily focuse on the nurse who is the provider of the services. This is very vital since the nurse offers great sacrifices in order to help other. For the nursing discipline, the paradigm consists of several theories whose core agenda addresses the care giver as a whole. The nursing performance is clearly stated in the theories and the type of nursing care they should offer to the patient. This shows that the meta-paradigm focuses on both internal and external surrounding of the nurses. Articulation of good relationship between the members of the nursing team is also considered in the paradigm since it will assist in ensuring that no personal conflict arises hence better health care are provided.

My nursing philosophy has positively changed.   The change has helped me to understand that not only nurses can care for the patients but also fellow patients can assist each other. This has made me understand that nursing is a mutual exercise which requires participation of all the members involved for it to effectively be of great help.

In conclusion, all the stakeholders’ should understand that proper nursing care requires enough time. This shows that for one to be perfect in offering the services then the nurse should be fully experience and the experience is acquired over time.  The nurses should understand their patient in order to offer best nursing services and also to avoid personal conflict. Theories in nursing should not be under rated for they carry important information based on nursing for the good of both the nurses and patients.


Hartson, K. R., Della, L., & King, K. M. A feasibility study of a web-based physical activity program for university students: Final report for Sigma Foundation for Nursing.

Christopher, R., de Tantillo, L., & Watson, J. (2020). Academic caring pedagogy, presence, and Communitas in nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Outlook68(6), 822-829.

Yancey, N. R. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing for teaching-learning: but is it really nursing?. Nursing science quarterly32(1), 25-28




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Develop a one-page diagram of theoretical foundation for your project/program

A logic model or program theory is a description or model frequently pictorial of how a program is supposed to achieve its expected outcomes and solve the identified problem for which it was created. It creates a logical links between expected outcomes and the activities designed to achieve them and incorporates the evidence-based theoretical assumptions that explain how the activities will lead to outcomes. A program theory or logic model is NOT the theoretical framework on which your project is based although it may be related to a theoretical framework. A theoretical or conceptual framework is a general theory that explains why some things happen. A program theory or logic model is unique to your project and explains how it is supposed to work.

Assignment Prompt

  1. Develop a one-page diagram of theoretical foundation for your project/program, describing how and why your project should achieve the desired outcome. Add references on the second page. You may arrange items in the diagram in any way you choose, but the diagrams should include each of the following components and show the logical connections between them:
    1. The need or problem to be addressed by the project/program with supporting data
    2. The context for the project/program (attach a reference list with your diagram)
    3. The strategy (ies) proposed to address the need/problem
    4. The evidence base for the proposed strategies (attached a reference list with your diagram)
    5. Factors that will influence the use of strategy
    6. The expected outcomes of the project/program
    7. The resulting impact of the project/program if the outcomes are achieved.


  • Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT
  • Length: Two pages (1st page for diagram, 2nd page for references)
  • Format: APA Style (7th ed.), one-inch margins with double spacing, proper APA formatting
  • Research: Scholarly (peer-reviewed) contemporary  reference(s) within the last 5 years
  • Writing: Use correct grammar and sentence construction: Clear expression of ideas
  • File Title: Save the file with Student First Name_Last Name_Title of assignment

The initial PICOT question that I have formulated based on my area of interest for EBP proposal revolved around pressure ulcer management for the elderly patient.


For elderly patients above 60 years with pressure ulcers (P) will the negative pressure wound therapy (I) as opposed to standard moist wound therapy (C) improve the healing of the pressure ulcer (O) during their two-week stay at the hospital (T).


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Microsoft Foundation Class

Object-oriented programming has been adopted widely because of its capability to reuse code. Most application development software provides class libraries and extensive support for complex data structures, including linked lists. 

Investigate one of these libraries, such as the Microsoft Foundation Class ( or the Java 2 Platform (http://www application programming interface (API). 

1)What data structures are supported by the library? 

2)What types of data are recommended for use with each data structure object? 

3)Which classes contain which data structures, and what methods does the library provide?

*Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose

*How the article and/or author(s) support your argument(s)

*Most important aspects of the article

*Any findings and conclusions

*Approximately 350 to 450 words in length( 5-6 pages 

*Include the article “Abstract” in your posting (your summary should be original)

*Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched article

“**IMPORTANT” – Include the reference for the article in correct APA format

*In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.

*Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.

*Repeat for a total of six (6) peer-reviewed sources


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Exploring the foundation of our American system of government including its democratic principles and the basic philosophy underlying the US Constitution


In Discussion 1 we will be exploring the foundation of our American system of government including its democratic principles and the basic philosophy underlying the US Constitution.

To help you formulate an answer, be sure to review the Exploration for this Module, and Chapter 2 of your e-text, on The Constitution.

Outcomes 1, 2, 3


  • Please respond to the following questions completely:  If you were setting up your own government, how would you structure it so that the government doesn’t take away our inalienable rights?  The Founders found the answer in limits. They devised a government that established limits at every opportunity.  What do you believe those limits that are placed upon the government should be?   Please be specific in your response and explain why.

criteria: 1.  All parts of the original discussion questions are answered; several reasons or examples are provided in support of the response; the initial post is a minimum of 150 words or more. 

2. The student demonstrated an excellent understanding of the concepts in the module; at least 3 textbook and/ or lecture concepts were incorporated and cited in their responses. 

3.  Writing represents correct college-level English, grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout the discussion, and APA citation is correct. 

here’s how to cite the video for the module exploration:  Films Media Group. (2010). The Constitution and foundations of government. Films On Demand. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from 

Link to video to help with this discussion: <iframe height=’530′ frameborder=’0′ style=’border:1px solid #ddd;’ width=’660′ src=’′ allowfullscreen allow=”encrypted-media”>&nbsp;</iframe>

if this one doesn’t work in your URl, try this one:

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Since its foundation in 1937, globally, Toyota has strived continuously to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the planet through its business operations

Assessment 3
Assessment type: Ethical analysis – individual assignment (1,500 words)
Purpose: This assessment will allow students to conduct the ethical analysis of a situation provided by them and approved by tutor. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes a and b.
Topic: Students need to identify maximum four situations in the department allocated as per your student ID. Analyse them based on any four ethical philosophies taught to you in this unit. Students will demonstrate that they can identify, assess and analyse the situation.
Task Details:
Since its foundation in 1937, globally, Toyota has strived continuously to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the planet through its business operations. Their principle that they have continued since Toyota Australia started in 1963 and has helped to cement their position as Australia’s leading automotive company.
Motor vehicles greatly expand the freedom of mobility, however, they recognised that they can also have an effect on the society and the environment. With this in mind, they listened carefully to their stakeholders as they pursued a business that works towards harmony with people, society, and the global environment. They are continuously innovating to develop vehicles that meet the needs of the market both now and into the future. Their research focuses on vehicles powered by a range of alternative fuels and vehicles with the potential for automated driving. They continue to work towards vehicles that are safe for everyone, and that maintain the standards of durability and reliability that people expect from the Toyota brand.
Identify minimum one and maximum four situations in the department allocated as per your student ID. Analyse them based on any four ethical philosophies taught to you in this unit.
Identify minimum one and maximum four situations in the department allocated as per your student ID. Analyse them based on any four ethical philosophies taught to you in this unit.
Department 1: The Production function undertakes the activities necessary to provide the organisation’s products or services. Its main responsibilities are: o production planning and scheduling
o control and supervision of the production workforce
o managing product quality (including process control and monitoring
o maintenance of plant and equipment
o control of inventory
o deciding the best production methods and factory layout.
Department 2: The Research and Development (R&D) function is concerned with developing new products or processes and improving existing products/processes. R&D activities must be closely coordinated with the organisation’s marketing activities to ensure that the organisation is providing exactly what its customers want in the most efficient, effective, and economical way.
want in the most efficient, effective, and economical way.
Department 3: The Purchasing function is concerned with acquiring goods and services for use by the organisation. These will include, for example, raw materials and components for manufacturing and also production equipment. The responsibilities of this function usually extend to buying goods and services for the entire organisation (not just the Production function), including, for example, office equipment, furniture, computer equipment and stationery. In buying goods and services, purchasing managers must consider a number of factors – Quantity, Quality, Price and Delivery.
Department 4: Marketing is concerned with identifying and satisfying customers’ needs at the right price. Marketing involves researching what customers want and analysing how the organisation can satisfy these wants. Marketing activities range from the ‘strategic’, concerned with the choice of product markets (and how to compete in them, for example, on price or product differentiation) to the operational, arranging sales promotions (e.g., offering a 25 per cent discount), producing literature such as product catalogues and brochures, placing advertisements in the appropriate media and so on. A fundamental activity in marketing is managing the Product, Price, Promotion and Place.
Department 5: The Human Resources function is concerned with the following:
o Recruitment and selection. Ensuring that the right people are recruited to the right jobs.
o Training and development. Enabling employees to carry out their responsibilities effectively and make use of their potential.
o Employee relations. Including negotiations related to pay and conditions.
o Grievance procedures and disciplinary matters. Dealing with complaints from employees or from the employer.
o Health and Safety matters Making sure employees work in a healthy and safe environment.
o Redundancy procedures Administering a proper system that is seen to be fair to all concerned when deciding on redundancies and agreeing redundancy payments.
Investigate and reflect upon one of the above departments using Ethical Guidelines published by organisations such as: EA and ACS.
Investigate and reflect upon one of the above departments using Ethical Guidelines published by organisations such as: EA and ACS.
Students with ID ending with 0 or 5, have Department number 1
Students with ID ending with 1 or 6, have Department number 2
Students with ID ending with 2 or 7, have Department number 3
Students with ID ending with 3 or 8, have Department number 4
Students with ID ending with 4 or 9, have Department number 5
Students will prepare a business style report of approximately 1500 words which analyses the above scenario through the lens of any of the FOUR (4) ethical philosophies presented in lecture.
For assistance in report writing techniques the relevant resources will be provided through Moodle.
A suggested report structure is as follows:
o title page
o executive summary
o table of contents
o introduction
o ethical analysis
o conclusion
o references
o appendices

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Since its foundation in 1937, globally, Toyota has strived continuously to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the planet through its business operations

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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative

In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?
Explore the Campaign for Action webpage:
Review your state’s progress report by locating your state and clicking on one of the six progress icons for: education, leadership, practice, interpersonal collaboration, diversity, and data. You can also download a full progress report for your state by clicking on the box located at the bottom of the webpage.
Summarize (2) initiatives spearheaded by your state’s Action Coalition.  In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers?
Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Report
1)      In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words:
a)      Discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”
b)      Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development.
c)       What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?
Summarize (2) initiatives spearheaded by your state’s Action Coalition.  In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers?

***A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.***

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.





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According to the report, United States have more than 3 million registered nurses which represent the largest body of health workforce. As a result, nurses play crucial role in an attempt to address the issues regarding the increasing demand for high quality, safe and effective provision of the health care services(Buerhaus, et al., 2009). Recently, new healthcare laws identifies the challenges associated with the management of the primary care, chronic diseases, prevention of the adverse events, wellness and prevention of the hospital-acquired infect……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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Foundation for America’s pastime

The first six chapters have featured many colorful stories and anecdotes about the baseball players that laid the foundation for America’s pastime. Another story that has been a consistent theme has been how the game of baseball has been an important part of Black Americans. In at least 750 words, discuss the importance of baseball to Black Americans. As part of your paper, discuss the Negro leagues, some of the stars of Black baseball and their importance to the Black community. Highlight at least three different Black baseball personalities that were a major part of the history of American baseball. Also, describe the impact that Jackie Robinson had on post-World War II baseball. Per Grantham Guidelines, your assignment must be submitted properly in APA format and in a word document. Be sure you cite all of your sources, and you must show direct evidence of integrating your textbook in at least three different chapters as well as at least one outside resource.

Textbook: Baseball An Illustrated History Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns with A New Chapter and Kevin Bake





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Sports: Baseball

            Historically, Baseball has been an American sporting activity that attracted substantial number of spectators. The origin of the Baseball dated back to round 1700 the time of English settlers and colonial America. Historians believe that Baseball come about due as a result of amalgamation of different cultures originating from Scotland, Ireland, Germany and Africa to settle in America(Rosalyn, 1997). The American soldiers engaged in this sporting activity during the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783 but it was known as the “base”. Whereas the English referred the game as the “rounder”. The roots of Baseball buttressed in America at the start of 1800 which was then known as the “towneball”, until the late 1800’s when the name change to “baste ball”.

            Alexander Cartwright was the first sportsman to establish a well organized Baseball sport in the New York City. The New York City Club chose the name “Knickerbocker Base Ball Club”. Through this club, prime rules governing Baseball sporting activity was established(Leavy, 1994). For the first time in 19th June, 1846, the professional game of Baseball was held between Knickerbocker and New York Nine in Hoboken, New Jersey where the New York Nine emerged the winners by beating the Knickerbocker 23 to 1. Knickerbocker Baseball Club excluded African Americans from participating in the competition until 1858 when the National Association of Baseball Player (NABBP) which included African American to participate in the competition.

Several Baseball clubs and leagues were establis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Foundation for America’s pastime…………………………………………………………..

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Established through an anonymous, the scholarship is available to students who meet the Foundation’s scholarship eligibility criteria, with an emphasis on students who have encountered a personal hardship that has hindered their educational plans

Established through an anonymous, the scholarship is available to students who meet the Foundation’s scholarship eligibility criteria, with an emphasis on students who have encountered a personal hardship that has hindered their educational plans. Scholarship funding may cover tuition, fees, books, or equipment that allows them to pursue their studies successfully.

Students must submit a maximum of 500 words essay detailing their educational goals and the hardship that they currently face. What are your educational goals and the difficulties you have encountered trying to achieve those goals?

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foundation of your DBA program.


The final assignment asks you to develop a short research plan that will become the foundation of your DBA program. This plan will evolve as you proceed in your program. Much of this document will be useful in your dissertation, especially the literature review. The headings for each section are in bold below, followed by what is needed in each section.


Provide a short introduction to your research. Often this is a sentence or two that says why there is a problem, what the problem is generally, and what you plan to do. Essentially, this section gives the reader an idea of what they will see in the rest of the document.

Problem Statement

Identify the research topic. Justify that this topic is both a business topic and an applied topic. (Length: about one-half page)

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Identify a theory or conceptual framework that could be used for your study. Justify how it relates to your topic. (Length: one half to one page)

Literature Review

Provide a three-page literature review that covers the following:

  • History of your topic. Justify it as a worthwhile topic. What is its impact on business?
  • Evolution of your theory. Who came up with it, and how has it evolved?


Discuss your planned methodology. In future courses, you will explore methodologies in greater detail. At this stage, you are simply exploring options as to how you could study this research topic. It is recommended that you avoid mixed methods research as the time involved is significantly greater than a single method. (Length: one half to one page)

Population/Data Collection

Planned population/data collection. If you plan to do interviews, who will you interview? If you plan to collect data from a source, what will that source be? (Length: one half to one page)

Bridging the Gap

Discuss areas you feel you need additional knowledge to complete your research (e.g., statistics if you plan a quantitative study, how to perform interviews if you plan to do a case study).


Bring the entire study goal to a summation. This should be a short paragraph of what you would like to do, why you would like to do it, and what you will need to learn to do it effectively.

Length:  7-10 pages

References:  Include a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journals using your citation manager of choice.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. 

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

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The nursing profession is not limited to the scientific side but also it is relies to the moral foundation to being a successful and professional nurse during the performance of the job

Nursing is a humanitarian profession that can’t be dispensed in all parts of the world, because it is considered as an essential profession that requires of observance of professional ethics and scientific practice based on a lot of skills and knowledge in order to provide high quality of care for patients for that reason there is internship period for the students of nursing which is means: the internship is period of field training (clinical practice) that will bring the trainee back their memory, also It requires rethinking the knowledge, information and theoretical applications accumulated during the nursing study period that was studied by the nursing students in the four past years ,so The internship period is one of the best way for that the nursing student should be join in the internship in order to increase level of skills also it is very important because it can increases experience and self-confidence when the student tries to integrate theoretical information with clinical decision making then use them to provide nursing care during the job In the future, In addition, there are very important things that the student must do during the internship, so they required by the concerned authorities, such as reflection. It is a basic element that can helps students to discover strengths and weaknesses, also reflection can effect on the personal level of the student moreover it can helps improve the relationships between students and coaches furthermore, the reflection is basic factor that can support in bridging the gap between the practice of the profession and knowledge also, the reflection is a necessary educational need during the internship. also the internship is not limited to these points but the students must be follow professional values ,nursing practice and decision-making ,communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership ,management ,team working in order to being good nurse and provide high level of care for patients so this assignment will discuss about my experience through my internship.

Domain 1: professional value The nursing profession is not limited to the scientific side but also it is relies to the moral foundation to being a successful and professional nurse during the performance of the job. At this time the nurse may face difficulty in applying all the professional values ​​so, the nurse should try to apply professional values ​​in order to build professional identity and maintain with develop them because any mistake may destroy all the things even it is small things, so professional values are: basic principles that must be applied during work in order to maintain human dignity (Segen’s Medical Dictionary.2012 Farlex, )so, when I was in (ER)which is means emergency department mother of 2 child patients she was worry about her two children because they have high fever she was come inside ER with out open the file and with out go to the triage room then she start shouting after that we was go to her with the Doctor and we was start to take care of her children and give her medication for her two children then after 15 minutes the two children being stable with normal temperature in same time the mother she was angry also she said the nurse did not take care of my children well and the nurse she is very bad also the Doctor is very bad he came just 2 time and i want the nurse stay with my children all time after that the nurse did not take in to account her circumstances then the nurse said I am here not just for your children I have a lot of work I am so busy also the nurse said with high voice and without respect! this is not my responsibility to staying with your children then the nurse was close the curtain without listen to the mother of patient after that I took the permission from the manager to talk with mother of patient kindly with respect her in order to solve the misunderstanding between the nurse and mother. So the respect of patient is dealing with patient politely whether by word or verb and It is an imposed moral duty for the nurse to the patient with taking into account the dignity ,shyness, patient independence and decisions of the patient (Ainslie,2012) ,Therefore respect is an integral part of the ethics of profession especially in nursing So in conclude the respect from nurse is very important to all patients; regardless of color, gender, or religion moreover the respect is not only for the patient but also for relatives and medical staff that’s why I feel more responsibility for the patient respect. I have learned from this position that respect is an essential and important element in the provision of health care by the nurse for patient and that the better the relationship in terms of mutual respect between the nurse and patient, which leads to builds confidence then it is achieved patient satisfaction for all care provided which leads to healing in the fastest time. Domain 2: Communication is an indispensable tool in nursing also it is considered as skill used by intern student in order to communicate with patient to meet his needs, to know his wishes and to provide care for him in full face moreover it is help to build a strong relationship between the patient and the nurse as(trusting relationship) through the exchange the information and participation during interventions(Schulz,2015), also communication is the exchange of information and speech between the patient and the nurse by sending and receiving them through writing or speaking also it is an effective method(Maureen ,Nokuthula2018) so when I was on emergency department girl child patient she was 9 years old came with her father, she has abdominal pain with vomiting since two days then the doctor was see the patient and he was wrote the order after that I was go with my preceptor to prepare the medication and insert the canula then when the patient was see the needle she start to crying also she was very afraid and she didn’t want anyone to hold her, even though I was spoke to her quietly and I took into consideration her young age after that I explained to her what I would do for her after that she accepted the subject and she allowed us to complete the treatment plan because I have used verbal exchanges that helped the patient understand smoothly so this is a proof that I have good communicated with her and I was able to convince her in smooth way so there are a lot of effective from good communication with patient which is 1.helping to communicating information and ideas quickly with real effectively,2. enhance confidence between the nurse and the patient also 3. helps to speed the patient’s recovery 4. improve the mental state of the patient moreover, good communication plays an active role in the effective performance of the organization ( Lawrence Robinson, May 2019.) It is also possible that there is a poor in communication between the nurse and the patient, whether unintentionally or intentionally, and this plays a large role in influencing the relationship between the nurse and the patient moreover may lead to misunderstanding between the parties and loss of confidence furthermore the most important things are mistakes during the transfer of patient information then h it can do health problems or wrong treatment also it can lead to poor cooperation between the nurse and the patient.( Dr. Kain 2017). There are ways to prevent poor communication and facilitate communication, between nurse and patient including increased transparency between patient and nurse, speak kindly with him or her and attend courses in order to acquisition important communication skills, so I have learned from this that good communication is important to build a bridge between the patient and his family and the nurse, which leads to medical procedures going nicely and accept the patient procedures and increase the experience that leads to knowledge to communicate with older , young and different kinds of people also different languages. There are ways to become a professional nurse in communicating with the patient including: trying to being calm even if there is something complicated also the nurse must remember that the patient does not attack her personally, but the patient acts like this because he is concerned. The nurse should engage in conversation and empathy with the patient, avoiding the patient’s argument also use good words and giving the patient an opportunity to speak and apologize in case of mistake. Finally, smile to the patient’s face in order to give him optimism(mumu,2019)

Domain 3: There are very rapid changes in the field of health care so this is why requires from the nurse to play big role in making the right decision quickly, by using critical thinking, ideas and information to make effective decisions that allow the nurse to provide nursing care also one of the most important reasons to being success nurse in her practical life is making the right decision at the right time ,so decision making is The process of making a decision for an urgent and important matter in order to reach a solution to the problem and seek the existence of a goal which is an ongoing and contextual process through collecting and evaluating the data in order to obtain conclusive evidence (Prachi Juneja 2015) So when I was in maternity ward patient X she was deliver the baby after that she admitted to postpartum ward then she start to breastfeeding ,she has difficult ,shortness of breath and pain when she is feeding the baby ,more over when I check the temperature it was very high so the doctor said the patient has infection that’s why she should take medication and it can affect breast feeding so indeed the baby did not want sleep after the mother take the medication then me with my preceptor we are start to make real and fast decision in front of this situation and we suggested to her as stopped breastfeeding then the mother she start to thinking about the subject after that she said I making decision which is I will stop the breastfeeding because not just me will affected also my baby so this indicates the nurse’s intelligence and good thinking in avoiding problems that may occur when she let the mother keep in breastfeeding by she using decision making after that the mother she thanked the nurse because she felt high quality of care for mother and baby submitted by nurse and she felt comfortable in the body and rapid healing. so I feel very proud of myself also I feel more responsibility after I take decision making moreover I feel some of difficulty in take decision making but I trusted myself more when I saw the positive results after making the right decision further more I felt that I could decisions making in the future without fear. I learned from this position is read more information from book or internet about decision-making in order to avoid the mistake that could happen with intention or without intention and attend the educational courses on decision-making in order to gain experience. I also learned to being courage in front of the patient with hide the fear and anxiety, I have also learned that there are disadvantages sometimes in decision making, including taking inappropriate decision for new conditions, also when take decision without good study it can leads to the failure in the results(Collins A,2011). Furthermore, decision-making is the only thing that can protects the patient’s right because it depends on clinical experience, evidence, data and experiences, so the nurse is the right person to make the clinical decisions. However, the nurse must respect the patient’s opinion even she like it or not because the patient is only one who has the final decision making about his situation( Health , Human Services 2015 ). There are steps that the nurse must follow it when she making the decision including: knowing the patient’s problem fully, collecting information, weighing the options correctly in order to choose the best option while following the procedures with take full responsibility(By Management Study Guide Content Team2015). Domain 4: The work of the nurse requires to development of leadership skills and management in order to promote patient care. Moreover, the presence of managers in leadership matters is a very important part in the organization of all hospital departments, controlling the problems that can occur, directing and supervising staff, and making the nursing intern student should try to development management and leadership skills. So when I was in critical area we were to (ICU) which is means intensive care unit with 2 intern student from our group, there are a lot of work there also there is shortage of staff so one of the days was very busy then the manager call us to help the staff in other said which is (IMCU) then he divided us in order to divide tasks equally between us in order to provide high quality of care for all patient also to maintain time management during doing patients service and and decrease pressure ,so there was patient X in (ICU) , she is heavy weight and she is bedridden patient she need to change position ,suction and change diaper so all staff was busy with her around 15 minutes in order to take care of her well because her condition is very urgent and dangerous also she need special care because she is in the last stage of life while relative of other patient come to the nursing station and they want one nurse but there is no nurse because they are busy with other patient then the relatives was started angry and they say how the (ICU) nursing station with out nurse so me as a nursing intern student i was try to reassure family also I answer the question but the family they were not satisfied with my answer then I go to the manager then he came and he solved the problem also he said to family don’t worry about your father he is ok and his condition stable after that I feel I am proud of manger of ICU also I feel I am happy because he divided us while in the same time I feel disappointment and grief because the family did not belief my talking.( Thomas,2015) I learned from this position how to solve the problems quietly in the future and how to become a successful manager and I like when the manager divided the tasks equally between us moreover I hope to become like him. Therefore, we conclude that the leader has many roles in order to reach a certain goal, and the leader is the only one who has the right to distribute the work, coordinate the staff and arrange all things in order to reduce the work, pressure and speed in providing services to patients with attention to patient care needs and ability to lead others and supervise all nurses, their work and encourage them to cooperate between other staff and give them incentives in order to increase morale with use positive terms(Warren Buffett,2014). According to Health force there is a difference between management and leadership, but they complement each other so the leadership is: the ability to manage the situation and make quick decisions and encourage the team to work on the performance moreover the leader needs to be strong personality and have ethics and confidence of other staff, especially the new staff and listen to employees and answer their questions and assess their fears (Jack Welch,2019) so the management is : Organize care activities to achieve a specific goal(Drucker,2015). To sum up the training period is very important as it teaches the student a sense of responsibility towards the things that can happen. Moreover, the nursing profession is not only concerned with providing care for patient , but also it is interested to have good ethical while communicate with others, Therefore, the nurse must apply professional values ​​by respecting others and caring for their dignity. Also, the way to communicate with the other if there is good communication it can help to build a strong relationship. Moreover, making the right decision after thinking which leads to increased confidence and complete psychological satisfaction from the service provided from the nurse also The implementation of leadership and management is the most important things that help in the success of the continuity of work, So I must apply all these things in order to be successful nurse in the future. REFERENCES

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