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The sales and collection process generates revenue accounts receivable, and cash flow information for a firm’s financial statements

1. The sales and collection process generates revenue accounts receivable, and cash flow information for a firm’s financial statements. What other information do you think managers would like to collect?

2. What kinds of businesses collect cash before recording the corresponding sales? How would that different sequence affect internal control requirements?

3. Draw a basic sales activity model using BPMN for a fast-food restaurant. Draw a second basic sales activity model using BPMN for a traditional restaurant. Discuss similarities and differences. How would you add taking reservations to the second model?

7. From your experience, think about the sales process for an online or brick-and-mortar store. Describe some business rules that help provide internal controls over the process.

8. What classes and associations would be included in a model that describes the information needed for a query that calculates the accounts receivable balance for each customer? Describe differences in the information for the open-invoice method, where customers pay according to specific invoices, versus the balance-forward method, where customers pay balances on monthly statements?




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The Excel function =RANDBETWEEN(a,b) generates a random integer value between a and b

The Excel function =RANDBETWEEN(a,b) generates a random integer value between a and b. Open Excel. Copy and paste the Excel function into 30 cells (rows) starting at Column A at A1. Create 30 random values between 0 and 7 to simulate the response to the question, “How many times have you dined out in the past week?”  Note: Once you have your 30 random values in Column A, select all values, copy the values, and use “Paste Special – Values” to Column B starting at B1. This will keep the spreadsheet from recalculating and changing your results.

Use Excel’s Data Analysis Tool Add-in to generate the Descriptive Statistics Summary Table for the values in Column B (as demonstrated in Section 3.2 of the text). Also use Excel’s Chart tools (as discussed in Section 3.4 of the text) to generate a box plot on the 30 responses. Comment on the measures and shape of the distribution. Do the measures and shape represent what you would expect based on randomly determined values? Why or why not?  Include the data set of the 30 random values and your output in your response. Provide references (Refer to Chapter 3 Review: Supplementary Exercises 62 in the Chapter 3 topic Resources in Essentials of Modern Business Statistics With Microsoft Office Excel in MindTap).





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