Writers Solution

Global Manager for a Medical Company


Consider yourself as Global Manager for a Medical Company (Medawa) that is leading chain of retail pharmacy in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and United Kingdom. This company uses digital solutions for their business, but it focuses heavily on its retails sales. However, due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the way how they do business has been remarkably impacted. Not just with sales, the impact of this pandemic effected the way this company work, communicate and operate. 

Therefore, as the global manager of this Medawa medical company you are required to develop a detail strategy on the following: 

· Introduction about the topic. 

· Explain what are the limited options that Medawa currently have regarding dealing with the pandemic.

· What is the level of technology urgency Medawa needs to sustain its performance?

· As a global manager, leading from home involves the leverage of digital capabilities. What are these capabilities? List and explain at least 3.

· Explain what type of virtual management characteristics will be implemented and why?

· How the virtual teams will work together?

· What tools are they using for communications and task management?

· How you will manage delivering the new changes within a short time in different locations in terms of language, cultural, time, political, and economical differences?

· What are techniques that you will be using to create a strong team with a high level of teamwork?

· What are the advantages and disadvantages of managing a virtual team?

· What type of conflicts might occur between members? When it happened how will you solve it?

· As a manager how you will manage the outsourced projects?

· What techniques that you will apply to encourage and motivate your team for improvement?

· Conclusion. 

Guidelines for the assignment:

· Your assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.  

· Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.

· Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.

· Use the footer function to insert page number.

· Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project. 

· Your project report length should be  2500 words.

Useful links:


· APA reference system

· About plagiarism

· About plagiarism

Writers Solution

What global marketing strategies have these companies implemented to stay ahead of their competitors?

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (12 slides maximum) comparing and contrasting two global companies of your choice.

• In your analysis, address the following at a minimum:

• One slide summary for each of the companies and products

• What global marketing strategies have these companies implemented to stay ahead of their competitors? Make sure to incorporate the marketing mix variables, pricing and market segmentation.

• What are their human resource strategies with regards to staffing and retaining talent?

• What is their source of competitive advantage?

• If you were the leader running these companies, would you change anything? Why or why not?

• As in other assignments and in line with the assignment rubric, make sure to integrate class content in your analysis and cite your sources.

Maximum of twelve slides in length, excluding the Title and Reference page.

• APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works.

• At least three resources.

Writers Solution

Challenges in the Global Business Enviornment: Ethical Code of Conducts of AT&T

 Article Challenges in the Global Business Enviornment: Ethical Code of Conducts of AT&T. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The research will focus on the AT&T code of ethics. The details will be retrieved from the company’s website. This code of ethics will be compared to other competing firms. The research will use Verizon and Sprint as the two competitors. The information will be retrieved from the two companies website. The competitiveness of each code of ethics will be used in establishing the merits and demerits of AT&T own code of ethical conduct. Information from the three firms will be examined, and recordings made based on the structures and natures of the code of ethical conduct. The information on the AT&T code of ethical conduct will be examined with respect to their efforts to adapt to changing technologies and innovative nature of the environment. The challenges associated with the code of ethics will be examined and the proposal made based on the efforts by the two competing firms. Global citizenship efforts by AT & T will be examined, and information recorded.

AT & T has its code of ethical conduct drafted and focused on honest, which entails observing rules set by different organizations under which the firm operates ( AT&T Inc, 2014). These entail maintaining a given standard that will enhance the company’s advantage while competing in a global environment. The code of ethical conduct at the firm entails defining personal interests and separating it from the company’s interest. The aim is to avoid conflict of interest associated that could arise from the employee’s interaction with the external environment. Other issues at the firms’ ethical conduct include compliance and disclosure, which are aimed at maintaining a specific standard and working based on international requirements.

Sprints code of ethical conduct entails a friendly working environment that promotes innovation and technology use among its internal and external environments (Sprint, 2013).&nbsp.

Writers Solution

Economic, political, and social impact of global warming.

Can you write a 3-4 page paper on the question above?  Conclude by discussing the economic, political, and social impact of global warming.

Writers Solution

Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States

 Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce.

Scenario Information

You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diversity areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources.

Diversity Areas (Select one, and continue to use for all modules)

  • Race


As the Director of Human Resources, the CEO and other executive leaders have requested you to design a training session on “Best Practices” for managers on diversity in the workplace. You will need to create a presentation to be included in your company’s online training platform. In your training guidelines, you will want to address the following areas:

  1. Introduce diversity importance to managers.
  2. Assess some common mistakes or problems that may happen if management of diversity is not used.
  3. Provide suggestions for best practices managers can take away from the training.
  4. Conclude your training.

Grading RubricFFCBA01234Not SubmittedNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedIntroduction did not summarize or stress the importance of the diversity training program.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program using clear examples.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program using clear examples and a well-defined synopsis of the presentation.Not SubmittedUnclear discussion on common mistakes managers could face if diversity is not addressed.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed using clear examples.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedUnclear discussion on best practices for management.Provided best practices for managers.Provided best practices for managers using clear examples.Provided best practices for managers using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedNo noticeable attempts to summarize or conclude the presentation.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers using clear examples.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers using clear examples and demonstrated an understanding of best practices for management

Writers Solution

InfoTech in a Global Economy

Please write a practical connection from PhD-IT Job Title: DevOps Cloud Engineer at TRAC Intermodal a Logistics and trucking company.

 PhD-IT  Subject:  InfoTech in a Global Economy – IT Policies.

* APA Format

* 2 -3 Pages

*Plagiarism Free.

Attached a Sample of Practical connection to Healthcare IT for reference.

Likewise, would like to relate my work.

Writers Solution

Change the global economy or will it

How do you feel blockchain will change the global economy or will it?  Explain your answer.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Writers Solution

Imagine you work for a company that has recently merged with a global company.

Global Human Resources Management

Imagine you work for a company that has recently merged with a global company. Write a brief introduction to your company as well as the company that merged with the company. Then develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist detailing what steps you would take as the HR manager to help unify the culture of both companies.

Create two (2) company introductions and develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist in which you: 

1.) Give a succinct overview of your fictitious company.

2.) Give a succinct overview of the fictitious company merged with.

3.) Develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist of steps you would take to unify company culture.

4.) Explain your rationale for choosing each of the steps in your checklist.

Paper must be:

 * Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

*  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date.

Writers Solution

Global Health

For this assignment, you are required to read the “Global Health” article found under the Content section of Beachboard. This reflection asks you to discuss the phenomenon of Population Aging and the many implications that go along with this phenomenon such as economic, health care quality, and social systems.

According to Arthur Guarino, assistant professor in the Finance and Economics Department at Rutgers University Business School,

Nations will have to make changes or face slower economic growth and increased social costs to deal with aging populations. Guarino discusses this phenomenon as a deeply troubling issue for economists and policymakers, this phenomenon is known as the “Population Aging Phenomenon”. The Population Aging Phenomenon is a major concern since it has numerous global economic and financial implications impacting economic growth, health care costs, and social support systems. According to the “Global Risks Insights” Website: The United Nations projected that by the year 2100 the world’s population will become 11.2 billion and from that 3.2 billion will be at least 60 years old. Even before that occurs, the Second World Assembly on Aging stated that individuals over 60 years old are beginning to outnumber children under the age of 15, however, developed nations

attained this distinction in 1998 (Guarino, 2017).

Improvements in healthcare and fighting infectious diseases such as polio, malaria, and HIV mean people are living much longer. Furthermore, families are shrinking in size as women, on average, will bear 2 children by 2100 rather than the present 2.5 children. Combine this with an increase in more people over age 60, then the aging population will only increase over time. The economic implications of an aging global population have many dimensions that developed and developing nations are trying desperately to confront.

Please research, discuss and brainstorm the many implications of the Population Aging Phenomenon. Such implications can include (but are not limited to) economic, social, psycho-social, healthcare, environmental, education, demographic etc. What does it mean to have a global aging crisis? What are the advantages and disadvantages of an aging nation/ globe? What is most alarming, in your opinion, about the Population Aging Phenomenon? Moreover, this paper also asks you to look at a nation experiencing this phenomenon (any nation of your choice, you can choose the USA if you like) and discuss how this nation is handling their aging population. What are the implications this nation is dealing with, in regard to, an aging population, and how are they handling them? Lastly, spend thought on how we can improve and or eliminate the issues associated with the Population Aging Phenomenon. Write creatively and honestly in explaining your ideas and what the future can look like when your solutions are implemented. This reflection must be at least 750 words and cite at least 2 sources APA format. 

the global health article is in the attachment 

Writers Solution

Sustainable Development Goals; global issues in healthcare

Describe the global issues leading to vulnerable populations and disparity at present time. What factors are responsible and what steps can we take as healthcare professionals to advocate for the vulnerable people at a global level?

Assignment Description: This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more

This week you will reflect upon global issues in healthcare to answer the following questions:

  • Briefly define the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • How can you do your part upholding the Sustainable Development Goals?  
  • Reflect on your future responsibilities involving ethical norms in healthcare.

Assignment Expectations: