2. You will research a newspaper article on the topic you selected. Below is a list of some newspaper options:
The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/
The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/
NPR: https://www.npr.org/
The Economist: https://www.economist.com/
The Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/
BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news
The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/
3. Going to a news website and seeing an article immediately will probably not be enough. You will have to do some research. Below is a quick-step guide on how to research a topic.
Let’s pretend my topic is global poverty.
First, I would go to Google. https://www.google.com/
Second, I would type in search words. Get creative. Use different kinds of word combinations. Below are some examples:
example 1: type in the google search box– “global poverty globalization NPR”
example 2: type in the google search box– “poverty Latin America new york times”
example 3: type in the google search box– “poverty globalization Washington post”
Once you find an article, you will write a 1-2 page paper. Half of the paper should be a summary, and the other half should be a sociological analysis.
Summary: tell me what the newspaper article said. Summarize the article’s key points/themes/arguments. Provide specific examples from the article to support those points.
Analysis: tell me how your topic relates to the sociology of globalization. Explain how the newspaper article connects to what you have learned this semester. You want to connect your topic to the chapters and course readings. You want to demonstrate that you can make analytical connections between the newspaper article and sociology.
For example, you could write something like, “My newspaper article relates to the reading titled ______, which focuses on global stratification between developed and developing countries. For example, the reading discusses the concept of ______, which relates to my article because _____.”
4. Your paper must be well-written, have complete sentences, and be grammatically correct. Please proofread your paper before you submit it
Try to choose 2 of the key words to answer questions. 350 words
Key words: colonialism and settler colonialism, culture of conquest (land dispossession, racism, resource extraction), femicide, patriarchal white supremacy, neoliberal globalization, special economic zones, militarization, commodification of care, labor brokerage state, development
1. Compare and contrast how neoliberal globalization impacts Filipina care workers and women working in maquiladoras along the US/Mexico border. How have these women become vulnerable as workers within a global capitalist system in very specific and different ways? Who benefits from their vulnerability?
2. Compare and contrast how Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color experience violence differently based on the intersectionality of race, gender, sexuality, class, and nationality. How does white supremacy manifest differently for different groups?
Choose one of the six articles we have read so far:
“Intro to Globalization”
Once you select your article, you will create an annotated outline to summarize what you have learned. I want to see that you can successfully synthesize the key terms, concepts, debates, and theories posed in the articles. Some reading and note-taking tips:
Some of the readings can be dense and challenging, but my goal for you is to identify and analyze the central themes and arguments put forward, not necessarily the specific details.
It is more engaging and helpful to write down notes while you are reading the articles to help you better comprehend what you are learning.
You will encounter some terminology you are not familiar with–don’t skip over them! I advise students that if there is a vocabulary word/term/concept you are unfamiliar with, to Google the definition.
Be patient! Learning how to write–whether it’s essays or annotated outlines–takes time, practice, and effort. I am still learning how to write better myself (and I still Google big vocabulary words I don’t know the definition of!)
Write a 4-6 page paper in which you address the following:
Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns.
Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation.
Use the Strayer University Online Library or the Internet to locate and include at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources
A critical and substantive examination of culture in a global context, including cultural practices, political economy and culture, culture and representation and culture and identity. Topics may include: material culture, commodities and cultural products; colonialism; globalization; ideas of place and time; transnational networks. (Prerequisites: SACR-3910 or SACR-3560 or SACR-3730; SACR-3900 or SACR-3080 and semester 7 or higher standing, or consent of instructor.)
This course examines such issues as the impact of colonialism on global poverty and trade policies, global restructuring, neoliberal policies, global governance, poverty alleviation efforts, cultural resistance, gendered patterns of development, population displacements and popular responses to globalization. (Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
Millions of people worldwide are affected by dramatic social change (DSC). While sociological theory aims to understand its precipitants, the psychological consequences remain poorly understood. A large-scale literature review pointed to the desperate need for a typology of social change that might guide theory and research toward a better understanding of the psychology of social change. Over 5,000 abstracts from peer-reviewed articles were assessed from sociological and psychological publications. Based on stringent inclusion criteria, a final 325 articles were used to construct a novel, multi-level typology designed to conceptualize and categorize social change in terms of its psychological threat to psychological well-being. The typology of social change includes four social contexts: Stability, Inertia, Incremental Social Change and, finally, DSC. Four characteristics of DSC were further identified: the pace of social change, rupture to the social structure, rupture to the normative structure, and the level of threat to one’s cultural identity. A theoretical model that links the characteristics of social change together and with the social contexts is also suggested. The typology of social change as well as our theoretical proposition may serve as a foundation for future investigations and increase our understanding of the psychologically adaptive mechanisms used in the wake of DSC
Globalization, Development and Social Change This course examines such issues as the impact of colonialism on global poverty and trade policies, global restructuring, neoliberal policies, global governance, poverty alleviation efforts, cultural resistance, gendered patterns of development, population displacements and popular responses to globalization. (Prerequisites: third semester standing.)
Collapse of soviet union and the second world in the 1990s. Neoliberalism is at the heart of globalization. Neoconservatism related to the idea of neoliberalism as moral . Harvey sees this authoritarian and dangerous with explicit dangerous with explicit political intent. Decline of washington consensus with asian financial crisis of 1997. The financial crisis and the role of the american government. Is the development of an organic elf alliance of workers, racial, ethnic, and gender minorities that resist neoliberal globalization. Collectivism, state planning, and intervention opposed, as discourage risk. Free markets are vital for long term advantage for al. Commitment to limited government, with low tax, minimal welfare, privatization, and freedom of movement for capital. Belief or claim that benefits which will trickle down to all. The politics context of democracy vs authoritarianism. Some theorists present alternative perspectives and possibilitie…………………………………………………………………..
1000 words.GNED 101: INTRODUCTION TO ARTS & SCIENCES Essay (15%) Instructions: Choose one topic from the writing prompts below. Then, develop a strong thesis, which you will prove with your essay. Your essay should be approximately 1000 words. Research: Make sure to provide any definitions where necessary, and use evidence from your readings to make your arguments. Students who do not reference at least one reading (some questions require more than one) in their answer will score very poorly. You are also required to use a minimum of two resources outside your readings. These sources must be credible and appropriate for an academic paper (ie. academic journals, newspaper articles, reputable online sources, etc.). You may also use other readings available on Blackboard that were not assigned. You must cite all sources; any exams with improper or missing citations will receive a zero grade. Format: Make sure to create a title page with your full name, student number, and an interesting title. Please use APA style for all aspects of this assignment. Due Date: Please see the Critical Path. Submissions: All submissions must be uploaded to the assignment dropbox (see Assignments on Blackboard). ________________________________________________________________________________ Choose ONE of the following topics • Globalization: Critically assess the impact of Globalization by using the three Globalization readings in unit 3 and the film El Contrato by Min Sook Lee (link to the film in Course Readings – Unit 3 folder) as your example. You will need to read the globalization articles and watch the film in order to complete this question. In addition, find at least two other similar examples of issues raised in the readings and film. • Two views of the media: How should we evaluate the effects of media? In your essay, explore the arguments presented in the article “Two Historical Views of the Media” by O’Shaughnessy and Stadler, and apply them to a current example (or set of examples). Your essay should focus on the role the media play in shaping how we see and understand the world around us. You may consider traditional media like newspapers, radio, or television; or new media, such as popular and influential social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or YouTube. • Climate Change: Explore themes raised in the Davidson article in the light of recent media coverage on global warming (severe storms, oil sands, melting arctic ice, etc.). Discuss the causes of climate change, its impact on our lives and on the planet and our power to combat it. Use at least two academic or news articles to supplement the course reading. Essay Evaluation Rubric Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Average Excellent Content 40% • Misunderstands or ignores critical course concepts, or does not address assigned topic. • Does not establish a clear thesis. • Understanding of some course concepts is significantly flawed or not clearly. demonstrated. • Does not create a strong thesis and/or leaves thesis unproven. • Good understanding of most concepts, with minor errors or gaps. • Creates clear thesis, but may struggle to support thesis at times. • Excellent understanding of concepts. • Thoroughly responds to topic with a clear, well-supported thesis statement. Analysis 20% • Does not draw upon real-world examples. • Draws upon real-world examples but with some confusion/gaps. • Connects course themes to examples, but misses some links. • Relates themes issues from readings to chosen example(s). References* 15% *Please note that an Unsatisfactory grade in this category will result in the overall failure of this assignment. • Does not reference assigned readings. • Does not refer to outside sources. • Makes passing reference to reading. • Refers to outside source(s) that are not appropriate for academic writing. • Draws upon one or two course readings, as required. • Does not make satisfactory use of outside sources. • Applies and critically expands upon course readings to support his or her argument. • Uses at least two academic-level outside sources to support thesis. Structure 10% • Essay lacks clear organization (ie. introduction, body, conclusion). • Essay is too brief. • Confusing or incomplete essay structure. • Slightly below the word count requirement, • Makes an effort to form an organized and logical essay structure. • Length is appropriate. • Organized, logical and polished essay structure. • Length is appropriate. Mechanics 10% • Frequent major and minor grammar errors impair clarity. • Some major and many minor grammar errors. • No more than one major, or five minor grammar errors. • Virtually error free. Format 5% • No APA style. • Imperfect APA style. • APA style is used with errors. • APA style is virtually error free.
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Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals Globalization: Critically assess the impact of Globalization by using the three Globalization readings in unit 3 and the film El Contrato by Min Sook Lee
Identifying the talent management; recruitment and retention; globalization; employee engagement and the retaining millennial.
· Globalization and Human Resource Management.
· Attracting Retaining Millennial and Millennial Workers and the Employee Engagement Phenomenon.
· High levels of Employee Engagement, The Leaders Role in Employee Engagement and Measuring Employee Engagement.
· Trends and Future of Talent Management.
· Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program.
· Conducting a presentation on an assisted topic.
Learning Domain: Cognitive
Level of Learning: Analyzing
(1) S301RA: Human Resources Management, Issues, Challenges and Trends “Now and Around the Corner” Chapters 2, 8 and 9, pp. 33-52, pp.163-184-160 and pp. 185-200 (51 pages) [127.5 minutes]
(2) S301RB: Employee Engagement, Creating positive energy at work, Chapters 1, 6 and 7, pp. 1-24, pp. 145-182 and pp.184-206 (82 pages) [205 minutes]
(3) S301RC: Trends and Future of Talent Management, pp. 212-241 (27 pages) [67.5 minutes]
(4)S301RD: Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program, Army Regulation 600-81, pp. 1-27 (27 pages) [67.5 minutes]
Reflection Questions during readings:
(1) Why does a company need talent management?
(2) Why is trust so important for a manager/team leader?
(3) Is servant leadership the answer?
(4) What is the mission of the Soldier for Life Transition Assistance Program?
View the short video, while watching the video take a few minutes to reflect on previous interactions that you have had with HRC in your career. The Human Resources is a huge field that affects several different areas of business and even other personal aspects of employees. HR managers must tackle issues within Technology, Talent management, Labor Relations and on how to keep employees develop and engage.
Keep in mind HR management applies across
· Consider reflecting and think about “How has human resource management changed in the workforce from the 20th to the 21st Century?
· What do you think the workforce will look like in the future for Soldiers and Family members?
· What do future generations have to look forward to in the workforce?
HumanResources Management,
As there is a growing recognition of the importance of human resources in the organizations by the employers, they have started to invest more time and money on the talent management departments of their enterprises. The trends in the talent management field have been growing and changing with a rapid pace in the recent past years, the managers have started to employ better methods to look after the employees and their skill sets.
After reading sections 9.1 and 9.3 of Chapter 9 of Reading A.
Ask yourself, what are so of the reasons an organization needs talent management?
Some possible reasons could be:
· Right person at right place
· Timely rotation of employee
· Hiring of the right people
What are some of the other reasons you can think of?
Consider some trends associated with Talent Management and it’s impact on an organization.
· Talent promotion
· Pool of talent
· Technology and Talent Management (how doe technology impact talent management?)
· Population growth/ demographics
Reflection Point: How does the Army manage talent?
What is it? It’s the unique intersection of skills, knowledge and behaviors in every person. Talent represents far more than the training, education and experiences provided by the Army. The fullness of each person’s life experience, to include investments they’ve made in themselves, personal and familial relationships (networks), ethnographic and demographic background, preferences, hobbies, travel, personality, learning style, education, and a myriad number of other factors better suit them to some development or employment opportunities than others.
Who has it? Talent is not some “top 10 percent” of workers. Everyone has talents that can be extended and liberated, provided those talents are recognized and cultivated. Doing so creates optimal levels of performance in a much larger segment of an organization’s workforce.
Talent management is a deliberate and coordinated process that aligns systematic planning for the right number and type of people to meet current and future Army talent demands with integrated implementation to ensure the majority of those people are optimally employed.
Talent management extracts the most productivity and value from an organization’s greatest asset – its people. Army talent management integrates people acquisition, development, employment and retention strategies. It begins with entry-level employees and aligns their talents against the demand for them during their entire careers, to include positions at the very top of the Army.
A trusted and open system for managing Army talent will incentivize a culture of development, strength and service
1. Sustains Long-Term Readiness: Talent Management delivers readiness for this fight while preparing for the next.
2. Managing People As Individuals: Talent Management recognizes that everyone has talent strengths, and great organizations maximize individual talents to meet organizational needs by placing the right person in the right job at the right time over time.
3. Better Data leads to Informed Decisions: Talent Management strives to give people and organizations more relevant information to drive better decisions.
4. Empowers Leaders & Individuals: Talent Management allows individuals to define career success for themselves, advertise their talents, seek opportunities in line with those talents, and employed by leaders with direct hiring authority and understanding their team’s specific needs.
5. Tech-Enabled, People Focused: Technology is a compliment to, but not a substitute for, the human dimension of talent.
6. Influences Behavior: Talent Management uses markets and incentives to drive behavior.
7. Fosters a Culture of Assessments: Talent Management promotes organizational, leader and self-awareness through rigorous assessments of individuals and teams
8. Builds Trust: Talent Management builds trust over time through consistency, transparency, balancing individual and family needs with the needs of the Army and honoring commitments made through the management process.
9. Retain Talent: Talent Management reveals granular information about people leading to better and more focused retention decisions of high demand talent.
10 Personal Accountability. Talent Management requires every officer to take ownership of their own personal and career decisions.
11. Flexibility. Talent Management builds flexibility into our career models to better accommodate personal and professional choices to apply to the needs of the Army.
12. Enhances Organizational Agility. Talent Management Army promotes increased organizational agility and innovative out-of-the-box thinking in response to new challenges and opportunities.
Globalization and Human Resource Management:
Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges, and Trends “Now and Around the corner” Chapter 2. During this section the challenge is to link your understanding of the Globalization and Human Resource. Could you explain what is the “global village”. pp. 31-35( Reading A). This chapter discusses globalization and implications and impacts on HRM in the future.
Reflection Point for Chapter2:
· Why do you think companies need to understand the global environment?
· Political: • New state tax policies for accounting • New employment laws for employee handbook maintenance • Political instability in a foreign partner country.
· Economic: • International economic growth • Changes in interest rates.
· Sociocultural: • Shift in educational requirements and changing career attitudes • Population growth rate.
· Technological: • Automated processes in the industry • Rate of innovation • Changes in technology incentive.
Consider the millennial generation, who are they and why are they important to Human Resource management?
Something to consider; According to the Pew Research Census Bureau, more than a third of workers today are millennials, born between 1981–2000 (Fry, 2015). Research shows that this large and growing sector of the workforce expects a different work experience than their predecessors, such as GenXers and baby boomers.
As a senior leader, think about why having a fundamental understanding of millennials are important to Army Talent Management and Human Resources?
Human Resource departments exist to find the right people and to keep the right people once they are found. Among other objectives, this mission relates to three specific strategies:
Recruiting, Rewarding and Retaining high-performing employees.
All three strategies are integrated, and, in fact, there are significant overlaps among them (see Figure 8.1). Pp.172-178.
This fundamental strategy holds true for the US Army.
Employee Engagement
Chapter 1 Employee Engagement Creating Positive energy at work (Reading B) by Joan Peters. pp. 2-4.
As you re-read and reflect upon the readings consider the below areas for deep reflection and processing
· What we mean by the term “employee engagement”.
· Is employee engagement the same as employee satisfaction?
· The term “Employee Experience” is used often. Is that the same as employee engagement?
· Is “engagement” just another term for “workaholism”?
· Can the impact of employee engagement on company performance be quantified?
· How important is it to employees that they feel highly engaged at work?
· How does work contribute to well-being?
· How well are companies doing when it comes to employee engagement?
How or what does employee engagement mean within the Army? Does some of the same principles apply based upon your readings?
The concept of employee engagement has become ambiguous, a work-related psychological measure influenced by factors that scholars and researchers have focused on identifying. While the realm of research scholars seeks to identify it, the obvious effects of employee engagement, or, rather, disengagement are consistently
observed in the workplace.
Employee engagement has thus become a high priority for all organizations, as for a company to be successful in a tough business environment, it needs highly competent and highly engaged employees who can meet the employer’s high expectations of them.
The general belief is that when people are engaged and love their work, they do better work. According to a survey conducted by HR.com, over 90% of respondents believed that there is solid evidence linking engagement to performance, and that engagement
has the strongest impact on customer service and productivity.
There is no single definition of employee engagement, but there is wide agreement that it is an emotional commitment to one’s work and a willingness to give of one’s best at work. It is how people feel about their work that determines their levels of energy, ownership, persistence, commitment and initiative.
Does this concept hold true for the Army? Why or why not?
The challenge for leaders is to provide a work experience that brings out the best in all their people, which means more focus on the intangible factors that affect the way people feel about their work. This is often not familiar territory for many leaders, and is certainly an important aspect in our development and growth as leaders.
According to Army Doctrine leader development must foster the cognitive, social, and physical competencies associated with the human dimension. War fundamentally remains a human contest of wills, despite the advances in technology. Producing a professional NCO corps demands a comprehensive Human Dimension Strategy oriented on the individual, the team, and the institution.
The roles and responsibilities for the NCO have always been to lead, train, and care for Soldiers and equipment while enforcing standards. The Army must have a cohort of competent and committed NCOs of character as trusted professionals who thrive in chaos, adapt, and win in a complex world. The Army’s NCO 2020 Strategy provides the ways, means, and ends to develop a professional, trained, and ready NCO corps that is essential to remain as the world’s premier fighting force.
Leader development is further enhanced by recognizing, developing, and maturing talents in Soldiers while simultaneously managing talent to meet the immediate and long-term goals of the ALDS. Together, leader development and talent management build on the fundamentals.
Talent is the intersection of three dimensions—skills, knowledge, and behaviors—that create an optimal level of individual performance, provided individuals are employed within their talent set. Talent management is a way to enhance Army readiness by maximizing the potential of the Army’s greatest asset—our people. By better understanding the talent of the workforce and the talent necessary to meet capability needs by unit requirements, the Army can more effectively acquire, develop, employ, and retain the right talent at the right time. In Army talent management, “best” equals best fit for the work at hand.
Assignment Instructions: Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in S301; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, write a 800-1200 word paper on the challenges of talent management and how a SGM can engage organizational members for competitive success in future assignments while ensuring their organizational members remain adaptable. Keep in mind your analysis of the content material and your personal experience will help you with this paper. This paper can incorporate personal experiences to help illustrate your understanding of the material and to show examples. This assignment also allows for you to write in first person as you illustrate certain experiences within your paper.
Ensure to use good APA 7th Edition writing style, list the references used, and cite them within the paper
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Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Identifying the talent management; recruitment and retention; globalization; employee engagement and the retaining millennial.
Use these questions to begin your thinking about the Chapter. Answer the questions give short paragraph for each answers.
Define globalization and discuss how it impacts intercultural communication. Discuss why it is important to study intercultural communication in the context of globalization.
Using the scenarios that introduced the chapter or other examples, discuss the role of power in intercultural communication.
Using examples to illustrate your answer, discuss the intercultural dimensions of economic, political and cultural globalization
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Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Define globalization and discuss how it impacts intercultural communication