Writers Solution

Examine the effect of government price legislation on Jane a farmer in rural Philippines

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit

Assessment Question Week 2 and 3
Demand and Supply, and Elasticity
Question 1 7 Marks
After the devastating typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the government and donor agencies embarked on rehabilitating rice production to avoid hunger and starvation. As a result, Philippines experienced a rice bumper harvest which led to the equilibrium price to decrease to AUD 1.50 per kilogram. To reduce poverty, the government decided to increase the price of rice to AUD 2.00 per kg. Suppose the figure below represents rice production by Jane a farmer in rural Philippines, answer the questions below.
i. Examine the effect of government price legislation on Jane a farmer in rural Philippines (3 Marks)
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
ii. Calculate the price elasticity of demand using the midpoint formula for rice. (1 Mark)
iii. What is the price elasticity of demand for rice? Based on your answer, is rice a necessity? Explain your answer. (3 Marks)
Assessment Question Week 4:
Production costs
Question 2 7 Marks
John was a high school teacher earning a net salary of $54,000 per year. After working for one year, he quit his job to start his own milk bar business. In order to start the business, John borrowed $40,000.00 from the bank and was paying 5 percent interest per year. Also, John withdrew $ 50,000 from his savings account. He had been earning 5 percent interest per year for this account.
John’s first year of business can be summarised as follows:
Item Amount $
Revenue- Fresh milk section 250,000
Revenue- Yogurt Section 180,000
2 Cashiers expense (wages per worker) (40,000)
Truck expense (80,000)
Manager expense (60,000)
Milk sales assistant expense (30,000)
Equipment expense (50,000)
Motorcycle expense to ease movement in city (30,000)
2 milk freezers (cost per freezer) (5000)
Based on your calculations of accounting profit and economic profit, would you advise John to return to his teaching job or continue with the milk bar business? Show your work! (7 marks)
Assessment Question Week 5 and 6:
Market structure
Question 3 7 Marks
Adidas is one of the high-class sports shoe dealers in Melbourne with the following short run cost curves. Answer the question that follow
i. Use 2 characteristics to explain the market structure for Adidas Sports Shoe Company. (4 marks)
ii. Calculate this firm’s profit or loss for Adidas shoe company. (3marks)
Assessment Question Week 7 and 8
Measuring the size of the economy
Question 4 7 Marks
The table below is extracted from Khada Republic, Bureau of Statistics records for 2019-2020. Use the information in this table to answer the questions that follow.
Item Base year 2019 2020
Production Price Production Price
Used cloth (units) 4,000 50.00 5000 60.00
Components used tractor factory production 8,000 500.00 11000 1,200.00
Cloth 8,000 25.00 12,000 30.00
Beef gifts during cultural festival 1,500 2.00 1,700 3.00
Milk litres 5,000 1.30 7,000 2.50
Computers 2000 500.00 2,500 600.00
Printers 500 300.00 400 355.00
Raw materials for car assembling plant 4500 250.00 4450 300.0
i. Calculate Khada Republic’s nominal GDP, real GDP in 2020 and GDP deflator
(6 Marks)
ii. Examine the importance of a GDP deflator for Khada Republic (1 Mark)
Assessment Question Week 9 and 10
Inflation and unemployment, and Macro economics
Question 5 Marks 11
In order to improve the living standards of the people in Philippines after the devastating typhoon Haiyan, the government decided to increase the labour wage per hour from AUD 17.50 to AUD 25.00. Also, Philippines experienced structural unemployment and frictional unemployment.
i. What is the hardest type of unemployment that Philippines experienced as a result of typhoon Haiyan? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
ii. Use the figure below to examine the effects of the government minimum wage of AUD 25.00 in Philippines.
a. Examine the effect of government minimum wage of AUD 25.00. Assume the increase labour is equivalent to the total labour force and calculate the unemployment rate (3 Marks)
b. The figure below indicates that the aggregate demand curve slopes left to right downwards. Explain the factors that account for the shape of the Aggregate demand curve. (4 Marks)
Assessment Question Week 10 and 11
Fiscal policy and Monetary policy
Question 6 11 Marks
The government of Australia has embarked on various policies in order to reduce the severity of COVID 19 on the economy.
i. Has COVID 19 caused economic expansion or a recession? Explain your answer using at least two economic effects on the economy of Australia. (2 Marks)
ii. Examine the effects of the fiscal policy instruments that the government of Australia has adopted on the economy. (9 Marks)
Submission instructions:
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HI5003
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document.
• All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity





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Writers Solution

Over the past 12 months the Chinese government has been accused of “weaponising” trade tariffs to punish Australia for calling for an investigation over the origins of Covid-19 in China.



Word limit 1500 words

REFERENCING: 10-15 references Harvard style

 You should use intext citations, references for any theory, any stats, any article/ industry report that you would use to present the answer.

All Questions are compulsory.

Short EssayQuestion 1

Over the past 12 months the Chinese government has been accused of “weaponising” trade tariffs to punish Australia for calling for an investigation over the origins of Covid-19 in China. Give at least 2 examples of such measures and analyse their effectiveness (10 marks).

Short Essay Question 2

Recently, “fast fashion” has come under the international microscope regarding the exploitation of workers in developing countries and the environmental damage this industry has caused to local communities. Provide 2 examples of each of these issues and discuss how the global community (consumer, businesses, government, other stakeholders) may address these problems (10marks).

Mini Case Study – How to establish a successful business that works across multiple borders (20 marks)

Two questions at the end of the case study have to be addressed.

The year 2021 marks when VAVAVOOM – supplier of promotional and award solutions to some of Australia’s leading brands – will celebrate its 18th anniversary. Matt Cave, CEO, is proud to have reached this point. Everything has finally come together for his business. But it’s taken a lot of effort. Managing 22 staff in Australia and 10 in China does come with many challenges. To explain, a big part of VAVAVOOM’s business is in manufacturing. And with 90 per cent of the world’s manufacturing based in China or nearby Asian countries, working with China is just part of Matt’s Day.

Do your research.

To initiate overseas operations, Matt suggests:

Researching to find the right suppliers and trading companies that “best fit” your requirements. Initially, hiring an agent who can help you may be a good initial step. Don’t just focus on cost, but also look for value, quality and reliability. Flying overseas to assess the situation. Choose a supplier in your source country who will be your representative for at least a year while you familiarise yourself with that country’s system and local processes. Once familiar, learn about the country’s business structures to find out what your best options are. For example, after a few years of doing business in China, Matt realised it would be more beneficial to set up a wholly owned foreign enterprise (WOFE) based in China. This means that VAVAVOOM can now transact as a Chinese business, enabling B2B processes like local currency billing, with less restrictions.

Know your supply chain.

One of the key reasons clients choose VAVAVOOM is because of its commitment to ethical and sustainable work conditions in China. To keep on top of this, Matt knows VAVAVOOM’s operations inside out, including where items are sourced from and how they are made. Further, giant strides are being made internationally on the CSR front, and it’s important to keep abreast of how compliance is being managed globally and how it can be applied locally. Knowing the capabilities of your supply chain gives you confidence to tell a client about your practices. Plus, being heavily involved provides great insight into how processes can be improved to better meet client expectations.

Manage cultural expectations and standards.

When creating promotional products for big companies, it is especially important to deliver only the highest quality. The problem is that in some countries, the definition of “the highest quality” isn’t always the same as in Australia’s. To combat this, Matt stands by the mantra of “Communication is Key”. He facilitates weekly team meetings and emails staff daily across offices to manage customer and operational priorities, despite the time difference. While the natural tendency is to do most of the “talking” in communication, Matt cannot stress enough the importance of a healthy two-way dialogue. It is in the listening that the learning occurs and future opportunities arise.

Get the right people on the bus.

Matt acknowledges that language and culture are major issues when conducting business across two or more countries. If possible, appoint a General Manager who has a good understanding of both cultures and can speak both languages. Better yet, hire someone who also has an understanding of your business. As an example, VAVAVOOM’s GM in China is a Chinese / Australian former employee, and Matt has no doubts this has been invaluable to the team’s success there.

Define what success looks like and performance manage to get it.

With the help of his finance team, Matt developed monthly performance indicators that are consistently applied across all branches. Irrespective of location, a laser-like focus on these numbers means everyone knows what the target is and works diligently to meet the business expectation. Biannually, all GMs get together to “deep dive” on performance and tweak the plan, focusing on specific “pain points”.

Question 1. Identify the relevant political, cultural, economic, ethical factors and market entry method highlighted in this case study.

Question 2. Critically analyse how VAVAVOOM addressed each of the above issues.





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Role of government in public health

Assignment Details: For the next newsletter, you have been asked to provide information about the role of government in public health.

Choose a health issue prevalent in your community.

Research national, state, and local government health agency websites for information on your chosen health issue.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary of your findings. Your summary should:

Analyze the structure and function of public health at national, state, and local levels. In your analysis, include:

What type of structure you see between levels of government

What functions you see at each level of government

How the levels of government work together

Use specific examples from your research to validate your points.

Include at least 3 references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.





The role of government in public health

Public health structure and function that incorporates the three levels of government – national, state and local – is not only important for it to be able to respond to such crisis as pandemics, but also to be able to address other ongoing issues such as public safety, chronic illnesses and health promotion. In the United States, there is no comprehensive national health policy that defines the structure and functions of the federal, state and county governments. Nonetheless, guided by precedence and the constitution, the three government levels together ensure that the public are healthy; with the federal government having the prerequisites to assure public health such as expertise and resources whilst the state and local governments offer the function including services and logistics (DeSalvo, 2017). For example, in California, the federal government is charged with supplying reimbursements to suppliers of medical equipment for asthma patients, one of the major health issues afflicting this community that lives in a hot, humid and dusty environment where wild fires are prevalent. Yet the state offers tenders for supply of the medical equipment whilst the hospitals under the jurisdiction of the local governments provide the diagnosis and therapy including home visits to asthma patients (Boyd-Barrett, 2020).

The constitution provides for a federal government that divides power among the legislature, executive, and judiciary; with the state governments adapting similar schemes. With regard to health, the legislature enacts health policy and allocates the required resources. Health departments and agencies within the executive implement the legislation and enforce the policy through appropriate regulations. The judiciary resolves any legal disputes by interpreting the health laws as enacted by the legislature (DeSalvo, 2017). The judiciary arm at the state and federal levels has especially been influential in defining the powers of the government in health matters. Hence the various arms of the government at the various levels provide checks and balances, offering oversight and control of the other arms. For example to determine what quotas of ventilator and ventilator circuits to be allocated to asthmatic children in California versus quotas for Covid-19 requires consensus among the Californian legislature, executive and judiciary (Boyd-Barrett, 2020).

Hence, the federal government is involved in public health in the areas of  “policy making, financing, public health protection, collecting and disseminating information about U.S. health and health care delivery systems, capacity building for population health, and direct management of services” (Institute of Medicine, 2003). This is evident through the work of the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a component of the Department of Health and Human Services, that has established such agencies and units as the Public Health Practice Program Office, Centers for Prevention Research…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Role of government in public health


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Federal government’s role in the regulation

The federal government’s role in the regulation of the supplement industry continues to be a controversial topic. We see older adults purchasing them to treat health conditions, teens using them to lose weight or enhance athletic performance, and still others using them to try and improve health or prevent disease. There are specific health consequences associated with both deficient or excessive intake of many nutrients, which adds to the controversy. In this debate, you will address the risks and benefits of dietary supplements, as well as the impact of current government regulations on the safety and efficacy of these products.


Each of you will be assigned a side to research, present and debate – either for more government regulation of the supplement market or against this increased regulation.
You will be notified via class mail which side you will present in this discussion.

********i will write against more regulations for supplements
Compose fact based debating points for your position.
Finally, did this debate change your perspective on this issue and why?  





Against More Regulations for Supplements

            There has been a debate on whether supplements should be more regulated following to many supplements that do not match with the claims made in the labels. The debate has been escalated by the fact that FDA does not regulate nutritional supplements the same way as the pharmaceuticals or other food(Havard Medical School, 2017). I am against more regulations for supplements for three reasons: the consumers of the supplements must have trust in the integrity of the ingredients, more regulations can only do so much to change behavior and consumers must demand that product are safe.             Instead of creating more regulations, the manufacturers of the supplement must prove that their products are safe. For instance………………………………………………………………………………………………




Read more on Federal government’s role in the regulation

Writers Solution

Tyranny as an illegitimate form of government

ESSAY BASED ON THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Aristotle defined tyranny as an illegitimate form of government by one individual that tightly controlled every part of life and government. Adolf Hitler is the most notorious tyrant. Using a totalitarian society from the past or present, discuss how the state and its leader attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights. In your discussion, explain some components of an “ideal citizen,” consequences of voter apathy, and ways the state controls the citizen. Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources) RUBRIC IS AS FOLLOW: Week 5 Assignment: Essay – Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government Week 5 Assignment: Essay – Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Actual case study of a country. 20.0 pts Uses a historical or contemporary example of a totalitarian country 16.0 pts There is a totalitarian country, but it is not real. 12.0 pts There is a country, but it is not totalitarian. 0.0 pts There is no country mentioned. 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Control by a totalitarian leader 20.0 pts Describes the three ways, violence, propaganda, and scapegoating, that leaders use to keep control in the country. 16.0 pts Only two of the tactics of totalitarian leaders are described. 12.0 pts Only one of the tactics of totalitarian leaders are described. 0.0 pts How a totalitarian leaders keeps control is not addressed. 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Citizens in the country. 20.0 pts States and describes two ways of stopping a totalitarian regime by using political socialization, civil disobedience, resist propaganda. Discusses voter apathy. 16.0 pts States and describes one way of stopping a totalitarian regime by using political socialization, civil disobedience, resist propaganda. Discusses voter apathy. 12.0 pts States and describes one way of stopping a totalitarian regime by using political socialization, civil disobedience, resist propaganda. Does not discuss voter apathy. 0.0 pts Does not address the concepts. 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Scholarly resources 10.0 pts Uses both the book and, at least, one outside scholarly source. 8.0 pts Uses only the book or a scholarly source. 6.0 pts Uses only a scholarly source and the source is not scholarly. 0.0 pts Does not use the book or scholarly source. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA 5.0 pts All sources are properly cited and referenced according to APA standards. 4.0 pts Sources are either properly cited or referenced, missing one of those elements. 3.0 pts The citation and/or reference are incorrect. 0.0 pts No APA format was used. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing 5.0 pts Presents information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation). 4.0 pts Presents information using understandable language but is somewhat disorganized (some errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation). 3.0 pts Presents information using understandable language but is very disorganized (many errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation). 0.0 pts Presents information that is not clear, logical, professional or organized to the point that the reader has difficulty understanding the message (numerous errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and/or punctuation). 5.0 pts Total Points: 80.0





Tyranny and Totalitarianism


Grade Course:

Tutor’s Name:

Date of Submission:

  1. Discuss how the state and its leader attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights.

Tyranny is a form of leadership where the person heading the government uses illegitimate means to control and dictate the way of life of every member of the society. Analysis showed that many leaders were using totalitarian approach to lead the societies by controlling every aspect of the life of the citizens(Kuzio, 2015). Using the argument by Joseph Stalin, the former Italian dictator, this paper discussed how the state and its leaders attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights to fight dictatorship in the modern world.

The common methods adopted by the leaders is the attempt to use intimidation and terror to control the people. This is meant to instill fear to the dissenting voices since they fear for their lives and those of their family members. As a result, they cannot question violation of human rights by the government. The leadership also uses propaganda and censorship of the media, thus controlling the way citizens thinks or believe and suppresses the opposition voices. This means that they control the information that reaches the people(Talbott, 2017). They allow information that praises the leaders and any attempts to criticize the leadership or government is muted before it reaches the citizens. The civil societies and human rights groups are not given the space to thrive, instead their members are assassinated or use the propaganda to portray them as the enemy of the society. In a totalitarian society, the journalists are killed, intimidated or terrorized and any citizen attempting to go against the government will face capital offense or treason. These are some of the ways the tyrant state impedes the rights of the citizens.

  • Explain some components of an “ideal citizen,” consequences of voter apathy, and ways the state controls the citizen.

An ideal citizen is the one that work towards development of the society and are characterized by obedience, respect, trustworthy and honesty. However, tyranny and dictatorship make the citizens to be disrespectful, dishonesty, disobedient and untrustworthy. These components are eroded by totalitarian governments because the citizens feel that their rights are being stabled by the government(Kuzio, 2015). Analysis indicated that dictatorship erodes the principles of moral and ethical standards, which forms………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

How has government regulation and oversight influenced health care products and services?

  1. Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

How has government regulation and oversight influenced health care products and services? Provide an example.

Do you think this regulation and oversight does more to help or hurt health care? Please explain.

Consider health care reform. Should the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) be repealed entirely, some parts or none at all? Justify your reasoning.

Has Obamacare effect you or someone you know personally? Was the effect positive or negative?

  • The focus of this Benchmark Assignment is to consider how consumer demographics and health care marketing plays a role in consumer selection of health care resources.

Select 1 of the following in your community or surrounding area:

  • Walk-in clinic, such as an urgent care facility
  • Retail clinic in your local grocery store or retail pharmacy
  • No-appointment physician’s office

Research the market of this facility. Consider the following as you complete your research:

  • Demographics of the consumers who use the facility selected
  • The location of the facility selected
  • The marketing used to bring in consumers to the facility selected

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that analyzes the market perspective of the facility selected. Ensure you:

  • Describe the facility selected, including its location.
  • Analyze the demographics of the consumers who use the facility selected.
  • Include the cultural and generational demographics in your analysis.
  • Analyze the marketing approach used for the facility.
  • Consider the targeted audience of the facility based on the demographics of the consumers who use the facility.
  • Consider whether marketing techniques can be the same when marketing to different demographics.

Cite at least 1 reputable reference.

  • Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

How has technology influenced consumer choices? Provide specific examples.

How are advances in technology and medicine enabling consumers to live healthier lives?

How may they enable you to be or live unhealthy?

Use health care products and services


Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at 


Healthcare Consumer Trends and Marketing

Name of Student

Name of Institution

Name of Course

Name of Instructor

September 27, 2020

Healthcare Consumer Trends and Marketing

Part 1: Government Regulations and Oversight

            The health care industry is considered the most regulated industry in the world (Niles, 2019). The author points out that the United States health care is regulated under governmental and nongovernmental regulations.  Government regulations serve to protect the public through the provision of programs that improves the well-being of its citizens. The oversight involves government monitoring, reviews, and supervision of the healthcare programs. In the United States, the government regulation and oversight helps the health care industry.  Through regulation and oversight, public welfare programs for example Medicaid and Medicare have rolled out. Such programs are critical in the provision of welfare services and ensure the health care industry can perform effectively in serving the citizens. Also, government oversight such as control of abuse, waste management, and fraud control has allowed the seamless provision of services. Such oversight roles have also ensured ethics in health care followed by health care providers and professionals.             The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been hailed for reducing the federal health care deficit and increase insurance coverage and expansion (Glied & Jackson, 2017). However, some believe the act should be repealed totally, whereas others believe it is good and that only some sections need to be repealed. However, due to the significant improvements, it has brought to the health care sector, only some sections of the ACA should be repealed. The provisions of the Medicaid expansion and the structuring of the premium subsidies in ACA has led to significant expansion. Also, the dependent coverage and its high-risk pool provisions have increased coverage among those who did not have insurance cover. Such provisions have brought dramatic impact and should be retained. The ACA has had a positive impact on the people who initially could not afford health care insurance. I know of a friend whose family had limited access but thanks to the high-risk pool provisions…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Chapter 17 in American Government and Politics

 You must used this textbook  to do this assignment.

** Textbook title Bessette, Joseph M. and John J. Pitney, Jr. 2014 Or 2013 American Government and Politics. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

 In Chapter 17 in American Government and Politics.

In the twentieth century the government of the United States changed policy towards the public welfare and economy. How have these changes in policy altered the structure of government? In answering this question, you might consider the impact of this change on our national institutions, the Presidency, the courts, the Congress or the administrative state in modern times.

Please organize, edit and polish your essay as with any other submitted college paper.

Only refer to your readings in this course. You do not need a bibliography, cite a passage, put the text reference and page number in parentheses.

Writers Solution

U.S. government reimbursement policies for healthcare providers impact the use of telemedicine in your state

How does U.S. government reimbursement policies for healthcare providers impact the use of telemedicine in your state (CALIFORNIA)? 


Initial Post:

  • Due: Friday, November 13
  • Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least 2 scholarly reference in APA 7th ed from within the last 5 years
Writers Solution

Government of Japan

 Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Overview of the Government of Japan. The constitution of Japan is enacted as a revision to the earlier version that existed in the pre-war period. As a feature of the new constitution, the executive and the legislative branches are accountable to each other and this is known as a fusion form of government. The constitution of Japan states that Japan follows a parliamentary form of government. The constitution grants certain fundamental rights to citizens.

After the war that took place, the party which has been in the leadership position most of the time is the Liberal Democratic Party. The policy-making that has taken place in the party arena has thus been mostly within the Liberal Democratic Party. The bureaucracy in Japan also plays a major role in the policy-making of the country. In the USA and England, the bureaucrats implement policies but do not enact any policies. However the same cannot be said about Japan. In Japan, there are several features that make the bureaucrats of Japan different from those of Great Britain and the USA. There are several causes behind the same:

2. Japan is one of those rare countries is where being a bureaucrat is a highly respected occupation subject to the fact that one clears a high-level entrance examination. A higher level in the bureaucracy is dominated by the top grads of different top law schools in the country.

7. The fact that emerges from the above points is that most of the policies that are enacted in Japan are through the process of bargaining between the cabinet ministers of the Liberal Democratic Party and the prime ministers, leaders of factions that exist within the party, bureaucracy, business and the labor leaders.

The political system in Japan has three types of elections. One of the elections is the general elections that is held every 4 years and elect members to the House of Representatives. The election for the house of councilors is held every three years in order to choose half of its members (Library of Congress,&nbsp.2010). There are also local elections that are held every four years in order to choose members in offices of prefectures, cities and villages. In 1996, The Japanese government adopted a new election system that was hybrid for holding elections in the lower house.