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Groups and Teams in Health Care

Assignment Content

You have arrived at your course project. Begin by selecting a topic from the following list:

  • Determinants of Health
  • Organization Structures in Health Care
  • Groups and Teams in Health Care
  • Recruiting and Retaining Health Care Staff
  • Leadership in Health Care
  • Motivating Health Care Employees
  • Managing Change in Health Care
  • Professionalism in Health Care

In your course project, you will research information based on your topic, including these requirements:

  • describe the role of environment as it relates to your topic,
  • explain the impact of planning and development processes,
  • describe the role of health care finance
  • discuss the leadership approach that is most appropriate for your topic
  • discuss the structure and role of governing boards for health care organizations.

As you create your project, be sure to consider the roles of both management (the leadership team) and board of directors (governing board), also consider how management and the board should work together for a successful organization.

In addition, provide the following:

  • an introduction
  • an explanation on how decision-making in health care and managing changes in health care are vital to your project discussion, and
  • a summary of your findings.

Your project should be at least four pages in length; include a title page and reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward minimum page requirement). You must utilize the three resources that were already found and used in researching your project topic and then for developing your outline plus at least one additional resource that should be from the CSU Online Library.


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What types of crimes do organized crime groups commit?


Discussion Board Topic: What types of crimes do organized crime groups commit? Why do you feel that these types of criminal actions are chosen? How do some of these crimes harm legitimate businesses? Use evidence from your readings and module videos to support your thoughts.

Discussion Board Guidelines: Submit an answer to the discussion board. Each discussion board post will be between 250 – 350 words long. Refer & cite current resources in your answer.


Organized Crime in Labor, Business, and Money Laundering

Abadinsky, Organized Crime 10th ed.

In 1957, Albert Anastasia, boss of the Gambino Family and unofficial ruler of the Brooklyn waterfront, was murdered in a barber’s chair at a New York hotel. His brother, (“Tough”) Tony Anastasio, a member of the Gambino Family and official ruler of the Brooklyn waterfront, remained head of International Longshoremen’s Local 1814 in Red Hook, Brooklyn, until his natural death in 1963. This chapter discusses the four international unions connected to OC.



 Infiltration, domination, and use of a union for personal benefit by illegal, violent, and fraudulent means.

Labor rackets assume 3 basic forms:

 Sale of “strike insurance.”

 “Sweetheart deal.”

 Siphoning of union funds.



 Civil War led to dramatic industrialization of U.S.

 Industrialization led to unionization.

 Labor wars.

 Wagner Act of 1935: Right of workers to organize and engage in collective bargaining.



 In the early days, labor unions provided “muscle” from the ranks of their membership to deal with management Pinkerton agents and strikebreakers.

Abuse of power, needless strikes, extortionate practices.

Benjamin “Dopey” Fein: Jewish gang leader, part of Jewish labor movement.

 Protected pickets and union delegates against management goons.



Worked as strong-arm for labor-industrial racketeers.

Revolutionized labor racketeering.

 Infiltrated unions and management to gain control.

 Extorted wealth from NY garment, leather, baking, trucking industries.



Unions also fought with each other.

 During struggles over jurisdiction and representation between the AFL and the CIO, both sides resorted to muscle from organized crime.

 Many locals and some internationals were delivered into the hands of organized crime.

1982 congressional committee: International unions (LIUNA, HEREIU, ILA, IBT) are dominated by OC.



Close ties to the Outfit.

Surveillance tapes of New Jersey Family boss Sam DeCavalcante, discussing how control of Laborers’ Union locals enabled him to “shake down” building contractors who wanted to avoid using expensive union labor.

2000: 127 LIUNA officials found to be OC members or associates.



HEREIU charters often provided the basis for extortion.

 “If an owner knew what was good for him, he agreed to have his place unionized upon the first visit of the organizer.”

 The Philadelphia local was controlled by the Family headed by Angelo Bruno.

Bruno Family members forced hotels in Atlantic City to buy supplies and provisions from companies they own.



The NY waterfront harbor plays a critical role in the movement of goods throughout the Eastern seaboard.

Without government regulation, OC controlled it.  In control of the ILA, OC targeted the shipping

industry.  Ship turnaround time is crucial to shippers.  Shakedown shippers by threatening walkouts.

The “shape up” provided corrupt ILA officials with kickbacks from workers eager for a day’s wage.



 In 1952, it was revealed that OC, using its control of the ILA, “had for years been levying the equivalent of a 5 percent tax on all general cargo moving in and out of the harbor.”

 Outrage led to the 1953 establishment of the New York–New Jersey Waterfront Commission.

 Commission has banned persons with serious criminal records from the docks.

 Eliminated the “shape-up.”

 Convicted criminals prohibited from holding office in waterfront unions.

 Commission audits books and records of licensed stevedore firms to guard against illegal payoffs and other violations.



 IBT is the most important union to come under the domination of organized crime because virtually every consumer product needs to be trucked.

Largest labor union in U.S.  1.4+ million truckers, delivery drivers, warehouse

workers, flight attendants, and other workers.  Lost membership since 1970s.  Once represented 80 percent of long-haul truck

drivers, but now represents only about 8 percent. 12



Some of these went from union reformer to labor racketeer. Others began as racketeers.

They used corrupt methods to gain high position in the union, and used union funds for personal use.

Most were convicted of crimes. Some were acquitted when witnesses were murdered.

Several corrupt local unions were placed in trusteeships by the government.



Hoffa was subpoenaed to appear before the Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field.

 He referred to committee counsel Robert Kennedy as “Bob” or “Bobby” and as “nothing but a rich man’s kid.”

 1960: John F. Kennedy was elected president of the United States and appointed his brother Robert attorney general. Robert Kennedy made the Labor Racketeering Unit of the Criminal Division his personal “Get Hoffa Squad.”

Hoffa was subsequently accused of trying to bribe jurors and in 1964 was convicted of jury tampering and sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment.



There is no hard-and-fast line separating labor racketeering from business racketeering—one is often an integral part of the other.

 In many schemes involving corrupt union officials, “legitimate” businessmen have willingly cooperated in order to derive benefits such as decreased labor costs, inflated prices, or increased business in the market.



 Business racketeering in NY’s garment industry dates back to Lepke Buchalter.

 Today it centers on racketeer control of local trucking: whoever controls trucking controls the industry.  The fast-paced nature of the fashion industry cannot

countenance delays in shipping garments. Until 1992, garment center trucking was controlled by

Carlo Gambino’s sons.  1992 plea deal: Gambino brothers pled guilty to restraint

of trade violations and agreed to quit NYC’s garment center and pay a fine of $12 million.



Bid rigging and customer allocation are restraint of trade violations of the Sherman Act.

 Maximum fine for corporations: $100 million.

 OC provides a restraint-of-trade policing service.

Sometimes, OC “muscles in” to extort a part, when otherwise legitimate businesses have illegal restraint of trade agreements among themselves.



OC can limitt competition by enforcing a system of collusive bidding.

Construction contractors, assisted or led by union officials and LCN family members, allocate jobs among themselves and exclude non-cartel.

Participant companies are beneficiaries, not victims, since the benefits of the cartel offset the increased costs it imposes.



Companies “faced with the constant threat of cutthroat competition are tempted to pay gangsters for protection against competitors.”

Competition drives down profits until, with or without help from OC, an association is formed.

Members divide up the industry, allocating territories or specific customers.

Members (illegally) agree not to compete for another member’s business.



6 reasons for OC involvement in legitimate business:

 Profit

 Diversification

 Transfer

 Services

 Front

 Taxes



Bankruptcy fraud that victimizes wholesale providers of various goods and sometimes insurance companies

The business used as the basis for a scam may be set up with that scheme as its purpose, or it may be an established business that has fallen into OC control as a result of gambling or loan shark debt.



Through the OC network, stolen securities can be transferred to a country with strict bank secrecy laws.

The securities are deposited in a bank, which issues a letter of credit, which is used to secure loans that are then defaulted.

 Used as collateral for bank loans from “cooperative” loan officials or “rented” to legitimate businessmen in need of collateral for instant credit.



Cash-rich criminals have a problem: laundering their illegal gains.

Modern financial systems permit instant transfer of millions of dollars through personal computers and satellite dishes.

Money is laundered through currency exchange houses, stock brokerage houses, gold dealers, casinos, automobile dealerships, insurance companies, and trading companies.





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stakeholders and interest groups influence health policies and laws

In this course, you have explored various concepts and principles related to public health, health law, health policy, finance, and risk management. You also learned how stakeholders and interest groups influence health policies and laws.

Now, it is time to reflect on how the key learnings from this course can be applied to your career. This assignment is a wonderful opportunity for you to review your own journey throughout this course. Specifically, think about how this course has helped shape your view on health policies and laws, as well as how stakeholders influence and are influenced by said health policies and laws.


Create a journal to reflect on the knowledge and skills you have gained in this course and how these may apply to your career.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Course Knowledge: Describe your overall experience in this course, including new information learned. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How has your perception of health policies and laws changed since beginning Module One?
    • How has your perception of stakeholders’ influence on health policies and laws changed since beginning Module One?
  2. Career Growth: Describe how understanding health policies and laws can help further your career in healthcare. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How will you apply the knowledge and skills learned in this course to your career or to future courses in this program?
  3. Career Opportunities: Describe two potential career opportunities involving health policies and laws. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How would these two career opportunities help you reach your personal goals?
    • Has your perception of your ideal healthcare job changed during this course? If so, how? If not, why not?




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groups that have an active interest in an organization


Stakeholders are individuals or groups that have an active interest in an organization. Stakeholders and stakeholder groups typically include employees, vendors, communities, government agencies, customers, investors, and lenders. Different stakeholders have different interests, attitudes, and priorities. Effective communication ensures that they receive relevant information and develop positive attitudes to your organization in the scenario.

As the regional marketing director of a theme park, you are in the process of designing a phased marketing strategy for reopening all parks after a safety incident. You have already helped other marketing directors understand the importance of having a good marketing mix to inspire customer loyalty; now help them with a stakeholder communication plan. Develop a communication plan that will ensure stakeholders understand the steps the organization is taking to benefit them.

Three aspects to consider for effective stakeholder communication are the interest of stakeholders in the organization, the impact of the reopening decision on stakeholders, and the relevance of information going to stakeholders.


Complete the communication plan for the stakeholders of the organization in the course scenario. Refer to the Exemplar Communication Grid for an example of how the template can be used.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Identify the three key stakeholders (a minimum of one internal and two external groups) in the reopening of the park.
    • Internal Stakeholders
      • Employees
      • Departments
      • Management
    • External Stakeholders
      • Customers
      • Suppliers
      • Lenders
      • Communities
    • Use the Communication Grid Template to complete this step.
  2. Identify and analyze the information about each stakeholder group and their need for communication. Use the Communication Grid Template to complete this step. Consider the following points:
    • Stakeholder’s interest in the park’s reopening
    • Assessment of the impact on stakeholder (low, medium, or high)
    • Information and communication needs of the stakeholder
    • Communication methods to and with the stakeholder
  3. Identify two crisis communication methods for communicating with stakeholders.
    • What forms of communication can be used to quickly communicate with internal stakeholder groups?
    • What forms of communication can be used to communicate with external stakeholder groups?

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document, which includes your responses and the completed Communication Grid Template, using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on style

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Hateful groups like the KKK and other groups should be categorized as terrorist groups/ organizations 

List as many facts possible to argue why Hateful groups like the KKK and other groups should be categorized as terrorist groups/ organizations 

Include one or two other groups other than the KKK’s

Examples of things that have happened where the members from the hateful group weren’t processed correctly or anything along those lines can be placed as well. 

Be sure to include the sources for each fact in the same order as the facts 

A heart felt opinion of at least 5 sentences as to why they should be categorized as a terrorist group needs to be done as well. 

The opinion shouldn’t really include facts just the opinion. It can include facts but it shouldn’t focus on that


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Objects or variables are clustered into homogeneous groups that are similar to each other and dissimilar to other groups.

one using RStudio Programming programm.

Cluster Analysis
(hierarchical & non-hierarchical)
• Grouping/clustering similar objects/cases (or also variables) into groups.
• Homogeneous/heterogeneous groups? • Segments? – Segmentation
• Profiles?
• Grouping variables?
[see also: N. K. Malhotra & D. F. Birks, 2007, Marketing Research: An Applied Approach (Chapter 23:
Cluster Analysis), 3rd European Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., Pearson Education Limited, Essex, England.] Modul University Vienna
• Objects or variables are clustered into homogeneous groups that are similar to each other and dissimilar to other groups.
• Group/cluster membership is not known in advance. There is no a priori information. A data-driven grouping solution is produced.
• Number of clusters not fixed in advance when using hierarchical clustering but is selected subsequent to the procedure. Using nonhierarchical clustering the number of clusters has to be pre-specified. Different solutions should be compared.
• Optimum result for k clusters is not necessarily the same as hierarchical result for the kth step
• Result may heavily depend on the procedure chosen!
You will always get some cluster solution, also if there are no reasonable clusters!
Importing data in R: .csv-files
Locate the file and enter the path and file name to import the dataset

Modul University Vienna
How many cultural and sporty activities would you plan for a one month trip?
Optional: Standardization
If variables used for cluster analysis are measured on different scales, they have to be standardized in the forefront (Z scores most frequently used). Otherwise measurement scale differences may have an influence on the result!
[Mean value deducted from every observation and divided by the standard deviation.]
Modul University Vienna
Hierarchical clustering procedure
Clustering procedure for hierarchical clustering can be
• agglomerative – every object starts in a separate cluster which are grouped into bigger and bigger clusters until all objects are in one cluster
• or divisive – a single cluster with all objects is split up until all objects are in separate clusters (also see Dendrogram) Linkage methods:
• Single linkage = nearest neighbour
• Complete linkage = farthest neighbour
• Average linkage = average distance between all pairs
• Centroid method = distance between cluster centroids
• Variance methods (minimize within-cluster variance) Ward‘s method – most frequently used! – combines clusters with smallest increase in overall sum of squared distance to the cluster means
Hierarchical clustering
Distance measure
• Similarity is determined by the distance between groups
• Default: Squared Euclidean distance – most often used – interval scale;
(v=number of variables, X and Y are the objects to be compared) various alternative distance measures available for interval, counts or binary data: e.g. City-Block or Manhattan-distance (sum of absolute distances), for binary data: -distance
Depending on the chosen distance measure results may change!
Modul University Vienna
Perform cluster analysis

Agglomeration schedule
• X1 and X2: If the values are negative, the two observations were merged at this stage (singleton agglomerations). If it is positive, it was merged at a former stage of the algorithm (non-singleton observations).
• cluster height: the criterion usedfor the agglomeration procedure (here the squared Euclidean distance).
• One can observe a dramatic increase in step 37. Further collapsing the 3 to two clusters will be problematic.
Modul University Vienna
• Vertical lines represent distances between clusters that are put together.
• Coefficients are rescaled, here 0-50.
How many clusters
• Distances of last two stages are very large.
• Decision on three clusters? Or two? Depends on objectives!
• …are relevant in terms of practical/managerial considerations?
• Theoretically based? Literature?
• Useful sizes?
• Meaningful interpretation of cluster characteristics possible?
• Distance between clusters?
Modul University Vienna
• Distances of last two stages are very large.
• Decision on three clusters? Or two? Depends on objectives!

Cluster membership and information
• Cluster membership variable of the 3 cluster solution is produced.

• The 1st group has 15 observations, the 2nd and 3rd have 12.

• The 1st group is neither interested in culture nor sports. The 2nd group is interested in culture but not in sports. The 3rd group is interested in sports but not in culture.
Modul University Vienna
Non-hierarchical clustering: k-means
• Disadvantage: Number of clusters has to be a priori fixed!!!
• Advantage: computationally less burdensome compared with hierarchical cluster analysis if many observations are contained in the dataset
• Optimising partitioning: Objects are reassigned iteratively between clusters and do not necessarily stay within one cluster once assigned to it (contrary to hierarchical clustering)
• Iteration:
1. Each objects is assigned to the cluster with thenearest cluster center (least squared Euclidean distance)
2. Recalculation of cluster centers
3. Loop: Continue with step 1
Distance measure
• Similarity (between preferably interval scaled variables) is determined by the squared Euclidean distance
• Notation: n=number of observations i=1,…,n
x and y are the objects to be compared
• The variance (squared Euclidean distances between all clustering variables and the centroid of each cluster), or socalled within cluster variation, is minimized.

Modul University Vienna
Number of clusters, iteration and random starts
• The number of clusters must be specified a priori!!!
• k-means uses an iterative algorithm to determine the cluster centers (1. objects are assigned to nearest cluster center, 2. calculation of cluster center, 3. continues with step 1). iter.max sets the maximum number of iterations. During classification the algorithm will continue iterating until iter.max iterations have been conducted or the convergence criterion is reached.
• Hint: A high iter.max value is recommended (e.g. 1,000) to allow for a high number of iteration steps and the algorithm to converge.
• As the final result depends on the starting values, k-means clustering should be run with several random starting values, here 25. The one with the lowest within-cluster variation will automatically be selected.
Random starts
• The a priori selected number of clusters must be specified!!!
• k-means uses an iterative algorithm to determine the cluster centers. iter.max sets the maximum number of iterations. During classification the algorithm will continue iterating until iter.max iterations have been done or the convergence criterion is fulfilled.
• If convergence criteria is not achieved the number of maximum iterations has to be increased until enough iteration steps (1. objects are assigned to nearest cluster center, 2. calculation of cluster center, 3. continues with step 1) are processed.
• Hint: A high max_iter value is recommended (e.g. 1,000) to allow for a high number of iteration steps and the algorithm to converge.
Modul University Vienna
Perform k-means clustering

• The number of cases in each cluster shows the size of each cluster in the dataset.
• Cluster means are the means of variables within clusters.
• Cluster vector = cluster membership
Cluster membership
• The cluster membership shows the case number in the rownames
(values 1 to 39) and the cluster number in the kcluster.cluster column.
• Case number 1 belongs to cluster 3, case number 13 belongs to cluster 1…
Modul University Vienna
Print k-means solution and cluster center
• Final Cluster Centers are the means of variables within clusters.

Cluster comparison
• Attention!
Judgement of differences between clusters for variables used in the algorithm via t-test or ANOVA?
No hypothesis test in the usual meaning, just descriptive!
Just an indicator which variables are relevent for clustering.
= Proper validation only by means of an external criterion not involved in cluster analysis!
= Profiling
Modul University Vienna
• First, groups are described on the basis of the variables used for k-means clustering.
• Second, profiling describes clusters by means of other relevant variables not used during the clustering procedure (e.g. demographic, psychographic, geographic… characteristics).




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Psychology professionals to inform groups or individuals of the assessments appropriate for their current needs

Psychological Assessment Report

A psychological assessment report is created by psychology professionals to inform groups or individuals of the assessments appropriate for their current needs. This type of report also includes a summary of the services provided to these groups or individuals. This evaluation is used by the various entities to assess basic needs, competencies, preferences, skills, traits, dispositions, and abilities for different individuals in a variety of settings.

Psychological reports vary widely depending on the psychology professional creating it and the needs being assessed. Some of the psychology professionals who create this type of report include counselors, school psychologists, consultants, psychometricians, or psychological examiners. This type of report may be as short as three pages or as long as 20 or more pages depending on the needs of the stakeholders. Many reports include tables of scores that are attached either in an appendix or integrated into the report. Despite the many variations in assessment reports, most include the same essential information and headings.

Students will choose one of the personality assessment scenarios from the discussions in Weeks Two, Three, or Four to use as the basis of this psychological assessment report. Once the scenario has been chosen, students will research a minimum of four peer-reviewed articles that relate to and support the content of the scenario and the report as outlined below. The following headings and content must be included in the report: 

The Reason for Referral and Background Information
In this section, students will describe the reasons for the referral and relevant background information for all stakeholders from the chosen personality assessment scenario.

Assessment Procedures
In this section, students will include a bulleted list of the test(s) and other assessment measures recommended for the evaluation of the given scenario. In addition to the assessment(s) initially provided in the personality assessment scenario from the weekly discussion, students must include at least three other measures appropriate for the scenario.

Immediately following the bulleted list, students will include a narrative description of the assessments. In the narrative, students will examine and comment on the major theoretical approaches, research methods, and assessment instruments appropriate for the situation and stakeholder needs. In order to defend the choice of recommended assessments, students will evaluate current research in the field of personality theories and provide examples of how these assessments are valid for use in the chosen scenario. For additional support of these recommended assessment measures, students will evaluate the standardization, reliability and validity, and cultural considerations present in these personality assessments that make them the most appropriate tools for the given scenario. Students will conclude the narrative by assessing types of personality measurements and research designs often used in scenarios like the one chosen and providing a rationale for why some of those assessments were not included.

General Observations and Impressions
In this section, students will describe general observations of the client during the assessment period provided in the chosen personality assessment scenario and explain whether the client’s behavior might have had a negative impact on the test results. Students will analyze and comment on how the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct affected the implementation of the personality assessment during the initial process. Based on the observations and analysis, students will assess the validity of the evaluation and make a recommendation for or against the necessity for additional testing.

Test Results and Interpretations
In this section, students will analyze the results of the assessment provided in the chosen personality assessment scenario. Based on the score, students will interpret the personality factors (conscientiousness, openness, emotional stability, introversion, extroversion, work drive, self-directedness, etc.) that are present.

Note: Typically, this section reports test results and is the longest section of a psychological assessment report because the results of all the tests administered are analyzed and reported. Some psychologists report all test results individually, while others may integrate only a portion of the test results. However, in this report, only the assessment presented in the chosen personality assessment scenario will be included.

Summary and Recommendations
In this section, students will summarize the test results.  They will provide a complete explanation for the evaluation, the procedures and measures used, and the results and include any recommendations translating the evaluation into strategies and suggestions to support the client. Finally, students will provide any conclusions and diagnostic impressions drawn from the previous sections of the report




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Vulnerable groups diabetes profile

Intent: Vulnerable groups diabetes profile
In this assessment, we ask you to examine the demographic and current health status profiles of the 2770 postcode geography and identify which groups you think might be more or less vulnerable to diabetes and its clinical and social consequences. We have defined the characteristics of ‘vulnerability’ in module 3 of this subject. Feel free to use that model of vulnerability but if you modify it, remember to explain how and why you have done so.
This assessment task addresses the subject learning objectives:
A: Consider the key imperatives for meeting health service objectives related to safety, quality, cost-effectiveness and jurisdictional legislative requirements within a governance context;
B: Critically appraise contemporary strategies and frameworks designed to manage quality, risk and cost within the healthcare environment;
C: Propose improvements in safety, quality and cost-effectiveness at a local healthcare organisation level by identifying issues, considering ethical implications, offering policy direction and formulation and recommending priorities for action;
D: Create a variety of ways in which complex issues can be effectively communicated for a variety of target audiences.
Course intended learning outcome(s):
1.1 Critique, interpret and synthesise data and research findings to develop safe, effective and creative evidence-based solutions to healthcare challenges.
1.2 Propose relevant problem solving and human factors theories to the analysis and research of common and complex issues inherent in the management and evaluation of healthcare services.
2.2 Develop and contribute to research and quality improvement activities in order to maintain currency, influence healthcare practice and policy and expand the discipline’s body of knowledge and skills.
3.1 Create and lead social and ethical accountability to ensure efficient use of resources and equity of access to optimal and safe health care.
3.2 Validate the importance of integrating stakeholder partnerships in all healthcare decision-making activities.
5.1 Demonstrate respect and value for world view differences and in particular Australian Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing.
5.2 Critically reflect upon the impact of ongoing colonisation and its pervasive discourse on Indigenous Australians and their health and wellbeing.
5.3 Recognise the diversity of Indigenous Australians and integrate this knowledge into practice.
Weighting: 30%
Due Date: Monday of Week 5 by 23:55 pm AEST (Sydney time)
Length: 1500 words (Reference list is not included in the word count)
References: APA 7th* (No minimum number or range of references.)
*Please note that if you provide no referencing or incorrect/incomplete referencing you will lose marks on your assessment.
Formatting requirements: 12pt, double-spaced – no other requirements.
Scenario: Diabetes in Postcode 2770
Chronic disease is a major concern in Australia and across the world.
Population ageing, rising disability and complex and co-morbid conditions have profound impacts on people’s lives including individuals, families and communities. They are also expensive to treat and can follow a progressive, episodic pathway to increased frequency and severity, up to and including acute interventions.
Diabetes in 2770:
One of these conditions is diabetes, especially Type 2 diabetes which is growing in prevalence in many communities across Australia. General Practice data indicates rates have been rising, not falling, in recent years.
2770 has a very diverse community with a substantial Indigenous population and an immigrant demography with many cultures, languages and cultural backgrounds. It is also, generally speaking, a lower socio-economic environment although urban development is pushing west into the 2770 area, and more medium to high rise apartments are being built.
As health managers involved in clinical services, programs and event-specific projects, this is the kind of scenario you will encounter as you progress in your career. If you work in aged care, disability and related fields, these health problems will often be major factors in your client’s lives.
Briefly define your definition of vulnerability and its connection to chronic disease and diabetes in particular in approximately 250 words.
Identify which demographic groups in the postcode 2770 you think are likely to meet these criteria for intersecting vulnerability status and diabetes risk in approximately 250 words (you can use data here, as long as it is kept brief).
Suggest some options (these could be one or a mix of clinical, non-clinical, policy-based, service-based or community-focused) for improving effective management of (rising) levels of diabetes in 2770 community in approximately 500 words.
Identify how these steps might improve quality outcomes, risk management and community benefit in 2770 in approximately 500 words.
Submitting your assessment:
Write your response in a Microsoft Word document and submit the assessment via Canvas. For more information on submission of assessments go to ‘Submitting your assessments’ page.
Assessment 2: Vulnerable groups diabetes profile
Assessment 2: Vulnerable groups diabetes profile
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify, describe vulnerable groups from a health service perspective.
Identifies and describes vulnerable groups or groups at risk of diabetes in postcode 2770 from a health services perspective.
40 to 34.0 pts
HD (High distinction)
A succinct, clear and comprehensive description of and rationale for original ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community from a health services perspective. Justifies choice of an approach based on scholarly, government and institutional literature and resources.
34 to 30.0 pts
D (Distinction)
Clear description and rationale for selection for original ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community from a health services perspective. Correct use of evidence-based literature for justification.
30 to 26.0 pts
C (Credit)
Description and some rationale for the selection of original ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community from a health services perspective. The use of evidence-based literature is adequate to justify selection of approaches however, further reading would enhance this section
26 to 20.0 pts
P (Pass)
Basic explanation of Ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community description. Rationale is and or health services perspective is limited. There is a superficial attempt to justify the use of approaches based on evidence from the literature.
20 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
No/unclear explanation of ideas for the management of chronic diseases in the case study community from a health services perspective. And/or no or irrelevant use of evidence-based literature to justify the selection of approaches.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify, use data to support argument
Identifies and utilises data in a way which is brief, relevant and informs the argument
30 to 25.5 pts
HD (High distinction)
Correct identification and use of data, which is described succinctly and clearly and which clearly supports their argument for their selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes. Draws on scholarly, government and institutional literature and resources.
25.5 to 22.5 pts
D (Distinction)
A clear description of the data used to support their argument for their selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes. Correct use of evidence-based literature.
22.5 to 19.5 pts
C (Credit)
Description of the identification and justification for their selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes. Use of evidence-based literature is adequate to support this section however, further reading will enhance this section.
19.5 to 15.0 pts
P (Pass)
A basic explanation of identification and justification of the selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes. There is a superficial attempt to use evidence-based literature in this section.
15 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
No/unclear explanation of identification and/or justification of the selection of groups more or less vulnerable to diabetes, or no groups selected. And/or no or irrelevant use of evidence-based.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeManagerial perspective
Maintains a managerial (rather than clinical) perspective
20 to 17.0 pts
HD (High distinction)
Maintains a managerial perspective throughout the assignment.
17 to 15.0 pts
D (Distinction)
Maintains a managerial perspective through the majority of the assignment.
15 to 13.0 pts
C (Credit)
Maintains a managerial perspective through most of the assignment.
13 to 10.0 pts
P (Pass)
Demonstrates a managerial perspective in the assignment.
10 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
Limited or no managerial perspective in the assignment.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, style, referencing
Produces a document utilising correct grammar, spelling, formatting, style and reference list
10 to 8.5 pts
HD (High distinction)
Fluent writing style with consistent formatting, use of headings and sub-headings, and accurate referencing.
8.5 to 7.5 pts
D (Distinction)
Clear language with consistent formatting, use of headings and sub-headings, and accurate referencing.
7.5 to 6.5 pts
C (Credit)
Generally clear language with mainly consistent formatting and few errors in referencing.
6.5 to 5.0 pts
P (Pass)
Writing is less clear, with deficits in spelling, grammar, punctuation or referencing. Inconsistent formatting.
5 to 0 pts
X (Fail)
Writing is unclear, with numerous deficits in spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, or referencing.
10 pt

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Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems

Subject Code and Name ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment 3 – Case Study – Excel
Individual/Group Individual
Learning Outcomes (d) Apply technical knowledge and skills in creating information for the workplace using spreadsheets and relational databases
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
The spreadsheet is a powerful tool that has become entrenched in business processes worldwide. A working knowledge of Excel is a crucial skill for accountants. This assignment aims to assess the student’s ability to create spreadsheets. Students will be using raw data and summarising them in a user-friendly format to aid decision making. Students will need to recommend additional excel-based analysis that facilitates business decision making.
Submission Instructions:
Students need to submit their Excel Workbook which includes the analysis and recommendation sheet. The file should be provided in the following format: Student ID_ Student Name_ ACCT6001 Assessment 3.xlxs
Example: 0009989t_Adam Smith_ACCT6001 Assessment 3.xlxs
Eljay School
A large Australian School has recently opened an online education division called Eljay. The school provides online education services to students from around the world. In an effort to improve the services offered to students, a job management system was developed to improve the responses provided to student queries. At the end of every week, a manager from the administration team archives an excel file that contains data about student queries for that week. The manager of the administration team believes that the data within this spreadsheet would be valuable for business decision making. However, employees within the team lack the technical knowledge to analyse and interpret this data. Subsequently, the manager is unsure how to utilise this data to gain insights on how to improve response times and outcomes for students.
The administration team manager decided to hire you to assist in analysing and interpreting the data. The table below shows a data file that was archived containing information on student queries for one week.
Table 1
Job Code Student ID Student Name Date Opened
(d/mm/yyyy h:mm) Date Closed
(d/mm/yyyy h:mm) Hours Charged Job Type Job Priority Job Status
0001 0009990t Charles Brody 01/08/2020 10:30:49 01/08/2020 12:30:49 2 IT Important Closed
0002 0001090t John Lucas 02/08/2020 15:23:26 02/08/2020 16:23:26 1 IT Normal Closed
0003 0009989t Adam Smith 02/08/2020 18:21:46 04/08/2020 16:20:23 1 Teaching Less Important Closed
0004 0001100t Maree Sarah 03/08/2020 09:36:21 05/08/2020 12:20:23 4 Teaching Normal Closed
0005 0009988t Eve Bonny 04/08/2020 12:24:20 6 Assessment Important Re Process
0006 0001120t Adelle Smith 04/08/2020 09:28:26 1 Assessment Less Important Open
0007 0009987t Jill Water 05/08/2020 11:30:33 3 Assessment Important In Process
0008 0001130t Jack Hill 06/08/2020 12:10:33 06/08/2020 14:30:33 2 Assessment Important Closed
While only a small number of queries were received from students in the first week of the month, student queries are expected to go up over the remainder of the month. However, before getting actual data from the job management system in the coming weeks, Eljay school has asked you to explore the possible analyses that can be performed if using the current output. Eljay provided you with a document listing specific instructions on what you are expected to do in Excel. The instructions are listed below.
(1) Open an Excel Workbook and name it as ‘Student ID_ Student Name_ ACCT6001 Assessment 3’ (i.e. 0009989t_Adam Smith_ACCT6001 Assessment 3). Create a worksheet labelled as ‘Job Data’. Make a table similar to the one above using hypothetical details for 50 students. The table should include the following columns: Job Code, Student ID, Student Name, Date Opened, Date Closed, Job Type, Job Priority, Job Status.
In your hypothetical data, assume:
a) all student queries were made by students located in Australia,
b) at least 30 jobs that have a job status of “closed”
c) at least one of each Job Status is included in the data set for each Job Type. For example, include at least:
• “open”, “in process”, “re process”, and “closed” entries for “IT”,
• “open”, “in process”, “re process”, and “closed” entries for “Teaching”, and
• “open”, “in process”, “re process”, and “closed” entries for “Assessment”
d) All queries are made between 01/08/2020 and 28/08/2020.
e) Each student lodges a query in the job management system only once. So, each row of data contains information about a specific student.
(2) In the ‘Job Data’ worksheet, add a column labelled as ‘Time taken to close job. This column should show the time spent resolving each job (e.g. student query). The values for this column should be reported using the “number” format and calculated using a:
a) combination of the date opened and date closed columns.
b) formula that only includes entries with a “Job Type” equal to “Closed”.
(3) Create a new worksheet in your workbook and label it as ‘Job Duration’. In this worksheet:
a) Report the descriptive statistics (i.e. mean, median, maximum, minimum) for both the “Time taken to close job” column added to the ‘Job Data’ worksheet and the “Hours Charged” column. A brief commentary on the results should be provided (between 50 and 100 words).
b) Include another table in this worksheet showing for each week the:
• Total number of jobs,
• Total number of jobs “Closed”,
• Total number of “Important” jobs “Open”, and • Average time taken to close “Important” jobs.
The values for each week should be calculated using Excel formulas based on values from the ‘Job Data’ worksheet (e.g. the values in your table should change if values in the ‘Job data’ table change). The table may look like Table 2.
Table 2
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Job Count 8 13 9 15
Jobs Closed 5 6 7 12
“Important” Jobs “Open” 1 1 2 3
Average time taken to close “Important” jobs 1.5 1.8 2.6 3.9
The administration team believe that the problem with Key Performance Indicators focused on the number of jobs closed each week was that “important” jobs were not being prioritised. Do you find support for this belief? Use a chart(s) to report the results for correlation to support your answer.
(4) Create a worksheet labelled as ‘Job Type’. Include a table in this worksheet showing the number of jobs for each week grouped by the three different job types. The values should be directly linked to the ‘Job Data’ worksheet. The table may look like Table 3.
Table 3
Job Type Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Total
Assessment 4 6 4 7 21
IT 2 3 2 3 10
Teaching 2 4 3 5 14
Total 8 13 9 15 45
(5) Create a worksheet and label it as ‘Pivot Tables and Charts’. Build tables and charts that show the average Job Duration by Job Type and Job Priority. Provide these by creating 2 pivot tables/charts (one for each Job Type and Job Priority). Place both of these tables and charts on the same worksheet. A sample for output of Job Duration by Job Type is shown in Figure 1.
For each table/chart, comment on whether you think the school would be able to introduce a policy of no more than 2 working days (48 hours) to resolve students queries.
Figure 1
(6) Of the employees directly responsible for resolving student queries, the school currently has 3 contract-employees working in the administration team, 2 in the teaching team, and 1 in the corporate services team. Contract employees from the administration team charge the school $60 per hour, teaching team employees charge $80 per hour and corporate services $110 per hour. The administration team manager, who receives a salary of $70,000 per annum, asked you about using data from the job management system to develop a monthly budget. The following information was gathered for you to use in developing this budget.
1. “Hours charged” for “Assessment” jobs are invoiced by the administration team 60% of the time and the remaining 40% of the “Hours charged” are invoiced by the teaching team.
2. All “Hours charged” for “IT” jobs are invoiced by corporate services team
3. The “Hours charged” to “Teaching” jobs are invoiced by the teaching team 90% of the time while the remaining 10% are invoiced by the administration team.
Create a ‘Budget Summary Report’ worksheet. Include a table with a column for the Team, Estimated hours, and Total Costs. The values for the estimated hours charged column should be linked to the ‘Job Data’ worksheet. Use appropriate functions to fill out the remaining cells of the table. A sample table is shown in Table 5.
Table 5
Team Estimated hours Cost (per hour) Total costs
Administration 33 60 71,890.00
Corporate Services 48 110 5,280.00
Teaching 51 80 4,080.00
Generate a pie chart to show the distribution of expected costs across different teams.
(7) Due to the recent economic crisis around the world, the school would like to cut costs and automate several processes. Given strong industry demand for using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to manage customer queries, you believe that a large number of student queries could be managed using an AI bot. However, to implement this technology at the school, a part-time employee will need to be employed along with a software-as-a-service (SAAS) subscription. The part-time employee will cost $35,000 per year. However, you expect that the budgeted costs (in requirement 6) will be significantly reduced. If the school purchases the AI bot, it will half the amount of time required by the administration manager to manage student queries, reducing this cost to $35,000 per year. The percentage of “Hours charged” will also decrease for all job types and only a small charge per “Closed” job will be incurred for the SAAS subscription (as shown in Table 6).
Table 6
Team Reduction in “Hours charged” (%) Charge per “Closed” job
Assessment 60% $1.20
IT 30% $2.20
Teaching 20% $1.60
If the School does not implement the AI bot tool, the number of jobs performed by employees will remain unchanged. Do you recommend the School purchases the AI bot?
(8) Create a worksheet labelled as ‘Analysis and Recommendation’. This worksheet should contain the following three sections.
a) Findings – Briefly summarise your findings based on the analysis performed in requirement 2 to requirement 7.
b) Recommendation for additional analysis – In this section, you should comment on whether additional analyses can be performed using the types of data that the administration team manager currently receives from the job management system. You should provide one example of an additional analyses that can be performed using the given data and explain how to perform the analysis. Comment on how the additional analysis would help the administration team manager to make business decisions.
c) Recommendation for additional data – Currently there is an option for the administration manager to get other types of data from the job management system. Provide one practical example of an additional type of data that should be collected about student queries (e.g. jobs). Suggest the type of analysis that can be done using the additional data. Comment on how the analysis on additional data would help the administration department improve business decision making.
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Formulae, formatting and cell references
20 % Formulae, formatting and cell reference are mostly incorrect and incomplete.
Incorrect calculations and major mistakes in formulas are present.
More than 50% of the formulae, formatting and cell references are correct.
Several mistakes are present in calculations and formulas that have been used.
Majority of the formulae, formatting and cell references are correct.
There are minor discrepancies or mistakes in calculations and formulas used.
Almost all formulae, formatting and cell references are correct.
All calculations are correct and appropriate formulas have been used.
All formulae, formatting and cell references are correct.
All calculations are correct and appropriate formulas have been used.
Tables, graphical presentation of data,
Pivot Table
40 % Some tables, graphs, pivot tables are missing or created with wrong or incomplete data.
Poor visual presentation of data.
Some mistakes are present in creating tables, graphs and pivot tables. Some mistakes have been done in data used, but overall student has proven working knowledge of the
Excel tools used.
Visual presentation of data needs improvement in some cases.
Tables, graphs and pivot tables have been created with minor mistakes.
Visual presentation could be improved.
There are minor mistakes in table creation, graphs and pivot table.
Overall very good understanding of the Excel tools with professional presentation of data.
Tables, graphs and pivot table have been created correctly with excellent presentation of data.
The student has shown excellent understanding of the Excel tools used in the assessment.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 3_Case Study – Excel Page 6 of 7
Analysis and
40% Recommendations and analysis are not provided or very weak.
Limited application/ recommendations based upon analysis.
The student demonstrated the ability to analyse and summarise data for the purpose of decision making.
Recommendations are valid, but could be improved.
Well-developed analysis and with Excel application and recommendations linked to the analysis.
Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis with application.
Well developed recommendations linked to the analysis undertaken.
Highly sophisticated and creative analysis.
Excellent recommendations linked to the analysis undertaken.

GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems

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Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems

Subject Code and Name ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment 3 – Case Study – Excel
Individual/Group Individual
Learning Outcomes (d) Apply technical knowledge and skills in creating information for the workplace using spreadsheets and relational databases
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
The spreadsheet is a powerful tool that has become entrenched in business processes worldwide. A working knowledge of Excel is a crucial skill for accountants. This assignment aims to assess the student’s ability to create spreadsheets. Students will be using raw data and summarising them in a user-friendly format to aid decision making. Students will need to recommend additional excel-based analysis that facilitates business decision making.
Submission Instructions:
Students need to submit their Excel Workbook which includes the analysis and recommendation sheet. The file should be provided in the following format: Student ID_ Student Name_ ACCT6001 Assessment 3.xlxs
Example: 0009989t_Adam Smith_ACCT6001 Assessment 3.xlxs
Eljay School
A large Australian School has recently opened an online education division called Eljay. The school provides online education services to students from around the world. In an effort to improve the services offered to students, a job management system was developed to improve the responses provided to student queries. At the end of every week, a manager from the administration team archives an excel file that contains data about student queries for that week. The manager of the administration team believes that the data within this spreadsheet would be valuable for business decision making. However, employees within the team lack the technical knowledge to analyse and interpret this data. Subsequently, the manager is unsure how to utilise this data to gain insights on how to improve response times and outcomes for students.
The administration team manager decided to hire you to assist in analysing and interpreting the data. The table below shows a data file that was archived containing information on student queries for one week.
Table 1
Job Code Student ID Student Name Date Opened
(d/mm/yyyy h:mm) Date Closed
(d/mm/yyyy h:mm) Hours Charged Job Type Job Priority Job Status
0001 0009990t Charles Brody 01/08/2020 10:30:49 01/08/2020 12:30:49 2 IT Important Closed
0002 0001090t John Lucas 02/08/2020 15:23:26 02/08/2020 16:23:26 1 IT Normal Closed
0003 0009989t Adam Smith 02/08/2020 18:21:46 04/08/2020 16:20:23 1 Teaching Less Important Closed
0004 0001100t Maree Sarah 03/08/2020 09:36:21 05/08/2020 12:20:23 4 Teaching Normal Closed
0005 0009988t Eve Bonny 04/08/2020 12:24:20 6 Assessment Important Re Process
0006 0001120t Adelle Smith 04/08/2020 09:28:26 1 Assessment Less Important Open
0007 0009987t Jill Water 05/08/2020 11:30:33 3 Assessment Important In Process
0008 0001130t Jack Hill 06/08/2020 12:10:33 06/08/2020 14:30:33 2 Assessment Important Closed
While only a small number of queries were received from students in the first week of the month, student queries are expected to go up over the remainder of the month. However, before getting actual data from the job management system in the coming weeks, Eljay school has asked you to explore the possible analyses that can be performed if using the current output. Eljay provided you with a document listing specific instructions on what you are expected to do in Excel. The instructions are listed below.
(1) Open an Excel Workbook and name it as ‘Student ID_ Student Name_ ACCT6001 Assessment 3’ (i.e. 0009989t_Adam Smith_ACCT6001 Assessment 3). Create a worksheet labelled as ‘Job Data’. Make a table similar to the one above using hypothetical details for 50 students. The table should include the following columns: Job Code, Student ID, Student Name, Date Opened, Date Closed, Job Type, Job Priority, Job Status.
In your hypothetical data, assume:
a) all student queries were made by students located in Australia,
b) at least 30 jobs that have a job status of “closed”
c) at least one of each Job Status is included in the data set for each Job Type. For example, include at least:
• “open”, “in process”, “re process”, and “closed” entries for “IT”,
• “open”, “in process”, “re process”, and “closed” entries for “Teaching”, and
• “open”, “in process”, “re process”, and “closed” entries for “Assessment”
d) All queries are made between 01/08/2020 and 28/08/2020.
e) Each student lodges a query in the job management system only once. So, each row of data contains information about a specific student.
(2) In the ‘Job Data’ worksheet, add a column labelled as ‘Time taken to close job. This column should show the time spent resolving each job (e.g. student query). The values for this column should be reported using the “number” format and calculated using a:
a) combination of the date opened and date closed columns.
b) formula that only includes entries with a “Job Type” equal to “Closed”.
(3) Create a new worksheet in your workbook and label it as ‘Job Duration’. In this worksheet:
a) Report the descriptive statistics (i.e. mean, median, maximum, minimum) for both the “Time taken to close job” column added to the ‘Job Data’ worksheet and the “Hours Charged” column. A brief commentary on the results should be provided (between 50 and 100 words).
b) Include another table in this worksheet showing for each week the:
• Total number of jobs,
• Total number of jobs “Closed”,
• Total number of “Important” jobs “Open”, and • Average time taken to close “Important” jobs.
The values for each week should be calculated using Excel formulas based on values from the ‘Job Data’ worksheet (e.g. the values in your table should change if values in the ‘Job data’ table change). The table may look like Table 2.
Table 2
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Job Count 8 13 9 15
Jobs Closed 5 6 7 12
“Important” Jobs “Open” 1 1 2 3
Average time taken to close “Important” jobs 1.5 1.8 2.6 3.9
The administration team believe that the problem with Key Performance Indicators focused on the number of jobs closed each week was that “important” jobs were not being prioritised. Do you find support for this belief? Use a chart(s) to report the results for correlation to support your answer.
(4) Create a worksheet labelled as ‘Job Type’. Include a table in this worksheet showing the number of jobs for each week grouped by the three different job types. The values should be directly linked to the ‘Job Data’ worksheet. The table may look like Table 3.
Table 3
Job Type Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Total
Assessment 4 6 4 7 21
IT 2 3 2 3 10
Teaching 2 4 3 5 14
Total 8 13 9 15 45
(5) Create a worksheet and label it as ‘Pivot Tables and Charts’. Build tables and charts that show the average Job Duration by Job Type and Job Priority. Provide these by creating 2 pivot tables/charts (one for each Job Type and Job Priority). Place both of these tables and charts on the same worksheet. A sample for output of Job Duration by Job Type is shown in Figure 1.
For each table/chart, comment on whether you think the school would be able to introduce a policy of no more than 2 working days (48 hours) to resolve students queries.
Figure 1
(6) Of the employees directly responsible for resolving student queries, the school currently has 3 contract-employees working in the administration team, 2 in the teaching team, and 1 in the corporate services team. Contract employees from the administration team charge the school $60 per hour, teaching team employees charge $80 per hour and corporate services $110 per hour. The administration team manager, who receives a salary of $70,000 per annum, asked you about using data from the job management system to develop a monthly budget. The following information was gathered for you to use in developing this budget.

  1. “Hours charged” for “Assessment” jobs are invoiced by the administration team 60% of the time and the remaining 40% of the “Hours charged” are invoiced by the teaching team.
  2. All “Hours charged” for “IT” jobs are invoiced by corporate services team
  3. The “Hours charged” to “Teaching” jobs are invoiced by the teaching team 90% of the time while the remaining 10% are invoiced by the administration team.
    Create a ‘Budget Summary Report’ worksheet. Include a table with a column for the Team, Estimated hours, and Total Costs. The values for the estimated hours charged column should be linked to the ‘Job Data’ worksheet. Use appropriate functions to fill out the remaining cells of the table. A sample table is shown in Table 5.
    Table 5
    Team Estimated hours Cost (per hour) Total costs
    Administration 33 60 71,890.00
    Corporate Services 48 110 5,280.00
    Teaching 51 80 4,080.00
    Generate a pie chart to show the distribution of expected costs across different teams.
    (7) Due to the recent economic crisis around the world, the school would like to cut costs and automate several processes. Given strong industry demand for using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to manage customer queries, you believe that a large number of student queries could be managed using an AI bot. However, to implement this technology at the school, a part-time employee will need to be employed along with a software-as-a-service (SAAS) subscription. The part-time employee will cost $35,000 per year. However, you expect that the budgeted costs (in requirement 6) will be significantly reduced. If the school purchases the AI bot, it will half the amount of time required by the administration manager to manage student queries, reducing this cost to $35,000 per year. The percentage of “Hours charged” will also decrease for all job types and only a small charge per “Closed” job will be incurred for the SAAS subscription (as shown in Table 6).
    Table 6
    Team Reduction in “Hours charged” (%) Charge per “Closed” job
    Assessment 60% $1.20
    IT 30% $2.20
    Teaching 20% $1.60
    If the School does not implement the AI bot tool, the number of jobs performed by employees will remain unchanged. Do you recommend the School purchases the AI bot?
    (8) Create a worksheet labelled as ‘Analysis and Recommendation’. This worksheet should contain the following three sections.
    a) Findings – Briefly summarise your findings based on the analysis performed in requirement 2 to requirement 7.
    b) Recommendation for additional analysis – In this section, you should comment on whether additional analyses can be performed using the types of data that the administration team manager currently receives from the job management system. You should provide one example of an additional analyses that can be performed using the given data and explain how to perform the analysis. Comment on how the additional analysis would help the administration team manager to make business decisions.
    c) Recommendation for additional data – Currently there is an option for the administration manager to get other types of data from the job management system. Provide one practical example of an additional type of data that should be collected about student queries (e.g. jobs). Suggest the type of analysis that can be done using the additional data. Comment on how the analysis on additional data would help the administration department improve business decision making.
    Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
    Assessment Criteria Fail
    (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75 -84% High Distinction
    Formulae, formatting and cell references
    20 % Formulae, formatting and cell reference are mostly incorrect and incomplete.
    Incorrect calculations and major mistakes in formulas are present.
    More than 50% of the formulae, formatting and cell references are correct.
    Several mistakes are present in calculations and formulas that have been used.
    Majority of the formulae, formatting and cell references are correct.
    There are minor discrepancies or mistakes in calculations and formulas used.
    Almost all formulae, formatting and cell references are correct.
    All calculations are correct and appropriate formulas have been used.
    All formulae, formatting and cell references are correct.
    All calculations are correct and appropriate formulas have been used.
    Tables, graphical presentation of data,
    Pivot Table
    40 % Some tables, graphs, pivot tables are missing or created with wrong or incomplete data.
    Poor visual presentation of data.
    Some mistakes are present in creating tables, graphs and pivot tables. Some mistakes have been done in data used, but overall student has proven working knowledge of the
    Excel tools used.
    Visual presentation of data needs improvement in some cases.
    Tables, graphs and pivot tables have been created with minor mistakes.
    Visual presentation could be improved.
    There are minor mistakes in table creation, graphs and pivot table.
    Overall very good understanding of the Excel tools with professional presentation of data.
    Tables, graphs and pivot table have been created correctly with excellent presentation of data.
    The student has shown excellent understanding of the Excel tools used in the assessment.
    ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 3_Case Study – Excel Page 6 of 7
    Analysis and
    40% Recommendations and analysis are not provided or very weak.
    Limited application/ recommendations based upon analysis.
    The student demonstrated the ability to analyse and summarise data for the purpose of decision making.
    Recommendations are valid, but could be improved.
    Well-developed analysis and with Excel application and recommendations linked to the analysis.
    Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis with application.
    Well developed recommendations linked to the analysis undertaken.
    Highly sophisticated and creative analysis.
    Excellent recommendations linked to the analysis undertaken.
    ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 3_Case Study – Excel Page 7 of 7





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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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