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What information will Hamoud be able to access using the organisations listed below? Australian Industry Skills Council (AISC)ASQA

This question has been merged with others to reduce the doubling up for you.
Lesson Reference: CLICK HERE to go the relevant Lesson in the Resource Space.
You are assessed against the benchmarks below.
Units of Competency DES401 DES402 DEL301 DEL401 DEL402 BSBCMM401 ASS502 ASS401 ASS402 ASS403 Attempt
KE2 1 2 3
Benchmarks Key VET Stakeholders are identified and understood.
The functions and responsibilities of training package developers, and course accreditation agencies, and their roles as key vocational education and training (VET) organisations is understood.
Read the following:
Hamoud is the training manager of a large finance company. He has been asked to attend a meeting organised by the finance industry to discuss and develop the criteria for the implementation of competency standards for the finance industry.
Hamoud has never worked within the competency-based training framework and is reluctant to implement this type of training in his organisation.
Paul is the training manager from another large finance company that has already implemented competency-based training for sales and administration staff and is keen to implement similar training in the company’s call centre.
The meeting is also attended by union representatives as well as government representatives. The meeting is one in a long series of meetings and discussions that are required to implement competency standards in an industry.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 2a.
What information will Hamoud be able to access using the organisations listed below?
Australian Industry Skills Council (AISC)
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 2b.
What advantages will Hamoud’s company gain by consulting with key stakeholders and other training managers before introducing competency-based training?
(Note: the answer to this one is not immediately obvious in the text. Instead, you will need to think about the information that has been provided.)
Your answer:
Lesson Reference: CLICK HERE to go the relevant Lesson in the Resource Space.
You are assessed against the benchmarks below.
Units of Competency DES401 DES402 DEL301 DEL401 DEL402 BSBCMM401 ASS502 ASS401 ASS402 ASS403 Attempt
KE10 1.3
KE2 1 2 3
Benchmarks Candidate understands information about training package developers and course accreditation agencies responsible for specific learning program parameters, including who they are, where to find them and who is responsible for them.
Understands what an organisation’s quality assurance policies and procedures should be.
The functions and responsibilities of training package developers, and course accreditation agencies, and their roles as key vocational education and training (VET) organisations is understood and applied.
The relevant policies, legal requirements, codes of practice and national standards, including commonwealth and state or territory legislation that may affect training and assessment in the VET sector.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 3a.
What are the three components of the National Training Framework? The first is done for you.
Component 1 Training Packages
Component 2
Component 3
Questions 3b-d.
These questions have been incorporated into Project 1a.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 3e.
When an RTO meets the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (2015), it will actually benefit all sorts of other people and organisations. What could be some of these benefits for the following:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 3f.
How do you think each of the following things might help an RTO to achieve the required standards of quality? The first one has been done for you.
Procedures/Processes for: How it helps achieve consistency in national standards
Enrolling students Ensures that the required information about students is collected and stored.
Issuing qualifications
Continuous improvement
Managing student fees
Staff qualifications
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 3g.
How can a Continuous Improvement Model help an RTO to maintain its quality? Please highlight the correct answer.
a) It ensures that they are operating a more profitable business.
b) It is a good marketing tool that gets people in the door.
c) It helps to ensure that everything that they are doing is what they should be doing by determining needs, developing and delivering a service, reviewing, amending and obtaining feedback and then amending again.
d) It is a way keep registration as an RTO.
Lesson Reference: CLICK HERE to go the relevant Lesson in the Resource Space.
You are assessed against the benchmarks below.
Units of Competency DES401 DES402 DEL301 DEL401 DEL402 BSBCMM401 ASS502 ASS401 ASS402 ASS403 Attempt
KE1 1 2 3
Benchmarks Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) guidelines, including characteristics of AQF qualification type.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 4a.
Describe the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). What are its objectives?
What is the AQF?
What are its objectives?
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 4b.
List the levels of the AQF in the first column of the table below and summarise the criteria for each of the levels in the second column. The first one has been done as an example for you.
AQF level Criteria of that level
Level 1 – Certificate 1 Graduates at this level will have knowledge and skills for initial work, community involvement and/or further learning.
Knowledge: a foundational knowledge for everyday life, further learning and preparation for initial work.
Skills: a foundational cognitive, technical and communication skills to:
• undertake defined routine activities
• identify and report simple issues and problems
Application of knowledge and skills: apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy in highly structured and stable contexts and within narrow parameters.

Add more rows as required.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 4c.
For any TWO of the following situations, determine the training need, and recommend one Qualification that would be appropriate. Obviously, you will not have all of the information that you need, so also indicate what additional information you would require to provide a quality recommendation in each situation, and how you would get this information. The first one has been done for you as an example.
Situation 1 Simone wants to work in a Child Care Centre. She has a Certificate II in Children’s Services.
What AQF level would be suitable? AQF Level 3 training related to child care.
Choose one qualification from this CHC – Community Services Training Package that would suit Simone. CHC30113 – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Other information you would need. What training have the current people working in the child care centre have? What type of position does Simone want to achieve? Does she want to complete her Certificate III then Diploma so that she can take on a managerial role or head teacher role within the centre? Simone will need to define the job she is aspiring to. I would then need to assess what is involved in the actual position.
How would you get this information? Discussion with Simone, examine job/position descriptions, talk to centre managers about the qualifications needed for the individual roles within a child care centre.
Situation 2 Greg has just finished Year 12 and he wants to become a qualified chef.
What AQF level would be suitable?
Select one qualification from this SIT – Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package list you would recommend for Greg.
Other information you would need.
How would you get this information?
Situation 3 Erica is a nurse within an Aged Care facility. She wants to move into a management position focusing on human resources.
What AQF level would be suitable?
Select one qualification from the CHC – Community Services Training Package that you would recommend for Erica.
Other information you would need.
How would you get this information?
Situation 4 Sally has finished Year 10 and wants to get a job as a farm hand in the cattle industry.
What AQF level would be suitable?
Select one qualification from the AHC – Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package that you would recommend for Sally.
Other information you would need.
How would you get this information?
This question has been merged with others to reduce the doubling up for you.
Lesson Reference: CLICK HERE and HERE to go the relevant Lessons in the Resource Space.
You are assessed against the benchmarks below.
Units of Competency DES401 DES402 DEL301 DEL401 DEL402 BSBCMM401 ASS502 ASS401 ASS402 ASS403 Attempt
1 2 3
Benchmarks Functions of training packages and accredited curriculum as benchmarks in a competency-based VET training and assessment system are demonstrated.
The use of training packages and relevant competency standards to be used as the basis of the learning program.
Non-endorsed components of training packages are explained and understood.
Other sources of training package information are identified and where to find them is determined.
The Standards for Training Packages are read and used to demonstrate understanding of the role and purpose of each endorsed component.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6a.
In the rows below:
What is the purpose of a Training Package?
What the components of a Training Package?
How is a Training Package used as a benchmark for competency based training and assessment?
What is the purpose of a Training Package?
What are the components of a Training Package?
How can a Training Package be used as a benchmark?
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6b.
What is a benchmark?
Give an example of how a Training Package is used as a benchmark for competency-based training and assessment.
A benchmark is:
An example of how a Training Package is used as a benchmark:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6c.
In Question 6a, you listed the components of a Training Package. Which of them would you find most helpful if we were planning to put together a new Learning Strategy for a qualification we wanted to deliver?
Your answer:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6d.
Consider the following case study:
Sally would like to undertake the AHC20116 – Certificate II in Agriculture because she wants to continue on from her school work experience at the cattle farm where she was placed. Sally would like to train specifically in the area of assisting with the birth of new cattle, so she decides to focus on the unit of competency: AHCLSK203 – Carry out birthing duties
Look at the key words describing Sally’s job and what she wants to do.
What are the benchmarks that Sally will need to meet in this unit to be assessed as competent?
Your answer:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6e.
Look at Standards for Training Packages here.
List the endorsed components of a Training Package and describe the purpose of each. The first one has been done for you.
Endorsed Component Purpose
Units of Competency Units of competency specify the standards of performance required in the workplace
The structure of units of competency complies with the unit of competency template

Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6f.
List the non-endorsed components of a Training Package.
Your answer:

Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6g.
Name the Training Packages for the following Qualifications.
Qualification Training Package
TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
SIS50215 Diploma of Fitness
PSP20116 – Certificate II in Government
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6h.
List 3 Qualifications at different AQF levels that belong to each of the following Training Packages.
Training Package Qualification
HLT – Health Training Package
CHC – Community Services Training Package
PUA12 – Public Safety Training Package
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6i.
Why is it important to talk to our clients before designing training? What questions could we ask? Please list 3.
Why is it important?
Questions to ask: 1.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 6j.
Where can we find out more information about Training Packages?
List 3 different possibilities.
Lesson Reference: CLICK HERE to go the relevant Lesson in the Resource Space.
You are assessed against the benchmarks below.
Units of Competency DES401 DES402 DEL301 DEL401 DEL402 BSBCMM401 ASS502 ASS401 ASS402 ASS403 Attempt
KE4 1 2 3
Benchmarks The format and structure of accredited courses is understood.
The difference between Training Packages and Accredited courses is understood.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 7a.
What is an accredited course?
Your answer:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 7b.
What is the difference between an accredited course and a Training Package?
Your answer:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 7c.
Describe the structure of an accredited course in the table below.
Applicant and classification information
Course information
Units of Competency
Lesson Reference: CLICK HERE and HERE to go the relevant Lessons in the Resource Space.
You are assessed against the benchmarks below.
Units of Competency DES401 DES402 DEL301 DEL401 DEL402 BSBCMM401 ASS502 ASS401 ASS402 ASS403 Attempt
1 2 3
Benchmarks The format and structure of units of competency, and assessment requirements of a unit of competency are understood.
Dimensions of Competency are understood and applied.
Candidate understands how to access assessment information of the relevant training package or accredited course.
Methodology relating to analysing and using competency standards for a range of applications and purposes, to meet the needs of a diverse range of VET clients is understood and applied.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 8a.
What is a Unit of Competency?
Your answer:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 8b.
When researching Units of Competency, where would you go first? Please highlight the correct answer.

    Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
    Question 8c.
    Describe what the following 3 terms mean when referring to the unit code of the following Unit of Competency: BSBCMM401- Make a Presentation
    Write your answer in the space below each term.
    BSB CMM 401

Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 8d.
When viewing a Unit of Competency, you’ll see that it is broken into several sections. The sections can change over time, and so we often find that some units have sections that other units do not. A big change occurred in 2014.
In the table below are some section headings. Indicate Yes/No it is from pre-2014 or post 2014 (it could be both) and say what the purpose of the section is.
The first row has been completed for you as an example. (Hint: Within each Unit of Competency, headings are usually dark blue.)
Heading PRE 2014? POST 2014? Purpose
Unit Descriptor Yes No Describes what the unit is about.
Elements & Performance Criteria Yes/No Yes/No
Range Statement Yes/No Yes/No
Foundation Skills Yes/No Yes/No
Assessment Conditions Yes/No Yes/No
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 8e.
Below is a template for a Unit of Competency. Using BSBCMM401- Make a Presentation complete the table to demonstrate how this unit looks.
Unit Code
Mandatory field
Unit Title
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Unit Sector
Optional field
Mandatory field Performance Criteria
Mandatory field
Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. 1.1 Performance criteria clearly relate to the element.
1.2 They are expressed as a standard.
1.3 They specify the required performance in relevant tasks, roles, and skills.
1.4 They reflect the applied knowledge that enables competent performance.

Foundation Skills
Mandatory field
Skill Performance Criteria Description

Unit Mapping Information
Mandatory field
Code & title
Current version Comments Equivalence status

Mandatory field Link to Companion Volume Implementation Guide.
Assessment Requirements
Mandatory field
Mandatory field Link to Companion Volume Implementation Guide.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 8f.
List the Assessment Requirements of the following Unit of Competency: TAEDEL401- Plan, organise and deliver group based learning.
Performance Evidence
Mandatory field
Knowledge Evidence
Mandatory field
Assessment Conditions
Mandatory field
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 8g.
We now understand the structure of a Unit of Competency, but there are other important things to note about Units of Competency as well.
What are the Dimensions of Competency?
Your answer:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 8h.
Describe each of the Dimensions of Competency and list 2 examples of how they could be used in work practice.
Dimensions What does it mean? How can it be used in work practice?
Task skills
Task management skills
Contingency management skills
Job role or environment skills
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 8i.
Refer to the earlier question in Q.4c about Greg, Erica and Sally.
For any one of these :
• Identify a Training Package, and the possible Qualification or Skill Set they could complete. List the qualification rules. (POINT 1)
• Now identify how you have analysed one Unit of Competency from that Qualification to make sure it is suitable for your individual person’s needs. (POINT 2)
• Now identify how this unit links with the other units in the Qualification. List the best possible combination of Core units and Elective units that your person will need to complete. (POINT 3)
• Write your answer in the form of a memo to this person, explaining why you think and include a hyperlink to the source/s of your information.
An example is provided for you.
To: Simone
From: Bryan West
Date: Monday, 22 February 2018
Re: Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Hi Simone,
I enjoyed speaking with you on Friday. I have had a chance to consider your training needs and believe the course CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care from the Training Package: CHC – Community Services will develop your knowledge and skills necessary for a career within a child care centre. [POINT 1]
This course is designed for those who are working or intending to work within the children’s services industry. It provides a useful introduction into understanding, caring for and supporting the development of young children. With the practical training you’ll receive during this course, you can look forward to a rewarding career as a childcare worker.
To achieve the CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, you must complete 18 units of study:
• 15 Core units
• 4 Electives
You can access the full range of units and further qualification details by clicking on this link to the Qualification at CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Based on the fact that you want to work in a childcare centre. I believe that the unit: CHCECE005 – Provide care for babies and toddlers is a great core unit for you to complete as it allows you to practically apply the skills and knowledge required when providing care to babies and toddlers in an actual workplace environment. [POINT 2]
This means that you will be able to access real regulated education and care services and that all of the assessment will allow actual interaction with babies and toddlers.
I have also chosen the following electives for you based on your desire to work within a childcare facility setting and not a school: [POINT 3]
• CHCECE006 -Support behaviour of children and young people
• CHCECE017 -Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the child in early childhood
• CHCPRT003 -Work collaboratively to maintain an environment safe for children and young people
• SRCCRO008B – Interact positively with infants, toddlers and parents in a recreation environment
Please be in touch with any further questions at all.
Kind Regards,
Your answer:
This question has been merged with others to reduce the doubling up for you.
…. so has this one!
Lesson Reference: CLICK HERE and HERE to go the relevant Lesson in the Resource Space.
You are assessed against the benchmarks below.
Units of Competency DES401 DES402 DEL301 DEL401 DEL402 BSBCMM401 ASS502 ASS401 ASS402 ASS403 Attempt
KE11 1 2 3
Benchmarks Candidate can describe relevant workplace health and safety (WHS) knowledge relating to the work role, and WHS considerations that need to be included in the learning program.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 11a.
Who is responsible for WHS?
Your answer:
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 11b.
We know that all activities are affected by WHS. List at least 3 examples of hazards that could affect each of the following jobs or industries:
Tree Felling: 1.
Building industry: 1.
Banking industry: 1.
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 11c.
For each context listed below, what WHS information could we provide to our learners to confirm that our learning environment is safe?
Rest room facilities
Tea and coffee facilities
Fire exits
Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Question 11d.
Define the word ‘hazard’. Please highlight the correct answer.

  1. Something that has caused injury to someone.
  2. Something that will cause injury to someone.
  3. Something that does cause injury to someone.
  4. Something that could cause injury to someone.
    Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
    Question 11e.
    Describe 3 of the possible hazards that you might encounter when delivering/assessing each of the following Units of Competency.
    Then, classify each (e.g., physical, ergonomic, etc.). Some ideas have been added for you as examples.
    Unit Possible Hazards Type of Hazard
    Operate personnel and materials hoists
  5. Controlling traffic Physical
    Conduct an aged care facility access audit
  6. New type of flu virus Biological
    Instruct fitness programs
  7. Muscle strain from demonstrating exercise Physical
    Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
    Question 11f.
    As a trainer, what do you think your responsibilities are for each of the Six Steps of Hazard Management? Step 4 has been completed for you as an example.
  8. As the trainer, I will ensure all protective clothing and equipment is compliant with various WHS Acts, and that employees are proficient in the use of clothing and equipment as directed by myself.
    Lesson Reference: CLICK HERE to go the relevant Lesson in the Resource Space.
    You are assessed against the benchmarks below.
    Units of Competency DES401 DES402 DEL301 DEL401 DEL402 BSBCMM401 ASS502 ASS401 ASS402 ASS403 Attempt
    5.2 1 2 3
    Benchmarks Candidate understands how to provide appropriate advice to the client about assessment requirements.
    Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
    Question 12a.
    When it comes to assessing, what kinds of things do we need to think about to make sure that we meet our clients’ needs without distorting the integrity of the assessment (that is, making it too easy)? Please highlight the correct answer. (Hint – there may be more than one.)
  9. Making it easy enough for everyone to pass, getting it done in the shortest time, reducing the paperwork we have to do.
  10. What our client’s timeframes are, the budget and how best to prepare participants and resources.
  11. Methods of assessment that are going to help most participants, impacts on the organisation, reducing training time.
  12. All of the above.
    Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
    Question 12b.
    As a trainer, what do you think your responsibilities are for each of the Seven Steps for Planning Assessment? Step 1 has been completed for you as an example.
  13. Discuss with the client skill gaps and skill development, and the outline of activities to be assessed, and the dimensions of competency to be assessed.
    On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree
    I understood what I had to do. 1 2 3 4 5
    I knew how to do it. 1 2 3 4 5
    I consider the level of difficulty of the tasks to be appropriate for an AQF Certificate IV level assessment. 1 2 3 4 5
    I found the trainer responded in a timely, knowledgeable, helpful manner. 1 2 3 4 5
    Is there anything else you would like to share?
    I declare that:
    • I have personally completed all components of this assessment item.
    • I understand that all work that is not my own (such as the ideas and research of others as well as source documents) requires referencing and have done so appropriately.
    Signed: Date:
    An electronically signed Declaration of Originality is to be completed and attached to every submission.





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