Writers Solution

Technology in the health care industry

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: What are some benefits and some risks to using technology in the health care industry?

What are some experiences you have using technology with your own health care? Have these been positive or negative experiences?





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Health Care Finance; Health Care Strategy Capstone

BSHA Core Courses.

•             HCS385: Health Care Finance

•             HCS499: Health Care Strategy Capstone

•             HCIS140: Fundamentals Of Electronic Health Records

•             HCS490: Health Care Consumer – Trends And Marketing

•             HCS120: Medical Terminology For Health Care Professionals

•             HCS235: Health Care Delivery In The U. S.

•             HCS305: Health Care Professional Development

•             HCS335: Health Care Ethics And Social Responsibility

•             HCS370: Organizational Behavior

•             HCS325: Health Care Management

•             HCS341: Human Resources In Health Care

•             Bachelor of Science in Health Administration

•             HCS465: Health Care Research Utilization

•             HCS131: Business Communication Skills For Health Care Professionals

•             HCS483: Health Care Information Systems

•             HCS457: Public And Community Health

•             HCS451: Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis

•             HCS380: Health Care Accounting

Part 2

Review the BSHA courses listed above.Answer the following questions using approximately 350 words each:

  • Considering your health care experience- (Health care experience- auditor for clinical trials) which classes in the program do you believe will be most beneficial to your current or future role? Which will be the least beneficial? Why?
  • Which elective track have you chosen and why do you believe this is the best fit for your career goals?

Part 3

Review the MHA and MHA concentration options below.

Required Course Sequence

MHA CourseCourse Name
MHA 505Systems Thinking in Healthcare Environments
MHA 506Ethical Marketing: the new Healthcare Economics
MHA 507Leveraging Informatics in the Health Sector
MHA 508Navigating the Regulatory Environment in Health Care
MHA 515Scanning the Health Sector as an Industry Expert
MHA 516Operating in Structure: Health Sector Policy and Governance
MHA 520Sector Stakeholders: Identifying and Cultivating Alliances
MHA 542Leading with Authenticity in the Health Sector
MHA 543Tackling the talent war in the Health Sector
MHA 560Creating a sustainable legacy: healthy communities
MHA 598Leveraging results to build brand in the health sector

Answer the following questions using 200 to 350 words:

  • If you were to continue your education after completing the BSHA program, which option would you most likely choose? Why?
  • Read Health Care Strategy Capstone





Health Administration program


Grade Course:

Tutor’s Name:

Date of Submission:

Considering your health care experience- (Health care experience- auditor for clinical trials) which classes in the program do you believe will be most beneficial to your current or future role? Which will be the least beneficial? Why?

            The classes in the program I believe will be most beneficial to my current or future role as health care experience – auditor for clinical trials are:

  • HCS305: Health Care Professional Development
  • HCS335: Health Care Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • HCS451: Health Care Quality Management and Outcome Analysis
  • HCS465: Health Care Research Utilization
  • HCS380: Health Care Accounting

The reason being, Health Care Professional Development will play crucial role in equipping me with the necessary knowledge and skills needed for me to grow and develop professionally in the future. This class was designed to assist medical professionals to develop and grow in their career once they have completed the mandatory course requirement. The class clearly outlines all the necessary step that a medical professional need to do and follow to grow and develop until he/she achieves full potential career-wise. Clinical trials require very strict health care ethics and social responsibility since human beings are used as subjects. This also means that as an auditor in clinical trials, I must observe high standards of health care ethics and social responsibility. The Health Care Ethic and Social Responsibility is one of the core courses of BSHA and it will play critical role in helping me to identify ethical issues in health care. Looking at the course profile, it is evident that the course is designed to assist and encourage learners to clarify their personal ethics with regards to health care issues. These include the various responsibilities that involves the management of population whose ethics may be divergent are identified…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Groups and team impact health care organizations

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

Team work and Groups

Team work is a vital ingredient to the success of any organization. Groups and teams are essential in the health care organizations because they accomplish tasks faster than individual work and they also work more efficient. In the healthcare organizations, the cooperation of employees as a team reduces workload as it enables them to share ideas and responsibilities(Babiker, et al., 2014). Generally, teamwork reduces work pressure on the individual worker and allows them thorough completion of their roles.


In the healthcare organizations, team work is important in ensuring important tasks are completed efficiently and in time. The first importance of team work in healthcare organization is that it encourages collaboration and enhances communication among the healthcare workers. Through teamwork, healthcare workers are able to make important decisions as a unit and towards a shared purpose(Babiker, et al., 2014). Team work is important in the healthcare system because clinical care has become more specialized and complex, therefore, healthcare workers must collaborate and work as a team in handle new cases, learn new ideas quickly, and coordinate medical interventions. My experience working with teams has been positive…………………………………………………………………………………………………

ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED AT concerning impact health care organizations



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How is the landscape of health care changing today?

Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being

Thirteenth Edition

Michael R. SolomonSaint Joseph’s University

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

How is the landscape of health care changing today? As a manager, how can you address change?

Identify health care cost for consumers.

Read information in Marketing Challenges Facing Consumer Resources in Week 1. What is meant by B2B and B2C? What is one similarity and difference of each? Read landscape of health care changing today


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Health Care Consumer – Trends and Marketing

            The landscape of health care continues to change in many aspects and this has been attributed by the emerging technology and the need to use evidence-based in diagnostic, treatment and the management of the patients(Solomon, 2020). Technology and evidence-based continues to improve landscape of health care and as manager, I would ensure the health care facility I’m managing is equipped with the necessary technology and the staff are equipped with the needed skills and knowledge to operate with these platforms. To reduce the cost, the technology can be acquired in stagnated manner and at the same time partnering with technology firms in training and installation of these technology.

            It will be my responsibility to ensure that all the staff in the facility are up-to-date with emerging technology. This would be achieved through encouraging the staff to enroll and complete continuing education credits and staying informed on changes taking place in their field of specialty. When acquiring the emerging technology, it will be prudent to make sound and informed decision such as whether to acquire or lease the machinery and equipment, while considering compatibility and future upgrade(Solomon, 2020). Studies have shown that it is much cheaper to lease large equipment such as MRI scanner and CT scanner among other equipment. This approach would allow for swap with newest models once the lease time is over.

            In term of cost, health care services are always expensive, but with the changing trend today, the patient is given several options to choose from. Through consultation with their doctors and their health insurance providers, the patient would be able to choose the appropriate health care service they can afford. Also, through the emerging technology the diagnostic and treatment would more accurate, thus reducing medical errors substantially and subsequently bringing down the costs.

B2B and B2C

Business-to-business (B2B): This is a business term which is used to described a relationship between at least two companies. The business relationship can be between small businesses, medium size business or large corporations.

Business-to-consumer (B2C): A business term used to describe a relationship between a business entity and at least one individual consumer. The similarity between the two is that one need to build trust in order to make sales, a business need to show that its able to solve their clients’ specific…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Impact lifestyles public and community health

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following questions: Explain what impact lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and community resources have on public and community health. Provide an example.How have you seen this at work in your own community?


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The impact of lifestyles, socioeconomic status and community resource on public and community health

            In terms of lifestyles,it is known to influence non-communicable disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular, obesity, hypertension, and renal failure. This means that individuals living health lifestyle such as taking diet low of sugar, fat, salt, more fruits and vegetables as well as exercising daily have high possibility of not suffering from non-communicable diseases(Schneider, 2017). Therefore, health lifestyle leads to a decrease possibility of non-communicable diseases. In addition, dietary and sedentary habit play critical role in influencing non-communicable diseases, which a burden to public and community health.

            Socioeconomic status determines the ability of an individual to access prevention, cure and treatment. It plays critical role in the prevention of communicable disease such as diarrhea and cholera, which is very common in developing and poor countries across the world. Improved socioeconomic status enable the population to access medical treatment at affordable cost(Minkler & Wallerstein, 2012). It also enables the house hold to afford balanced diet, thus preventing malnutrition among young children, which is common in Africa and some Asian countries. Therefore, better socioeconomic status ensures that people afford to seek good medication and balance diet.             Community resources play important role in the establish of better health care facilities and infrastructure. It also enables the authorities to adequately equip the community with the necessary primary health care, which is critical in the prevention of curable diseases such as malaria(Minkler & Wallerstein, 2012). Through community resources, the society will be able to have rehabilitation centers, old age…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

How has government regulation and oversight influenced health care products and services?

  1. Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

How has government regulation and oversight influenced health care products and services? Provide an example.

Do you think this regulation and oversight does more to help or hurt health care? Please explain.

Consider health care reform. Should the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) be repealed entirely, some parts or none at all? Justify your reasoning.

Has Obamacare effect you or someone you know personally? Was the effect positive or negative?

  • The focus of this Benchmark Assignment is to consider how consumer demographics and health care marketing plays a role in consumer selection of health care resources.

Select 1 of the following in your community or surrounding area:

  • Walk-in clinic, such as an urgent care facility
  • Retail clinic in your local grocery store or retail pharmacy
  • No-appointment physician’s office

Research the market of this facility. Consider the following as you complete your research:

  • Demographics of the consumers who use the facility selected
  • The location of the facility selected
  • The marketing used to bring in consumers to the facility selected

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that analyzes the market perspective of the facility selected. Ensure you:

  • Describe the facility selected, including its location.
  • Analyze the demographics of the consumers who use the facility selected.
  • Include the cultural and generational demographics in your analysis.
  • Analyze the marketing approach used for the facility.
  • Consider the targeted audience of the facility based on the demographics of the consumers who use the facility.
  • Consider whether marketing techniques can be the same when marketing to different demographics.

Cite at least 1 reputable reference.

  • Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

How has technology influenced consumer choices? Provide specific examples.

How are advances in technology and medicine enabling consumers to live healthier lives?

How may they enable you to be or live unhealthy?

Use health care products and services


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Healthcare Consumer Trends and Marketing

Name of Student

Name of Institution

Name of Course

Name of Instructor

September 27, 2020

Healthcare Consumer Trends and Marketing

Part 1: Government Regulations and Oversight

            The health care industry is considered the most regulated industry in the world (Niles, 2019). The author points out that the United States health care is regulated under governmental and nongovernmental regulations.  Government regulations serve to protect the public through the provision of programs that improves the well-being of its citizens. The oversight involves government monitoring, reviews, and supervision of the healthcare programs. In the United States, the government regulation and oversight helps the health care industry.  Through regulation and oversight, public welfare programs for example Medicaid and Medicare have rolled out. Such programs are critical in the provision of welfare services and ensure the health care industry can perform effectively in serving the citizens. Also, government oversight such as control of abuse, waste management, and fraud control has allowed the seamless provision of services. Such oversight roles have also ensured ethics in health care followed by health care providers and professionals.             The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been hailed for reducing the federal health care deficit and increase insurance coverage and expansion (Glied & Jackson, 2017). However, some believe the act should be repealed totally, whereas others believe it is good and that only some sections need to be repealed. However, due to the significant improvements, it has brought to the health care sector, only some sections of the ACA should be repealed. The provisions of the Medicaid expansion and the structuring of the premium subsidies in ACA has led to significant expansion. Also, the dependent coverage and its high-risk pool provisions have increased coverage among those who did not have insurance cover. Such provisions have brought dramatic impact and should be retained. The ACA has had a positive impact on the people who initially could not afford health care insurance. I know of a friend whose family had limited access but thanks to the high-risk pool provisions…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Electronic Health Records in Storage of Patient Information

Assignment Content

Imagine you are working at a doctor’s office. You are approached by the office manager, who asks you to develop an effective way of storing patient information.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary to your office manager informing her of the advantages of using electronic health records (EHRs) to store patient information. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use examples to support your responses. Your summary should:

Discuss the functions and advantages of using EHRs.

Discuss three to four forms used to keep patient information in EHRs. What is the purpose of each form?

Describe the basic workflow of a health care organization using EHRs.

Cite any outside sources according to APA guidelines. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, access the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence.



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Advantages of Using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Storage of Patient Information

Name of Student

University Affiliation

Name of Instructor

Advantages of Using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Storage of Patient Information

           Computers are now a common presence in almost all aspects of human lives. They have changed the way people, interact, live, and work. One of the industries that have witnessed increased adoption of computing is healthcare in the form of electronic health records (EHRs). The electronic health record is a repository of all the patient medical information stored in an electronic platform in a way that can be stored and exchanged securely across multiple authorized users (Burke & Weill, 2018). The data stored is employed in the documentation of the patient state of health and care provided to them. The use of EHRs in healthcare are associated with numerous advantages.

           The major advantages in the use of electronic health records are the reduction of medical errors, improvement of patient outcomes, improvement of clinical outcomes, and increasing the overall efficiency. Hoover (2016) points out that electronic health records (EHRs) have allowed the integration of technological features such as bar code scanning that allows physicians to provide correct medications to patients. This has reduced the chances of the wrong prescription, which has reduced the risks of adverse drug effects by 52%. The effective management of medications has resulted in improved patient outcomes over time. For example, laboratory results can be relayed in real-time, allowing the physicians to make timely decisions and request for further tests if need be. The use of EHRs has also improved legibility that has long been blamed for medication errors. The authors point out that in some cases, 60% of medication errors have been attributed to illegible handwriting. Finally, the EHRs has increased overall healthcare efficiency as it ensures medical examinations and drug prescription are synchronized. 

Forms used to Keep Patient Information in EHRs

           EHRs system offers a means through which different patient information can be collected and kept in different forms. The forms through which patient information can be stored in EHRs include the consent to treatment, the discharge, and the HIPAA consent forms. The consent to treatment form collects the information for patients that seek medical examination at the doctor’s office or those who are being admitted to the emergency room. The consent form provides the hospital and the doctor with express permission to provide treatment to the patient. The patient has a right to give consent when they accept the treatment or deny one if they refuse the treatment. The discharge forms are employed among those patients who have been in the hospital for more than 48 hours. The HIPAA consent form collects patient information showing their acknowledgment of the receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices.

The Basic Workflow of a Health Care Organization Using EHRs            The basic workflow in a health care organization using EHRs typically starts at the hospital’s primary care office. The primary care office typically has two front desk clerks, one nurse, and two primary care physicians (Pugh, 2019). In the primary care section, the process starts at the front desk where the patient’s appointment is………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Degree to which health care policy reform is on the national political agenda currently

Based on Chapter 9 Reading, discuss the degree to which health care policy reform is on the national political agenda currently. To the extent it is on the agenda, what are some of the forces that have placed it there? Do you think current action is primarily ceremonial or primarily intentional?

Conduct a search to identify any reform proposals currently before Congress or promoted by the White House or by presidential contenders and present them to your peers. Discuss their political feasibility.

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Healthcare Policy

Name of Student

University Affiliation

Healthcare Policy

American Healthcare Policy on the National Political Agenda

            The United States healthcare system is considered one of the most complex and expensive system in the world. According to McIntyre & Song (2019) the United States stands out among its peers for failing to offer universal insurance coverage. It is for this reason that the current healthcare policy reform is high on the national political agenda currently. The Obama administration introduced the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which the current administration wants to abolish. However, the democrats are strongly opposed and are promising a return to the Obama policies. For instance in August debate, the democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders has been on record citing the need for “healthcare for all” (Ault, 2019). Similarly, President Donald Trump has criticized the current cost of pharmaceuticals in the country. The major forces that have led to the public debate on healthcare policy are the inadequacies associated with the ACA. The debate is intentional as it directed towards resolving the problems that have bedeviled the American healthcare system and the desire to increase healthcare insurance coverage.

Reform Proposals Currently Before the Congress            The healthcare reform that is currently in the Congress is the Medicare for All Act of 2019that was sponsored by Rep. Jayapal, Pramila. The bill seeks………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care

Option 1:
Assigned Reading: Chapter 4—Where Do We Want to Be?, pp, 53–64 .and Case 4-1, National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care, pp. 65–67.
The purpose of this case is to get people thinking about both the intended and unintended consequences of mandated and voluntary standards. It is also intended to fuel debate about acculturation of immigrants which spills over into the health sector. Note that these standards are promulgated by the Office of Minority Affairs of HHS and can be in conflict with other federal government objectives.
Case 4 describes federal standards that apply to federal programs. Should they apply to all health care services? Today, people are expressing concerns about the costs and hassle of regulatory “mandates.” Using the case as an example, explore the costs aad manageaial time and effort involved. If you wanted to, how could you change the standards to help reduce the burden of this and other mandates? Feel free to present other examples of regulations and mandates from your work experience.
Consider and respond to at least two of these additional questions in your paper. Upload to the dropbox by Tuesday @ 1159 CST.
Q1. OMH has said the enhancement objective followed a decade of successful implementation of the 2000 standards, but the news media have reported on implementation problems, and the 2013 standards were released with an implementation manual almost 200 pages long. What do you think might be some barriers to implementation, and what would you suggest to encourage implementation?
Q2. What do the expanded definitions of health and culture say in general about the way government framed health in 2013 as compared to 2010? What might have contributed to the change?
Q3. How do you explain the differences between recommendations, guidelines, and mandates? What are the possible explanations for making all enhanced standards guidelines?
Q4. Which are the most important standards in your opinion? Which are the least important? Explain your reasoning.
Q5. What would you change about these standards if you were in charge of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services?
Q6. Does it seem unusual to you for a government agency to wait more than 10 years to review and revise standards like these? What might be the reasons for waiting? What arguments could be made for more frequent review?

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National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services

Name of Student

University Affiliation

National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services

Question 1: Barriers towards CLAS Standards Implementation

            Although the OMH has reiterated that the CLAS standards introduced in 2000 have been successful, there have been media reports that it has faced implementation barriers. The most predominant barrier towards it implementation is inadequate resource allocation to fund the training and staffing. The class standards demand collaboration between the healthcare systems within the state together with the community and the healthcare service consumers. Provision of adequate training to the hospital staff and creating a dedicated communication department demands a lot of resources. This can be costly and more so given the increasing pressure on healthcare organizations to cut on costs of care delivery.

            The other possible barrier towards its implementation could be failure of the state department of health and human services to allocate adequate funding towards its implementation. In a report published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016) OMH, it reported that majority of the states awarded less grants to the community providers of CLAS. The allocation of fewer resources would negatively affect the community training programs that are aimed at enhancing CLAS. Since the CLAS standards are geared towards creation of cultural competency, lack of enough resource allocation from state departments has become one of its major barriers.             Some other factors that can be attributed to ineffective implementation of CLASS include language barriers, presence of many undocumented immigrants, poverty and illiteracy, and the general mistrust of the government and healthcare system. A majority of the population that constitutes the target population are not proficient in………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Health Infomatics

Provide at least one example and an explanation of how Nursing Informatics facilitates both qualitative and quantitative research, try to use the resource below as a reference if you are able for the Health Infomatics topic. 

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K.G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.   





Health Infomatics

Name of Student

Name of University

How Nursing informatics Facilitates Qualitative and Quantitative Research

            Nursing informatics has been instrumental in altering the way in which nursing is practiced and administered. According to (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017) nursing informatics provides a wide range of tools and capabilities, which can dramatically alter the nursing research practices. The modern nursing research has undergone evolution with the adoption of new technologies. Owing to this new paradigm, nursing informatics has enhanced and facilitated collaboration; it has improved access to online libraries; has increased research tool transparency for collection, analysis and dissemination of nursing research data; and enhanced the development of a common data language. As a result, nursing informatics offers support in form of information as well as organizational support that are critical in the advancement of translational research. This is important in helping to fill the gap that exists between research findings and the implementation.             Moreover, the presence of electronic means through which information can be recorded, stored, analyzed, and disseminated provides a way in which large pool of data can be accessed. Through patient electronic data storage, quantitative and qualitative data can be recorded. The nursing informatics provides powerful techniques of nursing research such as data mining and research that are useful in qualitative and quantitative research. Thus, nursing informatics opens up a range of opportunities towards access to vast data that are useful in conducting qualitative and quantitative nursing research. The large access to dat………Health Infomatics……………………………………………………………………………………………