Writers Solution

Health Care Strategic Plan

You have been tasked with performing a strategy formulation for the long-term care facility where you work. Because you have never made a strategic plan before, you decide you will need to do some research before proceeding. Individual Portion: Select the long-term care facility of your choice from any currently operational U.S. long-term care facility, and research the strategic plan it has in place. Provide a brief overview of the composition of its strategic plan. In addition, pay particular attention to the mechanisms it has in place for evaluating and selecting strategic alternatives. If none are readily visible, analyze the strategies in an effort to make educated assumptions on what tools might have been used, or what you feel should have been used (i.e., needs assessments, demand analyses, etc.). Explain which strategies were/are used, and the reasons for the use of such tools. In addition, do not forget to use citations and references throughout your paper






Health Care: Health Care Strategies

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Health Care Strategic Plan


The US health care industry is experiencing unprecedented pressures from the changing health care dynamics, the increasing patients’ demands and the ever-changing health care policy framework that has increasingly created complexities in the sector. According to (Zuckerman, 2014) strategic planning offers an important tool for creating for managing in such an environment. However, the author opines that strategic planning require a lot of investment in terms of resources, organizational time, while mandating the organizational leadership to exercise influence over external forces in order to lead the organization towards uncertain future.

Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Strategic Plan for 2012-2016


The Seattle Children’s Hospital was founded in 1907 and caters mainly for the needs of the children aged less than 21 years, serving mainly the Idaho, Washington, Alaska and Montana, while acting as an academic and adolescent medical center (Seattle Children’s Hospital, 2012). The hospital has consistently been ranked among the top pediatric hospitals in the United States. In order to remain in line with the hospital mission of prevention, treatment and elimination of pediatric diseases, the hospital developed a four-year strategic plan. The components that constitute Seattle Children’s Hospital strategic plan are the mission, vision, the overview of the strategy, the hospital major pillars (strengths assessment) and strategic directions. In its mission statements, the Seattle Children’s Hospital is geared towards meeting the needs of the children by preventing, treatin……………………………………….







Writers Solution

Developing strategies for not-for-profit and public health organizations

Assignment Description

When developing strategies for not-for-profit and public health organizations, a needs/capacity assessment is performed.

  1. Why must this special assessment be performed in lieu of another strategic alternative assessment, such as a SPACE analysis?
  • Provide a hypothetical example to show your rationale for the special assessment process. The example given is open for peer comment and discussion.

…………………………………………………………………………………………public health organizations…………





Health Care: Strategic Planning

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Strategic Planning for Not-for-Profit and Public Health Organizations

            The success of any organization is hugely dependent on its strategic planning process and the ability to link the strategic plan with the organization mission and vision statement. However, the development of the organization strategic plan differs depending on the purpose of the organization the organization exists to serve (Bryson, 2015). Since, the organizations can be categorized broadly into for-profit and not-for-profit, the needs and capacity assessments differs greatly between the two sets of organizations. Although both strive to attain financial stability, the motive of the for-profit organization is to make profits, while the not-for-profits is to fill the gaps in service within the community.

            When carrying out strategic planning in not-for-profit and in public health organizations, there is often the need to carry out capacity/needs assessment in lieu of other strategic analyses such as SPACE analysis. The programs that are delivered by the public health and not-for-profit organizations are determined by the needs of the community and the capacity of the organizations to deliver on such needs (Duncan, Swayne, & Ginter, 2013). Although some programs such as disease control are mandated by the legislations, there is an assumption that such legislations are because of important needs and are supported by non-discretionary funding (Ugboro, Obeng, & Spann, 2010).           The needs of the community are functions of the requirements of the community, (which include disease, environmental and sanitation), the community……………………………………………………







Writers Solution

In November 2003 the U.S. Congress passed a controversial health policy bill that President George W. Bush signed into law.

Assignment: Individual project

3-4 pages (references and first page are not included)

In November 2003 the U.S. Congress passed a controversial health policy bill that President George W. Bush signed into law. The new legislation makes the most far-reaching changes to Medicare since the program was created in 1965. Please address the following questions:

  • Why were changes to Medicare deemed necessary?
  • What are the main provisions of the new legislation? Do you think they accomplish the desired goals?
  • Who was involved in setting the agenda for this policy change? Discuss the roles and interests of specific agenda setters and their influence on the development of the legislation.
  • Why was the legislation controversial? Discuss the claims of the law’s supporters and detractors. Who will benefit from the changes?
  • Do you think having electronically stored data (such as costs and access to individual patient files) played a role in the decision-making process?





Healthcare: The Controversial Health Policy Bill That President George W. Bush Signed Into Law

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

The 2003 Medicare Plan by President Bush


            The US healthcare system is perhaps one of the healthcare systems in the world with rich history. Most of the present reforms in US healthcare sector started after the Second World War. Since then, almost every American president has made an effort to bring forth reforms in the healthcare sector (Graham & Wood, 2011).  President Bill Clinton made unsuccessful attempt to bring healthcare reforms, when his controversial bill, the American Health Security Act of 1993, did not pass in the Congress. In contrast, Bush succeeded in ensuring healthcare reforms bill was passed in Congress before the 2004 election. However, there were general feelings among the analysts that the reforms included many provisions that had far-reaching consequences in the US healthcare sector.

Why the Changes to Medicare Deemed Necessary           There were many reasons that pushed the government into making changes to the Medicare plan that was eventually signed into law……………………………………







Writers Solution

Research health care organizations

Assignment 3: Information Governance

The 320 points

Using the Internet or Strayer University databases, research health care organizations / providers that have recently had a significant information technology failure, and complete this assignment.

Write a seven to eight (7-8) page paper in which you:

Determine the key factors contributing to the failure in question. Next, analyze how the failure impacted both the organization’s operations and patient information protection and privacy.
Analyze the leadership team’s reaction to the failure, and indicate whether the leadership took sufficient measures to deal with various stakeholder groups impacted by the failure. Provide support for the rationale.
Take a position on whether the health care provider that you identified should either develop a custom application or select a proprietary system. Provide support for the rationale.
Recommend at least three (3) best practices that any organization could adopt in order to avoid such a failure in the future. Provide support for the recommendation.
Suggest how health care leaders can use project metrics and portfolio management to ensure operational efficiency and effectiveness. Provide specific examples to support the response.
Analyze a government intervention into health care businesses, meant to ensure that health care and patient information is secure and thus to minimize information breaches and technology failures. Argue for or against such intervention. Support the position.
Use at least three (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length





Healthcare: Information Governance

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Information Governance

            Good information technology must enhance cognitive function, provide user experience, can be customized easily and effectively to the needs of the subspecialists and specialists, must effortlessly put the essential information to the hands of the physicians, should keep eHealth information securely, help facilitate better practice of medicine and outcomes and protect patient privacy. All these attributes point to the importance of maintaining an effective information technology in the healthcare setting. The information technology with no doubt has brought improvements in the healthcare setting and has improved the level of outcomes. However, a poorly designed information technology can bring huge loss of patient data and sometimes can cause patient data breaches as witnessed in the Health Net, which lost a hard drive that had information of close to 1.5 million members. Numerous healthcare providers have experienced information technology breakdowns in the……………….







Writers Solution

The Implication\’s that caused Clinton\’s Health Care Plan to Fail

The Implication\’s that caused Clinton\’s Health Care Plan to Fail

You can use your own references in APA format

This is what is expected from my professor. We need to synthesize why Clinton\’s Health Care plan was unsuccessful. Discuss the feature of the Clintons health care reform plan and provide reason why it failed and describe the influence of the various interest groups and governmental entities during the process — that is, the key players involved and other circumstances that shaped this policy-making effort. Also we have to consider these questions as well… 1) Take a position in support or opposition 2) Discuss the context of this legislation – name the expected demanders and suppliers 3) describe the expected interest groups and their specific arguments 4) describe the expected interplay between demanders and suppliers, interest groups and analyze the public policy environment.
Please remember to address the paragraph above and the questioned 1-4 as well.



Clinton\’s Health Care plan
The Implications that caused Clinton’s Health Care Plan to Fail


            The road to healthcare reforms in the United States has had a long period of development. After the end of the World War II, almost every president in the country has supported or initiated some reforms in the healthcare sector. President Clinton was the first democrat to be elected after 12 years, and he proposed numerous healthcare reforms. Using a report drafted by controversial task force headed by First Lady Hillary Clinton, President Clinton delivered American Health Security Act of 1993 to the Congress (Stites & Harbison with Dunn, Written by Jerry W. Taylor, 2014.). Using a concept that was termed as a “managed competition”, American Health Security Act of 1993 proposed to deliver affordable healthcare plans to all the citizens. However, in many of the presidential healthcare reforms, there have been many controversies, so was Clinton’s healthcare reform that was opposed by the health insurance and healthcare industry.

A Brief Summary of Clinton’s Healthcare Proposal

            Numerous public opinion surveys and electoral change were the major factors that set United States for healthcare reforms. After taking power, President Clinton outlined various healthcare reforms, which were intended to address the then high costs and disparity of healthcare coverage. The proposed healthcare reform would increase healthcare coverage through employer mandate and the federal government that would ensure that the citizens who did not afford insurance would get government subsidies. A cap on premiums would mitigate the high cost factor. These together with other healthcare reforms would not only make healthcare affordable and increase coverage, it would also have reduced the rate at which the government healthcare facilities accumulated liabilities. However, these reforms were not realized as they were not adopted into law.

Implications that Caused Clinton’s Healthcare Plan to Fail

            Since President Clinton had a greater domination of both the House of Representatives and senate, it was expected that his healthcare reforms would be adopted. When the proposed healthcare plan was brought into the pubic light, it was evident that it did not meet the expectations of many citizens and members of the Congress (Brady & Kessler, 2011). Indeed the numerous public opinions that were conducted showed that most Americans were satisfied with the healthcare insurance coverage that was in place. Depending on the type of questions asked, majority of the citizens expressed satisfaction with the existing healthcare plans and did not see the need for the president’s new proposed plan (Brady & Kessler, 2011). Many reasons were given and together with the influence of the interest groups and other government shortcomings, the bill was defeated.

 During his political career, President Clinton had relied heavily on first lady Hillary Clinton as one of his best advisors. When he took power, he appointed her as the head of the task force that was intended to create healthcare reforms. He knew that the first lady was passionate about the healthcare of over 60 million Americans, who were overwhelmed by high healthcare costs and less coverage. Yet the appointment of the first lady was his major failure in achieving his healthcare reforms (Charlottesville, 2011). In letting the first lady to be a major leader in policy and political power, it allowed many critics to attack her and the healthcare program, since they viewed it as a deviation from his predecessors.

            The other major cause of failure of the healthcare program to be passed into was the failure of President Clinton’s administrators to educate the population on what the bill contained. Instead of explaining coherently to the public regarding the 1,342-page bill, which was complicated, the president relied on self-assurance, moral ethic and vogue to sell the bill (Marcellus, 2009). The industry key players asserted that the complexity of the bill contributed to its failure. In addition, they asserted that the bill relied more on partisanship and created fear and confusion from the public (Marcellus, 2009). In agreement to the fact, the first lady was quoted for having acknowledged that their efforts were misunderstood and that she believed that the facts provided in the bill would speak for themselves (Marcellus, 2009).

            The failure of the administration to explain its policies created an open door for its opponents to articulate their interpretations the way they wanted. That was the time that the interest groups came into play and ran sponsored ads on the media with devastating attacks on the healthcare program. The major critics of the healthcare plan, the insurance industry, sponsored “Harry and Louise,” an advertisement that branded the healthcare plan as an attack on the freedom of choice of the individuals (Marcellus, 2009). Clinton\’s Health Care plan

The situation worsened and the accuracy of the program no longer made sense to the public. The Clintons relied on the advice of marketing consultants rather than delve into the truth about the contents of the healthcare bill. The huge misinformation produced devastating effects on the opinions of the American people. To show the extent of misinformation, some focus groups when asked about the plan, they showed great disapproval. However, when they were presented with the same plan disguised but explained to them, they rendered their approval (Marcellus, 2009). This showed how the interest groups had exploited the inability of the Clinton’s administration to define and coherently explain the facts to the public.

            The failure of Clinton to put in place successfully the universal healthcare plan could be attributed to poor direction from the detailed healthcare policy (Graham & Wood, 2011). The healthcare policy provided unclear policy frameworks for some of its provisions. For instance, the Healthcare Security Act proposed a state run program for the disabled of all income categories. Analysts viewed this as a relaxation of the eligibility of the Medicaid nursing home benefit and tax credits for the elderly. In the views of these analysts, the act provided no comprehensive policy framework that provided a direction for the program to tackle problems of major concern in the United States (Graham & Wood, 2011).

            The focus on the elderly as elucidated above let many to view the program as the one that had a narrow view of the healthcare problems in the United States. The program came at a time when there were many healthcare problems in the country and it was expected that the healthcare program that would be outlined then would be comprehensive and possess a wholistic view of the whole problems rather than attempt to present a narrow policy that focused on solving part of the problem. The Economist in its analysis in 2010 (Graham & Wood, 2011) asserted that the failure of the healthcare program as outlined by the administration of President Clinton was caused by “micro-managed” approach that the administration pursued.

            In addition to its incomprehensive healthcare package, other policy measures led to mistrust of the public on the healthcare program. Upon its introduction, the tax package and the economic stimulus package was altered from the one that Clinton wanted and led to a feeling of skepticism in the ability of the executive arm of the government to execute any meaningful legislation towards the same case. That made the passage of the healthcare plan an impossible feat to be achieved. Moreover, like Obama who was riding under wave of public expectations prior his election as a president, Clinton’s healthcare reform failure could be attributed to lack of expansive and decisive direction and fears from the administration that a controversial healthcare proposal would have faced opposition from the Congress.            

The Influence of Interest Groups on Failure of Clinton’s Healthcare Plan

            The history of the healthcare programs in the United States is often a subject of public debate among many interest groups. The healthcare plan as proposed by President Clinton was no exception, as its failure was attributed to the actions of interest groups who played a part in public misinformation. The debates have often sparked a fragmentation among the interest groups in the society, a divide and conquer strategy that has often become an impediment to achievement of universal healthcare plan. A number of interest groups played key roles in the downfall of the healthcare plan proposed by President Bill Clinton.

Clinton\’s Health Care plan

            The Insurance and Business Lobby Groups

            The media and the healthcare insurance companies had a great role in influencing the public opinion against the proposed healthcare plan. In opposing the healthcare plan, the Health Insurance Association of American (HIAA) sponsored an ad termed as “Harry and Louise,” which criticized the proposed healthcare plan as intruding on the freedom of choice. Due to the influence of the insurance companies, there was a development of a feeling of discontent. A situation was created where men were pitched against men and the uninsured against the insured. The strength of the healthcare insurance companies in the United States makes any effort to create an affordable healthcare plan a difficult process (Wahl-Jorg, 2007).

            The other interest groups that joined hands in defeating the proposed healthcare plan were the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), which represented small businesses as well as Health Insurance Association of American (HIAA) that represented insurers. They feared that if they backed the proposed healthcare plan, they would be forced to shoulder the employer mandate as highlighted in the program (Cutler & Gruber, 2001). Their counter arguments were that the proposed healthcare plan did not represent the views of the Americans.

Moreover, it was pointed that the major industry players were not involved in drafting the bill. There were numerous debates especially radio debates that were carried by the conservative radio talk hosts and insurance advertising that created lurid fears amongst the American population that the federal government, through the healthcare plan, would assume total control of the healthcare. Clinton\’s Health Care plan

Other Interest Groups

            There were other lobbyists from various sectors of the economy, which sought to carry out campaigns against the proposed healthcare plan. For example, Anheuser-Busch offered its trucks, which had placards that carried the writings that urged Bud drinkers to dial 1-800-BEER-TAX (Krauss, 1993). On dialing the number, the drinkers were made to realize that the cost of beer would increase due to increased tax, in order to fund the healthcare plan. This had a negative impact in the view of the healthcare plan. It made such population to turn against the bill.

            Similarly, IVAC Corporation that was based in San Diego, an intravenous pumps manufacturer, set up telephone bank, which its 20 employees called other healthcare workers. They urged them to write proposals to their representatives in order to urge them to oppose the proposed healthcare plan that limited hospitals from accessing medical technology. The lobbyist groups, instead of pursuing old tactics of “arm twisting” decided to employ the rather populist enterprise. In addition, campaigns were common also among the energy sectors, which used their massive advertisement budgets to carry out campaigns against the healthcare plan, terming it as proposing excessive taxation on energy products (Krauss, 1993).

Clinton\’s Health Care plan

Discussion Questions

The position adopted in regards to the healthcare plan as outlined by President Clinton is that of opposition. The major arguments that this paper highlighted together with the fact that the proposed bill did not involve major stakeholders, made it unrepresentative and it informed the position taken. Additionally, it would have been expected that the bill carried proper analysis on the implications of its various policies, inform relevant stakeholders, and incorporate their views. The major demanders of the bill ought to be all the American population and the suppliers were the various healthcare institutions under federal funding.

The interest groups are a representative of particular groups/class with similar interests. In healthcare industry, the interest groups include the healthcare insurance providers, public and other organizations that may be affected by specific policies as outlined in the healthcare program. The interest groups being affected directly or indirectly by the proposed healthcare policies have a case to present their concerns if they feel that the proposed policies infringe their rights.  Similarly, if the proposed policies do not lead to any meaningful improvement in the existing healthcare framework, then they have a right to object the proposed policies in order to be revised. In order for a successful healthcare policy program, it must take into consideration the contributions of all the major stakeholders who include public, interest groups and the healthcare providers. However, there must be developed a good framework in which the public can be educated concerning any proposed healthcare polic………………………………The Implication\’s that caused Clinton\’s Health Care plan to Fail…………………………………………………………………….





Writers Solution


Part 3:

Identify two types of statistical analyses used in research and provide an example of each.

Type of Statistical AnalysisDefine the statistical analysis(25 to 50 words each)Example of statistical analysis

Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.

Format your reference section and references used in your prompts and chart according to APA guidelines. Include a title page at the beginning of your worksheet. Use the topic health care research utilization

Types of Access and Measures to Health Care Access to care has been defined as the availability of healthcare services when needed by a patient at any time. While many factors such as insurance, type of service and specialization contribute to the access to care, equity access has been a problem in the United States. The Andersen model had proposed that access to care should be determined by whether the services are available when needed by patients. Also, the access could mean the potential entry of a patient to an established healthcare system. Andersen model, as emphasized by Babitsch, Gohl and von Lengerke (2012) focused on health utilization as a measure of access to care with predisposing, enabling and need factors as the main drivers. Therefore, the model cited geographic characteristics, financial issues and perceived need for care as important in determining access to care in different contexts (Babitsch, Gohl & von Lengerke, 2012). However, most researchers have studied types of access to care, including their measures by focusing on different aspects. First, service availability can define access to care. As a dimension to care, this type of access expects a service to available when a patient needs it. The opportunity of a health center to provide a service at any given point can be used to show access to care. Researchers have used the number of hospital beds and doctors as indicators of the level of access to care (Levesque, Harris & Russell, 2013). Indeed, most centers differ in the number of available doctors or hospital beds per capita, which could imply different levels of access to care for each. The variations have been used to determine the resources for individual hospitals, which have a significant impact on the accessibility of care. However, some researchers have suggested that access only points to supply without considering the demand (Quinn et al., 2017), health care research utilization….………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Why should multiple sampling methodologies be considered for health care research?

Assignment Content

·         W2-Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

  1. Why should multiple sampling methodologies be considered for health care research? Explain.
  2. What are the risks of sampling errors?

·         W3-Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

What internal and external influences can have an impact on care research use? Provide examples.

What do you believe has the biggest influence? Why?

·         W4-Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

What impact has past ethical issues had on today’s health care research? Provide an example.

What have we learned from this?

·         W5-Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

How has evidence-based research influenced health care research? Why is it important in the health care industry?



Sampling in health care research is very important since it helps the researcher to obtain accurate results from research. This has prompted the need for engaging in multiple sampling methodologies to ascertain that the results that would be obtained from the sampling methodologies are a true reflection of what occurs at the ground. When researching the health care industry, there is the need of the researcher to engage in utilizing multiple sampling methodologies. Through using numerous sampling methodologies, it enables are searcher to conclude the population from the numerous samples. Having numerous research methodologies when engaging in research it also helps the resea…………………………………………………………………………………………………….




Writers Solution

Health and Safety in Construction Sector.

Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Health and Safety in Construction Sector. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The industry is pinpointed as one of the dangerous industries due to its organizational and structural challenges in managing the inherent risks and the intrinsically perilous nature of the tasks involved. Activities such as excavations, bridge erection, painting, residential construction, demolitions, and roadway paving are continuously causing over 65% of deaths in the construction industry. This devastating death toll is contributed by ungrounded machinery, electrocutions, falling from rooftops (contributes 15% of deaths in the industry annually), falling construction equipment, and collapses as well as inhalation of asbestos or silica dust. Oversimplification of this problem would not help in its management. concrete health and safety recommendations stipulated by various laws must be adhered to.



The duties and responsibilities of maintaining and upholding health and safety in the construction lie with all the parties involved in the construction industry. All those involved in construction have a role to play in ensuring the safety of their health and safety and those of others. The laws governing construction works clearly stipulates the diverse roles and responsibilities of all the parties in engaging in construction (Commission of the European Communities, 1993). The director in a construction work carries the general responsibility for ensuring health and safety. Employers are required by the law to ensure the employee’s safety and welfare at work are observed. Additionally, the staff members also have duties to co-operate in meeting statutory expectations as defined by the health and safety at work act. In a nutshell, all the members of the CDM health and safety supply chain play critical roles in reducing risks at their risk in the workplace and those of other people.

Statement by Philip White that “employers are responsible for managing the health and safety risks faced by the employees, and educating them about these risks” is in line with the employees’ rights and safety responsibilities (CIOB contract, 2010. p. 44).Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Health and Safety Introduction: This milestone will analyse the construction sequence method and the health and safety procedures that must need to be undertaken for the Salford Bike Centre scheme. A construction sequence is a process which involves different engineering methods and techniques. The construction sequence takes into consideration the temporary and permanent works of the construction process. The construction sequence must take into consideration, the facilities required for the employees as well as the safety procedures that are required be put into place while constructing the building. During the construction sequence, the manager of the site must ensure all needs of the employees and the safety procedures of both the public and employees are implemented before the start of the construction. Things such as resting cabins, restrooms, a wall or fence that will lock off the construction site off from the public and to have the required machinery and materials needed to construct the building. The construction sequence of the Salford Bike Centre will be made on SketchUp to show visual representation of the actual work that will be carried out. There will be health and safety procedures that will need to be implemented. Things such as risk assessments and method statements will be made to ensure all legal regulations and legislations such as the Health and Safety at work act 1974 are met. The manager of the site will have to ensure that all employees hired are fully trained and qualified for the respective jobs. The public will also need to be considered and all measures of control need to be met to ensure that if anything happens, they will not be held liable for any problems or accidents that may occur. 207 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 What is a risk assessment? A risk assessment is a document which assess and identifies the risks that will be involved while carrying out a job. The whole point of a risk assessment is to identify and find solutions and control measures to reduce the risk of the hazards that may occur. For this construction sequence, there will be two risk assessments made, one for the site and one for the construction procedure. The risk assessment for both the site along with the construction processes and procedures has been done in this section. This section identifies the various risks associated with the construction along with the impact each of the identified risk has and the affected individuals due to the risk. Lastly, the control and prevention measures for the identified risks will be discussed to ensure that all risks, which can deter the constructions success and stability can be eliminated or prevented effectively. 208 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 2.1 Site and construction risk assessment: Table 13 – Risk Assessment Task hazard Persons at risk Damage caused from Risk hazards. level Control measures New risk level Woking on Working at Workers and the All the workers suffering scaffolding Height persons around injuries from falling, the heighted tripping. workstation. (5,5) 25 Use of Personal Protective Equipment’s for all the workers in form of high grip boots, gloves, (3,4) 12 helmets, goggles, ropes, vacuum Pedestrians getting hit equipment’s for grips . from falling debris causing injuries and death. Use of scaffolding for all the workers to ensure that the site does not let falling debris hit any individual or pedestrian below. Delievery of Traffic Jams, Students, staff, High vehicular movement materilas congestion due pedestrian can lead to traffic jams at to vehicles the site along with can 221 (2,3) 6 Using only early morning time and late evening time for scheduling of all the activities pertaining to (1,2) 2 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 and entering and cause accidents due to delivery and heavy vehicle equipment exiting the site heavy vehicular movement. movement at the site in Separate entry and exit points for University hours heavy vehicle, equipment and delivery vehicle movement. Use of warning signs across the entry and exit points for the site to protect the general public from any type of accidents by ensuring caution. Site security Unauthorized Contractors, Damage, theft, arson to access to the site manager, property. public members and students. (5,5) 25 Mishandling of wrong use of the property leading to workers suffering from accidents or injuries later. 222 Use of limited access via Biometrics and use of CCTVs and alarms along with motion sensors to be done for the site to ensure no illegal entry whether intentional or accidental can occur. (3,5) 15 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Warning signs for restricted access to be put around the fence of the site and all doors and windows as well just to be sure that no illegal access can occur at the site location. Waste Waste managment Segregation and disposal from the site Workers, Improper disposal of students and waste can lead to staff diseases, infections and (3,5) 15 Waste bins to be installed at all workstations, large waste disposal containers for extra waste can lead to polluting the material to be placed at the site local environment as well and all waste to be collected and placed near the waste collection point to ensure daily waste removal from the site can effectively occur. 223 (1,5) 5 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Toxic Air pollution All workers, Saw dust, steel and neighborhood aluminum remains, brick pollutants present along pieces and dust. released to the the site location fumes/waste through atmosphere (4,4) 16 Use of silencers on heavy equipments and vehicles. Only operating the equipments and (2,4) 8 vehicles on weekends and not on Noise pollution through weekdays when the university heavy machinery, remains closed. vehicles and equipments. Covering the entire construction area with a large tent for the workstations that will dissipate the dust and control in to the location only which can later to washed. Electrical Electrica All workers or Workers tripping and equipment electruation and employees falling on any open debris and fires. entering the site at the site leading to location 224 (4,5) 20 No materials to be dispersed and (2,5) kept scattered and all material needed must be collected and 10 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 electrical injuries, fractures or even confined to the work stations only installation death of Workers and not to the pathways. Pathways must be kept clear at all times to ensure that the tripping or falling of employees can be prevented. Pipeline Flood Risk at the All workers and Building strength might instalaltion site users during the get compromised due to operational flood water entering the phases of the facility building (3,4) 12 Use of retaining walls around the site to be done. All the electrical and communication installations to be Flood water destroying done at a height above the flood the property substantially level. and causing damage to both life and property Use of water proof interior and exterior materials to be done for the site location. 225 (2,4) 8 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Lifting Equipment falling Workers, staff Lifting operations may operation down. and cause physical problems Workers being for employees overtime. (5,5) 25 Ensure allways of the employess are notified with the risks of not carrying out lifting operations correctly. crushed. All employees must be trained. While constructing, lifting machines must be maintained and checked up on a regular basis to aviod accidnets from occuring. 226 (2,5) 10 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Constructions phases: The construction Sequence for the Salford Bike Centre will be conducted in 5 phases in the form of the Initial Project Definition phase, Project Planning and Design phase, Contracting Phase, Construction Phase and lastly the Move-in or Ready for use Phase. 4.1 Phase 1: Initial Project Definition: The phase will initiate with the University passing and approving the project for the construction of the Salford Bike Centre and then the establishment of the entire project accounting records, the space analysis, costing study along with the scheduling planning shall occur. The phase will also witness the preliminary funding plan along with the review pertaining to the scope of the project. 4.2 Phase 2: Project Planning and Design: The designing of the Centre will be done keeping the design aligned with the regulations and laws pertaining to design and construction and with the safety and health regulation in UK. The schematic design phase along with the specification shall occur during this phase. 4.3 Phase 3: Contracting Phase: The phase will involve the University officials and representative discussing on the validity of the bidders for the construction work and then evaluating their bids to ascertain the best bid for the construction. Also, the final contractor to whom the contract needs to be awarded will be finalized and awarded the contract based on the costing, labour, time and experience for the project. 4.4 Phase 4: Construction Phase: During this phase the issuance of the notice for proceeding will be given to the contractor and then the establishment of the construction schedule will be done, and each activity will start to commence as per the stipulated timeline finalized. Monitoring of all the construction will also be done to ascertain whether the timeline 225 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 for the activities is being followed and whether any changes are needed in terms of resource allocation, time allocation or labour allocation to any activity which is lagging in terms of its schedule or whether any changes are necessitated in terms of the working or design. Lastly conducting the inspection, punch list for the activities of the project for its successful completion is to be done. 4.5 Phase 5: Move in and post Construction: The final schedule of installation of equipment’s, furniture will be carried out and installation of communication lines, IT equipment’s will be done for the Centre and the post construction activity will involve coordinating efforts pertaining to any warranty problems in the construction regarding any faulty materials installed or equipment faltering. Conducting the final warranty inspections after 11 months of the construction completion to ensure that the construction has been successfully done and implemented will be carried out for the Salford Bike Centre. 226 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 Detailed explanation of phase 4 (construction phase): All visual represenations will be shown via screenshots of the Sketchup designs. 5.1 Health and safety precautions and setting up of site: This part involves the installation of restrooms and cabins on the site for the employess that will carry out the construction work. A wall or fence will have to be made to lock of the area from the public and signs will need to be put up to identify that work is in place and that the site is not for public entry. Figure 97 – Cabins and fencing 5.2 Machinery: The machinery required will have to be transported to the location. The machinery will ahev to kept safe overnight and will need regular maintenance checks to aviod any accidents that may occur during the activities. Figure 98 – Machinery 227 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 5.3 Excavation: Excavation is one of the most important steps of the construction sequence. the excavation procedure allows for the foundations to be put into place to support the building. The excavtion procedure will be carried out by a fully skilled and qualified excavator. The excavated area has to be level and carried out correctly and to a professional standard to aviod any problems as the construction process develops. All of the excavated soils have to be disposed of correctly or reused. Figure 99 – Excavation 228 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 5.4 Foundations placement: This part will involve the placement of the foundations. This procedure is very important and must be carried out by competent engineers. This is because the foundations transfer the applied forces that will be applied on the building away from the bulidng to keep it stable and safe for use. Figure 100 – Foundations 5.5 Column placement: The following procedure is the placement of the columns on top of the already placed foundations. This process is very dangerous and requires care and time. Figure 101 – Columns 229 Riyad Abdualmalek, Shambel Bereket, Maytham Boabbas and Yousef Alyaseen First year Civil Engineering – IDE Group 15 5.6 Beam placements: The final part of the structrual construction is the placement of the primary and secondary beams that will be connected to the columns. Figure 102 – Beams 230 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….




Writers Solution

Role of the nurse as a health professional and leader.

This presentation will examine the role of the nurse as a health professional and leader.

  • Choose a high-risk risk population (older adult with diabetes)
  • Address a health care need for this population
  • What resources are provided for this population?
  • What are the economic priorities, challenges, and issues for this population?
  • What are the major ethical, societal, professional, and legal system-level issues confronting providers, insurers, public policymakers, and organizations regarding the care for this population
  • How could nursing intervene or advocate to improve the health care delivery for this population

This PowerPoint (Microsoft Office) or Impress (Open Office) presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides (maximum of 30 slides), including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Use the audio recording feature with the presentation software. Use at least four scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Signature Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation. This presentation is worth 400 points for quality content and presentation.




The Role of the Nurse Leader

Students Name

Institutional Affiliation


The Role of the Nurse Leader

Nurse Leader Actions Relating To Communication

Team communication is an essential component in improving patient safety (Childress,2015) and a nurse leader would set the tone for the whole endoscopy unit with regard to nurse

provider communication, nurse-nurse communication, and nurse-patient and family communication. Use of a safety checklist can foster communication both during time outs and sign out. Communication breakdown is among the factors that increase the risk of near misses and poor communication among teams in the endoscopy unit can compromise the safety of the procedure. Both written and verbal communication play an essential role in patient safety through extended updating of patient briefings conducted during endoscopic techniques. A nurse leader can utilize his/her influence to strengthen communication throughout the endoscopy unit.Nurse leaders can nurture communication by making themselves accessible and by developing a formation for unit wide partnership. Nurse leaders can also initiate frequent orientations and other team briefings to enable regular communication. In addition, a nurse leader can plan nurses teams where they review a patient and dispense nursing interventions as a group. With a wide view on how nursing team works and its impact on patient outcomes, a nurse …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….





Writers Solution

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

SOCW 6070 WK 6 Discussion 1: Ethics and the Law

When working with clients, it is important to maintain professional boundaries to safeguard both you and your clients. Legislation such as HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) and the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics are specific in how you as a social worker should protect client information and safeguard confidentiality. Responding ethically in a professional situation may be clear in most situations, but not necessarily in all situations. Even though you have established laws and code of ethics to guide your decision-making process, you may still face ethical conflicts.

For this Discussion, review the media of the Bradley case and consider how the case relates to social work professional ethics.

300 to 500 words questions in bold then the answers: Case study and resources provided

Post the strategy you would use to address the Teen First director’s request if you were the social worker in the Bradley case. 

Then, describe a hypothetical situation in which an organization’s decision conflicts with your personal/professional ethics but remains within the law. 

Explain how you would respond to this situation, and why.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


Northouse, P. G. (2021). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

Chapter 12, “Addressing Ethics in Leadership” (pp. 308- 335)

National Association of Social Workers. (2017) Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from 

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