Writers Solution

CYBER SECURITY and how it can impact today’s healthcare system and the future

 Topic is on CYBER SECURITY and how it can impact today’s healthcare system and the future; Start by reading and following these instructions:

Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.


Recommendations Document

Due Week 6

(100 pts)

Main Assignment

  • Recommendations Document

The 1250 to 1500-word deliverable for this week is an initial draft of your recommendations. Note that this is a working document and may be modified based on insights gained in module eight and your professor’s feedback. This document should contain the following elements:

  1. Summary of your problem or opportunity definition
  2. A list of possible recommendation alternatives. In this section, you are not yet at the point of suggesting the best set of recommendations but you are trying to be creative and explore all the different ways that the problem or opportunity might best be addressed. The end result here will be a list of alternatives among which you will choose your final recommendations.
  3. Delineation of your suggested actions and recommendations and your initial thinking about the reasons why such recommendations are the best approaches in your present project.
  4. Delineation of some of the kinds of metrics that would show that you have been successful. Here is a great place for integrating SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) as one kind of metric. To learn more about SMART goals, click here. However, your metrics should not be restricted to just SMART goals. What other metrics would help you and the criminal justice entity know that your plan has worked?


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on topic of this capstone project is: CYBER SECURITY and how it can impact today’s healthcare system and the future

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Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues

Discussion: Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues

Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.

For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain nurses. However, evidence suggests that as nurses work more hours in a shift, they commit more errors. How do effective leaders find a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of ensuring quality, effective, and safe patient care?

In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue (nursing burnout) and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue.


Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor (nurse burnout) you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples


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Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity

Discussion response


Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity. The incorporation of a HCO handbook detailing the organization’s policies, procedures and compliance to the Joint Commission, encourages compliance and responsibility to all employees. As stated by the The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services’ [t]he purpose of compliance policies and procedures is to establish brightline rules that help employees carry out their job functions in a manner that ensures compliance with Federal health care program requirements and furthers the mission and objective of the hospital itself.” (National Law Review, 2018). The handbook should include topics such as Confidentiality, Fraud, data privacy, organizational safety and professional culture (workplace conduct and employment practices). These policy and procedures are part of the Joint Commision standards and expectations to help HCO provide safe, high quality care.

Handbooks have specific and direct procedure manuals on how a HCO is conduct itself and the policies in which it inforces. The prevention of legal violations is key in protecting patients personal information and the employees themselves. The confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in regards to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), is at foremost a priority for any HCO. Disclosing or falsifying PHI can result is large monetary fines which are huge losses for HCO. Stating who has access and the specifics of what they have access to should be discussed in the handbook. Especially when all employees are not privy to all PHI.  Similarly, The Joint Commision requires its own employees to oblige “In accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards, Joint Commission Personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of The Joint Commission’s intellectual property, employee and financial information, and any confidential proprietary or otherwise sensitive information received from or about health care organizations, including protected personal information.” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Incorporating policies for fraudulent behavior such a submitting false billing claims to Medicare of Medicaid would help prevent against any legal action in the False Claim Act. This would also include what to do if fraudulent behavior is detected. Also include is the reporting avenues and employee protection in the event of a whistleblower.

Policy and procedural handbooks work in all HCO, specifically any organization that participates in federally funded payment programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE. This includes hospitals, long term care, hospice, military and physicians practicing in the private sector. 

This serves as a “best practice” for any HCO that promotes a culture of compliance and responsibility to the patients, employees and itself. By providing the handbook on policies and procedures to all employees, it holds each individual accountable. Each employee should be required to sign acknowledging they will follow all guidelines. Incorporation of handbooks makes it clear how each individual’s plays a part “in the organization’s efforts to prevent, detect, respond to, and report violations of laws, government regulations, and ethical rules.” (National Law Review, 2022).

This best practice is beneficial to not only healthcare organizations but any company/organization that deals with protected personal information(names, social security numbers, drivers license) such as banks and credit card companies

National Law Review. ( 2022, June 8). Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program.

The Joint Commission, (n.d.). The Joint Commission Code of Conduct Manual.

Discussion response 2


Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity. The incorporation of a HCO handbook detailing the organization’s policies, procedures and compliance to the Joint Commission, encourages compliance and responsibility to all employees. As stated by the The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services’ [t]he purpose of compliance policies and procedures is to establish brightline rules that help employees carry out their job functions in a manner that ensures compliance with Federal health care program requirements and furthers the mission and objective of the hospital itself.” (National Law Review, 2018). The handbook should include topics such as Confidentiality, Fraud, data privacy, organizational safety and professional culture (workplace conduct and employment practices). These policy and procedures are part of the Joint Commision standards and expectations to help HCO provide safe, high quality care.

Handbooks have specific and direct procedure manuals on how a HCO is conduct itself and the policies in which it inforces. The prevention of legal violations is key in protecting patients personal information and the employees themselves. The confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in regards to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), is at foremost a priority for any HCO. Disclosing or falsifying PHI can result is large monetary fines which are huge losses for HCO. Stating who has access and the specifics of what they have access to should be discussed in the handbook. Especially when all employees are not privy to all PHI.  Similarly, The Joint Commision requires its own employees to oblige “In accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards, Joint Commission Personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of The Joint Commission’s intellectual property, employee and financial information, and any confidential proprietary or otherwise sensitive information received from or about health care organizations, including protected personal information.” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Incorporating policies for fraudulent behavior such a submitting false billing claims to Medicare of Medicaid would help prevent against any legal action in the False Claim Act. This would also include what to do if fraudulent behavior is detected. Also include is the reporting avenues and employee protection in the event of a whistleblower.

Policy and procedural handbooks work in all HCO, specifically any organization that participates in federally funded payment programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE. This includes hospitals, long term care, hospice, military and physicians practicing in the private sector. 

This serves as a “best practice” for any HCO that promotes a culture of compliance and responsibility to the patients, employees and itself. By providing the handbook on policies and procedures to all employees, it holds each individual accountable. Each employee should be required to sign acknowledging they will follow all guidelines. Incorporation of handbooks makes it clear how each individual’s plays a part “in the organization’s efforts to prevent, detect, respond to, and report violations of laws, government regulations, and ethical rules.” (National Law Review, 2022).

This best practice is beneficial to not only healthcare organizations but any company/organization that deals with protected personal information(names, social security numbers, drivers license) such as banks and credit card companies

National Law Review. ( 2022, June 8). Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program.

The Joint Commission, (n.d.). The Joint Commission Code of Conduct Manual.

 Discussion 3

Response 1 paragraph

Thanks for the post. Is it unethical for someone not to get required immunizations? Explain


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Post a description of the current national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis.

Discussion: Review of Current Healthcare Issues If you were to ask 10 people what they believe to be the most significant issue facing healthcare today, you might get 10 different answers. Escalating

Discussion: Review of Current Healthcare Issues

If you were to ask 10 people what they believe to be the most significant issue facing healthcare today, you might get 10 different answers. Escalating costs? Regulation? Technology disruption?

These and many other topics are worthy of discussion. Not surprisingly, much has been said in the research, within the profession, and in the news about these topics. Whether they are issues of finance, quality, workload, or outcomes, there is no shortage of changes to be addressed.

In this Discussion, you examine a national healthcare issue and consider how that issue may impact your work setting. You also analyze how your organization has responded to this issue.


Post a description of the current national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your work setting (my work setting is a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Facility). Then, describe how your health system work setting has responded to the healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented. Be specific and provide examples.

  • Discussion is to consist of 3 paragraphs with 750 words no less than 550. With at least 3 references no more than 5 years old


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Describe the functions carried out by healthcare managers, and give an example of a task in each function.

Read your text and view video 1 above. Answer the questions below in detail:

Describe the functions carried out by healthcare managers, and give an example of a task in each function. Explain why interpersonal skills are important in healthcare management.Why is the healthcare manager’s role in ensuring high performance so critical? Explain

Read your text and view video 2 above. Answer the questions below in detail:

  1. What is the difference between leadership and management?
  2. Are leaders born, or are they trained? How has the history of leadership in the United States evolved to reflect this question?
  3. What are the leadership domains and competencies? Can you be a good leader and not have all the competencies listed in this model?

In order to receive full credit for your Discussion Board assignment you must give complete and detailed answers for all the questions and cite a minimum of 2 references (Only 1 can be the textbook)


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Describe the functions carried out by healthcare managers, and give an example of a task in each function.

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You are a healthcare professional seeking to become a manager

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources.  Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources.  Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


Length: 1500 word essay

Structure: include a title and a reference page. These pages do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

References: Use at least one APA style in-text citation and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions.   

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or Docx).

Filename: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number  (for example “RHallAssignment1.docx”).

Submission: Submit to D2L Dropbox for grading by Monday at 11:59 p.m., PST.

Assignment Description:

Goal: Summarize how you will use all the habits in a summative paper.

Role: You are a healthcare professional seeking to become a manager.

Audience: Supervisor.

Situation: You want to demonstrate to your manager that you can are able to apply all 7 habits of highly effective people through a journal reflection that shows how you would apply them to the workplace.


You need to continuously sharpen your saw. In a journaling paper, describe how you plan to keep your saw sharp, using all the 7 habits. Apply them to your workplace or potential workplace to demonstrate not only knowledge of the habits, but how you would apply them in the healthcare workplace. Reference Covey’s book and other references as needed.

Standards and Criteria for Success:

All seven habits must be described well and applied to healthcare workplace scenarios. Covey’s book must be properly cited/referenced, as well as any others that are used as evidence for applicants


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Enhancing Cyber Security In Healthcare -With The Help Of Machine Learning

Topic is “Enhancing Cyber Security In Healthcare -With The Help Of Machine Learning”.

Research Questions:

How can we control the access to sensitive healthcare information and systems?

How to provide data security for affected healthcare data breaches?

How to enhance the cybersecurity in healthcare to overcome the cyber attacks ?

11.1 Mock Dissertation Chapter One Introduction

Overview: As you observed in the LIVE session, there is a connection between chapter three and chapter one. Therefore, as an extension of our week in the mock chapter three from last week, we will write a mock chapter one. For the sake of preparation, we will be using the required headings from the University of the Cumberlands Dissertation Handbook. Like we discuss in class, each university has unique parameters for what they expect in chapter one, so you may see papers from other universities that look slightly different. The importance here is to focus on the content, not necessarily the organization. This assignment will help determine your readiness to write a full-length chapter one.


1. Review the rubric and examples to make sure that you understand what is expected of you in this assignment.

a. Chapter One Samples.pdf Chapter One Samples.pdf – Alternative Formats

b. Rubric for Chapter One.docx Rubric for Chapter One.docx – Alternative Formats

2. Develop a 3-4 page (more is fine) mock chapter one to include the following expectations from the university:

o Overview (1-2 well developed paragraphs)

o Background and problem statement (1-2 well developed paragraphs)

o Purpose of the study (1 well developed paragraph)

o Significance of the study (1 well developed paragraph)

o Research Questions (numbered list)

o Limitations of the Study (1 short paragraph)

o Assumptions (1 short paragraph)

o Definitions (list)

o Summary (1 well developed paragraph)

3. Turn in your “mock” chapter one to the submission box.

Sample to write

Chapter 1


Since the publication of the Reagan era education report,ANationatRisk,theUnited Stateshasfocusedattentiononeducation reform(United States, 1983). Thisreportused compelling languageto describeAmerica’s schoolsaslargely inadequate andunabletomeet globaldemandsoneducation, thereby leaving America’sfuturein jeopardy. Sincethattime schoolleadershaveembraced variouseducation reformmovements suchasNoChild LeftBehind and EveryStudentSucceedsAct(NoChild LeftBehind[NCLB],2002,Every StudentSucceeds Act[ESSA],2008). Each withtheir ownmeasuresofstandardizedtesting,academicachievement, and schoolperformance. Perhapsoverlooked istheimportanceofschoolclimateintheoverall schoolimprovementprocess. ClevelandandSink(2018)promotethenotion thatstudent perspectivesonschoolclimateshould beincluded inschoolimprovementplans. Otherresearches suchas Zahid (2014),suggestschoolclimateto bethenumberoneconsideration forstudent academicachievement.

Dutta &Sahney(2016)researched therelationship between schoolclimate andstudent achievementandsuggested apositivecorrelation. Schoolprincipalsaretheleadersoftheir building, shaping acompelling visionforthefuturewhilepromoting safety,academic achievement,andapositiveclimate. Depending ontheschools’size,theprincipal’sjob description may includecurriculum, discipline, community relations, andfiscalresponsibilities. Principals are required tobalance theexpectations ofstate, community, and districtleaders toproducethehighest possiblestandardized testing, personnel,and schoolclimateresults. Theseresponsibilitiesmake themoneofthemostinfluential schoolimprovement figures.

Backgroundandproblem statement

Leadership practicesutilized byprincipals arevitalto thequalityoftheir jobperformance.

Theinfluenceofaprincipalextendstotheperception ofallinternaland externalstakeholders. With increasing research tosuggestpositiveschoolclimatescould beaninfluentialcomponent of schoolimprovement, principals should consider theextenttowhichinternal stakeholderssuch as theteaching faculty perceive their influenceoverschoolclimate. Theextentto which principals can influenceschoolclimate inArkansas’ schoolsisunknown.


Thepurposeofthisquantitativecorrelational research wastoinvestigate if andtowhat extentprincipal leadership practicescorrelatewithschoolclimate asperceived byteachersinthein ruralandsuburbanschoolsinArkansas. Thisstudyinvestigatedthebivariatecorrelationbetween theteachers’perception oftheschoolprincipal’sleadershippracticesandthecorresponding school’sclimatescores. Twenty-fourschoolsareincluded inthesamplesizefromsixgeographic regionsofArkansas. Inall, 626teachersparticipated, answeringsurveysregarding their perspective of24schoolprincipalsandthe correspondingschoolclimates in Arkansas.The leadership practicesoftheprincipal andtheschoolclimate werethevariablesforthisstudy. Significanceofthestudy

Theextantresearch onschoolclimateincultureislimited. Principalsseeking toimprove their schoolsneed guidanceonhowto promotethebestpossibleenvironmentforpositivestudent outcomes. Promoting apositiveschoolclimatemay provebeneficialto increasing student academicachievement. Understanding theleadership practicesasperceived thatpromotea positiveschoolclimatewillbenefitprincipalsseeking toimprovetheir schools. Thisstudywill recommend leadership practicesthatmay promoteapositive schoolclimateforoverallschool



RQ1:To whatextentdoesthe overallindexofprincipal’s leadership practices correlatewith schoolclimate asperceived byhighschoolteachersin 24ruraland suburban schoolsin Arkansas?


Thescopeofthisstudymeasures theclimatesandleadership behaviorsof24schoolsand principals. Given thatschoolclimatescanchangerelativelyquickly andaresubjectto factors beyond theprincipals’ control, theresultsofthiscross-sectionalstudymay onlybe appropriatefor implementation forashorttime afterwards. Assumptions

Thisstudyassumesthattheinstruments usedwillaccurately portray leadership behaviors ofschoolprincipalsandproperly assessschoolclimates. Responsesreceivedfromteachersare believedtoaccurately reflecttheir supervising principalandaccurately measurethecorresponding schoolclimate. Definitions Principal.Thehead leadership position inaschool. Principalsmanagetheday-to-dayschool operationsaswellasmanage discipline, curriculum, andcommunity engagement. Schoolculture. Thecollectivebeliefsandnormsofaschool. Summary

Schoolclimatemaybethemissinglink ofpasteducationreforms. Principalshavethe abilitytoinfluencetheclimateoftheir respectiveschools. Researcheshavesuggested apositive correlation between schoolclimateandstudentachievement(Dutta&Sahney,2016). Providing schoolprincipals withbestpractices topromoteapositiveschoolclimatemay aideinoverall



Cleveland,R. E.,&Sink,C. A. (2018). Studenthappiness,schoolclimate, and school improvementplans. ProfessionalSchoolCounseling, 21(1) doi:

Dutta, V. &Sahney,S. (2016),Schoolleadership and itsimpactonstudentachievement:The mediating roleofschoolclimateandteacher jobsatisfaction, InternationalJournalof EducationalManagement, 30(6),941-958.

Every StudentSucceedsActof2015,Pub. L. No. 114-95§114Stat. 1177(2015-2016).

NoChild LeftBehind(NCLB)Actof2001,Pub. L. No. 107-110,§101,Stat. 1425(2002).

United States. National CommissiononExcellenceinEducation. (1983). Anation atrisk:The imperativeforeducationalreform. Washington, D.C.:TheNational Commissionon Excellence inEducation.

Zahid, G. (2014). Directandindirectimpact ofperceived schoolclimateuponstudentoutcomes. AsianSocialScience, 10(8),90-102.


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Healthcare reform efforts in South America

Health Insurance Annotated Bibliography

Nina Johnson

School of Business, Liberty University

Annotated Bibliography in Health Insurance

Serrate, P. C. F., Rigoli, F., Atun, R., Frenz, P., Garcia, P., de Andrade, L. O. M., & Gomez-Dantes, O. (2014). Health-system reform and universal health coverage in Latin America.

This article examines healthcare reform efforts in South America. The authors look into the context-specific obstacles driving innovation in LAC healthcare systems and the substantiation of healthcare systems policy changes, such as health system governance and leadership, health system funding, resource planning, and provision of services. The authors highlight several key accomplishments based on these research results, including broadened Medicaid of social welfare and medical coverage, extensive coverage of health services predicated on thorough principal health care, enhancements in health results, insurance coverage, and gratification.

Borgonovi, E., & Compagni, A. (2013). They are sustaining universal health coverage: the interaction of social, political, and economic sustainability. Value in health, 16(1), S34-S38.

The article highlights what most experts believe regarding sustainable economic growth when they imagine achieving sustainable development. Nevertheless, it is critical to recognize that sustainability has social and political aspects. According to the strategy commentary and analysis in this article, economic insufficiency could be utilized to subvert political and socially sustainable development. They assert compellingly that assessing management strategies should play a larger role in evaluating financial viability.

Drummond, M., Tarricone, R., & Torbica, A. (2013). Assessing the added value of health technologies: reconciling different perspectives. Value in Health, 16(1), S7-S13.

The article by Drummond, Tarricone, and Torbica discusses the difficulties that UHC structures encounter in providing access to expensive technological innovations. It sheds some light on the connection between health technology appraisal and universal health insurance. The authors highlight the innate pressure that persists among the relevant parties, such as patients, payers, and innovators of new technologies.

Evans, D. B., Marten, R., & Etienne, C. (2012). Universal health coverage is a development issue. The Lancet, 380(9845), 864-865.

Even though social and ecological variables have an influence on health, sustaining and enhancing health is both an aspect and a predictor of sustainability because improved health corresponds significantly to human development. Keeping folks healthy, high-quality healthcare mechanisms with universal coverage safeguard people from ailments, promote economic growth and combat poverty. They also help maintain peaceful coexistence by assuring the citizens that services are accessible in the circumstance of illness. As a result, one of the prerequisites for sustainable growth must be to assist countries in moving nearer to universal health care.

Frank, J. (2015). Leading the way towards universal health coverage: a call to action. The Lancet, 385(9975), 1352-1358.

The invite to intervention underscores the next stages that could assist Latin America, and the remainder of the undeveloped nations achieve the objective of universal health care. Because of the complexity and scale of Latin America’s hurdles, current policy inventions, and distributed health complications with the poorest countries, teachings from South America could be implemented to other nations and wider conversations of global health restructuring.

Garrison, L. P. (2013). Universal health coverage—big thinking versus big data. Value in Health, 16(1), S1-S3.

This is the first of 8 articles in a special edition highlighting the variety of methods and methods used by social sciences to comprehend and satisfy the emerging obstacles of a progressively intricate and worldwide healthcare setting. All in all, the new issue focuses on the many aspects and concerns surrounding the broadly sought-after objective of Universal health care. The publications primarily discuss big thoughts predicated on a small number of “attributes,” that is, commonly kept suppositions regarding actions, often premised on a comprehensive evaluation of our understanding.

Horton, R. (2014). Offline: WHO offers a new future for sustainable development. The Lancet, 383(9932), 1872.

The article is about WHO responding to incredible demand from nations by emphasizing UHC post-2015. Dr Chan has defied the conservative politics of some funders who view Universal health care as a philosophy rather than a scheme that can be implemented. WHO also establishes four goals. To begin, the goal is to “accomplish the MDGs for infant, kid, and maternity care, as well as major infectious diseases.” “Confront the hardship of noncommunicable, concussions, and psychiatric disorder,” says the second sub-goal. The third goal is to “improve healthcare quality with financial threat safety.”

Horton, R., & Das, P. (2014). Universal health coverage: not why, what, or when–but how?. Lancet (London, England), 385(9974), 1156-1157.

The debate over universal health coverage has been on the winning end and is gaining rapidly. Still, the assignment of providing Universal health care to the nations in need of adaptable healthcare systems has only just begun. But a slight headway has been made in the domain of complicated policy formulation. UHC is no longer a question of “how, which one, or even when.” It is today a matter of “how.” The major disparity for nations attempting to provide UHC is connectivity to a library of understanding, insight, and funds aid in decision-making.

Kruk, M. E. (2013). Universal health coverage: a policy whose time has come. BMJ, 347. Health care insurance is both the right and logical idea to do. It moves nations closer to acknowledging a person’s right to health, a worldwide dedication made yet still unmet in many nations. Furthermore, it is an effective method of financing healthcare. Getting more health out of healthcare investment portfolios reduces clients’ economic strain. Individuals in middle and low nations are progressively demanding good healthcare, according to a current study of Asian and African survey participants. This growing attention comes as low-income nations’ economy expands and taxpayers demand more from their authorities, such as a greater social welfare system.

Reich, M. R., Harris, J., Ikegami, N., Maeda, A., Cashin, C., Araujo, E. C., & Evans, T. G. (2016). Moving towards universal health coverage: lessons from 11 country studies. The Lancet, 387(10020), 811-816.

This book summarizes the thoughts and feelings of 11 nations in trying to implement initiatives and approaches to accomplish and sustain global health insurance: Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, Indonesia, Japan, Peru, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. These nations portray a wide range of geographic and economic circumstances. Still, they have all dedicated themselves to Universal health care as a major strategic ambition, are pursuing it in various aspects, and are at various phases of attaining or maintaining it.

McKee, M., Balabanova, D., Basu, S., Ricciardi, W., & Stuckler, D. (2013). Universal health coverage: a quest for all countries but under threat in some. Value in Health, 16(1), S39-S45.

McKee et al. (2013) examine the prospective fragile nature of UHC by combining prior analysis of data with huge thoughts regarding historical events. This article explains how many advanced and developing nations have accomplished universal care. They trawl through the information to track the following five important resources that facilitate UHC: the grit of labor unions and the left-wing parties that portray it and access to resources.

Dellinger, R. P., Levy, M. M., Rhodes, A., Annane, D., Gerlach, H., Opal, S. M., & Moreno, R. (2013). Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock, 2012. Intensive care medicine, 39(2), 165-228.

A workable health system is critical to achieving health insurance, and this has been the subject of current declarations by activist groups and other groups around the world. The central factor for low- and middle-income nations’ health systems is providing greater financial security for households. The vital funding question would be whether the majority of the people will pay.

Missoni, E. (2013). Understanding the impact of global trade liberalization on health systems pursuing universal health coverage. Value in Health, 16(1), S14-S18.

Missoni’s article is a reflective policy piece investigating the future effects of the global economic reform on UHC. The article examines the potential negative effects of world trade on every of WHO’s six health framework basic components: customer service, integrated health, details, medical supplies, immunizations, innovations, funding, and management and leadership. While commerce and understanding synergies, such as the advantage of reduced, first-line antiretroviral therapy for HIV, could indeed support developing nations, the article recognizes several potential negative consequences.

Mulley, A., Evans, T., & Binagwaho, A. (2013). Meeting the challenges of providing universal health coverage. BMJ, 347.

Inclusive and inexpensive universal medical insurance, as well as advancements in individual’s health, could be attained by simply broadening and ramping up history’s “one-piece suit all” patient care designs. According to the 2010 World Health Organization report, 20-40% of existing medical spending is squandered. This squandering stems from both the failings to provide treatment safely and efficiently, as well as the overexploitation of services that surpasses what individuals would desire if they were notified of the options and the results.

Savedoff, W. D., de Ferranti, D., Smith, A. L., & Fan, V. (2012). Political and economic aspects of the transition to universal health coverage. The Lancet, 380(9845), 924-932.

This paper investigates the backgrounds of universal health insurance in 4 nations: Sweden, Japan, Chile, and Malaysia. It demonstrates that domestic stresses for normative medical access are extraordinarily diverse, pervasive, and tenacious. Second, global medical insurance is always associated with a substantial government role, although the involvement can take many shapes. Thirdly, the route to global health insurance is ad hoc, resulting from bargaining rather than layout. Eventually, universal medical insurance is achieved gradually and gradually over time.

Temkin, L. S. (2014). Universal Health Coverage: Solution or Siren? Some Preliminary Thoughts. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 31(1), 1-22.

This article relates explicitly to the burgeoning wave of support for the notion that UHC ought to be available to all people, including those in developing nations. While the writer supports the ultimate goal of achieving UHC worldwide as early as possible, the article conveys Temkin’s concerns about “whether the world’s wealthy nations, or organizations such as the World Health Organization, should be pressing the world’s poorest nations to take whatever measures are critical to achieve that objective.”

Campbell, J., Buchan, J., Cometto, G., David, B., Dussault, G., Fogstad, H., Fronteira, I., Lozano, R., Nyonator, F., Pablos-Méndez, A., Quain, E. E., Starrs, A., & Tangcharoensathien, V. (2013). Human resources for health and universal health coverage: fostering equity and effective coverage. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 91(11), 853–863.

Everybody has the right to health, and domestic universal health care schemes must encompass checks and balances from the start to guarantee that providers (private and public) run the service equitably. Financial threat safeguarding is insufficient to guarantee quality care. Patient encounters should be considered when assessing the level of services. To resolve the incomplete MDGs and guarantee the sustainable growth of the rewards, national health and wellbeing planning must prioritize equity and inclusion of the most vulnerable groups.

Attaran, A., & Capron, A. M. (2014). Universal health coverage and health laws. Lancet, 383(9911), 25.

According to Attaran and Capron (2014), the WHO has exacerbated the issue by quietly discontinuing its IDHL, a compendium of health regulations that started in 1948. Moreover, for months, the webpage has been “momentarily” inaccessible. The authors urge WHO to update its catalogue of health regulations and provide aimed recommendations on legal best practices to achieve universal health insurance that it has an express obligation to do under the WHO Constitution but has sadly overlooked.

Fattore, G., & Tediosi, F. (2013). The importance of values in shaping how health systems gover nance and management can support universal health coverage. Value in Health, 16(1), S19-S23.

A notable example of a conceptual thought piece is Fattore and Tadiosi’s article on cultural norms and their involvement in governance regarding UHC. They present a plausible hypothesis for how distinct underpinning cultural norms can result in societies choosing governance and management frameworks that are somewhat cordial to UHC. They differentiate between “administration” and “leadership,” with the former focusing on operating processes and the latter on how rules and practices are established and implemented.

Ooms, G., Marten, R., Waris, A., Hammonds, R., Mulumba, M., & Friedman, E. A. (2014). Great expectations for the World Health Organization: a Framework Convention on Global Health to achieve universal health coverage. Public health, 128(2), 173-178.

Constructing a reform plan for the World Health Organization (WHO) necessitates comprehension of the institution’s position within the larger global healthcare system and the goals of that larger global health scheme. This paper focuses on a single goal: accomplishing universal health insurance. The goal is to explain why attaining UHC necessitates something more like a Framework Convention on Global Health, why WHO is in a rare position to welcome in an FCGH, and what particular initiatives would assist WHO presume this responsibility.


Attaran, A., & Capron, A. M. (2014). Universal health coverage and health laws. Lancet, 383(9911), 25.

Borgonovie, E., & Compagni, A. (2013). They are Sustaining Universal Health Coverage: The Interaction of Social, Political, and Economic Sustainability. Value in Health, 16(1), S34-S38.

Campbell, J., Buchan, J., Cometto, G., David, B., Dussault, G., Fogstad, H., Fronteira, I., Lozano, R., Nyonator, F., Pablos-Méndez, A., Quain, E. E., Starrs, A., & Tangcharoensathien, V. (2013). Human resources for health and universal health coverage: fostering equity and effective coverage. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 91(11), 853–863.

Dellinger, R. P., Levy, M. M., Rhodes, A., Annane, D., Gerlach, H., Opal, S. M., & Moreno, R. (2013). Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock, 2012. Intensive care medicine, 39(2), 165-228.

Drummond, M., Tarricone, R., & Torbica, A. (2013). Assessing the added value of health technologies: reconciling different perspectives. Value in Health, 16(1), S7-S13.

Evans, D. B., Marten, R., & Etienne, C. (2012). Universal health coverage is a development issue. The Lancet, 380(9845), 864-865.

Fattore, G., & Tediosi, F. (2013). The importance of values in shaping how health systems governance and management can support universal health coverage. Value in Health, 16(1), S19-S23.

Frank, J. (2015). Leading the way towards universal health coverage: a call to action. The Lancet, 385(9975), 1352-1358.

Garrison, L. P. (2013). Universal health coverage—big thinking versus big data. Value in Health, 16(1), S1-S3.

Horton, R. (2014). Offline: WHO offers a new future for sustainable development. The Lancet, 383(9932), 1872.

Horton, R., & Das, P. (2014). Universal health coverage: not why, what, or when–but how?. Lancet (London, England), 385(9974), 1156-1157.

Kruk, M. E. (2013). Universal health coverage: a policy whose time has come. BMJ, 347.

McKee, M., Balabanova, D., Basu, S., Ricciardi, W., & Stuckler, D. (2013). Universal health coverage: a quest for all countries but under threat in some. Value in Health, 16(1), S39-S45.

Missoni, E. (2013). Understanding the impact of global trade liberalization on health systems pursuing universal health coverage. Value in Health, 16(1), S14-S18.

Mulley, A., Evans, T., & Binagwaho, A. (2013). Meeting the challenges of providing universal health coverage. BMJ, 347.

Ooms, G., Marten, R., Waris, A., Hammonds, R., Mulumba, M., & Friedman, E. A. (2014). Great expectations for the World Health Organization: a Framework Convention on Global Health to achieve universal health coverage. Public health, 128(2), 173-178.

Reich, M. R., Harris, J., Ikegami, N., Maeda, A., Cashin, C., Araujo, E. C., & Evans, T. G. (2016). Moving towards universal health coverage: lessons from 11 country studies. The Lancet, 387(10020), 811-816.

Savedoff, W. D., de Ferranti, D., Smith, A. L., & Fan, V. (2012). Political and economic aspects of the transition to universal health coverage. The Lancet, 380(9845), 924-932.

Serrate, P. C. F., Rigoli, F., Atun, R., Frenz, P., Garcia, P., de Andrade, L. O. M., & Gomez-Dantes, O. (2014). Health-system reform and universal health coverage in Latin America.

Temkin, L. S. (2014). Universal Health Coverage: Solution or Siren? Some Preliminary Thoughts. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 31(1), 1-22


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knowledge needed to effectively manage a healthcare organization

From all the knowledge needed to effectively manage a healthcare organization, one of the most important areas is understanding the business’s current financial condition.

Financial analysis can be defined as the process of assessing the financial condition of a firm. It can be very useful in understanding the financial position of a company. There are a number of different ratios that can be used for this purpose, but each has it benefits and limitations.

Select several ratios you think are valuable when trying to understand the financial condition of a health care company and explain why you have selected them, explaining both the benefits and potential limitations of those ratios.

Then select a healthcare company and use those ratios on that organization. What do these ratios tell you about how that organization? 

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing all sources used. Post your initial response early and check back often to continue the discussion. 


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Shoes(crocs) for healthcare workers

Shoes(crocs) for healthcare workers

 Topic: Shoes(crocs) for healthcare workers

1. Who is the target market? Why?

2. What specific methods of distribution do you want to use? Do you want to have a storefront? Online presence? Both? Direct Sales?

3. Depending on the International City/Country you plan to target, why did you pick that area for that particular product? Why that target market?

4. Where do you plan to be headquartered? 

Note: At least 3 pages cover all points


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