Writers Solution

According to Ida B. Wells, why were Thomas Moss, Calvin McDowell, and Henry Stewart lynched in Memphis in 1892?

” Lynching at the curve, Ida B. Wells

There were few opportunities beyond sharecropping or domestic service for African Americans in the post-war South. Those blacks who did try to improve their lives through entrepreneurship ran the risk of antagonizing their white neighbors and competitors. This passage from the autobiography of Ida B. Wells (1862–1931)—an educator, journalist, and anti-lynching advocate—provides an example of how the white majority used arbitrary and brutal violence to maintain racial and social order in southern communities.

Source: Ida B. Wells, Crusade for Justice: The Autobiography of Ida B. Wells, edited by Alfred M. Duster (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970), 47–51.

Lynching at the Curve

While I was thus carrying on the work of my newspaper, happy in the thought that our influence was helpful and that I was doing the work I loved and had proved that I could make a living out of it, there came the lynching in Memphis which changed the whole course of my life. I was on one of my trips away from home. I was busily engaged in Natchez when word came of the lynching of three men in Memphis. It came just as I had demonstrated that I could make a living by my newspaper and need never tie myself down to school teaching.

Thomas Moss, Calvin McDowell, and Henry Stewart owned and operated a grocery store in a thickly populated suburb. Moss was a letter carrier and could only be at the store at night. Everybody in town knew and loved Tommie. An exemplary young man, he was married and the father of one little girl, Maurine, whose godmother I was. He and his wife Betty were the best friends I had in town. And he believed, with me, that we should defend the cause of right and fight wrong wherever we saw it.

He delivered mail at the office of the Free Speech, and whatever Tommie knew in the way of news we got first. He owned his little home, and having saved his money he went into the grocery business with the same ambition that a young white man would have had. He was the president of the company. His partners ran the business in the daytime.

They had located their grocery in the district known as the “Curve” because the streetcar line curved sharply at that point. There was already a grocery owned and operated by a white man who hitherto had had a monopoly on the trade of this thickly populated colored suburb. Thomas’s grocery changed all that, and he and his associates were made to feel that they were not welcome by the white grocer. The district being mostly colored and many of the residents belonging either to Thomas’s church or to his lodge, he was not worried by the white grocer’s hostility.

One day some colored and white boys quarreled over a game of marbles and the colored boys got the better of the fight which followed. The father of the white boys whipped the victorious colored boy, whose father and friends pitched in to avenge the grown white man’s flogging of a colored boy. The colored men won the fight, whereupon the white father and grocery keeper swore out a warrant for the arrest of the colored victors. Of course the colored grocery keepers had been drawn into the dispute. But the case was dismissed with nominal fines. Then the challenge was issued that the vanquished whites were coming on Saturday night to clean out the People’s Grocery Company.

Knowing this, the owners of the company consulted a lawyer and were told that as they were outside the city limits and beyond police protection, they would be justified in protecting themselves if attacked. Accordingly the grocery company armed several men and stationed them in the rear of the store on that fatal Saturday night, not to attack but to repel a threatened attack. And Saturday night was the time when men of both races congregated in their respective groceries.

About ten o’clock that night, when Thomas was posting his books for the week and Calvin McDowell and his clerk were waiting on customers preparatory to closing, shots rang out in the back room of the store. The men stationed there had seen several white men stealing through the rear door and fired on them without a moment’s pause. Three of these men were wounded, and others fled and gave the alarm.


Sunday morning’s paper came out with lurid headlines telling how officers of the law had been wounded while in the discharge of their duties, hunting up criminals whom they had been told were harbored in the People’s Grocery Company, this being “a low dive in which drinking and gambling were carried on: a resort of thieves and thugs.” So ran the description in the leading white journals of Memphis of this successful effort of decent black men to carry on a legitimate business. The same newspaper told of the arrest and jailing of the proprietor of the store and many of the colored people. They predicted that it would go hard with the ringleaders if these “officers” should die. The tale of how the peaceful homes of that suburb were raided on that quiet Sunday morning by police pretending to be looking for others who were implicated in what the papers had called a conspiracy, has been often told. Over a hundred colored men were dragged from their homes and put in jail on suspicion.

All day long on that fateful Sunday white men were permitted in the jail to look over the imprisoned black men. Frenzied descriptions and hearsays were detailed in the papers, which fed the fires of sensationalism. Groups of white men gathered on the street corners and meeting places to discuss the awful crime of Negroes shooting white men.

There had been no lynchings in Memphis since the Civil War, but the colored people felt that anything might happen during the excitement. Many of them were in business there.

Several times they had elected a member of their race to represent them in the legislature in Nashville. And a Negro, Lymus Wallace, had been elected several times as a member of the city council and we had had representation on the school board several times. Mr. Fred Savage was then our representative on the board of education.

The manhood which these Negroes represented went to the county jail and kept watch Sunday night. This they did also on Monday night, guarding the jail to see that nothing happened to the colored men during this time of race prejudice, while it was thought that the wounded white men would die. On Tuesday following, the newspapers which had fanned the flame of race prejudice announced that the wounded men were out of danger and would recover. The colored men who had guarded the jail for two nights felt that the crisis was past and that they need not guard the jail the third night.

While they slept a body of picked men was admitted to the jail, which was a modern Bastille. This mob took out of their cells Thomas Moss, Calvin McDowell, and Henry Stewart, the three officials of the People’s Grocery Company. They were loaded on a switch engine of the railroad which ran back of the jail, carried a mile north of the city limits, and horribly shot to death. One of the morning papers held back its edition in order to supply its readers with the details of that lynching.

From its columns was gleaned the above information, together with details which told that “It is said that Tom Moss begged for his life for the sake of his wife and child and his unborn baby”; that when asked if he had anything to say, told them to “tell my people to go West—there is no justice for them here”; that Calvin McDowell got hold of one of the guns of the lynchers and because they could not loosen his grip a shot was fired into his closed fist. When the three bodies were found, the fingers of McDowell’s right hand had been shot to pieces and his eyes were gouged out. This proved that the one who wrote that news report was either an eyewitness or got the facts from someone who was.


The shock to the colored people who knew and loved both Moss and McDowell was beyond description. Groups of them went to the grocery and elsewhere and vented their feelings in talking among themselves, but they offered no violence. Word was brought to the city hall that Negroes were massing at the “Curve” where the grocery had been located. Immediately an order was issued by the judge of the criminal court sitting on the bench, who told the sheriff to “take a hundred men, go out to the Curve at once, and shoot down on sight any Negro who appears to be making trouble.”

The loafers around the courts quickly spread the news, and gangs of them rushed into the hardware stores, armed themselves, boarded the cars and rushed out to the Curve. They obeyed the judge’s orders literally and shot into any group of Negroes they saw with as little compunction as if they had been on a hunting trip. The only reason hundreds of Negroes were not killed on that day by the mobs was because of the forebearance of the colored men. They realized their helplessness and submitted to outrages and insults for the sake of those depending upon them.

This mob took possession of the People’s Grocery Company, helping themselves to food and drink, and destroyed what they could not eat or steal. The creditors had the place closed and a few days later what remained of the stock was sold at auction. Thus, with the aid of the city and county authorities and the daily papers, that white grocer had indeed put an end to his rival Negro grocer as well as to his business.

As said before, I was in Natchez, Mississippi, when the worst of this horrible event was taking place. Thomas Moss had already been buried before I reached home. Although stunned by the events of that hectic week, the Free Speech felt that it must carry on. Its leader for that week said:

The city of Memphis has demonstrated that neither character nor standing avails the Negro if he dares to protect himself against the white man or become his rival. There is nothing we can do about the lynching now, as we are out-numbered and without arms. The white mob could help itself to ammunition without pay, but the order was rigidly enforced against the selling of guns to Negroes. There is therefore only one thing left that we can do; save our money and leave a town which will neither protect our lives and property, nor give us a fair trial in the courts, but takes us out and murders us in cold blood when accused by white persons.


  1. According to Ida B. Wells, why were Thomas Moss, Calvin McDowell, and Henry Stewart lynched in Memphis in 1892? What were the circumstances of their arrest and subsequent murder?
  2. Who was most responsible for the deaths of these men? Could their deaths have been avoided?
  3. How did the black community in Memphis respond to the lynching? How did the white community respond?


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  • According to Ida B. Wells, why were Thomas Moss, Calvin McDowell, and Henry Stewart lynched in Memphis in 1892?

    Writers Solution

    Soul Keepers Members: Courtney Harnois, Kareesha (Nia) Henry, Stephanie Jepson, Vivian Le

    First artwork

    Soul Keepers Members: Courtney Harnois, Kareesha (Nia) Henry, Stephanie Jepson, Vivian Le

    Both artworks relate to an intimate form of violence.

    “Love shouldn’t hurt,” depicts a victim of ongoing domestic violence finally leaving their abuser and sacrificing the things most sacred in order to do it. 

    Second artwork

    “Comfort lies only in the untouched minds” portrays the sleepless, upended reality of victims who have suffered from sexual assault and are continuously haunted by the memory. 

    Each student will write a 100 word response in this forum. Choose ONE art piece that you wish to critique. Here’s How:


    This is one of my classmate respond

    Hello Soul Keepers, 

    I really liked both artworks, but the one that stood out the most and had me looking at them for few minutes was the first one with the quote, “Love shouldn’t hurt.” I like how you all used negative space with a white piece of paper to contrast the paper’s message and placement of the paper on top of a black background. It creates a nice contrast, great use of negative and positive space. Although the visuals are there, the emphasis seems to be clearly the message; the use of red for the word “hurt” and the fact that the background and visuals are a bit blurry, unlike the message that is focused it creates a focal point that instantly draws attention to the statement. The use of a key and a ring are very good visuals to represent the kind of ongoing domestic violence scenarios. I really liked that you all dropped water or a liquid on the paper to simulate tears in the sheet of paper. It gives the spectator a visual of the word “hurt,” again creating a good representation of things. Lastly, great distribution of things in the art piece, the angle the picture is taken, where the pen is, the ring, and the key create a sense of balance. Question: What guided you all to include the red pen on the image. It sure draws attention to the art piece, but what was the thought process behind it? What ideas guided you to place the pen in an opposite diagonal to the sheet of paper? Opinion: I think you all did a great job representing the message of domestic violence; the details like the tears and the visual of objects the key, and the ring really project the message. Also, as I already mentioned, the pen being diagonally opposite the sheet of paper does a great job as an attention-getter. In my opinion, it fills up the empty space to the right of the picture, creating balance. Awesome job!





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    Writers Solution

    Henry V [1599]: In the past (even up until World War II) it has been often considered a “patriotic” play about England’s destiny and special relationship in “God’s plan

     William Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories, and Poems

    Henry V Essay

    1300 Words and 5 quotes – MINIMUM

    Henry V [1599]: In the past (even up until World War II) it has been often considered a “patriotic” play about England’s destiny and special relationship in “God’s plan”; however, more recently critics have tended to see the play’s portrait of Henry as ambiguous or troubled at best. Shakespeare’s real portrait of Henry may lie somewhere between two extremes: England’s virtuous, conquering hero, bravely leading his men to God-sanctioned victory over French aristocrats. Or, a Machiavellian operator who manipulates his men through rhetoric and other means to accomplish personal glory on the battlefield and an expansion of his power – it is also possible with Shakespeare that Henry combines BOTH extremes into a fully complicated portrait. Write an essay which

    1. Addresses this complex issue of Henry’s character
    2. Develops some thoughts about how the play might have contributed the formation of a specific identity for England as a unified NATION.
    3. Merge these thoughts into a concluding meditation on how Henry’s good and bad leadership AND the against all odds victory at Agincourt may have contributed to Shakespeare’s conception of an English unified nation
    4. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at