Writers Solution

HPI past medical history and medications

Soap note
This will include three differential diagnoses with rationales for each, listed in order of likelihood or significance. The case study write-up should include at least 2 credible sources

  • Title page
  • Brief introduction to the patient
  • Learning Issues- do you need more information in order to develop a plan? If so, what information do you need or want?
  • Assessment in SOAP format:
    • Subjective- include HPI, past medical history and medications
    • Objective-physical exam findings, labs findings, or test results.
    • Assessment- include 3 differential diagnoses including ICD-10 codes
  • Plan- including what labs, tests are the next steps as well as the treatment plan for each diagnosis. Remember to include pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments.
  • Brief conclusion
  • Reference page

Case 2

8:00 AM
Harold Baron
Age 56 years
Opening Scenario
Harold Baron is a 56-year-old African American man on your schedule for an annual health-care visit. He wants to start an exercise program. He has been seen in your practice for the past three years for episodic visits but has never been seen for health maintenance.
History of Present Illness
“I feel that I’m getting older and I’ve put on a few pounds, so I think I should start exercising. I’ll probably just start out with brisk walking, but I’d like to get up to running a few miles a day. I feel very healthy.”
Medical History
Denies chronic illness: No history of heart disease, HTN, or diabetes. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy as a child. Denies previous colonoscopy (screening or diagnostic)
Immunizations: Reports usual childhood immunizations; denies hepatitis A or B immunization; unsure of last tetanus immunization Has never received seasonal influenza immunization.
Last laboratory tests more than five years ago, per patient; unsure what was tested but were “all normal.”
Family Medical History
MGM: Died at age 82 (breast cancer)
MGF: Died at age 77 (myocardial infarction)
PGM: Died at age 80 (complications of type 2 DM)
PGF: Died at age 74 (stroke)
Mother: 81 years old (type 2 DM)
Father: Died at age 80 (stroke two years ago)
Brother: 58 years old (type 2 DM)
Daughter: 32 years old (A&W)
Son: 30 years old (A&W)
Four grandchildren: None with health problems
Social History
Married for 34 years; works full time as administrator in a post office, extensive computer use; no recreational exercise; quit smoking 15 years ago (25 pack-year history)
Alcohol: Three ounces per week (glass of wine)
Caffeine: Two cups of coffee per day
Safety: Wears seatbelt; does ride bicycle in summer on occasion and wears helmet; does not ride motorcycles; does not wear sunscreen
One multivitamin “for men” daily, last dose this AM
Vitamin D 1000 IU daily, last dose this AM
Acetaminophen 325 mg, two tablets once or twice daily for one to three days per week for knee pain, last dose two days ago
Review of Systems
General: Good energy level, denies fatigue; sleeps approximately seven hours a night; denies snoring, difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep; wakes rested and denies daytime drowsiness
Integumentary: Denies new lesions, itching, or rashes
HEENT: Denies history of head injury; denies eye pain, excessive tearing, blurring, or change in vision; denies tinnitus or vertigo; denies frequent colds, seasonal allergies, or sinus problems; dental examination with cleaning every six months; wears nonprescription glasses for reading only; eye examination (without dilation) 12 months ago
Neck: Denies lumps, swollen glands, goiter, or pain
Cardiovascular: Denies chest pain, shortness of breath, or elevated blood pressure; denies swelling in extremities. Denies excessive bruising, enlarged lymph glands; denies history of transfusions
Respiratory: Denies shortness of breath, cough, dyspnea, wheeze, orthopnea, snoring
Gastrointestinal: Denies nausea or vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea; denies heartburn, belching, bloating, stomach pain, black or clay-colored stools; denies having had a colonoscopy
Genitourinary: Denies dysuria, frequency, urgency, difficulty starting or stopping stream, and any sexual dysfunction; libido normal
Musculoskeletal: Right knee pain (4 out of 10) described as achy noted with prolonged walking, standing, climbing stairs; gradual onset present intermittently for past year; denies trauma to knee; denies swelling, redness, warmth; denies any other joint pain/ache; denies back pain
Neurological: Occasional (fewer than once per week) mild headache (bilateral frontal pressure) relieved by acetaminophen 325 mg; denies severe headaches; denies numbness/tingling, weakness; denies history of seizures, head trauma
Endocrine: No polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia; denies history of thyroid disorder
Physical Examination
Vital signs: Temperature 98.4°





Writers Solution

History of the Atom Project

Assignment Details: History of the Atom Project

The atomic theory of matter is an excellent illustration of the process of science. Our understanding of the world around us is reshaped and refined with each scientific experiment. The first recorded idea of the atom comes from the ancient Greeks in the 400’s B.C. Over the millennia, scientific experimentation has added to our knowledge of the atom, redefining what it is and what its structure is like. In this project, your goal will be to learn about some of the highlights in the history of atomic theory to gain an appreciation of how we know what we know about atoms.Step one of this process involves research. Listed below are 14 scientists who all contributed to our current understanding of the atom. You need to find out who these people were and what they contributed to atomic theory.DemocritusJohn DaltonJ. J. ThomsonErnest RutherfordNiels BohrDmitri Mendeleev

Questions to answer in your research

1)When did they live? Where did they live?2)What new information did they contribute to the understanding of theatom?3)How did they find this new information? (What experiments did theydo?)4)Interesting facts –other accomplishments, personal information, famous historical events at thetime,etc.Cite Your Sources!You must hand in a bibliography with your project. This must be in proper works cited/bibliography format. (See the example shown below.) There are lots of websites that can help you make a correctly formatted citation. One good one is Citation (for an online source):”A Science Odyssey: You Try It: Atom Builder.” PBS. PBS, 1998. Web. 04 Nov. 2009.<>.Research TipsSome of these scientists did experiments not related to atomic theory as well. If you search on the web form information, you might include searches about history of atomic theory, or “Niels Bohr atomictheory” to help get less broad results. You can of course get good information by searching each name as well, but don’t forget to find out about contributions to atomic theory. Your textbook also has useful information about some of these scientists.Here are a few useful websites to get things going. -scroll down to the bottom for links to scientists Step 2 of this project is turning your research into an interesting an informative project. This is the part where you use the information, making sure to avoid plagiarism by putting things into your own words. The type of project you will complete is called a RAFT (R = role, A = audience, F = Format, T = Topic). You choose one horizontal row from the choices below to complete. If youdon’t see any options that appeal to you, talk to your teacher about designing your own. (A self-designed option must be approved by your teacher.)Role Audience Format TopicRoleAudienceFormatTopicScience Writer at the NewYork TimesReader of the New YorkTimes Science SectionSeries of Newspaper ArticlesThe Ongoing discovery ofthe atomScience HistorianStudents studying atomic historyDetailed TimelineImportant Figures and Events in the History of Atomic StructureAuthorStudents in your high school chemistry classGraphic NovelAdventures of 2 or more Scientists listed above that includes their contributionto atomic developmentVideo-Game DeveloperHead Game Developers of Nintendo or SonyIllustrated proposal for a new video game(don’t forget to name your game)A video game that will teach high school students about atomictheoryActors putting on a performance for the scientists at FermilabScientists in the research community who are currently doing research on subatomic particlesRole-PlayingYou will take on the persona of at least two to the scientists who contributed to thedevelopment of the atomRead the rubric carefully to understand what content needs to be included in your project and how your project will be graded.Newspaper articles –You could write one article per scientist, but it might be better to write fewer articles, each one focusing on a different time period. Make sure your writing is interesting; your reader shouldn’t want to put the newspaper down after the first few sentences. Make sure to use newspaper article format and be creative. (Read a science article perhaps for a betterunderstanding of this.)Timelines–Your timeline should be visually attractive and include pictures of each scientist as well as descriptions of their contributions to atomic theory. Organization and attractive layout are key.Graphic Novel–You shouldwrite an illustrated story. Don’t forget a cover with the title of your novel. Remember, you need to make an interesting narrative that students would like to read that still includes all the required content. Turn your research into a story!Video Game Proposal–Imagine you have to pitch a new video game to Nintendo or Sony. This is the proposal you would bring with you. It should outline the type of game, the objective of the game, and describe how the game is played. It should include some illustrated frames of what the game will look like on screen. Be creative about how you can incorporate learning atomic theory into a game! Remember, your proposal should make Nintendo or Sony want to make and sell your game.Role Playing–Take on the persona of the scientists. You will give your performance to the scientists in our class. Be creative and fully take on the role of the scientists you have chosen. Limit the performance to 3-5 minutes and turn in a bibliography with the sources you used to research your scientist(s). See History of the Atom Project

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            Democritus was born in Abdera, which is the leading city in Greek on the norther coast of the Aegean Sea. He was born in c. 460 BCE and died c. 370, as ancient Greek philosopher. He was the central figure in the development of philosophical atomism and of the atomic theory of the universe(Duignan, 2020). Democritus formulated physical and cosmological doctrines which was systematized and elaborated version of his teacher Leucippus. He affirmed that space or the Void, had an equal right with reality. Democritus hypothesized that Void as a vacuum is an infinite space where an infinite number of atoms moves that made up being. Interesting facts is that the motion of atoms was in all directions.

John Dalton contributed to History of the Atom Project

            Dalton was on 6th September, 1766 in Eaglesfield, England to a Quaker family. His interest in atmospheric pressure led him to carry out several experiments about gases, which let to development of Dalton’s law. His experiments on gases resulted to the discovery of the total pressure of a mixture of gases amounted to the sum of the partial pressures that each individual gas exerted while occupying the same space(Ross, 2020). To demonstrate Dalton’s Law principle, he used a simple experiment involving a glass bottle and bowl of water. The interesting facts was that every from of matter whether gas, liquid or solid was made up of small individual particles termed as atoms.

J. J. Thomson            Joseph John Thomson was born in 1856, in Cheetham…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Designing Effective History Instruction

Part I: Begin to construct a one-day lesson plan for teaching history effectively, incorporating one or more authentic learning experiences. Include an appropriate history standard mapped to objectives, instructional strategies, and relevant resources in your lesson. Complete the following sections of the GCU Lesson plan template located on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center: Section I: Planning Section II: Instruction Part II: Write a 500-750-word rationale depicting how your lesson content, strategies, tools, and resources are standards-based and appropriate and engaging for teaching history to secondary students. Defend your rationale with relevant, scholarly research. Use three to five scholarly sources in support of your content.





GCU College of Education





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Date of Submission

Lesson plan

Teacher Candidate: Grade Level: Date: Unit/Subject: Instructional Plan Title  9-12     History World War II: The Pacific
I.  Planning
Lesson summary and focus:This lesson plan is about the World War II in the pacific region. The focus is to make students to understand the events of World War II by explaining to them about the events that took place during the World War II.  
Classroom and student factors:The lesson will take place in the classroom setting because the students will be able to watch video tapes and read printed materials about the World War II. Classroom environment also enables the teachers to effectively assess the students.
National / State Learning Standards:This lesson will attempt to address National Council for Social Studies standards which include: Power, authority and governanceGlobal connectionsCivic ideals and practices.
Specific learning target(s) / objectives: Research in depth the key events of the World War II in the Pacific.Debate whether dropping the nuclear bombs was best way to end the war.  Teaching notes: The lesson falls under governance, authority and power.
Agenda: The lesson begins by asking students to state what they know about World War II in the pacific. The children will tend be provided with printed materialsFormative assessment: The assessment follows a three-point rubric: Three points where the students actively engage in meaningful debate and discussion.Two points students somewhat engaged in debateOne point where students minimally engage in debate and discussion.
Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology:Materials needed include: Pencils and papersComputer with internet accessPrint resources about World War II in the Pacific.
Grouping:Students are grouped into two groups: one group will support the dropping of bombs to end the war, while the second group will take opposing side in the debate.
II. Instruction
A.  Opening
The lesson requires the students to have prior knowledge about World War II. the teacher begins the lesson by asking students few questions about world war II
The history lesson seeks to inform the students about brutality and difficult conditions different nations faced in the second world war.
B.  Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):
The students will watch different segments from video tapes, watch the scenes from different pivotal battles as well as listening to American veterans that participated in the World War II. The students should be able to differentiate the difficult conditions United States and its allies faced during the war.

Rationale of lesson plan

            It is important to understand that lesson planning should not be prepared because it is a principle requirement, but to assists the teachers to ensure that they apply the most thoughtful approach to teach the students effectively(Yalcinkaya, Boz, & Erdur-Baker, 2012). Although different curriculum require lesson plans to follow specific format, it is important for the teachers to toiler made their lesson planning to work for them. The lesson plan should ensure that students accomplish the objectives of learning. Lesson planning is accomplish in five-step approach:

  • Lesson opening
  • Introduction to new materials
  • Guided practice
  • Independent practice
  • Lesson closing

It is crucial for the teacher to determine the appropriate approach of opening the lesson since this first step establishes how the students are prepared to learn. The introduction should inform the students about the lesson they will be learning(Olgun, & Adali, 2008). Through communicating the purpose and nature of the activity as well as connecting the cueing and knowledge of students responses and the activity required. Analysis by Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) indicated that students who have prior knowledge on what they are going to learn score 27 % higher than the students who do not have prior knowledge of what they are going to learn. Lesson planning enable teachers to inform students clearly about what they are going to learn, why the lesson is important, how the lesson is connected with the knowledge that is already known and how the lesson is going to be taught.

Introduction to new materials

            Since the teacher has prepared the students psychologically and mentally to learn, it is time to introduce new materials that will assist the students to learn. The strategies used to introduce new materials is very important in the learning process(Bonney, 2015). Bearing in mind that teacher is the expert in the classroom, he/she should ensure that examples and explanations are concise, accurate, clear and correct. In this case the history lesson is about World War II: Pacific, therefore as a teacher it is imperative to make students understand the conditions under which the war was fought.

Guided practice

            Practice helps the students to explore and apply new knowledge and skills. Studies indicated that teachers introduces the lesson, give the students all the materials and explicitly introduced the concept through modelling and demonstration of skills, but fails to allow the students to practice in order to internalize and explore the new skills and knowledge(Rowland, C., 2003). The main purpose of guided practice is to allow students to engage and interact with new materials to the extent of internalizing them. Lesson planning enables the teachers to establish guided practice strategies that work well for them. The review of mnemonic devices, summaries, recitations, concept webs, graphic organizer, sample problem and teacher questioning are some forms of guided practice.

Independent practice

            This section involves students refining the knowledge and skills about the subject matter without the guidance of the teachers. Independent practice comes in different forms including completing the tasks, demonstrating the skills, answering questions and solving the problems(Brewster, 2015). By the end of the lesson, the teachers should be able to determine if the students clearly understood the objectives of the lesson through the use of independent practice.


            It is important to end the lesson by restating and reinforcing the objectives of the lesson and giving the students the opportunity to test their understanding(Bonney, 2015). The closing should take few minutes since it involves reinforcing and clarification of lesson’s objectives, restating the importance of the objectives and assessing student’s mastery.


Bonney, M. K. (2015). Case Study Teaching Method Improves Student Performance and Perceptions of Learning Gains. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 16(1): 21-28.

Brewster, J. (2015). The Feudal System: Castles At War. Retrieved from Discovery Education:

Olgun, S. O. & Adali, B. (2008). Teaching Grade 5 Life Science With A Case Study Approach. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 20(1): 29-44.

Rowland, C. (2003). Tainos: SIOP History Lesson Plan. Retrieved from Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol:

Yalcinkaya, E., Boz, Y. & Erdur-Baker, O. (2012). Is Case-Based Instruction Effective in Enhancing High School Students Motivation Towards Chemistry. Science Education Intelect, 23(2): 102-116.







Writers Solution

Best Practice Instructional Strategies for Teaching Secondary History

Familiarize yourself with your Illinois history standards. Research effective strategies that can be used to teach history, using Illinois history standards. Select a Learning objective from standardized content or create one that assesses a state or national Standard in History. Create a T-chart or Matrix that compares three teaching strategies for teaching the content that supports the objective you have selected. In the chart, describe how the content would be delivered. Utilize research to support the effectiveness of each strategy. Write a 200-300-word reflective analysis explaining which strategy you like the most and why. Use three to four scholarly sources that can be cited in support of your content. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.





Best Practice Instructional Strategies for Teaching Secondary History

Student’s Name:


 StrategiesContent DeliveryAdvantageLimitation
Teaching  Strategy 1Analyzing Visual Images and StereotypingThis involves taking a good and long look at a picture or image with the aim of analyzing it critically.Helps in the effort to help students develop critical thinking, interpretive and observational skills(Formwalt, 2002).This strategy can be time-consuming and guidance may be needed in order to achieve constructive analysis.
Teaching Strategy 2Assigning Roles for Group WorkIn the exploration of certain subjects and issues, specific roles are assigned to various students in a group setting, allowing students to practice different roles and develop a variety of skills.Effective in structuring group work as responsibilities are well distributed among group members and accountability for all students’ participation is assured(Formwalt, 2002).Some students may be overly dependent on other students in the accomplishment of group tasks.
Teaching Strategy 3Barometer – Taking a Stand on Controversial IssuesBold statements or signs with ‘Strongly Agree’ or ‘Strongly Disagree’ are placed on opposite sides of the classroom and students can choose the side that best represents their opinion.This teaching strategy works best before an essay assignment as it acts as a pre-writing exercise allowing students to share their opinions(Formwalt, 2002).Works best in the discussion of subjects and issues which students may have wide-ranging opinions.

Illinois State Teaching Standard
Teaching Diverse Students: A competent History teacher is expected to understand the diverse abilities and characteristics of all the students in the class in order to gain insight on how each student learns and develops within their cultural, social, and economic contexts and experiences (Illinois State Board of Education, 2013). The main advantage and benefit of this teaching standard is that it allows the teacher







Writers Solution

The United States has a long history of blocking certain Americans from voting.

 The United States has a long history of blocking certain Americans from voting. Voter suppression began at the founding of this nation when the right to vote in most states was limited to white male property owners. Non-whites, women, and the non-property-owning poor were excluded. 

There are three primary forms of state-sponsored voter suppression: The first makes it harder for people to register to vote. The second makes it harder for people to get to the polls. The third manipulates precinct boundaries to dilute or concentrate the vote for one party. There are also illegal voter suppression activities, like the destruction of voter registration cards.

Voter registration suppression examples include:

  • Stricter voter ID laws such as accepting only certain      kinds of IDs, requiring certain kinds of documentation to get IDs,      and requiring certain kinds of photos
  • Residency requirements and address requirements
  • “Intention to stay” requirements
  • Restrictions on voter registration drives
  • Elimination of Election Day voter registration
  • Voter purges (when eligible voters are removed from voter      rolls improperly, often without notice to voters)
  • Felony disenfranchisement

Voting barrier examples include:

  • Closing polling stations. For example, between 2012 and      2018, 8% of voting precincts in Georgia were closed      and 40% of voting precincts were relocated in the state, preventing      between 54,000 to 85,000 voters from voting on Election Day in 2018
  • Barriers related to disability
  • Voter intimidation      tactics like armed observers at polling places
  • Long lines at voting places

Knowing what you now know about voter suppression:

  1. How has voter suppression affected the current presidential      election?
  2. How has the current presidential administration use voter      suppression as a means to win political tactic?
  3. How would you counter voter suppression within your own      communities?
  4. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
Writers Solution

Discuss the history of private health insurance and manage care and how it involved into a healthcare industry?

Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

  1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.
  2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.
  3. Consider the course discussions so far and any insights gained from it.
  4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources if needed, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.


Financing Healthcare

Consider how compensation for healthcare services shape delivery of care, and reflects policy and policy changes and write a paper that addresses the bullets below. Be sure to completely address each bullet point. There should be four (4) sections in your paper; one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear brief heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Include a “Conclusion” section that summarizes all topics. This assignment will be at least 1250 words.

This week you will reflect upon accountability in healthcare finance to address the following:

  • Discuss the history of private health insurance and manage care and how it involved into a healthcare industry?
  • Identify the key federal laws that protect individuals who are enrolled in private insurance.
  • Briefly discuss consumer-driven healthcare and the empowerment of the healthcare consumer.
  • Explore the opportunities which have emerged for nurses within the private insurance market.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1250-1500 words in length

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment.  Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module 1.docx”)

Submission: Submit to the D2L dropbox for grading 

M7 Assignment UMBO – 3

Writers Solution

Katharine Graham’s excerpt from her memoir Personal History

 Around 250 words. 

To begin our discussion of Katharine Graham’s excerpt from her memoir Personal History, I have to introduce you to this idea of the imposter syndrome. I myself have and, at times, still find that I struggle with the impostor syndrome.

 sometimes called Impostor Phenomenon or Fraud Syndrome, is a syndrome where sufferers are unable to internalize their accomplishments. Regardless of what level of success they may have achieved in their chosen field of work or study or what external proof they may have of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced internally they do not deserve the success they have achieved and are actually frauds. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they were more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Rather than offering assurance, each new achievement and subsequent challenge only served to intensify the ever-present fear of being…. Found Out.

This syndrome is thought to be particularly common among women who are successful in their given careers and is typically associated with academics. It is also widely found among graduate students and transfer students. (All the information on Impostor syndrome comes from the work of Dr. Valerie Young, Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes. You can find links to their work by clicking on the hyperlink.)

I call your attention to this phenomenon because in reading Graham’s excerpt it was apparent that she too was in part struggling with the impostor syndrome. Graham’s experience as a successful woman in a historically male profession, tells the story of many women who like Graham find themselves in positions that were not and are not considered women’s work. In our excerpt of Graham’s Personal History, she takes us through her journey from the time she inherits the position as publisher of the Washington Post to her new found identity as a feminist woman. I would like for you to discuss her journey by answering the following questions:

According to Graham, how did women of her generation become “somehow inferior” and why did she attribute her “problems” to “being new and untrained” rather than a woman?

How did Graham participate in reproducing sexism and inequality?

Writers Solution

An applicant’s professional history and qualifications are outlined in a resume


Resume and Cover Letter:

An applicant’s professional history and qualifications are outlined in a resume. A cover letter is a way for the applicant to make a professional introduction to the hiring manager and demonstrate an interest in the company.

Developrofessional history and qualifications are outlined in a resumep a current resume and create a formal cover letter for a position for which you would like to apply. Create both the cover letter and resume using a professionally accepted format provided on the Resume-Resources website, located in the Topic Materials.

Include the following:

1) Resume: Detail your overall education, credentials, and professional experience, such as licenses, earned degrees, certifications, professional experiences, previous positions held, membership in professional organizations, publications, and skills.

2) Write a one-page double spaced introductory cover letter in which you explain your professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths as an applicant.

3) Prior to submission, share your resume with a colleague and obtain feedback. Revise your resume as needed

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Professionalism and Social Media

Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates. Inappropriate or unethical conduct on social media can create legal problems for nurses as well as the field of nursing.

Login to all social media sites in which you engage. Review your profile, pictures and posts. Based on the professional standards of nursing, identify items that would be considered unprofessional and potentially detrimental to your career and that negatively impact the reputation of the nursing field.

In 500-750 words, summarize the findings of your review. Include the following:

1) Describe the posts or conversations in which you have engaged that might be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing.

2) Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with the standards governing the profession of nursing at work and in their personal lives. Include discussion of how personal conduct can violate HIPAA or be considered unethical or unprofessional. Provide an example of each to support your answer.

3) Based on the analysis of your social media, discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity for all individuals. Describe areas of your social media activity that could be improved.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Writers Solution

Why Study History? and Peter Stearns’ argument published by the American Historical Association: Why Study History? (1998).


Then consider why do you think people study history? (Don’t be trite here – it’s much more than “to learn from their mistakes”). Consider why you are required to study history to earn an AA or AS degree. Do you think the study of history helps you to be a better person or contribute to society? If so, how so? If not, why not?

To help you formulate an answer as to why history is important, consider the arguments made by Steven Kreis at the History Guide:  Why Study History? and Peter Stearns’ argument published by the American Historical Association: Why Study History? (1998). Do you agree or disagree with these scholars and why?

Finally, there is much confusion on how to study history as well. History is primarily examined through the study of documents. Review the “How to Study History” section in the eText, then select one primary and one secondary source related to our course content. Include those sources properly formatted in one of the approved styles and explain how a historian might use these sources.

As noted in the Grading and Evaluation page of the Syllabus, you should write at least 300 words in your response.

Reply to at least two other students’ posts with substantive responses and be sure to write at least 100-150 words and further the conversation by posing a question or suggesting a new source or fact on the subject to your correspondent. Replies to your instructor are optional for Reflection discussions, but encouraged!

See the Course Schedule and Course Rubrics pages for due dates and grading information.


Kreis, Steven. “1.2 Why Study History?” The History Guide. Last Revised April 13, 2012.

Stearns, Peter N. “Why Study History?” American Historical Association. 1998.

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How to Study History


In this assignment, you will propose the research topic pertinent to US History from Reconstruction (1865) to the present you would like to investigate this term in a brief, 1 – 2 page (300 – 500 word) essay.


The purpose of this assignment is to decide what you want to write about and to receive guidance on how to focus your topic and make it something that you are able to examine in depth in an argumentative, historical research paper of 5 – 7 pages (1250 – 1750 words) in length.