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Global Care Hospital is a network of four large hospitals in the U.S.

IT Infrastructure Project: Designing WAN Networks Assignment Instructions

Project Background

Reference Figure 1. Global Care Hospital is a network of four large hospitals in the U.S. You have recently purchased the organization, naming it [Your Firstname Lastname] Global Hospital. Please refer to the hospital as “place your name here” Global Hospital.

Figure 1. Global Hospital Network Design

Jane Doe Global Hospital owns a network of hospitals supported by four (4) office buildings. Their original design, depicted in Figure 1, was categorized as a medium-size network for 200 to 1,000 devices. They have well surpassed this and added new services in telemedicine. In addition, it has several flaws. You, as their senior network engineer, are tasked with the job of a complete re-design. This design must support a large-size network for over 1,000 devices, address the current design flaws per figure 1, and meet the future needs of a globally capable hospital IT infrastructure. *Note, each of the office buildings in Figure 1 also contains additional routers, switches, workstations, and servers that would support a typical hospital office building of this hospital size. Include these devices to meet the rubric requirements as you design the detailed version of this network. Regardless, only one workstation is needed per network switch to show working functionality.


In this project, you will study performance improvements in a congested, wired WAN environment that can be solved to varying degrees by a new IT infrastructure design and fully functional implementation in Cisco Packet Tracer.


Project Requirements

· Take screenshots demonstrating your network, servers, configurations, and protocols properly functioning in the new design. Screenshots must include a unique piece of information identifying the student’s computer along with a proper operating system date/time. Submit these as appendices in the Word document.

· Submit a working Packet Tracer lab, typically this file has a .pkt file extension.

· This will include the fully operational new IT infrastructure design

· All devices in the lab must be named with your first name and last name

· Example: Jane_Doe_Router_1

· All hardware and software should be configured properly and should be able to communicate securely using optimized networking designs, configurations, and protocols

· Packet Tracer IT Infrastructure Re-Design Requirements

· You must start with a blank/new Packet Tracer file, existing labs or modified labs of existing solutions will receive a zero without exception

· Include the existing hospital network design but optimized/improved

· LANs must function using the OSPF protocol

· Buildings 1 and 3 must connect to buildings 2 and 4 using a properly selected and configured WAN protocol

· Design a large-size network for over 1,000+ devices

· An appropriate WAN design supported by research is necessary

· Add appropriate routers and switches to support this new design

· Design and configure at least one appropriate networking protocol, IPv4 or IPv6

· Design IP addressing that will scale to over 1,000 devices

· Use proper network address translation (NAT)

· Add appropriate security into the design, at least one (1) significant improvement

· Add sufficient modularity, resiliency, and flexibility into the design, at least one significant improvement for each for a total of three (3) optimizations

· Design and implement the following new services and systems

· Assure each service supports telemedicine

· A Healthcare Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system

· Requires four front-end web servers

· Requires load balancers that balance traffic to the front-end web servers

· Requires two database servers

· Requires a storage area network (SAN) to store all data

· A website hosted on a web server in each ISP, accessible by all workstations

· Two new user workstations in each building that uses the new services and services properly

· Show these services working on each workstation in your project (e.g. the Healthcare ERP, the websites in the ISPs)

· Paper Requirements (Introduction, Literature Review, and Conclusion)

· Submit a properly formatted APA paper in Microsoft Word

· Here is an example paper:

· Table of Contents that automatically adjusts page numbers of the main headings

· Introduction

· Introduce the primary goals and objectives of the project

· Include more than 5 scholarly sources and 500 words in the Introduction and Conclusion combined

· Review of literature that supports the new system simulation, model, and design

· Include appropriate IT frameworks and standards in which to design a large enterprise class IT infrastructure and network

· Address system feasibility, RAS (reliability, availability, serviceability), security, and disaster recovery

· Include at least 10 scholarly journal articles focusing on relevant research on the problems being addressed

· Meets the length requirement of 1,000 words

· Packet Tracer design explanation

· Explain each of the additions and improvements

· Reference the primary configurations and how these were developed

· Include running configurations from routers/switches as appendices

· Conclusion

· Highlight any limitations, managerial implications, and conclusions of the project deliverables and outcomes

· The assignment includes over 2,000 words of original student authorship that shows excellent mastery and knowledge of IT infrastructure design. There are also over 10 unique scholarly peer reviewed journal articles from well-respected IT journals included that directly relate to and sufficiently support the working designs and scenarios.

· Save the file as Lastname_Firstname_ProjectPhaseI. Include your name in the assignment file itself and submit your file to Blackboard.

· Any assignment without working Packet Tracer files or without screenshots that do not include a visible date and timestamp from the operating system and a unique desktop element to identify the student’s work will not be accepted.

· To copy screenshots to Microsoft Word:

· Press the “Print Screen” key on your keyboard. The key is usually located at the upper right corner of a keyboard.

· You can also use the “snipping tool” in Windows

· For Windows users, open application “Paint” and paste the screen shot over. “Paint” usually can be accessed this way: Start All Programs Accessories. For users of other operating systems, use a similar application.

· In “Paint”, select the graph or area needed and copy it. You need to click this icon in order to be able to select an area. The icon is listed on the left side of the window.

· Paste the selected area to a word processor.

· Save the file as Lastname_Firstname_ProjectPhaseI


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Hospitals turn bad debt into charity care

Business Insights: Global^Hospitals turn bad debt into charity care.&q=advPublicationTitl… 1/5

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Hospitals turn bad debt into charity care

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA)

Byline: Sean D. Hamill

Sept. 25–Quietly over the last decade, a growing number of hospitals in Pennsylvania and across the country have been redefining how they award much, if not most, of their charity care. Typically called by the arcane name of “presumptive eligibility,” this new way of identifying people eligible for charity care uses credit-score-like technology — plus the addition of demographic and even social media data — to evaluate whether people qualify for free care at a hospital, instead of having their bills labeled “bad debt” and possibly sent to a collection agency. Among the health systems in Pennsylvania using the tool are Allegheny Health Network, St. Clair Hospital in Mt. Lebanon and UPMC, as well as Wellspan Health and Geisinger Health System in central Pennsylvania, and several dozen others. So many hospitals in Pennsylvania — particularly large health systems — are using presumptive eligibility now that it appears to be a major reason why the average percentage of charity care that hospitals provide in the state has nearly doubled in the last eight years, according to data from the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4), a state agency. What has patient advocates upset about the way this new technology is being used is that many hospitals using presumptive eligibility — including UPMC, Allegheny Health Network and St. Clair Hospital — don’t tell patients they are qualified for charity care if they are approved this way. Instead, they leave patients in the dark about their financial situation. Though the hospital takes credit for providing charity care, the patients leave the hospital thinking they still owe money. “There really shouldn’t be a secret financial assistance policy for some patients,” said Julie Trocchio, senior director of community benefit at the Catholic Health Association, and an expert on charity care. But hospitals praise the new technological tool because it accomplishes a long-sought goal of finding a way to qualify people for charity care who would not, or could not, fill out a traditional charity care application. “The industry has always thought that it is people who are uninsured who need financial assistance. But there are always some people who won’t complete the [charity care] form. This helps us get them assistance,” said Rich Chesnos, the chief financial officer for St. Clair Hospital, which began using a presumptive eligibility model in 2010. Growing use Why don’t patients cooperate with hospitals and fill out the charity care applications if they need financial help? Advocates and hospitals say the individual reasons are as numerous as there are uninsured patients, from illiteracy, to a language barrier, or they just don’t know it exists. Barbara Tapscott, vice president of revenue management at Geisinger Health System, which has five hospitals in central and eastern Pennsylvania, said: “Some people are just plain embarrassed and don’t apply. Or they may think on their own, ‘That doesn’t apply to me.’ ” But the biggest reason,

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many interviewed for this series said, is something the hospitals themselves have heard over and over again. “They fear they’re going to have to give up a state benefit” from some other program that they have already qualified for, such as public housing or food stamps, said Liz Allen, the former CFO for Allegheny Health Network, who retired late last year. Hospitals say one of the benefits to them of presumptive eligibility is that it allows them to focus their collection efforts on people who do have assets but have not paid their bill. That potentially provides them with more revenue at a time when many hospital budgets are strained. PARO Decision Support, a Miami-based company that is the industry leader, said it has sold its presumptive eligibility tool to 350 hospitals nationally. The Advisory Board Co. of Washington, D.C., said it has sold its tool to more than 200 hospitals. At least another dozen companies sell similar tools, including Experian, which provided it to St. Clair Hospital. The number of hospitals using presumptive eligibility is sure to grow dramatically in coming years, consultants and the companies said. That is because of a new Affordable Care Act-related regulation that went into effect this year. The regulation was enacted by the IRS and is known as “501r.” It includes a provision that requires hospitals, starting in 2016, to “make reasonable efforts to determine whether an individual is eligible for assistance under the hospital’s financial assistance policy before engaging in extraordinary collections against the individual.” “Extraordinary collections” are efforts to recover the money patients owe, such as sending the debt to a collection agency, reporting it to a credit bureau, suing in court, placing liens against the person’s home, and other actions. “We’re seeing a market interest in demand and interest in this across the country. And not just because of 501r,” said Jim Lazarus, managing director of strategy and innovation at The Advisory Board. “But also because of the ‘patient centered revenue cycle’ that hospitals are adopting. As that happened hospitals realized they needed intelligence like this.” It also allows hospitals to increase what they classify as charity care without actually providing more care to the poor, but, rather, reclassifying accounts that would have been considered bad debt. “We were providing the care, but it was just getting written off as bad debt,” said Ms. Allen, who was Allegheny Health Network’s chief financial officer when the network began using presumptive eligibility in 2014. Presumptive history Some hospitals had long used the phrase “presumptive eligibility” to describe the way they would award charity care to patients without making them fill out the application. Instead, if a patient was already approved for some other means-tested government program that had a similar financial threshold, like food stamps or public housing, they would simply okay them for charity care, too. Many hospitals continue to use such programs, including the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. The difference is those hospitals tell the patient that they have been approved for charity care. This new kind of presumptive eligibility started to be offered to hospitals about a decade ago. Mark Rukavina, an expert on medical debt who consults for hospitals, said some of the early versions of the presumptive eligibility tools were the result of a series of lawsuits filed against non-profit hospitals in 2004 across the country — including one filed against UPMC. The lawsuits alleged the hospitals were not doing enough to justify their tax-exempt status. The lawsuits — begun by Richard Scruggs, the attorney who filed the lawsuit against the big tobacco companies that won states billions of dollars in damages — contended that hospitals were over- charging patients, were overly aggressive in pursuing collections and were not providing enough charity care. Jeff Suher, the Monroeville attorney who filed the lawsuit against UPMC, said, like the other lawsuits elsewhere, the one against UPMC “went nowhere.” Still, they led to concerns by hospitals. Mr. Lazarus of the Advisory Board said several credit score companies responded by creating presumptive eligibility algorithms for hospitals that were similar to ones they created for other

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types of business. “It is financial profiling patients, something other businesses have been doing for 15 to 20 years, such as banks, auto dealers, retailers,” he said. Mr. Rukavina said that while the public might understand a for-profit car dealer or bank suing someone who defaulted on a loan, hospitals have other considerations. Presumptive eligibility was designed “to save themselves from the embarrassing story of taking action against someone with limited means,” he said. UPMC enters One of the earliest adopters of the new financial tool was UPMC. It began using presumptive eligibility at least as far back as 2009, UPMC spokeswoman Susan Manko said in an email response to questions. The financial tool is “part of our whole assessment process to assist patients and their families. … The PARO score identifies patients who are eligible for charity care, ensuring we reduce or eliminate the financial burden for those individuals,” Ms. Manko wrote. In 2007, at UPMC’s 11 hospitals, on average, 35.8 percent of its uncompensated care was charity care, and 64.2 percent was bad debt. By 2008, that jumped to 46.5 percent charity care and 53.5 percent bad debt. By 2014, UPMC had more than flipped the ratio from 2007, to 74.9 percent charity care and just 25.1 percent bad debt. That switch more than tripled the percentage of charity care that UPMC hospitals reported to the state, jumping from .8 percent of net patient revenue, system-wide, in 2007, to 2.52 percent in 2014. Ms. Manko said UPMC began using presumptive eligibility because “there are many patients who do not follow up on or return applications or necessary documentation. … Rather than using money and resources to chase after them and pursue collection, we first assess their ability to pay using presumptive eligibility; if they qualify, we immediately write-off the account and never initiate any collection efforts.” St. Clair Hospital, a non-profit hospital, generated a $25 million surplus on $296 million in revenue in 2014, according to its IRS 990 tax form. But for years it provided among the least amount of charity care of any hospital in the region, far less than 1 percent. In 2010, though, it began to use “Passport Health,” a presumptive eligibility tool provided by Experian. Charity care spending at the hospital jumped from just $620,000 or .3 percent in 2009 to $3.9 million or 1.63 percent in 2014. (These figures were provided by St. Clair, which says that it has been incorrectly reporting its data to PHC4 for the last decade. Figures from PHC4 in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s database with this story are different for St. Clair.) Like UPMC, it also saw the ratio of charity care to bad debt change dramatically. It rose steadily from 13.4 percent charity care and 86.6 percent bad debt in 2009, to 48.9 percent charity care and 51.1 percent bad debt in 2014. “We didn’t alter our policies just because we didn’t provide enough charity care,” said Mr. Chesnos, St. Clair’s chief financial officer, “but because we wanted to be at the forefront of best practices.” Allegheny Health Network says there are two basic reasons why it began using PARO’s presumptive eligibility tool in the later half of 2014. “It’s a safety net to ensure that patients are screened prior to any collection actions and as a way to help AHN comply with the new [IRS 501r] rules,” said AHN’s spokesman Dan Laurent in an email answer to questions. Because it only started using presumptive eligibility in 2014, there is no state data available that would demonstrate its impact on the hospital system. (AHN switched to a calendar year reporting in 2014, so it only reported data from the last six months of 2013 for the state’s 2014 fiscal year.) But Mr. Laurent said internal, calendar year 2014 data from AHN shows the same dramatic impact on charity care that other hospitals have seen. He said Allegheny General Hospital jumped from just .23 percent charity care in calendar year 2013 to 1.41 percent in calendar year 2014; West Penn Hospital went from .04 percent to 1.52 percent; and Forbes Regional Hospital went from .19 percent to 1.24 percent. “If a patient meets that [presumptive eligibility] scoring we can give it without making them go through that laborious process” to get traditional charity care, said Ms. Allen, the former CFO. “That’s probably the

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biggest reason for the switch” from bad debt to charity care. Why not tell the patient? Not many people outside of the health care industry know about presumptive eligibility. That is, in part, because many of the hospitals that use it — like St. Clair, AHN and UPMC — don’t tell the patient they qualified for charity care using the new method. The hospital simply reclassifies an unpaid “bad debt” bill to charity care and the patient just stops getting phone calls or paper bills in the mail seeking payment. So, while the existing bill is taken care of as charity care at some hospitals, patients qualified under presumptive eligibility are not told they can come back to receive more free care for the next six months or a year until having to re-qualify. Advocates say that being told you can come back for more free care for the next six months or so is an important advantage that traditional charity care patients typically receive that encourages them to get follow-up care. Charity care experts and patient advocates say that if hospitals are not informing the patients that they qualified for charity care under presumptive eligibility, it may be a violation of the same federal regulation — 501r — that they were hoping to adhere to when they started using the new tool. “If they’re not telling them, it certainly doesn’t seem that they’re following the letter or the spirit of what the ACA [and 501r] requires,” said Gayle Nelson, senior policy analyst at The Hilltop Institute in Baltimore, which has a program that evaluates each state’s charity care policies. Ms. Nelson said part of the letter and spirit of the ACA and the 501r regulation is to get hospitals to be more transparent and not just provide more charity care, but get patients to come back for regular hospital care. Heather Klusaritz, senior fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Public Health Initiatives, said it is particularly odd to be a growing tactic in the Affordable Care Act era, because a big aim of the act is “trying to drive down readmission rates and provide complete care; this does not do that.” “What rubs me the wrong way about this is that it’s not in the true nature of how we conceptualize charity care,” she said. “The goal of charity care is providing the comprehensive care that a patient needs, not just a single point-in-time encounter.” Hospitals counter, though, that they believe federal regulations do allow them to qualify someone for charity care without telling them. “Treasury [IRS] rules relating to presumptive charity qualification do not require us to notify the patient of the free care decision as long as the discount is at our most generous level,” said Allegheny Health Network’s Mr. Lauren in an emailed answer to questions. Ms. Manko, UPMC’s spokeswoman, gave a similar explanation: “We do whatever the law requires.” She later added that “Until further clarification by CMS regarding the use of presumptive charity, it has been the prevailing opinion of CMS auditors that presumptive charity should not be used to create an ongoing state of charity care. … Also, UPMC wants to avoid the cost and burden of trying to notify patients that have not engaged in the final assistance process.” Both the federal — Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services — and state — PHC4 — entities that collect data on charity care, were unaware that hospitals were reporting charity care to them using this new form of presumptive eligibility. Joe Martin, PHC4’s executive director, said that his agency was unaware of this but “we’ll look at it.” CMS has no regulations concerning presumptive eligibility, but said in a statement to the Post-Gazette: “CMS does not dictate a provider’s charity care policy, but whatever that policy is, it should be applied universally to all patients.” But not all hospitals avoid telling the patients that they were qualified for charity care with presumptive eligibility. Geisinger has been using the PARO’s system for six years and, like UPMC and other hospitals, greatly increased the percentage of charity care compared to bad debt. But it tells its patients when they’re qualified. Ms. Tapscott said the reason seemed obvious to Geisinger: “I’d imagine it might be very stressful for someone who is ill to be burdened by unpaid bills. Their getting

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charity care can help relieve that stress.” Sean D. Hamill: or 412-263-2579 or Twitter: @SeanDHamill


(c)2016 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

By Sean D. Hamill

Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2016 Tribune Content Agency.

Source Citation:

“Hospitals turn bad debt into charity care.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [Pittsburgh, PA] 25 Sept. 2016. Business Insights: Global. Web. 27 Jan. 2022.


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Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 79

Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? Aaron P. Coulon, Tulane University James Biteman, Tulane University Michael Wilson, Tulane University

Copyright © 2017 by the Case Research Journal and by Aaron P. Coulon, Michael Wilson, and James Biteman. An earlier version of this case was presented at the 2013 North American Case Research Asso- ciation meeting. The authors wish to thank the anonymous journal reviewers for their helpful suggestions on how to make this a more effective case. The case being written solely as the basis for classroom discus- sion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation.

Health care providers . . . face the challenge of squaring a circle when required by law to provide more access, equal- or higher-quality care, and lower cost.

–Frank Rothaermel (2013)

In October 2012, nearly a year and a half had passed since Thomas Sullivan became the chief financial officer (CFO) of Bayou Side Hospital (BSH),1 a parish-government owned, critical access hospital in a rural town with a population of approximately 8,000 residents in South Louisiana. As a rural hospital, BSH always put its community’s needs first when considering which services to offer, and its financial status never forced the healthcare facility to compromise its mission: “To promote and offer exceptional healthcare services which meet the needs and surpass the expectations of our patients in an environment of dignity and respect.” However, as CFO, Sullivan realized that BSH was also a business that needed adequate earnings. One of the hospi- tal’s highest volume services was labor and delivery, but the viability of the department was in danger because of looming political changes on the near horizon that had the potential to greatly impact profits for this department.

The hospital’s board asked Sullivan to compile his recommendations to navigate the coming years; the board would struggle with the balance between the hospital’s bottom line and its mission. Sullivan knew that as a rural hospital, BSH’s management had always felt a larger responsibility to serve its community than to increase its earn- ings, but he also was aware that, “if there’s no margin, there’s no mission.” He feared that the time would come that the hospital would have to leave a significant healthcare need of its community unmet. He contemplated ways to prevent this from happening. However, he also wondered whether it was inevitable, and if it was, he considered how he would convince the board to shut down labor and delivery.

Several financial pressures existed that discouraged rural, critical access hospitals nationwide from offering obstetrical services; accordingly, these hospitals were much less likely to do so. In a multi-state study, researchers found that the percentage of critical access hospitals offering obstetrics was nearly half that of other rural hospitals. In a particular study of one Midwestern state from 1990 to 2002, seven hospitals in

NA0425 For the exclusive use of A. GUPTA, 2020.

This document is authorized for use only by ATUL GUPTA in 2020.

80 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

rural towns with populations smaller than 10,000 residents discontinued their obstet- rical services. In towns where these hospitals were located, the number of low-birth weight babies increased by 27 percent the year after the hospitals discontinued offering obstetrical services (Exhibit 1). This change was significant because low-birth weight babies were at increased risk for morbidity, mortality, increased hospitalizations, and overall lower long-term quality of life. When researchers asked why the hospitals had discontinued these services, the hospitals cited the declining percentage of family phy- sicians who were willing to perform deliveries, rising malpractice insurance costs, an aging population, an increasing number of patients on Medicaid, and escalating costs associated with staffing and outfitting a fully functioning obstetrics department.2 Simi- lar trends were affecting the Southern United States, and only two of the twenty-seven critical access hospitals in Louisiana offered obstetrical services in 2012.

Hospital Revenues

Sullivan knew that one side of profitability was revenue, yet hospital revenues depended on the volume of services provided and how payment was received for those services. Unlike typical businesses that charged flat rates for specific products or ser- vices, hospitals received different payment amounts for the same services depending on which entities made the payments. Hospital payment was a complex topic, and payment services and rates varied within and among states. Despite these differences, certain aspects of payments were common to all hospitals. Hospitals received pay- ment for healthcare services from one of the following entities: Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, uninsured patients, or private pay patients.3 For BSH’s payments, see Exhibit 2.

Medicaid Medicaid was a government program that received joint funding from state and Fed- eral governments. Prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), this program mandated coverage for certain groups of low income Americans including pregnant women and children living in poverty. Under the Affordable Care Act, which was passed in 2010, Medicaid eligibility was supposed to be expanded to include more Americans starting in 2014—namely, all individuals younger than sixty-five who had a household income less than 133 percent of the poverty level. In 2011, Medicaid provided health insur- ance to 60 million low-income and disadvantaged Americans.4

Medicaid paid hospitals in one of three ways, depending on the type of service pro- vided. In the first way, hospitals received diagnostic-related group (DRG) payments based on predetermined fees according to patients’ diagnoses when they were admitted to the hospital. In the second way, hospitals received a set amount of dollars per day that a patient was in the hospital (per-diem payments only used for inpatient proce- dures). Finally, hospitals could receive a specific fee for service provided to patients (fee-for-service or FFS payments). Usually, Medicaid payments were much less than the costs the hospital incurred to provide the services.5

In Louisiana, Medicaid had two special designations to help the profitability of hospitals that served a large number of Medicaid patients. The first was a rural hos- pital designation that the Louisiana Rural Hospital Preservation Act had established in 1997.6 The act stipulated that Medicaid would reimburse 110 percent of costs for outpatient procedures and pay a per diem rate for inpatient procedures. Second, for

For the exclusive use of A. GUPTA, 2020.

This document is authorized for use only by ATUL GUPTA in 2020.

Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 81

any cost that hospitals incurred on inpatient procedures that exceeded the per diem rates, hospitals would receive a disproportionate share payment (DSH payment) from the federal government to cover the uncompensated costs. These designations were necessary because rural areas usually had a relatively large population of sick, elderly, and low-income citizens who often needed procedures that exceeded the Medicaid per diem rate. BSH was eligible for both of these programs.

Because of policy changes stemming from the ACA, the government eliminated DSH payments for the 2012 fiscal year and thereafter. The Federal government’s initial reason for eliminating the DSH payment was to fund the expansion of Med- icaid, which increased the number of insured people, thereby decreasing hospitals’ dependency on DSH payments.7 The Federal government attempted to force states to expand Medicaid by threatening to withhold all Federal support for Medicaid if the state did not comply; however, in the case of National Federation of Independent Business versus Sebelius in July 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that this ultimatum was unconstitutional coercion because states could not survive a budget decrease of such magnitude. Therefore, while the expansion was still mandatory, the Federal gov- ernment could not enforce it, and several states, including Louisiana, opted not to expand Medicaid coverage.8 Despite the Supreme Court ruling, the cuts to DSH pay- ments were still in full effect. These changes had the potential to result in a larger number of uninsured patients, lower Medicaid reimbursement rates, with no DSH payment to make up the difference.

Medicare Medicare, a social insurance program, received funding solely from the Federal govern- ment; the program insured 48 million citizens in 2011.9 Medicare’s focus was to ensure that the elderly (sixty-five years of age and older) and the disabled received medical care. Medicare typically reimbursed hospitals a flat fee per patient based on the patients diagnoses upon admission (DRG payments). For example, hospitals received the same payment for all patients admitted to receive a hip replacement with no expected com- plications regardless of the costs each individual case incurred. Historically, hospitals fought to keep this rate about equal to the average cost of each procedure, but Medi- care reimbursement was usually below hospitals’ costs.10

As part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Medicare created the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) designation to improve the financial health of rural hospitals because they serviced large populations of elderly patients.11 The act stated that if a hospital acquired CAH status, Medicare would reimburse the hospital at a rate of 101 per- cent of allowable costs. To be eligible for CAH status, a hospital had to be a current participant in the Medicare program; be a rural hospital; have a staffed emergency room 24-hours a day, 7-days a week; have no more than twenty-five beds; maintain an average annual length of stay of ninety-six hours for acute, inpatient care; and be at least thirty-five miles from another hospital.12 Historically, conversion to CAH had positively correlated with a hospital’s financial performance.

Private Insurance Each private insurance firm negotiated its own specific terms with individual hospitals to determine what rates the insurance company would pay. When hospitals provided services to a patient with private health insurance, the patient paid a predetermined deductible and the insurance company paid the remaining balance. Private insurance

For the exclusive use of A. GUPTA, 2020.

This document is authorized for use only by ATUL GUPTA in 2020.

82 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

paid a much higher proportion of hospital bills than Medicaid or Medicare, but did not pay rates as high as the uninsured/self-pay patients because the size of private insurance companies gave them bargaining power.

Uninsured and Self-Pay Patients Hospitals billed patients without insurance the full market rate of services rendered, including a premium to cover services the hospital provided to others who had Medic- aid or simply failed to pay. Many uninsured patients paid their bill in full; however, a subset of uninsured patients could not afford insurance and had the least ability to pay. When uninsured patients failed to pay, it was written off as bad debt by the hospital and referred to as uncompensated care.

Managing the Payer Mix The percentage of a hospital’s patients who fell within each category was its payer mix; usually rural hospitals had payer mixes that were largely made up of Medicaid and Medicare patients. Specifically, 55 percent of BSH’s gross revenue currently came from either Medicare or Medicaid. Sullivan knew he had to take this factor into account when recommending which services to provide because he knew that different services attracted different payer mixes. Even if a service was in high demand, a payer mix heav- ily weighted with inpatient Medicaid patients would result in extremely thin margins. However, if BSH’s payer mix was not representative of its community, this disparity would be an indicator that BSH was not meeting the community’s needs. Sullivan had to find a way to protect the hospital’s margins while maintaining BSH’s Medicaid and Medicare payer mix.

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BSH’s Founding and Growth Prior to the opening of BSH, a clinic and health unit served the community. In 1950, the local government established BSH as a political subdivision and as a “component unit of the [parish] Police Jury.” Because it was an extension of the parish government, it was tax-exempt. Government officials intended the hospital to be the sole hospital for the town of less than 10,000 residents. BSH had the same purpose as the clinic and the Health Unit—to offer whatever services the community needed the most. The site for the hospital was on donated land, and BSH opened its doors in June of 1953 with twenty-five patient beds and the potential to expand to double its capacity. The hos- pital was state-of-the-art for its time: BSH had some of the latest medical equipment and was one of the first hospitals to have year-round air conditioning. The hospital was more than sufficient to fulfill the basic healthcare needs of the community, including labor and delivery with eight nursery beds and an incubator for premature infants.13

On the day of BSH’s dedication, 700 people showed up in support to hear about the new hospital, its staff, and its services. The exciting event ended with the dean of doctors, Dr. Horton, proclaiming the hospital’s mission, which was inscribed above the doorway. It read, “For the Glory of the Creator and the relief of man’s estate.” BSH began serving the community’s needs the day it opened its doors and doctors delivered the first baby at the hospital just three days after it had opened.14

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Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 83

BSH underwent two expansions in 1966 and 1985; however, in the late 1990s the hospital went through a five-year period in which it consistently operated with a nega- tive net income before extraordinary items (revenues or expenses that were infrequent or atypical in nature). During this time, revenue BSH had derived from inpatient services exceeded the hospital’s outpatient revenues by an average of about $2 million, and by as much as $4 million in 1999; further, inpatient revenue was the largest source of hospital revenue. At the start of the twenty-first century, BSH realized it needed to make a change. The hospital followed the trend of the healthcare field and shifted more attention to outpatient services. In fiscal year 2001, BSH’s inpatient revenues exceed its outpatient revenues by only $500,000, and the hospital achieved a positive net income for the first time in years. This trend continued, and as outpatient revenues grew to exceed inpatient revenues by $2 million in 2003, net income grew, as well. By adapting to changing times, BSH successfully restructured its services to return to profitability.

Conversion to Critical Access Status Although BSH’s financial condition was improving in the early twenty-first century, net income was still relatively low at about $400,000 on $12 million in operating revenues in 2003, primarily because of low Medicare reimbursement rates. That year, BSH’s payer mix was as follows: 51.9 percent Medicare, 23.0 percent Medicaid, 18.0 percent commercial insurance, and 7.1 percent private pay.15 At the time, BSH qualified for rural hospital status, so it received 110 percent of costs for Medicaid procedures, but they received Medicare payments based on DRGs. Because rural com- munities were often underserved by primary care physicians, these populations had higher rates of illness and their health conditions had progressed by the time these patients sought hospitalization. Therefore, the hospital’s cost to treat these patients fre- quently exceeded the flat rate Medicare paid, which resulted in net losses on Medicare services.

BSH’s relatively high percentage of Medicaid patients was beneficial to its bottom line, but the hospital wanted to improve reimbursement rates for the half of its patients who were on Medicare. BSH saw an opportunity to achieve this goal by becoming a Critical Access Hospital (CAH). In 2003, BSH had met most of the requirements for CAH eligibility, but it had sixty beds at the time and could have no more than twenty-five beds to qualify as a CAH. The hospital had to decide if the increase in reimbursement would offset the decrease in patient volume. BSH’s board decided that converting to CAH status would positively impact its earnings and allow it to continue to serve its community adequately. Accordingly, BSH made the change to CAH status at the end of its fiscal year 2003.16

As expected, BSH’s gross patient revenue decreased in fiscal year 2004 by over $600,000; however, benefits from BSH’s CAH status allowed the hospital to recognize a $500,000 increase in net patient revenue. The hospital’s net income nearly doubled in 2004, and the trend continued in 2005 when BSH enjoyed a $600,000 increase in net patient revenue and an 18 percent increase in net income, bringing total net income to $933,000.

For several years, BSH benefitted from cost-based reimbursement for both Medic- aid and Medicare procedures; however, in 2006 Medicaid began to reimburse BSH’s inpatient services on a per diem rate, complicating the situation once again.17 BSH would lose money if the costs it incurred within a single day exceeded the Medicaid

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84 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

per diem rate. Luckily, the state offset the hospital’s costs that Medicaid did not cover, or its uncompensated care, with a disproportionate share (DSH) payment. The Med- icaid reimbursement changes erased the margins of several of BSH’s services, including labor and delivery, but the DSH payments made up for Medicaid’s substantial under- payment and allowed BSH to continue to provide service to the uninsured and low-income population of its community.

As a result of its tax-exemption status, cost-based reimbursements, and DSH pay- ments, the hospital’s financial performance continued to improve and BSH posted a $3.6 million net profit in fiscal year 2006. The hospital moved forward in ways other than financial, as well. For example, on August 31, 2007, BSH closed the doors of its initial hospital building that dated from 1953 and moved into a new facility. The new hospital had twenty-two beds, including two labor and delivery suites.18

Since Sullivan: 2011–Present Sullivan replaced the eight-year CFO of BSH, James Pfost, in April 2011. Sullivan, a CPA, had worked for ten years at a much larger, urban hospital. He had spent the last few years of his time there as CFO. Sullivan’s previous hospital had approximately 2,000 employees, compared to the 160 employees of BSH. Sullivan’s new position at BSH presented him with new challenges, however. Not only were the operations of the smaller hospital different from those of the large facility, but the operations of its finance department were different as well. To prepare for his new role, Sullivan had to familiarize himself with the unique reimbursement rules that applied to BSH as a tax exempt rural hospital and as a CAH that was largely dependent on DSH payments. His daily responsibilities were significantly different as well. Sullivan said, “As the CFO at an urban hospital, you’re much more big picture. Here I’m more of a working CFO, and I have to do more of my own analytics. I don’t have a reimbursement director or a decision support department.”

Sullivan inherited the hospital in good financial condition and continued to improve it. In fiscal years 2010, 2011, and 2012, BSH posted net incomes of $1.3 million, $1.2 million, and $1.1 million, respectively. Each of these years, the hospital received between $1.6–2.6 million as DSH payments (Exhibit 3). Furthermore, it still enjoyed the cost reimbursement benefits of CAH status.

One of Sullivan’s main goals was to improve efficiency throughout the hospital, and he started by challenging his staff to change their ways of thinking. He said, “When I started here the staff would walk up to me and hand me some information. I’d ask, ‘What is this for?’ and no one could tell me. I’m trying to get my staff to not only ask ‘What?’ but also ‘Why?’” Sullivan’s efforts began to pay off quickly. His staff was think- ing more critically, and because they were working with the numbers directly and fully understood the meaning behind them, the staff began to identify causes of problems and offer potential solutions.

In 2012, the hospital as a whole improved in both efficiency and quality, and employee morale was high. The hospital won numerous awards for accomplishments such as excellence in patient care and pain control, innovation, improved cleanliness, and communication. The hospital ranked in the ninety-ninth percentile for employee engagement, had 81 percent participation at staff meetings, and was voted in the top 100 best places to work by Becker’s Hospital Review because of robust benefits, professional development opportunities, and a work environment that promoted employee collaboration and satisfaction. BSH was in the ninety-seventh percentile in

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Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 85

the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia. They were also in the ninety-seventh percentile for communication with doctors and ninety-first percentile for communication with nurses.

BsH and its Community

BSH was integrally tied to its community in legal and social ways. BSH was estab- lished by an ordinance of the Police Jury of its parish as a subdivision of the local government “to operate, control, and manage matters concerning the health care of citizens . . .” of the town. Therefore, the seven board members who governed the hospital were appointed by the parish council, the town’s governing body; the parish’s citizens elected the parish council. BSH was not only exempt from local taxes, but it also received income from its community in the form of an ad valorem tax that was charged to citizens in the form of additional millage19 on their property taxes; this tax accounted for approximately $2 million annually—about 10 percent of BSH’s revenues. The millage was voted on periodically; it had recently been upheld with an 86 percent citizen approval rating. The hospital could not enforce more than the maximum millage approved by citizens, thirteen mills, but it could choose to enforce less if it generated a surplus. BSH in turn provided the community with things such as “charity care” (care for the needy) for which the hospital did not seek compensation. This varied but could account for up to 1 percent of total expenses. It also held health fairs at which it offered free prostate and thyroid exams and cholesterol, blood glucose, and blood pressure screenings. Staff offered handouts to educate the public about all of the services BSH offered at its hospital and in its four community clinics.

The interdependent nature of the hospital’s relationship with its community was displayed after a recent attempt by BSH to renegotiate the contracts of two of its physicians. The community perceived this notion as a means to fire the physicians, and many of them attended public meetings of the hospital board and the parish council to express their discontent. Community members demanded explanations for the renegotiations and requested that BSH produce a plan to replace the revenues the hospital would lose with their departure. The dispute escalated and resulted in requests by community members that the parish council remove members of BSH’s Board of Commissioners for grave misconduct; a discussion towards this end was put on the parish council’s agenda by one of its members but was never held. Several community members called for the removal of the hospital’s CEO. She did ultimately retire just six months after assuming the position.

Despite this incident, the community’s view of BSH was still positive. BSH’s overall patient satisfaction was in the ninety-seventh percentile, and it was above the ninetieth percentile on the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems, a standardized survey of patients’ opinion of the quality of hospital care.20

When choosing which services to offer, the hospital had to consider the commu- nity’s needs. A recent example was the hiring of a fulltime orthopedic surgeon. The new orthopedic department met a huge need in the aging community, and as a result, its patient volume was booming. Sullivan tried to consider his town’s demographics (see Exhibit 4) and income by age cohort (see Exhibit 5) when making decisions like these.

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86 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

industRy tRends

Although Sullivan knew what had worked for BSH in the past, the healthcare industry was constantly changing and several trends could help him better predict what would work in the future. Changing industry structure was largely due to rising costs and consisted of several micro trends that included an increase in acquisitions and mergers, an increase in hospital outpatient procedures, an increase in stand-alone outpatient practices, and the rise of “accountable care organizations.” Acquisitions and mergers had become necessary for hospitals to gain economies of scale and lower costs. Simi- larly, outpatient procedures had become quicker and required no hospital stay, which also lowered costs. Accountable care organizations, which were networks of doctors, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers that worked in a coordinated fashion to provide healthcare to the Medicare population, had formed to improve efficiency. In addition, because the federal government had mandated that hospitals use electronic health records (EHRs) beginning in 2011, hospitals and doctors’ offices would be able to share patient files seamlessly. This new system could increase the trend of collabora- tion among nearby hospitals to care for specific populations and allowed collaborators to attain greater economies of scale while increasing their efficiencies. BSH was in the process of implementing an EHR and expected to receive approximately $300,000 in federal grant money as a result.

In addition to these trends, Sullivan knew that other trends were emerging solely among CAHs. The most prominent trend was that many CAHs were discontinuing labor and delivery services. In fact, a 2010 survey reported that an increase in obstetri- cal beds in a CAH negatively impacted its financial performance.21 Consequently, the number of CAHs nationally that offered labor and delivery services had dropped to below 40 percent.

Observing hospitals as they transitioned to CAHs was even more indicative of a cause-and-effect relationship. The percentage of hospitals that had offered labor and delivery services two years prior to converting to CAH was 64 percent, which decreased to 54 percent by four years post-CAH conversion (see Exhibit 6).

The specific cause for this trend was debatable because CAHs faced multiple obsta- cles when trying to maintain labor and delivery departments. First, these departments had notoriously high malpractice insurance rates, which could require a $100,000+ premium to cover a doctor that delivered 200 babies. Any lawsuits would bring addi- tional cost (Exhibit 7). Also, the department required a certain number of specialized staff 24-hours per day regardless of whether they were delivering babies. As a result, labor and delivery departments had large fixed expense, which would cause problems unless the hospital could achieve economies of scale, which was difficult in rural areas. Lastly, the CAH Medicare cost-reimbursement umbrella did not cover labor and delivery patients, which incentivized CAHs to concentrate their limited resources on services that the umbrella did cover.

Only two of twenty-seven CAHs in Louisiana still offered labor and delivery services. Despite the decline in the number of hospitals that were offering obstetri- cal services, the number of nursery days among all CAHs nationwide had remained unchanged.22 While this trend may not have held true in the South, where labor and delivery closures were more prominent, it suggested that those CAHs that were still offering labor and delivery saw a 20 percent increase in births, on average, allow- ing them to achieve the necessary economies of scale. Many of the CAHs that had

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Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 87

discontinued obstetrics used the freed up resources from obstetrics to provide more outpatient procedures.

BsH’s situation

Sullivan faced the task of assessing the financial stability of BSH and making a rec- ommendation to the board of the hospital, which consisted of local physicians and community members, on the best way to navigate the changing political landscape. Sullivan knew that the overwhelming majority of BSH’s peers had chosen to discon- tinue labor and delivery services, and he had to look into his own organization to see if BSH should, or could, continue to be the outlier. Under the current market conditions and reimbursement rates, BSH had successfully achieved what many CAHs could not—it had continued to offer obstetrics while remaining profitable. This profitabil- ity was largely due to local tax revenue and its ability to utilize economies of scale, with BSH on track to deliver about 100 infants in 2012 alone. This volume was only possible because BSH hired a full-time OB/GYN doctor in October of 2010 when it saw that expectant mothers were increasingly bypassing rural hospitals in favor of large hospitals for their deliveries. Having a fulltime OB/GYN on staff stopped BSH’s declining birthrates, and as a result, labor and delivery remained the hospital’s largest DRG.

Sullivan knew that if the economic and political environments had remained unchanged from 2010, BSH would not now be considering the possibility of clos- ing the labor and delivery department, but soon after he had taken the reins as CFO, uncertainty began to engulf the healthcare field in the wake of national healthcare reform. Because the Affordable Care Act cut DSH payments and Louisiana subse- quently had refused to expand Medicaid, reimbursement rates were in danger once again. These payments had represented a $2 million boost to BSH’s net income, which in 2011, was only $1.2 million (Exhibit 8). Luckily, a $2.5 million Rural Upper Pay- ment Limit stipend from the state was expected to offset the loss in 2013. All Sullivan knew about the UPL payments was that they were instituted by the Louisiana State Government to reconcile the loss of the DSH payments, and they were intended to support rural hospitals that served poor communities. However, DSH’s permanence was questionable, and Sullivan doubted that he could count on it indefinitely. At the hospital’s 2011 level of Medicaid inpatient uncompensated care, this cut would sub- tract $2 million from BSH’s bottom line, leaving it with nearly a $1 million deficit.23

Labor and delivery represented BSH’s largest inpatient revenue stream, and 90 percent of those patients were Medicaid participants. Sullivan had the feeling that too much of the hospital’s risk was concentrated in a department that could lose profit- ability based on what seemed to be inevitable change in a dynamic government policy. Sullivan provided the following perspective on the issue:

Without the DSH payment, the hospital loses money on each delivery, and with the DSH payment the hospital barely breaks even . . . Labor and delivery is our largest DRG, and 80–90 percent of our deliveries are for Medicaid patients that we aren’t even reimbursed enough to cover our costs. If the DSH payment gets cut, and nothing replaces it, we will be in trouble.

Despite much uncertainty, Sullivan’s ideal goal was to keep the labor and delivery department viable and profitable for the long term. He said:

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88 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

Shutting the labor and delivery department would not only have huge effects on the hospital, the doctors, and the nurses, but it would also affect the community. Those employees would no longer be contributing to the economy of the town. Mothers would have to drive somewhere else for OB services, and would probably find pedia- tricians in the cities where they delivered. Also, labor and delivery is the number one DRG of our hospital. I would have to find another service to takes its place just to continue covering my fixed costs. As a rural hospital, you have to service the needs of the community as long as you can afford to. Now, if we can’t cover our costs, then we have to make a decision.

Sullivan worried about exactly that issue—the possibility that BSH would even- tually be unable to afford to offer labor and delivery services—but he had several ideas to increase efficiencies and reduce the hospital’s dependency on DSH payments (see Exhibit 9). If he could accomplish that goal, then BSH might remain profitable, despite cuts in reimbursement. One possibility was in the emergency department. Because the ER staff had failed to collect all required information from patients on several occasions, Medicare had refused to reimburse BSH for services it had provided.

To ensure the hospital received all fees, Sullivan trained the ER staff to gather the necessary information and changed how the ER operated so that staff obtained all information immediately after they had completed the initial patient assessment, but before they provided any further treatment to the patient. Through other refinements similar to this one, Sullivan set a goal to increase reimbursements by one percent of gross revenue (before contractual adjustments of approximately 44 percent) in the fis- cal year 2013, which equated to about $400,000. He also planned to improve other collection processes to decrease uncompensated care from individual payers by making patients pay up front for non-emergency services. In this way, he believed he could lower the hospital’s bad debt expense24 that was currently eight to nine percent of gross revenue, compared to five percent for other CAHs in BSH’s area. For every percent- age point he could lower BSH’s bad debt expense, the hospital’s bottom line would increase another $400,000. However, despite these goals, BSH could only become so efficient, and Sullivan wondered if these improvements would be enough to replace the DSH payment.

Sullivan knew that no other department could fulfill the need that the labor and delivery department met in the community, but he wondered if another department might be able to replace its revenue. The most viable option seemed to be orthopedics. In October of 2011, BSH had hired a full-time orthopedic surgeon, and the depart- ment was growing quickly. Orthopedics was a highly needed service in the area, and, compared to the labor and delivery department, the orthopedic department served a much larger number of Medicare patients. This distinct Medicare patient group ben- efitted the hospital in two ways: it better positioned the hospital to meet the needs of the aging population in the community, and a large portion of this patient group fell under the umbrella of CAH, cost-based reimbursements. One option for expansion was to staff a second operating room and expand BSH’s orthopedic practice from one day a week to five.

BSH’s orthopedic department was far less dependent upon Medicaid patients than its labor and delivery department. Nevertheless, Sullivan knew that he could continue to service Medicaid patients for outpatient procedures through its orthopedic depart- ment because Medicaid reimbursed BSH 110 percent of costs for Medicaid outpatient surgeries. In this way, BSH would get cost based reimbursement for almost all ortho- pedic procedures it performed. Sullivan knew that the hospital and community would

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Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 89

still miss the labor and delivery department, but if he could not cover his costs he had no other choice.

BSH had a number of other avenues of potential expansion. Several hospital execu- tives had noticed a need for an otolaryngologist, a gastroenterologist, and a pediatric specialist. Further, the hospital was about to begin construction on a new office build- ing that would have enough capacity to house four new physicians. All of these options required relatively little fixed costs by utilizing the operating rooms and office space already available and would provide needed services at attractive reimbursement rates.

Unlike not-for-profit hospitals that had to conduct community needs assessments and incorporate their findings to maintain their tax-exempt statuses, BSH had no obli- gation to follow that same rule because the hospital had achieved tax-exempt status as a political subdivision. Sullivan knew that a labor and delivery department at a larger hospital that was a 40-minute drive away could offer quality care to BSH’s expectant mother community. It had a greater capacity, with 165 beds, and delivered more than 400 infants annually. However, the most needy citizens might not have transporta- tion to neighboring towns because neither taxi service nor a bus system was available. Further, seeking care at the larger hospital would not be as convenient for expectant mothers, which could result in decreased compliance with prenatal care appointments. One viable option in relinquishing labor and delivery services could be to establish a cooperative relationship with this nearby hospital and coordinate obstetrical care in some fashion. If BSH provided prenatal care, shared information fluently with the nearby hospital, and sent its patients there to deliver, it could potentially provide uncompromised care to its community while still offering more profitable services.

Discontinuing labor and delivery services could free up physician salaries and resources that BSH could use to expand into the more appealing and much needed services that did not require fully staffed departments or that would expand depart- ments that were already staffed thereby spreading fixed costs over a larger volume. In addition to labor and delivery, the hospital’s existing services included the follow- ing: inpatient and outpatient surgery (including general, orthopedic, and colonoscopy screening), emergency department, laboratory, intensive care unit, outpatient and inpatient therapy (physical, occupational, and speech therapy), nutritional services, respiratory therapy, cardiovascular rehabilitation, radiology services, breast cancer screenings/mammograms, and wound management services.

In addition to reimbursement for services and the DSH payment, BSH had a third income stream that could offset the loss—local property tax. Although citizens seemed to be comfortable with the current tax rate, using the tax to replace the DSH payment would necessitate doubling it, and any increase in millage would have to be approved by the parish council and voted on by citizens. This would result in an increase of $130 per household per $100,000 of home value. While this would lead to some wealth redistribution within the community—allowing citizens with more expensive homes to pay for the uncompensated care of the more needy—it still put the financial burden on the relatively poor community, as opposed to receiving funding from the federal or state government. Further, if the hospital operated at a surplus, it could, and had in recent years, decrease the millage rate it levied on citizens.

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90 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

BsH’s deCision

Sullivan had just completed the budget for fiscal year 201325 and announced higher than expected profits for the fourth quarter of 2012 and the year, but he was unsure about the hospital’s future. The projected budget predicted $518,357 in net income for the coming fiscal year with just over $18 million in net revenue and almost $23 million in operating expenses. To offset its typical deficit, BSH was set to receive $2 million in tax revenue and $2.5 million in UPL payments, which was intended to replace the DSH payment. Sullivan hoped that the state realized the importance of its rural hospitals and continued the UPL payments, but with the state’s current budget deficit that led to funding cuts to state colleges and hospitals and with the state’s plan to build a $1 billion medical center in New Orleans, nothing was certain.

Sullivan knew that the board of the hospital would not want to deviate from BSH’s mission, and, after only eighteen months as CFO, he wondered how receptive they would be to his ideas. But, he also knew that without adequate earnings, the hospi- tal would be unable to continue to operate, and all the needs of the town would go unmet. He wondered if the hospital had chosen the right path thus far by doing the opposite of what the overwhelming majority of its peers had done, and, if so, whether its current path would continue to be the correct one. In a time when government cuts threatened Medicaid inpatient reimbursements, Sullivan believed he would be impru- dent if he failed to take action to protect BSH by further shifting its revenues to more stable reimbursements such as CAH and rural hospital cost-based reimbursements.

BSH had survived sixty years while sticking to its mission. Although, Sullivan knew the history of the hospital well, BSH was entering into a business and politi- cal environment that was new and drastically different than that of the past. Sullivan wondered, “Will staying the course lead to continuously smaller margins and missed opportunities? Or, will the hospital continue to meet the needs of its community, sur- pass its expectations, and thrive?”

Exhibit 1: Changes in Number and Rate of Low Birth Weight Births from Year before Obstetrical Service Closure to Year after Closure

Year Before Year After

Number Rate Number Rate Change in Number of LBW Births

Percent Change in Rate of LBW

Town 1 7 4.4% 8 5.2% 1 15.4%

Town 2 15 4.1% 20 6.0% 5 31.6%

Town 3 17 7.5% 19 9.0% 2 17.6%

Town 4 49 6.1% 68 8.0% 19 23.8%

Town 5 53 7.1% 55 7.4% 2 4.1%

Town 6 92 5.9% 116 7.4% 24 20.3%

Town 7 8 7.1% 11 8.5% 3 16.5%

Cumulative data 241 5.4% 297 7.4% 56 27.0%

Source: Sontheimer, 2008.

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Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 91

Exhibit 2: BSH’s profit margin by insurer

2011 2012 Average

Percentage of accounts receivable

Medicare (%) 22 22

Medicaid (%) 13 18

Other (%) 65 60

Value of corresponding operating expenses

Medicare ($) 4,536,407 4,927,390 4,731,900

Medicaid ($) 2,680,604 4,031,501 3,356,050

Other ($) 13,403,020 13,438,336 13,420,700

Percentage of net service revenue

Medicare (%) 28.3 27.6

Medicaid (%) 7.9 5.5

Other (%) 63.7 66.8

Value of net service revenue

Medicare ($) 6,006,717 6,619,494 6,313,066

Medicaid ($) 1,681,549 1,329,431 1,505,490

Other ($) 13,506,586 16,008,533 14,757,560

Doubtful Accounts

Medicare ($) 829,685 942,876

Medicaid ($) 232,266 189,363

Other ($) 1,865,613 2,280,245

Total ($) 2,927,565 3,412,485

Net service revenue minus doubtful accounts

Medicare ($) 5,177,032 5,676,618 5,426,825

Medicaid ($) 1,449,283 1,140,068 1,294,675

Other ($) 11,640,972 13,728,288 12,684,630

Profit Margin

Medicare 1.14 1.15 1.15

Medicaid 0.54 0.28 0.41

Other 0.87 1.02 0.95

Source: BSH’s 2012 financial statements

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92 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

Exhibit 3: Net income, Ad valorem tax income, and DSH payments, 2009–20012

2009 2010 2011 2012

Net Income ($) 279,383 1,293,792 1,216,921 1,061,047

Income from ad valorem taxes ($) 2,562,262 2,249,772 2,210,461 2,358,843

Income from DSH payments ($) 1,734,954 2,622,163 1,646,240 1,991,531

Source: BSH’s financial statements

Exhibit 4: Bayou Side Hospital’s Town Demographics

Year 2000 2010

Population 8,354 7,660

Female (%) 55 54

Under 5 years of age (%) 7.8 7.1

15–45 years of age (%) 40 36

Over 55 years of age (%) 22.5 27.1

Median age (years) 35.2 38.6

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Exhibit 5: Bayou Side Hospital’s Town Median Household Income by Age

BSH’s town Louisiana U.S.

Under 25 years $8,824 $16,905 $22,679

25–34 years $22,031 $33,155 $41,414

55–64 years $35,250 $35,724 $47,447

All ages $24,844 $32,566 $41,994

Source: U.S. Census Bureau: 2000.

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Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 93

Exhibit 6: Percent of CAHs with at Least One Nursery Day

Source: Flex Monitoring Program Policy Brief #18.

Exhibit 7: Louisiana Malpractice Insurance Rates by Specialty

Source: Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. ( medical-malpractice-insurance/).

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94 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

Exhibit 8: BSH Income Comparison—2011/201226

2012 2011

Operating Revenues

Net Patient Service Revenue before Provision for Doubtful Accounts $23,957,458 $21,194,852

Provision for Doubtful Accounts (3,412,485) (2,927,565)

Net Patient Service Revenues less Provision for Doubtful Accounts 20,544,973 18,267,287

Ad Valorem Taxes 2,358,843 2,210,461

Other Operating Revenue 341,461 348,515

Total Operating Revnue 23,245,277 20,826,263

Operating Expenses

Professional Services 12,579,725 11,078,993

General and Administrative 8,043,718 7,803,781

Depreciation and Amortization 1,773,783 1,737,257

Total Operating Expenses 22,397,226 20,620,031

Net Income from Operations 848,051 206,232

Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses)

Grant Revenue 613,572 1,490,896

Interest Income 8,746 8,459

Interest Expense (410,355) (492,906)

Other Non-Operating Revenue 1,033 4,240

Total Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) 212,996 1,010,689

Change in Net Position 1,061,047 1,216,921

Total Net Position, Beginning 16,164, 821 14, 947, 900

Total Net Position, Ending $17,225,868 $16,164,821

Source: BSH’s financial statements

Exhibit 9: Probability of Future Cash Flows

Best Case ($)

Probability (%)

Intermediate ($)

Probability (%)

Worst Case ($)

Probability (%)

Emergency department registration changes

400,000 15 200,000 50 0 35

Decreased bad debt 1,600,000 10 800,000 35 0 55

Future UPL payments 2,500,000 50 0 50

Source: BSH’s financial statements

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Obstetrics in Rural, Critical Access Hospitals: Is It Feasible? 95


1. Although the case is based on a real situation, the names of the hospital and its CFO have been changed to maintain confidentiality and anonymity. “Bayou Side Hospital” and “Thomas Sullivan” are pseudonyms.

2. Sontheimer, Dan, et al. “Impact of Discontinued Obstetrical Services in Rural Missouri: 1990–2002.” The Journal of Rural Health, 24.1 (2008): 96–8.

3. Reinhardt, Uwe. “How Do Hospitals Get Paid? A Primer.” 2009. http://

4. “Medicaid Eligibility.” CHIP-Program-Information/By-Topics/Eligibility/Eligibility.html.

5. Reinhardt, op. cit. 6. Louisiana Legislature. Louisiana Rural Hospital Preservation Act. 1997. 7. National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems. “DSH Pay-

ment Status Update.” Disproportionate-Share-Hospital-(DSH)-Payments/DSH-Payments-Legislative- Status.aspx.

8. Barrow, Bill. “Jindal Administration Announces Steep Medicaid Cuts; LSU Hospitals Hit Hard.” The Times-Picayune. July 13, 2012.

9. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. “Critical Access Hospital.” 2012. MLN/MLNProducts/downloads/CritAccessHospfctsht.pdf.

10. Reinhardt, op. cit. 11. Louisiana Legislature, op. cit. 12. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, op. cit. 13. “Hospital Featuring Latest Equipment.” The Bayou Side Tribune, June 4, 1953. 14. “Bayou Side Hospital Dedication.” The Bayou Side Tribune, June 2, 1953. 15. Hospital Service District no. 1. Bayou Side Hospital, 2010. 16. Ibid. 17. Ibid. 18. McConnell, Barbara. “[Bayou Side Hospital] Ready Now for the Future.” 2008.[Bayou-Side-hospital]-ready-now- and-for-the-future-cms-1065.

19. In an ad valorem tax structure, the millage rate is multiplied by the assessed value of a property to determine the property taxes owed. In BSH’s parish, if fair market value of a home was $100,000, the assessed value would be 1/10 of that—$10,000. 13 mills (13/1,000 or .013) multiplied by $10,000 would result in this household owing $130 in additional property taxes annually.

20. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Baltimore, MD. http://www. Accessed 6 September 2016.

21. Holmes, Mark, Saleema Karin, and George Pink. “Changes in Obstetrical Ser- vices among Critical Access Hospitals.” Policy Brief #18 Vol. Flex Monitoring Program, 2011.

22. Ibid.

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96 Case Research Journal • Volume 36 • Issue 3 • Summer 2016

23. Ibid. 24. Bad debt expense refers to the amount of uncollectible charges in a given period. 25. BSH’s fiscal year spanned from October 1st to September 30th. 26. Ibid.


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