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Comparative Human Experience

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the instructions for the Week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project. In addition, keep in mind the LIB101 research guide: Library resources and primary sources as a resource that help you in researching your topic and finding primary and secondary sources.

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for your final project by guiding you through the research and writing process. To complete this activity, download the required Final Project Preparation Template Download Final Project Preparation Template and fill out each section.

Final project preparation template

To complete the Final Project Preparation Template successfully, use the Week 3 Assignment Help Sheet with Worked Examples Download Week 3 Assignment Help Sheet with Worked Examples.

To complete the template, you will

  • Choose two societies or civilizations that you would like to examine in your final project, including the time periods you will consider.
  • Choose one theme for your analysis of the societies or civilizations.
  • Choose a format to present your analysis.
  • Choose two works from each society (four total) that express your chosen theme (works of history, literature, philosophy, theology, art, architecture, or music) and list them using APA-formatted references. These works are considered primary sources.
  • Choose two scholarly secondary sources, one for each society or civilization, relevant to your chosen theme and list them using APA-formatted references.
  • Provide brief annotations for each source (six total) including a description of its content and relevance to your Final Project.
  • Develop a preliminary introduction for your final project.
  • Develop a preliminary thesis statement for your final project.
  • Outline three topic sentences for each society or civilization to shape the main points of your analysis.
  • Cite at least one source from your reference list to support each topic sentence.
  • List your sources in an APA-formatted references list (two scholarly sources and four primary source works)
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Belief system and the Human Experience

Instructions for assignment:

Belief system and the Human Experience

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapter 4 and complete the LIB101: Week 3 Civilization TourLinks to an external site. interactive.

For this forum discussion you must

Must be 250 words

  • Identify two major religions or belief systems addressed in the readings this week that you would like to examine further.
  • Identify the society or societies where the belief systems were followed.
  • Identify the key elements of the two belief systems.
    • How were these beliefs integral to the society?
    • How did societies, groups, or individuals express or demonstrate their spiritual or ethical beliefs?
    • What was the impact of revelation- versus enlightenment-based beliefs?
  • Discuss how spiritual or ethical beliefs in two major belief systems impacted one of the following areas:
    • Aesthetic and intellectual achievements in the realm of art, architecture, philosophy, theology, literature, sciences, or music.
  • How does belief shape such works?
  • How do such works impact belief?
  • For what purposes are such works created?
  • What ideals are expressed in such works?
    • Government or system of rule
  • What is the relationship between spiritual or ethical beliefs and systems of rule?
  • Are ideals of rule associated with spiritual or ethical beliefs?
  • Do spiritual or ethical beliefs shape legal systems or laws? How is justice conceived?
    • Gender roles
  • What spiritual or ethical ideals shape family relationships? Between parents? Parents and children? Siblings? Ancestors? Larger kinship networks?
  • What spiritual or ethical ideals shape ideas about what is considered appropriate or inappropriate sexuality?
  • How are spiritual or ethical ideals experienced by men versus women?
    • War and peace
  • What position do different spiritual or ethical systems take on war?
  • How do different spiritual or ethical systems justify war?
  • How do different spiritual or ethical systems address tolerance or intolerance of other belief systems?
    • Socioeconomic systems
  • How does spiritual or ethical belief shape ideas about poverty and charity?
  • How does spiritual or ethical belief uphold or challenge social hierarchy?
  • How do spiritual or ethical beliefs contrast material versus spiritual well-being?
  • How do spiritual or ethical beliefs impact ideas about personal responsibility to the larger community?

Discussion 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 4 in your textbook and the LIB101: Week 3 Civilization TourLinks to an external site. interactive.

Must be at least 100 words

In your initial posting, address the following questions:

  • What struck you in particular about the human condition and the expression of humanity as you explored the course materials this week?
  • What insights have you had?
  • What has caused you to struggle or feel confused?
  • What questions have come up for you at this point?
  • Do you have any helpful tips that you have picked up in this course or a past one?

Discussion 3

Annotated Bibliography Builder Learning Acivity

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity discussion forum,

  • review the Week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project, and
  • review the LIB101 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary SourcesLinks to an external site..

A Annotated Bibliography Builder Annotated Bibliography Builder This template will assist you with creating a reference and an annotation for each of the two sources you are required to contribute to the annotated bibliography in the Annotated Bibliography Builder Learning Activity discussion forum in Week 3.

APA References for Your Article, Chapter, Webpage, Artifact, Work of Art, or Architectural Monument

APA Format for Journal Article:

Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Publication Title, volume number(issue), pp–pp. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010). How to cite a journal article. History of Citation, 62(4), 56-75. https://url_goes_here

APA Format for Chapter in a Book:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (edition, if other than the first, pp. XX–XX). Publisher Name. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010). How to cite a journal article. In J.K. Holloway (Ed.), A Brief History of Citation (pp. 56-75). Major University Press. https://url_goes_here

APA Format for Webpage:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of web page. Site Name. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010, June). How to cite a journal article. A Brief History of Citation.

APA Format for Artifact:

[Description of Artifact]. (Date of the artifact’s creation). Name of the Museum Collection (Box, File, or

Call Number). Name of the Museum, Location of Museum. Website data (if applicable).


[Coral Pounder, Caroline Islands, Micronesia]. (n.d.). Artifact Number 03292, Hawaiian National

Museum Collection. Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI.

APA Format for Work of Art:

Artist (Year of completion). Title [Description of material]. Name of Institution, Museum, or Collection, City, abbreviated Province/State. Website data (if applicable).


Giotto di Bondone (1305). The Lamentation of Christ [Fresco]. Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua.

APA Format for Architectural Monument:

Name of Structure (Year of completion). [Description of the structure]. Location. Website data (if applicable).


Parthenon (432 BCE). [Temple]. Athens.

For further guidance on creating APA references for other kinds of sources, go to the UAGC Writing Center’s APA: Formatting Your Reference List.

What to Include in Your Article, Chapter, or Web Article Annotation

1. Explain what makes your source scholarly: a. What do you know about the author? Do a Google search on the author; find their biography at the place they teach, and look for their Curriculum Vitae (an academic resume). What information establishes them as a credible expert on this topic?

b. What are some examples of scholarly sources that are referenced and cited in this article, chapter, or web article?

2. In your own words, what is the author’s thesis or the central focus? What would you answer if you described what you read to someone, and then they asked “So what’s the point?”

What to Include in Your Primary Source Annotation

1. Explain what makes your source primary: a. Was the source created close to the time of the event?

2. In a sentence or two, what do we know about this author (e.g., dates, social or marital status, relevant places of residence, etc.)? You might need to get more information about the author! a. Did the original author have firsthand knowledge of the subject at hand? Or, did he or she report what others saw and heard?

b. What opinions or interests did the author have that influenced what was recorded?

3. What do we know about the source? When, where, and/or why was it created? What type of source is it (e.g., treatise, law code, letter, journal, etc.)? a. For what purpose was the piece originally written?

b. For whom was the piece originally directed? Did the writer produce the source for personal use, for one or more individuals, or for a large audience? Was the source meant to be public or private?

c. What were the author’s motivations for writing? Did the writer wish to inform or persuade others? Did the writer have reasons to be honest or dishonest? Any ulterior motives? What might they have been?

4. Why is this source important? a. What was going on at the time and place that the source was created? What are the most important issues closely associated with this source?

b. What broader themes does or could the source address that provide insight into the period under consideration?

c. What impact might the source have had in context of its time and/or place?

d. How would you use this source as a piece of historical evidence? i. What does this source tell us?

ii. What strengths does this source have as historical evidence?

iii. What limitations does this source have as historical evidence?

iv. What questions does it leave unanswered?

v. What other sorts of evidence might support it?

5. What specific part of your week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project could this primary source support? Why?

Where to Find Sources to Review

1. LIB101 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary Sources (accessible through the online classroom)

2. Multimedia Tours (accessible through the online classroom)

LIB101: Week 1 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 2 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 3 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 4 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 5 Civilization Tour

The purpose of this activity is to help you develop your library research skills, so you can locate primary sources, books, and journal articles related to your Week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project. You are required to find two sources that you can use for the final project. Your first source must be a primary source and your second source must be a scholarly, secondary source. (Tip! Your primary source should be one of the works of history, literature, philosophy, theology, art, architecture, or music that expresses your chosen theme in one of the societies you will discuss in the final project). Remember to download your sources, if possible, or save the reference somewhere safe as you will be using these sources again as a part of your Final Project Preparation assignment this week. Do not select tertiary sources such as encyclopedia articles for this exercise, as they do not meet the research requirements for the final project.

This activity will also help you focus on analyzing sources by writing annotations. What is an annotation? An annotation is a brief written commentary on a scholarly book, chapter, journal article, or primary source that summarizes its central points and main argument. In the case of primary sources, you will identify key elements of the source that will help you analyze its significance.

For your initial posting, use the Annotated Bibliography Builder TemplateLinks to an external site. as a guide for creating a reference and annotation for each of your two sources. Post your annotated bibliography in the discussion forum for your classmates to view

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Risk Management and Human Resource Management Plans

In this assignment, you will document, track and manage the project’s risks and utilization of human resources. The risk management will be accomplished through the use of a Risk Register chart. Using the Risk Register is a way to identify, document, and manage all of the risks associated with a project. The chart details provide an easy way to scan for level of risk, status, potential responses, who is responsible for the risk in addition to the project manager, or other details needed to manage the risk. This is a great way to keep everyone informed when this document is presented at the weekly team meetings and in communication with all stakeholders. Another key tool is called the RACI chart which helps you identify who is responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed for each major project task. The RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, informed) chart will help manage and track utilization of human resources; this facilitates monitoring and control as well as provides one means of communication. It documents and makes it clear who is responsible for bringing the task to completion, on time, on budget. For this assignment, do the following: Complete the Risk Register and RACI documents for your project. All project risks must be identified and added to your risk register following the example. The RACI chart must provide the responsibility, accountability, consulted, or informed status for each member of the team for all major project tasks following the RACI example.

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Is immigration a human right?

Your essay should be about 12 double-spaced pages about Is immigration a human right?. Employ 12-point Times New Roman font and regular margin settings.

This is not a research paper. The only readings you need to complete the essay come from the class readings.

Please refer to the syllabus section on academic integrity to ensure that you’re aware of your responsibilities and clear on how to avoid plagiarism/academic dishonesty.

You may use any citation method you like (e.g., Chicago or MLA) as long as you fully cite your sources (including page numbers), and keep the referencing consistent throughout

Writing Tips:

Ensure that you plan your essay before you begin writing. You may end up deviating from the plan, but it is good to go in with a sense of direction.

Determine what the essay question is asking you. What are the key terms and concepts being used? What is the tension you are exploring? What are the different sides of the debate? What material from the course should be used to answer the question?

What is your answer to the question? Your answer is the key to a successful essay. You have to take a stand and make an argument! Identify what your position is before you start writing. Once you begin writing, make sure that each of your paragraphs contributes to clarifying or defending your position.

Construct a good introductory paragraph. You can wait until you have finished the rest of the paper to write the introduction. It must include a clear thesis statement that explicitly sets out your position. The reader should be able to quickly and easily identify what your essay is trying to prove. Following your thesis statement, provide a brief description of how your essay will argue for the position you are taking.

After the introduction, you need a section where you define the key terms and concepts that you will be employing in your essay. Are there different ways of defining the terms or understanding the concepts that you reject? If so, specify how your understanding diverges from other prominent views.

Following the introduction and the section where you define your terms, describe what is at stake in the debate and briefly lay out the arguments you will be examining. This descriptive portion of your essay should make up no more than one third of the entire length of the paper.

The remaining two thirds of the paper should develop and defend your argument (or thesis). Make sure that each paragraph is crucial to advancing your point and that it links to the paragraphs before and after it. You should also signpost along the way to remind the reader of what your argument is.

You will need to support your arguments by drawing on the relevant thinkers and theories from the course. You should also use examples to illustrate your points. You can use examples from texts, from real life, and from your own mind (e.g. thought experiments).

Make sure that you also consider the other side(s) of the debate. Raising and then arguing against counter-examples is an excellent way to demonstrate a breadth of knowledge, and strengthen your own position.

Finish with a strong conclusion that reiterates your thesis and outlines how you have gone about arguing for it.

The question is Is immigration a human right?


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The above articles are to be used for this

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Describe what human relations means

The term “human relations” covers all types of interactions among people – their conflicts, cooperative efforts, and group relationships. It is the study of why our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors sometimes cause relationship problems in our personal lives and in work-related situations. The study of human relations emphasized the analysis of human behavior, prevention strategies, resolution of behavior problems, and self-development.

Knowledge of human relations can help one manage human interactions and relationships. Human relations are incredibly important in the healthcare industry as they can help put clients and patients at ease, calm stressful situations, and resolve conflict.

For this discussion, conduct independent research to explore in more detail why human relations are important in the workplace. Use the insights you’ve gained to help you respond to the discussion prompts.

2. Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below

Introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. Be sure to include the following:

  1. Based on your research, describe what human relations means.
  2. Describe one (1) new piece of information you learned about why human relations are important in the workplace.
  3. Explain how this knowledge can help you in your future career as an allied health professional.


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emerging human pathogens

Please choose one of the following emerging human pathogens for your main discussion: 

  1. Hepatitis C Virus
  2. Zika Virus

D.  You must discuss your chosen human pathogen to tell us what type of microbe it is, what disease it causes, how the disease is emerging, signs & symptoms, course of disease, treatment and prevention.

E.  Your  discussion should be well-written, in your own words, paraphrasing from only credible academic sources. You may not directly quote from your sources, minimum elaboration on the topic of a minimum of 200 words and maximum of 300 words. F.  You must also cite your credible academic reference sources with parenthetical in text citations, and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format. 


Human immunodifiency virus also known as HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. HIV came to be from chimpanzees in Central Africa. The chimpanzee version of the virus is called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV. ( 2021) It is believed that it was passed to humans as they were being hunted and transmitted to humans when they ate the meat and came into contact with their infected blood. According to studies it is believed that it was passed to humans as far back as the late 1800’s. The virus has been in the United States since at least the 1970’s. ( 2021). Since some peple may be infected and not know it, it is best to get tested so you know for sure. Some possible symptoms include: muscle aches, fever, rash, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat and chills. The good news for those infected with HIV is that due to modern treatments, if the disease it caught early enough, medicines can keep the virus from progressing or at the very least, slow it down. Due to the advancements in treatment, progressing to stage 3 is less common today than it was in the beginning. ( 2021) 

           HIV is only transmissable through vaginal or anal sex, sharing needles or syringes or other drug equipment. In the beginning, since the virus was so deadly, people were scared that you could catch HIV like a cold or from just standing next to someone with it. Today, those notions have long been disproven. We now know that you cannot get HIV through touching or sweat, you can’t get it from insects, or by a toilet seat, and especially, not through the air. ( 2021)

           Treatment for HIV is antiretroviral therapy. There is no cure for HIV but it can be controlled with the proper treatment. Of course, there may be some side effects in some people, but they definitely do not outweigh the risk of the virus progressing and turning into AIDS (Acquired immunodificiency syndrome.) AIDS is diagnosed when HIV has reached the third stage and the immune system is so badly damaged that it has an increased number of severe illness which are known as opportunistic infections. ( 2021). In the past, AIDS would  be considered an imminent death sentence, however, studies have shown that people are living a few more years after the AIDS diagnosis. There was a study done showing that by June of 2016, 27.2% of subjects from a particular study had progressed to AIDS and 25.2% of those patients died. The survival rate was 88% at one year, 85% at two years, 77% at five years and 67% at ten years. ( 2019). Survival rates are continuing to increase as people get treatment earlier (before it reaches the AIDS disgnosis) and maintain their treatments and a healthy preventative lifestyle


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Career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM

Write a research paper outlining possible career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM) and, based upon independent research, discuss how different organizations might develop and implement a strategic HRM plan.

Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources). References must include the name of the author and the date of publication. Websites are not acceptable. Format your work in proper APA format, include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction, and a labeled conclusion in accordance with the course rubric, a minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, and a references section. Double-space all work and cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 7th edition of the APA manual.


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Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the human authors of Scripture

BIBLICAL META NARRATIVE ESSAY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherent nature of the Bible and the theological doctrines. One way to view Scripture is through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Considering biblical doctrines through these four plot movements can aid in our understanding of humanity and humanity’s relationship to God.After viewing the presentation, Understanding Biblical Narrative, and completing your textbook readings, you will be equipped to demonstrate the coherence of Scripture and share some of the implications of the unified message of the Bible. INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you must write an 800 – 1,000-word essay addressing the following prompt: The unity of the Bible is demonstrated through the Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the human authors of Scripture. The study of theology uncovers and articulates the unity of all the biblical texts when they are taken together. From the list of approved doctrines to address, demonstrate the unified nature of the Bible by tracing that doctrine through the four major plot developments of Scripture. For example, The Bible describes God as love in 1 John 4:8. The way to interpret “God is love” is to look at the biblical story that reveals God’s character through His actions. When looking at the idea of love through the four major plot movements in Scripture we see God’s love demonstrated in His creation of humanity, His patience with humanity after the fall, and His sacrificial death to redeem humanity from the fall, and His restorative work through preparation of the heavenly home . (This example would be substantiated and demonstrated with biblical support, and be elaborated on within the essay.)Assignment Requirements:1. Discuss the major movement of the biblical narrative/story, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books.2. Choose two topics from the topic list at the bottom of this document (Page 2) that are presented in Biblical doctrine with attention on how these theological topics unfold through the through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration.3. Using your theological examples, share the implications that these examples provide humanity’s relationship to God.4. Incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course resources.5. Incorporate at least 2 relevant biblical references.6. Write a clear introductory paragraph including the thesis statement. A summative concluding paragraph must also be included


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Mental Health and Mental Illness as Influences on Human Behavior

250 words

Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment text to read the following:

  • Chapter 20, “Mental Health and Mental Illness as Influences on Human Behavior.”
    • This chapter focuses on concept of mental health versus mental illness; proposes positive psychology and resilience as effective interventions with a focus on strengths and resources; and addresses causes of suicide and controversies surrounding suicide.

After completing the unit readings, address the following:

  • What are your thoughts about the way society treats individuals and families who have mental illness?
  • What are your thoughts about society’s perspective on mental health care?

Once you develop your ideas, discuss, from this perspective, the implications for social work practice.

Be sure to cite support for your specific points as well as using examples for emphasis


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Think about the organization of the bones in the human body and outline three different ways in which the skeletal system is organized

Step 1 Organize bones three different ways.

Think about the organization of the bones in the human body and outline three different ways in which the skeletal system is organized. Use a visual diagram or chart to present your three organizational schemes. Be detailed and very clear in the presentation of your ideas.

Step 2 Create learning tools for ten bones.

Select ten bones of the body. Create a learning tool or strategy for each bone that would help you or another student to learn the name and location of each bone.

Step 3 Write a paragraph.

Write a brief paragraph that explains how the skeletal system is involved in homeostasis of the entire body. Provide one example of what can happen to homeostasis when a component of the skeletal system malfunctions


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