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The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in Manage Human Resource Strategic Planning

Assessment Guidelines
Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully.

  1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in Manage Human Resource Strategic Planning.
  2. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, please inform your assessor immediately. Your assessor will provide you with a suitable alternative to complete this assessment.
  3. Your assessor will mark your assessment and provide feedback and a grade to you via the assessment submission on Moodle.
  4. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect you have the rights to appeal the grading through filling out an appeals form which will then be handle by the Academic Manager.
  5. A “NYS” (not yet satisfactory) result of this task may be returned to you for a re-assessment. Re-assessments must be submitted by an agreed date with your assessor.
  6. The re-assessment work must address the specific performance tasks beyond doubt for the assessor to issue a satisfactory (pass) result. A repeat NYS outcome could lead to an administration fee for further reassessment.
  7. All work must be done individually. Copied work will not be accepted and
    By adding my name to this document, I hereby declare the work is my own and has not been copied from any other source.
    Student NAME:___________________________ Date:_____
    Assessment Overview
    In this assessment there are three (4) individual tasks which need to be completed
    Task A – Knowledge-based Questions
    Task B – Research planning requirements
    Task C – Develop human resources strategic plan
    Task D – Implement human resources strategic plan
    Each section needs to be completed and submitted to Moodle as part of your final submission.
    There is a case study which compliments this assessment. The case study has been uploaded into Moodle as a separate document, you need to read through the case study in order to be able to complete the assessment.
    If you cannot download the assessment advise your trainer, you will need to use both the case study and PowerPoint lecture slides to help you complete the assessment.
    You must upload all documents into Moodle for your final submission.
    Task A – Knowledge-based Questions
  8. Describe what is meant by ‘strategic HR planning’.
  9. List three political factors which will have a bearing on the legislation and regulation surrounding your business.
  10. List five common options for sourcing labour.
  11. List five potential objectives/targets which a strategic plan is required to address.
    Task B– Research Planning Requirements
  12. Review the case study on KCF and in a class discussion, discuss what you have learnt, including targets and goals which will impact on staff.
  13. Research emerging practice and/or trends which can impact on KCF staff. (Emerging practices and/or trend can include changes in the way people buy or the community expectations, economic trends, new products or services which can be introduced.
    For example the introduction of uber eats.)
  14. Explain how this information you have researched will impact on KFC and the staff in the future? Include information such as if staffing will need to increase or decrease due to trends, skills required, skills staff will need to keep up with a changing trends in the market.
  15. How will the changes on the market place affect the recruitment of staff?
  16. Is there any changes to legislation which will impact on staffing? If so discuss then briefly?
    Task C – Develop human resource strategy plan
  17. Discuss ideas on how you can consult with senior management. In your discussion include copies of email, memos, minutes of meetings or notes confirming meeting discussion.
  18. Discuss how you will gain agreements on values and policies. Your objectives and targets may include development of areas such as equal employment opportunity and diversity, human resources information systems, induction, industrial relations, job analysis and design, occupational health and safety, performance management, professional development, recruitment and selection, remuneration, staff retention and succession planning.
  19. Document your strategic objectives and targets for the agreed plan
  20. Select at least 2 options for achieving your objectives and targets. One of these must be your final choice. These could include external provision by a consultant or contractor/s, having the work performed elsewhere (outsourcing), internal human resources provision of the service/s, and internal non-human resources provision of the service/s and/or merging of business units. Discuss each and why you made the final choice that you made. Include a Cost Benefit Analysis for each of your chosen options.
  21. Discuss your strategic human resource plan and mention how you will gain support from senior management ?
  22. Develop a risk management plan to support the agreed strategic human resource plan and manage contingencies.
    Task D – Implement human resource strategic plan
  23. Discuss how you will work with others to see the plan is implemented. How will you monitor and review the plan?
  24. How can the plan be adapted if circumstances change?
  25. Discuss how you will evaluate and review the performance of the plan against the objectives?





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You are Chris North, VP of Human Resources for Sunshine State Hospital in Orlando Florida and have been asked by the President of the Hospital to consider mandatory flu shots for all employees of the Hospital.

Please read chapters 1 and 3 along with the articles located in the reading material section and then address the discussion board questions for the week both chapters are uploded and articles copy and pasted

  1. You are Chris North, VP of Human Resources for Sunshine State Hospital in Orlando Florida and have been asked by the President of the Hospital to consider mandatory flu shots for all employees of the Hospital. What would you do?
  2. How would you advise the President on how to move forward? Is it a good idea or not?
  3. Things to consider: Should it be for all employees? Should it be for health care workers only?
  4. Would you terminate the employment of those who do not comply?

Sunshine State Hospital is unionized, and represented by Local 2001 – Nurse Professional Association.

  • How, if at all, does this change your response to question 1.
  • What are your personal thoughts in response to the article?
  • Do you agree with the hospital’s stance?

1st article 

ABC News – Nurses Fired for Refusing Flu Shot (ABC News) (January 4, 2013)

An Indiana hospital (Links to an external site.) has fired eight employees, including at least three veteran nurses, after they refused mandatory flu (Links to an external site.) shots, stirring up controversy over which should come first: employee rights or patient safety. The hospital imposed mandatory vaccines, responding to rising concerns about the spread of influenza.

Ethel Hoover wore all black on her last day of work as a nurse in the critical care unit at Indiana University Health Goshen Hospital. She said she was in “mourning” because she would have been at the hospital 22 years in February, and she’s only called out of work four or five times in her whole career , she said.

“This is my body. I have a right to refuse the flu vaccine,” Hoover, 61, told “For 21 years, I have religiously not taken the flu vaccine, and now you’re telling me that I believe in it.”

More than 15,100 flu cases have been reported (Links to an external site.) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention since Sept. 30, including 16 pediatric deaths. Indiana’s flu activity level is considered high, according to the CDC (Links to an external site.), which last month announced that the flu season came a month.

When Hoover first heard about the mandate, she said she didn’t realize officials would take it so seriously. She said she filed two medical exemptions, a religious exemption and two appeals, but they were all denied. The Dec. 15 flu shot deadline came and went. Hoover’s last day of employment was Dec. 21.

Fellow nurse Kacy Davis said she and her colleagues were “horrified” over Hoover’s firing, calling her their “go-to” nurse and a “preceptor.”

“It was a good place to work,” Hoover said. “We’ve worked together all these years. We’re like a family.”

The hospital said in a statement that it implemented the mandate to promote patient safety based on recommendations from the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It announced the mandate in September. Of the hospital’s 26,000 employees statewide, 95 percent complied. That means 1,300 employees did not comply, but only eight were fired.

“IU Health’s top priority is the health and wellbeing of our patients,” said hospital spokeswoman Whitney Ertel. “Participation in the annual Influenza Patient Safety Program is a condition of employment with IU Health for the health and safety of the patients that we serve, and is therefore required.”

The CDC recommends (Links to an external site.) flu shots for everyone older than six months of age. Dr. William Schaffner, chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn., said hospital patients are especially vulnerable to flu complications because their bodies are already weakened.

“I cannot think of a reason for any health care professional to decline influenza immunization that’s valid,” said Schaffner, a former president of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, adding that people with egg allergies may have to avoid the flu shot to prevent anaphylactic shock, but even that hurdle has been remedied. The Food and Drug Administration approved an egg-free vaccine (Links to an external site.) in November.

Schaffner said invalid excuses to avoid the shot include being afraid of needles and simply promising to stay home when they’re sick. Patients now have the option of a vaccine nasal spray if they want to avoid needles. And since flu victims become contagious before they start to feel sick, they can get patients sick even if they stay home when they have symptoms.

Over the last several years, hospitals have been moving toward mandatory vaccinations because many only have 60 percent vaccination rates, Schaffner said. He is leading an effort for a similar mandate at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Nurses in particular tend to be the most reluctant to get vaccinated among health care workers, Schaffner said, citing his opinion.

“There seems to be a persistent myth that you can get flu from a flu vaccine among nurses,” he said. “They subject themselves to more influenza by not being immunized, and they certainly do not participate in putting patient safety first.”

In October 2011, Vanderbilt broke the world record for number of vaccines administered in an eight-hour period in an event called Flulapalooza. (Links to an external site.) From 6:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m., they vaccinated 12,647 people. By that evening, more than 14,000 people had been vaccinated, and there were no severe adverse reactions, he said.

But still, Hoover’s lawyer, Alan Phillips, says his client had the right to refuse her flu shot under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Links to an external site.), which prohibits religious discrimination of employees. Religion is legally broad under the First Amendment, so it could include any strongly held belief, he said, adding that the belief flu shots are bad should suffice.

“If your personal beliefs are religious in nature, then they are a protected belief,” Phillips said.

Phillips, who is based out of North Carolina, has made a name for himself fighting for employees’ rights to get out of mandated flu shots, but he has never needed to go to court. Although he usually handles a couple dozen health care workers per year, he had 150 this fall in 25 states.

Dr. Damon Raskin, an internist with his own practice in the Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles, said hospitals should mandate flu vaccines as a matter of public safety. The flu can lead to complications like pneumonia and death, said Raskin, who is also affiliated with the Cliffside Malibu Addiction Rehabilitation Center.

“I think if the health care worker has some problem with religious faith then perhaps during flu season, they shouldn’t do that job,” Raskin said, suggesting that the worker do something administrative instead during flu season. “It’s not fair to the patient. The people who are most at risk are in the hospital.”

2nd article

Talks with Jim CollinsJim Collins speaks at the SHRM 2012 Annual Conference. Photo by Steven E. Purcell 

ATLANTA—“The single most important strategic pillar of any great enterprise is people,” best-selling author Jim Collins said in his Tuesday keynote session at the SHRM 2012 Annual Conference.

After spending nine years studying why some companies thrive in uncertainty or even chaos, while others do not, for his latest book Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck—Why Some Thrive Despite Them All (HarperBusiness, 2011), Collins concluded that “it all begins with people.”

The most important executive skills for building a great organization are “the ability to pick the right people, to make disciplined people decisions and to make sure all key seats are filled with the right people,” Collins told attendees.

Collins, whose previous works include Good to Great, How the Mighty Fall and Built to Last, has spent nearly a quarter of a century studying great companies that endure—how they grow, how they attain superior performance, and how good companies can become great companies.

“It’s very dangerous to study success … so we don’t,” he said. “We study the contrast between success and failure … between great and good.

“Greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance … it is a matter of conscious choice and discipline,” he noted.

Level 5 Leaders

Collins described five levels of leadership competence. The first level includes highly capable individuals, followed by contributing team members at level two, competent managers at level three, effective leaders at level four and executives at level five.

According to Collins’ research, the greatest leaders share a common trait: they are level five leaders. “Level five leaders have an ‘X factor’ that is different than level four leaders,” Collins explained: humility.

Though Collins mentioned a few great leaders with “very healthy confidence,” such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, he said that the critical difference is that for level four leaders, “it really is about them.” By contrast, level five leaders’ “ego and ambition and confidence and drive are channeled outward into a cause, into a purpose, into an organization or into a quest that is not about them,” he said.

“Success coupled with arrogance inevitably leads to failure,” he added. “It is outrageous arrogance to neglect people and simultaneously expect them to deliver their best.

“No single leader by himself or herself can make a great company,” Collins added. “Level five leaders understand this; they have to build an entire team to make a company great.”

Triad of Behaviors

Level five leaders possess other key behaviors, Collins has found. These include:

Fanatic discipline. Such leaders are “disciplined people who engage in disciplined thought and who then take disciplined action.” But he warned attendees not to confuse discipline with bureaucracy. “The purpose of bureaucracy is to make up for undisciplined people,” he said.

As an example, Collins compared Roald Amundsen’s successful 1910-12 South Pole expedition and Robert F. Scott’s ultimately fatal Antarctic expedition during that same time to describe the kind of discipline level five leaders use to pursue results. “Discipline also means not going too far,” he said.

Empirical creativity. “Creativity is the natural human state … discipline is not,” Collins noted. “The really rare combination is finding out how to marry the two so we amplify creativity rather than destroy it.

Productive paranoia. “The only mistakes you can learn from are the ones you survive,” Collins noted. This means preparing before bad stuff happens, he said. The ultimate hedge against uncertainty, he said, is who you have on the other end of the rope.

Right People for Key Seats

When looking for people to hold key seats, Collins said level five leaders seek those who:

• Share core values.

• Don’t need to be tightly managed.

• Understand they do not have a job; they have responsibilities.

• Do what they say they will do 100 percent of the time.

In addition, such individuals tend to look outward when good things happen, and give credit to others. However, when bad things happen they look in the mirror and take responsibility.

“It all starts and ends with people,” he noted.

Collins ended the session with a “to do list” for attendees that reiterated some of the points he made throughout the session. Among his suggestions:

• Banish the word “job” and replace it with “responsibilities.”

• Start a “stop doing” list. “Work is infinite; time is finite,” he said. “If you have more than three priorities, you have none.”

• Commit to challenging all young leaders to become level five leaders. “We need legions,” he said. “We need a level five generation.”

Rebecca R. Hastings, SPHR, is an online editor/manager for SHRM





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services You are Chris North, VP of Human Resources for Sunshine State Hospital in Orlando Florida and have been asked by the President of the Hospital to consider mandatory flu shots for all employees of the Hospital.

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Analyze the organizational design of the selected agency’s human resource management in relationship to the entire organization.


Due Week 5 and worth 250 points

Refer to the Scenario for Assignments 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Write a four (4) page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the organizational design of the selected agency’s human resource management in relationship to the entire organization. Assess its strengths and weaknesses. (Title this section “Organizational Design”)
  2. Assess the agency in terms of its global or international linkages, highlighting its application of theory to its approach to personnel management. (Title this section “Global Linkages and Personnel Management”)
  3. Analyze at least three (3) of the major components of the agency’s human resource system’s goals and practices regarding the recruitment and hiring of a qualified workforce. (Title this section “Personnel Recruitment and Hiring Practices”)
  4. Evaluate the agency’s approach to training and programs provided for new and existing employees for the development of knowledge, skills, and overall competencies, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses. (Title this section “Employee Skills Training”)
  5. Recommend at least two (2) actions the agency could take to improve in the areas of recruiting and training a qualified workforce. (Title this section “Recruiting and Training Recommendations”)
  6. Appropriately incorporate at least four (4) quality sources. A quality source can be either popular, such as a news article, or scholarly, such as peer reviewed works. In the case of public administration, government websites are appropriate quality resources. Note: Wikipedia, SparkNotes, and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Visit the Strayer University Library at to conduct research.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page, revisions of the previous assignment, and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate the major components of the public personnel management system

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignment.





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Analyze the organizational design of the selected agency’s human resource management in relationship to the entire organization.

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FAULKNER DEFINES POETRY AS “SOME MOVING, PASSIONATE moment of the human condition distilled to its absolute essence.

Please annotate this article to 8 paragraphs

FAULKNER DEFINES POETRY AS “SOME MOVING, PASSIONATE moment of the human condition distilled to its absolute essence.”[1] If we transcribe this essence into fiction, then the teller becomes the tale. Faulkner plays continually with narrative’s intrinsic subjectivity: from the disjointed, compulsive repetitions[2] of the Compson brothers in The Sound and the Fury to the equivocal, evocative fables of Absalom, Absalom!, he experiments with narrative strategy to portray the teller as the tale. “Barn Burning” dramatizes an intriguing variation of Faulkner’s narrative strategy–a “doubling” of perspective–in which an anonymous, omniscient narrator fuses with Sarty Snopes, the ten-year-old protagonist, to texture the story with a multiple narrative presence: the narrator; the young, traumatized Sarty; and the mature Sarty, whom the narrator evokes to ponder his tormented childhood “[l]ater, twenty years later.”[3] “Barn Burning” depicts a very straightforward plot: Abner Snopes, Sarty’s father, terrorizes his son and impels him prematurely toward manhood when Sarty must choose between the dictates of his own conscience and his father’s frontier justice. The narrator–a sophisticated, intellectual, and foremost poetic presence–absorbs and interprets Sarty’s anguish for the reader. The reader simultaneously experiences the terror-stricken child’s distress and the narrator’s rationalizing of Sarty’s suffering. This supple narrative strategy, an intricate intertwining of diverse levels of consciousness, compresses time to the poetic moment. R. Rio-Jelliffe states that “as the different viewpoints and voices intertwine, planes of time converge.”[4] For Faulkner, every moment contains the element of the past and the promise of the future: the protean narrator intermixes Sarty’s past, present, and future, and, by superimposing these layers of time on one another, “distills” this “moving, passionate moment … to its absolute essence.” According to Rio-Jelliffe, Faulkner reinvents the conventional narrative techniques of flashback, flashforward, and the suspended moment to capture and preserve not an instant of “timelessness” but a moment of “all-timeness” (pp. 101-102).

One pivotal moment of “all-timeness” occurs during the crisis when Abner strikes Sarty for desiring to testify against him at the trial which opens the story. Abner had threatened to torch Mr. Harris’s barn, but the Justice of the Peace hesitates to question Sarty, the only available witness. Instead of compelling the young boy to testify, against his father, the Justice of the Peace banishes Abner from town. That evening, as the Snopes family camps on their way to Major de Spain’s plantation, Abner–the “archetype of unsubmissiveness”[5]–displays his contempt for order, for community, by fueling his frugal fire with a fence railing, in lieu of twigs or underbrush:

a small fire, neat, niggard almost, a shrewd fire; such fires were his father’s habit and custom always, even in freezing weather. Older, the boy might have remarked this and wondered why not a big one; why should not a man who had not only seen the waste and extravagance of war, but who had in his blood an inherent voracious prodigality with material not his own, have burned everything in sight? Then he might have gone a step farther and thought that that was the reason: that niggard blaze was the living fruit of nights passed during those four years in the woods hiding from all men, blue or gray, with his strings of horses (captured horses, he called them). And older still, he might have divined the true reason: that the element of fire spoke to some deep mainspring of his father’s being, as the element of steel or of powder spoke to other men, as the one weapon for the preservation of integrity, else breath were not worth the breathing, and hence to be regarded with respect and used with discretion. (pp. 7-8)

According to Karl F. Zender, the narrator’s speculations about Abner’s pyromania not only project Sarty’s intellectual and moral maturity, but also direct the reader to an “active, intuitive, passionately engaged reading” of the story.[6] Zender insists that the narrator distinguishes between moments of “false” and “true” insight by shifting from “thought” to “divined” in this passage, by converting from an experiential to an intuitive understanding of human nature (p. 50). Certainly the narrator’s conjectures evolve from “wondered” to “thought” to “divined,” from doubtful speculation to prophetic insight, but the auxiliary verb “might” qualifies this entire process. Zender glosses over how the narrator distances the young Sarty deliberately from these speculations. The narrator proposes a series of plausible reasons for Abner’s malice–the havoc of war, moral deficiency, criminal instincts, even psychosis–but Sarty can never fathom his father’s evil. Rather, the narrator assigns a “truth,” some sense of meaning, to the evil afflicting the child.

Images of war haunt the narrator’s speculations, from Abner’s marauding during the War Between the States to the narrator’s ascribing of his militant code of honor. As the narrator ages Sarty from “older” to “older still,” this passage sweeps the youth not only towards maturity, but also towards the experience of battle. Sarty’s dilemma–“being pulled two ways like between two teams of horses” (p. 17)–enacts the classic conflicts of good versus evil, son versus father, and individual versus familial identity.[7] In the midst of these deliberations, the narrator hypothetically marches Sarty towards deeper insights into his father’s character–“then he might have gone a step farther.” Throughout “Barn Burning,” the narrator links movement to volition. In moments of crisis, such as when Mr. Harris calls on Sarty to testify against his father, Sarty yearns to escape but cannot flee from his “frantic grief and despair” (p. 4); the narrator likens Sarty’s peril to dangling “over a ravine,” grasping only a grape vine, “caught in a prolonged instant of mesmerized gravity, weightless in time” (p. 5). Sarty, petrified by fear, endures the terror of the sublime moment until Mr. Harris releases him (both literally and figuratively)–only then can Sarty seek anchorage in his “fluid world” (p. 5). As the narrator, however, speculates about Abner’s fascination with fire, he portrays Sarty as gradually asserting himself to progress from doubtful speculation to prophetic insight, from “wondered” to “thought” to “divined,” and ultimately to exert what Oliver Billingslea calls his “moral vision” (p. 303).

Edmond L. Volpe argues that Faulkner portrays Sarty’s “awakening sense of his own individuality” through the interplay of “two levels of consciousness”: “an adult narrator to translate the boy’s tensions and interpret the moral significance of his anxiety” and the child character to dramatize his distress.[8] The narrator’s quest to decipher Abner’s motiveless malignancy establishes a context for the violence that Abner inflicts on Sarty. The reader perceives Abner only through the eyes of his son, yet the narrator describes a satanic caricature–the depthless silhouette, the “stiff and implacable limp,” the “impervious quality of something cut ruthlessly from tin” (p. 10)–a burlesquing of evil markedly similar to what the reader perceives in the portrayal of the sinister Popeye in Faulkner’s brutal novel Sanctuary. Abner’s surreal presence symbolizes his son’s nightmarish existence, for Sarty has fallen “half asleep” by his father’s meager fire before Abner abruptly summons him to the starlit road, then strikes him: “His father struck him with the flat of his hand on the side of the head, hard but without heat” (p. 8). Susan S. Yunis argues that the narrator stifles Sarty’s pain by focusing exclusively on Abner and presenting his violence objectively. The narrator thus enacts a basic survival strategy for abuse: diminish the aggressor’s brutality by ignoring his victims.[9] Yet Faulkner’s intricate narrative strategy underscores Sarty’s trauma by distancing the reader aesthetically from the young boy’s “frantic grief and despair” (p. 4). Rather than objectifying and degrading Sarty, this dispassionate narrative imitates nightmare’s disembodiment and disorientation. The reader perceives the terror-stricken child’s suffering much more intensely through this manifold narrative perspective. Yunis assumes that the mature Sarty remains obsessed with his past, locked within an “endless” and unfulfilling narrative (p. 26). By discounting the narrator’s empathy for Sarty, Yunis misconstrues how the narrator establishes a context for Sarty’s trauma to intensify his tragedy. Regrettably, Yunis likens the narrator to the abusive, negligent men of the Snopes clan, then reviles “him” for controlling the reader’s animosity towards Abner (p. 24); this strident misinterpretation of the narrator’s poetic function–this distilling of the conflict between devotion and fear–severely underestimates the suppleness and complexity of Faulkner’s prose.

On the starlit road to the De Spain plantation, Abner castigates his silent son: “‘You’re getting to be a man. You got to learn. You got to learn to stick to your own blood or you ain’t going to have any blood to stick to you'” (p. 8). Abner rationalizes his dispute with Mr. Harris and the Justice of the Peace as sheer persecution: “Don’t you know all they wanted was a chance to get at me because they knew I had them beat?” (p. 8; emphasis added). Abner insists that his audacity incensed the prosperous landowner; he then demands, with the imperative interjection “Eh?” (p. 8), that his son confirm his interpretation of the hearing. The narrator intervenes at this crucial moment, disrupting the story’s immediacy to refer to the future, to Sarty’s maturity: “Later, twenty years later, he was to tell himself, ‘If I had said they wanted only truth, justice, he would have hit me again'” (p. 8). Time frames and narrative perspectives converge to form this poetic moment, this single glimpse of Sarty’s future. The narrator evokes the mature Sarty to offer us a glimmering of hope: somehow, despite horrendous odds, Sarty will survive “the terrible handicap of being young” (p. 9), will surpass his beleaguered childhood and mature into a worthy human being; somehow, Sarty will preserve his integrity, will escape the curse that his father inflicts on his family. Billingslea believes that Sarty reflects the idealism of the American Romantics, “the Emersonian blending of personal will with one’s fate” (pp. 288, 290). As the narrator had previously imagined Sarty’s comprehending of his father’s obsession with fire, this presence now evokes the mature Sarty–the inspiration for these imaginings–to thwart Abner’s threatening his young son’s integrity.

In his important book, The Play of Faulkner’s Language, John T. Matthews defines narrative as “perpetual tracings and retracings. … the trail is the destination,” for one does not seek to capture “truth” when creating fiction, but merely relishes the quest.[10] “Language,” for Faulkner, “embodies consciousness, it does not reveal it”; so, when he depicts a character resisting the narrative, refusing to speak, that character’s refusal becomes a “worded silence–a silence that corresponds most nearly to the space of writing” (pp. 16, 41). After Abner strikes his son and demands that he affirm his father’s perverse ideals, the narrator immediately evokes the mature Sarty; at the very moment when Abner compels Sarty to endorse his father’s version of events, to actively commit himself to his father’s ideals, the narrator opens a compact space of resistance in which Sarty can redefine his father’s eccentric vision. Young Sarty–repulsed by his father’s iniquity, yet powerless before his father’s implacable malice–hesitates to acquiesce. The narrator highlights Sarty’s profound reluctance by delaying the inevitable, the moment when the young boy must concede to his father’s wrath to survive. The narrator frustrates the power of language–Abner demands a positive, verbal confirmation from his son, not mere acquiescence–to empower Sarty, albeit temporarily, as he silently reappraises his father’s actions.

Rio-Jelliffe claims that Henri Bergson’s theory of the fluidity of time greatly influenced Faulkner’s narrative technique as he strove to create “moments of significance” that “empower words to speak in silence” (pp. 9899). By evoking the mature Sarty, the narrator uses this silent moment to depict the young boy as countering his father’s coercion, not with passive resistance but with a creative instant of self-realization. Throughout the story, the narrator stresses the young Sarty’s inability to articulate his “frantic grief and despair” (p. 4). Longing desperately to love and respect his father, the young Sarty cannot admit, even to himself, his father’s iniquity. Sarty’s lack of language signifies his vulnerability, “the terrible handicap of being young” (p. 9). He dare not think, much less voice, his own convictions, and he dare not dissent from his father’s point of view. The family’s itinerant lifestyle isolates Sarty from the world beyond his father’s control, and Abner stifles all opposition by compelling his family to be utterly dependent on him. Sarty’s father denies his son a separate identity: “‘You got to learn to stick to your own blood or you ain’t going to have any blood to stick to you'” (p. 8). Abner invariably squelches Sarty’s quest for individuality, for otherness, by quelling his attempts to define himself: the father silences the son to perpetuate his own image. Nevertheless, Sarty disrupts this disquieting silence repeatedly as he struggles to define himself against “the old fierce pull of blood” (p. 3). The narrator describes Sarty’s youth as a “terrible handicap … the light weight of his few years, just heavy enough to prevent his soaring free of the world as it seemed to be ordered but not heavy enough to keep him footed solid in it, to resist it and try to change the course of its events” (p. 9). Young Sarty’s inability to express himself, to use language to impart his own meaning to his existence, testifies to the power Abner wields over him: “But now he said nothing” (p. 8). The narrator, however, disrupts this power by evoking the mature Sarty to presage the ending of Abner’s reign of terror. The thirty-year-old man’s composure contrasts sharply with the ten-year-old boy’s insecurity. The man expresses the dissent that the boy feels so acutely but dares not state: the mature Sarty provides the young Sarty with a voice.

By evoking the mature Sarty, the narrator defuses, albeit fleetingly, Abner’s malignancy by relegating him to the past. Young Sarty grapples with his father’s iniquity to distinguish himself from “the old blood which he had not been permitted to choose for himself, which had been bequeathed him willy nilly and which had run for so long (and who knew where, battening on what of outrage and savagery and lust) before it came to him” (p. 21). Jane Hiles argues that “the deterministic language of the story … suggests that Sarty may be doomed to repeat the pattern established by his father.”[11] Hiles believes that Sarty cannot escape his savage heritage because he grapples with “instinct and intent” (p. 336). Hiles drastically simplifies Sarty’s dilemma because she underrates what Matthews calls the play of Faulkner’s language. According to Hiles, “Sarty’s inability to analyze his feelings emphasizes the subconscious nature of the boy’s conflict, explains his lack of insight into the dilemma that he faces, and justifies the role of the narrator … [as] interpreter and analyst” (p. 335). This reductive reading denies the narrator’s empathy with Sarty and flattens the intricate narrative presence by freezing the supple interplay between its multiple perspectives. Zender aptly refutes Hiles’s strident determinism by arguing that “a developmental reading limits our capacities as readers to those exhibited by Sarty himself: it allows us to see with Sarty, but not beyond him” (p. 52). Allusions to Darwinism pervade “Barn Burning” to portray Abner as an avatar of “latent ravening ferocity” (p. 7) and to dramatize the extent of Sarty’s peril. The narrator, however, continually undermines this devastating incarnation by showing Abner succumbing to the sheer passage of time. Sarty’s father cannot remain impervious to age; Abner’s graying brows, the “friction-glazed greenish cast” on his well-worn formal coat (p. 11), even the broken clock that comprised his wife’s dowry–all portend his diminishing influence, his limited resources, his inevitable demise.

In the holograph manuscript of “Barn Burning,” this single-sentence glimpse of Sarty’s future reads, “Later, 20 years later, he then was to tell himself “‘If I had said they wanted only truth, justice, he would have hit me again.'”[12] The adverb “then” marks this comment as a transition that connects the two time frames even as it intensifies the disparity, between them. Faulkner uses italics to show either shifts in time, as in Benjy’s section in The Sound and the Fury, or subconscious thought, as in Light in August. Here, the printing style appears to do both: the italics emphasize the emotional and intellectual distance separating the self-assured man from the insecure boy as the mature Sarty articulates a thought that the young Sarty shares unconsciously with him. Faulkner revised the story slightly for publication, so the version presented in the Collected Stories reads, “Later, twenty years later, he was to tell himself, ‘If I had said they wanted only truth, justice, he would have hit me again'” (p. 8). Faulkner stresses the strength and consistency of Sarty’s convictions by eliminating not only the adverb, which sharply divides his youth from his maturity, but also the italics, which imply subconscious thought. Faulkner’s revisions create a deliberate judgment by the mature Sarty that originated in, but remained unspoken by, the terror-stricken child.

In December 1938, a destitute Faulkner attempted to capitalize on his publisher’s interest in Flem Snopes by proposing an ambitious trilogy to chronicle this despicable character’s enigmatic career. Faulkner planned to begin this trilogy with the events depicted in “Barn Burning,” so Sarty appears as a pivotal figure in his synopsis.

[Flem Snopes’s] youngest brother tries to keep his father [Abner] from setting fire to his landlord’s barn, believes he has caused the father to be shot, and runs away from home, goes west, has a son which the other Snopes know nothing about.

Flem moves to town with his wife whose child pretty soon sees what a sorry lot Snopes are. She goes to New York (has money from her actual father) and is overseas in the War with ambulance corps, where she meets the son of the boy who ran away from home [Sarty], finds him a kinsman, finds how his father has tried to eradicate the Snopes from him. After the war she brings together this Snopes [Sarty’s son] and the daughter of a collateral Snopes who also looks with horror on Snopeses. She and her remote cousin marry, have a son [Sarty’s grandson] who is the scion of the family.

What this will tell is, that this flower and cream, this youth, whom his mother and father fondly believed would raise the family out of the muck, turns out to have all the vices of all Snopes and none of the virtues–rut

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importance of finance, human resources, performance improvement, and technology in relation to healthcare organizations today

The topics for this unit are finance, human resources, performance improvement, and technology – the business of healthcare. 

You have been asked to speak to a group of students in nursing and other healthcare professions. You are assigned to talk about the importance of finance, human resources, performance improvement, and technology in relation to healthcare organizations today.  

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation. (10-15 slides).
  • Include a title and reference slide (the number of slides above does not include title and reference slides)
  • Include an introduction and conclusion slide
  • Include appropriate citations on your slides
  • Utilize the notes function to outline your talking points and provide additional facts that you will use for your presentation.
  • Include a minimum of 4-5 scholarly references to support your presentation. References should be 5 years old or newer.

In general, PowerPoint presentations should have a limited number of bullet points on each slide to convey the main point of the slide. They should include images but they should be professional, the source cited and limited in number. It is usually helpful to start with the notes section for what you want to say instead of the slides. Once the notes section is completed, pull out your main points for the slides

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Existentialist philosophers stress the point that human beings are free to fashion their lives and to determine what they will be in life. the existentialist philosophers

For this reason, existentialist philosophers stress the point that human beings are free to fashion their lives and to determine what they will be in life. the existentialist philosophers, therefore, stress the need to live authentically, which means, facing human existential challenges genuinely and boldly in an effort to develop one’s potentials fully and to become the best that one can be. One of the existentialist philosophers who strongly support this view is Paul Sartre. According to Sartre, human beings are condemned to be free.

By this Sartre meant that human beings are completely free to determine what they will be in life. Sartre also argued that existentialism is humanism, by this he meant that the existentialist approach to life helps one to achieve his full potentials and to be the best that he/she can be.This paper is an application of Sartre’s existential approach to life, tersely summarized by the phrase. existentialism is humanism, to the work of American art painted during the World War 11 period. The work of art interpreted existentially in this paper, through Sartre’s existentialist philosopher is the Sky’s the Limit!

Poster authored by Allen Courtney in 1944 (World War 11 Poster: The Sky’s the Limit!, web). The interpretation will show how the poster exemplifies the existentialist themes of facticity or throws, anxiety, and despair. These existentialist themes are central in Sartre’s existentialism.The SKY’s the Limit! The poster consists of three mechanics building/repairing an airplane. Two of the mechanics in the poster are men, while one of them is a lady. The lady in the poster has a bandana on her head, and she is presented as a strongly built lady.

Behind the working mechanics are military warplanes, clearly visible in the background

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You are employed by a national recruitment and human resources organisation

You are employed by a national recruitment and human resources organisation. The organisation began in 2002, providing staffing solutions for businesses in South Australia. Since inauguration the organisation has continued to grow, opening offices in each state of Australia. Recently, the board of management approved a proposal for the inclusion of a new training arm of the organisation. The training arm will specialise in sales training for people wishing to work in the automotive industry.
As a result of inclusion of the new training division, management have given you a brief asking you to:
prepare a document introducing the training division and explaining its purpose to the staff in the organisation
develop some marketing material that will be used to attract and inform clients—to outline to clients in the automotive industry how the pre-employment training of applicants will be of benefit to them when they are looking to recruit and select new employees.
In this section, record yourself for 3-5min explaining how you will prepare for this briefing. Remember to write a script to assist you with your recording. Your script can be completed in bullet points and uploaded into the section provided.

Following from Task 3, you are now required to develop and produce the two documents.
Design the products, select the format and style as well as any graphics you will use.
Develop appropriate text for each document:
Prepare a draft of each document and have it proofed. Keep printed copies of the originals and the proofed documents (with track changes turned on).
Draw up a final copy of each document. The first should be ready to send out to personnel in the organisation and the second should be ready to send out to clients.
Submit a print version of the final copies, plus the draft and proofed copies, to your assessor.
Provide a report describing and explaining the steps taken to plan the documents and ensure that each one meets the brief you have been given.
Explain the action you would take to ensure appropriate conservation of resources (the resources used to prepare print and distribute the documents).
Explain how and why you chose the design elements you used and why you believe the finished documents are appropriate for purpose and for the audience





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All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Theory/ Case Notes

The following are some selected articles from the UDHR that are relevant to the case. However, they are not inclusive of all of the relevant articles, so you should check to see if any articles not included on this list are useful to your argument.

As you study the theory and the case,

write one or two key words from the article that you think is/are the most significant.

take notes that are relevant for matching evidence from the theory.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Word from the ArticleNotes/Examples/Quotes from the movie “Blood Diamond” Movie script: Searching for “Blood Diamond script” on the internet
Article #Description
1All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.equality
2Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.No distinction
3Everyone has the right to life, liberty, & security of person.Life security
4No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.No slavery
5No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishmentNo crueltyA RUF rebel grabs a village man and pushes him to knee down in front of the leader Colonel who shouts at the village man, “we now the future, so we take your hands. No more hands, no more voting. Chop him” **This example can not be used in your essay.
6Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
7All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
12No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks
13(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
14(1)Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
16(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
22Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
23(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
251) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection
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Which inland sea has nearly dried up as a result of human induced desertification?

Question 22 

Annual rainfall rates in a desert are less than _______________ 





Question 23 

Which inland sea has nearly dried up as a result of human induced desertification? 

 Aral Sea 

Black Sea

 Dead Sea 

Hudson Bay

Question 24 

 Desert pavement is produced when __________________. 

 there is not enough rain for plants to grow 

the wind blows away silt and clay, leaving only the coarser material 

rattlesnakes move coarse material aside when digging their holes

 local paving companies have completed a desert road

Question 25 

There are several benefits of solar energy. Which is one of the most important benefits of using solar energy? 

It helps prevent heat waves, as the solar panels absorb large amounts of heat. 

Solar energy systems do not produce air pollutants or carbon dioxide.

 Unlike wind or coal power, solar energy can be utilized equally in every state. 

The installation cost of solar panels is negligible compared to the amount of energy they produce

Question 26 

Oil and natural gas are found in which of the common rock types?

(hint, the rocks must be porous)




all rock types

Question 27 

In the United States of America,

___________ is the number one producer of crude oil.

____________ is the number one producer of natural gas.

 California, Texas 

Texas, Texas

 Oklahoma, Texas

 Oklahoma, Wyoming 

North Dakota, Oklahoma

Question 28 

Which of the following statements are true about geothermal energy?

A. Geothermal energy can help to generate electricity. This geothermal heat produces stream. The steam is then used to drive a turbine, which generates electricity.

B. The major regions of geothermal developments are in the most volcanically and tectonically active regions of the world.

C. Geothermal energy is quite unreliable and inconsistent for power generation, as the geothermal energy supply may be exhausted rapidly. A supply can last from 6 months to over 30 years. 

 A and C

 A and B 

A , B and C

B and C

Question 29 

Nuclear power is produced by splitting _________ atoms. The heat from the chain reaction that follows then boils water, which powers turbines that generate ___________. 

 A. Carbon ; B. rain

 A. Diamond ; B. thermal power

A. Uranium; B. electricity 

A. hydrogen; B. atomic bombs.

Question 30 

 ___________________ crude oil serves as a benchmark for crude oil pricing in North America 

 Arabian Standard (ASC)

 West Texas Intermediate (WTI) 

Venezuela Standard


Question 31 

 What is the most important thing you must have to generate wind power? 

 a steady source of wind

 lots of hurricanes 

large sails

 a large area of land

Question 32 

Regarding gas hydrates, which of the following statements are correct?

A. Gas hydrates are composed of methane enclosed in frozen water.

B. Gas hydrates form under low pressure and low temperature conditions.

C. Gas hydrates are found near the ocean floor and beneath Arctic permafrost.

 A and B

 B and C 

A and C

 B and C

 A, B and C

Question 33 1 pts Hydroelectric power produces _____________ percentage of US energy needs? 

 17.5 % 


1 % 

5 %

Question 34 

 Which of the following is NOT a common Oil and Gas Trap? 





Question 35 

 Nonrenewable resources are classified as such because they _____________? 

 are very hard to find

 take millions to years to form into significant deposits

 are so expensive that we cannot use them over and over 

are found only in countries that do not allow mining

Question 36 

In the US, there has been an exponential increase in solar electricity production since the year 2010. Which of the following statements are correct?

A. Solar energy production was approximately 500 Million Kilowatt -hours /month in the year 2010

B. Solar energy production was approximately 35,000 Million Kilowatt -hours /month in the year 2016

C. The solar energy production has increased by approximately 70 times from 2010 to 2016. 

 A and C

 A and B 

A , B and C

 None of the above.





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Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs

Case Study, Chapter 7: Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs

After reviewing the theories, models, and frameworks from this chapter, consider the following Case Study and discuss the questions. 

Case Study:

Mr. Juan Duran is a 60-year-old patient who has been coming to the Diabetes Clinic at the VA for a few months. One day, the Clinic Director, Jim Carlson, finds him wandering the hallway, appearing somewhat dazed, with a bag of supplies for blood glucose testing and insulin administration. Mr. Duran tells him that he has been instructed to start insulin for his diabetes but doesn’t know how. He doesn’t recall receiving any appointment or instructions. Mr. Carlson finds the Diabetes Nurse Educator, Jenny O’Connell, and asks her to fit Mr. Duran in for an unscheduled appointment.

Jenny O’Connell starts the appointment with a thorough assessment of Mr. Duran. In addition to the physical assessment, she covers psycho-social-spiritual issues. She discovers that Mr. Duran has had diabetes for about 10 years and, recently, his blood glucose levels and HgbA1c cannot be controlled with oral medications and exercise. The physician wants to start him on insulin. Here are notes that she took from her assessment:

·         Sixty-year-old Mexican American patient. He is exceedingly polite and respectful of health care personnel (and does not like to interrupt or ask too many questions). He has been in the United States more than 50 years; he is a Navy veteran.

·         Married; lives with wife in a comfortable apartment in Chula Vista, CA.

·         Mr. Duran speaks fluent English, but his wife’s English is limited. They speak Spanish at home.

·         Because Mr. Duran has limited vision, his wife has to administer the insulin.

·         Had one (single) daughter, who was found murdered in the apartment parking lot less than 2 weeks ago, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Duran to care for her child.

·         Mr. Duran seems befuddled by the insulin and syringes and is stoic when he talks about the loss of his daughter.

  1. Select one of the nursing models/theories from this chapter that will help Jenny in assessing Mr. Duran and planning for his care. Discuss why that particular model was selected.
  2.  Based on the model selected, what additional information would Jenny want to collect/assess?
  3. Based on the model selected, how would Jenny initiate a plan of care (education) for Mr. Duran?
  4. Do you think that Jenny would assess and plan differently for Mr. Duran’s care if she used a different model (than the one you selected) for Mr. Duran? Why or why not?






Dorothy Johnson: The Behavioral System Model

The reason for selecting the model is that it is a grand model that focuses on one needs in a way at examining the behavioral system and relief in formulating the care for a patient. The model is a unique one that is based on discrete science with the theory being deductively derived. The theory focuses on the individual patient’s experiences with a disease more than the condition itself. The theory is well researched as it drew its propositions from Grinker theory of human behavior Selye on stress, Buckley and Chin on the systems models.


 Jenny would confirm the blood group of Mr. Duran and also ask him about his pension plans and insurance. This information is vital when formulating the care plan as she will know the nature of the diet to put the patient.  The relationship with the wife is essential to delve into that area to ensure that the patient stays in a conducive and controlled environment to prevent him from contacting high blood pressure. Other information is on the spiritual life of Mr. Duran as it can assist him to appreciate the condition he is recuperating I and will assist in the management of his diabetes.



I would organize the behaviors of Mr. Duran to achieve particular goals of diabetes management. Then I will differentiate them and classify them according to his prevailing conditions in setting up life choices. Accordingly, I will then formulate his administration of insulin in the maintenance of these behaviors through control and life choices.


I believe accordingly to her experience in the nursing practice she cannot use a different way in assessing the patient’s case while using a different model. This is because the model she utilized is well versed with others to achieve positive results……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs


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