Writers Solution

Key roles that human resource management plays in the health care field

Using the course readings, articles, and your personal experiences, address the role of human resource management. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Determine key roles that human resource management plays in the health care field. 2. Evaluate three to five (3-5) functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to the health care field, and then select which one you believe is the primary function in furthering the health care field. 3. Analyze the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan. 4. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:  Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:  Appraise the aspects of managing human resources (HR) in health care organizations.  Use technology and information resources to research issues in health care human resources management.  Write clearly and concisely about health care human resources management using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric: Points: 200Assignment 1: Hu






HSA 320: Human Resource Management Overview

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Roles of Human Resource Management in Healthcare

            Human resources management can be defined as an organization administrative function whose focus is one employees (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2016). The roles of human resources management in health care involve both administrative and strategic focus. The administrative focus involves employee recruitment, training and appraisal. From the strategic perspective, health care providers compete for labor in the market.  They need adequate labor supply that provides quality and good performance. The human resources management has a huge impact on quality and patient safety ratings in the healthcare industry. Through proper employee training, promotions, retention of high performers and motivation, the roles of the human resources management influence the quality and safety in the healthcare.

Key Roles that Human Resource Plays in Healthcare

            The human resource management plays an important part in the healthcare industry. The roles that human resource management undertakes contribute to the overall performance, quality and efficiency in the health care industry. The roles of human resource management in healthcare are varied to include staffing, rewards management, performance appraisal, talent management and provision of necessary tools for the healthcare staff to ensure an adequate performance of their duties, thus contributing to the quality and efficiency in healthcare.             According to (Niles, 2012) the human resources management has a huge role of contributing towards the improvement of healthcare quality. According to the author, the priorities of healthcare organizations are the improvement of patient safety and quality. The healthcare reforms that were introduced in the Obama Act have increased the need for the healthcare organizations to develop better processes………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Strategic management is/could/should be relevant and important for Human Resources

Prepare and share with their team a brief (maximum 500 – 750 word) report that examines whether, how, and why strategic management is/could/should be relevant and important for Human Resources. As part of this report, each member will lay out a career pattern in the company Verizon which is consistent with Human Resources.

 To reiterate, each member will strategize on how they, in particular, will apply the strategic planning concepts and ideas of this class to be successful in Human Resource in a Verizon company.





How, and Why Strategic Management Is/Could/Should Be Relevant and Important For Human Resources

(Course Instructor)

(Student’s Name)


Why Strategic Management is Important to Human Resources

            The human resources are a vital component of the organization towards its achievement of goals and objectives (Mello, 2014). Owing to its importance, the human resources management has becomes a common place for many successful companies such as Verizon, CVS pharmacy and Apple among others. The concept has evolved over the years, from personnel management to strategic human resource management. Strategic management has since become an important aspect of human resources.

            The development of strategic plans always ensures that plans for each organization resource are planned in conjunction with each other (Mello, 2014). This should be done because organization resources are interdependent. Whatever is planned for and acted upon often has a bearing on the other organization resources. Therefore, it is pertinent that the human resources professional have a good understanding of strategic management in order to allow them to develop strategic plans for each resource.             The success of human resources depends on the type of strategy choice adopted. Strategy defines how firms position themselves in the market…………………………………………






Writers Solution

Human human personality


Personality tests have a wide-range of uses, from help with finding a mate to employment to self-help and personal discovery. Have you ever had a job that just did not fit with your personality? You researched the company and even asked questions during the interview, but when you started working it did not fit? Imagine if there were a way to tell if your personality would align with certain careers or organizations. While some employers use personality tests in their hiring practices, not all psychologists believe this is an appropriate practice.

This week, you explore social psychology theory about how personality influences your behavior, and evaluate the usefulness of personality tests. You apply this information to analyze yourself as well as Pat.

Required Resources


  • Myers, D. G. (2014). Exploring psychology, in modules (9th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.
    • Module 34, “Classic Perspectives on Personality” (pp. 454–467)
    • Module 35, “Contemporary Perspectives on Personality” (pp. 468–487)


Personality Testing

Personality theory has evolved over time. In the classical Freudian perspective, human personality comes from a conflict between biological impulse and internalized social restraints. This conflict plays out in three connected structures: the ID, the ego, and the superego. The ID consists of instincts and seeks immediate gratification. The ego tries to satisfy impulses in more realistic ways and does not account for morality. The superego is the moral branch of personality. Consider the conflict between the ID, ego, and superego and how it impacts behavior and personality.

Contemporary perspectives on personality have progressed to include more than the hidden aspects of personality as suggested in the classical view. Modern-day personality theorists consider traits like the Big Five (conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion) to better gauge personality. In an attempt to fully understand personality, a series of reliable tests like the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the NEO-PI-R have been developed. While the MMPI is widely used to identify emotional disorders, the test is used for many other screening purposes, including employment screening.

Personality testing can help you learn more about yourself by highlighting subtle tendencies that you may not have noticed. In fact, an increasing number of employers use personality tests to evaluate candidates in hopes of hiring the best match. Not everyone agrees with the use of personality tests for personnel decisions, arguing that they can be inaccurate. Regardless of what side you agree with, it is clear that understanding the science of personality provides important information on behavior.

For this Discussion, you will take two personality tests and reflect on your results. Based on your experience and results, consider whether personality tests are an effective tool for hiring.

Week 4 Assignment

Application: Personality Testing and Pat

Your personality is a culmination of your biological predisposition, social and cultural background, and experiences. Objectively scored personality tests can highlight many of the hidden aspects of your personality, thus possibly predicting behavior. Review what you know about Pat in light of personality theory and hypothesize how you think Pat might behave in certain situations. The following are the results of Pat’s psychological tests.

NEO-PI-R (a personality model developed from Costa & McCrae’s Five Factor Model in which a 55 and above is a high score, 45–54 is average, and 44 and below is low).

Neuroticism = 75
Extraversion = 32
Openness = 35
Agreeableness = 41
Conscientiousness = 50

MMPI-2 (an atheoretical test of personality for clinical populations in which 65 is clinically elevated)

Validity Scales: No threats to validity.

Hypochondriasis: 55
Depression: 61
Hysteria: 57
Psychopathic Deviate: 45
Masculinity/Femininity:  32
Paranoia: 68
Psychastenia: 40
Schizophrenia: 75
Hypomania: 51
Social Introversion: 68

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review Module 35, “Contemporary Perspectives on Personality.”  Focus on the social cognitive perspective and the underlying principles in the assessment of behavior.
  • Reflect on the information you have about Pat’s biopsychosocial development and social influences in light of personality theory.
  • Use the Five Factor Model of personality and Pat’s corresponding results to formulate your answer. Also, consider Pat’s results on the MMPI-2 when explaining her personality. Consider how the findings on the two tests match up with the information you have about Pat.

Submitby Day 7 a paper of 1–3 pages answering the following two questions:

  1. As you review Pat’s results from the NEO-PI-R, what would you expect Pat’s personality to be like? Use the Five Factor Model of personality and Pat’s corresponding results to formulate your answer.
  2. What additional insights can be gained from Pat’s results on the MMPI-2 to explain her personality? 






Psychology: Personality Testing and Pat

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

December 21st 2015.

Personality Testing and Pat

            Personality results from the interactions between the individual and their surrounding social contexts. Individual personality consists of traits that change over time but then stabilize, as one grows older. According to (Myers, 2014), the changes are more prominent at a younger age and tend to stabilize with older age. According to the author, social interactions include such aspects as learning through observations and modeling, whereas individual cognitive aspects include such factors as mental processes of paying attention and interpretation. Moreover, the author points the availability of a number of contemporary personality tests that can be used to analyse and understand individual personalities. Applying the Five Factor of Personality Test, the personality of Pat can be determined using the test scores.

Analyzing Pat’s Personality

Analyzing Pat’s Personality Using NEO-PI-R Test Results

According to the test results, Pat scored highly on neuroticism, averagely on conscientiousness, while scoring lowly on extraversion, openness and agreeableness. On average, the scores are low and according to (Myers, 2014), an individual that scores lowly on the five personality traits is often careless and disorganized. The results clearly depict the behaviour of Pat, who does not seem to mind time and arrives for work late, while smoking on her wish. Therefore, the results are consistent with the behaviors of Pat, with the way she handles her work and her smoking tendencies, which totally disregards the job etiquette. In addition, Pat is less open and this is reflected in her personality scores. She seems not to trust anyone as revealed by her reluctance to talk about her……………………………….

…………………………………Human human personality…………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

human service issue

Consider 1 human service issue. POVERTY is the issue I have chosen.Consider possible causes for the social problem that has been chosen. Make sure to include both internal and external reasons for the causes you think are responsible for this problem. Use your own insight, ideas from your readings, and include at least 2 scripture references that deal with the issue





Psychology: Poverty

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Possible Causes of Poverty

In 2011, the Census Bureau released its annual report and pointed that close to 46 million Americans were living in the poverty level in 2010 (Rector & Sheffield, 2011). The facts represented a sharp rise from its previous estimates of 43 million individuals. Although the parameters used to define poverty in the country are different from those of other countries, the internal and external causes of poverty remain the same. In addition, most of the individuals who are poor are the rural population, who rank worse compared to the urban population. According to (Dudenhefer, n.d, pg. 39) the poverty in rural American is rooted in the culture-of-poverty theory. The rural citizens remain poor because…………………….







Writers Solution

Assessment Method/Finalist for the job of Human Resources Director

Topic: Assessment Methods/Finalists for the Job of Human Resources Director
This assignment requires you to apply the concepts learned to date and especially those in Chapter 9. This is an interesting case about filling the position of HR Director at a law firm, Guilty, Guilty & Guilty.
Please read the case and answer the following:

  1. In the case below, there are seven (7) methods listed as selection techniques. For each method listed, decide whether you would or would not use it in the selection process and discuss why. Are there any selection tools that are not listed that you would suggest? Why?
  2. There is a discussion regarding the three (3) finalists and the selection method that was used by Guilty. Do you think that the 6 selection methods used by Guilty were appropriate? Why or why not?
  3. For each finalist, decide whether you would be willing to hire the person, discuss and state why.
  4. If the FINAL decision was yours to make, which finalist would YOU choose? Discuss your rationale.
    Insert your name as a header on each page. Please do not use a cover sheet, let’s save some trees.
    The Guilty Case
    Guilty, Guilty & Guilty (Guilty) is a law firm specializing in criminal law. However, due to recent economic conditions, the firm has expanded into new areas such as equal employment opportunity, workplace torts, business litigation, and sports/entertainment representation. These new areas of practice have resulted in growth for the firm. The firm has 55 partners and approximately 120 employees. It does business in three (3) states and has offices in 3 major metropolitan areas. The firm has no federal contracts.
    Guilty plans to expand into three (3) additional states with three (3) major metropolitan areas. This is a rather ambitious expansion plan and Guilty is faced with the challenge of how to staff, compensate, train, and retain individuals who fill the positions in the new
    offices. In order to effectively manage these challenges, Guilty wishes to hire an HR director to oversee the recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, and compensation activities resulting from the business expansion. In addition, the newly hired HR Director will supervise the HR activities in the existing Guilty offices. The newly drafted job description for the HR Director is set forth below.
    The firm recognizes that this is a critical position which can substantially impact its expansion strategy. The firm wishes to design and then implement a selection system for assessing applicants that will achieve two (2) objectives: (1) create a valid and useful system that will do a good job of matching applicant KSAOs to job requirements, and (2) be in compliance with all relevant federal and state employment laws. Guilty’s managing partner, Mick Miranda, is considering numerous selection techniques for possible use. He wishes that the new HR Director was on-board so he didn’t have to mess with this selection system exercise. This selection system work is taking away from his billable hours. He found a file in his drawer that contained information regarding some positions filled by one of his clients that he is using as a resource. He has decided to consider these methods below:
  5. Job knowledge test specifically designed for HR professionals that focuses on an applicant’s general knowledge of HR management.
  6. Medical exam and drug test at the beginning of the selection process in order to determine if applicants can cope with the high level of stress and frequent travel requirements of the job and are drug free.
  7. Integrity test
  8. A structured behavioral interview that will be specially designed for use in filling only this job.
  9. General cognitive ability test
  10. Personality Assessment
  11. A standard set of interview questions that the firm currently uses for filling any position. The questions in the set include:
    a. Tell me about a problem you solved on a previous job
    b. Do you have any physical impairments that would make it difficult for you to travel on business?
    c. Have you ever been tested for AIDS?
    d. Are you currently unemployed, and if so, why?
    e. This position requires fresh ideas and energy. Do you have those qualities?
    f. What is your definition of success?
    g. What kind of sports do you like?
    h. How well do you work under pressure? Give me some examples.
    For each method listed, decide whether you would or would not use it in the selection process and discuss why. Are there any selection tools that are not listed that you would suggest? Why?
    Attorney Miranda decides, after weighing all of the options, to use the following selection methods to assess applicants for the HR Director job at the firm: resume, cognitive ability test, job knowledge test, structured interview, and questions (f) and (g) from the list of standard questions.
    Guilty advertised for the position extensively, and out of a pool of 35 initial applicants, it was able to come up with a list of three (3) finalists. Shown in the chart that follows are the results from the assessment of the finalists using Miranda’s chosen selection methods. In addition, information from an earlier resume screen is included for possible consideration and context.
    Using the information in this case study that follows:
     There is a discussion regarding the three (3) finalists and the selection method that was used by Guilty. Do you think that the 6 selection methods used by Guilty were appropriate? Why or why not?
     For each finalist, decide whether you would be willing to hire the person, discuss and state why.
     If the FINAL decision was yours to make, which finalist would YOU choose? Discuss your rationale.
    Results of Assessment of Finalists for Human Resource Director Position
    Finalist 1
    Lola Vegan
    Finalist 2
    Sam Fein
    Finalist 3
    Shawanda Jackson
    GPA 3.9/Cornell University
    B.S. Human Resource Management
    5 years experience in HRM
     4 years in recruiting
    No supervisory experience
    GPA 2.8/SUNY Binghamton
    B.B.A. Finance
    20 years experience in HRM
     Numerous HR assignments
     Certified HR professional
    15 years supervisory experience
    GPA 3.2/Auburn University
    B.B.A. Business and English
    8 years experience in HRM
     3 years HR generalist
     4 years compensation analyst
    5 years supervisory experience
    Cognitive ability test
    90% correct
    78% correct
    84% correct
    Knowledge Test
    94% correct
    98% correct
    91% correct
    Structured Interview
    (out of 100 points)
    Question (f)
    Ability to influence others
    To do things you want to do
    Promotions and earnings
    Question (g)
    Golf, Shuffleboard
    Spectator sports
    Basketball, Tennis
    Job Description for Human Resources Director
    Performs responsible administrative work managing personnel activities. Work involves responsibility for the planning and administration of HRM programs, including recruitment, selection, evaluation, promotion, training, compensation, and recommended change of status of employees, and a system of communication for disseminating information to workers. Works under general supervision, exercising initiative and independent judgment in the performance of assigned tasks.
  12. Participates in overall planning and policy making to provide effective and uniform personnel services.
  13. Communicates policy through organization levels by bulletin, meetings, and personal contact.
  14. Supervises recruitment and screening of job applicants to fill vacancies. Supervises interviewing of applicants, evaluation of qualifications, and classification of applications.
  15. Supervises administration of tests to applicants.
  16. Confers with supervisors on personnel matters, including placement problems, retention or release of probationary employees, transfers, demotions, and dismissals of permanent employees.
  17. Initiates personnel training activities and coordinates these activities with work of officials and supervisors.
  18. Establishes effective service training rating system and trains unit supervisors in performing employee evaluations.
  19. Supervises maintenance of employee personnel files.
  20. Supervises a group of employees directly and through subordinates.
  21. Performs related work as assigned.
  22. Experience and Training
     Should have considerable experience in area of HRM administration. Six years minimum.
  23. Education
     Graduation from a four year college or university, with major work in human resources, business administration, or industrial psychology. Master’s degree in one of these areas is preferable.
  24. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
     Considerable knowledge of principles and practices of HRM, including staffing, compensation, training, and performance evaluation.
  25. Responsibility
     Supervises the human resource activities of 7 office managers, 2 clerks, and one assistant.





Guilty, Guilty & Guilty (Guilty)

Assessment Methods/Finalists for the Job of Human Resources Director

            When organizations expand or its employees retire, some vacancies arise. These vacancies must be filled with the right candidates, who possess the organization specific qualities and competencies required to fulfill the roles as advertised (Edenborough, 2007). However, the ability to select the right candidate depends on the outcomes of the assessment method(s) employed. Numerous assessment techniques have proven to be successful and are recommended in employee recruitment process.

Whether the Six Selection Methods Used by Guilty Were Appropriate

            Some of the selection methods used by guilty are appropriate, however, the nature of questions asked especially parts b, c & d deemed inappropriate. The knowledge test is an appropriate method in that it gives an assessment of the ability of the individual to meet the job responsibilities since it provides an assessment of the individual capabilities. The use of cognitive test is valid and provides the ability of the candidates to learn new ideas in their workplace environment (Thomas, 2010). Furthermore, cognitive tests provide a measurement of how fast a candidate can learn new ideas. On the hand, medical and drug test, are appropriate and recommended for assessment of workplace safety.           Furthermore, the integrity is important in determination of the suitability of the candidate within the company values. Similarly, the personality test is a very important assessment tool as it provides an understanding of the consciousness of the applicants…………………





Writers Solution

Human sex Trafficking

 Research Essay

Topic: Human sex Trafficking

Question: How and why are rescued sex slaves in new York being


Length: 5-6 pages 
Assignment status
Solved by our Writing Team at 

Writers Solution

What is Globalization? How is it changing the world and human social activity? What was the world like before globalization?

 choose any 2 topic and write 750 words for each topic.

1. Globalization

  • What is Globalization? How is it changing the world and human social activity? What was the world like before globalization?
  • Discuss each of three areas most affected by globalization (economics, politics, culture) and how each of those realms have been affected by globalization.

2. Discuss International Politics

  • Discuss the difference between National & International Politics. What does anarchy and voluntary compliance mean in relation to international politics?
  • Describe/Define each of the two schools of thought on International politics (Realism vs. Liberal Internationalist) and demonstrate how they differ based on their views of such things as the key actors in international politics, the role of the state, the international system, the possibility of peace, and the possibility of international governance (discuss at least 3 of these differences).

3. Discuss principles and criteria of democratic elections.

  • Give examples of undemocratic elections and why they were so. Discuss the criteria/principles for democratic elections and how fairness and government accountability is maintained in elections.
  • what are electoral systems? why are the important and how can they have an impact on election results? briefly discuss each of the 4 types of electoral systems.

4. Discuss authoritarian & totalitarian regimes

Writers Solution

Human Resource Management (HRM) theories and concepts and apply them to the modern workplace.

 Subject Title Introduction to Human ResourcesSubject Code HRM100
Lecturer / Tutor Raymond Wiranatakusuma
Trimester September 2020
Assessment Title Final Assessment (Assessment 3)
Learning Outcome/s a) Understand contemporary Human Resource Management (HRM) theories and concepts and apply them to the modern workplace.
b) Define the role and objectives of HRM and its link to organisational objectives and success.
c) Identify the phases of the Employee Life Cycle and how they can help facilitate a competitive advantage for an organisation.
d) Describe the ethical and governance challenge facing HR
Managers in developing policies and procedure
Assessment type Individual
Weighting 40%
Word count Approximately 500 words per answer (approximately 2000 words in total)
Due date Week 11 – Sunday 23:59
Class submission Online ?
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment This assessment is a Written Task
ICMS Cover Page
Five (5) tasks are presented below. Please choose ONLY four (4) tasks and complete them.
If you use information from any sources, these MUST be referenced as per ICMS Style Guide. In addition to in-text references, you must provide reference list in the end of each answer.
You must ensure that your work does not contain plagiarism.
This is an individual assignment. You must not get help from others.
Do not discuss your answers with anyone.
instructions Complete only FOUR of the following tasks. Each task is worth 25 marks.
1. Choose ONE of the following options:
– Front office staff for a 5-star hotel (e.g. Hilton, Marriott, etc.) in Sydney
– Baristas for a coffee chain (e.g. Gloria Jeans, Starbucks, Coffee Club) in Sydney
– Bank tellers for a major bank in Australia
Explain the importance of conducting a job analysis and describe how you would conduct a job analysis for the position that you have chosen.
2. Explain how you would administer each stage of the ADDIE model to successfully plan, implement, and evaluate a customer service training program for front line staff of a supermarket such as Coles & Woolworths.
3. Explain what MBO is. Using a job/position in an organisation that you are familiar with, discuss 2 possible advantages and 2
possible disadvantages of using MBO to manage the performance of the job holder.
4. Discuss the main difference between internal and external rewards. Explain the importance of providing both internal and external rewards. Use examples to clarify your explanation.
5. Discuss the following statement:
“HR has a crucial role to play in ensuring work health and safety”. Choose a company that you are familiar with. Explain how the HR department of that company can help ensuring work health and safety.
Content 70% Excellent summation of sections and detailed explanation.

Excellent use of examples. Impressive summation and
Very good use of examples. Solid summation and explanation.
Satisfactory use of examples. Acceptable summation and explanation.
Acceptable use of examples.
Inadequate or poor summation
and explanation.

Inappropriate or inadequate use of examples.
Referencing 15% Correct referencing as per ICMS Style Guide
Excellent use of at least 2 – 3 high-quality references per answer
References are used to provide definitions and support explanation. Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with very few minor mistakes
Very good use
of at least 2 – 3 high-quality references per answer
References are used to provide definitions and support explanation.
Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with only several minor mistakes
Good use of at least 2 high- quality references per answer
References are mostly just used to provide definitions. Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with several mistakes
Satisfactory use of at least 2 acceptable quality references per answer.
References are mostly just used to provide definitions. Failure to reference correctly by using ICMS
Style Guide.
Failure to use acceptable quality references.
References are mostly just used
to provide
Presentation 15%
Articulated clearly through very good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Articulated clearly through
good grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. Only few minor errors. Articulated satisfactorily, answer contains some grammar, punctuation,
and spelling errors. Articulated adequately with inconsistent, yet acceptable grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Poor articulation that is difficult to understand. Lacking in acceptable grammar, punctuation, and spelling 

Writers Solution

Avocado idea of the self and explain at least one version of the idea that human beings have a shared essential nature



Reality, Art, and Truth

This 6-8 page essay assignment will be completed in three parts. You may want to use section headers to organize your paper. Remember to explain the theories you reference with supporting citations to the textbook and online lectures in correct APA format. 

Part I. The Self

Discuss the avocado idea of the self and explain at least one version of the idea that human beings have a shared essential nature (such as Cartesian rationalism or Greek philosophy). Contrast this account with the artichoke idea of the self (drawing upon existentialism to develop your account) and a discussion of how the modern/avocado and postmodern/artichoke ideas of the self differ. You may use your analysis from the Week 2 assignments to develop your account in Part I. 

Part II. The Avocado Self and Art as Representation

Explain the idea that art is mimesis (Plato and/or Aristotle) and how this is like the avocado idea of the self. Discuss a character/narrator/subject in a work of art (novel, poem, film, graphic novel, short story, television show, song, painting, etc.) who you think captures the avocado/art as mimesis idea that we have an essential, shared human nature and that art reflects this reality for us.

Part III. The Artichoke Self and Art as Transformation 

Explain the idea that art is transformative/how artistic creation expresses the unity of subject and object (Nietzsche, Schelling, and/or Heidegger). Discuss how this reflects the artichoke idea of the self. Discuss a character/narrator/subject in a work of art (novel, poem, film, graphic novel, short story, television show, song, painting, etc.) who you think captures the artichoke/post-modern idea of the self and the idea that art creates truth.

Part IV. Art and Philosophy

Finally, reflect upon the relationship between art and philosophy by considering some of the following questions:

  1. Are the self and the material world distinct entities, as Descartes thinks? What are some examples of representative art that illustrate the idea that the subject/mind and the object/world/body are distinct? Alternatively, are the self and the world organic unities, as Schelling argues? How might artistic creation express this unity of subject and object?
  2. Is art mimesis/representation (as in Platonism and Aristotelian aesthetics) or is it a means of transforming the self and reality? Might it be aspirational, allowing us to achieve catharsis, as Aristotle suggests? Consider, too, how the idea of art as representation is akin to the avocado view while the idea of art as transformative is more like the artichoke view.
  3. What is the relationship between art and philosophy? Do you agree with Descartes that logic and critical thinking are the best means of achieving certainty about reality and existence, or is your view more akin to the perspective of Keats, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and/or Heidegger that art is the ultimate expression of truth? How are these views a rejection of the natural standpoint we see adopted by empiricism and rationalism and rejected by phenomenology?
  4. Do some kinds of art (music, for example) express the truth more fully than others? How so? How does the idea and purpose of art differ across cultures?


Reading and text book 

From your course textbook, Roots of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions:

  • Knowledge Sources. Do You See What I See?
  • Truth Tests. Do You Swear to Tell the Truth . . . ?
  • Aesthetic Experience. Is Truth Beauty and Beauty Truth?
Writers Solution

Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States

 Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce.

Scenario Information

You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diversity areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources.

Diversity Areas (Select one, and continue to use for all modules)

  • Race


As the Director of Human Resources, the CEO and other executive leaders have requested you to design a training session on “Best Practices” for managers on diversity in the workplace. You will need to create a presentation to be included in your company’s online training platform. In your training guidelines, you will want to address the following areas:

  1. Introduce diversity importance to managers.
  2. Assess some common mistakes or problems that may happen if management of diversity is not used.
  3. Provide suggestions for best practices managers can take away from the training.
  4. Conclude your training.

Grading RubricFFCBA01234Not SubmittedNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedIntroduction did not summarize or stress the importance of the diversity training program.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program using clear examples.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program using clear examples and a well-defined synopsis of the presentation.Not SubmittedUnclear discussion on common mistakes managers could face if diversity is not addressed.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed using clear examples.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedUnclear discussion on best practices for management.Provided best practices for managers.Provided best practices for managers using clear examples.Provided best practices for managers using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedNo noticeable attempts to summarize or conclude the presentation.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers using clear examples.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers using clear examples and demonstrated an understanding of best practices for management