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Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice

Assignment on Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice: Views on justice impact many areas of criminal justice, including the concepts of fairness, equality, and impartiality, and influence the ethical standards you apply in various situations in the field. Your views on justice and how you act in situations will affect the opinions others have of you in the communities you serve. Views on justice also impact actions taken and decisions made that affect the wider population.

Assume you have been selected as one of three potential candidates for a new position in your local criminal court. The presiding judge wants to understand your views on substantive justice.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word brief describing the origins of the concept of justice and how you believe they are defined today. Complete the following in your brief:

-Explain Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice.

-Compare substantive justice and procedural justice, including how procedural justice impacts wrongful convictions and moral perceptions of racial discrimination, such as the Central Park Five and the story of Brian Banks, a former football star.

-Explain how you understand justice as defined by today’s modern criminal justice agencies. Include reasoning and examples in your explanation to support your opinion




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Generate ideas for an innovative product or service

Assessment Guidelines
Learners of EduQual qualifications must complete the tasks given in the assignment brief approved by
EduQual. Learners are able to request assistance from tutors about completing the tasks, mark
schemes and grade descriptors. Learners are expected to adhere to policies and guidelines set out by
the centre which includes word/page/slide count, and plagiarism/collusion.
Learners are required to refer to the guidance notes and assignment brief in order to present an
answer that would fall within the required context.
Learners must seek permission and advice when using organisational/business information that would
be considered sensitive or confidential within their assignments. If the organisation’s consent is given,
and anonymity is a given requirement of the organisation, then the learner must respect this.
Assessment Criteria and Mark Sheets
The assignment brief will include the mark scheme along with grade descriptors for learners to refer
to if needed. The guidance notes before the assignment questions should be used for reference in
order to ensure that learners are equipped with the information and formats required. Learners are
requested to obtain necessary advice on assignment context, format and other supporting
information to clarify and help understand the requirements.
The assessment criteria and the mark sheets will help learners identify how and where the marks have
allocated and allow them to structure their answers accordingly.
Tutor Guidance
Learners are allowed one piece of feedback for draft answers they present. Any subject-related
questions relating to the module can also be directed to the tutor.
Word Count
It is mandatory that learners adhere to the specified word count given in the assignment brief within
a margin of -/+10%. For certain tasks, the assignment brief may specify the page count depending on
the task requirement, and although a word count may not always be applicable for these, the page
count must be adhered to at all times. All tables, charts, diagrams, referencing (in-text) will be
considered a part of the assignment word count.
If the task requires learners to make a presentation, the word count will only be applicable to the
notes provided. The assignment questions may also specify the number of slides, in which case the
learners are also required to adhere to this.
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Any supporting documents used to reinforce a learner’s answer need to be attached at the end of the
report as appendices. Such supplementary material will equip the examiner with the required
background knowledge on the information provided within the report. However, these will not be
considered for grading nor as part of the word/page count.
All assignments submitted with clear disregard for the stipulated page/word counts may be
discounted, and the learners may have to resubmit his/her work for assessment pending
revision/review of their work.
Referencing and Professionalism
To ensure that learners follow a professional stance at all times, they must:
• Use the Harvard system of referencing for all citations and references (including in-text)
• Use professional, formal English in presenting their work
• Refrain from writing in a first-person perspective (i.e. ‘I’, ‘We’, ‘Me’, etc. should not be used
within the answer).
Learners should bear in mind that marks are awarded for professional format and presentation, and
that considerable marks can be awarded for validity and quality of referencing. Therefore, referencing
and professionalism will be assessed in every task.
Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism and collusion will be considered an academic offence and will be dealt with as a serious
Plagiarism can be defined as: the presentation of the work of another author without appropriate
referencing and/or attribution (leading to the false assumption that the learner is the originator of the
Collusion can be defined as a circumstance in which: two or more learners present work with distinct
similarities in concept and ideas.
Learners must have access to valid anti-plagiarism software (e.g. Turnitin) to assess ‘similarity index’
between their work and work that has been published elsewhere. This Turnitin report must be
submitted along with their final assignment scripts for reference purposes.1
Excessive referencing (i.e. where unneeded/irrelevant) will also be considered an academic offence,
which will lead to learners being penalised in marks awarded for structure and format of their work
or, in serious cases, leading to the work of learners being discounted as unfit for assessment. Such
matters will be decided by academic panel along with EduQual.
1 Note that centres must provide their learners with access to anti-plagiarism software or else submit learners’ work for
analysis upon receiving learner assignment scripts. In either case, an anti-plagiarism report must be included with the
submission of any learner work for assessment.
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Task 1
Generate ideas for an innovative product or service. Focus on the following key steps:
a) Idea generation
b) Opportunity evaluation and SWOT
c) New product/service planning
d) Market research for the new idea
[Unit: Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Learning Outcome (LO): 1]
Task 2
a) Select a target market for the new product/service
b) Analyse the target market and select an appropriate market segment
c) Identify one main customer group for your new product/service and explain each element of
their consumer decision-making process
d) Explain how ethical issues can affect the relationship between your organisation’s marketing
mix for the new product or service and the behaviour of its consumers
e) Evaluate the impact of the marketing mix’s 4 Ps on consumer behaviour for your selected
[Unit: Entrepreneurship and Innovation; LO2. Unit: Consumer Behaviour; LO2 and LO3]
Task 3
Develop a marketing and integrated promotional plan for the new product/service to meet the
needs of your organisation’s global target markets. This plan must clearly show:
a) Communication processes and current trends in advertising and promotion, including the
impact of ICT and the internet
b) Measurable goals and objectives
c) Strategies for monitoring and control of the marketing and promotional plan
[Unit: Marketing Communications:; LO1 and LO3]
Assignment Word Count
Max. 6000 words across all tasks

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Innovation in education may mean new and unique ideas and practices that expand students’ imaginations and pushes the frontiers of their knowledge and understanding.

Innovation in education may mean new and unique ideas and practices that expand students’ imaginations and pushes the frontiers of their knowledge and understanding. It means being willing and flexible enough to find ways to adjust what you teach and how you teach to keep your students engaged and excited to learn. It is also creating a safe place for them to make mistakes, take risks, and ask questions.

What does innovation look, sound, and feel like in your situation? Investigate the types of changes that must be supported by educational leaders in order to satisfy the demands of global citizenship by examining in-depth the Innovation in education emphasizing your perception of it creatively described as, innovation:

  • Looks like…
  • Feels like…
  • Sounds like…


1. Guo, Y. (2006). Why Didn’t They Show Up? Rethinking ESL Parent Involvement in K-12 Education. TESL Canada Journal, 24(1), 80 – 95. doi:

This article inquires into “Why don’t they show up at school?” The absence of ESL parents from school is often misinterpreted as parents’ lack of concern about their children’s education. However, many ESL parents indicated that they cared passionately. Instead of assuming that ESL parents do not care, educators need to understand the barriers that hinder some parents from participating in their children’s education.

2. Juvonen, J., Le, V., Kaganoff, T., Augustine, C., & Constant, L. (2004). Whole-School Reform Models. In Focus on the Wonder Years: Challenges Facing the American Middle School (pp. 98-111). Santa Monica, CA; Arlington, VA; Pittsburgh, PA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from

This text is concerned with innovations and programs designed to improve student outcomes and addresses other perceived problems at the middle school level. The following questions are addressed in this reading: (1) What are the major reform efforts at work in the middle school? (2) What are their goals and primary features? and (3) Do the reform show promise for addressing the challenges middle schools face today?

3. Hoover‐Dempsey, K., Walker, J., Sandler, H., Whetsel, D., Green, C., Wilkins, A., & Closson, K. (2005). Why Do Parents Become Involved? Research FIndings and Implications. The Elementary School Journal, 106(2), 105-130. doi:10.1086/499194. JSTOR, JSTOR

This article inquires into “Why do parents become involved in children’s education?” Based on this review, the authors offer suggestions for (1) research that may deepen understanding of parents’ motivations for involvement and (2) school and family practices that may strengthen the incidence and effectiveness of parental involvement across varied school communities.

4. Pilegaard, M., Moroz, P., & Neergaard, H. (2010). An Auto-Ethnographic Perspective on Academic Entrepreneurship: Implications for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(1), 46-61. Retrieved from

This paper offers insight into (a) how socio spatial contexts may be structured to better evaluate the entrepreneurial facilitation process and (b) why academic entrepreneurship in the social sciences and humanities may differ from that in the hard sciences. The findings illustrate the importance of bridging innovation using twin skills to balance research and commercial goals, and the need for codifying knowledge capacities and creating new or changing existing institutional structures to legitimize and facilitate entrepreneurial activity. The research also demonstrates the great value of auto-ethnographic techniques to bring fresh insight to the study of entrepreneurship


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Explain ideas that contribute to varied definitions of diversity

Final Project: Autobiography and Instructional Implications


You will synthesize what you have learned from your field experiences in the classroom, the course readings, and the rich exchanges during the Discussions and Seminars into your Final Project: Autobiography and Instructional Implications.


Your paper should be 5–7 pages and should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction: Define diversity and explain how this concept has shaped your personal experiences in school as a student and as a teacher. Select at least three concepts to foster your personal understanding and vision: culture/ethnicity; class; race; gender; language; religion; learning style; and/or exceptionality.
  2. Discuss three ways in which the course readings have deepened your understanding of your own experiences with issues related to diversity.
  3. Evaluate at least one “best practice” strategy that can be used to focus on classroom management skills to positively affect academic achievement in classrooms of diverse students.
  4. Provide at least three examples of reading skills instruction that could be used in a classroom with a diverse student population. Select from among the following: constructing a collaborative main idea web; literature circles; questioning the author; keeping a learning log; and analyzing text-to-self connections. Use information from your textbook or library articles to support your choices.
  5. Conclusion: Reflect on this course experience and self-evaluate the implications for future understanding of teaching a diverse student population.  


Be sure to follow APA format when citing your references.


Use information from your textbook or library articles.


Before you submit your work, please make sure to review the grading rubric under Grading Rubrics on Course Home. 

Submission Instructions

Submit your Final Project: Autobiography and Instructional Implications to the Dropbox.

This Assignment is worth 200 points and is due at the end of Unit 6.

This Assignment addresses the following course outcomes:

ED533-1: Explain ideas that contribute to varied definitions of diversity.

ED533-4: Apply research on student diversity to a personal teaching philosophy.

ED533-5: Evaluate classroom management strategies suitable for diverse students.


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Morningstar equities Best Stock Ideas 2017_02_February, located in the Assessment Resources folder

 Assessment – 1Activity 1
Identify and explain some necessary characteristics of a qualitative researcher.
(Identify sources and parties that provide relevant information for research on financial products).
Activity 2
Much of the innovation that occurred in the 20th century financial services industry was about providing access to money. For example, credit cards gave consumers a chance to pay without needing the cash on hand, while automatic tellers gave 24-hour access to cash. However, financial services innovation in the early 21st century has been about access to information.
Undertake some research of your own and discuss how the ‘smart connected world, where
everyone and everything is connected, intelligent and measured’, is impacting the outlook for future financial products.
(Describe the current economic climate and forecasted outlook for relevant financial products).
Activity 3
With the rapid advance of digital technologies in the Australian financial services industry, the use of traditional financial forecasting techniques to assess financial product markets has declined. Explain and discuss.
(Explain financial forecasting techniques and tools to be used to assess the market for financial products).
Activity 4
Conduct some research to discover and explain how open-source data analytic products, like Hadoop, are impacting local and international markets for financial products.
(Identify and outline local and international financial markets and investment outlook for financial products).
Activity 5
Explain why policies are normally separated from procedures in organisational documentation. Provide an illustrative example involving research policy.
(Describe organisational policy, procedures and requirements relevant to products and research).
Activity 6
Summarise the key features of the Code of Practice which covers the independence of experts who undertake financial product research.
(Identify and describe key features of industry legislation and codes of practice relevant to product research, and protocols to be followed).
Activity 7
Describe the research technique of conjoint analysis using a worked example.
(Describe techniques and tools for evaluation and interpretation of research data).
Assessment – 2 Requirements:
1. Download and review the research report ‘Morningstar equities Best Stock Ideas
2017_02_February, located in the Assessment Resources folder.
2. Download and review the Morningstar report “Inghams IPO”, located in the Assessment
Resources folder.
Activity 1
Explain why a research entity, like Morningstar, publishes a monthly Best Stock Ideas report.
Activity 2
How does a research company like Morningstar protect itself from law suits from investors, who have followed the recommendations in a monthly Best Stock Idea report, and who have subsequently lost money on these investments?
Activity 3
The Ingham’s IPO report certainly complies with relevant statutory disclosure requirements for publishing details and opinions about Initial Public Offerings (IPO). If you were an investor, apart from reading the IPO report, where else would you look to obtain accurate and comprehensive information surrounding Ingham’s proposed IPO?
Activity 4
Explain why research organisations, like Morningstar, document research findings into IPO’s like Inghams, concisely and clearly, before they distribute their research reports


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    2017_02_February, located in the Assessment Resources folder

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Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others

Country for Assignment is Portugal.

  1. 10-15 minute presentation to the class – need a power point presentation as well
  2. Referencing of material is a must!
  3. 3 page (double-spaced) reflection on your experience working with your group – this is important as well
  • What did you learn from the experience? What do you think went well? What would you have done
    differently, given the opportunity? What are your goals for future group work?
  1. Self & Peer evaluations
    Group Project
    Country – Portugal
    Intercultural and international communication has taken on a new role for students as well as career professionals. Knowing when the European and Asian markets open has become mandatory; so has awareness of multiple time zones and their importance in relation to trade, shipping, and the production cycle. Managing production in China from an office in Chicago has become common. Receiving technical assistance for your computer often means connecting with a well-educated English speaker in New Delhi. Communities are no longer linked as simply “brother” and “sister” cities in symbolic partnerships. They are linked in the daily trade of goods and services.
    In your line of work, you will be exposed to a variety of different cultures and language differences. These different cultures and language differences can bring about differences in how you interact with others.
    For this project, you will examine and explore the following from your assigned country:
  2. Primary languages spoken in your country
  3. Verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  4. How teams interact and work together
  5. Define management styles
  6. Define how conflict is managed
  7. Any other relevant information
    Final Product:
  8. 10-15 minute presentation to the class
  9. Referencing of your material is a must!
  10. 3 page (double-spaced) reflection on your experience working with your group.
  • What did you learn from the experience? What do you think went well? What would you have done
    differently, given the opportunity? What are your goals for future group work?
  1. Self & Peer evaluations

Total: 76 marks
Topic accurately covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Language Material Covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Management Style Covered: Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Conflict Covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Referencing: Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Verbal Presentation:
Covered Well: 7-10/10 Partially Well: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Self & Peer Evaluation Completed: 5/5 Not Completed: 0/5
Reflection Page Requirements: 0-2/2
Reviewed Experience 0-2/2
Provided Future Goals for Group Work 0-2/2

Self and Peer Evaluation of Group Project
Please assess the work of you and your colleagues by using the following criteria. We will
consider your feedback in assigning the grade for the project. Please try to be as honest and fair
as possible in your assessment.
5 = Excellent work; was crucial component to group’s success
4 = Very strong work; contributed significantly to group
3 = Sufficient effort; contributed adequately to group
2 = Insufficient effort; met minimal standards of group
1 = Little or weak effort; was detrimental to group?
SELF Evaluation (Name: ________________):
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 1: ______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material

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PEER Evaluation (Partner 2: ____________):
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 3: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 4: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 5: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 6: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material

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What do you think of Dr. Saint’s ideas about barriers to change?

What do you think of Dr. Saint’s ideas about barriers to change? What do you think about social learning? Could this tool be used to make real change? How can the organization’s culture impact health, healthcare quality, and cost?

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. What do you think of Dr. Saint’s ideas about barriers to change?

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reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people

Activity 1A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people.
Reflecting on different ways for communicating, identify and briefly describe how would you pitch a new business proposition to a known business client.
You will need to include the following to help you achieve the purpose of your communication:
? The type of venue that would be appropriate
? The approach you would take to deliver your communication
? The style of communication you would use.
(Answers should be approximately 200-300 words.)





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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concepts and ideas learned in Tutorials 1-9 in Lau and Chan (2017

Using the Scientific Method to Challenge Our Thinking


Using the concepts and ideas learned in Tutorials 1-9 in Lau and Chan (2017), write an essay in response to the following prompts.

  1. Briefly define the Scientific Method using the Lau and Chan text (Links to an external site.).
  2. Where have you made assumptions or drawn inferences on an important issue regardless of data or evidence to the contrary?
  3. Analyze how you could improve your critical reasoning on this issue by using tools from the scientific method or statistical reasoning.
  4. Provide a peer-reviewed example to add further support to the reasoning on your issue.


  • Cite all claims and ideas using scholarly sources.
  • Include at least one scholarly source that is not part of the required or recommended reading for this course. The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to find these scholarly sources.
  • Your paper should be 4 pages in length (not including the title page and reference page). 
  • APA Forma





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. concepts and ideas learned in Tutorials 1-9 in Lau and Chan (2017
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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Identify how to reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people.

Activity 1A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people.
Reflecting on different ways for communicating, identify and briefly describe how would you pitch a new business proposition to a known business client.
You will need to include the following to help you achieve the purpose of your communication:
? The type of venue that would be appropriate
? The approach you would take to deliver your communication
? The style of communication you would use.
(Answers should be approximately 200-300 words.)





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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