Writers Solution

environmental journalism entails the presentation of ideas

Write 15 pages with APA style on Environmental Reporting.

According to Lacy and Coulson (2000, p. 14), environmental journalism entails the presentation of ideas, information, and results regarding the environment. By doing this the journalist aims to inform and educate society on environmental issues (Rademakers 2004, p.2 8). This means that the journalist wields the power to influence society on environmental issues thereby impacting the future significantly. The importance of the environment seems to be an obvious comprehension to all but an assessment of the individual sacrifices and commitments directed to its well-being undermines this assumption (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 4).

All human beings are connected to the environment both socially and economically and thus an impetus is required to initiate environmental obligation in society. Environmental journalists have the power to initiate this process through objective reporting on issues concerned with the environment (Lacy and Coulson 2000, p. 15). The media has the power to alter people’s thoughts, decisions, and even lifestyles through various tools such as agenda-setting. Considering that everyone has a role to play in improving and sustaining the environment, environmental journalists are mandated to cultivate a global sense of environmental accountability.

Lacy and Coulson (2000, p. 17) suggest that environmental reporting demands an alliance between the journalist and the scientists. This enhances the credibility and validity of environmental news and makes it relevant to the public. Environmental reporting is one of the most important elements in achieving environmental awareness and the inherent practices associated with it (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 3).Environmental journalism is logically intertwined with the communication of science and risk in context (Rademakers 2004, p. 35). Environmental journalism like all other fields of journalism is mainly involved with information dissemination, and hence it is involved in the gathering and reporting of information related to science and risk in relation to the environment.

This constitutes environmental communication and it reflects traditional features of communication such as criticisms, challenges, and improvements (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 7).





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Writers Solution

clear cohesion and smooth progression of ideas

Scoring Rubric Grid

“A” Paper – “B” Paper – “C” Paper – “D” Paper – “F” Paper – Criteria Exemplary Effec7ve Acceptable Inadequate Unacceptable

Purpose/Point of View

E ff e c 1 v e l y a n d insigh8ully develops at point of view; d e m o n s t r a t e s outstanding cri1cal thinking

Effec1vely develops at point of view; d e m o n s t r a t e s s t r o n g c r i 1 c a l thinking

Develops at point o f v i e w ; d e m o n s t r a t e s d e v e l o p i n g cri1cal thinking

Develops at point of view that is vague or seriously l i m i t e d ; d e m o n s t r a t e s w e a k c r i 1 c a l thinking

D e v e l o p s n o viable point of view; no cri1cal t h i n k i n g demonstrated


U s e s c l e a r l y a p p r o p r i a t e examples, reasons, and relevant and legi1mate evidence t o s u p p o r t p o s i 1 o n s / conclusions

U s e s g e n e r a l l y a p p r o p r i a t e examples, reasons, and mostly relevant a n d l e g i 1 m a t e evidence to support p o s i 1 o n s / conclusions

U s e s a d e q u a t e examples, reasons, a n d r a 1 o n a l evidence to support posi1ons/conclusions

Uses inappropriate o r i n s u ffi c i e n t e x a m p l e s , o r irra1onal evidence t o s u p p o r t p o s i 1 o n s / conclusions

Uses l iG le to no examples or evidence to support posi1ons/ conclusions


Arranged logically and is clearly focused to support the purpose or argument; clear cohesion and smooth progression of ideas

Arranged logically and is focused to support the purpose or argument; cohesion and progression of ideas

Generally organized and focused to support the purpose or argument; some cohesion and progression of ideas

Poor ly organized a n d / o r f o c u s e d ; serious problems c o h e s i o n a n d progression of ideas

Disorganized and/or unfocused; not logically organized; ideas fail to make sense

Sentence Structure

D e m o n s t r a t e s meaningful variety i n s e n t e n c e structure; well- p h r a s e d a n d varied in length and structure

D e m o n s t r a t e s variety in sentence structure; varied in l e n g t h a n d structure; generally smooth transi1on

D e m o n s t r a t e s a d e q u a t e b u t i n c o n s i s t e n t sentence structure; some variety

D i s p l a y s f r e q u e n t problems with s e n t e n c e structure; liGle variety

Disp lays severe flaws in sentence s t r u c t u r e ; n o variety

Word Choice

C o n s i s t e n t l y precise, exhibits s k i l l f u l u s e o f l a n g u a g e ; u s e s varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary

Precise, exhibits generally skillful use of l a n g u a g e ; u s e s a c c u r a t e a n d a p p r o p r i a t e vocabulary

Adequate but inconsistent use of language; uses generally appropriate vocabulary; goes beyond generic

Displays liGle facility i n t h e u s e o f language; uses very limited vocabulary; i n c o r r e c t w o r d choice

D i s p l a y s fundamental errors in vocabulary and word choice

Grammar, Spelling, Wri7ng Skills

Wri1ng is free or almost free of errors in grammar, spelling, u s a g e a n d mechanics.

Wri1ng is generally free of most errors in grammar, spelling, u s a g e a n d mechanics.

W r i 1 n g h a s occasional errors in grammar, usage, s p e l l i n g a n d mechanics but not major distrac1on

Wri1ng has errors in g rammar, usage , s p e l l i n g a n d mechanics serious enough to distract reader

W r i 1 n g h a s pervasive errors in grammar, usage, s p e l l i n g o r mechan ics that p e r s i s t e n t l y interfere/obscure meaning; major distrac1on

Writers Solution

Marx’s ideas have experienced a bit of a renaissance after the end of the Cold War

Paper instructions

Below you will find some questions to help guide you in your second section essay. Remember, the essay functions as both a personal reflection and an analysis on the material covered. The idea is to demonstrate that you have understood important aspects of the material. There is not any one particular way to approach the assignment beyond making sure that it is coherent (meaning in essay format), relates to the readings for the week, and should be, at a minimum, four pages in length.Potential Ideas for Section Essay #21. Underlying Marx’s critique of the capitalist mode of production, we find some assumptions (some of which are explicit- think “species-being”) about human nature. After reading through his work, do you agree or disagree with his depiction of a “human”? Is alienation possible and if so, is it a universal experience? Why or why not?2. Marx’s ideas have experienced a bit of a renaissance after the end of the Cold War, especially in the context of the global economic crisis (see this article here) . There have been an explosion in publications with titles like “Why Marx was Right”, which attempt to view our current economic problems through the lenses of Marx’s critique. After reading some of his work, do you think Marx’s ideas and theories are still relevant today?3. Marx argued that the ideas of the ruling class are the ideas of society, a notion that potentially runs against Durkheim’s notion of “collective consciousness.” Which perspective do you think is more valuable for explaining dominant beliefs? Are the two perspectives compatible? Why or why not?4. Bourdieu’s distinctions between different types of capital highlight the ways in which we often view our lives in economic terms, but are also frequently limited by that view. Which perspective do you find the most compelling or powerful: that of the economic view, or that of the social? What role has social and cultural capital played in your life? Is it something you’ve considered in the past? Do you find that Bourdieu’s explanation provides insight into your own personal experiences? Why or why not?If none of the ideas above strike your fancy and you are having difficulty determining what to write about, consider the following:1. Was there something important in the reading/theoretical position that you strongly disagree with? If so, that disagreement may be a suitable topic for the essay.2. Do you think the theory(s) proposed by Marx or Bourdieu have continued or contemporary relevance? If so, how might that be demonstrated? If not, what evidence do you have to support your argument? Either position might be a suitable topic for the essay.3. Did you find one reading more compelling than the others? Why is that? Perhaps you should direct your focus of the essay to that specific reading.4. Have you identified any inconsistencies in the readings which may influence the value of the ideas within? If so, what are they and what implications do these inconsistencies have? This may also serve as the basis for the essay.5. Do you have an alternative explanation for any of the theories posed? If so, what is it? How would you defend your own theory?6. Do you think that adopting the theoretical perspective(s) from this section would help to give us a better understanding of a different field? For instance, does Marx’s theory of alienation and production give us a new way to look at mental health? Does Bourdieu’s theories regarding the taste and social class help us to understand the problems of gender in the workplace (e.g. the glass ceiling; unequal pay)?