Writers Solution

Identify facility standards regarding healthcare documentation (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)

You should review the following Practicum Objectives before you begin your practicum.  Meet with your Practicum Director (or designee) as soon as possible, review each one and create a plan so that you have the time to accomplish them.  Each practicum objective should be about 1-page in length and included in your portfolio.  

If you are unable to accomplish any of these objectives due to your facility limitations, please contact your professor and request permission to complete the alternate assignment.  Permission to complete an alternative assignment(s) must be requested prior to week 5 with the maximum completion of 20 onsite hours.  You must get prior approval from your Professor for EACH of the alternative assignments you need to complete. 

1. Identify facility standards regarding healthcare documentation (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)

Meet with your Practicum Director (or designee) and inquire about your facility’s documentation standards.  Determine the documentation standards your facility complies with and identify their origin.  These would include Conditions of Participation, Conditions for Coverage, medical staff bylaws, policies and procedures, and state statutes.  Include any documents you obtain as artifacts in your portfolio.

Alternative: N/A

2. Perform 10 chart audits and identify all deficiencies (Health Law and Compliance)

Request from your Practicum Director (or designee) to audit 10 patient records for deficiencies.  You are to use the organization’s chart audit tool.  If they do not have one, use the chart audit form located under ‘files’.  It is recommended to incorporate your ‘predetermined data element’ (from PO #3) in your audits.  Include the chart audits as artifacts in your portfolio and provide a summary of the process.  Ensure you do not include any PHI in your audits.


EHR Go: Understanding TJC’s Tracer Methodology

3. Perform an analysis of one predetermines data element (Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use)

Have a discussion with your Practicum Director (or designee) to identify one quality indicator for analysis.  For example, the selected quality indicator could be a data element such as the number of days after discharge until the physician signed the discharge summary.  Your data element may be an element of the chart audit.  It is recommended that you compile information on your data element while you perform your chart audits (PO #2).  Analyze the information you have gathered and provide a summary.  Your summary should identify what you have learned about the data element.  It should also reference the chart/graph you have created for PO #4.  For example, does the data show the organization is in compliance (remember back to the HIT226 course project), or have you identified a trend (positive or negative), etc.


EHR Go: Implementing Clinical Decision Support

4. Create a chart/graph. (Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use)

Use the results you have gathered on your data element and create a chart or graph.  Your chart or graph should be applicable to the type of data you are displaying and follow the proper guidelines for presenting information.  Your graph/chart should tie directly to your summary in PO #3.


EHR Go: Query:  Basic and Advanced Orientation

5. Perform a summary of data entry (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)

Have a discussion with your Practicum Director (or designee) and request to perform data entry into an information system.  It can be any information system with the facility.  For example, release of information, revenue cycle management, coding, chart tracking, index, registry, or transcription.  You may substitute manual data entry in place of electronic data entry.  If you are unable to perform data entry, request to shadow an employee who does.

Identify the system you used and provide a summary of the data entry process.  Your summary should include the type of data you entered (clinical, administrative, or both), potential users of the data (internal and external), and any other pertinent information.


EHR Go: Classification and Terminology Systems

6. Perform an evaluation on facility privacy and security standards (Information Protection)

Evaluate how the facility complies with privacy and security standards.  This evaluation should include pertinent information about your organizational privacy and security safeguards.  This could include policies and procedures, information about the privacy officer, staff education and internal monitoring (see the chapter on Data Privacy and Confidentiality in your Health Information Management Technology: An Applied Approach textbook as a reference).


Create an Authorization for the Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information for an acute care hospital.

7. Summarize the revenue cycle at your facility (Revenue Cycle Management)

Summarize the revenue cycle at your facility from the moment a patient is registered to the reimbursement of services provided.  Make sure to include the departments, employees and information systems involved as well as external stakeholders. 


EHR Go: UHDDS and the EHR

8. Analyze a Team Meeting (Organizational Management and Leadership)

Meet with your Practicum Director and request to sit in on at least one team meeting.  Summarize the meeting(s) describing who was in attendance, the purpose of the meeting, and the outcome.  Then analyze the meeting in terms of leadership (See the chapter on Leadership in your Health Information Management Technology: An Applied Approach textbook as a reference).  For example, was there an agenda, were the minutes from the previous meeting provided, and were any techniques used to ensure a productive meeting. 


Create an organizational chart for your practicum facility and/or department.

Remember, your practicum objectives are to be a part of your portfolio.

 Graded aspects Points
1. Identify facility standards regarding healthcare documentation (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)20
2. Perform 10 chart audits and identify all deficiencies (Health Law and Compliance)20
3. Perform an analysis of one predetermined data element (Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use)20
4. Create a chart/graph (Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use)20
5. Perform a summary of data entry (Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance)20
6. Perform an evaluation on facility privacy and security standards (Information Protection)20
7. Summarize the revenue cycle at your facility (Revenue Cycle Management)20
8. Analyze a Team Meeting (Organizational Management and Leadership)20

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Identify the offender that you want to defend


You are currently a pro bono junior attorney working for a legal team that specializes in criminal defense. You have been asked to gather background information on a defendant of your choosing. In order to help the team build a solid defense, you must provide a 10-15 minute presentation (using Microsoft PowerPoint) explaining 2 biopsychosocial risk factors that could have contributed to their antisocial behavior. You can choose any offender for your presentation, but you must be able to find enough publicly available information to provide a good defense. The legal team will be using the presentation to determine whether you would be a good addition to their legal team for their next case. There are 3 main parts to this presentation:

  • Topic Scope: The legal team first needs to know the scope of your presentation and whom you want to defend. Thus, you should:
    • Identify the offender that you want to defend
    • Describe the relevant history of the offender
    • Provide clear details of their crimes
    • Identify 2 specific, documented biopsychosocial risk factors that the offender has that seem relevant in explaining their antisocial behavior (NOTE: documented means you can cite a trustworthy source that has claimed that the defendant has the factor you are identifying. Please include a citation for the source that stated that your defendant has the factor you identified.)
  • Explanation: The legal team also needs to evaluate how strong your defense argument will be. You should:
    • Clearly, thoughtfully, and thoroughly explain how or why the biopsychosocial factors could have contributed to the offender’s antisocial behavior
    • Use at least 2 scholarly sources (and APA format) to help you make connections between the biopsychosocial factors and the offender’s antisocial behavior
  • Sanction: After you have provided your argument, tell the legal team what sanction you will argue for your defendant.
    • Identify at least 1 limitation or argument that the prosecutor could have against the defense you made.
    • Counter-argue the potential argument that the prosecutor could have.
    • Make a specific recommendation for what sort of sentence or punishment you think the offender should receive (this might not be the same sentence/punishment that they actually received in real life — remember that you are supposed to be their legal representative!).
    • Explain why your recommendation is appropriate based on the biopsychosocial factors/explanation you identified — in other words, explain why the sentence/punishment you are recommending would be relevant and effective for your defendant.

Given that you may be chosen as one of the legal representatives for the defendant, you will also be evaluated on the quality of your presentation as well as the quality of your delivery.

  • For presentation quality, you will be evaluated on the organization and content quality of your slides as well as how well your presentation flows. Your first slide/page (title slide/page) must include your full name and the name of the offender that you will be discussing. Your last slide/page must be the Reference list of the sources you used to support your claims in your presentation. Your in-text citations and References list should be in APA format.

If you would like some help with organizing your defense, you are welcome to use this template actions, which I will attache to the file. You are not required to use the template, but it may help you in keeping track of the points you should be addressing in your presentation.

Submission Details

You must create and submit a deck of slides using Microsoft PowerPoint. Your slides should display information that you believe is important for the legal team to see/read.


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Identify/define the population

Provide a brief narrative introduction to your project topic or idea that covers the following points: The problem How the problem was identified The proposed solution The potential benefits to the organization that the proposed change will bring about Post an initial draft of your five PICOT elements (see below for further requirements). After posting a short narrative introduction to your proposed practice change, process change, or quality improvement idea, you will list an initial draft of each of your five PICOT elements: P: Identify/define the population This can be the population that is being asked to change a practice. This may be a population that is the focus of the change. Do not use this element to state the problem. I: Intervention – This is the new action you propose to address the problem and is intended to produce an improved outcome. C: Comparison – What current practice is not producing the desired outcome? O: Outcome – This objective measure will be used to evaluate the effect of your intervention. There must be objective and measurable metrics as part of this statement. T: Time – How long will it take to have enough time and enough data to determine if your intervention produced the desired results? Your instructor will provide feedback that may include requests for revisions in one or more of your PICOT elements. Upon receiving that feedback, you are to make revisions until you receive notification from the instructor that the PICOT is approved. 2 REFERENCES NEEDED ONE MUST BE A NURSE PEER REVIEW JOURNAL. I WOULD LIKE TO USE CAUTI (CATHETER ASSOCIATED URINARY TRACT INFECTION) AS THE PICOT. THIS PICOT WILL BE MY MSN PROJECT


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Writers Solution

Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date.



To develop the first part of a report, do the following:

  • Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date. For magazines, give the date of publication.
  • Write an informative summary of the material.
  • Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.
  • Use direct quotations from the work to illustrate important ideas.
  • Summarize the material so that the reader gets a general sense of all key aspects of the original work.
  • Do not discuss in great detail any single aspect of the work, and do not neglect to mention other equally important points.
  • Also, keep the summary objective and factual. Do not include in the first part of the paper your personal reaction to the work; your subjective impression will form the basis of the second part of your paper.


To develop the second part of a report, do the following:

  • Focus on any or all of the following questions. Check with your instructor to see if s/he wants you to emphasize specific points.
  • How is the assigned work related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course for which you are preparing the paper? For example, what points made in the course textbook, class discussions, or lectures are treated more fully in the work?
  • How is the work related to problems in our present-day world?
  • How is the material related to your life, experiences, feelings and ideas? For instance, what emotions did the work arouse in you?
  • Did the work increase your understanding of a particular issue? Did it change your perspective in any way?
  • Evaluate the merit of the work: the importance of its points, its accuracy, completeness, organization, and so on.
  • You should also indicate here whether or not you would recommend the work to others, and why.


Here are some important elements to consider as you prepare a report:

  • Apply the four basic standards of effective writing (unity, support, coherence, and clear, error-free sentences) when writing the report.
  • Make sure each major paragraph presents and then develops a single main point. For example, in the sample report that follows, the first paragraph summarizes the book, and the three paragraphs that follow detail three separate reactions of the student writer to the book. The student then closes the report with a short concluding paragraph.
  • Support any general points you make or attitudes you express with specific reasons and details. Statements such as “I agree with many ideas in this article” or “I found the book very interesting” are meaningless without specific evidence that shows why you feel as you do. Look at the sample report closely to see how the main point or topic sentence of each paragraph is developed by specific supporting evidence.
  • Organize your material. Follow the basic plan of organization explained above: a summary of one or more paragraphs, a reaction of two or more paragraphs, and a conclusion. Also, use transitions to make the relationships among ideas in the paper clear.
  • Edit the paper carefully for errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word use, and spelling.
  • Cite paraphrased or quoted material from the book or article you are writing about, or from any other works, by using the appropriate documentation style. If you are unsure what documentation style is required or recommended, ask you instructor.
  • You may use quotations in the summary and reaction parts of the paper, but do not rely on them too much. Use them only to emphasize key ideas.
  • Publishing information can be incorporated parenthetically or at the bottom of the page in a footnote. Consult with your instructor to determine what publishing information is necessary and where it should be placed.

(Choose ONE discussion question and expound on it in a response paper; make sure you have a MLA citation for the story so you can quote from it.)

1. What do you think the significance of the title is? What is so “secret” about Walter Mitty’s life?

2. Is Walter Mitty an interesting person? Is his life significant? Why or why not? Why do you think his real life and his imagined lives are so different (in other words, what is the author trying to tell you about his life/lives)?

3. The phrase “He’s a real Walter Mitty” is popular among many people in America in order to describe someone who does not appear to have much skill or personality, but imagines himself or herself to be a genius in the most unexpected situations. Give an example of someone you know who you think is a “Walter Mitty” type.

4. Do you think there are a lot of people in the world who have real lives like Walter Mitty, and imagine alternative lives like he does? If so, why do you think there are so many people like this? What does this say about society in the present day?

Here below is the example she gave


Here is a report written by a student in an introductory psychology course. Look at the paper closely to see how it follows the guidelines for report writing described above.

Part 1: Summary

 Part 1: SummaryTopic sentence for summary paragraph

A Report on Man’s Search for Meaning

Dr. Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning (New York: Washington Square Press, 1966) is both an autobiographical account of his years as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps and a presentation of his ideas about the meaning of life. The three years of deprivation and suffering he spent at Auschwitz and other Nazi camps led to the development of his theory of Logotherapy, which, very briefly, states that the primary force in human beings is “a striving to find a meaning in one’s life” (154). Without a meaning in life, Frankl feels, we experience emptiness and loneliness that lead to apathy and despair. This need for meaning was demonstrated to Frankl time and again with both himself and other prisoners who were faced with the horrors of camp existence. Frankl was able to sustain himself partly through the love he felt for his wife. In a moment of spiritual insight, he realized that his love was stronger and more meaningful than death, and would be a real and sustaining force within him even if he knew his wife was dead. Frankl’s comrades also had reasons to live that gave them strength. One had a child waiting for him; another was a scientist who was working on a series of books that needed to be finished. Finally, Frankl and his friends found meaning through their decision to accept and bear their fate with courage. He says that the words of Dostoevsky came frequently to mind: “There is one thing that I dread: not to be worthy of my suffering.”  When Frankl’s prison experience was over and he returned to his profession of psychiatry, he found that his theory of meaning held true not only for the prisoners but for all people. He has since had great success in working with patients by helping them locate in their own lives meanings of love, work, and suffering.

Part 2: ReactionTopic sentence for first reaction paragraph 

One of my reactions to the book was the relationship I saw between the “Capos” and ideas about anxiety, standards, and aggression discussed in our psychology class. The Capos were prisoners who acted as trustees, and Frankl says they acted more cruelly toward the prisoners than the guards or the SS men. Several psychological factors help explain this cruelty. The Capos must have been suppressing intense anxiety about “selling themselves out” to the Nazis in return for small favors. Frankl and other prisoners must have been a constant reminder to the Capos of the courage and integrity they themselves lacked. When our behaviors and values are threatened by someone else acting in a different way, one way we may react is with anger and aggression. The Capos are an extreme example of how, if the situation is right, we may be capable of great cruelty to those whose actions threaten our standards.       

Topic sentence for second reaction paragraph

I think that Frankl’s idea that meaning is the most important force in human beings helps explain some of the disorder and discontent in the world today. Many people are unhappy because they are caught in jobs where they have no responsibility and creativity; their work lacks meaning. Many are also unhappy because our culture seems to stress sexual technique in social relationships rather than human caring. People buy popular books that may help them become better partners in bed, but that may not make them more sensitive to each other’s human needs. Where there is no real care, there is no meaning. To hide the inner emptiness that results from impersonal work and sex, people busy themselves with the accumulation of material things. With television sets, stereos, cars, expensive clothes, and the like, they try to forget that their lives lack true meaning instead of working or going to school to get a meaningful job, or trying to be decent human beings.

Topic sentence for third reaction paragraph

I have also found that Frankl’s idea that suffering can have meaning helps me understand the behavior of people I know. I have a friend named Jim who was always poor and did not have much of a family—only a stepmother who never cared for him as much as for her own children. What Jim did have, though, was determination. He worked two jobs to save money to go to school, and then worked and went to school at the same time. The fact that his life was hard seemed to make him bear down all the more. On the other hand, I can think of a man in my neighborhood who for all the years I’ve known him has done nothing with his life. He spends whole days smoking and looking at cars going by. He is a burned-out case. Somewhere in the past his problems must have become too much for him, and he gave up. He could have found meaning in his life by deciding to fight his troubles like Jim, but he didn’t, and now he is a sad shadow of a man. Without determination and the desire to face his hardships, he lost his chance to make his life meaningful.

 Concluding paragraph

In conclusion, I would strongly recommend Frankl’s book to persons who care about why they are alive, and who want to truly think about the purpose and meaning of their lives


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date.


Writers Solution

Identify and explain one troubleshooting tip or technique

  • Identify and explain one troubleshooting tip or technique. 
  • One  method for troubleshooting method is reviewing your work, many times we  as humans will perform maintenance and we make errors, we are prone to  it. Reviewing our work is a good method to make sure that the issue is  not due to human error.  
  • Identify in which step (analysis, planning, measuring) the technique would be applied
  • This  technique should be applied as soon as you perform the solder, because  it would make no sense to review something that is not present. 
  • Not  every tip will apply to every situation. Explain a situation in which  your tip would be applicable (include personal examples if possible). 
  • My  tip should be applicable in all situations except in the conditions  that you have reviewed your own work and you are satisfied and said work  has been supervised and reviewed by fellow peers. Having multiple  opinions is always helpful to better yourself because you can use their  advice as constructive criticism. 
  • Identify one potential impact of poor soldering on a printed circuit board. How would you identify the fault? 
  • A  poor fault I can foresee due to poor soldering would be a resistor not  functioning correctly or something that should be functioning in a  certain manner is not.  

How to solder: A complete beginners guide. (2021, October 31). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from,process%20on%20the%20other%20wire 

 Links to an external site.




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Identify cyber security risk components that may exist within your real or fictional company


For this assignment, think about a company for which you currently work or one for which you worked previously. If one does not come to mind, feel free to create a fictional company. Using your textbook and sources from the CSU Online Library, you will compose a written essay of at least three pages in which you will include the following information:

Identify cyber security risk components that may exist within your real or fictional company.

Develop and describe a cyber security risk mitigation strategy for a real or fictional company.

Describe the challenges and benefits of implementing a cyber security risk mitigation strategy for a real or fictional company.

Please be sure that your written response utilizes proper APA formatting and that all sources used, including the textbook, are referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.




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Writers Solution

identify the ethical implications of classifying costs correctly

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to identify the ethical implications of classifying costs correctly and following the appropriate rules of the accrual process.

Parameters: For this assignment, you will write a 3-4 page paper, not including the Title and Reference pages. The paper must include at least 2 references, including the Bible. Your paper should follow current APA format. You should compose your paper in a professional format, including complete, coherent sentences.

Prompt: After reviewing the Reading & Study materials for the week, identify the ethical implications of classifying costs correctly and following the appropriate rules of the accrual process. The paper must also include a discussion on how your personal faith should guide your ethical behavior in your career.  




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Maryland Department of Natural Resources is working to identify the undeveloped lands that are most critical to the state’s long-term ecological health



The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is working to identify the undeveloped lands that are most critical to the state’s long-term ecological health. These lands, referred to as Maryland’s green infrastructure, provide the natural foundation needed to support diverse plant and animal populations, and enable valuable natural processes like filtering water and cleaning the air to take place. Identifying and setting priorities for protection of the green infrastructure is an ongoing process. Review this description of  Maryland’s green infrastructure, Links to an external site.  including county-by-county maps.

Using Maryland’s approach as a guide, find out how your community treats its open spaces. If you live in an urban area, does your city protect urban forests or other natural areas? If your community is suburban or rural in nature, is agricultural or habitat protected in any way? What water quality protections are in place at the local level? State level?




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Writers Solution

How does the sentencing process make it easier for a justice-involved individual to identify their need for rehabilitation?

Assignment Content

Imagine you work as a case manager at a probation facility. You are training a new case manager on the relationship between sentencing and rehabilitation and how human services plays a role in rehabilitation of justice-involved individuals. Create an 11 slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes for your trainee. Address the following in your presentation:

(1 slide) Introduce the topic.

(2–3 slides) Describe the sentencing process: How does the sentencing process make it easier for a justice-involved individual to identify their need for rehabilitation? Using examples, how can sentencing persuade individuals into rehabilitation?

(2–3 slides) Explain what sentencing rehabilitation is. Why should sentencing be a part of the rehabilitation process?

(1–2 slides) Discuss the role of a case manager in the sentencing process and how case managers should refer individuals to rehabilitation or other services when it is needed.

(1–2 slides) Discuss the role of the probation manager in the sentencing process. What is a pre-sentencing report? Who gets it? How is it used?

(1–2 slides) Explain sentencing’s role in the entire justice process.

(2–4 slides) Describe 2 evidence-based research studies on a sentencing program or innovative process that supports 1 of the following 4 principles (make sure to define and explain the principle, too): Proportionality, Equity, Individualization, and Parsimony

(1 slide) Include a slide for resources




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Writers Solution

Identify the patient’s symptoms and the available demographic and historical data

Neurological Disorders Case Study [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 15 of your course text.

For this discussion, you will pick one of the cases listed in the Week 5 Discussion – Case Studies  Download Week 5 Discussion – Case Studiesdocument, and take on the role of the clinician.

In your initial post,

  • Identify the patient’s symptoms and the available demographic and historical data.
  • Discuss your differential diagnosis and provide a thorough basis for any diagnoses you have included.
  • Determine what (if any) additional testing you would order and how this would be helpful in clarifying the diagnosis.
  • Finally, explain recommendations for the patient/family for ongoing functioning (social, occupational and academic, if applicable).

You must use a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles in your discussion to support your diagnostic conclusions.

To assist you with your research consider using the library’s Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) tip sheet.




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