Writers Solution

Imagine you have just taken on the role as leader of an educational program in your specialization and have been told to implement a change process that is part of a district initiative.

  Imagine you have just taken on the role as leader of an educational program in your specialization and have been told to implement a change process that is part of a district initiative. As a new leader, you have yet to establish trust with your colleagues, so that when you start to implement the initiative, you are surprised to get immediate push back from your colleagues. How might you work to shift your colleagues’ dissatisfaction and disengagement and support them in their roles as change agents? What leadership strategies would win the trust of your colleagues and help them see the merits of the initiative?

For this Discussion, you will analyze evidence-based strategies to establish stakeholder trust and buy-in for change and counteract resistance to change.

To prepare:

  • Review the assigned chapters in the Fullan (2016) text. Consider the difference between adopting an innovative program, the complexity of actually implementing it, and why stakeholders resist      change.
  • Read the Gurley, Peters, & Collins (2015); Day, Gu, & Sammons (2016); Covey (2009); and Adams & Miskell (2016) articles. Think about the process of initiating and implementing change, the influence of leadership on change, and how to gain buy-in and trust from stakeholders throughout the change process.
  • Reflect on experiences you have had in your professional practice where staff were resistant to a change in your specialization. What attempts were made by leadership to establish trust and buy-in for the change? What strategies were (or were not) used when staff members refused or pushed back during implementation? As a leader, what strategies would you have employed?
  • Research evidence-based strategies for establishing trust and buy-in from staff prior to implementing change and for supporting staff when they resist changes during implementation.

An explanation of the following:

  • Background information on an experience from your professional practice where staff were resisting a change in a program or practice in your specialization
  • At least two strategies you would have used to establish trust and buy-in from the staff prior to implementing the change. Provide a research-supported rationale for your selected      strategies.
  • At least two strategies you would have employed when staff members refused or pushed back during implementation of the change process. Provide a research-supported rationale for your selected strategies.

For this Discussion, and all scholarly writing in this course and throughout your program, you will be required to use APA style and provide reference citations.

Learning Resources

Note: To access this module’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Fullan, M. (2016). The new meaning of educational change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

· Chapter 4, “Initiation, Implementation, and Continuation” (pp. 54–81)

· Chapter 6, “The Teacher” (pp. 97–122)

· Chapter 10, “The District Administrator” (pp. 177–208)

Writers Solution

current place of employment, and imagine that you were appointed the project manager.


Think of a project that you have previously been a part of at a past or current place of employment, and imagine that you were appointed the project manager.

  • Describe the process you and your project team would follow for closing the project.
  • Develop a “Lesson Learned” document for your organization and for your project stakeholders. This document must include what went well, what went wrong, and suggestions for improvement in future projects.
  • Discuss how you would adjourn your team in a manner that would encourage them to want to work with you in future projects.

Your paper should consist of at least four pages utilizing APA formatting. Your textbook can be a source, but include a minimum of at least two additional sources that support your ideas, thoughts, and theories.

Writers Solution

Imagine that you are the marketing manager for a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers.

Imagine that you are the marketing manager for a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers. Your firm is considering entering the Brazilian market. Your CEO believes the advertising message that has been effective in the United States will suffice in Brazil. Outline some potential objections to this. How would you have to tweak your advertising message to cater to the local culture? Your CEO also believes that the pricing decisions in Brazil can be delegated to the local managers. Why might she be wrong? The CEO continues to believe that within 20 years, we will see the emergence of enormous global markets for standardized customer products. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer. 

In your original post and your response to at least two of your peers,  demonstrate critical thinking, contribute something new to the discussion and demonstrate the integration of class concepts from your reading along with examples to support your statements and sources referenced. If you use content from external sources a citation and reference must be included in APA format, and the content must be in quotes if taken verbatim.

Writers Solution

Imagine a life threatening event or a natural disaster in your community such as a severe weather event, terrorist attack or other type of public health emergency.

 Imagine a life threatening event or a natural disaster in your community such as a severe weather event, terrorist attack or other type of public health emergency. Propose an overall strategy that medical providers and public health agencies should include in the response plan that combines the efforts of both groups. Determine how these groups could work collaboratively to effectively manage this emergency.

Writers Solution

Imagine you are the director of Medical Imaging department in Northwest Memorial hospital and are tasked with presenting to the C-Suite about your department’s operating budget

For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

Imagine you are the director of Medical Imaging department in Northwest Memorial hospital and are tasked with presenting to the C-Suite about your department’s operating budget. You need to describe the department priorities and capital investments priorities. Be sure to include the following in your presentation:

1. Explain how you would prioritize the capital investments.

2. What was your methodology in producing the budget and why?

3. What was your role as the director in producing the budget?

The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 12-15 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide. Images may be included in the presentation but be sure to keep all image file sizes low for this presentation. Save images as small files.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

 You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. 

Benchmark Information

This assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MBA Health Systems Management

MPA Health Care Management

MS Health Administration

MS Health Care Informatics

MBA: 5.1: Develop financial plans to support the viability of health care organizations.

Writers Solution

Imagine you work for a company that has recently merged with a global company.

Global Human Resources Management

Imagine you work for a company that has recently merged with a global company. Write a brief introduction to your company as well as the company that merged with the company. Then develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist detailing what steps you would take as the HR manager to help unify the culture of both companies.

Create two (2) company introductions and develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist in which you: 

1.) Give a succinct overview of your fictitious company.

2.) Give a succinct overview of the fictitious company merged with.

3.) Develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist of steps you would take to unify company culture.

4.) Explain your rationale for choosing each of the steps in your checklist.

Paper must be:

 * Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

*  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date.

Writers Solution

Imagine you have been hired by Splendid Hills Hospital.

To prepare for this Application Assignment, imagine you have been hired by Splendid Hills Hospital. The vice president of finance has asked you to work with an interdisciplinary committee to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and to recommend a cost-effective CAM option. Based on the committee recommendation, one of the three proposed CAM options (spinal manipulation, acupuncture, and massage therapy) would be implemented to care for clients with chronic lower back pain where more conventional therapies have been largely ineffective. You and the committee have collected the fixed costs (FC) and variable costs (VC) associated with each CAM alternative. Review the course document in your Weekly Resources entitled, “ Cost-Effective Analysis for Proposed Alternative Interventions for Unresolved Lower Back Pain.” Search the Walden Library for scholarly sources to support CAM options.

To complete this Application Assignment, you will: 1) complete a cost-effective analysis using the data provided in this week’s course documents, 2) create a 9- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation of your CEA results, and 3) prepare a 1- to 2-page document containing your presentation talking points.

Please be aware that you will submit three files for this assignment.

Part I: The CEA

Using the data provided in the Splendid Hills Hospital scenario, insert the fixed and variable costs associated with each CAM alternative into the spreadsheet. The data will be entered into the cells shaded green. Do not enter data in the cells shaded in red. The spreadsheet will automatically calculate annual costs. Once you have your cost results, you and the committee will be able to propose the most cost-effective CAM alternative. Save your results in the Excel spreadsheet for submission.

Part II: The Presentation of the CEA

In order to communicate your results, you will prepare a professional presentation for delivery to the members of the senior leadership team. You will prepare a PowerPoint slide deck comprised of 9–12 slides (not including title and reference slides). The following are the minimum slide expectations:

  1. Title slide
  2. Discuss the concept of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
  3. Identify the three CAM alternatives being considered with brief description of each
  4. Identify the purpose and assumptions associated with a cost-effective analysis (CEA)
  5. Share why a CEA was appropriate for determining the CAM alternative
  6. Identify the FC, VC, and TC for acupuncture
  7. Identify the FC, VC, and TC for massage therapy
  8. Identify the FC, VC, and TC for spinal manipulation
  9. Discuss which alternative is considered the most cost-effective given the CEA results
  10. Discuss and support your recommendations for assessing the clinical outcomes following the rollout of your chosen CAM alternative
  11. References slide

Refer back to the Optional Resources, in Week 1, if you need a refresher on using PowerPoint.

Part III: Talking Points

It is important that professional PowerPoint slides remain uncluttered. Having talking points, or notes, to accompany your slides helps provide your audience with additional information while maintaining uncluttered visuals. For each of your content slides (not the title and reference slide), write a brief paragraph explaining the information on the slide. Then, compile these paragraphs into a 1- to 2-page document for submission.

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.

Writers Solution

Imagine that you are hired into the role of the Operations Manager at the company described in the case study (Nissan)

5-6 pages to complete below. Part Three is already completed (see attached)

Need to create a:

1. Introduction Section (1-2 paragraphs)

2. Conclusion Section (1-2 paragraphs)

3. Part One – Managing Operations (2-4 pages)

4. Part Two – Quality, Process and Location (2-4 pages)

Then combine Introduction Section, Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Conclusion Section into ONE file consisting of 10-12 pages combined (not including Cover and Reference page) to create the comprehensive case study analysis. 


Imagine that you are hired into the role of the Operations Manager at the company described in the case study (Nissan). Although there are many issues facing the compa Imagine that you are hired into the role of the Operations Manager at the company described in the case study (Nissan). ny, you have some experience and are well qualified to provide direction in solving these problems. Prepare a cohesive case study analysis for submission as one document.

The project is the creation of a comprehensive case study analysis. You will write a comprehensive analysis of the Nissan case study (see attached) that’s been analyzed throughout the course by addressing the critical elements below. 


You NEED to do Part One and Two below. Part Three has been already been completed (see attached). Part One, Two and Three need to be combined into one document to create the case study analysis. 

Also need to be included is:

1. An Introduction Section: which provides an overview of the company and some of the key challenges that it is facing

2. Summary /Conclusion Section: that highlights some of your most important recommendations for improving operations at the company

PART ONE: Managing Operations case study analysis, which evaluates how Nissan uses OM functions to provide products and generate value for its customers and how it achieves a competitive advantage using operations management, among other critical elements (Less than 4 pages- no minimum)

I. Generating Value

A. Evaluate how the company in the case study uses operations management functions to provide products and generate value for its customers. 

      i. Support your claims with examples from the case study or outside sources. 

B. Assess how this company achieves a competitive advantage using operations management. 

      i. Provide examples found in the case study or outside sources to support your reasoning. 

C. Compare and contrast service operations and manufacturing operations at the company in the case study. 

      i. How are they the same? 

      ii. How do they differ? 

      iii. How does each of these operations provide value for their customers? 

II. Theories and Techniques 

A. Compare and contrast the critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation and review technique (PERT). 

      i. What types of projects at this company would favor PERT over CPM? Why? 

      ii. What types of projects at this company would favor CPM over PERT? Why? 

B. Explain the steps used to develop a forecasting system

      i. How would these steps be specifically utilized by this company? 

      ii. What do you predict would be the result of implementing a forecasting system for the top-selling product line at this company?

C. List the major categories of supply chain risk and associated risk reduction tactics. 

      i. How could the company mitigate exposure to supply chain disruptions caused by natural disasters? 

            1. For example, consider the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated parts of Japan.

PART TWO: Quality, Process, and Location case study analysis that addresses the typical problems that operations managers face.  (Less than 4 pages- no minimum)

I. Theories and Techniques 

A. Explain the five steps of the theory of constraints (TOC) process. 

      i. To what processes might the company in the case study apply TOC? 

      ii. Why would applying TOC to these processes be advantageous? 

B. Describe how total quality management (TQM) principles and tools can be used to improve quality in the latest line of products in the context of the case study. 

II. Data Analysis

A. Draw a cause-and-effect diagram that assesses why some of the company’s supply chain partners might have struggled to implement some of the company’s newly developed materials. 

      i. Summarize your findings from the diagram. 

B. Draw a hypothetical process (time-function) map for producing a recently released (within the past two years) product manufactured by the company. 

      i. As an operations manager, how will you use the value map? 

      ii. Be sure to include your process map within your case study analysis. 

C. Considering the data and options below, determine where the company should locate its new manufacturing plant. 

      i. Explain why this would be the favorable location.

Factor                                     Weight                    Mexico City                    Columbia, SC

Political Risk                             .25                                  70                                              80

Transportation Costs          .20                                  40                                              90

Labor Productivity               .20                                  85                                              75

Rental Costs                            .15                                  90                                              55

Labor Costs                              .10                                  80                                              50

Taxes                                             .10                                  90                                              50

D. The company believes that it might have some inefficiencies in its inventory management process. 

      i. Develop an ABC classification system for the following 10 items

      ii. Based on this information, what do you recommend for improving inventory management?

Item          Annual Demand             Cost/Unit

I5                            1750                              $10.00

D1                          6000                              $10.00

A2                          3000                              $50.00

E9                           1000                              $20.00

J8                           2500                                  $5.00

C7                          1500                               $45.00

B8                          4000                               $12.00

G2                            300                          $1500.00

H2                            600                                $20.00

F3                             500                             $500.00


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Writers Solution

Imagine that a new curfew law was passed in your jurisdiction aimed at reducing youth crime and that you have been asked to evaluate its effectiveness.

Imagine that a new curfew law was passed in your jurisdiction aimed  at reducing youth crime and that you have been asked to evaluate its  effectiveness. Describe the type of evaluation you would conduct. In  your post, consider and discuss: (a) who your comparison group would be  to determine whether the curfew law is effective; (b) the data you would  collect and/or analyze to measure changes in crime rates; and (c) how  you would investigate the degree to which the curfew law was being  implemented and enforced as intended.

Your initial must be a minimum of 250  words. Support your post with examples from your required reading  material and/or other scholarly sources, using the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document. Provide in-text citations in APA style (Links to an external site.), as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).