Writers Solution

The impact of COVID-19 on the American Classroom

Journal Article Review

This assignment is meant to support a later research paper where the topic will be, “The impact of COVID-19 on the American Classroom.”

Assignment Instructions

Locate, read, and review the following peer-reviewed journal article :

Annotate – annotate – annotate. As you read through the article – do not read just to cover the information below. What sticks out? What do you wish to know more about? What are the conclusions and implications? Who is the author(s) citing in their work? This will help you when it is time to begin synthesizing this information within your literature review. I recommend choosing articles that highlight different forms of research – both quantitative and qualitative. You can always alternate throughout the semester. Oftentimes, quantitative research reports, whereas qualitative research paints a picture. All of these journal article submissions can be included in your final research paper.  

The article summary should be at least three paragraphs in length, if not more, in order to include all of the above information.  

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Writers Solution

An evaluation of the policy or program’s impact on families at risk, including any unintended consequences or benefits

Critical Analysis of Government Policy or Program
Choose a government response (State or Federal) that is aimed at supporting families at risk, such as a policy or program, and address the
following in your report:
!. An overview of the policy or program including its goals and objectives, target population, and implementation strategies.
“. A critical analysis of the effectiveness of the policy or program including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT


$. Recommendations for how the policy or program could be improved to better support families at risk
Your responses should incorporate reference to current literature and relevant theory (minimum five academic references) and
adhere to APA7 referencing style

Assessment 2 Rubric
Criteria Performance Standards
High Distinction
An overview of the policy
or program including its
goals and objectives,
target population, and
The overview of the
policy/program is
absent or unclear,
and/or irrelevant to the
The overview of the
policy/program is basic
or limited in scope;
lacks clarity, detail or
coherence, and/or the
information provided is
incomplete or contains
Minimal integration of
The overview of the
policy/program is well-
structured, clear and
concise, and provides
a good understanding
of the goals,
objectives, target
population, and
strategies. Well-
supported by literature.
The overview of the
policy/program is
highly detailed,
comprehensive and
demonstrating a deep
understanding of the
goals, objectives,
target population, and
strategies. Strong
integration of literature
evidence of critical
analysis and
The overview of the
policy/program is
outstanding insight
and analysis of the
goals, objectives,
target population, and
strategies. The
overview is rigorous
and thoughtful and
integration of literature.
A critical analysis of the
effectiveness of the policy
or program including its
Limited or no
identification of the
policy/ program’s
Identification of some
of the policy/program’s
opportunities, and
Identification of most
of the policy/
program’s strengths,
opportunities, and
identification of the
A comprehensive and
insightful identification
of the policy/
program’s strengths,
23/7/23, 1:19 pmSubject guide
Page 2 of 3
strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats
(SWOT analysis).
opportunities, and
threats; limited or no
discussion of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program;
limited or no use of
relevant literature to
support the analysis.
threats; some
discussion of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program; use
of some relevant
literature to support
the analysis
threats; a critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a well-supported
argument; use of
relevant literature to
support the analysis.
opportunities, and
threats; a well-
developed critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a convincing argument
supported by relevant
opportunities, and
threats, with an
original perspective; a
well-developed and
sophisticated critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a compelling argument
supported by a
breadth of relevant
An evaluation of the policy
or program’s impact on
families at risk, including
any unintended
consequences or benefits
No evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk; evaluation lacks
critical analysis and is
not supported by
Basic evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk, but lacks critical
analysis; minimal
integration of literature
Clear evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk with some critical
evidence provided to
support the analysis
with appropriate
integration of literature
Detailed and thorough
evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk with critical
analysis; strong
evidence provided to
support the analysis,
including strong
integration of literature
Exceptional evaluation
of the policy/program’s
impact on families at
risk with
comprehensive and
insightful critical
analysis; robust
evidence provided to
support the analysis,
including sophisticated
integration of literature
Recommendations for how
the policy or program
could be improved to
better support families at
No recommendations
provided or
recommendations are
not relevant to the
recommendations lack
specificity or are not
Recommendations are
provided but lack detail
or specificity.
recommendations are
feasible but do not
address all major
weaknesses identified
in the analysis.
recommendations are
not supported by
evidence or analysis.
Recommendations are
specific, feasible, and
supported by evidence
or analysis.
address most of the
major weaknesses
identified in the
consider the needs
and perspectives of
families at risk and
other stakeholders.
Recommendations are
highly specific,
innovative, and
address all major
weaknesses identified
in the analysis and
provide a clear
rationale for why they
will be effective.
Recommendations are
supported by a strong
evidence base and
consider the potential
consequences of
Recommendations are
highly specific,
innovative, and
Recommendations are
supported by a
comprehensive and
rigorous analysis of
the policy or program
and its impact on
families at risk.
Recommendations are
likely to result in
improvements in the
policy or program and
its outcomes for
families at risk.
Fluent academic writing
with correct spelling,
grammar and punctuation
Numerous errors in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation that
Basic proficiency in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation; some
errors in sentence
structure and clarity,
but meaning is
generally clear;
Good proficiency in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation with few
errors; clear and
concise sentence
structure that is easy
to follow; demonstrates
Very good proficiency
in spelling, grammar,
and punctuation with
no errors;
Exceptional proficiency
in spelling, grammar,
and punctuation with
no errors; outstanding
sentence structure
23/7/23, 1:19 pmSubject guide
Page 3 of 3
poor sentence
structure and lack of
clarity in expression;
use of inappropriate
language and tone for
academic writing
appropriate language
and tone for academic
an understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone
excellent sentence
structure and clarity
that is engaging and
easy to follow;
demonstrates a strong
understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone
and clarity that is
engaging and
demonstrates a deep
understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone,
and applies this
knowledge to create a
highly effective piece
of writing
Use of current literature
and relevant theory
(minimum five academic
references) referenced in
accordance with the APA
referencing style
No references provided
or references are not
relevant to the topic;
absence of, or
incorrect use of, APA
referencing style
References provided
but are not all current
or not all relevant to
the topic.
APA referencing style
used with minor errors
or inconsistencies
At least five current
and relevant
references provided
and integrated well into
the essay.
APA referencing style
used accurately and
More than five current
and relevant
references provided
and used effectively to
support arguments
throughout the essay.
APA referencing style
used expertly and
More than five current
and highly relevant
references provided
and used expertly to
support arguments
and insights
throughout the essay.
APA referencing style
used impeccably and
demonstrating expert-
level skill and

Writers Solution

Impact of proposed strategic decisions across departments

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Determine the impact of proposed strategic decisions across departments


You work for a global health and beauty company that has decided to move to a strategic focus on the triple bottom line (TBL). TBL means it will measure its success based on people, planet, and profit rather than profit alone. This strategic decision is based on a desire to be true to the company’s mission and vision and because engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) will make the company more successful.

The company’s objective is to transition from its current business model to CSR and TBL in three years. If the company successfully makes this transition, it would be the first in its industry to do so. This would create a first-mover advantage. As part of the TBL focus, the company CEO has asked each departmental manager to conduct a SWOT analysis of how transitioning to TBL will affect their departments.

You work in a rewards/membership product line that offers discounts, special services, and other benefits to customers for maintaining a fee-based membership in the company’s membership rewards program. Now that the CEO has collected the SWOT analyses from all company departments, she has asked you to focus on how the TBL project will impact two cross-functional departments for your product line: marketing and sales.

To allow you to do the analysis she requires, your CEO has provided you with the following documents:

  • Her letter outlining the company’s commitment to CSR and its plans for using TBL
  • The company’s vision, mission, and values statements
  • The company’s triple bottom-line strategies document
  • Two SWOT analyses: one for marketing, one for sales

The CEO wants you to use this information to create key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your product line’s progress on meeting the company’s CSR goals.


Your CEO has requested that you develop a memo that outlines the strategic KPIs for TBL in sales and marketing. She has asked that each of the following tasks be clearly communicated in the memo, and that they be addressed in the order given.

  1. Develop one strategic question for each element of TBL: people, planet, and profit. These questions should give insights on how to measure the sales and marketing departments’ success in achieving the company’s goals. As you develop your strategic questions, follow these guidelines:
    1. Consider how each question relates to your interpretation of the provided SWOT analyses.
    2. Consider how each question will help achieve the CSR goals outlined in the CEO’s letter.
  2. For your strategic questions, identify key performance indicators (KPIs) of successful strategy development and implementation.
    1. Identify at least one KPI for each strategic question you provided.
  3. Explain how the KPIs will be measured.
    1. How will your KPIs help the company achieve its goals?
  4. Identify functional considerations related to TBL.
    1. How does the interconnectedness of the sales and marketing departments impact the measurement of TBL?

This memo will be shared with your CEO and other stakeholders. So, please check the memo for spelling and grammar.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following Word Document:

A KPI Strategy MemoIn a Word document, use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This assignment should be no more than 6 pages in length and should include references cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

The following documents are internal knowledge sharing for the assignment and do not need to be cited in your document. The documents should be mentioned in your writing. For example, “According to the company CSR Initiative Letter, …”


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Impact of proposed strategic decisions across departments

Writers Solution

Integrate considerations in supply chain management that can impact your brand

  1. You synthesize the knowledge of health care costs, revenue, and expenses, along with the underlying economic drivers of these considerations to evaluate ways to improve quality of care and to lower costs for patients. You also integrate considerations in supply chain management that can impact your brand and, in turn, affect demand for your services, whether positively or negatively.
    Write a 1,225- to 1,550-word report of your organization’s supply chain management and how it impacts your organization’s brand. Include the following points:
    • Based on the assignment in Week 2, analyze how the economics in your market impact your organization’s management of its supply chain.Based on the assignment in Week 4, analyze if the expenses in your organization are impacted positively or negatively by how the supply chain is managed.

    Summarize the state of supply chain management and operations at your organization. Make any recommendations based on supply chain best practices to enhance its performance within the context of the health care sector.
    Many suppliers and their customers co-brand now (think of Coca-Cola and McDonald’s). Are there opportunities for your organization to co-brand with any of its supply chain partners? If so, what are the advantages?
    Cite any references to support your assignment.
    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Writers Solution

What impact, if any, does this topic have on your day-to-day life.

Assignment 6: Reflection Paper

Due No Due Date Points 70 Submitting a file upload

Start Assignment

This assignment is due in this Module.

This assignment aligns with Learning Outcomes 1–5.


Now that your final project has been submitted, please share your learning

experience with me via the Assignment: Reflection Paper link below. This is an

individual assignment. In two pages, your reflection essay should address the


1. Introduction: Briefly describe your selected topic and why you opted to

research it. What impact, if any, does this topic have on your day-to-day life.

2. Body: Concerning this topic, what did you learn about the federal government

that you did not know prior to completing this assignment?

3. Conclusion: Summarize your experience researching the selected topic by

assessing the overall effectiveness of the federal government in addressing

this problem.


12/11/22, 12:53 AM Page 1 of 4

Reflection Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

10 pts


This assignment requires a file upload submission. After you have reviewed the

assignment instructions and rubric, as applicable, complete your submission by

selecting the Submit Assignment button next to the assignment title. Browse for

your file and remember to select the Submit Assignment button below the file to

complete your submission. Review the confirmation annotation that presents after



This assignment is worth 70 points toward your final grade and will be graded using

the Reflection Paper Rubric. Please use it as a guide toward successful completion

of this assignment.





10 to >8.0 pts



provides a


and in-depth

rationale for his

or her selected


8 to >7.0 pts



provides a


rationale for

his or her

selected topic.

7 to >5.0 pts




rationale for

his or her


topic. Details

are given;

however, they

are vague, in

terms of


5 to >0 pts


Student attempts

to provide a

rationale for his or

her selected topic.

However, either no

details are

provided or the

information that is

presented is


towards the task.

12/11/22, 12:53 AM Page 2 of 4

25 pts


of the






25 to >22.0 pts


Student provides

a detailed

observation of

the federal

government as it

relates to his or

her selected


22 to >19.0 pts



provides an

observation of

the federal

government as it

relates to his or

her selected


19 to >13.0 pts



provides an

observation of

the federal

government as

it relates to his

or her selected

topic. While

some details are

given; they are,

however, vague,

in terms of


13 to >0 pts



attempts to

provide an


of the federal


as it relates

to his or her




either no

details are

provided or



that is

presented is


towards the



of federal


in solving



25 to >22.0 pts


Student provides

a detailed

observation of

the effectiveness

of the federal

government as it

relates to his or

her selected


22 to >19.0 pts



provides an


observation of


effectiveness of

the federal

government as it

relates to his or

her selected


19 to >13.0 pts



provides an

observation of


effectiveness of

the federal

government as

it relates to his

or her selected

topic. While

some details are

13 to >0 pts



attempts to

provide an


of the


of the federal


as it relates

to his or her


12/11/22, 12:53 AM Page 3 of 4

Total Points: 70

25 pts

10 pts

given; they are,

however, vague,

in terms of




either no

details are

provided or



that is

presented is


towards the



Mechanics 10 to >8.0 pts



contains no


punctuation, or

spelling errors.

8 to >7.0 pts







or spelling


7 to >5.0 pts



contains a

number of


punctuation, or

spelling errors,

though it is not


5 to >0 pts


Writing contains

major grammar,


and/or spelling

errors, which

affect the

readability of the


12/11/22, 12:53 AM Page 4 of 4




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on What impact, if any, does this topic have on your day-to-day life.

NO PLAGIARISM, Get impressive Grades in Your Academic Work

Writers Solution

Impact of television in American society in the 1950s

After watching the shows, please provide a 300-400 word commentary on the following question: what conclusion could someone make about American society in the 1950s if they ONLY watched these shows? 

show link:

Please answer at least ONE review question from TV in America AND then answer the following from the Television and the Public Interest document:

1. Does the speech provide insight to the impact of television in American society in the 1950s?  Does the speech reinforce or challenge how the TV in America article viewed television’s role in society?

2. Are the documents on television from the 1950s similar in content and perspective as the document on Radio in the 1920s?

FR’M what TV ls Doing to America (1955)

Television emerged as the most popular form of entertainment after World War II. In th3-Process it transformed leisure time, and, sotTns critics argued, degraded the quality of life’ In 1955 U. S. News and World Report magazine aisessed ie impact of the television industry.

copyright september z, Lgss, pp. 36-39. u.s. Ners and world Report.

today is television. There has been nothing like it in the postwar decade, or in -urrv

he biggest of the new forces in American life age. Their parents use up even more time mesmer_ ized by this new marvel-or monster. They have spent 15 billion dollars to look since L946.

Now, after nearly l0 years of TV, people are asking: “What

hath TV wrought? What is thii thing doing to us?”

Solid answers to this question are very hard to get. Pollsters, sociologists, doctors, teachers, the TV people themselves come up with more contradic_ tions than conclusions whenever they start asking.

But almost everybody has an opinion ,rrd wants to air it.

What do these opinions add up to? people have strong views. Here are some widely held convic_ tions, both against and for television:

That TV has kept people from going places and doing things, from reading, from thinking for themselves. Yet it is said also that TV has i”k n viewers vicariously into strange and fascinating spots and situations, brought distinguished and enchanting people into their living rooms, given them a new perspective.

decades before that-perhaps not since the inven_ tion of the printing press. Even radio, by contrast, was a placid experience.

The impact of TV on this country has been so massive that Americans are still wondering what hit them. Has the effect been good or badi What permanent effects on the American way of life may be expected? These and other questions ur. .orr_ sidered in this survey.

Probably there are some people in the U.S. who have never seen a television program, but you would have to go into the hills to find them. iwo out of three U.S. families now own their own sets, or are paylng for them. In 32 million homes, TV dials are flicked on and off from channel to chan_ nel, at least 100 million times between g a.m. and midnight.

Everywhere, children sit with eyes glued to screens-for three to four hours a day on the aver_

306 cHeprnn 32 socrEry AND culrunn, 1945_1960

That TV has interfered with schooling, kept children from learning to read and write, *.Iiirrra their eyesight and softened their muscres. But there are those who hold that TV has made America,s youngsters more ..knowing,’

about life, more curi_ ous, given them a bigger vocabulary. Teaching by TV, educators say, is going to be a big thing irr”thi future.

e v’D sru’6’r urr

That TV arouses morbid emotions in children, glorifies violence, causes juvenile crime_that it starts domestic quarrels, tends to loosen morals and make people lazy and, sodden. Ho*.”% l; keeps families together at home, provides a realm of cheap entertainment never Lefore available, stimulates new lines of conversation.

That TV is giving the U.S. an almost primitive language, made up of grunts, whistles, standard_ ized wisecracks and clich€s_that it is turning the average American into a stereotype. yet it is break_ ing down regional barriers and prejudices, ironing out accents, giving people in one part of the cou.r] try a better understanding of people in other p”iir. That TV is milking poliiics ;u ,i.h man,s g;_;J; turning statesmanship into a circus, handinidem- agogues a new weapon. But it is giving Americans their first good look at the insideir ttreir Govern- T:”t,

letting them judg-. the people they elect Cy sight as well as by sound and fury.

That TV has distorted and debased Salesman_ ship, haunting people with singing .,commercials,, and slogans. However, becaurJo, in spite of TV, people are buying more and more things they never before thought they needed or wanted.

. These are just some of the comments that peo_

ple keep on making about TV. The e4perts say that it probably will be another generation before there is a firm basis of knowledge about television,s im_ pact on America.

Today’s TV child, the boy or girl who was born with a TV set in his hom9, is toJyoung to analyze his feelings. Older people, despiie the-ir frequent vehemence about TV, are ,titt far from’rtrr. whether they have all Aladdin,s lamp or hold a bear by the tail,

Goliath with tubes. One thing you can be sure

.rblul TV, a giant at 10, continues to grow like no_

body’s business. Here are some figur;s and com_ parisons: The t5 billion dollars thaithe U.S. people have invested in TV sets and repairs since the wa, is 15 per cent more than the country spent for rr.* school and college buildings. About a billion more has gone into TV stations and equipment.

TV-viewing time is going up, not down, latest surveys show. This explodes the theory that people would taper off on television ..once

they goi used to it.”

. “Pull”

of popular TV programs is believed to be very effective. pollsters oport that three times as many people will leave a meal to answer questions at the door as will get up to abandon”Dragnet.”

The number of families holding out against TV is declining to a smal fraction. There still are 16 mil- lion families without sets, but most of these fami_ lies either can’t pay for sets or else live out “f ;;;g; of TV signals.

On an average evening, twice as many set own_ ers will be watching W as are engaged inany other form of entertainment or leisur! activity, ,uch a, mov-ie-going, card playrng, or reading. Seven out of 10 American children watch TV between 6 and 8 o’clock most evenings.

Analysts are intrigued by the evidence that adults, not children, are the real television fans. The newest trend in viewing habits is a rise in the number of housewives who watch TV in the morn_ ing. One out of five with a set now watches a morning show with regularity.

Wat is it?tMhy do people want TV? A $67.50_ per-week shoe repairman in San Francisco, puts it about as plainly as anyone can. ..TV,’,

h. ,u-yr^,..i, the only amusement I can afford.” That was the reason he gave for paying four weeks, wages for his set.

The cobbler’s comment e4plains TV,s basic lure. It is free entertainment except for the cost of set, and repairs and electricity. Ii becomes so ab_ sorbing that a broken set is a family catastrophe. People will pay to have the set fixed before they wiil pay the milk bill, if necessary.

What does TV do to people? What do people do with TV? The researchers are digging into these questions all the time.In general, they come to the- ories, rather than conclusions. There are three main theories:

THEORY “lf’: This is widely held by people whose professions bring them into close contact with juveniles-judges, district attorneys, police officers, ministers. It assumes that TV is bound to be affecting the American mind and character be- cause it soaks up one to five hours a day or more that used to be spent in outdoor play, in games re- quiring reasoning and imagination, or in reading, talking, radio listening, or movie-going.

Even the more passive of these pursuits, the the- ory runs, required more exercise of brain than does TV watching. Then, too, many TV programs, the theorists say, are violent or in questionable taste.

Net effect, according to these people, is a wast- ing away or steady decline in certain basic skills among American youngsters. Children lose the ability to read, forfeit their physical dexteriry strength and initiative.

Some see a definite connection between TV and juvenile delinquency. The Kefauver Subcom- mittee of the Senate fudiciary Committee has just explored this aspect. It stated:

“Members of the subcommittee share the con- cern of a large segment of the thinking public for the implications of the impact of this medium [tel- evision]. . . upon the ethical and cultural standards of the youth of America. It has been unable to gather proof of a direct casual relationship between the viewing of acts of crime and violence and the actual performance of criminal deeds. It has not, however, found irrefutable evidence that young people may not be negatively influenced in their present-day behavior by the saturated exposure they now receive to pictures and drama based on an underlying theme of lawlessness and crime which depict human violence.”

THEORY “B”: Mainly held by sociologists, communications economists, pollsters. This is that television is changing the American mind and character, although nobody knows for sure just

pnor”r What TV Is Doing to America (1955) 307

how The evidence is too fragmentary. The analysts are disturbed by some aspects of TV’s effect on viewers. Some think TV is conditioning Americans to be “other directed,” that is, getting their ideas from someone else. The early American, by con- trast, is supposed to have been “inner directed,” a man who thought things out for himself on the ba- sis of his own reasoning.

A fanry name for this suspected effect of TV is “narcotic disfunction.” This means that more and more men come home in the evening, drop into a chair in front of the TV set after supper and slip into a dream world of unreality.

However, the same researchers confess that TV can have a broadening influence, bringing to the masses a taste of the arts and sciences, a peek into government that they couldn’t get any other way.

THEORY “C”: This is what the TV people themselves like to think. It is that television is rap- idly becoming “one more service” to the U.S. public, another medium such as newspapers, mag- azines, radio. Some people watch TV a lot, others very little. Most people want a set around, but some don’t lean on it.

The TV people minimize the idea that TV is dominating American life. It is almost as if they were afraid their own baby is getting too big. What they usually say is that the people who allow their lives to be controlled by television were similarly dominated by radio and the movies-and that they are only a small minority.

The TV habit. What do the theorists base their theories on? What have they found out about the place of the TV set in American life?

Many studies have been made of the “TV

habit.” Latest of these indicates that TV viewing reaches a peak just after a set enters a home, then falls off rather sharply. Next, viewing begins to rise again in the average home, building up, evidently, toward a new peak that is not yet measured.

The A. C. Nielsen Company a market research organization that attaches mechanical recorders to sets in private homes, finds this: During the 12 months ended in April, 1955, average use per

r t

:” €

308 cneprrn 32 socrETy AND culTunn, 1945-1960

day of TV sets was 4 hours and 50 minutes. That was up 4 per cent over the year before. . . .

Other studies indicate that women watch TV more than men do. Children, contrary to general impression, watch TV less than adults in thep average home. Persons low in income, educa- tion or job status as a rule spend more time in front of TV sets than those with more money and education.

What’s on TV. What do people get on TV? What do they want? Three out of every four TV programs are entertainment shows. . . . In a typical week of the peak TV season, in |anuary of last year, crime, comedy, variety and Western shows ac- counted for 42.7 per cent of all TV program time on New York City screens. News accounted for 6.1 per cent of TV time-about the same share of time as was taken by quiz, stunt and contest shows. Other informational types of TV shows, such as in- terviews, weather reports, travelogues, children’s instructional programs and cooking classes, got 16.2 per cent of the time.

Rating figures tend to show that people are get- ting just about what they want, in the opinion of the broadcasting industry. According to the “pop-

ularity” ratings of top shows, comedy and drama and straight entertainment are outpulling every- thing else.

What about information? The popularity cards seem to indicate the reaction is a stifled yawn. In a two-week period last June, when two comedy pro- grams, the ‘lGeorge Gobel Show” and “I Love Lucy,” were at the top of the list, each reaching more than 13 million homes, the top-ranking in-

formational programs were way down the line. The “March of Medicine,” for example, was No. 62, reaching 6.57 million homes; “Meet the Press” was No. 150, getting to 1.14 million families.

Studies also have been made of how long vari- ous programs hold their audiences. Love and ad- venture performances, it develops, will keep about 85 per cent of the audience to the end. By contrast, the most gripping historical sketches hold only 65 per cent, and many hold less than one third of their starting viewers. Informational programs, again, rank near the bottom in “holding power.”

Television critics, who write about TV pro- grams in newspapers and magazines, are frequently harsh in their remarks about violence, sadism, bad taste on the screen. However, Dallas W. Smythe, a professor of communications economics at the University of Illinois, analyzed New York City pro- grams for 1955 and concludes that programs which critics liked best seldom drew the biggest au- diences.

The public is fickle. Top rating is hard to hold. The viewers tire rapidly of a particular show unless the producers manage to come up with fresh ma- terial, new appeals.

RrvrEw QUESTToNS 1. Summarize the supposedly negative effects of

watching television. 2. What were the benefits of television? 3. Which concerns about television strike you as

being equally relevant today?




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plan and design an experiment investigating the factors that impact plant transpiration

For your course project you are tasked with designing and carrying out a research project on plant transpiration of your own design using the Vernier instruments (see Transpiration Lab Student Guide for directions). Transpiration is the process by which moisture moves through a plant. The process is broken down and explained in chapter 30, section 30.5 of the text book. The purpose of this assignment is to help you plan and design an experiment investigating the factors that impact plant transpiration. After this assignment is complete you will be able to conduct your experiment, collect data and prepare for the experiment analysis. During week 14 you will submit an experiment report using information from your design plan and experiment results. Please note that experiments that do not use the Vernier sensors will receive a grade of 0 so make sure you have your sensors ordered and available by week 14 when you must turn in your experiment report.

The Experimental Design Plan assignment is Due Week 6. Submit the attached experiment design sheet with answers as an attachment.

*Note: additional instructions for determining leaf surface area by hand have been added to the documents for this week’s assignment.


Look through the directions in the transpiration lab student guides. Before performing an experiment or lab, you must design and plan what is going to be tested and how you are going to test it. You must be organized and be able to communicate your results effectively. This assignment is designed to help you organize your experiment design. Use what you have learned about the scientific method from your lab assignments to help you design an experiment on plant transpiration. You will need to conduct some background research on plant transpiration to help you design your experiment. The research will be used to help you write the introduction portion of your experiment paper.

An experiment is a research method in which you manipulate a variable or variables under very controlled conditions and examines whether any changes occur in response to the manipulation of the variable.

It is a cause and effect relationship

1. Experiment introduction & background research with references in APA format (50 pts)

Before you can design an experiment you need to have a good understanding of the current research. You need to summarize what research is currently known about your experiment question in the introduction of your report. This part of the assignment allows you to get a jump start on that task while building valuable knowledge that will help you in your experiment design.

1) Visit the APUS library and internet to research information on plant transpiration. The program guide for natural sciences is a good starting place to begin your APUS library research: Natural Science

2) Look through these examples of how to share background research in an introduction: Example of Introduction section

Collect background information for your research experiment and use references and in text citations to back up you research. Explain any ideas or techniques that are necessary for someone to understand your experiment. At the minimum you should cover what transpiration is, what role/influence your independent variable has on enzymes, why this is important, your testable question and hypothesis. The introduction is generally 1 page long. You need to use APA formatted in text citations and references and this should be written in the 3rd person. You need to use at least 4 different academic references for your background research.

The grading in this section of the assignment is broken down as follows:

Coverage of topic including scientific question and hypothesis: 30 points

4 academic references and APA reference and citation technique: 15 points

Grammar/spelling/voice:5 points

Need tips on APA in text citations? They can be found here: In Text Citation

Need tips on APA reference formatting? They can be found here: Reference List

Want a handy tool that formats your references in APA for you? Visit this website: KnightCite

2. Identify the Independent Variable, Dependent Variable and Constants (10pts)

Independent Variable is the variable that is manipulated. It is the variable that you change on purpose. (The CAUSE) There are many variables that can change transpiration. You will choose only 1 independent variable to test. You can choose from temperature, light, humidity, plant species, or air flow.

Dependent Variable is the variable that we measure in response to the manipulation of the independent variable. It is a measurable change. State what are we measuring to gauge transpiration in our experiment here(The EFFECT)

Constants are all the other variables in the experiment that must remain the same so we can see what effect the independent variable has on the dependent variable.

The Control is used as a standard of comparison. The control is a level of the independent variable that has been changed the least or not at all.

3. Write a Title (5pts)

Use the following pattern when writing a title…

The Effect of the (Independent Variable) on the (Dependent Variable)

4. Write a Testable Question (5pts)

Not all questions are testable!!

A testable question asks. . .

“What is the effect of the Independent Variable on the Dependent Variable?”

5. Write a Hypothesis (5pts)

A hypothesis is a prediction of the outcome of the lab. Your prediction is based on your understanding of the scientific concept.

It answers your testable question. Use the following pattern:

IF the (IV- how it is changing), then the DV- how you think it will change), BECAUSE (why do you think this is happening.

Example- If the IV increases, then the DV will decrease because….

6. Write your Procedures (20pts)

Procedures are a list of materials used in the experiment and the steps in performing the experimental part. Procedures are the recipe you follow in order to perform the experiment. Write these in order, in paragraph form, and using your own words. Do not simply copy and paste from the student lab guide.

7. Create your Data Table (5pts)

Data is recorded during the procedures. You need to create your data collection table for your experiment. Below is an example Data collection table. Create your own collection table using labels with the names of your variables and the correct units you are measuring. Do not collect data yet! You are just setting up the table so you are ready to collect data when it is time to run your experiment. Wait until you get feedback from this assignment to begin any data collection.

*Repeated Trials——Why repeat the experiment more than once?

Mistakes happen no matter how careful you are so if you repeat the experiment you will get more reliable data. The more repeated trials the more likely you will reduce the effect of chance errors and the more reliable your data becomes and the more confidence you can place in your data. Generally a minimum of 3 trials is acceptable for experiments with more being better.

This is a great video that walks you through the setup steps involved in conducting the experiment:

AP Biology Investigation

Read through the attached documents to understand how you will customize the experiment and make it your own.

*Note: additional instructions for determining leaf surface area by hand have been added to the documents for this week’s assignment.

~Adapted from the Hudsonville Area School District Experiment Design Cheat Sheet




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Impact of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on the organization

Assignment based on Impact of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on the organization.

Client Info:

Mehdi Alinejad, Sales Engineer at Total Parking Solutions Inc. (

Field of business: Automated and semi-automated parking systems for buildings.

Organizational chart:

Permanent full-time employees: 2 persons, outsourced /part-time/ internship: 7 persons

Current Problem (briefly): All of our data are saved in different locations (PC, Google Drive, or

even hard- copy), which is hard to save or find the required data. Also, it cannot be accessed easily

from everywhere.

Some detail about the Problem:

• Data is saved in different locations: paper, pc, Google Drive, WhatsApp, and Telegram. So

we always have problems with where to save new data or where to find old data.

• We ran out of data storage in our computers and Google drive (high amount of data as well

as duplicated data)

• Some of our data are related to different subjects (e.g., a data sheet could be related to a

product and a project at the same time). So they are duplicated in different folders or

subfolders and even within the same folder. These duplicated saved data occupy data

storage space and make us confused during data access. A data cleaning app/software is


• We need to give access to different users: different users, different access levels, un/limited

access time. The above organizational chart depicts users of the data.

• We do not have a search option for our stored date. Even if we search on the PC of Drive,

due to different locations of storage, and poor tagging/labelling, the suitable result is not

achievable. Moreover, the available search options will not find different contents that may

be related to our search.

• We need to classify our data as raw data (useful/junction), information, and knowledge.

• Our data should be appropriately classified and saved in the new data management system;

somehow, a new employee can find and understand everything with minimum/zero support

from the old employees (knowledge management).

Content (data to be managed in the new system):

– Video files (mostly from our projects)

– Image files (mostly from our projects)

– Chat texts or email texts (internal or external correspondence)

– Product’s data sheets

– Clients’ information

– Projects information (potential projects, current projects, finished projects,

maintenance/after-sales service projects,) – Marketing data

– Notes and schedules of our daily tasks/ projects, and deadlines reminder

Managing these different content as well as the users who access these contents is essential

for us.

Solution required: A digital data management system (Digital transformation) may be a

suitable solution.

Required: This is a business report to the CEO.

Minimum: 2000 words or 6 pages (apart from the cover page & references page).

Diagrams and tables to support your analysis should be included in the paper.

At least five academic references APA 7th edition should be included in this report.

Recommended: Get Guru Knowledge management system and Freshdesk Knowledge Management system

  1. Do a comparative analysis of both Knowledge Management systems to solve the problems and answer the questions below
  2. What kind of technology is needed in the organization to deploy the suggested KMS systems? What is needed at a desktop level, a network level, a storage level, and a mobile level?
  3. What kind of cybersecurity is needed for both KMS systems?
  4. What are the challenges to getting employees to use the suggested KMS systems? For each challenge identified, how will those challenges be mitigated?




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How will scan-as-you-go mobile devices and digital wallets impact the retail sector?

Your answer should include both a description section and an
analysis or opinion section.

In addition, each student must
respond to at least one answer from another student for each discussion question

the question

How will scan-as-you-go mobile devices and digital wallets impact the retail sector?

the student answer that you will respond on 

Scan-as-you-go wallets I believe will be the future but along with the technology being used behind it. I believe that scannable wallets will need to use blockchain technology in order to have the highest level of security possible. The reasoning behind this is that when you are scanning things with your phone there can be “fake” codes to scan or scam links, etc. And this can lead to a breach in the security of a mobile device. Once the technology is fully there I do believe that there will be total mass adoption of digital wallets within the retail sector. The retail sector as a whole will most likely continue to struggle as it gets easier and easier to make transactions online. As our generation gets older we are so comfortable with technology that anything that allows use to use our phone we seem to adopt right away and use it seamlessly. The most difficult aspect about it would be implementing systems to accept digital wallets in every retail store. 

please don’t copy the friend answer




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How would receiving a scholarship impact your educational goals?

ALL 250 WORDS Describe how you identified the need. How did you approach this creatively? Was this part of a group effort? If so, what individual role did you play?

Describe how you exercised initiative and took the lead to address a solution. Did you accept a leadership position because it was offered to you or did you seek out a leadership role to participate in this project? Were you part of a leadership team or did you take on the sole leadership role and supervise others?

* How did you apply academic/intellectual skills to complete the project? How difficult was this project? Who did you involve in the solution?

What was the outcome? Did your endeavor fail or succeed? Did you help others succeed? Did you fail? What did you learn from the endeavor? Illustrate your impact on others with data and numbers that quantify your outcome.

What was the most academically challenging endeavor you’ve ever engaged in? Please articulate and describe your process/project, challenges faced, lessons learned, and any tangible outcomes (e.g. publications produced, research or data that spurred action, etc.).

Examples may include:

  • Describe a research project you participated in.
  • Speak to a project you worked on that was published.
  • Share what you learned as part of an academic internship.
  • Discuss how an extra-curricular project ties in to your major and the work you hope to accomplish in your career.

How would receiving a scholarship impact your educational goals?

How much money do you spend each month on school (tuition payments, fees, books, etc. – do not include transportation costs)?




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