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Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


For this task you will create a number of classes that provide information about the personnel in an organisation. You will write a Manager class and a Worker class, each of which will subclass a Person class. A Person will have a name, just a String, and an identity number, which is an integer. As no-one is just a person, the constructor of the Person class will only be used by constructors of derived classes. The name will be provided when an instance of a derived class is created. The identity should be automatically generated during construction and must be unique. No person, either manager or worker, can have the same identity number as another person. You should also ensure that the identity numbers of managers and workers cover separate ranges of integers (e.g. 1 – 99 for managers and 100 – 999 for workers), so that an identity number can be used, in the human organisation but not in your program, to discern whether a person is a manager or a worker.

There is a relationship between managers and workers that needs to be incorporated in the

corresponding classes. Each manager is the leader of a team of workers. In particular, a manager leads

exactly one team and a worker belongs to exactly one team. The system must allow for workers to be

moved from one team to another, managers to be moved from leadership of one team to leadership of

another, as well as for the appointment and retirement of personnel. For the current assignment task a

simplifying assumption will be that we do not need a class to represent a team’s work area. Instead the

manager-worker relationships will be incorporated by each Manager object maintaining a list of

Worker references, representing the team, and each Worker object maintaining a Manager reference,

representing the team leader.

The following state and functionality should be provided for these classes:

  • The Person class will maintain name and      identity fields, as described above, and the derived

Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


  • Appropriate constructors will allow the name      and identity fields of Manager and Worker

objects to be initialised properly. Note that, although the identity field will be inherited,

its initialisation depends on the particular derived class. Full initialisation of the fields

implementing manager-worker interrelationships would not be done at this stage, but they

must be in an appropriate state for testing.

  • Getters for fields will be provided in      appropriate classes.
  • Appropriate toString methods will be      provided as required to simplify the display of object

state. Where an object’s state contains a reference to a person, include that person’s identity

number in the string.

  • For setting up, changing, or nullifying the      field values implementing manager-worker

interrelationships you need to make changes in the state of both a Manager object and a

Worker object. There are different ways to do this. For example, for moving a worker

between teams, one way is to provide the Worker class with a movetoTeamOf instance

method that accepts a Manager reference. The code of this method could first make some

checks (e.g. are either of the current and new Manager references null or are they the same?)

before removing the current worker from the team of the current manager, changing the

worker’s manager and then moving the worker to the new manager’s team. Note that this

would access instance methods of Manager for removing a worker from a team and for

adding a worker to a team. A similar approach applies for setting up a new worker and for

removing a worker from the system; the changes must be done so as to ensure the

information system remains in a stable state, which cannot be left as a responsibility of client


  • Changing team managers is another operation on      manager-worker interrelationships that

needs to be done, and with care. It might be implemented via a switchTeams instance method

of the Manager class that accepts the reference of another manager, but you need to make

sure that this switches all the Manager references held by the respective teams. You also

need to implement functionality for removing a manager from the system, which will only

occur if a newly created manager is available as a replacement, and adding an additional

manager, whose team could then be populated by client code applying some combination of

creating new workers and moving workers using functionality described above.

Write a TestPersonnel class to test the functionality of the classes you have developed. It will be done

without user interaction and will provide the following sequence of actions, using good design techniques such as in the appropriate use of methods:

  • Create a single list for the people in the      organisation, which is a list containing Person

references for managers and workers.

  • Provide code to create some managers (3 will      do) and some workers (12 will do) and add

them to the list. Assign the workers in turn to the different managers.

  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Add 3 new workers to the organisation,      assigning them in turn to the different managers.
  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Remove from the organisation the first 2      workers in the list of people.
  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Add a new manager to the organisation,      reassigning the first worker in the list of people to

this new manager.

  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation





Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


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memo to the CIO that describes how to implement your information system into the organization

Write a memo to the CIO that describes how to implement your information system into the organization. Please focus on these topics:

  1. How much of the implementation work can you handle? What additional resources (people, information, time, money, et cetera) will expedite the process so you don’t end up like Susie Jeffer?
  2. What is your change management strategy? Provide an outline. Consider:
    • What new equipment and software are necessary?
    • What training and support will the staff need?
    • How will the staff complete their work during the transition period?
    • Do you anticipate other areas of resistance?

The CIO is very skeptical, so provide evidence that your assessment is accurate and complete. It can be difficult to admit to personal limitations! Your memo should be 3–5 pages long. If you use sources to support your writing for this assignment, choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment


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Think of a recent change within your organization that you helped implement or were involved in. 

Think of a recent change within your organization that you helped implement or were involved in.  What anxieties did you need to overcome personally?  Did you encounter resistance to the change?  The next time you are responsible for helping to implement organizational change, what would you do differently?

If you have not been involved in the implementation of a recent organizational change, think about how you might react if you were asked to implement a new organization-wide “acceptable use” policy for employees’ access to the Internet. What kind of resistance would you expect? What anxieties would you expect to overcome?


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A real-world business problem as it presents the case of AUDI AG and its attempts to implement big data analytics in its organization

The attached pdf file introduces a real-world business problem as it presents the case of AUDI AG and its attempts to implement big data analytics in its organization.

For your first individual case analysis, you need to critically analyze this case study, summarize the key idea, discuss the IT challenges and present your recommendations. This analysis should be done individually not in groups, so each student should do the analysis by themselves.

This report will be organized as follows:

1.       Introduction – Short summary of the business problem. This section will also include a background of the organization.

2.       Challenges – Provide for a brief description of the challenges that the organization is facing and how they are planning to address them. This section will provide the audience with a picture of how the organization is planning to address some of the challenges.

3.       Change Management – Discuss how change is being managed by the organization. 

4.       Recommendations – Discuss what you would have done differently and why.

5.       Conclusions – Discuss the lessons learned and the key messages that you would like the audience to take away.

The report should not be more than 1000 words


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implement vulnerability and risk assessment techniques to justify implementation and enforcement of security policies

The purpose of this assignment is to implement vulnerability and risk assessment techniques to justify implementation and enforcement of security policies.

Part 1:

For this assignment you will need to install the Belarc Advisor by going to the Belarc website and following the instructions provided in the “Belarc Installation, Saving, and Uploading Instructions” resource. Instructions for saving and uploading the assignment files are also included in this document. In step 10 you will complete a local system scan of your computer.

Note: If your computer utilizes an operating system other than Windows 7, Vista, or XP Pro, you will need to use the “Summary” file to complete the topic assignment rather than the local system scan outlined in step 10 of the “Belarc Installation, Saving, and Uploading Instructions.”

Use the results of the local system scan to compose a 300-word paper that discusses each section’s role in securing or protecting the scanned system. Expand each section to identify how the system passed or failed the various policies. For each section, address the following:

  1. Identify the section and explain why the system passed or failed.
  2. Explain the risks identified from the results.
  3. Discuss how a threat could exploit the risks and impact the system.
  4. Explain how the failed policies can be solved.

Part 2:

Using the “Risk Assessment Template,” list 20 risks in the “Risk” column. The risks should be failed items from the Belarc Advisor results. Complete the remaining spreadsheet columns for each identified risk. The spreadsheet must include the following:

  1. Risk Title: Obtained from the Belarc Advisor report.
  2. Description: Summarize the information obtained from the Belarc Advisor report hyperlink (pop-up window).
  3. Vulnerability: Explain the vulnerability associated with this risk.
  4. Threat: Identify potential threats that can exploit this vulnerability.
  5. Current Safeguards: Identify if any policies or best practices are in place to reduce the likelihood the threat will be successful.
  6. Impact: Describe the impact if threat is successful.
  7. Severity: Measure the overall severity of the exploitation or impact.
  8. Likelihood: Measure the likelihood a threat will be successful.
  9. Risk Value: Measure the overall value of the risk (low = no real value is exploited; medium = dangerous if exploited; high = extremely grave if exploited).

Submit the 300-word paper, Belarc Advisor results (.xps or .pdf), and completed “Risk Assessment Template.”

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MS Information Technology Management

1.5: Evaluate system risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and practices and processes to ensure the safety and security of business information systems.

MS Information Assurance and Cybersecurity

3.2: Evaluate system risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and practices and processes to ensure the safety and security of business information systems




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The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter

Regression with neural networks

  1. Introduction
    The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter. The dataset consists of chemical properties (representation) of superconductors, and the parameter value to be predicted is their critical temperature in Kelvins (?K).
    Further information on the dataset is available at:
    The task is utilize the training dataset consisting of the properties of superconductors and their critical temperatures in order to learn a regression model. Then this model should be applied on the test dataset to predict the critical temperature of the superconductors in that dataset.
  2. Assignment
    Implement a simple neural network and the backpropagation algorithm in Java or Python! Use the trained model to predict the critical temperature for each test sample.
    2.1. Java
    The code must contain a Main class, and within this, a main() function. It will receive all inputs on the standard input, and should output the solution to the standard output. Upload the zipped source code files of your application to the BME MIT HomeWork portal. (
    2.2. Python
    The code must be a single python file, that will be run and receives all inputs onto the standard input, and it should write the solution to the standard output. Upload the zipped single python file to the BME MIT Homework portal. Use Python3.x, and only standard libraries are available (e.g. no numpy!) (
    2.3. Input
    The program receives all inputs via the standard input. The input consists of the representation of training samples, the corresponding critical temperatures, and also
    VIMIAC10 2019 3rd Major homework
    the representation of test samples. The character ’ ’ is used as a line separator. The input is structured according to the following:
  3. The first 17011 lines each contain a representation of a chemical compound, that is 81 parameters as real numbers separated by the ’ ’ character. These are the training samples.
  4. These are followed by 17011 temperature values, i.e. the target value to be learned (i.e. a single temperature value in each row).
  5. Lastly, 4252 test samples (chemical compound representations) for which the critical temperature has to be predicted. These are the test samples.
    The solution should implement the backpropagation algorithm. The scaling/normalization of data is recommended before learning. Note that the available CPU time for the code is approximately 120 CPU secs.
    2.4. Output
    The output contains the predictions for the test samples, i.e. a predicted temperature for each sample. The output should be formatted such that each row contains only one prediction, the order corresponds to the order of test samples. Rows should be separated by the character, the output should be written to standard output.
  6. Evaluation
    The evaluation is based on RMSE (root mean squared error):
    where ???? is the real value, and is the predicted value. A solution reaching a RMSE lower than 17.0 gets 12 points, however a solution above 23.0 gets 0 points. Between these two endpoints the evaluation is linear (the score is rounded to the nearest integer)

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  • The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter

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    Implement mental health nursing care informed by psychotherapeutic practice

    Learning outcomes:
    ILO4: Implement mental health nursing care informed by psychotherapeutic practice, neuroplasticity, psychological trauma, and recovery orientation.
    ILO8: Use psychotherapeutic theory and practice to develop a meaningful formulation.
    Criteria for assessment
    In this assessment task you are required to write an academic essay based on a formulation of a psychotherapeutic session(s). You will be exploring the psychotherapeutic elements of a therapy session(s). The formulation should include the process of establishing a therapeutic relationship to understand the consumer’s narrative (for example, life events, social circumstance, relationships with others), the consumer’s explanation of the causes of their presentation and/or issue, and your explanation of the causes of their presentation and/or issue as a therapist. You will need to demonstrate an understanding of the psychotherapeutic relationship, power and its relationship in therapy, mutuality and connectedness, recovery alliance, and the use of trauma-informed principles of care. The essay should have contemporary and relevant evidence-based literature to support all formulations and clinical decision making.
    The formulation can be based on a de-identified consumer. You are not required to provide the therapy session, but to access de-identified clinical information that will support your formulation of a session(s).
    To ensure you do not breach consumer and/or carer/family confidentiality, you must make sure there are no identifiable factors, such as no consumer/carer or family member’s name, date of birth, address, dates of admission, health service, staff members associated with the consumer care, and any medical/clinical record dates. If you are unsure of any requirements re: breach of confidentiality, please review Maintaining confidentiality ( a guide for students): Psychotherapy Essentials (NURS90141_2021_SEP (Online)) (
    In preparation for this task, you will need to:
    1. Make use of the resources available in each module to support your understanding of the content discussed.
    2. Attend the webinar in week 7 to gain a greater understanding of the requirements of the task and provides an opportunity for you to discuss this assessment task with your teacher and your peers.
    3. Review the rubric to ensure you have a clear understanding of the criteria for marking.
    4. Correctly apply academic rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation, and use APA 7th edition style referencing.
    5. Upload your file onto Canvas using the Start Assignment button in the top right-hand corner of this page. Ensure you have followed the process for submissions as per university guidelines for submission. Refer to the LMS for assistance.
    6. Check the TurnItIn similarity report for the assignment prior to submission.
    7. Submit your essay before the due date and time.
    You will be marked according to the rubric provided. The rubric will indicate a mark out of 50 marks that will be converted to 50 per cent.
    Plagiarism declaration
    By submitting work for assessment I hereby declare that I understand the University’s policy on academic integrity and that the work submitted is original and solely my work, and that I have not been assisted by any other person (collusion) apart from where the submitted work is for a designated collaborative task, in which case the individual contributions are indicated. I also declare that I have not used any sources without proper acknowledgment (plagiarism). Where the submitted work is a computer program or code, I further declare that any copied code is declared in comments identifying the source at the start of the program or in a header file, that comments inline identify the start and end of the copied code, and that any modifications to code sources elsewhere are commented upon as to the nature of the modification.
    NURS90141 Assessment task 3: Formulation
    NURS90141 Assessment task 3: Formulation
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    Introduction 5 pts
    Outstanding H1: 80–100%
    Articulately outlines the key elements of the essay by clearly introducing and explaining what the essay intends to cover. The introduction is of excellent quality, and the parameters and scope are clearly specified with deep reasoning. 4 pts
    High standard H2A: 75–79% H2B: 70–74
    Outlines key elements of the essay by introducing and explaining what the essay intends to cover. The introduction is of high quality, and the parameters and scope are specified with moderate reasoning. 3 pts
    Sound work H3: 65–69%
    Outlines some key elements of the essay, introducing and explaining what the essay intends to cover. The introduction is reasonably good quality and the parameters are specified with some reasoning. 2.5 pts
    Satisfactory Pass: 50–64%
    Outlines minimal key elements of the essay, by introducing what the essay intends to cover. The introduction is of adequate quality; however, the parameters are not clearly specified and there is no associated reasoning. 2 pts
    Unsatisfactory work Fail: 49%
    Fails to outline the key elements of the essay. The introduction is of poor quality, either too long or brief and does not state the parameter of what it intends to cover.
    5 pts
    Content 20 to 18.0 pts
    Outstanding H1: 80–100%
    Demonstrates a high level of formulation by: emphasising the consumer narrative and an exploration of the consumer’s explanatory model; demonstrating a high level of understanding of the psychotherapeutic relationship, power and its relationship in therapy, mutuality and connectedness, recovery alliance, and trauma informed principles of care; accessing contemporary and relevant evidence-based literature to support all formulations and clinical decision making; exploring with reasoning the relationship between the theory and practice; and seeks to explore and analyse concepts on all occasions. 18 to 16.0 pts
    High standard H2A: 75–79% H2B: 70–74
    Demonstrates a moderate level of formulation by: stating the importance the consumer narrative and an exploration of the consumer’s explanatory model; demonstrating a moderate level of understanding of the psychotherapeutic relationship, power and its relationship in therapy, mutuality and connectedness, recovery alliance, and trauma informed principles of care; accessing contemporary evidence-based literature to support nearly all parts of the formulation and clinical decision making; exploring with reasoning the relationship between the theory and practice; and moderately seeks to explore and analyse concepts. 16 to 13.0 pts
    Sound work H3: 65–69%
    Demonstrates a reasonable level of formulation by: stating the consumer narrative and consideration to the consumer’s explanatory model; demonstrating a reasonable level of understanding of the psychotherapeutic relationship, power and its relationship in therapy, mutuality and connectedness, recovery alliance, and trauma informed principles of care; accessing evidence-based literature to support parts of the formulation and clinical decision making; exploring with some reasoning the relationship between the theory and practice; and reasonably seeks to explore and analyse concepts. 13 to 10.0 pts
    Satisfactory Pass: 50–64%
    Demonstrates some level of formulation by: incorporating the consumer narrative; demonstrating some level of understanding of the psychotherapeutic relationship, power and its relationship in therapy, mutuality and connectedness; however, it fails to discuss recovery alliance and trauma informed principles of care, accessing minimal evidence-based literature to support the formulation and clinical decision making; exploring with little reasoning the relationship between the theory and practice, and minimally seeks to explore and analyse concepts. 10 to 0 pts
    Unsatisfactory work Fail: 49%
    Fails to demonstrate any evidence of formulation by not addressing the consumer narrative, not demonstrating an understanding of any of the psychotherapeutic relationship, and not accessing evidence or exploring theory and practice.
    20 pts
    Critical analysis 15 to 13.0 pts
    Outstanding H1: 80–100%
    There is evidence of a strong critical analysis of the relationship between theory and practice. The academic writing demonstrates extensive reading in psychotherapeutic concepts and relationships. Critically and thoroughly examinines the formulation by accurately reflecting on all information discussed, exploring areas of improvement to improve therapeutic outcomes, analysing their own personal learnings, and considering alternatives and multiple perspectives with evidence. 13 to 11.5 pts
    High standard H2A: 75–79% H2B: 70–74
    There is evidence of moderate critical analysis of the relationship between theory and practice. The academic writing demonstrates reasonable reading in psychotherapeutic concepts and relationships. Critically examinines the formulation by reflecting on nearly all information discussed, exploring areas of improvement to improve therapeutic outcomes and analysing own personal learnings considering alternatives. 11.5 to 9.5 pts
    Sound work H3: 65–69%
    There is evidence of some critical analysis of the relationship between theory and practice. The academic writing demonstrates some reading in psychotherapeutic concepts and relationships. Examines the formulation by reflecting on parts of information discussed, exploring some areas of improvement and states own personal learnings but does not consider alternatives. 9.5 to 7.5 pts
    Satisfactory Pass: 50–64%
    There is evidence of minimal analysis of the relationship between theory and practice. The writing demonstrates limited reading in psychotherapeutic concepts and relationships. Makes attempts to examine the formulation by reflecting on some areas, but little evidence of the need to improve or provide personal learnings. 7.5 to 0 pts
    Unsatisfactory work Fail: 49%
    There is no evidence of analysis of the relationship between theory and practice. There is no demonstration in reading in psychotherapeutic concepts and relationships. No attempts to examine the formulation.
    15 pts
    Academic writing: grammar, spelling and punctuation 2.5 pts
    Outstanding H1: 80–100%
    Presents ideas that are highly logical. Uses mental health terminology throughout the discussion and within context. Correctly applies academic rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation. 2 pts
    High standard H2A: 75–79% H2B: 70–74
    Presents ideas that are moderately logical. Uses mental health terminology on nearly all occasions throughout the discussion and within context. Correctly applies academic rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation. 1.5 pts
    Sound work H3: 65–69%
    Presents ideas that are logical. Uses mental health terminology on most occasions throughout the discussion and within context. Mostly applies correct academic rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation. 1.25 pts
    Satisfactory Pass: 50–64%
    Presents ideas that are minimally logical. Uses mental health terminology rarely throughout the discussion and within context. Correctly applies some academic rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation. 1 pts
    Unsatisfactory work Fail: 49%
    Fails to present logical ideas, use mental health terminology, and/or apply academic rules of grammar, spelling and/ or punctuation.
    2.5 pts
    Sources and referencing 2.5 pts
    Outstanding H1: 80–100%
    Uses credible, contemporary and relevant references. This includes mostly peer-reviewed journal articles. Accurate use of APA 7th edition citation referencing style (as set out in Re:cite) on all occasions. In-text referencing and reference list demonstrate a high level of consistency and are formatted correctly and according to APA guidelines. 2 pts
    High standard H2A: 75–79% H2B: 70–74
    Uses mostly credible, contemporary and relevant references. This includes mostly peer-reviewed journal articles and few grey literature. Accurate use of APA 7th edition citation referencing style (as set out in Re:cite) on nearly all occasions. In-text referencing and reference list demonstrate a moderate level of consistency and are formatted correctly and according to APA guidelines. 1.5 pts
    Sound work H3: 65–69%
    Uses some relevant references. More use of grey literature than journal articles cited. Accurate use of APA 7th edition citation referencing style (as set out in Re:cite) on some occasions. In-text referencing is good but reference list has some inconsistent adherence with APA guidelines. Some references are more than five years old. 1.25 pts
    Satisfactory Pass: 50–64%
    Uses limited relevant references and mostly grey literature cited. Minimal accurate APA 7th edition citation referencing. In-text referencing and reference list is inconsistent with the APA guidelines. Many references are more than five years old. 1 pts
    Unsatisfactory work Fail: 49%
    Fails to use APA 7th edition references both in text and in the reference list. Many inconsistencies with referencing overall.
    2.5 pts
    Conclusion 5 pts
    Outstanding H1: 80–100%
    Articulately summarises the main points of the essay and succinctly restates the reasoning and critical analysis. The submission’s conclusion is of excellent quality and links well to the essay. 4 pts
    High standard H2A: 75–79% H2B: 70–74
    Summarises the main points of the essay and concisely restates the reasoning and critical points. The submission’s conclusion is of high quality, and links well to the essay. 3 pts
    Sound work H3: 65–69%
    Summarises some of the main points of the essay and restates the reasoning. The submission’s conclusion is of reasonably good quality and links to the essay. 2.5 pts
    Satisfactory Pass: 50–64%
    States a main point of the essay. The submission’s conclusion is of adequate quality, but does not clearly link to the essay. 2 pts
    Unsatisfactory work Fail: 49%
    Fails to summarise or state the main point of the essay. Reintroduces new topics to the essay. The submission’s conclusion is of poor quality and not linked to the essay.
    5 pts
    Total Points: 50


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    Implement a possible solution to each of the tasks outlined in the lab

    You need a Google account to do this assessment. You can create a free Google account here: 

    Once created, you need to navigate to the Google created lab: “Intro to Modelling” here:

    In addition to following the instructions outlined in the lab, you must: 

    • Implement a possible solution to each of the tasks outlined in the lab 

    • Add appropriate comments to your code created, following machine learning best practices for clean coding: 

    • Identify various different models that would be appropriate to use as alternatives for the tasks presented by the lab by varying hyperparameters and features. There is also an opportunity for you to create your own custom model by using different regressor functions  within TensorFlow. 

    For more details, see: 

    • Familiarise yourself with the assessment’s rubric to understand how the various assignment grades are assigned. 

    • Produce a manual of 500 words in length outlining: 

    o The answers to the questions posed in each of the tasks within the lab.

     o The choice of models you made during your assessment including the various hyperparameters you chose and feature engineering performed for the appropriate task. 

    o An analysis of the various models created and an evaluation of their efficiency

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    The company decided to implement an enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies

    Unit Title Managerial Accounting
    Assessment Type Individual Assignment
    Assessment Title Reflective Report
    Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assessment is to ensure each student is able to provide a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as it relates to fulfilling the learning outcomes of this unit. (ULO 1, 2 and 4).
    Weight 10% of the total assessments
    Total Marks 10
    Word limit 1,000 words. Please use “word count” and include the word count in the assignment cover page.
    Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
    • The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
    • It is the responsibility of the student who is submitting the work, to ensure that the work is, in fact, her/his own work. Incorporating another’s work or ideas into one’s own work without appropriate acknowledgement is an academic offence. Students should submit all assignments for plagiarism checking on Blackboard before final submission in the subject. For further details, please refer to the Unit Outline and Student Handbook.
    Adapted Harvard Referencing
    Holmes has now implemented a revised Harvard approach to referencing:

    1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
    2. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
    3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
      For example:
      Hawking, P., McCarthy, B. and Stein, A. (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall,
    4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of contents, paragraph where the content can be found.
      For example,
      “The company decided to implement an enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”
      Non – Adherence to Referencing Guidelines Where students do not follow the above guidelines:
    5. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines may be required to resubmit their assignments or incur penalties for inadequate referencing.
    6. Late penalties will apply per day after a student or group has been notified of a resubmission requirement.
      • Students whose citations are fake will be reported for academic misconduct.
      Individual Reflective Report Specifications
      Assignment Task:
      In this reflective report, you will be discussing about your learning experience in this unit, the relevance of the unit material and assessments in the unit to your understanding of management accounting in general, and your understanding of how management accounting concepts and techniques assist managers in making decisions to real world business problems.
      Specifically, you are to provide reflections or comments on each of the following:
    7. Comment on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future? (4 marks)
    8. Comment on what you learned from the individual assignment. What was interesting, what was challenging and what did you learn from it? (3 marks)
    9. Comment on what you learned about the various management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting and what did you learn from it? (3 marks)
      Assignment Structure:
      The reflective report should include the following components:
      a. Assignment Cover Page clearly stating your name and student number b. Table of contents
      c. A brief introduction or overview of what the assignment is about
      d. Body of the assignment with the written answers
      e. Conclusion
      f. List of References (if applicable) – follow the Holmes Adapted Harvard Referencing guidelines on pg. 1-2.
      Marking criteria:
      Marking criteria Weighting
    10. Comment on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future? 4%
    11. Comment on what you learned from the individual assignment. What was interesting and what did you learn from it? 3%
    12. Comment on what you learned about the various management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting and what did you learn from it? 3%
      TOTAL Weight 10%
      Academic Integrity
      Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding Academic Integrity, as Academic Integrity is integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have any questions about Academic Integrity issues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Sills link on Blackboard.
      Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
      Table 1: Six categories of Academic Integrity breaches
      Plagiarism Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution. When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions this is known as self-plagiarism.
      Collusion Working with one or more other individuals to complete an assignment, in a way that is not authorised.
      Copying Reproducing and submitting the work of another student, with or without their knowledge. If a student fails to take reasonable precautions to prevent their own original work from being copied, this may also be considered an offence.
      Impersonation Falsely presenting oneself, or engaging someone else to present as oneself, in an in-person examination.
      Contract cheating Contracting a third party to complete an assessment task, generally in exchange for money or other manner of payment.
      Data fabrication and falsification Manipulating or inventing data with the intent of supporting false conclusions, including manipulating images.
      Source: INQAAHE, 2020
      Marking Rubric
      Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
      Comment on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future? (4 marks) (3.6 – 4 marks) Excellent comments on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future. (2.9 – 3.5marks) Very good comments on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future. (2.1 – 2.8 marks)
      Good comments on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future. (1.6 – 2 marks) Reasonable comments on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future. (0 – 1.5 mark) Unable to present proper comments on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future, or is confusing.
      Comment on what you learned from the individual assignment. What was interesting and what did you learn from it? (3 marks) (2.1 – 3 marks) Excellent comments on what you learned from the individual assignment. What was interesting and what did you learn from it. (1.9 – 2 marks) Very good comments on what you learned from the individual assignment. What was interesting and what did you learn from it. (1.6 – 1.8 marks)
      Good comments on what you learned from the
      individual assignment. What was interesting and what did you learn from it. (1.1 – 1.5marks) Reasonable comments on what you learned from the individual assignment. What was interesting and what did you learn from it. (0 – 1 marks) Unable to present proper comments on what you learned from the individual assignment. What was interesting
      and what did you learn from it, or is confusing.
      Comment on what you learned about the various management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting and what did you
      learn from it (3 marks) (2.1 – 3 marks) Excellent comments on what you learned about the various
      management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist
      managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting and what did you learn from it.
      (1.9 – 2 marks) Very good comments on what you learned about the various
      management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist
      managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting and what did you
      learn from it
      (1.6 – 1.8 marks)
      Good comments on what you learned about the various
      management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist
      managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting and what did you learn from it
      (1.1 – 1.5marks) Reasonable comments on what you learned about the various
      management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist
      managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting and what did you
      learn from it
      (0 – 1 marks) Unable to present proper comments on what you learned about the various
      management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist
      managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting
      and what did you learn from it, or is confusing.
      Total Marks (10) /10





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    As the new benefits manager at Riley Industries, you have decided to implement a high deductible health plan (HDHP) for the employees.

    Case One:

    As the new benefits manager at Riley Industries, you have decided to implement a high deductible health plan (HDHP) for the employees. You have heard that HDHPS has many benefits, such as substantial cost savings resulting from employees taking charge of their health. You have also heard there are disadvantages. How should you educate the employees of Riley Industries on HDHPS? What if the employees want to keep their previous insurance plans instead? Discuss the other advantages of HDHPS to both the employer and the employees, including how employees are able to promote better health through these plans. Name some other disadvantages of the plans, including the inability to save for possible deductibles costs. What is your opinion on companies moving toward HDHPS?

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