Writers Solution

Communication and explains its importance in effective leadership

There are two parts to this assignment that will allow you to express your understanding of this unit’s concepts.

For the first part, you will write a summary of the five communication principles covered in this unit and then offer analysis of the application of communication skills in real-world examples. Address the following in a written paper:

· Begin with a brief introduction that defines communication and explains its importance in effective leadership.

· Summarize each of the five communication principles discussed in this unit.

· For each principle, include an example (professional or personal) where you have effectively (or ineffectively) employed that principle.

· Analyze which of the three major communication skills were used in your example. Was your application of the skill effective? Why, or why not?

For the second part, reflect on your own social styles in a written paper. Understanding yourself, as well as others, aids in learning how to adapt to differences. We can develop better conflict management skills and more effective communication habits when we understand our own perspectives and learn to respect and adapt to others’ social, cultural, and generational differences. Follow the steps below. 

1. Take the “Identifying Your Social Style” inventory in section 5.1.1 on page 49 of your eTextbook.

1. Summarize your results from your personal inventory.

1. Share your results with a family member or friend. Compare and contrast their perceptions with your own as you explain what this activity revealed to you about yourself.

1. Assess your results with the Style Flexing Guidelines for Enhancing Communication Effectiveness in section 5.1.2 on page 51 of your eTextbook. Using your results, evaluate what steps you would need to take in each area to increase your communication effectiveness.

1. Describe how your social style affects your ability as a leader to adapt to cultural differences. 

1. What generational and gender areas do you feel you need to address to improve your communication skills? 

1. Summarize your overall findings and the top three areas you will choose to focus on over the course of the next year to have more effective communication and be better able to adapt to differences.

Your case study must be a minimum of six pages, not including the title or reference pages. You must use two resources, not including the textbook, to support your case study. All sources used must have citations and references properly formatted in APA Style. APA formatting is otherwise not necessary. Understanding yourself, as well as others, aids in learning how to adapt to differences. We can develop better conflict management skills and more effective communication habits when we understand our own perspectives and learn to respect and adapt to others’ social, cultural, and generational differences.

For this unit assignment, you will reflect on your own social styles in a written paper. Follow the steps below.

1. Take the “Identifying Social Style” inventory in section 5.1.1 of your eTextbook.

1. Summarize your results from your personal inventory.

1. Share your results with a family member or friend. Compare and contrast their perceptions with your own as you explain what this activity revealed to you about yourself.

1. Assess your results with the Style Flexing Guidelines for Enhancing Communication Effectiveness in section 5.1.2 of your eTextbook. Using your results, evaluate what steps you would need to take in each area to increase your communication effectiveness.

1. Describe how your social style affects your ability as a leader to adapt to cultural differences.

1. What generational and gender areas do you feel you need to address to improve your communication skills?

1. Summarize your overall findings and the top three areas you will choose to focus on over the course of the next year to have more effective communication and be better able to adapt to differences.

Your case study must be a minimum of four pages, not including the title or reference pages. You must use two resources, not including the textbook, to support your case study. All sources used must have citations and references properly formatted in APA Style. APA formatting is otherwise not necessary. 


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Importance of nanotechnology in medicine

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe about the importance of nanotechnology in medicine, what nanotechnology is, how nanotechnology helps in medicine, and its advantage, disadvantages, and challenges for nanotechnology in medicine.


Keywords: nanotechnology, nanotechnology in medicine, diseases, future medicine

Introduction: Briefly talk about how nanotechnology has important role in medicine and future medicine for rare diseases.

Method and research: online research by extracting scholarly articles

Understanding Nano technology

1. What is nano technology?

a) It’s importance and uses in medicine

b) How and where it is uses.

c) How it starts nanomedicine and nanotechnology

2. Essential characteristics of nanotechnology in medicine

3. Advantage in medicine

4. Disadvantage in medicine

5. Challenges and opportunities of nanotechnology in medicine

a) precise drug delivery

b) drug discovery

c)scarcity of nanomedicine talent

d) large scale nano medicine production



Nanotechnology in Medicine: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Nanomedicine (

This URL describes about exploring the economic impact of nanotechnology in medicine. Nanotechnology, in the field of medicine, has the potential to revolutionize drug delivery, gene therapy, diagnostics, and other areas of research, development and clinical application.

What Is Nanotechnology? | National Nanotechnology Initiative

This URL describes about what it is and how it is start




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Importance of production planning and scheduling within an organization

Operation Management

 Please respond to the following:

  • Analyze the importance of production planning and scheduling within an organization. Evaluate a bad experience you have had with an appointment from the perspectives of the customer (you) and the organization with regard to inefficient planning and scheduling.
  • Analyze the experience you provided from a process perspective. Suggest ways the schedules could have been designed to be more efficient and effective.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 9 Discussion 

Please respond to the following:

  • Select two fast food restaurants and evaluate them in terms of service quality. Suggest ways to improve the service quality.
  • Evaluate the two fast-food restaurants in terms of the “Seven QC tools” discussed in Chapter 15 of textbook, OM. Determine the top three QC tools that tend to be most valuable to business owners. Explain your rationale.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 10 Discussion 

Please respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast the lean service system found within Southwest Airlines to a full-service airline such as United Airlines, British Airways, and other large carriers in terms of cabin service, boarding process, baggage handling, and service encounters.
  • Recommend ways for the airline carriers to improve their lean operation systems in terms of speed and quality while reducing waste and costs. Explain your rationale.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 11 Discussion 

The following questions will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply communication, problem solving and innovation in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address all questions. Be sure to use your own words!

Think about the skills that you have learned in this course: communication, problem solving, and innovation.

  1. How can you apply what you learned about communication, problem solving, and innovation to your personal, professional, and academic life?
  2. How will the skills you developed help you be a better persuasive writer? Give a few specific examples of how the skills contribute to persuasive writing




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Importance of ethical research practices

Refer to the resources in the Reading Assignment and the instructions in the template and complete the following sections of your Applied Research Proposal:

                                                              Ethical Considerations

Start this section by explaining the importance of ethical research practices.

                                                  Considerations During Intervention

Explain how the literature you reviewed leads you to believe what you are doing is an appropriate intervention. BE SURE to back up your writing with the APA formatting of research you have reviewed. This is a MUST in this area.  

                                               Considerations During Data Collection

Explain your planned measures to ensure you are protecting the study participants and doing no harm. Just briefly tell me how you plan on ensuring your participants are kept “safe” during your data gathering procedures.

                                                    Considerations of Researcher Bias

Explain your planned measures to ensure the study yields unbiased results. How will you ensure that your results, data gathering, and overall involvement with the participants will not be bias?


Summarize the methodology section.

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor. Your paper will be assessed on how well the above areas have been covered.  In addition, the below aspects will also be assessed:

  • Page Requirement: The assignment should be a minimum of two pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.

      Reading Assignment

1. Belmont Report. (n.d.). 

  • This is a complete list of all ethical concerns discussed when conducting research.

2. Everheart. J. (2004) A study of kindergarten and first-grade special education students’ recall of color words. Download the PDF.

  • The above is a complete Master’s thesis that you will be reviewing in your PLC




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Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context

Individual Report: PMBoK versus PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,200 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Following group discussions, individually write a 1,200-word report that discusses the strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and contrasts of PMBoK and PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects.
There are several project management methodologies and approaches that are used in contemporary project management. Among these are PMBoK, PRINCE2, Waterfall, Agile, Extreme Programming (XP), and Adaptive Project Framework (APF). Each of them has certain specific elements that proponents say make it easier to use, more applicable, more robust, or otherwise more appropriate for particular environments or circumstances. Whilst these methodologies are all valid and reliable tools for a project manager to use, it is important to be able to contrast them and to form a view of how they may best be used in a project. This analysis includes their usefulness, application in various types of projects, and how they view project risk. Such context can help project managers identify which methodologies/approaches may be best for specific projects.
In this Assessment, you will write a 1,200-word (+/- 10%) report that considers the application of a project management methodology to a project as described in an assigned case study. In particular, you will review the assigned case study, then compare and contrast the application of the PMBoK project management approach to the highlighted project with your choice of one of the following methodologies/approaches:
a) PRINCE2, or
b) Agile
The report must use the following headings:

  1. INTRODUCTION: Develop an introduction to PMBoK and the other methodology/approach you have selected (PRINCE2 or Agile) that includes their background and historical context (approximately 200 words)
  2. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: List 2–3 similarities and 2–3 differences between them and why these similarities and differences are relevant to the assigned case study (approximately 200 words combined)
  3. RISK: How each method treats project risk and how these approaches to risk are relevant to the assigned case study (approximately 200 words)
  4. PROJECT CONTEXT: The types of projects in which each is used (approximately 200 words)
  5. LIFECYCLE IMPLICATIONS: How each differs across different phases of a project’s lifecycle (approximately 200 words)
  6. APPLICATION: Explain which methodology you would choose to apply for the project in the assigned case study, and why (approximately 200 words)
    Be sure to cite any source material, including learning resources or other academic or industry literature you research, used to inform your analysis.
    You will need to consult the literature and use at least 6 references (and not more than 12 references) from academic and industry sources. The word count does not include the reference list. Each reference must be cited in-text in your report.
    The assessment requires that you submit your report via Blackboard. You do not need to upload anything relating to your group discussions in Weeks 4 and 5.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
    Submission Instructions
    Submit this task via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Knowledge and understanding of project management methodologies and approaches
    Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of PMBoK and either PRINCE2, and/or Agile
    methodologies/approac hes
    Percentage for this criterion = 30%
    Demonstrates a limited understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Key components of the assignment are not addressed.
    Demonstrates a functional understanding of project management methodologies and approaches.
    Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Demonstrates a thorough knowledge or understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Demonstrates a highly developed knowledge or understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates a capacity to explain in significant detail and thoughtfully apply relevant concepts.
    Demonstrates a sophisticated
    understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates an exceptional capacity to explain in substantial and relevant detail critical concepts and apply these concepts in a manner that makes strong connections.
    Analysis and application with synthesis of new
    Compares and evaluates two project management methodologies/approac
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 30%
    Limited or no comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approache
    application/recommendat ions based upon analysis
    of methodology similarities and differences. Demonstrated basic comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Demonstrated basic application/recommendation s based upon analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Well-developed comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Well-developed application/recommendatio ns based upon proficient analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Thoroughly developed and creative comparison and
    evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Thoroughly developed application/recommendatio ns based upon to analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Highly sophisticated and creative comparison and
    evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches
    Highly developed application/recommendati ons based upon to analysis of methodology similarities and differences.
    Effective communication
    Effectively presents two selected project management methodologies/approac hes and their
    Limited ability to present information related to
    two selected project management methodologies/approache s and their distinguishing elements.
    Specialised language and terminology related to project management
    s is rarely or inaccurately employed.
    Presents in a basic manner information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Occasionally employs specialised language and terminology related to project management methodologies/approaches with accuracy, with some inaccuracies.
    Presents in a coherent and readable manner information related to two selected project management
    methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Accurately employs some specialised language and terminology related to project management methodologies/approaches.
    Presents coherently and concisely information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Accurately employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology
    related to project management methodologies/approaches.
    Communicates eloquently, coherently, concisely, and creatively information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology
    related to project management methodologies/approaches
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 30%
    Meaning is repeatedly obscured by errors in the communication of ideas, including errors in structure, sequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or the acknowledgment of sources. Meaning is sometimes difficult to follow.
    Information; arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is not always clear and logical.
    Some errors are evident in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. Meaning is easy to follow. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and logical.
    Occasional minor errors
    present in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. Engages audience interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and persuasive.
    Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are mostly free from errors.
    Engages and sustains audience’s interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are insightful,
    persuasive, and expertly
    Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are free from errors.
    Correct citation of key
    resources and evidence
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 10%
    Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
    Less than six references employed.
    Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
    Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
    Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
    Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
    Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
    SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
    SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
    SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle


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Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context

Subject Code and Title PROJ6000: Principles of Project Management
Assessment Assessment 1 – Project Management Lifecycle (PML):
Opinion Post and Peer Response
Individual/Group Individual
Length 800 words: 600 words (+/- 10%) initial discussion forum post and
200 words (+/- 10%) response post
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 2.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Critically read and interpret both the Project Management Lifecycle and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). Engage with other students by posting an initial 600-word discussion forum post and a 200-word critique that details your response to the question below (or the set question).
The Project Management Lifecycle (PML) is an important component of project management methodology. It incorporates several areas of knowledge from the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), and it affects and interacts with the application of PMBoK in a project. Different stages of the PML may require focusing on different areas of the PMBoK, and project managers need to assess the PML for their project in order to identify possible risks, plans for resourcing, and to commence communicating with stakeholders. This assessment requires that you answer the following question:
“During which project management lifecycle stage(s) do you believe a project management methodology is most impactful, and how do we ensure alignment between the lifecycle of the project and the implementation of a project management methodology?”
PROJ6000_Assessment_1_Brief_Opinion Post_Module 2.2 Page 1 of 6
To answer this question, you will need to:
(a) Post a 600-word (+/- 10%) response to this question, based on your informed opinion and demonstrated knowledge of project management concepts, project lifecycles, and PMBoK, to the Discussion Forum on the Learning Portal.
(b) Respond to another student’s post by critiquing their opinion and comparing it with yours in 200 words (+/-10%).

  1. Read about the PMBoK and the Project Management Lifecycle to familiarise yourself with their fundamental concepts. Critically reflect on your readings to form an opinion of both and how they interact together. Write a 600-word opinion piece responding to the set question. Be sure to cite any source material, including learning resources or other academic or industry literature you research, used to inform your opinion. The word count does not include the reference list.
  2. Read another student’s post. Think about their opinion and try to compare and contrast it with your own. This approach will allow you to “critique” their view. You can do this by highlighting the aspects you agree with and those you disagree within their post. You need to justify and explain your critique of their opinion. In your response, you will need to refer to industry and academic literature. Your response will need to be 200 words. The word count does not include the reference list.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
    Submission Instructions
    Submit this task via the Assessment 1 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    PROJ6000_Assessment_1_Brief_Opinion Post_Module 2.2 Page 2 of 6
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Knowledge and understanding of PMBoK and Project
    Management Lifecycles
    Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Project Management
    Lifecycles and the
    Project Management
    Body of Knowledge
    Percentage for this criterion = 25%
    Limited or no understanding demonstrated of required concepts and knowledge.
    Key components of the assignment are not addressed.
    Demonstrates basic knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline.
    Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Personal opinion and information are substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Demonstrates the capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Highly developed understanding of the field
    or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Well-demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Analysis and application with synthesis of new
    Limited or no synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of project lifecycles and
    Demonstrated basic synthesis of project management knowledge and
    analysis/alignment of project
    Well-developed synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Thoroughly developed and creative synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Highly sophisticated and creative synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Synthesises project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of project lifecycles and PMBoK areas of
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 25%
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Limited application/recommendat ions based upon analysis.
    lifecycles and PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows the basic ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows thorough ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows highly-developed ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Strong application by way of pretested models and/or independently developed models.
    Recommendations are
    clearly justified based on analysis/synthesis.
    Excellent ability to apply knowledge to new situations/other cases.
    Effective communication
    Percentage for this criterion = 10%
    Post and/or reply lack clarity.
    Post and/or reply contains numerous spelling/grammatical errors.
    Post and/or reply demonstrate minimal clarity.
    Post and/or reply contains several spelling/grammatical errors.
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear manner.
    Post and reply contains few spelling/grammatical errors
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear and thoughtful manner.
    Post and reply contain no major spelling/grammatical errors.
    Well-demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear, thoughtful, and professional manner that makes use of advanced concepts and examples.
    Post and reply contain no major spelling/grammatical errors.
    Inclusion of and correct citation of key resources
    and evidence
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 15%
    Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
    Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
    Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
    Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
    Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
    Shows evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
    Shows evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Provides constructive feedback to peers that strengthens their position or offers
    solutions to challenges
    Percentage for this criterion = 25% Feedback to peers is missing or lacks any value in support or solution development. Demonstrated feedback to peers that moderately strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Thorough feedback to peers that strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Highly developed feedback to peers that meaningfully strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Sophisticated feedback to peers that significantly strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges.
    The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
    SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
    SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
    SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle


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describe and explain different cultural differences and the importance of recognizing these differences

Late Submission Policy

  • This assignment is subject to the Late Submission penalty policy, namely 5% per day for three days.
  • This page will close and will not allow further submissions after this Late Submission period has expired.
  • In the event of an emergency situation preventing you from submitting within this time frame, special permission must be obtained from your instructor. Documentation substantiating emergency is required. In such a circumstance, if the extension is granted, the professor will reopen the submission function for you on an individual basis.
  • Please do not email your submissions to your professor, either before or after the due date; all coursework should be submitted through the online course (Moodle).


On successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

  • describe and explain different cultural differences and the importance of recognizing these differences,
  • describe the three main types of economies and understand economic development and transition issues, and
  • describe and explain different political and legal systems and understand the increasing importance of CSR and ethics in international business.

Brief Description

The case will focus on issues related to the cultural aspect of international business. Sustainable business practices include CSR issues, foreign investment, and the benefits of regional integration for the countries within, and companies doing business in, that region. The case study analysis will be completed on an individual basis.

Please see the case details in Appendix A.

Submission Instructions

Read the case study and answer the questions that follow. Each answer must be based on facts from the case and all of the course materials. Each answer should be 1-2 pages long for a total submission length of 10 pages maximum (double spaced, 12 pt font), and must be prepared in APA style format.

Case Questions

  1. Cultural understanding is a key factor in this situation. Comment on the importance of this aspect of market entry and development, being sure to discuss the key elements of understanding and working effectively in Mexico.
  2. Using the Hofstede Framework, analyze the Mexican culture with reference to concepts covered in the course materials.
  3. CSR and business practices are another set of critical issues in this case. Describe four CSR issues and explain how these issues can impact a company’s international business activities. 
  4. The Client, in order to develop its Market Entry Strategy fully, will be required to make an investment in Mexico. Explain each of the four means of incorporating risk into market entry strategies if The Client wanted to use an Adaptation Strategy.
  5. The Client will benefit from trading with other countries in the region. Consider the changes arising from the renegotiation of NAFTA to CUSMA and evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of How significant is the trading area for the firm trading across all three member countries?


The overall grading is out of 100. Below is a breakdown of the grade. Note that simply meeting expectations garners an average grade.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated% of Final GradeContent/60a. Describes the importance of cultural understanding in market entry and development/15b. Analyzes Mexican culture using the Hofstede framework./10c. Describes four CSR issues and explains how these issues can impact the client’s successful entry into Mexico /10d. Explain each of the four means of incorporating risk into market entry strategies./10e. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of regional integration especially relating to CUSMA./15Communication/25a. Uses language clearly and effectively. /10b. Information organized intelligently and holistically (i.e., not simply answers to questions)./10c. Proper introduction and conclusion to paper./5Attention to Detail /15a. APA Formatting (title, headings, and references)./10b. Spelling and grammar./5Total/100


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  • describe and explain different cultural differences and the importance of recognizing these differences

    Writers Solution

    Importance of computer forensics

     Instructions: You were introduced to computer forensics. For this assignment, you will explore your possible future role in this field by researching employment prospects for computer forensics investigators. Compose an essay on this topic. In your essay, be sure to include the following components.

    • Explain the importance of computer forensics.
    • Describe why the need for computer forensic examiners will be in demand over the coming years. Include statistics detailing with the growth of certain cybercrimes.
    • Explain the skills, training, and education required to become a computer forensics investigator.

    Your essay must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two academic sources. You should also include an introduction and conclusion section in your essay. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

    2. You work for a political research think tank. The job pays well, and you believe you were correct with your decision to take the job. Your organization has just received a large multimillion-dollar fee to conduct political research on a well-known public figure. You have been told to gather forensic evidence in the form of dirt from several digital resources that belonged to this well-known individual. The client is paying for the research for the sole purpose of destroying the individual’s political career and reputation. Your instructions specify that you are not to vet or validate any of the evidence, just gather as much dirt as you can from what you have been given. You know that your findings will have far-reaching implications, regardless if the data is true or false. What are your thoughts on having to perform this type of forensic work? Would you do it? Why, or why not?

    3. Scenario: An individual has been accused of downloading child pornography, using his ex-girlfriend’s computer. The individual claims he is innocent and has not used his ex-girlfriend’s computer in months. Even though the evidence seems cut and dry, the wrong interpretation of evidence can have a significant impact on the outcome of the case. You were visited by the lead investigator of the crimes against children unit. The investigator says he can prove the individual is guilty and wants you to verify his findings.Your initial findings help show the individual may be telling the truth, and the evidence may been planted by someone using his unprotected user account on the laptop. What would you do in this situation? Why?


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    Writers Solution

    Introduce your project with a reflection on the importance of selecting the right projects in which to invest capital. Do we always select those projects that have the highest return on investment (ROI)

    Capital Investment 

    For the purpose of this assignment, a project is defined as any endeavor that had a capital outlay. Pick a project you have recently completed or one you would like to complete in the near future. This could be a project in your home, place of work, or even church or other organization with which you are familiar. Respond to the prompts below.

    • Introduce your project with a reflection on the importance of selecting the right projects in which to invest capital. Do we always select those projects that have the highest return on investment (ROI)?
    • Describe the relationship between risk and return and how you would measure for both in your project. What other factors play into capital budgeting decisions?
    • Explain how you would calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and its components for your project.

    Your essay should be at least three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to cite and reference at least your textbook. Use APA format to cite in-text and reference citations.


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    Writers Solution

    What is the importance of documentation in the practice of Social Work?

      Discussion(200 words).

    After reviewing the readings/video (found in the readings), please consider the following for your discussion post:

    · What is the importance of documentation in the practice of Social Work?

    · Please share your thoughts on the video and what you have learned about separating fact and evidence from assessment and opinion?


    Intro to Case Notes for New Social Workers:

    Writing Good Case Notes:

    LESSON 12 DISCUSSION. (200 words).

    Please review the reading and consider the following in your discussion post:

    · Please share your thoughts after reviewing this information about evaluating social work practice.

    · How can you utilize this information in your Social work practice?

    · Why is it important to evaluate the practice of Social Work (micro, macro, and mezzo)?

    To receive full credit, you will need to post one substantial post. Each discussion post should be a minimum of 250 words or one page. 


    Practice Evaluation as Evidence:


    Lesson 11 Discussion(200 words).

    How do public policy shifts that address the civil rights of minority groups advance social equality? Is this different than social equity?

    READING RESOURCES,to%20some%20part%20of%20society,to%20some%20part%20of%20society


    CrashCourse. (2016, February 27). Social Policy: Crash Course Government and Politics #49 [Video]. YouTube.



    Lesson 11 Discussion(200 words).

    Do you believe prostitution should be a criminal offense? Why or why not? 


    (VCU. (n.d). Deviance and Social Control.

    Lesson 12 Discussion(200 words).

    Should children who commit violent acts be held responsible for their actions?  What should the response to juvenile violence be: treatment or punishment (or some combination, or something else)? How can juvenile violence be prevented?
    (250 words).


    (Crashcourse. (2017, Jul 31). Crime: Crash Course Sociology #20. YouTube.