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Why is accountability important in the health care industry?

Assignment Details (All Questions have been solved by our team of experts in healthcare)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that answers the following questions:

Why is accountability important in the health care industry?

How is an employee’s accountability measured in the health care industry?

How does accountability apply to ethical considerations in leadership and management?

What does a checks-and-balances process look like in a successful organization?

How does accountability affect an organization’s working culture?

How can you maintain a positive working culture and avoid a culture of blame?            

Cite a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your paper and sources according to APA guidelines.





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Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy?

Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source  that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings . Use proper citations and references in your post.





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important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners)

Instructional Plan Title:

Lesson Summary and Focus:

In   2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus based on   the content and skills you are teaching. 

Classroom and Student   Factors/Grouping:

Describe   the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student   factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners),   and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students   to facilitate learning for all students. This should be limited to 2-3   sentences and the information should inform the differentiation components of   the lesson.

National/State Learning   Standards:

Review   national and state standards to become familiar with the standards you will   be working with in the classroom environment. 

Your   goal in this section is to identify the standards that are the focus of the   lesson being presented. Standards must address learning initiatives from one   or more content areas, as well as align with the lesson’s learning   targets/objectives and assessments.

Include   the standards with the performance indicators and the standard language in   its entirety. 

Specific Learning   Target(s)/Objectives:

Learning   objectives are designed to identify what the teacher intends to measure in   learning. These must be aligned with the standards. When creating objectives,   a learner must consider the following: 

  • Who is the        audience
  • What action        verb will be measured during instruction/assessment
  • What tools or        conditions are being used to meet the learning

What   is being assessed in the lesson must align directly to the objective created.   This should not be a summary of the lesson, but a measurable statement   demonstrating what the student will be assessed on at the completion of the   lesson. For instance, “understand” is not measureable, but “describe” and   “identify” are.

For   example:

Given   an unlabeled map outlining the 50 states, students will accurately label all   state names. 

Academic Language

In   this section, include a bulleted list of the general academic vocabulary and content-specific vocabulary you need to   teach. In a few sentences, describe how you will teach students those terms   in the lesson.

Resources, Materials,   Equipment, and Technology:

List   all resources, materials, equipment, and technology you and the students   will use during the lesson. As required by your instructor, add or attach   copies of ALL printed and online materials at the end of this template.   Include links needed for online resources. 

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set

Your goal in this section is to open the   lesson by activating students’ prior knowledge, linking previous learning with   what they will be learning in this lesson and gaining student interest for   the lesson. Consider various learning preferences (movement, music, visuals)   as a tool to engage interest and motivate learners for the lesson.

In a bulleted list,   describe the materials and activities you will use to open the lesson. Bold any materials you will need to   prepare for the lesson.

For example:

· I will   use a visual of the planet Earthand   ask students to describe what Earth looks like.

· I will   record their ideas on the white board and ask more questions about the amount   of water they think is on planet Earth and where the water is located. 

Time   Needed

Multiple Means of   Representation

Learners perceive and comprehend   information differently. Your goal in this section is to explain how you   would present content in various ways to meet the needs of different   learners. For example, you may present the material using guided notes,   graphic organizers, video or other visual media, annotation tools, anchor   charts, hands-on manipulatives, adaptive technologies, etc. 

In a bulleted list,   describe the materials you will use to differentiate instruction and how you will   use these materials throughout the lesson to support learning. Bold any materials you will need to   prepare for the lesson.

For example:

· I will   use a Venn diagram graphic organizer   to teach students how to compare and contrast the two main characters in the   read-aloud story. 

· I will   model one example on the white board before allowing students to work on the   Venn diagram graphic organizer with their elbow partner.

Explain how you   will differentiate materials for each of the following groups: 

· English language learners (ELL):

· Students with special needs:

· Students with gifted abilities:

· Early finishers (those students who finish   early and may need additional resources/support):

Time   Needed

Multiple Means of   Engagement

Your goal   for this section is to outline how you will engage students in interacting   with the content and academic language. How will students explore, practice,   and apply the content? For example, you may engage students through   collaborative group work, Kagan cooperative learning structures, hands-on   activities, structured discussions, reading and writing activities,   experiments, problem solving, etc.

In a bulleted list,   describe the activities you will engage students in to allow them to explore,   practice, and apply the content and academic language. Bold any activities you will use in the lesson. Also, include   formative questioning strategies and higher order thinking questions you   might pose. 

For example:

· I will   use a matching card activity where   students will need to find a partner with a card that has an answer that   matches their number sentence.

· I will model   one example of solving a number sentence on the white board before having   students search for the matching card. 

· I will   then have the partner who has the number sentence explain to their partner   how they got the answer. 

Explain how you will differentiate   activities for each of the following groups: 

· English language learners (ELL):

· Students with special needs:

· Students with gifted abilities:

· Early finishers (those students who finish   early and may need additional resources/support):

Time   Needed

Multiple Means of   Expression

Learners differ in the ways they navigate a   learning environment and express what they know. Your goal in this section is   to explain the various ways in which your students will demonstrate what they   have learned. Explain how you will provide alternative means for response,   selection, and composition to accommodate all learners. Will you tier any of   these products? Will you offer students choicesto demonstrate mastery? This section   is essentially differentiated assessment.

In a bulleted list, explain the options you   willprovide for your students to express their knowledge about the topic. For   example, students may demonstrate their knowledge in more summative ways through a short answer   or multiple-choice test, multimedia presentation, video, speech to text,   website, written sentence, paragraph, essay, poster, portfolio, hands-on   project, experiment, reflection, blog post, or skit. Bold the names of any summative assessments. 

Students may also demonstrate their   knowledge in ways that are more formative. For example, students may   take part in thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down, a short essay or drawing,   an entrance slip or exit ticket, mini-whiteboard answers, fist to five,   electronic quiz games, running records, four corners, or hand raising.Underlinethe   names of any formative assessments.

For example:

Students will complete a one-paragraph reflection on the   in-class simulation they experienced. They will be expected to write the   reflection using complete sentences, proper capitalization and punctuation,   and utilize an example from the simulation to demonstrate their   understanding. Students will also take part in formative assessments   throughout the lesson, such as thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down and   pair-share discussions, where you will determine if you need to   re-teach or re-direct learning.

Explain how you will differentiate assessments   for each of the following groups: 

· English language learners (ELL):

· Students with special needs:

· Students with gifted abilities:

· Early finishers (those students who finish   early and may need additional resources/support):

Time   Needed

Extension Activity   and/or Homework

Identify   and describe any extension activities or homework tasks as appropriate.   Explain how the extension activity or homework assignment supports the learning   targets/objectives. As required by your instructor,   attach any copies of homework at the end of   this template.





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8 soft skills that are important to have in a healthcare position.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussion and any insights you gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


Write a 2000-2500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be eight sections, (about one double-spaced page) for each soft skill. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading (level one heading) that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Create an essay on soft skills in healthcare

List and identify a minimum of 8 soft skills that are important to have in a healthcare position.

Describe the importance of each soft skill and provide an example of how it may be used in a healthcare setting.

Provide one page for each soft skill (min 250 words). In each paragraph, highlight in yellow a minimum of two medical terms. Identify five nouns, five pronouns, five verbs, five adjectives, and five adverbs by placing the appropriate mark before the word. [ i.e. (n), (pn), (v), (aj), (av)]

Assignment Expectations

Length: 2000-2500 words; answers must thoroughly address the prompts in a clear, concise manner

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment. Each of the soft skills must use a level one heading to divide the paragraphs.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly citations to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

Filename: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)





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Important marketing concepts

Principle of Marketing Discussion 

For our final discussion:

  • Describe the three important marketing concepts you learned about in this course.
  • Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position.

Week 11 Critical Thinking Discussion          

Please respond to the following:

  • Give your opinion on whether being an effective critical thinker makes decision making easier or more challenging. Talk about concrete decisions you had to or will have to make. Justify your response.
  • Consider the following statement: “The major difference between a successful person and one who is not successful is that the successful person, over time, tends to make better decisions than the less successful person.” Discuss whether you believe this statement to be true. Explain the fundamental ways in which effectively applying critical-thinking concepts has helped you to become more successful.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts





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Why is resilience in mental health important?

Mental Healthcare Practice – Assignment: Discuss on the concept of resilience in mental health.
Chapter 1: Introduction
• Why is resilience in mental health important?
• Overview of resilience in mental health
• Overview of the variables/key concept of the Assignment
Chapter 2: Lietrature Review and Discussion
• Define the concept of resilience in mental health
• Factors influencing resilience in mental health
• Add theories/models or case study
• Discussion of the theories/models or case study used
Chapter 3:
• critical analysis of theories/models/case studies
• reflection
• conclusion; briefly restate your main argument, evaluate your ideas and summarise your conclusions
Format and marking criteria for Assignment question.
Chapter 1: Introduction • Overview of the variables/key concept of the Assignment 10 marks
Chapter 2: Literature Review & Discussion • Definitions of key concept
• Theories/models or case study 25 marks
Chapter 3: reflection/analysis and Conclusion • critical analysis of theories/models/case studies
• reflection
• conclusion; briefly restate your main argument, evaluate your ideas and summarise your conclusions 15 marks
Chapter 4 : references • Referencing Harvard style
• word limit: 2750 words
• Deadline: 5 June 2021
• Marks for assignment question: 50%
• Your assignment must be submitted together with a Turnitin report, indicating the similarity index which must not exceed 20%




NO PLAGIARISM Why is resilience in mental health important?
• Overview of resilience in mental health


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Stereotypes play an important but often negative role in defining individuals in society.

Really compare and contrast the variousworks by pointing out similarities and differences and analyzing each point of comparison thoroughly. The point of the exam isto demonstrate the range of your knowledge, so try to avoid repeating yourself and refer to as many different works as possible.Each answer should be between 750-1500 words. The test is open book, and you are encouraged to quote, but don’t documentcourse texts or include a works-cited page.

3.    Stereotypes play an important but often negative role in defining individuals in society. Many of the authors we encountered use stereotypes to question how individuals construct personal identity in a social context. Compare how three authors employed stereotypes in their works. To what extent do stereotypes define the characters, or are they successful in transcending them? How do characters employ stereotypes in their efforts to understand/dominate other characters? What are the authors attempting to convey about society by their use of stereotypes?

Use Los Vendidos by Luis Valdez, Amiri Baraka’s Dutchman, A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller

4.    This semester we discussed many works that address the varying degrees of independence that women have had at different times and places. Compare at least three women from three different works. How are their situations similar and how do their experiences as women differ in regard to time period, living situation, class, and ethnicity? Use Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska, Recitatif by Toni Morrison, A good Man is hard to find by Flannery O’Conner.





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            Stereotyping is a phenomenon that has affected every society in the world in one way or another. The most common form of stereotyping in American society is racial and ethnic discrimination and the minority communities i.e. African American and Mexican Americans have suffered the most. As a result, these two communities have negatively suffered from stereotyping to an extend that some members of the community feel ashamed to be associated with their culture and traditions. This paper analyzed how three authors have used stereotyping in the writing. The first author is Luiz Valdez in his play ‘Los Vendidos’. The plot of the play revolves around a Mexican American lady who worked as secretary in the office of governor Ms. Jimenez.

            Despite being a Latino, Ms. Jimenez do not want to associate herself with Mexican culture and tradition. She had to color her………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….




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Why is it important for you to know and achieve the BSHA Student Learning Outcomes?

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions: Why is it important for you to know and achieve the BSHA Student Learning Outcomes? How will you work toward achieving them during your program? Explain your answer.

BSHA Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyze a health care organization from a market-based perspective.

2. Analyze financial and economic issues in the health care industry.

3. Examine the impact of legal and regulatory requirements on the delivery of health care.

4. Examine the application of risk and quality management concepts in the health care industry.

5. Analyze the utilization and application of technology within a health care organization.

6. Apply management and adaptable leadership skills in the health care industry





Health Administration program

Why is it important for you to know and achieve the BSHA Student Learning Outcomes?

            There is no doubt that job market today continues to be very competitive and mostly only the best graduates are observed. To beat the competitiveness, most graduates have increased their level of education by going for degrees and advance diploma. Analysis of job market have showed that most jobs requires a college degree for the applicants to be considered. This underpin the importance of attending college, performing excellently and acquiring a college degree. It is also imperative to attain college education since it prepares students to tackle challenging management issues as well as expose them to more opportunities in the job market.             In addition, college degree equips students with values, knowledge and skills, thus leading to higher salaries and getting a more employment. For this case, the focus is student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (BSHA). It is important to note that various degree programs are offered in different college and for the student to successfully achieve the minimum requirement to graduate with a specific degree program, they must achieve Student Learned Outcomes. It is imperative to clearly understand Student Learned Outcomes since it clearly outlines what the students are expected to achieve to perform specific tasks in their area of specialty. For instance, after attaining the BSHA, a student is expected to able to successfully manage medical offices, nursing…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Firm understanding of how important operations management and operational quality management is to every successful organization

Many discussion opportunities come up where you need to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. Please take this opportunity to introduce yourself and to learn something about each other. Then, address the Discussion topic after you have completed your Reading. Quality Management At this juncture, you should have a firm understanding of how important operations management and operational quality management is to every successful organization. This Discussion topic challenge relates to quality and an organization’s constant search for continuous improvement. Please answer the following: Select a company or organization that, in your personal experience, has produced products of “high quality.” Select one product, from the company named, that you personally believe to be of exceptional quality and appraise the specific characteristics of the product that make it “high quality.” Select a product (from the same company or from another company) that you believe is of “poor quality.” Appraise why you found the product of “poor quality” by describing and listing any defects, and suggest ways in which that organization could improve the product’s quality.






Quality Management Discussion

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Quality and Organization’s Constant Search for Continuous Improvement

            Telecommunication is one of the few industry sectors that have seen the rise in the number of manufacturers. There are now many Smartphone manufacturers, who have come up with various mobile devices to serve the increasing demand in the market. However, once company that I think stand out from the rest is the Apple Inc. When one thinks about Apple, one think that comes into the mind is quality. One of the products from the company that I used is their latest iPhone X. Launched to coincide with the company’s 10th anniversary, the iPhone X is perhaps one of its kind. The mobile device has face detection that is better than fingerprint sensor, its battery life is stunning, it can withstand high abrasive force than any other mobile device and above all the phone boasts and impressive 5.8inch screen.

            One company that has been competing with apple is the Samsung Company. One of its products that I have used is their Samsung galaxy core 2 duo Smartphone. The Smartphone has a glass screen that can easily break and easily scratched. The mobile device has a poor battery life, which lasts barely a half a day under heavy usage. In addition, the Smartphone has a screen that offers a 4.5inches display, with no security features such as fingerprint sensor or face detection.             In order for Samsung to improve its Samsung Galaxy Core 2 Duo device, there is need for the company to incorporate good security features in the design. The presence of only patter lock is a simple security feature that can be by-passed easily. The screen and the camera must also be improved; the glass screen should be replaced…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISMGet 100% Original papers from the writing experts

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Strategic management is/could/should be relevant and important for Human Resources

Prepare and share with their team a brief (maximum 500 – 750 word) report that examines whether, how, and why strategic management is/could/should be relevant and important for Human Resources. As part of this report, each member will lay out a career pattern in the company Verizon which is consistent with Human Resources.

 To reiterate, each member will strategize on how they, in particular, will apply the strategic planning concepts and ideas of this class to be successful in Human Resource in a Verizon company.





How, and Why Strategic Management Is/Could/Should Be Relevant and Important For Human Resources

(Course Instructor)

(Student’s Name)


Why Strategic Management is Important to Human Resources

            The human resources are a vital component of the organization towards its achievement of goals and objectives (Mello, 2014). Owing to its importance, the human resources management has becomes a common place for many successful companies such as Verizon, CVS pharmacy and Apple among others. The concept has evolved over the years, from personnel management to strategic human resource management. Strategic management has since become an important aspect of human resources.

            The development of strategic plans always ensures that plans for each organization resource are planned in conjunction with each other (Mello, 2014). This should be done because organization resources are interdependent. Whatever is planned for and acted upon often has a bearing on the other organization resources. Therefore, it is pertinent that the human resources professional have a good understanding of strategic management in order to allow them to develop strategic plans for each resource.             The success of human resources depends on the type of strategy choice adopted. Strategy defines how firms position themselves in the market…………………………………………