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improving teaching and learning and are characterized by (1) skilled facilitation

Please read the passage text listed for you here and respond to reflection questions that follow along with the instructor’s comments.


Intentional Learning Communities are professional learning communities that are rigorous, collaborative, focused on learning, and built upon shared norms andvalues. They are groups of educators who meet regularly with the goal of improving teaching and learning and are characterized by (1) skilled facilitation and (2) theuse of protocols to guide adult learning. In summary, they need to be intentional(School Reform Initiative, 2019). 

IMPLEMENTATION SPOTLIGHT BY KARI THIEREREngaging in challenging conversations takes time, a culture of trust that allows for risk-taking, an intentional agenda, and skilled facilitation. These four elements combine to grow the capacity of educators to learn from and with one another; and develop an equity lens that pushes them to have a fierce commitment to serving each and every student. Only after creating these communities is the foundation laid for meaningful development of universally designed learning experiences

Dedicating Time to Intentional Learning CommunitiesThere is never enough time in the day for us to do all that we need to do, so peer collaboration time has to be beneficial both for individual growth as well as to inform instructional practice.Developing community and doing intentional work around educational equity takes time.1.) In most schools, the structures for such conversations are already in place–that is, the weekly team meetings that go by a variety of names, such as common planning time, data teams, or PLCS. With Intentional Learning Communities, we apply an equity lens to every endeavor. We need to use the time we have to probe matters of great urgency. Advocate to help facilitate the session so you and your colleagues can begin to have difficult conversations.

2.) Once you have identified time for Intentional Learning Communities to meet, do not allow it to be interrupted by the menagerie of disruptions that affect schools. Protect time to think about your practice rather than talking about lunch duty or the upcoming field trips. Those other conversations are important too, but what often happens is that the immediate gets our attention, and we neglect the long-term conversations that lead to improved instruction and equity. The deeper conversations get pushed to the occasional professional development day or before/after the school year: Regular, ongoing collaboration time is essential for schools to take up issues of social justice and equity that will improve school success for all students.

Time often gets blamed as an excuse to avoid challenging conversations. If the school is committed to serving all students, then that commitment needs to be demonstrated through the way we use the time we already have. We make time for what is important.

Intentional Culture BuildingIn order to increase engagement in UDL, we have to minimize threats and distractions. For some practitioners, conversations about race, class, and educational equity can cause anxiety, fear, and guilt. Developing a culture of trust is imperative for us to feel safe enough to take risks and know that we will be supported. This does not mean creating a space where people do not feel discomfort; on the contrary, discomfort is an important part of this equity-based work. 

Setting AgreementsMany of you are likely familiar with the concept of norms or agreements. However, in equity work, these agreements need to go deeper. Agreements are important for groups to define so they know how they will be working together. They help to create the conditions for risk. taking, building trust, and mutual accountability for the improvement of instructional practice and individual learning. Within social justice and equity work, these agreements need to be thoughtfully developed and analyzed.      Gorski (2019) writes, “Too often, ground rules that are put in place, whether by an educator/ facilitator or by participants, privilege the already-privileged groups in a dialogical experience. For example, in a dialogue about race, white participants will often support ground rules meant to keep anger out of the discussion- ground rules focused keeping them comfortable. When we consider who is protected by ground rules like ‘do not express anger,’ it becomes apparent that, intentionally or not, they protect the participants representing privileged groups.”     When developing agreements, it is important to be open and honest about what each person needs in order to make the space work for them and their learning. Agreements are also living and must be revisited regularly. As a group grows, what they need shifts, and the agreements should grow and shift with the individuals of the learning community. There are some great examples of agreements that have been developed by equity-based facilitators.

Planning Your WorkOnce your learning community has discussed how to work together allocating time, shared understanding of why, and agreements to begin to build the culture – then it is time to plan the learning of the group. Intentional planning is necessary so that people are pushed into their risk zones, while avoiding places that are too comfortable or too dangerous. The work the learning community engages in must be thoughtfully scaffolded to keep people at their growing edge. It is helpful to think of this scaffold in terms of risk- starting with lower-risk learning and moving the group into more challenging and risky spaces.     Protocols that structure conversations are instrumental to helping groups engage and stay in challenging conversations. As group members are beginning to work with one another, protocols serve as a system to hold the group, as participants begin to develop the skills, knowledge, and dispositions of surfacing and challenging assumptions and biases. 

Opening MovesOpening moves are activities and practices that include learning with and from one another and beginning to build a community. Opening moves are designed to help individuals and groups learn more about themselves as individuals and as educators and start to uncover their own assumptions, biases, and beliefs. In this phase, protocols help provide the structure for engaging in honest conversations that allow reflection on individual practices and beliefs and help guide and focus such conversations through active listening and questioning skills. A few protocols (all freely available on the SRI website) that are helpful in this stage of community building include: 

1.)  Micro Labs. A protocol designed to build active listening skills within a group while also allowing group members to learn more about one another and their practice. It involves participants working in triads, with each participant answering a specific sequence of questions There is no discussion, just listening. Questions can be related to a person’s educational journey. experience with equity conversations, understanding of pedagogy, and So forth The questions allow a group to grow together by deeply listening to one another.

2.)  Paseo/Circles of Identity. This protocol helps groups to begin to examine issues of identity, diversity, beliefs and values. The protocol asks participants to think about the different elements of their own identity, allowing participants to reflect on their own, while also learning to listen and talk with others about identity.

     Each of these protocols works to help participants know each other as individuals, not just in their role at the school/organization, but who they are and how they show up in the world. Identity is a key component of engaging in conversations about race and social justice. It is important for educators to explore their own racial identity, so they can think deeply about the implications of their identity on their teaching practice. 

Going DeeperAs participants in your learning community begin to know each other, the group will be able to go deeper into issues of race and equity. In this phase of group development, protocols can help support the group to have conversations about race and equity in a variety of ways.1.) Use text protocols to make meaning of articles or books the group reads together. Texts that focus on issues of race, white fragility, and implicit bias are all helpful to develop an equity lens and begin to support the group’s conversations. As group members have built community, they will be able to have more meaningful conversations about the texts they read, focusing on the implications on teaching and learning for the students they serve.

2.) Look at data through an equity lens. As groups begin to develop skill at having conversations about race and equity, the next step is to analyze data through an equity lens. Who are the students who are not being served by our school? How do the policies and practices we enact privilege some students, while potentially oppressing others? How do the units of study we provide represent the cultural diversity of the students we serve and the world we live in? Data becomes more than the quantitative numbers that are gathered from standardized tests and broadens to include evidence about attendance and discipline, as well as looking deeply at student work.

Skilled FacilitationIntentional Learning Communities do not just happen, they take time and care. Growingyour capacity and the capacity of your colleagues to engage in these types of communities means helping to grow the facilitation skills of your team. Protocols alone cannot hold a group completely and help them go as deeply as they need to go. A facilitator with experience in protocols and an understanding of adult learning theory can help both support and grow groups to develop the capacity to engage and stay in conversations, Growing capacity is necessary for the long-term viability of an intentional learning community and for the larger organization.     As your learning community practices collaboration and reflective dialogue, with anemphasis on race and equity, you will grow your capacity to continue to go deeper. Ultimately, the goal is to help you and your colleagues know yourselves and each other well, begin to know your students, and to use this newly developed equity lens to create a teaching and learning environment that is designed to support the success of all students. These practices move beyond the traditional learning communities and into the Intentional Learning Communities that will ultimately shift practice. 


Begin instructor’s notes and commentary for the assignment:

If we, as educators, are truly committed to educational equity, then we have to learn how to engage in challenging conversations about race. These conversations cannot only be theoretical but must also dig deep into how race and bias impact our teaching and learning practices. It isn’t enough to say, “We are committed to equity,” and then go about business as usual without interrogating our practices and our systems.

This has become a frequent notion – by words – diversity, equity, equality, inclusion – as if the inclusion of the words or the creation of a statement solves the problem.

It does not. Equity work is active. It is doing and inspiring others to do the same. It is modeling the very behavior you wish to see in your teachers – and your students. The text mentions the creation of Intentional Learning Communities. These are communities committed to Universal Design for Learning, but that also allows us to become comfortable with discomfort and topics that are not always easy to talk about. These are the most necessary conversations of all.

Referring to the above passage text, create an Intentional Learning Community that you feel needs to happen within the school you plan to teach at, (grades 6-12, respectively: middle and high schools). How would you go about building your community? What activities would you include to build trust and to aid in the creation of a supportive environment? What would your ground rules be? How would you approach those resistant to these communities? After giving a brief narrative response to the above questions – please answer the reflection questions below and include those answers within the same document.


•           Leaning into discomfort can be challenging but it is such an important part of growth and learning. How can examining and sharing your own beliefs and biases help to create a space for more equitable systems and policies?

•           How can protocols such as Micro Labs and Circles of Identity help your Intentional Learning Community facilitate difficult conversations and growth? And why is it important to go beyond these protocols to have deeper, more meaningful conversations?

•           Think about your school or district. Who do you think are the students who are not being served? Do you think there are certain policies and practices that privilege some students, while potentially oppressing others? Write down your answers and examine them after you analyze data to see where your inclinations may not be in line with the data.

•           What makes fostering collaboration and community within an Intentional Learning Community a critical strategy to provide multiple means of engagement?

•           How can minimizing threats and distractions lead to increased engagement when having difficult conversations with our colleagues about social justice?

•           How is expert teaching linked to expert learning?

•           After reviewing the key considerations for an Intentional Learning Community, do you believe that you have this type of professional learning community in your school? Why or why not? In your position, how could you help to build it?       

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Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare

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  1. Competency
    Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.

    Reforming healthcare delivery to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at the right time in the right setting.
    You have been hired as an expert consultant for the American Medical Association (AMA) to deliver a presentation to a physicians group regarding various barriers to improving, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. The AMA’s meeting is entitled “Healthcare Reform: Understanding the Obstacles that Hinder Us.”

    Research the following:
    • Three economic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Create a voiceover PowerPoint presentation, providing the physicians group with the information you’ve gathered on the economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare in the United States.

    • APA formatting for the reference list, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available here.
    • Click this link for help on creating a PowerPoint presentation.
    • Click this link for help on creating an audio recording for a PowerPoint presentation


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Current priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of New Zealander


Current priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders
Examples of key priority areas for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa:
• healthy ageing and supporting elderly people to live well and at home longer
• suicide prevention
• reduction of harm caused by tobacco
• reducing disparity of health outcomes for Maori
Choose five key priority areas for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa that impact your role or the people you support.
Answer the questions for each key priority area:
• What is the key priority area?
• Why is this a key priority area?
• How will addressing it contribute to the health and wellbeing outcomes of the people of Aotearoa?
• Why is this priority relevant to your own role?
Examples of challenges for health and wellbeing in Aotearoa include:
• complexity and silos in the system
• increasing costs
• ageing population
• differences in outcomes between ethnic groups (including Maori and Pasifika)
Choose five challenges present in Aotearoas health and wellbeing sector that makes it difficult to improve the health and wellbeing of people you support.
Each of the challenges must relate to a key priority area you identified in questions 1-5.
Answer the questions for each challenge:
• What is the challenge?
• How does this challenge create a barrier to improving health and wellbeing outcomes for New Zealanders?
• How does this challenge impact on your role?
• How does this challenge impact the people you support?
Question 6
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Challenge 1
Question 1
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Key priority area 1
What is the key priority area?
Why is it a key priority area?
How will addressing it contribute to the health and wellbeing outcomes of the people of Aotearoa?
Why is this priority relevant to your own role?
Current initiatives for improving the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders
Smokefree New Zealand 2025 is an example of a government initiative designed to address the harmful effects of smoking on the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.
Lets Get Real is an example of a sector initiative developed for everyone in health working with people and whanau with mental health and addiction needs.
Te Manaaki Tangata E Rua from Te Puea Marae is an example of a local community initiative developed to support whanau Maori in south Auckland who are homeless using tikanga Maori.
Choose three initiatives that are relevant to your role and one of the priorities you have identified.
Answer the questions for each initiative:
• What is the initiative?
• What is the goal of the initiative?
• How does this initiative aim to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders?
• How is this initiative responding to a key priority you chose in task 1?
• What is new or different about this initiative compared to other recent or previous strategies?
• How does this initiative impact on you and your workplace?
• How does this initiative impact on the people you support and their whanau or community?
Question 1
What is the initiative?
What is the goal of the initiative?
How does this initiative aim to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders?
How is this initiative responding to a key priority you chose in task 1?
What is new or different about this initiative compared to other recent or previous strategies?
How does this initiative impact on you and your workplace?
How does this initiative impact on the people you support and their whanau or community?





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organization has been awarded a DOJ grant to develop a community initiative for improving racial equity.

Your organization has been awarded a DOJ grant to develop a community initiative for improving racial equity. You, as the law enforcement manager, have been assigned the task of developing a community-based team that will oversee the implementation of the initiative. The mission of the Race and Social Justice Strategy Team’s task is to end racism and achieve racial equity in the city’s practices, policies, and culture.

In a 1,250-1,500-word essay, complete the following:

  1. Briefly describe six different constituents/stakeholders on your team (organization, title, and influence in the community).
  2. As the team’s leader, discuss your perception of your sphere of influence.
  3. What roles will each of your team member’s play within the group? Are there team member’s who will have dual roles?
  4. Describe three types of power that you as the manager may need to use to effectively lead this team. Give examples.
  5. Describe specific strategies that you as the team manager will implement to keep the team motivated and on task (4.2).
  6. Describe what you hope to accomplish and within what timeframe.
  7. Describe how you will evaluate the success of the team’s substantive contribution to the mission.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

This Benchmark assesses competency 4.2: Recommend strategies to build relationships and communicate ethically with various stakeholder

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Potential for improving outcomes for CORVID19 and future similar pandemics

CORVID-19 has caused global pandemic that has caused widespread illness and death and has wreaked havoc on the worlds economy. If we compare it to the pandemic of 1918 we find many of the issues that arose then are arising today. For example during that epidemic some experts recommended face coverings, yet many people refused to use them. One advantage we have is current and potential technology. The slide presentation described promising technology that may prove to be effective tools against the next pandemic. For this discussion forum, respond to the following question:  Which two technologies, described in the special topics lecture, do you think have the most potential for improving outcomes for CORVID19 and future similar pandemics?  Explain why you selected each one.

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Improving patient care and outcomes is paramount to the practice of nursing

Improving patient care and outcomes is paramount to the practice of nursing. As we conclude our learning journey through our world of research and evidence-based practice, it is important to reflect upon your time spent in the course:

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Improving Teamwork: Collaboration, Coordination, and Conflict Resolution

Read Finkelman (2016), Chapter 13: Improving Teamwork: Collaboration, Coordination, and Conflict Resolution, section on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, pp. 324-333. Observe nurses in a care delivery setting. Identify a recurring conflict with the potential to negatively impact patient care. Decide if delegation was an issue in the conflict. This should be from your practice setting or prelicensure experiences. Provide details of what happened, including who was involved, what was said, where it occurred, and what was the outcome that led you to decide the conflict was unresolved. Identify the type of conflict. Explain your rationale for selecting this type. Outline the four stages of conflict, as described in our text, and how they relate to your example. Propose strategies to resolve the conflict. Search scholarly sources in the library and the Internet for evidence on what may be effective. Discuss if delegation was an issue in the conflict. Be specific. Describe how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to reach consensus on the best strategy to employ to deal with the conflict. Describe the rationale for selecting the best strategy. Provide a summary or conclusion about this experience or assignment and how you may deal with conflict more effectively in the future. Type your paper using Microsoft Word 2010 or later. Follow APA format. Consult your APA manual, and consider using the APA resources provided by Chamberlain. Write a 5-7 page paper (not including the title or References pages) using APA format that includes the following. Describe an unresolved (recurring) conflict that you experienced or observed. Identify the type of conflict. Provide details of what happened, including who was involved, what was said, where it occurred, and what was the outcome that led you to decide the conflict was unresolved. Outline the four stages of conflict, as described in Finkelman, and how the stages relate to your example. Decide if delegation was an issue in the conflict. Be specific. Describe the strategies for conflict resolution and how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to resolve the conflict. Cites the course textbook and two scholarly sources. Provide a conclusion or summary about this experience and how you may deal with conflict more effectively in the future

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Vila Health plans to use existing data to develop a strategy for improving and ensuring communication and continuity within its growing system

Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


Vila Health plans to use existing data to develop a strategy for improving and ensuring communication and continuity within its growing system. As a member of the health information management department, you have been asked to help by proposing strategies for meeting the data needs of Vila Health.

Complete the Vila Health: Using Data for Decision Making interactive simulation, linked in the Resources. Interview employees in various departments and develop an understanding of their data needs.


Write an executive summary explaining the data needs of the organization and proposing strategies for meeting those needs.

Note: Remember that you can submit all—or a portion of—your draft executive summary to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.

Document Format and Length

Format your executive summary using APA style.

  • Use the APA Style Paper Template, linked in the Required Resources. An APA Style Paper Tutorial is also provided (linked in the Suggested Resources) to help you in writing and formatting your executive summary. Be sure to include:
    • A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
    • A running head on all pages.
    • Appropriate section headings.
  • Your executive summary should be 5–6 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
Supporting Evidence

Cite at least two sources of credible scholarly or professional evidence to support your executive summary.

Executive Summary

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your executive summary addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Using Data for Decision Making Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

  • Describe the types of internal data available within a health care system.
    • Consider the data needs of decision makers, such as unit managers, department heads, and hospital administrators.
  • Describe the types of external data available within a health care system.
    • Consider the data needs of decision makers, such as unit managers, department heads, and hospital administrators.
  • Propose strategies for accessing and analyzing available data.
    • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy.
  • Provide a high-level summary of the data needs within the Vila Health system.
    • The summary should be suitable for leaders and high-level stakeholders.
    • How would you prioritize those needs?
  • Propose strategies for meeting the data needs of Vila Health.
    • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy.
  • Propose communication strategies for disseminating strategic information to end-users.
    • What evidence do you have to support your proposed strategies?
  • Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.
    • Express your main points and conclusions coherently.
    • Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your summary.

Required Resources

The following resources are required to complete the assessment.

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To what extent can Huawei adopt innovation management as a way of improving efficiency?

To what extent can Huawei adopt innovation management as a way of improving efficiency?