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Increased frequency and pain with urination

Genitourinary Assessment

CC: Increased frequency and pain with urination


T.S. is a 32-year-old woman who reports that for the past two days, she has dysuria, frequency, and urgency. Has not tried anything to help with the discomfort. Has had this symptom years ago. She is sexually active and has a new partner for the past 3 months.

Medical History:


Surgical History:

  • Tonsillectomy in 2001
  • Appendectomy in 2020

Review of Systems:

  • General: Denies weight change, positive for sleeping difficulty because e the flank pain. Feels warm.
  • Abdominal: Denies nausea and vomiting. No appetite


VSS T = 37.3°C, P = 102/min, RR = 16/min, and BP = 116/74 mm Hg.

Pelvic Exam:

  • mild tenderness to palpation in the suprapubic area
  • bimanual pelvic examination reveals a normal-sized uterus and adnexa
  • no adnexal tenderness.
  • No vaginal discharge is noted.
  • The cervix appears normal.
  • Diagnostics: Urinalysis, STI testing, Pap smear


  • UTI
  • STI
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Increased patient satisfaction

Value-based care is a healthcare delivery model in which providers, including hospitals and physicians, are paid on the basis of patient health outcomes. Value-based care includes three key goals: improved population health, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced cost. Each of these goals affects the stakeholders differently. For example, value-based care aims to lower costs across the board, which would result in the insurance companies having to pay lower reimbursements. If insurance companies incur lower costs, they are less likely to raise premiums and deductibles.

Before you begin working on the assignment, review the module learning resources. These resources will help you with additional guidance to complete this assignment.

In this assignment, you will choose two acute care hospitals in your state. Do not select critical access hospitals for comparative analysis. Because critical access hospitals are exempted from sharing information with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), you may not get enough information about these hospitals for comparison. You will compare the selected hospitals on the basis of various quality metrics defined by the CMS. Then, you will conduct a comparative analysis of both the hospitals using specific quality metrics: patient survey ratings, complications, and death rates and unplanned hospital visits. This analysis will help you understand how value-based care and quality metrics in healthcare impact stakeholders. Also, this assignment will help you understand how stakeholders influence the decision-making process in healthcare.


To complete this assignment, you will submit an analysis report that includes the comparative analysis of two chosen hospitals. In this assignment, you will choose two acute care hospitals from your state and conduct a comparative analysis. Use module resources to understand how to conduct the comparative analysis on selected hospitals. You will use quality metrics and national benchmarks defined by the CMS. You will then create an analysis report that includes the comparative table and a summary of your analysis to demonstrate your findings.

You must cite at least three sources to support your claims. For additional help with completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Selection of Hospitals: Justify your selection of two acute care hospitals for comparative analysis.
  2. Analysis of Patient Survey Ratings: Analyze the comparative performance of selected hospitals pertaining to patient survey ratings quality metrics. Consider the following questions in your response:
    1. How does the patient survey quality metric impact the government and private insurance reimbursement?
    2. Why is the patient survey one of the essential quality metrics for value-based care?
    3. Did underserved/vulnerable populations participate in the patient survey? Why is their inclusion essential?
  3. Analysis of Complication and Death Rates: Analyze the comparative performance of selected hospitals pertaining to complication and death rate quality metrics. Consider the following questions in your response:
    1. How do complication and death rate quality metrics impact the government and private insurance reimbursement?
    2. How do the complication and death rates impact value-based care?
  4. Analysis of Unplanned Hospital Visit Ratings: Analyze the comparative performance of selected hospitals pertaining to the unplanned hospital visits quality metric. Consider the following questions in your response:
    1. How does the unplanned hospital visits quality metric impact the government and private insurance reimbursement?
    2. What does the unplanned hospital visits quality metric indicate about value-based care?
  5. Summary of Analysis: Summarize your findings from your comparative analysis of the two hospitals. Include the national benchmarks for the quality metrics you have used for your analyses. Consider the following questions in your response:
    1. How do value-based care quality metrics impact healthcare stakeholders such as insurance providers, hospitals, and patients?
    2. Do the mentioned three quality metrics or any other quality metrics defined by the CMS include underserved/vulnerable populations’ challenges related to value-based care?

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style

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New and/or increased workplace responsibilities



We have all experienced workplace or personal changes that require us to adapt quickly. Select one of the changes below, and explain how you have used your agility skill to adapt to that change in the past. Or, explain how you would use your agility skill to adapt to it in the future.

  1. New and/or increased workplace responsibilities.
  2. Change in supervisor.
  3. Starting a new job.

Typically a substantial post consists of 5-7 sentences, and a peer response with 2-4 complete sentences. A substantial discussion forum response should make connections to course content, professional experiences, and personal experiences. 

Week 11 Discussion 

Reflect on how practicing your initiative skill in this course has made you a stronger communicator.

Then, provide specific examples for how you have taken initiative in one of the areas below and explain how it has improved your communication in that area.

  1. Collaborating with others.
  2. Addressing interpersonal conflict.
  3. Presenting an articulate argument.

Typically a substantial post consists of 5-7 sentences, and a peer response with 2-4 complete sentences. A substantial discussion forum response should make connections to course content, professional experiences, and personal experiences. 

Small Business Management

Week 10 Discussion 

Please respond to the following:

  • As a new small business owner, what can you do to make sure you hire the right person for the job? What are some ways to manage and foster productivity among virtual employees? Lastly, what is one benefit that motivated you as an employee that you would offer your employees to motivate them?
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 11 Discussion 

Please respond to the following:

  • You did it! You have reached the end of this course. In doing so, you have developed your skills and gained a better understanding of entrepreneurship and small business management. Please continue to apply what you have learned to future coursework and in your career.
  • For our last discussion, reflect on your experience in this course. Identify which concept or topic you enjoyed learning about. Identify which concept or topic will serve you most in your business career. Detail how you will use what you learned.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts


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A risk factor is a variable associated with an increased risk of disease

A risk factor is a variable associated with an increased risk of disease, mental health challenges, academic delays, developmental delays, poor relationships or boundary-setting, etc.

This should address a specific risk factor, clearly explain why it is a risk factor, and offer quick guidance on how to combat it/overcome it, move the needle forward to decrease the risk, or where to go for support and resources. Think of empowering them with information and actionable steps!

● You will have the option to be creative by creating an awareness campaign via:

○ An ad that can go on buses, freeway signs, benches ○ A Tik-Tok video or set of Instagram slides ○ A YouTube or facebook video where you share PowerPoint slides

or get creative with how you visually demonstrate the material (don’t just record yourself talking).

○ An interactive webpage or PDF (with working links) ● If you have the consent of others, they may also appear in your campaign but

you have to do the work of coming up with the content, script, editing, etc. ● In true form, campaigns are meant to be disseminated widely, captivating so

that they get your message across quickly, easily shareable and accessible. ● This is a useful exercise because social media and technology play an

important role in reaching parents and children/adolescents – especially now that COVID-19 has pushed the need for virtual communication and has increased isolation for many.

In a document include:

1. Target population. Be Specific! ○ What group of parents are you targeting? Some things to

consider: ○ The age of their children. Do you want to

target parents with teens, infants, middle schoolers, etc

○ The geographic area that they live in. Do you want to target parents who live in an area with high levels of air pollution or pesticides? Or parents with little access to non-processed foods?

○ The social climate and context. Are you targeting parents in a school district with depleting funds/resources? Or parents whose

kids may be experiencing heightened levels of discrimination due to socio-political discourse?

○ Physical (dis)abilities. Do you want to reach parents of children with a specific physical need or health challenge (e.g., hard of hearing, blind, wheelchair-bound)?

○ Health issues. Do you want to reach parents with a specific health issue (e.g., diabetes, asthma, cancer)?

○ Family structure. Do you want to target separated/divorced co-parenting parents? Or military families who travel often or go long periods without seeing one parent? Incarcerated parents or the parent who is not incarcerated but whose partner is? Parents living in multigenerational homes?

○ Other ideas: Recent immigrant parents who are not fluent in English? Young teen parents, who have been kicked out? Parents in college?

2. The risk factor your campaign is addressing. Be Specific, go beyond saying poverty!

○ For example: ○ Having low access to libraries, educational

materials for the home, or to enrichment activities outside the home

○ Living in food deserts or living near freeways or factories

○ Social isolation or poor relational (community, school, or family) support

○ Decreased access to mental health services or academic counseling

3. What does this risk factor increase the chances of? Be thorough and detailed in explaining how/why it increases the risk of certain outcomes.

○ The risk of falling behind academically (e.g., the number of vocabulary words a child knows – example: NYC Read The City)

○ The risk of health-related challenges (e.g., malnutrition, asthma)

○ The risk of drug use, early sexual activity, gang membership, increased displays of anger or frustration, etc

○ The risk of heightened anxiety, depression, poor or lacking goal setting, poor daily routines, etc

4. How can parents positively intervene, make social or environmental changes, adjust home life or communication approaches, be advocates for their children, locate and access resources, etc to remove the risk factor or create buffers to decrease the chances of the risk factor from leading to negative outcomes or experiences.

○ Empower them! ○ Avoid placing blame on the parents and avoid using

deficit-based language ○ Provide specific actionable steps

5. What strategy would you use to disseminate the campaign and raise awareness?

○ What organizations would you partner with if any? Why or why not?

○ What media outlets, platforms, or physical spaces would you use to showcase the campaign material? Why?

○ How long would the campaign run for? Are you choosing to run it in a particular month, week, or season? Why?

6. References ○ Minimum of 3 citations in APA format at the end ○ Also…use in-text citations in the word doc but no need to

include them in your actual awareness campaign material

○ Your references can be peer-reviewed journal articles, policy briefs, or brief reports

* Attach your actual campaign material either as an embedded link within the document, an image posted at the end of the document, or as a separate document. Whichever works best for your content.

*Your visual should be clear and captivating. You do not need to have everything you write out in the document above written or displayed in your actual visual. However, your campaign material should truly be in alignment with what you described in the document. Think about what your message is and what you want to promote and avoid highlighting what you don’t want parents to do or say (instead focus on what they can do or say to buffer against the risk factor being addressed)


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increased customer satisfaction

 ABC Consulting is an accounting firm located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. ABC Consulting was founded in 2010 and has experienced some strong growth over the years. The firm currently employs over 20 accountants and 11 support staff. As the company has grown, the needs of the business have also changed.

John Reese, the founder of ABC Consulting, is increasingly concerned with the cost of administrative overhead, saying “What worked for us to keep five accountants organized just isn’t working for twenty accountants.” Administrative costs for the company are growing too rapidly. John has chartered a project to develop a time and billing system, which is a system that will be used by the accountants to log their time to specific jobs. The system will produce invoices and timesheets and will be developed by Simply Agile Business Consulting, a software development firm where you are the BA.

You have prepared and conducted elicitation with John and key stakeholders in ABC Consulting. You have documented your elicitation results and findings, as follows:

ABC Consulting needs to automate the management of employee timesheets. This need is aligned with the goal of holding a position of operational excellence in the industry. This project will reduce average cost to administer a timesheet by 75% in the next nine months, and will produce the following outcomes:

  • increased customer satisfaction; and
  • reduced administration costs.

The project will be executed by Simply Agile Business Consulting and focus on requirements and business analysis. The cost for this project is $200,000, and the annual savings are $100,000, plus additional benefits.

BUSINESS NEED: Automate timesheet management.

GOAL: Hold a position of operational excellence in the industry.

OBJECTIVE: Reduce average cost to administer timesheets by 75% the next nine months.

BUSINESS PROBLEM: Timesheet management is too costly.

DESIRED OUTCOMES: Project will produce increased customer satisfaction and reduced administration costs.

Case Study Questions

In a Word document, not exceeding four pages and following APA formatting, complete the assignment according to the following instructions.

  1. In your own words, briefly describe the documented elicitation results by the business analyst.
  2. List and explain 2 guidelines and tools, as described by the BABOK, that the business analyst can use to confirm the elicitation results.
  3. Identify 2 techniques that will be most beneficial in confirming the elicitation results from John and the ABC Consulting stakeholders and provide justification for your response.
  4. Judging by the documented elicited result above, do you think that the business analyst has gathered enough information to uncover all the business needs and problems? Justify your position.
  5. Provide personal examples and references to the BABOK or course materials, where needed, to justify your arguments
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According to Zheng et al., increased central motion distance in the open-field test suggests

 1) According to Zheng et al., increased central motion distance in the open-field test suggests

a. decreased anxiety-like behavior.b. increased anxiety-like behavior.c. decreased depressive-like behavior.d. increased depressive-like behavior.

2) In the Zheng et al. study, fecal microbiota transplantation took place froma. patients with major depressive disorder to SPF mice.b. patients with major depressive disorder to GF mice.c. healthy human controls to SPF mice.d. healthy human controls to GF mice.e. mice with major depressive disorder to SPF mice.f. mice with major depressive disorder to GF mice.

3) What does ‘normalization of gut microbiota’ mean at top of p. 788? Why were the authors concerned about this? And what did they do to prevent it?

4) What are the three types of tests conducted on the mice summarized in Fig. 1 c-f and how did the authors interpret their findings?

5) Why do authors make a point of ‘post-hoc’ testing 16S RNA testing of the fecal transplant samples? Define ‘post-hoc’, ‘a priori’, and ‘ad-hoc’.

6) Why did the authors conclude that the highly abundant bacterial OTUs (rather than rare OTUs) were likely most responsible for the observed depression-like behaviors in FMT mice?

7) What are the three types of tests conducted on the mice summarized in Fig. 5 a-d and how did the authors interpret their findings?


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Because of a new product line, your company’s sales over the last few months have increased significantly

Before beginning work on this week’s discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right,” the expanded grading rubric at the end of this assignment, and any specific instructions for this week’s topic.

By the due date assigned, respond to the discussion questions below and submit your responses to the Discussion Area. By the end of the week, comment on your classmates’ responses.

Respond to the questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading.

Support your answers with examples and research and cite your research using the APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible.


Answer the following questions:

Because of a new product line, your company’s sales over the last few months have increased significantly. As a result, the amount of cash held by the company has increased to levels never experienced before. An evaluation by the company’s financial staff concludes that the company is holding too much cash. This situation is reported to the stockholders.

Explain how you think the stockholders would react to this information.

Discuss the options you have to deal with the concerns of the stockholders without creating any additional risk.

Just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems were first developed by the Japanese and quickly adopted around the globe by many large firms. One of the first to adopt the system in the United States was the automobile industry.

In your opinion, is the JIT system a system that can and should be adopted by small, individually owned firms? Why or why not?

Would the smaller firms have any advantage in terms of their ability to use such a system? Why or why not?

Describe the benefits of employing such a system in the economy.

Comment on the postings of two of your classmates. Do you agree with their position? Why or why not?

Explain your answers using examples. Comment on the postings of at least two of your classmates. Do you agree with their position? Why or why not?





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