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Segment of the fast food industry


This reflection activity is comprised of three sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.

Market Data

Consider a segment of the fast food industry such as pizza (Domino’s, Papa John’s) or burgers (Mcdonald’s, Wendy’s), fried chicken, and so on. To ground your thinking, list the names of 5 companies from the segment you choose. Respond to the following:

  • What type of market data can these companies collect?
  • How might this data be used in marketing planning?

Brand Equity

Consider a product you are familiar with. Analyze its brand equity in the following areas:

  • Brand awareness
  • Brand loyalty
  • Perceived quality
  • Brand associations
  • Brand assets

Ethical and Legal Considerations in Social Media Marketing

Find a current news article in which ethical or legal concerns have been raised regarding social media marketing. 

Describe and analyze the issue and the impact it may have on current and future marketing strategies. Consider the following questions:

Writers Solution

What are the emerging sub-markets in the fast food industry?

1. What are the emerging sub-markets in the fast food industry? What are the alternative responses available to McDonald’s, assuming that it wants to stay relevant to customers interested in healthier eating

2. Identify markets in which actual sales growth was less than expected. Why was that the case? What would you say was the most important reason why the bottom fell out of the dot-com boom? Why did all the B2B sites emerge and why did they collapse so suddenly?

3. Pick a company or brand/business on which to focus. What are the emerging sub-markets? What are the trends? What are the strategic implications of the sub-markets and trends for the major players?

4. Choose a market or sub-market on which to focus, and discuss the expected profitability for participants in that market using Porter’s five forces model. Which of the five forces make this a good market to participate in? Which forces make it a bad one? Are there any important aspects of the market that you don’t think the five forces model captures?

5.Choose a market or sub-market on which to focus, and identify a current trend in that market. Why do you think it is a real trend and not a fad? What are the drivers of the trend’s future growth? What uncertainties might affect your forecast? Can you identify another current trend in the same market that you think is actually a fad?


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New Industry (Electric Vehicle) & Automotive Industry (Current) 

Assignment details: New Industry (Electric Vehicle) & Automotive Industry (Current) 

1.     Analyze Rivalry Among Existing Competitors

Intense competition for market share can limit a company’s profits when diversifying into a new industry. Consider these questions as you describe the rivalry in your company’s existing industry.

* How many competitors currently supply engines for the automotive manufacturing industry?

* What is each competitor’s position? How much of the market share has each one captured?

* Do these companies compete intensely in the automotive industry? If so, do they engage in rivalry and lower prices to gain market share?

* Do companies compete to provide additional services or constant innovation?

Describe the rivalry among your company’s existing competitors (supplying engines to the automotive manufacturing industry).

  1. Examine Conflict Among Current Competitors
    When expanding into a new industry, a company’s profitability may be constrained by fierce rivalry for market share. As you discuss the competition in the current industry your firm is in, take into account these questions.
  • How many suppliers of engines are there today for the vehicle manufacturing industry?
  • Where does each rival stand? What percentage of the market has each one seized?
  • Do these businesses engage in fierce competition in the automobile sector? If so, do they compete with one another and cut costs to increase their market share?
  • Do businesses compete to offer more services or to innovate constantly?
    Describe the competition amongst the current rivals of your business (which provides engines to the car manufacturing industry).
  1. Examine potential threats posed by new competitors
    Determine if it is simple or difficult for new businesses to start supplying engines to the car manufacturing sector. Then, use the form below to present your conclusions. Always keep the following questions in mind:
    Are there numerous laws or legal obstacles that businesses must overcome before they can start providing engines to the car manufacturing industry?
  • Does acquiring the knowledge required to create products or offer services to the market come at a significant cost?
  • How many businesses are ready to join the automotive sector?
    Describe the dangers posed by new competitors in the car manufacturing sector.
  1. Examine the Suppliers’ Bargaining Power
    Analyze the potential influence raw material suppliers may have on pricing increases. Be careful to respond to these inquiries:
    Are there numerous suppliers, or just a select few, that offer the raw components for your product?
  • Does supplier competition influence the price of some raw materials?
    Is it probable that the price of raw materials will increase if one supplier effectively has a monopoly on certain of them? In general, how will supplier negotiating strength impact the price and simplicity of getting the materials required to sell in the automobile industry?
    Describe the car manufacturing industry’s suppliers’ negotiating position.
  1. Examine the Risk of Replacing Products
    Analyze the danger posed by replacement items for the car sector. Make sure you respond to the following inquiries:
  • Are new items in this sector on the horizon that might challenge those already on the market?
  • What may these rival products be?
  • Are these potential rival products’ production costs lower than those of the market’s present offerings?
  • Are these potential rival items superior in other ways?
  • Could these potential rival items drive your business off the market?
    Describe the danger posed by alternative items for those made in the automobile sector.
  1. Examine the Buyers’ Bargaining Power
    The more pressure customers may apply to your business to offer goods and services for less, the less customers you have. As you assess the negotiating capacity of purchasers, take into account the following:
    The number of organizations or consumer groups that now purchase the engines that your business produces for the automobile manufacturing sector. If there are just a few clients, are they able to exert pressure on the manufacturer to decrease the price of the goods. Exist any groups that allow a sizable consumer base to get together and exert pressure on a company to lower the price of its goods?
    Describe the buying power of the market in the production of automobiles. Describe the buying power of the market in the production of automobiles.
Writers Solution

Appraise various objectives and economic data needed for an industry analysis

Describe the strategic economic questions all firms must answer.

· Appraise various objectives and economic data needed for an industry analysis.

· Investigate economic data in order to determine the competitive environment of an industry.

· Interpret economic data in order to create an economic forecast for an industry.

· Determine opportunities and risks within the economic analysis.

· Critique the economic decision-making process of organizations within an industry for alignment with the VBM.


Understanding Step Four in PBL

Business managers often must choose between several courses of action. Each choice entails both direct costs and opportunity costs as well as benefits. Deciding among a group of recommendations requires understanding the consequences not only of taking a particular action but also the consequences of not taking the rejected actions. This involves making judgement calls.

For this deliverable, the goal is to see how the proposals address the problem statement. Be sure to have the problem statement clearly placed at the outset. Also, discuss your forecast of the likely impacts of each proposal, as well as opportunities and risks (both upside and downside). Finally, explain how virtuous decision making guides the desirability of each proposal.

Research and Testing

How the proposed solutions are tested depends on the characteristics of those solutions. An example in the real world might be a company offering a pricing discount in a limited area for a limited time to get an estimate of price elasticity of demand. This would provide some data in deciding whether a more general pricing strategy would work for increasing revenue. Although we are not doing those types of tests in this course, there are other methods available.

One possible method is to run scenarios (sometimes called “war games”) where each team member plays a particular person or group such as supplier, customer, or regulator. Running the scenarios would mean taking the recommended course of action and seeing how people would respond to it and finding likely outcomes.

Another possibility is for each team member to take a particular proposal and advocate for it. There can be a group discussion about the pros and cons. Quite often, this process will cause individual scenarios to move up or down in the ratings. Alternatively, a “devil’s advocate” approach would have a member take a contrary position and argue against the proposal. In the debate between the two members, the pros and cons of the proposal are clarified and eventually rejected or accepted as viable.

As you discuss the proposals, you should be bringing in the principles of VBM. Either scenario option can be accomplished in the team discussion area or in an outside meeting area, such as Zoom.

The deliverable for this step is:

· A paper that discusses and critiques the viable solutions, their pros and cons, risks associated with them, and likely impacts if adopted.

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Instructions for Deliverable

As a team learning project, the individual’s participation in the processes of the team is as important as the product produced by the team. Therefore, it is very possible that team members will earn different scores for the assignment due to individual differences in the team process. It is important to understand that low performance in the team processes has a ripple effect on other students’ contributions to the development of the final paper and its quality. This grading approach provides the ethical principle of equity in the assignment’s grades. 

1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. You can learn more about the specific skills being assessed by reviewing the links in  Problem-Based Learning Resources (new tab) .

2. Remember to review the problem and the resources available on the  Problem Overview (new tab)  page.

3. Meet as a team to ensure you have a shared understanding of the requirements for this step. As a team, use your PBL plan to outline how you will all meet the requirements individually and collectively.

4. You are to use the PBL Team Forum discussion link for the development of your deliverable. This will give the professor opportunity to coach the team, if needed. If your team chooses to use another tool to develop your PBL deliverables, you must invite the professor to join your site.

5. Develop a Solutions Report that discusses and critiques the viable solutions, their pros and cons, risks associated with them, and likely impacts if adopted.

6. Present the results of your test as organized information. Provide a brief summary of the action steps needed to strengthen your solution. Clearly indicate team members’ contributions.

7. The Solutions Report should be written in APA style.

8. One person from the team must submit the deliverable per the schedule outlined in your Team PBL Plan but no later than the end of Workshop Five




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Safety issues for the aviation industry that has arisen as a result of COVID 19

1.1 Provide a dot point summary of some of the safety issues for the aviation industry that has arisen as a result of COVID 19.
1.2 Give an account of the two commonly held perceptions of safety. Discuss the merits of each and state whether you consider it is an advantage, to society in general, that both exist simultaneously.
1.3 If you arrive at your destination on a charter flight after having had a very near mid-air collision, did you have a safe flight? Was your flight hazardous? Explain.
1.4 Discuss the importance of a safety culture within an organisation.
1.5 What is your understanding of the difference between affordable safety and acceptable safety?
1.6 Research the internet (or elsewhere) to find an authoritive assessment of the cost of a human life – in Australia or overseas – so that you understand the methodology. Can a cost benefit assessment of safety be justified on moral grounds?
Exercise 2
2.1 Give an overview of one specific area of concern when analysing safety data.
2.2 If safety cannot be measured directly how then can one assess whether the level of safety is improved?
2.3 Using one of the following events:

  • the terrorists events of 9-11
  • Flight MH 370
  • Flight MH17 OR
  • the German Wings accident make an assessment as to whether this event was an unknown risk or whether it ‘ought’ to have been reasonable foreseen (by the relevant risk assessment stakeholders – airlines, regulators etc. You may need to consider the legal notion of ‘reasonable foreseeability’ to make an ‘objective’ assessment rather than a ‘subjective’ assessment. (See: ‘Causal Nexus’ in Unit 3)
    2.4 What is Bowtie analysis? Provide an example of an Australian organisation that has used it as a means of managing risk.
    2.5 How does your organisation measure risk? Or if not employed: How important a tool do you consider the construction of a risk hazard matrix?
    Exercise 3
    In approximately 500 words give an overview of the application of Professor James Reason’s accident causation model to the management of safety within a civil aviation or ADF organisation.
    Unit 3
    Accident Causation
  1. A decision-maker must act on the basis of evidence, not mere supposition or speculation.
  2. A decision-maker must not formulate requirements in vague or uncertain terms.
  3. A decision-maker must not inflexibly apply policy (although departures from policy will normally need to be justified).
  4. A decision-maker must not act under dictation (although this does not preclude adherence to formal directions, compliance with lawful conditions in relation to the process by which a decision is taken or the obligation to consult in the process of considering a decision).
  5. A decision-maker must decide the matter within a reasonable time.
  6. A decision maker must not act in a way that is manifestly unreasonable. A decision must not be so unreasonable that no reasonable person would make such a decision.
    Exercise 4
    4.1 Compare and contrast the traditional approach to air safety regulation to CASA’s current policy in this area.
    4.2 Describe, with examples, what is meant by a systems approach to safety regulation. Does the checking or testing of ‘end products’ still provide and benefits to the regulator?
    4.3 Give an overview of Australia’s current regulatory framework. Do you think that the FAA in the United States has conflicting objectives in terms of their safety regulatory structures? (Hint: As was the case with Australia’s pre 1995 when CAA was split into safety regulator (CASA) and aviation service provider (Airservices Australia).
    4.4 In point 7 above re “A decision-maker must not inflexibly apply policy” find and summarise a case appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) in which this principle has been applied.
    4.5 Do you think that CASA’s current enforcement policy is adequate? If not, what would you change to achieve better safety outcomes?


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Head of Digital Business at Travel Industry Company

This is an individual assignment and we expect you to submit a max 10 pages ppt (or pdf) presentation. Keep it simple and follow the flow or instruction questions. You will be scored for answering each report out question that would be summed up in the final and total score. Report out questions and scoring rules are visible on this and the next page of this ppt.
Imagine you are Head of Digital Business at Travel Industry Company. Travel industry ideas could be connected with any sub-segment of the travel/hospitality industry like online booking platform, hotel, resort, and agency or like you are transporting customers to vacation.
Your task is to develop an innovative customer digital initiative using one or two of the customer network behaviors strategy in the travel industry, in other words, how to do you reach the digital customers today?
REMINDER: The five customer network strategies are:
1) Access – faster, easier, on demand
2) Engage – a source of valued content
3) Customize – adaptable to customer needs
4) Connect – valuable part of customers online & social conversations
5) Collaborate – invite customers to help build your business and your enterprise
a) What are your customer objectives
– Lead generation, customer acquisition, improve customer service, grow share or spend of existing customers
b) Who are your focus target customers?
c) Which customer behavior you used?
– Choose one or two
d) What is your digital innovation?
– How are you faster and what kind of content you would create, how you are personalized?
e) Who will you need to make this idea to happen?
– What are the skills, the resources (from within or outside the business) that you might need to bring this initiative to life?


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What does the industry structure look like?  

Part 1: Industry analysis

Part 1 of the assignment looks at the industry structure of the airline industry, and assesses the profit potential of the industry, both now and in the future. The specific questions you need to address in this part of the assignment include:  

– What does the industry structure look like?  

– What are the strategic groups in the industry?  

– Given this, what is the overall attractiveness of the overall industry and each of the strategic groups      you identified?  

– What are the driving forces acting to change the industry? (I.e., macro-environmental analysis)  

– How are those changes likely to affect the industry and the different strategic groups in the industry?  

– If the driving forces play out as you anticipate, how will that affect the attractiveness of the industry  and its constituent strategic groups?


– Not more than 2500 words

– References should be the latest (year 2007 and onwards)

– Use the American Psychological Association (APA) or Harvard format

– Plagiarism is not acceptable

* Writing format

– introduction

– content 

– conclusion


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Eggs and poultry product industry

Topic is Eggs and poultry product industry please include it is used for other purposed like meat , write an informative summary of your selected industry.  You may assume your audience is not familiar with the industry you have selected.

  • Your summary should describe the industry, provide examples of innovation in the industry, and include an industry outlook.
  • Your finished summary should be a minimum of 500 to a maximum of 750 words, not including references.
  • You should use a minimum of five unique quality sources of information to get full points.
  • See the full grading rubric for detailed requirements.
  • Reference should also be written.
  • Poor Acceptable Excellent Description of the industry Points: 2 (6.66666%) It is unclear what is produced and how it is produced Points: 4 (13.33333%) The production is adequately described Points: 6 (20.00%) The industry is described concisely Depth of Research Points: 2 (6.66666%) Two or fewer sources of information or sources of information are unreliable Points: 4 (13.33333%) Three or four good quality sources of information Points: 6 (20.00%) Five or more good quality sources of information Examples of innovation and evolution Points: 1 (3.33333%) The information provides a point in time snapshot of the industry Points: 2 (6.66666%) The information includes a point in time view with an example of innovation. Points: 3 (10.00%) The information shows the innovations within the industry uniquely and thoughtfully. Outlook Points: 1 (3.33333%) The student fails to include information on the industry outlook. Points: 2 (6.66666%) The industry outlook is included as a quote from a reliable source. Points: 3 (10.00%) The industry outlook is included and referenced with additional insight and the opinion of the student. Voice Points: 1 (3.33333%) The student’s voice sounds entirely artificial and/or inappropriate to academic writing. Points: 2 (6.66666%) The student’s voice sounds natural and is appropriate to academic writing. Points: 3 (10.00%) The student’s voice sounds natural, is appropriate to academic writing, and is entertaining in one way or another. References Points: 1 (3.33333%) Outside information is not referenced Points: 2 (6.66666%) Some outside information is appropriately referenced. Points: 3 (10.00%) All outside information is appropriately referenced Mechanics Points: 2 (6.66666%) So many grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes that it’s hard to keep reading the essay. Points: 4 (13.33333%) A few grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes—nothing that would slow down one’s reading of the paper for more than a second or two. Points: 6 (20.00%) At most, only a couple of grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes—nothing that impedes one’s reading of the paper


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Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry

Assignment 1: Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal
worth 175 points
In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment, you will choose one (1) industry to write about. Possible industries to research could be tobacco, soda, alcohol, casinos, or candy companies, just to name a few.
Write a one and a half to two (1½ – 2) page paper in which you:

  1. Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry.
  2. Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision making.
  3. Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.
  4. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  5. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. This course requires use of new Student Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
    2. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    3. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    4. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
  6. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • Determine the considerations for and process of ethical business decision making to balance corporate and social responsibilities, and address moral, economic, and legal concerns.
  • Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision making.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics.
  • Click here to view the grading rubric.

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  • Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry
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    Writers Solution

    An industry you work in or an industry you are interested in working in?

    Of the cost reduction strategies for workers’ compensation mentioned in the required readings, which one do you think would work best in an industry you work in or an industry you are interested in working in? Why do you think this method is the best for your chosen industry? 500 words.

    FYI: I am in the aviation industry, please incorporate this in your answer.


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