Writers Solution

effects of technology across the health care industry

Imagine you have been selected to consult for a prestigious health care organization. Your ultimate goal is to develop a proposal to present to the board of the organization. At their last meeting, the board asked you to prepare a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of the health care delivered to organization members.

Research various types, uses, and effects of technology across the health care industry.

Write a 350-word summary that describes various types and uses of technology across the health care industry and their impact. Also, identify the technology trend you will recommend for the health care organization.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.






Electronic Health Record System

What is EHRS?

An electronic health record system is a digital version of the patients recording, which are real-time and also patient-centered and make information available to the appropriate users instantly. The system is used to provide knowledge and aid in decision-making, providings afetyforthehospital, quality, andefficientpatientcare. Thecriticalbuildingblocksfortheelectronichealthrecordsystem are theelectronichealthrecord of a patient, which is maintained by thehealthcare providers as well as individualswhoserecords are in question.

Requirements and Types

Thesystem has a number ofrequirements. SomeEHRSsystemarerequired to provide real-time data, which is reliableandsecureforprovision of patientcare by havingtools that guaranteesafetyandprivacy, as well as thesystem, should be availableandreliable all thetimes (Handler et. al, 2015).Others arealsorequired to be able to capturethecurrentandprevioushealthrecord of patientand be able to managetheinformation. Thesystem is supposed to havetools that act as an informationsourceand be able to captureinformation from anothersource.


During theprovision of primarycare, thesystem is required to act as an informationsourcefortheprimary clinician that is informationsuch as records of thevitalsignsandpastmedicalhistory of thepatient. Thesystem should be able to planandmanagetheprovision of evidence-based care to patients through supportassessmentandhavingtools that supportplanningandorganization of thecareprovision. Additionally, thesystem is required to be able to come up with reportsthatcapture data formanagementpurposessuch as evaluation of risksandplanningandcontinuousassessmentprocess (Anderson, 2015).



EHRS provideseveralsolutions to a hospitaland concerned staffmemberssuch as thedoctorsandphysicians. In thefuture, thesystem is anticipated to providemoresolutionsforthesehealthcare providers. One of themajorproblemsexperienced by bothphysiciansanddoctors is electronicsharing of medicalrecords. Doctorsandphysiciansrequiresharingmedicalrecords with one …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. effects of technology across the health care industry


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Competitor’s ratios and industry average ratios

Assignment: Your assignment calls for you to calculate certain financial ratios and to compare these calculated ratios with the competitor’s ratios and industry average ratios to evaluate the firm’s profitability and liquidity performance. Suppose you have been hired by a large financial institution as a financial analyst. One of your first job assignments is to prepare a report and present the analysis of the financial condition of a company. Choose a non-financial company that you would like to analyse, and obtain its financial statements. Now, select another company (preferably a competitor) from the same industry, and obtain its financial statements too. Students can obtain latest financial statements for two years (2015 & 2016) from IBIS world database (available on Moodle) OR from internet (

a) Your task is to analyse the last two years’ performance of the selected company and present your findings in the form of a report, which will introduce the company to start with and cover financial performance analysis in a logical cohesive format. Your report should include the following analysis using ratios:
1. Comment on the liquidity of the company using Current Ratio and Quick Ratio. What can they say about the liquidity of the company?

2. Calculate the firm’s net profit margin, Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) and comment on the profitability. Which components of your company’s ROE are superior, and which are inferior (use DuPont analysis)?
3. In addition, you are told that your selected company has requested a loan. On the basis of the Capital Structure ratios for the chosen company along with the
industry averages and company’s recent financial statements, evaluate and recommend appropriate action on the loan request.
4. Comment on any long term and short-term sources of finance that your example company has used in last two years. Was there any change?
Calculate, analyse and interpret the ratios and the other data with reference to the theoretical concepts introduced in this subject to evaluate the company’s operations and performance. How well does your selected company compare to its industry peer? Your analysis should highlight the important changes within these ratios over this period and identify the reasons if any for significant changes. Discuss limitations of this analysis.
b) Suppose the chosen company and its competitor decided to expand their operations by issuing bonds. You are required to value bonds issued by two companies selected in part a) above. Both bonds mature in five years and both have a face value of $100 and both pay a coupon rate of 8%. Assume your selected company’s bond (rated as A+ by rating agencies) pays annual coupons while its competitor (rated as B+ by rating agencies) pays semi-annual coupons.

The yield to maturity (required return) on Australian corporate bonds of different ratings and different maturity periods provided in the following table: RatingRating
A (A+, A or A-)B (B+, B or B-)
3 years5 years7 years10 years3 years5 years7 years10 years

Should these two bonds sell at identical prices or would one be worth more than the other? What prices do you obtain for these bonds? Explain the difference in the value of the bonds.
What are the three main international bond-rating agencies? Why might companies try to maintain a given target rating on their outstanding debt?

Place the ratio calculations in an appropriate appendix so that the body of the report only states the result of the calculation and not the process of calculating it. Please remember to submit a copy of the Annual Reports with your assignment.
Include referencing so that you clearly acknowledge your sources of information. All your references must be from credible sources such as books, peer-reviewed journals, magazines, company documents and recent articles. Students are highly encouraged to use peer-

reviewed journal articles as this may contribute towards a higher grade. Your assignment mark will be adversely affected if you use poor references.
Important assignment instructions

The required word length for this assignment is 2500 words (plus or minus 10%).

• Your assignment will be marked according to the criteria outlined in the assessment grading criteria (see Appendix 1).
• In terms of structure, presentation and style you are normally required to use: o AIB standard report format
o AIB preferred Microsoft Word settings
o author-date style referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list).

These requirements are detailed in the AIB Style Guide.
• Reference lists for AIB assignments normally contain the following number of relevant references from different sources: 6–12 (for MBA assignments).
• All references must be from credible sources such as books, industry related journals, magazines, company documents and recent academic articles.
• Your grade will be adversely affected if your assignment contains no/poor citations and/or reference list and if your assignment word length is beyond the allowed tolerance level (see Assessment Policy available on AIB website).
• Useful resources when working on your assignments include: o AIB Assignment Guide Competitor’s ratios and industry average ratios
o AIB Style Guide
o AIB Online Library.


competitor’s ratios and industry average ratios



Financial Analysis: Case study of Gold Road Resources Limited

This report will look at Gold Road Resources Limited (Gold Road), a gold mining company in Australia that is traded in the stock exchange ASX index. The financial performance will be analyzed against the industry performance, with Gold Road being compared with Evolution Mining, one of its competitorswhich is also a leading player in the mining industry.

The financial performance analysis will involve determining the liquidity, profitability and capital structure. Financial tools that help in the analysis will include financial statements, ratios and DuPont Analysis. The limitations of the analysis will also be pointed out.

Further, the paper makes the assumption that Gold Road and Evolution Mining are expanding operations by issuing bonds. The two bonds are almost similar with the difference being that Gold Road has an A+ rating and makes annual coupon payments whereas Evolution Mining has a B+ rating and makes semi-annual coupon payments. Consequently, the possible value of their respective bonds and the price are determined and discussed.

Finally, the paper analyses the three main rating agencies and why a company may want to maintain its rating for outstanding debts.

Financial performance analysis

This section looks at the liquidity, profitability and capital structure of Gold Road and Evolution Mining companies.


The liquidity of the companies will be determined by analyzing their current and quick ratios Competitor’s ratios and industry average ratios .

Current ratio

The current ratio, also known as the working capital ratio, helps determine whether a company is able to meet its short-term and long-term obligations. This is by determining the current liabilities that can be covered by the current assets, both liquid and illiquid(Bragg 2012). Unlike the quick ratio, the current ratio considers all the current liabilities and all the current assets as shown in the formula below:

Current ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities

The calculation of this ratio, and other calculations required in this paper, is presented in the Calculation Appendix at the end of this paper.

From the calculations, the current liabilities of Gold Road are covered 15.25 times in 2015 compared to 15.33 times in 2016. This is a favorable ratio that shows good liquidity that continues to improve. Moreover, if Evolution Mining’s current ratios are used as the industry standard at 3.09 for 2015 and 1.67 for 2016, then Gold Road’s liquidity is very favorable compared to the liquidity of both the competitor and the industry.

Quick ratio

Unlike the current ratio that determines a company’s ability to meet its short-term and long-term obligations, quick ratio only determines the ability of the company to meet its short-term obligations using liquid assets(Bragg 2012). As hence, inventories are not considered when calculating quick ratios, with the following formula being used:

Quick ratio = (current assets – inventories) / current liabilities

Notably, Gold Road had no inventories in 2015 and 2016; hence its quick ratios remained the same as its current ratios over the 2 years at 15.25 and 15.33 respectively. This is unlike Evolution Mining that had inventories of $66 million in 2015 and $201 million in 2016, leading to quick ratios of 2.38 in 2015 and 0.61 in 2016. This shows that the short-term liquidity of Gold Road remains favorable with the company able to meet its short-term liabilities over 15 times as opposed to Evolution Mining that could meet its short-term liabilities two times over in 2015 but could not meet them in 2016. Hence, while Gold Road maintains a healthy short-term liquidity, Evolution Mining short-term liquidity gradually becomes negative from 2015 to 2016 as attested to by the acid-test ratio.


To determine the profitability of a company, some of the data used include net profit margin, Return on Assets and Return on Equity.

Net profit margin

The net profit margin shows the relationship between the net profits and revenues expressed as a percentage(Revsine, Collins, Johnson, Mittelstaedt and Soffer 2014). This is by showing how much of the revenue is profits and is calculated as follows:

Net profit margin = (net profit / revenue) x100.

From the Calculations Appendix, Gold Road’s net profit margins for 2015 and 2016 were -400% and -500% respectively while that of Evolution Mining were 15% and 10.7%. This indicates that the profitability of the gold mining industry in Australia is shrinking. Indeed, Gold Road’s expenses are about five times its revenues compared to Evolution Mining that is still making profits, albeit reduced.

Return on Assets

Return on Assets (ROA) relates a company’s …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Competitor’s ratios and industry average ratios 



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Technology and/or the culture industry limit our ability for critical thinking

Topic critical thinking: How does technology and/or the culture industry limit our ability for critical thinking Do you think social media limits critical thinking, encourages/creates it, or some of both? Explain. please have an introduction, body, an a conclusion.






            Although advance in technology enables access to vast of sources of information, there are numerous challenges that have arises. One of the major challenges is the ability to discern the useful from the irrelevant information and make meaningful inference out of it(Regina, et al., 2015). Studies have shown that the ability of a student to develop quality of discernment out of the information is the key goal of 21st century education. The much-needed quality relates to critical thinking. According to Dwyer, et al (2014), critical thinking is defined as “a metacognitive process that requires purposeful and reflective judgement, leading to improved logical conclusions to arguments or solutions to possible problems”. The purpose of this paper was to discuss whether technology and/or the culture industry limits the ability to critical thinking. In addition, to determine whether the social media limits critical thinking, encourage and create it, or some of both.

Critical thinking and technology            Historian have showed that society have cherished the ability to critical thinking beyond the ordinary. This formed the foundation of critical thinking as part of the problem solving and in the 21st century, the knowledge is revered and innovation is equated to progress. Therefore, individuals with greater understanding and insight are destined to make their mark and blaze a trail to greater enlightenment(Dwyer, et al., 2014). For example, some of the critical thinkers that defined and redefined the world views are Albert Einstein redefined the view of the universe, Voltaire changed the perceptions regarding society………………………………………………………………………………………………



see more on culture industry limit our ability for critical thinking


Writers Solution

Technology in the health care industry

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: What are some benefits and some risks to using technology in the health care industry?

What are some experiences you have using technology with your own health care? Have these been positive or negative experiences?





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Writers Solution

Pilot shortage in the Industry

You have just been hired as a strategic HR consultant to Vertical Horizons, a regional airline that has
hubs of operations in the three (3) states with the busiest airports. Pilot shortage in the Industry You have just returned from an
introductory meeting with Vertical Horizon’s management team in NYC where they asked you to attend
an upcoming strategic management session in upstate New York. They would like you to assist them
with a strategic issue relating to an impending shortage of airplane pilots. Coincidentally, on your return
from the NYC meeting, your flight home was delayed by 4 hours due to the lack of an “available” copilot.
They have read the 2014 Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook report and want your help.
According to Boeing’s 2014 Pilot and Technician Outlook report, there is a need for nearly 533,000
airline pilots over the next 20 years. While demand is expected to be the greatest in the Asia Pacific
region, there is still likely to be demand in the US for pilots. Industry officials warn that a shortage
looms because of several factors. The mandatory retirement age in the US for a pilot is 65 (extended
from 60 in 2007) which means that many Vietnam Era veteran pilots are looking for retirement homes
near golf courses. In addition, the FAA has imposed greater training requirements and longer rest
periods between shifts for current employees. In addition, the economic downturn and the complication
of airline mergers have caused problems for airlines attempting to hire and retain qualified pilots
needed today and in the future. The profession is also facing difficulties attracting new entrants due to
the time it takes to meet the entry training requirements, and the high cost of training at accredited
flight schools. And the lure of foreign airlines could also help reduce the domestic supply of pilots.
The three (3) busiest airports in the United States are:
1) Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) – Atlanta, Georgia
2) O’Hare International Airport (ORD) – Chicago, Illinois
3) Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) – Los Angeles, California
Your assignment:
Prepare a report that you will share with Vertical Horizons that addresses the following:
• Research the severity of the predicted pilot shortage and the external labor market because
the company is concerned about the availability of pilots in the future.
• Compare forecasted employment trends in the above states (with the busiest airports) with
those of the entire United States. I suggest you reread Chapter 5 of your text for helpful
• Develop an action plan to strategically address the impending pilot shortage in the industry.
What are your suggestions for improving the quantity and quality of pilots over the next two
(2) decades? Vertical Horizon’s is considering discussing the issue at the next meeting of
Airlines for America, the airline industry’s trade group.
• Develop an action plan for Vertical Horizons to proactively address the situation for its own





Management: Pilot Shortage in the Industry

 The Severity of the Predicted Pilot Shortage and the External Labor Market

            The problem of shortage of pilots in the growing air transport in the US has attracted a lot of attention from both the government and private sector. The issue of shortage of qualified pilots is not only an issue in the American market; this has been observed in Europe and the emerging economies like China that offer low-cost commercial carriers (Blair & Freye, n.d.). The North American aviation sector has been predicted to grow and in twenty years, it will require close to 83,000-trained pilots in order to meet their growing demand.

            According to (Regional Airline Association, 2014), the Part 121 environment, restricted entry requirements and poor compensation among other factors has raised more eyebrows on the ability of the pilot industry to meet the growing need for the pilots in the country. Furthermore, there is a growing demand for pilots from the Asian flight industry, which offers better opportunities to the trained pilots, compounding further to the problem of shortage of pilots in the country.

Comparison of the Forecasted Employment Trends in the Busiest Airports in USA with Those of the Entire United States

            The Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) – Atlanta, Georgia, O’Hare International Airport (ORD) – Chicago, Illinois and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) – Los Angeles, California are the busiest airports in the country and contribute significantly to the national economy and to those of their respective states. According to (Beacon Economics, 2014), the there was an increase in the employment in Los Angeles city county while the rest of Los Angeles county experienced a decline in the employment rates between 2013-2013. A significant change in the employment in the air transport, which is among the highest contributors to the economy of the county, is likely to affect negatively the economy of the county. The drop rise in unemployment rates coincided with an increase in the decrease in the number of individuals enrolling for employment in the air transport in the county and country at large. Similarly, there has been a drop in the employment rates for those individuals enrolling in the air transport in the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) – Atlanta, Georgia, O’Hare International Airport (ORD) – Chicago.

Action Plan to Strategically Address the Impending Pilot Shortage in the Industry

            In order to address the impending shortage of pilots in the air transport industry, there is need to adopt a number of strategies. According to (Regional Airline Association, 2014), the shortage of pilots in USA is a problem that that has been attributed to a number of factors that include funding, restrictive entry requirements, reduction in number of instructors being certified and reduced number of instructors who are being certified.

 In order to solve the declining number of pilots in the country, there is need to relax some of the entry requirements, especially the Part 121 environment in order to open up the sector and allow more individuals to enroll in flight training. There is also the need to reduce the excessive amount of training costs needed for one to train to be a pilot. The current fees charged are so high that it makes the profession a preserve for a few able individuals who may not even have a passion to be pilots. Finally, there is need to change the industry training model in order to allow for a quicker certification of instructors in the training institutions to fast track training and accreditation of trained pilots.

Action Plan for Vertical Horizons to Proactively Address the Situation for Its Own Operations           In order to increase the number of individuals who enroll to train as pilots, there is need for Vertical Horizons to provide a compensation package so that those who enroll will get subsidized training costs. In addition…………………





Writers Solution

Research the industry and find common ratios significant to your industry

I planning to open some fast food business with the organic ingredients. 1) Research the industry and find common ratios significant to your industry. What are they and what are they telling you about this industry? Be specific as to the ratios relevant to this industry and what are the industry averages for those ratios. 2)Review the common-size financial statements of at least two businesses within this industry. Provide copies of balance sheets and income statements of each of these businesses and discuss the information you can derive from those financial statements and how you can apply that to this business. The review of the financial statements should be specific to those statements provided, and not a generalized discussion of what financial statements are.

Writers Solution

Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years.

Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately five to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Writers Solution

Knowledge Management (KM) is an invaluable tool to the oil industry. Justify this statement with suitable examples.

Instructions Sheet
1. Type your answers in a word document and upload the document through the Moodle assessment submission for grading within the strict cut-off date and time. This will be limited to a time frame of 24 hours allowing you to type, complete, and upload. This will be checked by Turnitin as usual.
2. This examination comprises two parts, Parts A and B. Research and prepare answers to all questions in Part A and B. Use a variety of web sources, journals and books to do research, read, understand and then explain in your own words.
3. Part A: Answer ALL the questions. Part A is worth 25 marks.
4. Part B: Answer ALL the questions. Part B is worth 25 marks. Some specific instructions for Part B are:
• Read the supplied case study carefully and answer all the questions given this exam paper.
• Be specific and focused on the issue while answering the questions.
• No marks will be given for irrelevant details.
5. Write your answers clearly; use numbered headings or subheadings to show which part of your answer refers to which question. Example: Part A – Question 2 (a).
6. The submission may be subject to additional verification in the form of a Zoom interview with the Unit Coordinator (or nominee). Inability to satisfactorily answer questions about submission solution(s) will receive zero for the question(s). Interviews would only be used if there was suspicion about the submission and/or additional detail was required.
Answer ALL questions from this part.
Each question is worth 5 marks (5 x 5 = 25 marks).
Question 1 5 Marks
Consider three decisions you have made today. (Those decisions could be simple such as, taking a turn while driving or even choosing books at a library.) In each case determine the data, information, or knowledge that were involved in the decision. Now consider how those decisions would have been influenced by the lack of pre-existing data, information, or knowledge.
Question 2 5 Marks
Knowledge Management (KM) is an invaluable tool to the oil industry. Justify this statement with suitable examples.
Question 3 5 Marks
Suggest reasons why a knowledge-sharing system could be established between rival organisations (e.g., Mastercard and Visa, Toyota and Honda) for their mutual benefit.
Question 4 5 Marks
Tacit knowledge could be transferred from one person to another in two distinct ways. One possibility is to transfer it directly through socialisation. The other possibility is to convert it into explicit form (through externalisation), then transfer it in the explicit form to the recipient (through exchange), who then converts it into tacit form (through internalisation). What are the pros and cons of each approach? If the purpose is to transfer knowledge from one person to one other person, which approach would you recommend? Why? If the purpose is to transfer knowledge from one person to 100 other individuals in different parts of the world, which approach would you recommend? Why?
Part A continued over the next page
Part A (continued)
Question 5 5 Marks
How would you utilise knowledge discovery systems and knowledge capture systems in an organisation that is spread across the globe? Does geographic distance hamper the utilisation of these systems?
Answer ALL questions from this part.
Each question is worth 5 marks (5 x 5 = 25 marks).
Case Study: It’s not what you know … it’s who you know
Please find the case study on the 7th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf file available through the Assessment tab of the Moodle unit website.
Case Study Questions
1. The initial interview and orientation presented a very strong message about the knowledge environment operating at Manic Marketers. What features were portrayed? How did these differ from reality?
2. A mentor has certain functions in an organisation. Identify the types of support offered by this mentor. What else could the mentor have done to help Damon gain organisational knowledge?
3. In this context, the recording of client data is a major benefit to the organisation. Identify the types of information that should be included and discuss how they might have been recorded as codified knowledge. Review KM Viewpoint 2.1 located on the 4th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf and identify the other forms of knowledge which would have been of value to Damon in this initial stage.
4. Using KM Viewpoint 2.2 located on the 6th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf evaluate the social capital factors which were evident in the knowledge environment. What, in your opinion were the key weaknesses?
5. Manic Marketers needed to develop some very different approaches to how they share their knowledge. Identify some strategies which might be considered. How would you implement these strategies? What impediments to sharing can you identify?
Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at

Writers Solution

Impact of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act on Financial industry

Please include these references.

1.Grant, Joseph Karl. Albany Law Review. 2010, Vol. 73 Issue 2, p371-420. 50p.


Cuaresma, Jolina C. Berkeley Technology Law Journal. Annual Review 2002, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p497. 21p.


Hodges, Sarah. Information & Communications Technology Law. Mar2013, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p60-85. 26p. DOI: 10.1080/13600834.2013.785177.


Shull, Bernard. Antitrust Bulletin. Spring2002, Vol. 47 Issue 1, p25. 37p. DOI: 10.1177/0003603X0204700102.


Holyoke, Thomas T. Review of Policy Research. Winter2002, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p95. 25p. 4 Graphs. DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-1338.2002.tb00334.x.


GARRISON, LORETTA; HASTAK, MANOJ; HOGARTH, JEANNE M.; KLEIMANN, SUSAN; LEVY, ALAN S. Journal of Consumer Affairs. Summer2012, Vol. 46 Issue 2, p204-234. 31p. 1 Diagram, 9 Charts. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6606.2012.01226.x.


PERETTI, KIM; ABBAS, NAMEIR. Antitrust Magazine. Summer2017, Vol. 31 Issue 3, p56-59. 4p

Writers Solution

Industry Analysis

Remember to make the necessary changes once you submit your work through “turnitin” in order to make it 95% original.

1.0 Executive Summary

     1.1 Objectives

2.0 Mission, Vision and Culture

       2.1 Mission

       2.2 Vision

       2.3 Culture

3.0 Company Summary

       3.1 Company Ownership

       3.2 Start-up Summary

4.0 Market Opportunity Analysis and Research

       4.1 Industry Analysis

       4.2 Environmental Analysis

       4.3 Competitive Analysis

5.0 Market Strategy and Plan

        5.1 Products / Services

        5.2 Pricing

        5.3 Promotion

        5.4 Place

6.0 Management and Operations

          6.1 Management Team

          6.2 Research and Development

          6.3 Physical Location

          6.4 Facilities

          6.5 Inventory, Production, and Quality Assurance

7.0 Financial Analysis and Projections

        7.1 Sources and Uses of Capital

        7.2 Cash Flow Projections

        7.3 Balance Sheet Projections

        7.4 Income Statement Projections

        7.5 Breakeven Analysis

        7.6 Ratio Analysis

        7.7 Risk and Assumptions

8.0 Funding Request and Exit Strategy

        8.1 Amount and Type of Funds Requested

        8.2 Exit Plan

        8.3 Milestones