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A legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on a health policy issue

Imagine that you are a legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on a health policy issue. Your supervisor has asked that you present your assessment findings to the senior leadership of your organization to inform their decisions on how best to approach their intended organization-wide position statement regarding this issue.

As a first step, you will select one of three health policy issues from the Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios document. As part of the background study, you will conduct preliminary research about the selected issue and analyze the impact of the selected issue on various stakeholders. This background study and assessment of the selected issue will serve as a foundation for your Project Two final presentation. In this Project Two Preparation assignment, you will essentially analyze the selected health policy issue and describe how it influences the decision-making process in healthcare.

Your research in this Project Preparation will be specific to the nonfinancial impact of the selected policy on various stakeholders. In your second Project Preparation for Project Two, which is due in Module Seven, you will explore the financial implications of the selected issues. Together, both of these Project Preparation assignments will prepare you for the Project Two submission due in Module Nine.


Create a research report summarizing your assessment findings on your chosen health policy issue. This research report will serve as a support document in the Project Two final submission.

You must cite at least three sources to support your claims. You may cite no more than one source from the module resources; all other resources must come from your own research. In other words, you may cite no more than one resource from the Resources section of this module. For additional help completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Use this resource to help you complete this assignment: IHP 610 Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Introduction
    1. Health Policy Issue: Describe your chosen health policy issue in a clear, concise manner. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Why did you choose this health policy issue for your Project Two work?
      • How might this health policy issue be explained to someone who has never heard of it before?
    2. Key Stakeholders and Interest Groups: Identify three key stakeholders and/or interest groups impacted by your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Who are the stakeholders and/or interest groups that will be primarily affected by this issue, either positively or negatively?
      • How might vulnerable populations and underserved areas be affected by this issue?
  2. Influence on Decision Making
    1. Stakeholder Needs: Describe the nonfinancial needs of the identified three key stakeholders and/or interest groups with respect to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • How are the nonfinancial needs of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups affected by the selected issue?
      • How does this issue impact vulnerable populations or underserved areas?
    2. Health Policy Influence: Describe the kinds of nonfinancial influence that the three identified key stakeholders and/or interest groups can have on health policies. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which three stakeholders and/or interest groups can have significant nonfinancial influence on the selected issue?
      • Which three stakeholders and/or interest groups have subtle or covert nonfinancial influence on the selected issue?
    3. Benefits and Disadvantages: Describe how the identified three stakeholders and/or interest groups might benefit or be disadvantaged by your chosen issue. Do not include any financially related benefits and disadvantages. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups benefit from this issue?
      • Which of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups are disadvantaged by this issue?
      • How might those in vulnerable populations or underserved areas be benefited or disadvantaged by this issue, not including financial benefits or disadvantages?
    4. Value Conflict Analysis: Describe the potential value conflicts between identified stakeholders and/or interest groups relating to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding question in your response:
      • What nonfinancial value conflicts might the identified stakeholders have concerning this issue, and why?

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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Legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on a health policy issue

Imagine that you are a legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on a health policy issue. Your supervisor has asked that you present your assessment findings to the senior leadership of your organization to inform their decisions on how best to approach their intended organization-wide position statement regarding this issue.

As a first step, you will select one of three health policy issues from the Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios document. As part of the background study, you will conduct preliminary research about the selected issue and analyze the impact of the selected issue on various stakeholders. This background study and assessment of the selected issue will serve as a foundation for your Project Two final presentation. In this Project Two Preparation assignment, you will essentially analyze the selected health policy issue and describe how it influences the decision-making process in healthcare.

Your research in this Project Preparation will be specific to the nonfinancial impact of the selected policy on various stakeholders. In your second Project Preparation for Project Two, which is due in Module Seven, you will explore the financial implications of the selected issues. Together, both of these Project Preparation assignments will prepare you for the Project Two submission due in Module Nine.


Create a research report summarizing your assessment findings on your chosen health policy issue. This research report will serve as a support document in the Project Two final submission.

You must cite at least three sources to support your claims. You may cite no more than one source from the module resources; all other resources must come from your own research. In other words, you may cite no more than one resource from the Resources section of this module. For additional help completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Use this resource to help you complete this assignment: IHP 610 Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Introduction
    1. Health Policy Issue: Describe your chosen health policy issue in a clear, concise manner. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Why did you choose this health policy issue for your Project Two work?
      • How might this health policy issue be explained to someone who has never heard of it before?
    2. Key Stakeholders and Interest Groups: Identify three key stakeholders and/or interest groups impacted by your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Who are the stakeholders and/or interest groups that will be primarily affected by this issue, either positively or negatively?
      • How might vulnerable populations and underserved areas be affected by this issue?
  2. Influence on Decision Making
    1. Stakeholder Needs: Describe the nonfinancial needs of the identified three key stakeholders and/or interest groups with respect to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • How are the nonfinancial needs of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups affected by the selected issue?
      • How does this issue impact vulnerable populations or underserved areas?
    2. Health Policy Influence: Describe the kinds of nonfinancial influence that the three identified key stakeholders and/or interest groups can have on health policies. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which three stakeholders and/or interest groups can have significant nonfinancial influence on the selected issue?
      • Which three stakeholders and/or interest groups have subtle or covert nonfinancial influence on the selected issue?
    3. Benefits and Disadvantages: Describe how the identified three stakeholders and/or interest groups might benefit or be disadvantaged by your chosen issue. Do not include any financially related benefits and disadvantages. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups benefit from this issue?
      • Which of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups are disadvantaged by this issue?
      • How might those in vulnerable populations or underserved areas be benefited or disadvantaged by this issue, not including financial benefits or disadvantages?
    4. Value Conflict Analysis: Describe the potential value conflicts between identified stakeholders and/or interest groups relating to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding question in your response:
      • What nonfinancial value conflicts might the identified stakeholders have concerning this issue, and why?

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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Variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
What are the variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization (Hint: It’s not just money.)
Please include sources/references to support your perspective.

Part 2

Assess your Leadership Skills
Review the questions in Appendix 3: Glossary. (2007). Guide to Organisation Design, 302–315, page 5, under the heading ‘Gallup Q12’. Ask yourself these 12 questions to measure employment engagement and contemplate why these questions are practical. 
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Do you consider yourself an engaged employee? 
Did these questions make you think of anything that can be done at your organization to increase employee engagement and performance? 
Would you add any questions to the list? 
How can managers in the healthcare industry utilize these questions?

Part 3

Exam Content
As a human resources manager in a healthcare organization, you will be asked to develop varying types of strategies and management techniques that improve the performance of your workforce. You need to know how to keep abreast of such strategies through research, as well as analyze how such strategies and techniques can be applied in your organization. In this assessment, you will apply these skills.
Select a healthcare organization and specific division within it with which you work or are familiar.
Assume you are the human resources director for your selected organization.
In a recent meeting, executive management determined it would like to improve healthcare workforce performance levels within a specific division of your organization.
Management has asked you to research and identify 3 diverse strategies that use innovative management techniques, operational practices, or technology that could be applied to improve workforce performance within the selected division at your healthcare organization.
Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary of 3 diverse strategies to improve workforce performance that includes the following:
Identification of 3 key strategies to improve workforce performance for your organization and division
An analysis of how each strategy could be deployed within your division and organization to improve workforce performance
A recommendation for the application of the best key strategy
An analysis of how your recommended strategy affects workforce needs for service delivery for your organization
SMART goal(s), objective(s), and tasks to implement your recommended strategy
A description of how goal achievement will be measured
Expenses for recommendation implementation
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
Instructors Note:  Please carefully read and closely follow the assignment instructions and the content of the grading rubric. It is strongly suggested that you use subheadings for each assignment component. This will ensure that you are addressing each section of the assignment.

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social culture influence workplace productivity

Does social culture influence workplace productivity? If so, how? If not, why not?

1st Student – Katrin

Nurturing workplace culture could be a starting point to combat challenges such as skill shortage, (Nekula & Koob, 2021). In my professional experiences, I do believe that social culture does influence workplace productivity. Building relationships with coworkers is crucial to feeling supported, as a teacher it is so beneficial to have a strong relationship with your grade level teacher/team. I have built friendships at work that become ‘family”. Teaching can be challenging and having those like-minded friends to bounce ideas off, cover your class while you run to the bathroom or grab your class if you need to leave early are a few examples of what family-like workplace culture. The famiily-like workplace is developed with a diverse group of educators from different backgrounds, generations and experiences. Leadership sets the tone for the workplace, as far as how serious/fun the workplace will be. Researchers have examined social interaction in the workplace, in particular, non task related interactions, such as kidding around and social conversation, which are frequent and important parts of the social culture of a workplace, (Butterworth, et al., 2000). Getting a good laugh in during your lunch break is so important. 

According to Butterworth, Hagner, Helm, and Whelley (2000). Workplace culture, social connections, and resources for young people in transition. 38(4), 342–353, Mental Retardation. No. 2 Syliv
According to Jolly et al. (2021), the evolution of information and technology has an impact on organisations as well as the way people live and interact in society. As a result, many organisations undoubtedly see the need for specialised services as a top priority. According to Jolly et al. (2021), technology has altered both the community’s and society’s attitudes. Gender differences are no longer requirements for many jobs, where gender is no longer taken into account, but rather the human resources’ skills and competencies. Given the current societal system, in which males are expected to provide for their families by working outside the house, men are generally placed at the top of the hierarchy with women coming in second. It is common practise in many sectors that women are expected to do domestic duties (Jolly et al., 2021).
Kim, KY, Kong, DT, and PM Jolly. Review of social assistance at work in its entirety. Behavioural Organ. 2021; 42: 229–251.
Three-year-old Erin
The social culture of the workplace might affect productivity. Successful organisations have high rates of diversity, and fostering an open and welcoming culture is very advantageous to an organization’s productivity. Employees who work for organisations with strong social cultures tend to be happier and more content with their jobs, which may result in gains in performance and knowledge that can boost quantifiable production (Sabuhari et al., 2020). Employees may feel more valued, committed, and accepted when organisations prioritise their overall well-being by promoting and emphasising the importance of their lives outside of the organisation, such as work-life balance. This may in turn cause employees to feel as though they must reciprocate that feeling by being more productive (De Sivatte et al., 2014). This is something I can personally testify to. My principal gave me permission to leave early from our twice-monthly staff meetings without being penalised when my dad was told he had stage 4 colon cancer so I could spend time with him and give my mum a respite. She didn’t have to do anything, but she valued creating a culture at the school where she treated us as fellow people in need of support and respected us both as individuals and as part of her team. Because she instilled in us the culture that our values to her didn’t start and finish in the classroom, I can honestly say that I worked more for her than any other principal I have had. People work harder when they feel appreciated and welcomed, and if an organization’s social atmosphere is welcoming and supportive, workers will be more involved and motivated to be more successful.

Irawanto, D. W., Rahayu, M., Sudiro, A., & Sabuhari, R. (2020). the impacts of employee competence, organisational culture adaption, work happiness, and human resource flexibility on employee performance. 10(8):1777-1786, Management Science Letters. https://10.5267/j.msl.2020.1.001




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Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice

Discussion Topic: Using the theory of unpleasant symptoms as a guide, what would you look for in an assessment tool for patient symptoms?

Select one Student Learning Outcomes from the following list:

Student Learning Outcomes 

1- Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories.

2- Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice.

3- Apply nursing theory or theories to nursing research.

Provides an explanation of how the selected Student Learning Outcomes is explored or related to the Discussion Topic.


  Formatted and cited in current APA 7 

  Use 3 academic sources. Not older than 5 years

  Not Websites are allowed.

  Plagiarism is NOT allowed

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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Assume you wish to study the influence of high school principals’ leadership styles and academic achievement in their schools in your state.

Assessment Description

Qualitative research tends to use small samples to examine a problem instead of using large samples as in quantitative research. With fewer people in the sample, it is important for the participants to be information-rich informants. With that in mind, consider the strengths and weaknesses of purposeful, convenience, and random sampling approaches in qualitative research. Then, assume you are an automobile manufacturing executive tasked with increasing sales in your state. You wish to do a qualitative study to obtain the perspective of sales personnel regarding an incentive program you implemented at a few dealerships that quantitatively proved to be successful. What sampling approach would you use to identify and select the 12-15 information-rich personnel from the target population? What eligibility criteria would you use in addition to being sales personnel in a dealership of this manufacturer in the given state? What logistic difficulties would you anticipate in drawing your sample? Explain your answers.

Topic 4 DQ 2

Assessment Description

Assume you wish to study the influence of high school principals’ leadership styles and academic achievement in their schools in your state. How would you sample 12-15 potential participants for a single case study using convenience sampling and purposeful sampling? What factors would make you choose one approach over the other? Why? What logistic difficulties could you expect in drawing the sample?




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Explain how both conformers and non-conformers influence the group

Assignment Instructions
Module 8 Assignment
Part 1: Research a minimum of four articles regarding group norms and conformity. Explain how both conformers and non-conformers influence the group. Explain the consequences of not having either type of group member in any given group.

Part 2: Identify and explain two ways that human resources professionals can support managers. Identify and explain two ways that controllers can support managers. Why is it important for managers to work collaboratively with controllers, human resource professionals and other internal stakeholders and leaders within the company?

Length/Formatting Instructions
Length 4 Pages
Font 12 point, Calibri Font, no more than 1″ margins
Program/File Type Submit in Word or PDF
Attachments Should be pasted into the Word document if possible.
Referencing system APA referencing system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the Internet.
For examples of correct citations, visit the following links:




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Influence of Vatican II After reading Bokenkotter Ch. 33

Evaluating the Influence of Vatican II After reading Bokenkotter Ch. 33, you will write a 1 to 2-page paper explaining why your textbook calls the Second Vatican Council a “tidalwave of change” (p. 409).

Your paper should:

Provide a brief summary of why the Second Vatican Council was called in the mid-Twentieth Century.

List some changes made in the Second Vatican Council.

Evaluate the textbook’s statement that there has been “renewal” and “greater Christian unity” since Vatican II (p. 422). Do you agree?

Make sure you cite all sources used, including your textbook and class videos. Use APA style and format, and see the Rubric for Assignments in Canvas under the Rubrics link.




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statement from the second artist that discusses the influence

Discussion: Interdisciplinary Works1313 unread replies.1313 replies.

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 15
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 primary source (from artist)
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source

Initial Post InstructionsFor the initial post, select and address one of the following options:

Option 1: Choose a work to discuss from one genre that interprets a work from another genre.

  • Include the title, artist, and description of both works.
  • Examine how the artist of the second work captured the subject or story of the first.
  • Support your point(s) with a statement from the second artist that discusses the influence, reasoning, or interpretation of the original work on the second work.

Click on the following link for examples:

Link: Examples

Option 2: Choose a work that is interdisciplinary (incorporates two or more disciplines), such as Hamilton from our lesson this week.

  • Include the title and artist(s).
  • Examine the genres that are intermingled to create the work.
  • How effective is the blending of genres in the work?
  • Why do you think the artist used different disciplines in the work?
  • Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist and one from a critic.

Option 3: Choose a work of art from any genre that depicts or tells the story of a real life event from any time period, such as The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine on December 2, 1804 by Jacques Louis David.

  • Include the title and the artist and some background of the event.
  • What is the relationship between the work of art and the event?
  • Did the artist depict the event accurately?
  • Does the artist make changes regarding the event? If so, why do you think the artist made these changes?
  • Examine the artist’s message in the depiction.
  • Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist.

Follow-Up Post InstructionsRespond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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Geophysical feedbacks on Earth systems and the associated anthropogenic influence

Your essay should have good introduction, main part, and conclusion, and should be written in a clear, concise style and should be free of spelling and grammatical mistakes before handing it in. Ensure all group members proofread your essay for linguistic errors. Essay should not be more than 1500 words. If you are including tables or graphs in your essay, which is often appropriate and useful for summarizing data, make sure they are clearly labelled with a number and title, so that they can be understood without reading the text in which they are embedded.

Always quote the source of the data (or the table / figure if you are reproducing an existing table or figure) below the table or graph. When typing your essays please use 1.5 line-spacing and allow a larger margin on the right. (For example, 1.5 cm left margin and 2.5 cm right margin.) Make use of section headings to organise your essay as appropriate, but avoid having too many short paragraphs and sections.

It should be in your own words. Copying directly from somewhere will result zero. It should not be Plagiarised. Use references from where did you get the following content.

Topic – Geophysical feedbacks on Earth systems and the associated anthropogenic influence  Grading criteria‌

Your essay should have good introduction, main part, and conclusion, and should be written in a clear, concise style and should be free of spelling and grammatical mistakes before handing it in. Ensure all group members proofread your essay for linguistic errors. Essay should not be more than 1500 words. If you are including tables or graphs in your essay, which is often appropriate and useful for summarising data, make sure they are clearly labelled with a number and title, so that they can be understood without reading the text in which they are embedded.

Always quote the source of the data (or the table / figure if you are reproducing an existing table or figure) below the table or graph. When typing your essays please use 1.5 line-spacing and allow a larger margin on the right. (For example, 1.5 cm left margin and 2.5 cm right margin.) Make use of section headings to organise your essay as appropriate, but avoid having too many short paragraphs and sections.

It should be in your own words. Copying directly from somewhere will result zero. It should not be Plagiarised. Use references from where did you get the following content. Topic – Geophysical feedbacks on Earth systems and the associated anthropogenic influence




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Grading criteria

OrganizationLack logical sequence and incoherent information 0points Difficulty in following because of inconsistent organization with little information 1points Logical and demonstrates little sequences of information 2points Logical and demonstrates very clear sequences of information 3points
ResearchNo grasp of knowledge and does not answer any questions about the subject 0points Demonstrates very little knowledge and answers few questions only 1points Demonstrates some knowledge, answers some questions but does not elaborate further 2points Demonstrates full knowledge, answers most ques and includes many other interesting facts. 3points
Purpose/ProblemInaccurate information and does not address any issue related to the research 0points Minor inaccuracies and unable to completely address the main issues 1points Addresses an issue somewhat related to research and with accurate information 2points Addresses the issues with accurate information adequately detailed 3points
Grammar & SpellingNumerous grammars and/or spelling errors 0points More than three errors. 1points Fewer errors of no more than two or three 2points All grammar and spelling are correct 3points
Structure and ReferencesNo apparent control over sentence structures and word choices, and/or no adequate reference section 0points Limited sentence structures and word choices, and/or inappropriate number of required references 1points Varied sentence structures and word choices, and/or reference section was completed incorrectly 2points Appropriate sentence structures and word choices, and/or adequate references written correctly 3points