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What is an Information Technology Project?

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the components of a research article and help you identify guidelines for conducting critical analyses of published works.  The knowledge gained should be applied when completing your weeks 4 and 11 research assignments.  As you complete assignments it is a good idea to proof read your work or use the University writing center to help with APA formatting.  Both are great avenues for assistance in minimizing grammatical errors and conducting research.  Please use the attached “Guidelines for Evaluating a Research Article” to answer the below questions:

  • What is an Information Technology Project?
  • Identify & explain the major parts of a research paper.
  • Explain the difference(s) between qualitative vs quantitative research methods.
  • Why use Peer Reviewed journals?
  • Why are keywords used during the Literature Review process?
  • Why are project deliverables, limitations & deadlines an important aspect of project development?
  • Why use/apply APA Basic Citation Stiles in your writing assignments/research?
  • Why is Academic Integrity important (see syllabus)?
  • Explain the difference between plagiarism vs self-plagiarism?

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Assignment should be 3 – 5 pages (not including cover & reference page)
  • Use at least three – five (3 – 5 ) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page do not count toward the page count.
  • attachment GuidelinesforEvaluatingaResearchArticle1.pdf




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Information Rich PowerPoint presentation about how COVID19 is affecting or will affect Emerging Market Countries, Companies or Societies

Create an Information Rich PowerPoint presentation about how COVID19 is affecting or will affect Emerging Market Countries, Companies or Societies. You will be assigned regions of the world (a file to be uploaded later) but you are free to focus on a country, company or social activity in the assigned region. There should be a minimum of 15 slides. If you want to have more slides, that is fine with me. Please also add a Title page and a slide with references at the end. A suggested outline might be below:

I. Description of the Country, Company, or Social ActivityII. The condition before COVID19 of the country, company or social activity.III. The current impact that has been reported on the country, company or social activityIV. Description of strategies used to battle/overcome COVID19 by the country, company or social activity.V. Conclusion: Your view on the Future Impact of COVID19 on the country, company or social activity.

Just a reminder the company, country or socity you chosing to talk about should be from(Africa/MENA/Emerging Europe) and please make sure to follow all the instructions so carefully and make sure it will be a rich PowerPoint because is not going to be presented which means it should have all the details for the reader to understand please include diagrams, graphs, images, and videos. I’ll upload an example of how it should be. I want the PowerPoint to be a minimum of 15 full slides.  





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We learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most common business software application and the backbone of business communications today

1) We learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most common business software application and the backbone of business communications today.  In addition, the authors provided details to support their position by providing 2013 survey results from 2,400 corporate e-mail users from a global perspective.  The results indicated that two-thirds of the respondents stated that e-mail was their favorite form of business communication which surpassed not only social media but also telephone and in-person contact. 

 With this detail in mind, briefly state why the e-Mail has become a critical component for IG implementation? Support with references and do your usual critical review of at least 2 other students’ posts.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

2)Your readings in Chapter 9 this week, as well as the handout discussing the risk companies face over unstructured data raises concerns that need to be addressed when a company uses social media. 

With your industry in mind, identify and discuss these concerns and address how this can be effectively handled. Support with references and do your usual critical review of at least 2 other students’ posts.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic




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Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design

Subject Code and Name ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment 2 – Business Process Analysis
Individual/Group Group of 3-4 students
Learning Outcomes (a) Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design.
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 5/Module 3.1
For Intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 3/Module 3.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is designed to develop student’s understanding of business processes; analyse existing organisation’s processes; and suggest ways to improve the organisation’s current business process inefficiencies.
Submission Instructions:
• Students will organise themselves into groups of 3 to 4. Students will work in their groups to prepare a response to ALL of the case questions listed at the end of the case study.
• Students that have not formed groups by Week 02, will be placed into groups by the learning facilitator
• Students need to submit a report, presented in proper report format (including a reference list). The report needs to be submitted though the submission link available on the Blackboard. One copy of this report needs to be submitted in Word format by a representative of each group on the Blackboard
Case Study
Eljay is a large online education provider (school) consisting of administration, teaching and corporate services teams. Students of often email the school with questions about learning and teaching materials, assessments, and IT-related problems that require the school to process and solve the problem. These student queries are managed based on their type (teaching, assessment, IT), priority and status. The three levels of priority identified by the school include: “important”, “normal” and “less important”. The status of a student query (e.g. job) includes: “Open”, “In Process”, “Re Process”, “Solved”, “Closed”. Queries are logged in a job management system (excel spreadsheet saved on a SharePoint site), which enables the school to manage the details of the life cycle of the query from start to finish. In addition to recording student details, this system records the job code, description, type, priority, and status of the job as it progresses through each team.
The current business process begins when a student emails the school with a query. Employees within the administration team, who have less content-related knowledge, manually load each student query into the job management system. When this job is created, it is assigned an “Open” status by the administration team. Every query that employees from this team enter into the job management system is given a job code which is used to uniquely identify the student query. Once this code has been created in the system, an email is sent to the student with the job code (e.g. the reference number for the query). The student must mention this job code every time an inquiry about the status of the query is made. Any queries that are easily resolved (e.g. those that involve common problems) are assigned to employees within the administration team who work directly with the student to resolve the query. If an employee from this team is unable to resolve a student’s query, the job status is changed to “In Process” and the query is forwarded to the teaching team who have extensive content-related knowledge.
When a manager from the teaching team has the time to review the queries assigned to the team, they update the priority level of the job. The manager will then assign each job to an employee depending on the priority and existing workload of employees in the team. Once a teacher has been assigned to a job, the query is investigated, and a solution is developed and emailed to the administration team. An employee from the administration team changes the status of the job to “Solved” and emails the solution to the student. A request to verify that the query has been correctly resolved is included in the email. If the student’s reply to this request informs the administration team that the query has been successfully resolved, the job status is changed to “Closed” and the job is complete. If the student emails to notify the administration team that the query has not been resolved, the status of the job is changed to “Re Process” and the query is emailed back to the teaching team. The teaching team then goes through the process all over again.
If employees from either the administration or teaching team are unable to provide the student with a solution (e.g. for an IT-related query), the corporate services team is called upon to finish the job. The corporate services team work directly with the student to resolve the query. When the student’s query is resolved, the corporate services team notify the teaching team, who update the status of the job to “Solved”. An employee from the administration team, emails the student to inform them that a solution has been reached and the job is set to “Closed”.
The school would like to reduce costs by removing inefficient and ineffective processes while at the same time improving student response times.
a. Draw a business process map outlining existing processes for managing student queries Identify (include swimlanes in your diagram).
b. Identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing system for managing student queries.
c. Research and report on ways to improve the business processes. As you address the weakness, consider how IT can transform the processes of the organization (include references to support your suggestions).
d. Draw a new business process model that outlines your suggested improvements.
e. Include in the Appendix of your report, minutes of meetings held between group members (Include a list of actionable tasks, team members responsible for those tasks, deadlines, and progress towards completing tasks)
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Understanding of the business processes in the organisation
The description of the steps to achieve the goal of the organisation has not been identified correctly.
Business process diagram incorrect.
Activities, stakeholders and notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes not shown.
Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 30%) steps are missing.
Business process diagram is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified but incomplete.
Some notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes are shown but some stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 20%) steps are missing.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are mostly identified (around 2-3 items missing).
Most notations are correct (2-3 incorrect notations).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, 2- 3 stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct. Minor errors (1-2 errors).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete. Exceptions and variations in the process are also shown.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct.
Exceptions and variations are shown in the model.
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct
Problem Analysis Critical business issues (processes to be improved) were not identified (or incorrectly identified). Processes to be improved were correctly identified but incomplete. Processes were correctly identified but missing 1 or 2 issues.
Processes which have greatest impact were All processes were correctly identified.
Processes which have greatest impact were all All processes were correctly
Processes which have greatest impact were all identified and have justified and explained
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis_Due at week 3
30% Objective (s) of the requirements of the process was (were) not identified (or identified incorrectly)
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the processes were not identified (or incorrectly identified) Processes which have greatest impact were not identified.
Some objectives of the requirements of the process were identified but incomplete.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
One of the following were incomplete: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness identified but incomplete.
All objectives of the requirements were identified but lack details.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness but some discussions are incomplete. identified and have detailed explanation and justification.
All objectives of the requirements were identified and discussed in detail.
All inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified with detailed explanation and justification.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness were all identified and explained in detail. the reasons in detail and convincingly.
Excellent and convincing explanation and justification of the following:
• Objectives of the requirements • Inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes • Organisation level, process level and job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness
Process Improvement and use of IT
30% Recommended changes
are very general, lacks detail, does not answer the problem.
Business process diagram is incorrect or does not Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions but lack detailed
explanation and justification.
Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with some Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Some explanations are not convincing.
Business process diagram reflects the Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Explanations are convincing. Main problems were prioritised. Excellent explanation and justifications of the
recommended changes. Main problems were categorised and prioritised. Alternative solutions were evaluated.
Business process diagram reflects all the recommended changes with no errors.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis
incorrect notations and missing elements.
10-12 recommended changes with few incorrect notations and elements. Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with no errors.
Team Work
10% Does not participate effectively in a team environment.
Places individual goals ahead of the group responsibility.
Hinders the group process and upsets the schedule. Participates effectively in teams.
Identifies team and individual goals, tasks, responsibilities and schedules.
Contributes to group processes.
Supports the team. Contributes to small group discussions to reach agreement on issues.
Works together with others towards shared goals.
Renegotiates responsibilities to meet needed change. Understands group dynamics and team roles.
Facilitates team development.
Renegotiates responsibilities, tasks and schedules to meet needed change. Builds team’s identity and commitment.
Leads teams.
Evaluates teams’ outcomes.
Implements strategies for enhancing team effectiveness.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis





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Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design

Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment – Business Process Analysis
Learning Outcomes (a) Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design.
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 5/Module 3.1
For Intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 3/Module 3.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is designed to develop student’s understanding of business processes; analyse existing organisation’s processes; and suggest ways to improve the organisation’s current business process inefficiencies.
Submission Instructions:
• Students will organise themselves into groups of 3 to 4. Students will work in their groups to prepare a response to ALL of the case questions listed at the end of the case study.
• Students that have not formed groups by Week 02, will be placed into groups by the learning facilitator
• Students need to submit a report, presented in proper report format (including a reference list). The report needs to be submitted though the submission link available on the Blackboard. One copy of this report needs to be submitted in Word format by a representative of each group on the Blackboard
Case Study
Eljay is a large online education provider (school) consisting of administration, teaching and corporate services teams. Students of often email the school with questions about learning and teaching materials, assessments, and IT-related problems that require the school to process and solve the problem. These student queries are managed based on their type (teaching, assessment, IT), priority and status. The three levels of priority identified by the school include: “important”, “normal” and “less important”. The status of a student query (e.g. job) includes: “Open”, “In Process”, “Re Process”, “Solved”, “Closed”. Queries are logged in a job management system (excel spreadsheet saved on a SharePoint site), which enables the school to manage the details of the life cycle of the query from start to finish. In addition to recording student details, this system records the job code, description, type, priority, and status of the job as it progresses through each team.
The current business process begins when a student emails the school with a query. Employees within the administration team, who have less content-related knowledge, manually load each student query into the job management system. When this job is created, it is assigned an “Open” status by the administration team. Every query that employees from this team enter into the job management system is given a job code which is used to uniquely identify the student query. Once this code has been created in the system, an email is sent to the student with the job code (e.g. the reference number for the query). The student must mention this job code every time an inquiry about the status of the query is made. Any queries that are easily resolved (e.g. those that involve common problems) are assigned to employees within the administration team who work directly with the student to resolve the query. If an employee from this team is unable to resolve a student’s query, the job status is changed to “In Process” and the query is forwarded to the teaching team who have extensive content-related knowledge.
When a manager from the teaching team has the time to review the queries assigned to the team, they update the priority level of the job. The manager will then assign each job to an employee depending on the priority and existing workload of employees in the team. Once a teacher has been assigned to a job, the query is investigated, and a solution is developed and emailed to the administration team. An employee from the administration team changes the status of the job to “Solved” and emails the solution to the student. A request to verify that the query has been correctly resolved is included in the email. If the student’s reply to this request informs the administration team that the query has been successfully resolved, the job status is changed to “Closed” and the job is complete. If the student emails to notify the administration team that the query has not been resolved, the status of the job is changed to “Re Process” and the query is emailed back to the teaching team. The teaching team then goes through the process all over again.
If employees from either the administration or teaching team are unable to provide the student with a solution (e.g. for an IT-related query), the corporate services team is called upon to finish the job. The corporate services team work directly with the student to resolve the query. When the student’s query is resolved, the corporate services team notify the teaching team, who update the status of the job to “Solved”. An employee from the administration team, emails the student to inform them that a solution has been reached and the job is set to “Closed”.
The school would like to reduce costs by removing inefficient and ineffective processes while at the same time improving student response times.
a. Draw a business process map outlining existing processes for managing student queries Identify (include swimlanes in your diagram).
b. Identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing system for managing student queries.
c. Research and report on ways to improve the business processes. As you address the weakness, consider how IT can transform the processes of the organization (include references to support your suggestions).
d. Draw a new business process model that outlines your suggested improvements.
e. Include in the Appendix of your report, minutes of meetings held between group members (Include a list of actionable tasks, team members responsible for those tasks, deadlines, and progress towards completing tasks)
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Understanding of the business processes in the organisation
The description of the steps to achieve the goal of the organisation has not been identified correctly.
Business process diagram incorrect.
Activities, stakeholders and notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes not shown.
Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 30%) steps are missing.
Business process diagram is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified but incomplete.
Some notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes are shown but some stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 20%) steps are missing.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are mostly identified (around 2-3 items missing).
Most notations are correct (2-3 incorrect notations).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, 2- 3 stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct. Minor errors (1-2 errors).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete. Exceptions and variations in the process are also shown.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct.
Exceptions and variations are shown in the model.
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct
Problem Analysis Critical business issues (processes to be improved) were not identified (or incorrectly identified). Processes to be improved were correctly identified but incomplete. Processes were correctly identified but missing 1 or 2 issues.
Processes which have greatest impact were All processes were correctly identified.
Processes which have greatest impact were all All processes were correctly
Processes which have greatest impact were all identified and have justified and explained
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis_Due at week 3
30% Objective (s) of the requirements of the process was (were) not identified (or identified incorrectly)
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the processes were not identified (or incorrectly identified) Processes which have greatest impact were not identified.
Some objectives of the requirements of the process were identified but incomplete.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
One of the following were incomplete: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness identified but incomplete.
All objectives of the requirements were identified but lack details.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness but some discussions are incomplete. identified and have detailed explanation and justification.
All objectives of the requirements were identified and discussed in detail.
All inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified with detailed explanation and justification.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness were all identified and explained in detail. the reasons in detail and convincingly.
Excellent and convincing explanation and justification of the following:
• Objectives of the requirements • Inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes • Organisation level, process level and job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness
Process Improvement and use of IT
30% Recommended changes
are very general, lacks detail, does not answer the problem.
Business process diagram is incorrect or does not Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions but lack detailed
explanation and justification.
Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with some Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Some explanations are not convincing.
Business process diagram reflects the Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Explanations are convincing. Main problems were prioritised. Excellent explanation and justifications of the
recommended changes. Main problems were categorised and prioritised. Alternative solutions were evaluated.
Business process diagram reflects all the recommended changes with no errors.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis
incorrect notations and missing elements.
10-12 recommended changes with few incorrect notations and elements. Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with no errors.
Team Work
10% Does not participate effectively in a team environment.
Places individual goals ahead of the group responsibility.
Hinders the group process and upsets the schedule. Participates effectively in teams.
Identifies team and individual goals, tasks, responsibilities and schedules.
Contributes to group processes.
Supports the team. Contributes to small group discussions to reach agreement on issues.
Works together with others towards shared goals.
Renegotiates responsibilities to meet needed change. Understands group dynamics and team roles.
Facilitates team development.
Renegotiates responsibilities, tasks and schedules to meet needed change. Builds team’s identity and commitment.
Leads teams.
Evaluates teams’ outcomes.
Implements strategies for enhancing team effectiveness.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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senior data scientist for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse


As the senior data scientist for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse, your supervisor has asked you to create several charts based upon two years of monthly sales data. To complete your project, you will combine all of your separate charts into a dashboard. You will create dummy sales data that doesn’t exceed 300,000 dollars for monthly sales. Be creative and vary your sales according to seasonal cycles. This project is important because your department will be using your data to train all of the junior entry-level analysts. Make sure you include legends and descriptions of your work.


You will create dummy sales data for a fictitious company that spans a two-year period. Don’t exceed 300,000 dollars for any monthly sales. Be creative and vary your sales according to seasonal cycles or holiday demands. Develop a viable story that will help explain your work. The best way to create your data is with Excel. Use Tableau or Excel to develop your charts. You will need to create the following:

  • Pie Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Histogram
  • Line Graph

Once you have completed this portion of your task, you will create a dashboard that hosts all of your charts. Use PowerPoint to house your dashboard and charts. Then, in a written paper, explain your data and what each chart depicts and how the information conveyed can enhance business operations.





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Integrated Information Systems (or Technology) are designed to produce synergy and other potential benefits to an organization.

Assessment Weight: 40 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit:

Question 1: (250-300 Words) (5 marks)
Integrated Information Systems (or Technology) are designed to produce synergy and other potential benefits to an organization. Yet, many organizations still have disjointed computerized systems. Identify and discuss at least 2 potential issues that can arise from such a situation, and what benefits could be obtained from an integrated system.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 2: (250-300 Words) (5 marks)
What is the typical construction design of an organization’s database? Why is this design still relevant today and how it is used within the online shopping market industry? Use current peer-reviewed referencing support to justify your solution?
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 3: (200-250 Words) (5 marks)
What is the relationship between a Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence? Furthermore, what are the 3 steps in moving data to the data warehouse environment? Explain each step and their purpose. Provide examples where appropriate. Support your solution with current peer-reviewed in-text references etc.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 4: (250-300 Words) (5 marks)
Many of you are studying marketing or accounting. Pick either stream and describe how IT is used within your industry stream. Moreover, how it benefits employees within your industry and how this helps other businesses and the public, at large. Give your opinion about this statement and provide examples to support your answer. You must also include some peer-reviewed support of your solution.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 5: (350-450 Words) (10 marks)
Describe what you have learnt in this unit this semester, in terms of Information Technology for Business. Moreover, how this knowledge and skill can be utilized by you in your current job or future position. Write your answer in a reflective essay format. You are not required to use references, but may wish in your answer.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type

Question 6: (350-450 Words) (10 marks)
Question 6 Instructions – Firstly, please read the case study below the question and then answer the following case study question.
Case Study Question:
The changing of a current system, typically which is manually driven to a new digital system can impact many stakeholders, of an organization. With this background, identify the issues that the company had in the case study, and ways it could have minimized this change over process. You must discuss and use examples from the case study to prove your argument, and use appropriate peer-reviewed referencing support.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Q6 Case study Reading – Change for the Sake of Change?
The word change does not usually evoke comfortable feelings or create a warm impression. When change is mentioned in business organizations, it often creates anxiety or, in its worst-case, resentment or opposition. Change can be implemented in many ways: through imposition or edict; consensually or democratically; gradually or precipitously. The approach or tone of the execution of change is as important as the basis for change itself.
Consider the example of Springfield, Ohio and employee timecard entry. The local nuclear plant, consisting of 4,000 employees and 200 supervisors, embarked on the implementation of a new online system for employees to enter their timecard data. The timecard entry process involved approximately 30 timekeepers.
The plant replaced several legacy systems with the new online system. The new system combined two systems: an internally developed time and attendance system and an “off the shelf” payroll and human resources system. The challenges of the new information technology system extended beyond its technology components: Employees would have to learn a new process of entering their hours into the system and being paid. The System developer Homer often forget to assess how familiar the system’s stakeholders are with the computer and other skills they would need to use the new system, but the plant administrators knew they needed a sensible and reasonable approach to manage the change. A well- developed information system without an appropriately planned implementation with its stakeholders can often fail.
The plant created a team to manage the change to the new system and develop a change management strategy. The team used several methodologies to ensure that stakeholders were involved throughout the implementation, communicating with key department personnel to “build on existing processes, drawing up communication plans and creating a well-thought-out training
plan.” The team was comprised of several managers from the various financial, operational, and payroll functional departments as well as their local educational institution, Springfield University, led by Professor Lisa Simpson.
From this team, they established a communication process to connect with customer departments. This network was responsible for determining training needs, analyzing a security procedure, coordinating training, and gaining valuable input from the various stakeholders. Ultimately, the goal of this process was to maintain the lines of communication among the employees and other stakeholders. The process involved not simply words, but also actions. In addition, since quality training was an important component of the system rollout, the Information Systems department worked closely with Springfield University to develop and conduct training sessions as well as to provide technical assistance to support employees through the installation.
An essential component of change management is to gain acceptance by the system’s stakeholders. The plant understood that appropriate communication would help gain acceptance and reduce employee anxiety. The final version of the communication plan changed “substantially” from the initial version. As input was received and evaluated, so did the methods and approach to how and what they communicated. Constant and interactive communication through newsletters, emails, surveys, meetings and an intranet site provided timely and constant information flow.
Over 250 issues were reported and tracked during the first parallel test run of the new system. A total of four system changes were approved to be implemented, resolving 255 issues, with only seven issues unresolved before the second parallel test. At the final implementation, the employees successfully used the new timecard system with only six payroll checks processed in error for the first payroll period.
——-End of Case Study and Questions——-

Submission instructions:
• Answer All 6 Questions in the provided answering boxes.
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HC1041
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document.
• All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity.
• Where required, you must adhere to Harvard rules of in-text referencing and your reference list for your answers.
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is highly valued at Holmes Institute. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Written assignments that include material similar to course reading materials or other sources should include a citation including source, author, and page number.
In addition, written assignments that are similar or identical to those of another student in the class is also a violation of the Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy. The consequence for a violation of this policy can incur a range of penalties varying from a 50% penalty through to suspension of enrolment.
The penalty would be dependent on the extent of academic misconduct and the student’s history of academic misconduct issues. All assessments will be automatically submitted to Self Assign to assess their originality.
Further Information:
For further information and additional learning resources, students should refer to their Discussion Board for the unit.





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Security mechanisms would you use to secure information on the network

Can-D is a fairly large company headquartered in Orlando, Florida. There are 3,000 employees located at their headquarters. The company produces canned video content for popular entertainment ventures. Recently, they partnered with another local company (Video-Cam Corporation) who will be setting up an office at Can-D headquarters. There are some concerns regarding access to information between the various departments involved. As the network administrator, it is your responsibility to develop and propose a solution to address these security concerns. What specific security mechanisms would you use to secure information on the network, and why?
Prepare a 2-3 page Word document that summarizes your proposal to address security concerns. Explain the technologies appropriate for this situation, describe your reasons for using them, and explain configuration issues.
Be sure to cite all references using APA style.
For more information on APA, please visit the Library and click on Citation Resources link.





Network security solution

Network security is concerned with the policies and practices that prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification and or denial of an information network and network devices. Network security also involves the authorization of access to data and programs in a network through an authentication methodLafuente, (Smith, 2013).

For Can-D and Video-Cam Corporation, it is important to haveat least two network access servers, with one being back up. These will perform authentication, authorization and accounting functions by verifying the logon details of potential users. The servers will also define layers of access for authorized users, determining what each users can do while connected to the network depending on their defined profile and posture (Smith, 2013). Programs that control network threats such as antiviruses, firewalls and spyware and malware detection can also be installed on the servers. That it is a large company means that the installed anti-threat programs should be advanced to be able to deal with the potential of many and sophisticated passive and active malicious attacks (Lafuente, 2015). The programs can be custom-made for the company or bought off the shelf (e.g. Cisco network security programs) and customized.

Access control policies, mechanisms and models are important considerations in implementing the network security system. Access control policies will specify how to manage access and who to grant access to what and when. The policies can be based on resource use, authority, obligation or confidentiality. An Access Control List can be the mechanism used to translate the access request. Security model will present the security properties of the access control system (Smith, 2013).

A Network Access Control (NAC) would need to be implemented for interpretation and checking of pre-admission and post-admission security policies. The policies can be regarding levels of anti-virus protection, system update and configuration. NAC solution will enable network security by describing device access to network nodes. It can be used to fix non-compliant nodes in the system enabling network infrastructure such as routers and switches to seamlessly and securely connect back office servers and end user devices. The NAC should also allow scalability to cater for the deployment scenario of a large, growing company that has fluctuating number of users, BYOD policy and remote access (Morrow, (2012).A NAC with 802.1X wired and wireless can be used for rigid control of the network system for Can-D and Video-Cam.“NIST IR 7874-Guidelines for Access…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. secure information on the network ……………………


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Development of an information technology (IT) project

You have been asked to be the project manager for the development of an information technology (IT) project. The system to be developed will allow a large company to coordinate and maintain records of the professional development of its employees. The company has over 30,000 employees who are located in four sites: Florida, Colorado, Illinois, and Texas. The system needs to allow employees to locate and schedule professional development activities that are relevant to their positions. Sophisticated search capabilities are required, and the ability to add scheduled events to the employees’ calendars is desired. The system needs to support social networking to allow employees to determine who is attending conferences and events. This will promote fostering relationships and ensure coverage of conferences that are considered of high importance.
Once an activity has been completed, employees will use the system to submit the documentation. The system should support notifications to management personnel whenever their direct reports have submitted documentation. The system should also notify employees if their deadline to complete professional-development requirements is approaching and is not yet satisfied.
There are several types of architectural views. For the given scenario, develop 2 architectural views.•There must be enough detail for the design to be handed off to an implementation team




The Development of an IT System to Support Data Analytics in a Large Company Introduction

With the purpose of directing their strategies to maximize profits and reduce costs, business enterprises have for a considerable time made use of IT concepts such as data analytics, cloud computing and databases. Typically, the use of data analytics is instrumental in aiding businesses to better understand the clients through a systematic data patterns tracking with an aim to better formulate business approaches and operations in minimizing risks and uncertainties. In establishing the relevant action plans in an ever-changing business landscape subject to numerous variants, data analytics provides businesses with the essential tools for enhancing their competitive edge (Motalab&Shohag, 2011). Coupled with analytics, cloud computing is crucial in helping businesses become more effective. A blend of both cloud computing and analytics serve to provide organizations with a platform essential for storing, interpreting, as well as processing huge amounts of data with an aim of meeting the diverse needs of the customers (Srivastava & Kumar, 2011).

 Cloud computing presents a computing archetype that enable a large pool of systems to be interconnected in public or private networks aimed at the provision of dynamically scalable infrastructure for application, as well as data and file storage. Subsequently, cloud computing is considered as a practical approach to the experience of direct cost benefits and it comes with the capability to transform a data center from a typical capital-intensive set-up into a variable priced context (Singh, 2012).  Reusability of IT capabilities forms the core principal of cloud computing and consequently broadens the business horizons across organizational boundaries. Hence, cloud computing is ideally considered as a pool of distant, exceedingly scalable, as well as managed compute infrastructure with capabilities of hosting end-user applications to customers and the associated billing is subject to consumption (Motalab&Sh………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Development of an information technology (IT) project …………………..



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Management information systems

Compare and contrast the management information systems (MIS) in place in 2 distinctly different organizations.
Compare each organization’s use of information systems to help manage internal operations and to make decisions.
Assess how these two organizations use information technology for competitive advantage.
Appraise the individual and organizational consequences of the use of information technology, and recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes.
Present your findings in a Word document of 5–6 body pages formatted in APA style.

Please submit your assignment.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
Abstract: A summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in third-person voice.
Body: The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 2–3 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper- and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference Page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.





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This paper will discuss the management information systems of Wal-Mart a global leader in retail and McDonalds a global leader in the fast-food industry. It will compare the different management systems of Wal-Mart and McDonalds and how they use these systems to manage the internal operations to make decisions. Wal-Mart uses various systems that include EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), VOF (Voice based Order Filling), CPFR (Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment), and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification).  McDonalds uses POS System, TPS (Transaction Processing System), MYS (Made for You System), and the Hyperactive Bob system. These organizations have used these systems for competitive advantage that has made them leaders in their industries. Despite the advantages of using management information systems, the use of IT has consequences, and it is important for organizations to recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes associated with it…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Management information systems  …….

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