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The functions fscanf and fgetc input data from files.


1. T F The functions fscanf and fgetc input data from files. 

2. T F Each data file must have an internal and an external name. 

3. T  F The file open mode “w” opens a file for writing. 

4. T  F We can use the fprintf function to write data into a text file. 

5. T F Assume that value is a variable of type int, the function call 

fscanf (stdin, “%d”, &value); is correct. 

6. T F  fscanf( ) and fprintf( ) are declared in the standard header file stdlib.h 

7. T F A text file is terminated by EOF. 

8. T F  The statement ifp = fopen(My_file”, “r”); opens a file for reading: 

9. T F The function sprintf( ) writes characters to a string. 

10. T F When a text file is opened, we have access to it at its beginning or 


11. T  F The main difference between scanf and sscanf is that sscanf gets its 

input from the string variable, which is its first parameter, whereas 

scanf gets its input from the standard input device. 

12. T  F The standard output function sprintf behaves like printf except it 

stores the output in its first parameter, which is a string variable. 

13. T F  The statement fprintf (test_scores, “%d”, score); writes a datum to a 

file named test_scores that has been opened in output mode. 

14. T  F It is possible to reopen in input mode a file that has been opened in 

output mode without closing it. 

15. T F If the file open mode for a data file is “w” an input statement 

referencing the file will read a datum from it.  

16. T F The output of a computer program can be directed to the standard 

output device, which is usually the monitor screen. 

17. T F  printf (“%d %d”, a; b); is syntactically legal. 

18. T F  scanf (“Enter a value for x: “, c1); is syntactically correct.




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Is a QR Code an input or output device?

Blogger: QR Code

QR Code Research – Research how companies are using this technology. Is a QR Code an input or output device? What are the benefits? Is there a downside? Your answer should be a minimum of 100 words.QR Code Creation – Watch the video: QR Code Assignment, this will show how to create your own QR code. Use to create your code.Create a Blog post in Blackboard. Submit your answer to the QR Code Research questions. Also post the QR Code you created. Use the Title: Personal QR Code. You can see an example at at least two student Personal QR Code posts. Using your SmartPhone or other QR Reading device, comment on what you believe their QR Code says.


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input an n×n symmetric, tridiagonal matrix

Programming assignment 10
The shifted QR algorithm
In class, we saw a version of the QR algorithm that started with a symmetric, tridiag-
onal matrix A and successively found Ak = QkAk−1QT
k so that the off-diagonal elements
of Ak converge to 0. The eigenvalues of A then appear on the diagonal.
In this assignment, we’re going to speed up the convergence of the sequence Ak. Let’s
assume we have the tridiagonal matrix
A =

a1 b2 0 0 . . . 0 0
b2 a2 b3 0 . . . 0 0
0 b3 a3 b4 . . . 0 0
… … … … . . . … …
0 0 0 0 . . . an−1 bn
0 0 0 0 . . . bn an

So ak = Ak,k and bk = Ak−1,k. If bn = 0, then the matrix has the form
A =
[A′ 0
0 an
which shows us that an is an eigenvalue and that we can focus on finding the eigenvalues
of the (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix A′. So our goal will be to perform QR steps to make bn = 0.
We will use λ1, λ2, . . . , λn to denote the eigenvalues of A. With some work, we could
see that the rate at which bn → 0 in the QR algorithm is proportional to

∣ λn

∣. To speed up
convergence, we will form an estimate of λn, which we call σ, and then consider A − σI,
whose eigenvalues are λj − σ. In this matrix, bn converges to 0 at a rate proportional to∣

∣ λn−σ

∣. If σ ≈ λn, then λn − σ is close to zero, which means the convergence will be
rapid. To recover the eigenvalues of A, we add σ to the eigenvalues of A − σI.
Here’s how we form σ, our estimate to λn. An easy way to estimate λn is just using the
entry an = An,n. But a better estimate would be to consider the 2 × 2 matrix in the lower
right corner: [an−1 bn
bn an
and find its eigenvalues, which are
(an−1 + an) ± √(an−1 − an)2 + 4b2
2 .
Choose σ to be the eigenvalue of the 2 × 2 matrix that is closest to an.
Here’s how the algorithm works then. We input an n×n symmetric, tridiagonal matrix
A and a tolerance .1. Set a variable shift = 0.
2. Find σ using the recipe above.
3. Redefine A = A − σI and shift = shift + sigma.
4. Perform one step of the QR method redefining A = QAQT using your previous
5. If |bn| < , then an is an eigenvalue of the shifted matrix. Recursively, find the
eigenvalues of A′, the (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix in the upper left corner of A and
combine them with an. Add shift to all the eigenvalues and return.
6. If |bn| ≥ , go back to step 2 and repeat.
Goal: Your goal is to write a function QR(A, tolerance) whose input parameters are
an n × n symmetric, tridiagonal matrix A and a desired tolerance for the off-diagonal
elements. Your function should return a list of eigenvalues of A.
Some things to take note of:
• A[:k, :k] will give you the k × k matrix in the upper left corner of A.
• The last entry in a list l is l[-1] and the second to last is l[-2]. That means that
A[-1,-1] is the entry in the lower right corner.
• How do you find the eigenvalue of a 1 × 1 matrix? This is the final step in the
A good example to test is the 9 × 9 matrix that computes a discrete approximation
to the second derivative of a function (2’s on the diagonal and -1’s on the tridiagonal).
Check your results against np.linalg.eig(A)[0].
If you count the number of steps, you should find convergence is incredibly fast. For
instance, with a tolerance of 10−4 and using the 9 × 9 second-derivative matrix A, about
15 total steps are required, which is amazing.
Remember when we looked at rates of convergence earlier and saw that fixed point
iteration is linear and Newton’s method is quadratic? This method is cubic, which is very
rare and very wonderful. Due to its rapid convergence, this algorithm was named one of
the 10 most important algorithms of the 20th century. ̃ajt/presentations/TopTenAlgorithms.pdf




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Input Validation and Business Logic Security Controls

Homework details: Input Validation and Business Logic Security Controls


This homework will demonstrate your knowledge of testing security controls aligned with Input

validation and business logic. You will also use the recommended OWASP testing guide reporting format

to report your test findings.

Assignment: Total 100 points

Using the readings from weeks 7 and 8 as a baseline provide the following test and analysis descriptions

or discussion:

1. Testing for Reflected Cross site scripting (OTG-INPVAL-001)

 The OWASP site list multiple approaches and examples for blackbox testing reflected XSS

vulnerabilities. In your own words, describe Reflected Cross Site scripting. Then, List and

describe 4 different examples that could be used for testing. Be sure to conduct additional

research for each example to provide your own unique test example. This most likely means you

will need to conduct some research on Javascript to make sure your syntax is correct.

2. Testing for Stored Cross site scripting (OTG-INPVAL-002)

 The OWASP site list multiple approaches and examples for blackbox testing Stored XSS

vulnerabilities. In your own words, describe Stored Cross Site scripting. Then, List and describe 2

different examples that could be used for testing. Be sure to conduct additional research for

each example to provide your own unique test example. This most likely means you will need to

conduct some research on Javascript to make sure your syntax is correct.

3. Testing for SQL Injection (OTG-INPVAL-005)

 SQL Injection remains a problem in applications yet could easily fixed. The following SQL

statement is in an HTML form as code with the $ variables directly input from the user.


Would a form or application that includes this code be susceptible to SQL Injection? Why?

What specific tests would you perform to determine if the applications was vulnerable?

How would you fix this problem? Be specific be providing the exact code in a Language of your choice.

(e.g. Java, PHP, Python …)

4. Test business logic data validation (OTG-BUSLOGIC-001)

 While reviewing some Java code, an analysis provided the following code snippets that contain

logic errors. For each example, describe the issue and provide code that would fix the logical




int x; x = x + 1; System.out.println(“X = ” + x);


for (i=1; i<=5; i++) ; { System.out.println(“Number is ” + i); }


if ( z > d) ; { System.out.println(“Z is bigger”); }


String m1=”one”;

String m2=”two”;

if(m1 == m2) {

System.out.println(“M1 is equal to M2”);


e. The formula for the area of a trapezoid is:

A = (b1+b2)/2 * h

The following Java code is the implementation. Fix the logical error

double area;

double base1 = 2.3;

double base2 = 4.8;

double height = 12.5;

area = base1 + base2/2.0 * height;

Demonstrate your fixed code work as anticipated with a couple different test


5. Test integrity checks (OTG-BUSLOGIC-003)

 Conduct some additional research on Business Logic errors related to OTG-BUSLOGIC-003. In

your own words describe and provide 2 unique examples of integrity checks. For your

examples, provide specific testing methods for each case.

6. Test defenses against Circumvention of Work Flows (OTG-BUSLOGIC-006)


 Conduct some additional research on Business Logic errors related to OTG-BUSLOGIC-006. In

your own words describe and provide 2 unique examples of circumvention of work flow. For

your examples, provide specific testing methods for each case.

You should document the results for the tests and your comments, and recommendations for improved

security for each security control tested in a word or PDF document. Discuss any issues found and

possible mitigations.


You should submit your document by the due date. Your document should be well-organized, include all

references used and contain minimal spelling and grammar errors.

Grading Rubric:

Attribute Meets

Reflected Cross site scripting

10 points Describes Reflected Cross Site scripting. Then, Lists and describes 4 different examples that could be used for testing. Conducts additional research for each example to provide your own unique test example.

Stored Cross site scripting

10 points Describes Stored Cross Site scripting. Then, Lists and describes 2 different examples that could be used for testing. Conducts additional research for each example to provide your own unique test example.

SQL Injection 25 points Answers: would a form or application that includes this code be susceptible to SQL Injection? Why? Answers: What specific tests would you perform to determine if the applications was vulnerable? Answers: How would you fix this problem? Provides the exact code in a Language of your choice.

Business logic data validation

15 points For each example, describes the issue and provides code that would fix the logical error.

Integrity checks 10 points Conducts research on Business Logic errors related to OTG-BUSLOGIC-003. In your own words describes and provides 2 unique examples of integrity checks. Provides specific testing methods for each case.

Defenses against workflow intervention

10 points Conducts research on Business Logic errors related to OTG-BUSLOGIC-006. In your own words describes and provides 2 unique examples of circumvention of work flow. Provides specific testing methods for each case.

Documentation and Submission

20 points Your document should be well-organized, include all references used and contain minimal spelling and grammar errors





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Input Validation and Business Logic Security Controls

Homework 4

Input Validation and Business Logic Security Controls


This homework will demonstrate your knowledge of testing security controls aligned with Input

validation and business logic. You will also use the recommended OWASP testing guide reporting format

to report your test findings.

Assignment: Total 100 points

Using the readings from weeks 7 and 8 as a baseline provide the following test and analysis descriptions

or discussion:

1. Testing for Reflected Cross site scripting (OTG-INPVAL-001)

 The OWASP site list multiple approaches and examples for blackbox testing reflected XSS

vulnerabilities. In your own words, describe Reflected Cross Site scripting. Then, List and

describe 4 different examples that could be used for testing. Be sure to conduct additional

research for each example to provide your own unique test example. This most likely means you

will need to conduct some research on Javascript to make sure your syntax is correct.

2. Testing for Stored Cross site scripting (OTG-INPVAL-002)

 The OWASP site list multiple approaches and examples for blackbox testing Stored XSS

vulnerabilities. In your own words, describe Stored Cross Site scripting. Then, List and describe 2

different examples that could be used for testing. Be sure to conduct additional research for

each example to provide your own unique test example. This most likely means you will need to

conduct some research on Javascript to make sure your syntax is correct.

3. Testing for SQL Injection (OTG-INPVAL-005)

 SQL Injection remains a problem in applications yet could easily fixed. The following SQL

statement is in an HTML form as code with the $ variables directly input from the user.


Would a form or application that includes this code be susceptible to SQL Injection? Why?

What specific tests would you perform to determine if the applications was vulnerable?

How would you fix this problem? Be specific be providing the exact code in a Language of your choice.

(e.g. Java, PHP, Python …)

4. Test business logic data validation (OTG-BUSLOGIC-001)

 While reviewing some Java code, an analysis provided the following code snippets that contain

logic errors. For each example, describe the issue and provide code that would fix the logical




int x; x = x + 1; System.out.println(“X = ” + x);


for (i=1; i<=5; i++) ; { System.out.println(“Number is ” + i); }


if ( z > d) ; { System.out.println(“Z is bigger”); }


String m1=”one”;

String m2=”two”;

if(m1 == m2) {

System.out.println(“M1 is equal to M2”);


e. The formula for the area of a trapezoid is:

A = (b1+b2)/2 * h

The following Java code is the implementation. Fix the logical error

double area;

double base1 = 2.3;

double base2 = 4.8;

double height = 12.5;

area = base1 + base2/2.0 * height;

Demonstrate your fixed code work as anticipated with a couple different test


5. Test integrity checks (OTG-BUSLOGIC-003)

 Conduct some additional research on Business Logic errors related to OTG-BUSLOGIC-003. In

your own words describe and provide 2 unique examples of integrity checks. For your

examples, provide specific testing methods for each case.

6. Test defenses against Circumvention of Work Flows (OTG-BUSLOGIC-006)


 Conduct some additional research on Business Logic errors related to OTG-BUSLOGIC-006. In

your own words describe and provide 2 unique examples of circumvention of work flow. For

your examples, provide specific testing methods for each case.

You should document the results for the tests and your comments, and recommendations for improved

security for each security control tested in a word or PDF document. Discuss any issues found and

possible mitigations.


You should submit your document by the due date. Your document should be well-organized, include all

references used and contain minimal spelling and grammar errors.

Grading Rubric:

Attribute Meets

Reflected Cross site scripting

10 points Describes Reflected Cross Site scripting. Then, Lists and describes 4 different examples that could be used for testing. Conducts additional research for each example to provide your own unique test example.

Stored Cross site scripting

10 points Describes Stored Cross Site scripting. Then, Lists and describes 2 different examples that could be used for testing. Conducts additional research for each example to provide your own unique test example.

SQL Injection 25 points Answers: would a form or application that includes this code be susceptible to SQL Injection? Why? Answers: What specific tests would you perform to determine if the applications was vulnerable? Answers: How would you fix this problem? Provides the exact code in a Language of your choice.

Business logic data validation

15 points For each example, describes the issue and provides code that would fix the logical error.

Integrity checks 10 points Conducts research on Business Logic errors related to OTG-BUSLOGIC-003. In your own words describes and provides 2 unique examples of integrity checks. Provides specific testing methods for each case.

Defenses against workflow intervention

10 points Conducts research on Business Logic errors related to OTG-BUSLOGIC-006. In your own words describes and provides 2 unique examples of circumvention of work flow. Provides specific testing methods for each case.

Documentation and Submission

20 points Your document should be well-organized, include all references used and contain minimal spelling and grammar errors





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