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Intercultural communication to cultural interactions reflected in movies

This assignment requires that you watch one movie that deals with intercultural communication and write a 4–5-page critical analysis of the movie. A list of movies is provided. You may also propose to analysis a movie of your own choice, but you will need to explain to me why you would choose such a movie. If you can make good arguments about your choice, you will be allowed to write the analysis about it. 

The goal of the movie analysis is for you to apply your understanding of intercultural communication to cultural interactions reflected in movies. As you watch the movie, you should be reflecting on the ideas we have read for class and discussed online. The movie analysisrequires more than summaries of stories. Your focus should be to make an argument (or arguments) about some aspect(s) of the movie as they relate to intercultural communication. For example, if you believe that the story of the movie shows how prejudices are formed and how categorical thinking and fear of difference impact intercultural communication, then your thesis would state this, and your analysis paper would explain the relationships you see between prejudice and intercultural communication. You should be able to use some examples from themovie to support your thesis and specific arguments. 

Your paper should discuss the cultural aspects that you see in the movie.  What are the artifacts of culture that you recognized?  What were the interactional patterns between people?  What were the underlying values that you saw portrayed?  Some suggestions are as follows:

1. Language, Symbols, and Artifacts (means of communication) – language, dialects preferred, proverbs, signs, jokes, myths, analogies, folklore, art forms, heroes, dances, rituals, children’s games, currency, holidays, history (family, national, and global).

2. Customs, Practices, and Intercultural Patters (means of interaction) – verbal (tone of voice, phrases used) and nonverbal (eye contact, the proximity of stance, gestures) communication patterns, family behaviors, conversational styles (formal-business, casual, ritualized), friendship patterns, community roles, gender roles.

3. Shared Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Expectations (values driving people, groups) – attitudes, religious and spiritual beliefs, fears, laws, standards.

I prefer that you choose a non-documentary movie because movies with a story allow you to really observe a relationship within a culture and to see how a culture affects a relationship. Martial arts/action movies and animated movies made in other countries or in the US are not appropriate for this assignment. 

Analysis Paper Format

In addition to providing some critical, thoughtful insights into intercultural communication, your analysis should also be well organized and clearly written. Your paper will be graded on how clearly you present and develop your thesis and how fully you demonstrate your arguments and ideas. In addition, your work will be graded on the quality of your writing, including organization, grammar, syntax, style, and spelling.

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, in this typeface (12pt. Times New Roman font) and be 4-5 pages.  Margins should be one inch all around.  


The Color of Friendship (White Southern African/ Afro-American): (USA (2000). Mahree Bok is a white South African teenager and a product of the Apartheid system raised to view dark-skinned people as second-class citizens. Piper Dellums is the daughter of an African AmericanU.S. Congressman living in Washington D.C. When Mahree is chosen to spend her time as an exchange student at the Dellums’s house, she is shocked on her arrival to discover that the Dellums are black, and the Dellums are just as surprised when they realize that Mahree is a white South African. In spite of initial problems, Mahree stays at the Dellums’s house, and step-by-stepMahree and Piper become friends. Their situation forces them to talk about their prejudices and teaches both some lessons about racism and tolerance




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Intercultural and international communication has taken on a new role for students as well as career professionals.

Country for Assignment is Portugal.
1. 10-15 minute presentation to the class – need a power point presentation as well
2. Referencing of material is a must!
3. 3 page (double-spaced) reflection on your experience working with your group – this is important as well
– What did you learn from the experience? What do you think went well? What would you have done
differently, given the opportunity? What are your goals for future group work?
4. Self & Peer evaluations
Group Project
Country – Portugal
Intercultural and international communication has taken on a new role for students as well as career professionals. Knowing when the European and Asian markets open has become mandatory; so has awareness of multiple time zones and their importance in relation to trade, shipping, and the production cycle. Managing production in China from an office in Chicago has become common. Receiving technical assistance for your computer often means connecting with a well-educated English speaker in New Delhi. Communities are no longer linked as simply “brother” and “sister” cities in symbolic partnerships. They are linked in the daily trade of goods and services.
In your line of work, you will be exposed to a variety of different cultures and language differences. These different cultures and language differences can bring about differences in how you interact with others.
For this project, you will examine and explore the following from your assigned country:
1. Primary languages spoken in your country
2. Verbal and non-verbal communication skills
3. How teams interact and work together
4. Define management styles
5. Define how conflict is managed
6. Any other relevant information
Final Product:
1. 10-15 minute presentation to the class
2. Referencing of your material is a must!
3. 3 page (double-spaced) reflection on your experience working with your group.
– What did you learn from the experience? What do you think went well? What would you have done
differently, given the opportunity? What are your goals for future group work?
4. Self & Peer evaluations

Total: 76 marks
Topic accurately covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Language Material Covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Management Style Covered: Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Conflict Covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Referencing: Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Verbal Presentation:
Covered Well: 7-10/10 Partially Well: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Self & Peer Evaluation Completed: 5/5 Not Completed: 0/5
Reflection Page Requirements: 0-2/2
Reviewed Experience 0-2/2
Provided Future Goals for Group Work 0-2/2

Self and Peer Evaluation of Group Project
Please assess the work of you and your colleagues by using the following criteria. We will
consider your feedback in assigning the grade for the project. Please try to be as honest and fair
as possible in your assessment.
5 = Excellent work; was crucial component to group’s success
4 = Very strong work; contributed significantly to group
3 = Sufficient effort; contributed adequately to group
2 = Insufficient effort; met minimal standards of group
1 = Little or weak effort; was detrimental to group?
SELF Evaluation (Name: ____________________________):
_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
_____ Cooperation with other group members
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 1: _______________________):
_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
_____ Cooperation with other group members
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material

PEER Evaluation (Partner 2: ________________________):
_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
_____ Cooperation with other group members
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 3: ________________________):
_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
_____ Cooperation with other group members
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 4: ________________________):
_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
_____ Cooperation with other group members
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 5: ________________________):
_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
_____ Cooperation with other group members
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 6: ________________________):
_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
_____ Cooperation with other group members
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material





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Explored various aspects of culture and intercultural communication

Oral History Interview
Throughout the course, you have explored various aspects of culture and intercultural communication. To learn more about other people’s cultures and subcultures, conduct an extensive oral history interview with a person who is somewhat older than you and from a different culture or subgroup from you. This person can be a relative or acquaintance who is from a different generation. It can be someone who immigrated to this country either recently or some time ago. Or, it can be someone who belongs to a different subgroup from you and whose cultural experiences you believe would be very different from your own. Obtain permission from the person you are interviewing to record the conversation (either an audio or video recording) or to take handwritten notes during the interview.
Your overarching goals during the oral history interview are
To learn more about the culture and subcultures to which your interview subject belongs.
To determine how their culture and gender have influenced the way they communicate with others.
To discover what issues they have encountered in their life when engaging in intercultural communication.
To relate concepts you have studied in this course to the experiences of this person.
When conducting the interview, ask the interviewee at least six questions from this list (in addition to at least three questions you create specifically for your interviewee):
How far back in time can the person remember? What is your interviewee’s first childhood memory? (Consider how it reflects the interview subject’s culture or subculture?)
What does the person remember of the experience of being an immigrant or a subgroup member in that time?
Which impressions or experiences from that time are most vivid to your interviewee today?
If your interviewee immigrated to this country, what was the country of origin like in terms of geography, government, transportation, economic system, and education system? If your interviewee was raised in this country, what were these aspects of life like during childhood?
What does the person recall of the communication with members of the dominant culture? What barriers to effective communication did your interviewee encounter?
In the United States today, what is different about your interviewee’s life in terms of language, religion, family customs, diet, recreation, and work, as compared to childhood?
What role did the news media play in the interview subject’s life and in supporting or contesting the views of the interview subject’s culture? How did the media influence the subject’s individual beliefs and opinions about males and females, masculinity and femininity, and other aspects of gender belief systems and views about race and ethnicity? (Cite specific examples given to you regarding these two specific issues.)
If your interview subject spoke a different native language, ask your interviewee to discuss differences between that language and English (consider the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis).
What are some of the most significant differences in day-to-day life in the past versus today?
In addition, you must ask at least three original questions that are specifically tailored to the individual that you are interviewing. You should expect to spend at least 30 minutes interviewing your subject, but some interviews will go longer. Do not rush your interviewee! Give your subject the freedom to talk as long as possible in answering each of your questions.
As part of this assignment, submit a copy of your interview. The following options are acceptable ways of submitting a copy of your interview:
Submit an audio file of the interview to Waypoint. (If you use an audio file, please make sure you copy the link onto your Word document and then upload the document.)
Submit a video file of the interview to Waypoint. (If you use a video or screencast, please make sure you copy the link onto a Word document and then upload the document.)
Create a typed transcript of the interview and submit it as a separate document to Waypoint.
Include in your Final Project a hyperlink to a website where the interview can be watched/heard.
For your Final Project in this course, create a report of the oral history interview that you conducted. To create this report, review your recording of the interview and any notes you took during it, and write a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper (excluding the title and references pages), in which you discuss aspects of this person’s culture and/or subcultures and communication issues related to your interviewee’s cultural identity.
In your paper
Define the concept of intercultural communication.
Explain what can be learned about intercultural communication by conducting an oral interview.
Identify the name of the person you interviewed and their relationship to you.
Create a thesis statement that previews the conclusions you reached as a result of conducting this interview.
Describe the interview subject’s cultural background and the culture and/or subcultures to which your subject belongs.
Analyze the interview subject’s answers to each of the questions you asked during your interview to connect the concepts covered in this course (do not simply provide a transcript of the interview subject’s answers).
Conclude what you learned about intercultural communication as a result of conducting this oral history interview.
Your paper should be written in paragraph form, not in a question and answer format. Thus, you must weave the information you present into a coherent narrative form, paraphrasing the information gleaned from the interview or using direct quotations from your interview subject, as appropriate. Your primary sources of information for this paper will be the interview subject. However, it is important that you also reference material you have studied in the text and other course resources to help support your analysis of your interview subject’s answers. Every chapter in the course text is potentially of relevance to the Final Project, depending on who you interview and what that person focuses on.
Please note: If you received feedback from a Writing Center consultant on your draft from Week 3, please be sure to submit a second document describing, in one paragraph, how you revised your rough draft based on this feedback. This document will be in addition to your Final Project. This additional document describing your revisions based on the feedback you received from the Writing Center is evidence of enhancement of your draft and can raise your score for the final assignment, so be sure to submit it along with your Final Project if you have done this. Working with the Writing Center is highly recommended, but not required.
Please note that if you are a Communications Studies major, this assignment will be an element in your graduation portfolio. If you have not set up your portfolio yet, you may do so by selecting Folio from the menu in your classroom on the left-hand side. If you have set up your portfolio, you can access it the same way. You will be working with your portfolio extensively in the Communications capstone course, COM480. If you are a Communications Studies major, please add this paper to your portfolio. Other students are not required to do this. View the Folio Quick Start Guide for guidance.
For your reference, these are the elements that are required to be included in your portfolio:
COM101 Week 1 assignment “Perspective on Communication” and Final Paper “Personal Communication Skills Assessment”
COM223 Final Paper “Persuasive Campaign for Online Education”
COM325 Final Paper
COM345 Final Project
COM355 Final Paper “The Future of Communication Technology”
COM370 Week 1 assignment “Personal Cultural Profile” and Final Project “Oral History Interview” (This Paper)
COM425 Final Paper
SPE103 A speech of your choice from the class
The Oral History Interview Final Project
Must be at least 1,500 to 2000 words in length (not including title and references pages), double spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following (see Sample APA Title Page):
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph (see Introductions and Conclusions) with a succinct thesis statement (see Writing a Thesis Statement).
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must use at least six references (one may be the textbook); include additional resources found on the University of Arizona Global Campus Library Library website.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Be sure to integrate your research rather than simply inserting it (see Integrating Research).
Must include a conclusion that summarizes the main points and restates the thesis (see Introductions and Conclusions).
Must document all sources in text in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (see Citing Within Your Paper).
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (see Formatting Your References List).
Resource: Before you submit your written assignment, you are encouraged to review The Grammarly Guide: How to Set Up & Use Grammarly tutorial, set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so), and use Grammarly to review a rough draft of your assignment. Then carefully review all issues identified by Grammarly and revise your work as needed

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Define globalization and discuss how it impacts intercultural communication

There is a document attached.

Use  these questions to begin your thinking about the Chapter.  Answer the questions give short paragraph for each answers. 

  1. Define globalization and discuss how it impacts intercultural communication. Discuss why it is important to study intercultural communication in the context of globalization.
  2. Using the scenarios that introduced the chapter or other examples, discuss the role of power in intercultural communication.
  3. Using examples to illustrate your answer, discuss the intercultural dimensions of economic, political and cultural globalization





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impact of capitalism on intercultural communication

The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice, develop, and hone your dialogical skills.    This discussion is not meant as a place for you to do processing.  It is a public space to share your most well-crafted and theoretical thinking.  Your best writing is expected.  Our discussions are also not a place for you to express opinion; rather it is where you articulate well thought out and supported thinking.   You will save your internal thinking and processing for your journals writing.

Total 2 paragraph, one each answers the questions below. 

Chapter 8 focuses on the impact of capitalism on intercultural communication. Drawing on the chapter and and other class activities please discuss one or all of these:

  • Provide a brief overview of the history of capitalism. How has the development of capitalism impacted U.S. culture?
  • In the context of globalization, capitalism is increasingly affecting countries with developing economies. Discuss the likely impact of the culture of capitalism on these cultures.
  • Why is an understanding of capitalism important for the study of culture and intercultural communication today?

Chapter 1Identify the six points of entry into intercultural praxis and explain how you can use them for more effective intercultural interactions and relationships.





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. impact of capitalism on intercultural communication

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Intercultural Rhetonic and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Writin

Write about \”Intercultural Rhetonic and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Writing\”.

Use the Murray State University Library resources to find three recent research articles
They should be articles about primary research using qualitative or quantitative methodology to address your research question.
The articles should be in a peer-reviewed publications and should be published in 2005 or later.
Write a clear thesis statement that turns your research question into a statement and uses the articles you found to discuss that statement.

Cite each source when needed and use APA style

Intercultural Rhetonic……………………………………………………………………………………………………





Education: Intercultural Rhetoric and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Writing

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


            The world globalization has increased migrations and cultural exchanges have grown tremendously. There is an increasing pressure on the need to adopt the appropriate teaching techniques in a class that is composed of students from diverse cultural backgrounds (Taft, Kacanas, Huen, & Chan, 2011). Kaplan on realizing the impact of the differences written language by students in the L2 classroom introduced the concept of contrastive rhetoric. The field has since seen a significant growth and advancement, where the researchers in the field of applied linguist have introduced  the intercultural rhetoric. The researches of 1980s saw the improvement of methodological approaches to contrastive rhetoric through the numerous researches that were established in the same period. The expectations of having a specific language structure in an L2 classroom are often different since different cultures assume different rhetoric structure……………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………Intercultural Rhetonic……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Intercultural Rhetonic and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Writing

Write about \”Intercultural Rhetonic and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Writing\”.

Use the Murray State University Library resources to find three recent research articles
They should be articles about primary research using qualitative or quantitative methodology to address your research question.
The articles should be in a peer-reviewed publications and should be published in 2005 or later.
Write a clear thesis statement that turns your research question into a statement and uses the articles you found to discuss that statement.

Cite each source when needed and use APA style






Education: Intercultural Rhetoric and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Writing

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

October 12th 2015.


            The world globalization has increased migrations and cultural exchanges have grown tremendously. There is an increasing pressure on the need to adopt the appropriate teaching techniques in a class that is composed of students from diverse cultural backgrounds (Taft, Kacanas, Huen, & Chan, 2011). Kaplan on realizing the impact of the differences written language by students in the L2 classroom introduced the concept of contrastive rhetoric. The field has since seen a significant growth and advancement, where the researchers in the field of applied linguist have introduced  the intercultural rhetoric.

The researches of 1980s saw the improvement of methodological approaches to contrastive rhetoric through the numerous researches that were established in the same period. The expectations of having a specific language structure in an L2 classroom are often different since different cultures assume different rhetoric structures. Therefore, evaluation of a piece of work written by a writer of a different culture is often influenced by mismatch between the rhetoric structure of the reader and the writer.

Intercultural Rhetoric and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Writing           The analysis of the rhetorical styles employed…………………
